What is 16 20. Identical and mirror numbers on the clock - what do they mean? About memes on the topic

4:19 – 4:20 (420, 4/20, four-twenty) is a meme that compares two pictures. The first shows the character in a normal state, the second shows him, but in a stubborn form (or a character similar to him).


4:20 - in American culture - the time most suitable for drug use. The number 420 means either 4 hours 20 minutes, or the date 4/20, that is, April 20. On this day, representatives of the subculture usually gather to spend time and smoke cannabis. Activists on this day actively promote the legalization of marijuana.

There are many theories about the origin of the term, but it became widespread in 1971, when a group of teenagers at San Rafael High gathered after school to smoke cannabis near a statue of Louis Pasteur. Since it was 4:20 (4:20 p.m. in our time), the local greeting "420 Louis!" arose and became popular in the late 80s thanks to fans of the rock band The Grateful Dead.

Since then, North American cannabis smokers have continued to meet at 4:20 p.m. As the term 420 grew in use, it also extended to the date April 20th.

There is even a 420 movement that encourages people to participate in the political process to legalize marijuana. Organizations such as NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws), SAFER (Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation), and SSDP (Students for Sensible Drug Policy) use April 20 to advocate for the need for policy reform regarding the status of marijuana in society.


Two pictures are taken. The first one says 4:19, the second one says 4:20. The point is that the first image shows the character before consuming, and the second image shows him already stoned.

Over time, the meme lost some meaning and began to be used simply to compare two images, the second of which is usually cooler than the first. This could be, for example, a photo of an actor and his character in a film.

Another phenomenon is also associated with the number 4:20 - the suicide game Blue Whale. Namely, it uses the phrase “Wake me up at 4:20.”


This term has other meanings, see 420 (meanings). April 20th celebration in Santa Cruz, California (2007) An SSDP member hands out printed materials about marijuana culture on April 20, 2010 at the University of California, Berkeley.

420 (pronounced "four-twenty") is a term used in the North American drug subculture to refer to the popular time of smoking marijuana. means time 4:20 (4 hours 20 minutes).

At this time, representatives of this culture usually gather to spend time, smoke cannabis together, or discuss the policy of the state in which they live regarding marijuana.

In more in a broad sense, "420" is used in slang to refer to the use of marijuana or hemp, and is also a way of identifying counterculture membership.


Although there are many different theories about the origin of the term, it became widespread in 1971, when a group of teenagers at San Rafael High School. San Rafael High School(San Rafael, California) was going after school at this time to smoke cannabis near the statue of Louis Pasteur.

The expression became part of their group's greeting, "420 Louie!" (English) "420 Louis!"), and became popular in the late 80s thanks to fans of The Grateful Dead.

Many North American cannabis smokers continue to meet at 4:20 pm to smoke cannabis together. As the term 420 grew in use, it also extended to the date April 20 ("4/20" in the US abbreviated date format).

This day has become a countercultural holiday when it is customary to get together and use cannabis together. In some areas, this holiday coincides with Earth Week. Earth Week).

420 Campaign

The 420 Campaign encourages people to participate in the political process to legalize marijuana. Particularly popular is the call to “make April 20 an annual starting point for consolidating efforts to pressure Congress to legalize marijuana.” Organizations such as NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws), SAFER (Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation), and SSDP (Students for Sensible Drug Policy) are already using April 20 to advocate for the need for policy reform regarding the status of marijuana in society.

In Colorado, the milepost 420 on Route 70 had to be replaced with Mile 419.99 due to frequent sign theft.

What does the 4:19 4:20 meme mean?

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As a rule, memes 4:19 and 4:20 are used simultaneously and are aimed at comparing two identical states, only in Figure 4:19 there is no stupefying of consciousness with the help of drugs, while in Figure 4:20 a similar situation is presented, but with the use drugs.

Simply put, 4:19 is a situation one minute earlier than drug use (4:20).


It is known for sure that the 4:20 meme means a political call by marijuana smokers to legalize the drug.

