Pisces and Capricorn friends friendship reviews. Capricorn and Pisces: compatibility in family life and friendship, are they suitable for each other? Are they compatible in work and business?

The compatibility of Capricorn and Pisces is of a certain interest, since their pairing is a rich in spiritual content and harmonious combination. Everyone brings something of their own to the union: Capricorn - monumentality and stability, Pisces - romance and sensuality. Their relationship will be intense in any case. But what exactly awaits this couple in the future?

Characteristics of Capricorn

People born under this sign are distinguished by incredible assertiveness, energy, self-sufficiency and organization. Their best qualities also include common sense, practicality, moderate realism, loyalty, caution, discipline, reliability and ambition.

These people like confidence in the future, stability, and when everything is planned in advance. But unpredictability, chaos and unjustified risk are not for them.

If we talk about negative qualities, we can note stubbornness, matter-of-factness, the habit of self-indulgence, materialism, irrepressible jealousy, excessive slowness, isolation, vanity, demandingness and sometimes pessimism that breaks through.

Characteristics of Pisces

Perhaps the best quality of people born under this sign is their ability to accept others for who they are. These are serious and reliable individuals who are devoted to their friends and are always ready to help them if it is in their power.

Their advantages also include a developed imagination, a disposition to creative thinking, good manners and hospitality, caring and compassion, loyalty, sensitivity, and the ability to experience deep feelings. In addition, Pisces are very flexible and intuitive, they can adapt to everything quickly and easily.

Negative qualities include strong emotionality and the associated frequent depression, lack of self-confidence, touchiness, a tendency to self-destruction, anxiety and indecisiveness.

Union prospects

Now we can move on to consider the compatibility of Capricorn and Pisces. People born under these zodiac signs complement each other perfectly. Capricorn learns from Pisces to express their feelings, while maintaining their outward nobility. And they, in turn, understand how much the presence of a representative of the earth sign in life diversifies and saturates life.

It is worth noting that Pisces feel safe in this union. Moreover, they obediently obey Capricorn, a practical organizer.

Their compatibility forms a wonderful spiritual connection. Capricorn and Pisces understand each other very well. Everyone is ready to support their partner at any moment. It is important to note that few people are able to appreciate the deep spirituality of Pisces and understandably accept their habit of dreaming and fantasizing. But Capricorn is an exception. For this understanding, Pisces love him.


Well, the compatibility of Capricorn and Pisces in love is quite promising. But what will their living together? Very fruitful and eventful.

In marriage, Pisces learns that Capricorn is even more ambitious. He is used to focusing his energies on a single goal. Pisces, on the other hand, strive, first of all, for self-expression, and scatter opportunities in a variety of directions.

They don't quarrel on this basis. On the contrary, they help to acquire useful qualities. Capricorn teaches Pisces to root ideals in material life. And they help their partner so that they are not limited to a narrow vision of success. Pisces teaches Capricorn to succumb to the unpredictable currents of life. And he them - to walk on solid ground, plan and follow his plan.

Everyone, thanks to their partner, begins to see the world differently. And they both like it. Therefore, the compatibility of Capricorn and Pisces in a relationship can be called promising.

Pisces girl and Capricorn guy

What is their compatibility based on? Pisces and Capricorn in this version of the relationship are united by strong respect for each other and mutual understanding. If everything goes well, then an idyll will reign in their couple. From the outside, they will resemble the heroes of a classic love story: a poetic, vulnerable woman next to a strong and decisive man.

In such a couple there are practically no financial difficulties. Just like scenes of jealousy. They will both be mutually devoted and faithful.

According to compatibility, a Pisces woman and a Capricorn man can also teach each other useful things. Each will smooth out the rough edges and character flaws of their partner. In addition, they are united by their approach to relationships. For both, love is not only passion, but also care, tenderness, friendship and affection.

By the way, they also have excellent sexual compatibility. Pisces and Capricorn are capable of achieving true bliss together. He, of course, is the dominant in this pair. But she happily follows his instructions. As a result, they manage to form an excellent emotional tandem.

Capricorn girl and Pisces guy

This is an ideal couple, according to the compatibility horoscope. Pisces man and Capricorn woman do not see any shortcomings in each other; they live happily together, enjoying physical attraction and spiritual and intellectual similarity.

Both get what they need. The Capricorn girl gives her Pisces man support and reliability, for which he simply idolizes her. And they are happy. The girl is constantly in seventh heaven, because she feels that she is loved and adored. And the Pisces partner really carries her in his arms and blows away the specks of dust from her. Plus, he, being an excellent psychologist by nature, is always ready to listen, say the right, appropriate words, and lift your spirits.

The Pisces guy, in turn, receives from his chosen one reliable protection from harsh reality. He is frightened by life's problems, and the Capricorn girl solves them in one go.

What problems might there be?

Much has been said about the good compatibility of a Capricorn woman with a Pisces man and vice versa. But could there be problems in this couple? Of course, like any other. But these problems are easily solvable.

Here, for example, is a nuance: Pisces succumb to the influence of others. They are easily drawn into bad company or involved in unseemly activities. But the Capricorn girl has a very high sense of self-esteem. She will never keep track of what her man does and who she communicates with.

And if he himself does not develop perseverance, then after a while the Capricorn girl will be surprised to learn that her lover got involved with bad company, got carried away with illegal substances, or lost big at poker. And this will be a big disaster, since it is very difficult to get rid of a bad habit of Pisces.

There is also a reverse example. Capricorns strive to achieve high status in society. They almost live by it. But Pisces are indifferent to this, and Capricorn is embarrassed by this.

How to work on relationships?

This question is worth considering at the end of the topic regarding the compatibility of Pisces man and Capricorn woman in love (and vice versa).

But problems most often arise in such a couple. The Capricorn girl can be unrestrained and make fun of her partner. Or rather, over his position or lifestyle. This cannot be done, otherwise the Pisces guy will withdraw and you will have to win his trust again. And it's not that simple.

It is also important to know that when Pisces do not receive happiness at home, they go to look for it on the side. But they need so little! Tenderness, love, and the opportunity to share your dreams with a partner. And also so that they are not given more responsibility. Showing toughness and strength is not for Pisces.

In a couple where the representative of this water sign is a girl, there may also be nuances. A Capricorn man may simply not understand how lucky he is with a pleasant, interesting, undemanding Pisces girl. He enjoys her, but does not give her the warmth she needs. And for a girl born under the sign of Pisces, this is important.

If her sentimental dreams are shattered by the rationalism of Capricorn, she will not be happy. So he should be softer and try to broaden his views. It won't hurt him if he dreams a little with his beloved.

Men are sure that female friendship does not exist. That, they say, it is feigned, fleeting and always ends its existence, faced with competition, envy and betrayal. Such reasoning only causes indignation in many women, because by their own example they can refute them and prove that the majority of women have many friends and value this very much. Just female friendship- this is not a gift, but a worthy reward for sincerity, understanding and patience.

Best friend- this is the one who can guess your mood at one glance, with whom you can have a heart-to-heart talk, without trying to show yourself in the best light. She will always listen to you, support you with words, come to your aid in difficult times and will never deceive you. A best friend is not easy to find; she should not have such character traits as selfishness, pettiness, envy and mistrust. One of the most reliable ways to choose a girlfriend is the following: count 11 from your zodiac sign and the women of the resulting zodiac sign are ideal for your girlfriend. And this means:

1. Aries. Aries' best friends are Aquarius women. A woman cannot be called a good friend. She is too impatient, does not know how to listen and show empathy. She needs to do everything quickly and at once. The Aquarius woman attracts Aries with her friendliness, unobtrusiveness and lack of jealousy. The Aries friend herself never deceives, she says everything directly and frankly, and if necessary, she helps first.

2. Taurus. It is best for a Taurus woman to be friends with a Pisces. A Taurus girlfriend can make up good company in any parties and travels, she will get you a phone good doctor and will give helpful advice, about how the guy will like it. But Taurus doesn’t like borrowing a nice blouse for a date or money until the next salary. That’s why a Pisces friend is suitable for Taurus, who will not encroach on “her property” - her wardrobe, money and man. Pisces will appreciate Taurus, they are well versed in the nuances of human experiences and respect the needs of others.