The fact is that 4:20 signifies the time for gathering such political actions, as well as the date for gathering fighters for legalization, that is, April 20 of any year.

The history of the 4:20 meme comes from the time of gathering 16:20 for smoking marijuana collectively in North America, then this time became a meme and also a symbol of the gathering of people who vote for the state to officially allow the production and smoking of marijuana.

But what the 4:19 meme is is unknown.

Although there are pictures with these memes from the game Dota 2, it is not clear what they mean for the players.

You can interpret this meme as before and after, or after a second. During this second, marijuana smoking occurs in this meme. First, the real picture of what is happening is depicted, and then how the person affected by marijuana sees everything around him. The meme is negative, in fact it is propaganda that should be banned, since many young people may simply misunderstand humor and take everything at face value, the consequences could be bad.


A meme like 4:20 serves as a call for smoking marijuana, a kind of political call for legal drug use. Thus, people, wanting official permission to smoke marijuana, express their votes for it. But with the 4:19 meme it’s more difficult, because the exact meaning is unknown, but it is assumed that it means the time before drug use, and 4:20 is the time itself.


Memes have become very popular and an integral part of our lives. After all, with the help of memes, we express our opinions and emotions.

Meme 4:19 - means a situation that happened before drugs, or simply using marijuana.

And the meme is the same as the 4:20 meme, there’s just a slight difference in the background and state, but the meaning is the same.


A very interesting number is 4:20; it is often believed that this is the time at which it is customary to smoke cannabis or marijuana. But there is a hidden subtext in this syllable, and all because in English-speaking countries the month is put first and therefore the date is April 20. This phrase was first used in the 1970s.

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April 20th is an unofficial day for marijuana smokers. But in the memes, instead of the date 4/20, they decided to use the time 4:20. This is how they depict the changes that occur one minute after smoking marijuana (it was one thing, now it’s another).

Previously, the number 420 in the United States designated a violation code when someone smoked marijuana.

Later, hippies decided to make this number symbolic. Well, Internet trolls picked up this fashionable “420” movement and decided to make a meme out of it.


4 20 (pronounced "four twenty" means in North American subculture best time for smoking cannabis, as well as the date April 20, which marks the traditional day for supporters of the legalization of marijuana to gather and share the use of this drug.

Accordingly, the meme " 4:19 " denotes the time one minute before consuming cannabis, and the meme " 4:20 " denotes the state of a person who has already taken this drug.


Meme number 4:19 4:20 calls on people, and in particular states, to legalize marijuana. The numbers are considered to be the time of collection, since they finish collecting it at 4:19, and 4:20 is a hidden number, giving a hint of love for this narcotic drug and showing the time of administration and relaxation of the body after collection.

Said petrov

These mysterious numbers mean the time of drug use. Most likely, these two units of time mean the state before and after drug use. This term was used in American subculture as a popular term for smoking marijuana.

4:19 4:20 What's the joke???

Ilya Kisel

420 (pronounced "four-twenty") is a term used in the North American drug subculture to refer to a popular time of smoking marijuana. The number 420 means either 4:20 (4 hours 20 minutes), or the date 4/20, that is, April 20.
On this day, representatives of this culture usually gather to spend time, smoke cannabis together, or discuss the policy of the state in which they live regarding marijuana. Activists on this day usually carry out active propaganda regarding the legalization of marijuana.
More broadly, "420" is used in slang to refer to the use of marijuana or hemp, and is also a way of identifying counterculture membership.

Vlada Shkarupa

4:20 or 4/20 is it symbol the best time to consume cannabis. The meme came from overseas and in the Russian adaptation it looks a little ridiculous. Since Americans usually use 12 rather than 24-hour time format, to make it clearer, we are talking about 4:20 PM, that is, 16:20. 4:20 memes usually show what happens to someone or something at 4:19 and a minute later at 4:20, when the subject enters a state called "stoned."

What does HAPPY 4/20 mean??

Happy mommy

420 is a drug culture term used in North America. The number 420 in this culture means either 4:20 p.m. (16:20) - the time when it is popular to take marijuana (see below), or the date 4/20, i.e. April 20.