3. Twins. It is best for a Gemini woman to make friends with an Aries. An optimistic and curious Gemini woman will make good company for Aries. She will ideally complement the Aries leader, who will take care of all the organization joint leisure and financial support from a friend. They will “wash the bones” of men together and at the same time their views absolutely coincide.

4. Cancer. A Cancer woman will feel comfortable next to her Taurus friend. She is able to endure the stubbornness of Taurus more easily than all other signs of the Zodiac. Before marriage, a Cancer woman can be an ideal friend. She is always ready to feed her delicious pies and invite her to live with her if her friend has problems with housing. But the motherly care of a Cancer woman is directed towards her friends only as long as she does not have her own family. Family life completely absorbs Cancer, so married representatives of this sign have practically no girlfriends. The exception is her Taurus friend, who knows how to pity her with her compliments, passion for cooking and home design.

5. a lion. The Leo woman will become a reliable friend to Gemini. Gemini's ease of communication and mediocrity attracts the Lioness to her like a magnet. The Leo woman herself prefers to make only interesting acquaintances and useful connections. She never flirts or betrays. A lioness can be scandalous and harmful, but she always asks for forgiveness if she herself is to blame.

6. Virgo. The Virgo woman will be happy to be friends with her Cancer friend, who will feed her deliciously, listen to her and support her in difficult times. But Virgo herself is very demanding of close people; she loves to make critical comments about her friend’s appearance and teach her life lessons. Only Cancer can withstand the meticulous and slow Virgo, who always provides her with significant assistance in running the household and caring for children.

7. Scales. An indecisive Libra woman will feel great next to a purposeful and confident Lioness. Often a woman becomes a talisman for the success of a Libra friend. Libra herself cannot imagine life without girlfriends and boyfriends. And she always has a lot of them. After all, Libra is extremely correct and polite in communication. She does not like to argue and prove that she is right, adhering to conflict situations main rule: “silence is golden.” But Libra's friend is capable of betrayal and can lie while looking into your eyes.

8. Scorpion. The Scorpio woman is the most jealous and critical friend. Only a modest Virgo woman can be friends with her for a long time. Only she can adequately withstand Scorpio’s offensive statements and find a way to prevent her from fighting off her beloved man. The Scorpio woman is sure that her friend should share everything equally with her, and therefore she unceremoniously interferes in her life and tries to control her everywhere. But Scorpio will never leave a friend in trouble, she is ready to part with everything for her happiness and will rush to the ends of the world to help a close friend in difficult times.

9. Sagittarius. A Sagittarius woman will like her sociable friend Libra. She knows how to find a compromise in conflict situations and turns a blind eye to the cheerful and adventurous nature of the freedom-loving woman - Sagittarius. Only she can remain silent when Sagittarius laughs for no reason, and also be her partner in her endless parties and get-togethers. But you shouldn’t believe everything your Sagittarius friend says. She herself does not always know when she is lying and when she is telling the truth.

10. Capricorn. A Capricorn woman makes friends once and for life. More often best friend Capricorn is Scorpio. She will not gossip behind her back and, like her, takes life seriously. The Capricorn friend has a very high opinion of herself and prefers to be friends only with those who will help her understand the intricacies human relations and find true love. The Capricorn friend herself is caring and generous with gifts, but at will she is unlikely to want to organize holidays and will go far from home.

11. Aquarius. An Aquarius woman is best suited to an open and cheerful Sagittarius friend. She will help her make “necessary acquaintances with the right people". Aquarius and Sagittarius have interests and views on life that largely coincide. For example, they both love to travel and are interested in the latest fashion trends. True, the Aquarius woman herself is not capable of being friends for a long time and faithfully. She can easily refuse her friend’s help in difficult times or not showing up for an appointment.

12. Fish. The Pisces woman is somewhat reminiscent of Tatyana Larina from Eugene Onegin. She is “wild, sad, silent, like a timid forest deer,” exactly as A.S. Pushkin described his main character. To gain courage and open their hearts, Pisces needs to have a reliable shoulder nearby. That is why only a serious and thorough Capricorn woman can become her best friend. The friendship between Pisces and Capricorn survives years and distances, and becomes so strong that all other signs can only envy them. Although Pisces herself cannot always help her friend, because often her desires do not coincide with her capabilities.

The compatibility of Capricorn and Pisces in love is quite high, so such couples can build a good relationship where each partner will be happy.

General characteristics

Pisces and Capricorn have good compatibility in love relationships, the rate of which is eighty percent. In addition to the fact that there is much in common between the representatives of the signs, the differences between them complement the character of each. The dominant Capricorn in such an alliance will have the opportunity to control, and the flexible Pisces will be happy to obey him. The same applies to the friendship between Capricorn and Pisces, where the former provides assistance and protection to the latter.


Hardworking and purposeful Capricorns easily achieve their goals in life and work. People of this sign are realists, not prone to idealization and romanticism. They are not characterized by emotional behavior and rash actions. Everything in the life of Capricorn is orderly and foreseen, this is especially characteristic of representatives of the sign with the Ascendant and the Sun in Capricorn - in this case, all the character traits of a person appear in double size.

Capricorn, born in the year of the Rat, simply needs to control everything around him, which is enhanced by representatives of the Zodiac sign whose horoscope is influenced by the Moon. In the year of the Ox, ambitious and hardworking Capricorns are born. The Year of the Tiger is a good period for the birth of honest and decent individuals, and the Year of the Cat “gives life” to charming and attractive people. Capricorns - Cats - are particularly romantic and dreamy girls. Capricorn - Dragon is persistent and ambitious, Capricorn - Snake is practical and financially resourceful.

In the year of the Horse, people who are faithful in love and reliable in friendship are born, and the year of the Goat “gives life” to cautious and prudent representatives of the sign. Capricorn-Monkeys are optimistic and enjoy every new day, while Capricorn-Roosters calculate their every step. In the year of the Dog, Capricorns are born, who, thanks to their incredible ability to work and determination, are able to achieve a lot in life. Those born in the year of the Pig are kind, sympathetic and selfless.

Professionally, Capricorns are capable of achieving incredible heights. They easily implement the most complex projects and find solutions to the most difficult problems. hopeless situations. Mars in Capricorn “gives birth” to great military leaders and “drivers” of the military industry. In love affairs, representatives of the sign are not too passionate and emotional; even Venus in Capricorn does not contribute to “awakening feelings.” People of this sign tend to “search” for a long time for a life partner, choosing the most worthy one.


People born under the zodiac sign of Pisces are creative and sensitive individuals, this is especially true for representatives of the sign with the Moon in Pisces. They have a fairly developed intuition, which helps them get away with difficult life situations. Pisces are absolutely not mercantile and not ambitious. They often have their head in the clouds, are quite careless and are not inclined to think about “tomorrow.”

Pisces born in the year of the Rat are attentive and kind to others; they are modest and shy people who, however, can stand up for themselves. Representatives of the sign, born in the year of the Ox, are emotional, but at the same time, self-possessed and timid. Pisces - Tigers are creative people and have extraordinary abilities, and Pisces - Cats love silence and home comfort. The Year of the Dragon has endowed representatives of the sign with ingenuity and the inability to restrain their feelings, which ultimately can negatively affect communication with others. As for the Year of the Snake, those born during this period are sociable and easily “get along” with people.

Pisces - Horse are cheerful and cheerful people who see the world exclusively in “bright colors”. Pisces - Goat are calm and collected individuals who will not “panic” and “hysteria” in a difficult situation. In the year of the Monkey, intellectuals are born who are reluctant to “open their souls” even to themselves. to a loved one, and in the year of the Rooster - dreamers and romantics. Representatives of the sign born in the year of the Dog attract people with their cheerful disposition and willingness to help, and those born in the year of the Pig are generous, good-natured and optimistic in everything.

Pisces do not have an “iron grip” and will not fight for their “place in the sun.” They are those who “go with the flow,” enjoying every day they live. Representatives of the sign are not deprived of a sense of humor, which saves them in “difficult times.” However, there are circumstances that unsettle even optimists like Pisces. For representatives of the sign, this is fraught with depression and “looking into a glass.”

Capricorn man – Pisces woman

A Capricorn man and a Pisces woman may well be happy together. In everyday life, representatives of signs often simply do not notice each other, believing that they have nothing in common. However, this is not so - Capricorn and Pisces have good compatibility in love and marriage, which gives them the opportunity to build strong and long-lasting relationships. Having gotten to know each other better, the partners will be imbued with mutual love and respect, complementing each other.