On this day, representatives of this culture usually gather to simply spend time, smoke cannabis together, or discuss the policy of the state in which they live regarding marijuana. Activists on this day usually carry out active propaganda regarding the legalization of marijuana.

In slang, "420" means "marijuana use". It is also sometimes a reference to something related to the use of cannabis, or one of the ways of identifying membership in the drug culture.

The term may also come from the light-dark cycle when growing marijuana varieties indoors or outdoors.

Some childhood habits remain for life. We can be three times adults and serious, with our own families, careers and important life aspirations... And at the same time we are also in a hurry to make a wish, finding ourselves between two namesakes. Or having met a car with a noticeable number 777 on the street. Or seeing it on the board electronic watch an unusual combination of numbers. However, why be shy? It’s so wonderful and sweet to retain even a tiny bit of childish faith in miracles! And then, who said that it is harmful? If you expect good things from “successful” numbers with all your heart, they really work!

What do the same numbers or mirror numbers on a clock mean?

Constantly replacing each other, rushing forward, the luminous numbers of our electronic watches continually form into various combinations. Most often they are unremarkable. In fact, who will be surprised, for example, by the time indicated on the scoreboard as 16:15? But sometimes the numbers add up in a very interesting way - 05:05, 12:12, 13:31. It’s even more amazing if they begin to catch your eye not just once, but day after day, as if they are trying to attract attention to themselves! A person who is far from superstitions will also feel confused. And a lover of omens will definitely see in this event a direct hint of the future and will immediately try to figure out: what to expect, how to behave and how to use circumstances to their advantage.

00:00 - time to make any wishes, plan changes and start over what once didn’t work out. If only you acted with a pure heart and thought less about self-interest.

However, there is an opposite point of view, convincing: if four zeros flash on the clock, it is better not to plan anything on that day and not to start new projects. Decide for yourself which interpretation to believe.

01:01 - the appearance of these numbers promises good news and leaves hope for the fulfillment of a cherished dream. True, it is believed that this combination is less powerful than the previous one.

01:10 - unfortunately, “mirror” numbers will not bring good luck. The business you have started will either wither away or reach a dead end, so it is better to wait a little with it.

01:11 - three units in a row promise an interesting offer that you will soon receive. Don't leave it unattended!

02:02 - a combination rich in predictions. First: fate is intensely sending you signs that you need to learn to see. Look around more carefully. Second: if you receive an invitation to visit or a request for help, do not refuse. The result will be unexpected and pleasant. Third: do not ignore your health, problems are possible with it.

02:20 - take advantage of mirror time to look at yourself from the outside. You seem to overreact to circumstances and people, allowing yourself unjustified outbursts of anger.

02:22 - three twos in a row symbolize a secret that will be revealed to you today.

Three is a sign of good luck

03:03 - Fate leads you along the most direct path to happiness and love. If you are currently busy with some important project, triplets promise its successful completion and good dividends in the end.

03:30 – a “mirror” pair of three and zero, alas, does not promise good luck. There is a period of stagnation in life, and cooling in feelings.

03:33 - but three threes are a very pleasant sign, promising success, joyful events and real happiness.

04:04 - if you feel like you've reached a dead end, just look around. The exit is nearby, you just need to look at it from a different angle. Perhaps circumstances will force you to change your mind on some issue. Don't resist and trust fate, it will lead you on the right path.

04:40 - mirror day, traditionally does not promise mountains of gold. Be careful and don’t plan any major changes in your life. But you can dare to meet a handsome representative of the opposite sex if the opportunity arises.

04:44 - the appearance of three fours warns of a conflict with a person occupying a higher position. Perhaps there is an upcoming visit to the boss?

05:05 - enemies will begin to move, weaving conspiracies against you. Don't worry, their intrigues will not be successful, as the day promises to be favorable. For those who are still single, he can give them a meeting with their future soul mate.

05:50 - beware of accidents associated with water and fire.

05:55 - fate will send you a wise adviser, do not dismiss him.