Sign compatibility

The harsh and unsociable character of a Capricorn man is unlikely to be understandable or attractive to a Pisces woman. Even if a girl is interested in Capricorn, she is unlikely to be able to attract him. In this pair great importance has mutual attraction and decisive actions of a man who is able to conquer a Pisces woman. The Capricorn guy will “like” the dreaminess and “subtle nature” of the Pisces girl, but other qualities of her character will be incomprehensible to him, to put it mildly.

A purposeful and strong man will be able to protect a weak woman from everyday problems and adversities, which is extremely important for Pisces. The nature of the representatives of the sign is such that they definitely need a patron and protector, behind whom they would be, like behind a “stone wall.” Pisces will be able to keep such a man only thanks to their “plasticity” in emotional terms, which allows representatives of the sign to subtly sense the moods and desires of the chosen one and act accordingly. The Capricorn man will appreciate the girl’s loyalty and compliance, without fully unraveling the “secrets of her soul.”

Sexual compatibility

The horoscope of sexual compatibility between a Pisces woman and a Capricorn man predicts complete understanding in bed. The leading role in sexual relationships will be “played” by strong Capricorn guys, and Pisces girls will be inferior to them in everything. Moreover, both of them will feel quite comfortable in such circumstances. A man will receive complete satisfaction and good emotional nourishment from sex with a woman, and the girl will find a strong and attentive partner.

Marriage Compatibility

The compatibility horoscope for the zodiac signs Capricorn and Pisces in marriage is optimistic about such a union. At first glance, this family looks quite traditional - a strong man with a strong character and a weak, vulnerable woman. As for interests and friends, each spouse has their own: the woman is more interested in the spiritual, and the man is more interested in the material. Spouses can find unity through communication with nature. Capricorns love hunting and fishing, and Pisces are attracted by the beauty of the world around them.

In the family of a Pisces woman and a Capricorn man, the question “who is the boss” will not arise. By default, the main one in the union is the husband, to whom the woman will gladly give all the “reins of power” of the “family cart.” In such a marriage, the wife will feel protected and confident in the future. Capricorn, “taking” a Pisces woman as his wife, will receive a faithful, obedient and gentle wife. The only thing that can “overshadow” a marriage is the wife’s excessive “hovering in the clouds,” who sometimes forgets about household chores.

Pisces man – Capricorn woman

Pisces man and Capricorn woman are the perfect combination of zodiac signs. These two can be very happy together. They are perfect for each other, both spiritually and physically. The union of a Capricorn girl and a Pisces guy arouses the envy of others, which the partners care little about.

Sign compatibility

Pisces men love to surround themselves with beautiful things and live in comfort. However, they can “get” all this either with the help of their own talents or by living at the expense of others. Unlike the "head in the clouds" men, Capricorn girls "stand firmly on their feet." A representative of the fairer sex is capable of not only “arranging” own life, but also to “push” your man to self-realization.

The relationship between a Pisces man and a Capricorn woman will not be bland and colorless. A romantic representative of the strong half of humanity will do everything to make the girl feel loved and desired. In this relationship, there will be flowers, surprises, compliments and adoration from the guy. The girl will surround him with care and attention.

Sexual compatibility

In sexual relationships, as well as in love, the Capricorn woman and the Pisces man are doing just fine. Peace and mutual understanding reign between lovers in bed. With outward calm, the Capricorn woman is quite passionate and unpredictable in sex. The Pisces man feels the desires of a woman well and does “everything in his power” in this regard.

Marriage Compatibility

The marriage of a Pisces man and a Capricorn woman can be quite successful. If her husband’s work is not going well, the Pisces wife is ready to take all the problems upon herself. She will provide her beloved not only moral, but also material support. Feeling the guardianship of his wife, Pisces’ pride will not only not be hurt, but they will be immensely grateful to their “soul mate.”

How to save the union

Even couples who have good compatibility in their love relationships are in danger of ruining them. To prevent this from happening, the Capricorn man and Pisces woman need to remember that:

  1. When building a relationship with a man, a Pisces woman needs to be a little more “down to earth”, because her partner “will not be satisfied” with words of love and romantic dates alone.
  2. The Capricorn man needs to remember that his partner is a subtle and romantic girl who needs attention and understanding.

In order for the relationship between a Pisces man and a Capricorn woman to be “cloudless”, it is necessary not to forget that:

  1. A Capricorn woman should not put too much pressure on a man, encouraging him to “move forward,” because Pisces can be quite touchy.
  2. Pisces men are easily influenced by others and not always positive. As a result, a guy may acquire “bad” habits that will negatively affect his relationship with the “right” Capricorn woman.

Taking into account the characters of the zodiac signs, astrologers have come to the conclusion that Capricorn and Pisces, whose compatibility is quite high, are good partners in different areas. By following the advice given by experts, a couple has the opportunity to build a strong relationship.

Capricorn and Pisces - compatibility in love relationships

Representatives of this sign have good compatibility in love, and the indicator is about 80%. Capricorn and Pisces, whose compatibility depends on which sign belongs to the man and which to the woman, will be able to establish contact, knowing about each other’s character traits.

  1. He is Capricorn and she is Pisces. The relationship between Pisces and Capricorn can be classified as a traditional union in which love and harmony reign. It won’t be love at first sight, but after taking a closer look at each other, they will understand that the chance for love cannot be missed. In such a couple, lovers must learn to trust each other and then their union will be unbreakable. The risk of a breakup between Pisces and Capricorn is minimal. There will be no struggle for leadership in the relationship, since both are of the same opinion that the man should be in charge.
  2. He is Pisces and she is Capricorn. In such a pair there is good compatibility, although the leading position will be occupied by a woman. The union of Capricorn and Pisces begins with friendship, which over time develops into affection and strong love. A man does everything possible to make his beloved feel happy, and she will create a safe and happy harbor for him. Lovers are similar in that the most important thing in a relationship is constancy and care, so their union can last forever.

Capricorn and Pisces - Marriage Compatibility

The horoscope indicates that representatives of these signs, having good foundation in the form of love and care, they can build a strong family. Capricorn and Pisces in marriage will not encounter problems in everyday life, since the first one can do everything himself, and also use cunning to involve his spouse in a non-standard form in housework. Many marriages break up because of jealousy, but this problem is unknown to this couple, since both spouses trust the partner.

A pair of Capricorn and Pisces, whose compatibility depends on the efforts of partners, can follow the advice given by astrologers to maintain relationships.

  1. The Pisces woman is advised to be more down-to-earth in relationships and not to forget that a man needs comfort and a delicious dinner.
  2. A Capricorn man should not forget about the romantic nature of his wife, who needs attention and understanding.
  3. The Capricorn woman must reduce the pressure on her husband, as this may offend him.
  4. A Pisces man should avoid extraneous influence, otherwise problems may arise in the family.

Capricorn and Pisces - sexual compatibility

Harmony awaits representatives of these signs in bed, and sex will never be a boring activity for them. The leader in this regard will be Capricorn, and sensual Pisces will willingly adapt to a partner. For representatives of the water element, tenderness and foreplay are of great importance. Capricorn and Pisces are suitable for each other in temperament, and they will be able to get true pleasure from such contacts.

Capricorn and Pisces - friendship compatibility

A friendly tandem in such a couple is possible, since representatives of this zodiac sign have common interests. When figuring out whether Capricorn and Pisces are compatible, it is worth pointing out that even friendly relations between them are based on common sympathy, which after some time can develop into something more. Even if people have different opinions on different issues, they will show respect for their partner, so conflicts rarely arise. Capricorn and Pisces, whose compatibility is high, love to spend time together having pleasant and easy conversations.

Capricorn and Pisces at work

In the business field, representatives of these signs can be called like-minded people, since they have spiritual and intellectual kinship, and they also have similar business qualities. Capricorn and Pisces are suitable for each other to do any job. Their activities are fruitful, and a favorable emotional background remains in the relationship. The couple is used to resolving disagreements together through negotiations.

Capricorn and Pisces do not have great spiritual closeness and mutual understanding, but they are quite capable of accepting each other with all their characteristics and not re-educating each other. These people look at the world differently, but many of each other’s qualities are very attractive to them. In any field of activity and in personal relationships, they can get along well and even learn from each other’s experience and skills.