06:06 - in most cases, this figure hints that you pay too much attention to material things, forgetting about the soul. But for some, two sixes side by side predict a quick wedding.

07:07 - the cycle of events will captivate you. If true friends are nearby, together you will move mountains and make all your dreams come true. Surround yourself with unworthy people - alas, do not expect any good. And try to avoid clashes with those wearing uniforms, this could end badly.

08:08 - the day is conducive to labor achievements, making a profit and moving up the career ladder. But only if you manage not to succumb to the provocations of spiteful critics and do not get involved in a conflict.

09:09 - a combination of nines and zeros warns of losses. Whatever it is - a wallet that a thief deftly pulls out of your purse, or a relationship that ended in a breakup - accept what happened calmly. Everything you really need will remain with you.

Someone manages to build their life according to the readings of the clock!

10:01 - expect to meet an influential person, most likely a man.

10:10 - luck and new opportunities are on your doorstep. It's time to implement long-cherished ideas and plans.

11:11 - when counting the gifts of fate that are promised to you today, do not lose your head. There is a great risk of becoming dependent on a morally dishonest subject.

12:12 is a good hour and a good day. The stars are going to arrange a meeting for you with a kindred spirit! Don't miss the chance to find a friend with whom you can share your views and beliefs. However, why only a friend? A lucky combination of numbers predicts tremendous success for you today with the opposite sex.

12:21 - meeting a charming woman. Ladies will find an interesting companion, men - hope for an exciting romance.

13:13 - if you learn to act judiciously and keep your emotions under control, you will be able to fulfill your secret desire. You are moving in the right direction, but do not forget about your opponents who will not miss an opportunity to trip you up. Be careful.

13:31 - the mirror combination of three and one means getting rid of obstacles and the end of a period of stagnation. You will finally find what you are so hungry for.

14:14 - the pragmatic four in the company of one changes its usual principles and advises you to succumb to a new romantic feeling. Easy love, fiery passion or a strong marriage - when this successful combination is on the clock, everything is possible.

14:41 - you should behave more carefully, you are in danger of an accident, illness or other troubles.

15:15 - will help you get out of an awkward situation useful advice an experienced person, perhaps a relative.

15:51 - get ready to lose your head in love.

16:16 - fate constantly gives you opportunities to change what you are dissatisfied with in your life. But you can learn to see them only by working on your moral qualities. Slightly curb your egoism, learn to see other people’s problems, and luck will not pass you by. Those who are on the road on this day should take care: injuries or encounters with robbers are possible.

17:17 - your motto for today is “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne!” However, do not forget that a wise person calculates everything possible options developments and manages to lay straw in the most dangerous places. When taking risks, do not forget about common sense.

18:18 - two eights symbolize significant financial support or income growth. But at the same time you may lose good friend or get hurt while traveling.

Whatever the clock promises, believe in luck

19:19 - dual combination. Some interpreters consider the tandem of nine and one to be an undoubted sign of a lucky streak in life, while others, on the contrary, advise gathering strength into a fist and steadfastly waiting out the unsuccessful period. To ensure that gloomy forecasts do not come true, act thoughtfully. Better yet, try to take a few days off from worries.

20:02 - mirror numbers predicts discord with loved ones...

20:20 - ...and the direct combination of forecasts is not encouraging: you are threatened with quarrels, squabbles and a stormy showdown. Don’t be led by emotions, even if you really want to!

21:12 - time for renewal: a new image, a new worldview, new interesting ideas in my head. Career-oriented citizens will begin to come up with one creative idea after another, and those busy with family have every chance of having the baby they want.

21:21 - it will be difficult to keep yourself within reasonable limits, because the stars have prepared an unforgettable love adventure for you. But you will have to keep your heart in check and turn to your mind more often, otherwise very soon you will bitterly regret your actions.

22:22 - caution, caution and caution again. Be careful, but don't shy away from meeting new people. It is during this difficult time that you are given the opportunity to make profitable acquaintances and find true friends.

23:23 - relationships that have recently appeared in your life carry with them danger. Think carefully about whether everything in them suits you, and at the same time think about your mistakes in general. The sooner you understand where you were wrong, the faster you will begin to move towards your goals.

23:32 - take care of your health.

Maiden signs: what means the same time for ladies

In addition to all of the above, there is one more, purely female belief. Did you see the same numbers on the clock? Call the name of the man you like, and he will not resist you. Even if the “magic of numbers” lets you down, yours will work feminine charm, supported by faith in good omen. What does a girl look like who is confident in her irresistibility to the man she desires? A sparkle in the eyes, a winner’s smile on the lips, a flying and slightly cat-like step... As Verochka said from “Office Romance,” men don’t let such a woman pass! Who knows, maybe Cupid's arrow will pierce the heart of his beloved?

Experts in the human psyche believe that we ourselves are to blame for the appearance of the same unusual numbers on the clock. Having noticed them once, we subconsciously begin to glance towards the scoreboard right time and we don’t really remember numbers that don’t “fit” into the omen. Pure psychology and no mysticism! Or maybe things are different. For example, for you the combination of two and zero means something of its own, not noted by the traditional interpretation. If the subconscious has drawn attention to this particular number, do not rush to rustle the leaves of the sign in search of an answer. Refer to your own feelings and intuition. What are they telling you? What are they warning about? The answer may be very clear and very unexpected!

What do you say when you see a teenager or someone else wearing a T-shirt like this? Well 4-20. You never know what it means. But in youth culture nothing happens for nothing, and it is advisable to be aware of the details.

So, 4:20 makes sense...

This material does not encourage illegal activities and does not promote drug use. The article is for informational purposes only. Moreover, it will be useful for many parents to know what 4:20 is. If you hear this from your child periodically, then you should think about it and read this material.

Nowadays, among young people you can sometimes find a MEM or an inscription on clothes in the form of the number 420. Many teenagers naturally ask the question, what does the number 420 mean?

420 (pronounced four-twenty) is a term used in the North American drug subculture to refer to a popular time of smoking marijuana. The number 420 means either 4:20 p.m. (4 hours 20 minutes), or the date 4/20, that is, April 20.

On this day, representatives of this culture usually gather to spend time, smoke cannabis together, or discuss the policy of the state in which they live regarding marijuana. Activists on this day usually carry out active propaganda regarding the legalization of marijuana.

More broadly, "420" is used in slang to refer to the use of marijuana or hemp.

Although there are many different theories about the origin of the term, it became widespread in 1971, when a group of teenagers at San Rafael High School (San Rafael, California) gathered after school to smoke cannabis near statues of Louis Pasteur.

The expression became part of their group's greeting, "420 Louie!" (English: “420 Louis!”), and became popular in the late 80s thanks to fans of The Grateful Dead. Many North American cannabis smokers continue to meet at 4:20 pm to smoke cannabis together. As the term 420 grew in use, it also extended to the date April 20 ("4/20" in the US abbreviated date format).

This day has become a countercultural holiday when it is customary to get together and use cannabis together. In some areas, this holiday coincides with Earth Week.

Nowadays, this greeting has gradually grown into the tradition of meeting exactly at 16:20 to smoke marijuana together. A little time passed and the date April 20 gained popularity. In the USA, the date and month are separated by a slash when writing, for example 4/20. This date is considered a holiday by most drug addicts. On this day, it is customary to get together with friends and use cannabis brought with you.

About memes on the topic

Two pictures are taken. The first one says 4:19, the second one says 4:20. The point is that the first image shows the character before consuming, and the second image shows him already stoned.

Over time, the meme lost some meaning and began to be used simply to compare two images, the second of which is usually cooler than the first. This could be, for example, a photo of an actor and his character in a film.

Another phenomenon is also associated with the number 4:20 - the suicide game Blue Whale. Namely, it uses the phrase “Wake me up at 4:20.”

The 420 Campaign encourages people to participate in the political process to legalize marijuana. Particularly popular is the call to “make April 20 an annual starting point for consolidating efforts to pressure Congress to legalize marijuana.” Organizations such as NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws), SAFER (Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation), and SSDP (Students for Sensible Drug Policy) are already using April 20 to advocate for the need for policy reform regarding the status of marijuana in society.

And what examples is everyone referring to?

On January 1, California became the largest US state to legalize the use of marijuana for recreational purposes.

Under the law, which went into effect on New Year's Day 2018, state residents over the age of 21 can possess up to one ounce (28 grams) of cannabis or grow up to six cannabis plants in their homes.

Opponents of the regulation argued that it would lead to an increase in driving and accidents under the influence of drugs, and would also encourage young people to use marijuana.

However, for entrepreneurs, the lifting of restrictions could become a new profitable industry worth billions of dollars. Californians voted to approve this law in November 2016, coinciding with the US presidential election. After this, legislators developed a number of taxes and regulations regulating the sale of the drug.

"Two years of chaos"

Critics of the law say bureaucratic complications could encourage cannabis sellers and users to remain on the black market. At the moment, only a few dozen stores have received permission to sell such goods.

In addition, the authorities of Los Angeles and San Francisco will have the right to impose additional sanctions on any point of sale of marijuana. "The first year or two is going to be chaos," Troy Dayton, head of cannabis market intelligence firm Arcview, told AFP. As city officials negotiate their own supply and sales rules, he said, there could be "crazy pricing confusion."

However, experts predict that over time this business could bring huge profits in one of the richest states in the country. In 1996, California became the first US state to legalize marijuana for medical purposes.

Arcview estimates that the annual black market for cannabis in the United States is worth $5.1 billion, and could grow to $5.8 billion by 2021 if legalized. Legal marijuana buyers in the new market will now be forced to pay state, municipal and trade taxes, which are expected to amount to about $1 billion a year.

The use of marijuana will be prohibited in in public places and closer than 300 meters from schools, as well as when driving a car. To date, marijuana has been legalized in six American states - Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Nevada and California. This means that one in five Americans can buy the drug legally.

Despite this, US federal authorities still perceive marijuana as an illegal drug and place it on a par with heroin and cocaine.


2 Nowadays, among young people you can sometimes see MEM or an inscription on clothes in the form of the number 420. Many teenagers naturally have a question: what does the number 420 mean??

These numbers should be pronounced " four to twenty". This name appeared among North American drug addicts. They associated this concept with smoking marijuana. Specifically, the numbers 4:20 mean time 4 hours 20 minutes (drug taking time) or the date 4/20, in which case it means April 20.

This day is unofficial on a holiday for all drug addicts. These people get together to smoke weed and have a good time. In the United States, carefully planned events are held on this day in support of legalization of soft drugs.

Among young people, the number “420” usually indicates the use of cannabis or marijuana. In addition, by the inscriptions on clothes, supporters of the use of soft drugs find like-minded people

Origin of the term 420

In fact, there are quite a few versions of the origin of this concept. The most reliable, in our opinion, refers to 1971. At that time, a group of young people from California who were attending school ( San Rafael High School) in the city of San Rafael. After classes they gathered at close company to smoke a couple of other joints of cannabis next to the Louis Pasteur monument.
This phrase became famous because it was the basis of their greeting." 420 Louis!" ("420 Louis!"). And gained unprecedented popularity in the late 80s due to the fans of the group " The Grateful Dead".

In our time, this greeting has gradually grown into the tradition of meeting exactly at 16:20 to smoke marijuana together. A little time passed and the date April 20 gained popularity. In the USA, when writing, the date and month are separated by a slash, for example 4/20.

This date is considered a holiday by most drug addicts. On this day, it is customary to get together with friends and use cannabis brought with you.

Company "420"

Nowadays, widespread propaganda has been launched to legalize drugs, which is called " company 420"The motto that is very popular among activists is to make April 20 a point of pressure on Congress in the legalization of soft drugs. Many tattoo parlors, influenced by fashion, began to use image with number 420, which is always in high demand. The 420 tattoo signifies commitment to smoking marijuana and hemp and helps you find people with similar interests.