CAPRICORN man and PISCES woman

The Pisces woman is not fully understood by Capricorn; she is dreamy, vulnerable and sensitive. The Capricorn man attributes these character traits to female weaknesses, but by and large this woman does not cause him much trouble. Capricorn is used to being a leader, and the Pisces woman is looking for just such a man. They can be very comfortable together.

♑ + ♓: In love

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY— Relationships always begin on the initiative of the Capricorn guy. A Pisces girl may be the first to become interested in him, she knows how to feel the mood and desires of people, and she will charm a Capricorn with the subtlety of her nature. The guy will try not to miss this sweet and gentle girl, who is able to surround him with touching care.

In these relationships there will be no struggle for leadership - the opinions of both sides agree that the man should dominate the relationship. The Pisces girl will feel safe next to this guy, and he will be pleased to become her support and protection. Such relationships most often lead to the creation of a family.

♑ + ♓: Married

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY— A classic family, in which the wife is sweet and feminine, and the husband is strong and decisive. The spouses are quite happy with each other, they have mutual understanding in the everyday part of life, they do not quarrel over trifles. Both in this couple are tolerant of each other.

In order for the relationship to continue to be trusting, Capricorn should refrain from caustic criticism of his wife; she is vulnerable and grievances can disturb her soul for a long time after unpleasant conversations. A man should also not behave in a dictatorial manner; his wife already recognizes his dominance in the marriage.

IN intimate life This couple is doing well. The Pisces woman is sacrificial, she sees her pleasure in the pleasure of her husband, and due to her well-developed intuition, she is able to guess his secret desires.

The prospects for this marriage are good in all respects. Over time, the family will become even stronger, and mutual respect will grow, because these people know how to appreciate the good that they have.

♑ + ♓: In friendship

PERFECT PAIR— A Capricorn guy and a Pisces girl are attractive to each other not due to mutual understanding, but simply due to mutual sympathy. They may think and act differently, but they respect each other's opinions. Each of them sees in the other interesting person, with whom it is easy and pleasant. Most often, this union has nothing to do with, and smoothly transitions into the beginning of a love relationship.

PISCES man and CAPRICORN woman

Compatibility between a Pisces man and a Capricorn woman is not bad; they can get along well, but only if there is mutual respect. In order for the relationship to be trusting, the Capricorn woman should not try to re-educate or diligently criticize this man, because with this approach, only one appearance will remain from the relationship, and the Pisces man himself will be completely closed to her.

♓ + ♑: In a love relationship

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY— Lovers have good prospects for developing relationships. Mutual feelings are capable of awakening the best that is in them in representatives of these zodiac signs.

Taking care of each other will greatly strengthen this connection, because both the Pisces guy and the Capricorn girl are very attentive to their other half. They can always count on each other even in the most difficult situations. This couple will cause a lot of envy on the part of ill-wishers, and close people will be sincerely happy for them.

Lovers equally need constancy, they feel good together and they value this relationship. Most likely, in the near future, the Pisces guy will propose marriage to his chosen one.

♓ + ♑: Married

GOOD COMPATIBILITY“In this marriage, the woman will be the leader, and the calm atmosphere in the house depends on how delicately she will act.” The Pisces man is quite independent, but his wife is still more practical. If a Capricorn wife sees prospects for career growth in her husband, as a rule, he goes for a promotion through her efforts, but how she achieves this depends on the situation.

It happens that it is the wife in this family who is better at earning money. In this case, the husband will have other responsibilities for which the woman will not have enough time, for example, housework or raising common children.

If both are satisfied with this lifestyle, this marriage will be unbreakable. The most important thing is that the wife does not emphasize her superiority at every opportunity, otherwise the moment will come when the husband will pack his things and leave in English.

♓ + ♑: In friendship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY- It cannot be said that this couple has common topics of conversation or hobbies. A Capricorn girl and a Pisces guy are attractive to each other even in the absence of common ground, but most often this interest has nothing to do with. They may communicate as friends, but in reality they are both just eyeing each other. If young people are free from relationships, very soon their sympathy will develop into something more.

Video: CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign