How can an organization register ownership of a hangar? Is a hangar required to obtain a building permit? Hangars. Construction of frameless hangars. Installation

What kind of foundation is needed for tent hangars?

Regarding this issue, the Buyer of the structure must first decide whether the structure will be stationary (permanent) or temporary (mobile). If the structure is still temporary, that is, it is expected to be subsequently dismantled and moved to a new location, then you can do without preparing the foundations by installing the hangar on the ground, asphalt, road slabs, foundation blocks, fill, etc.

If stationary operation of the hangar is expected, then it is better to prepare a foundation base, but unlike foundations for heavier structures, foundations for tent hangars are less massive, based on the plan of the hangar’s support plates with the calculated loads on each support (which we provide) and the geology of the soil .

Do I need permission to build tent hangars?

Here you need to determine for yourself how the construction will be carried out as a temporary building, that is, an object of movable property, or as a permanent structure, that is, a real estate object.

Based on the fact that our tent hangars consist of prefabricated metal elements, and all connections are bolted, moving the hangar without disproportionate damage is perhaps one of the main criteria for determining the temporary nature of the structure.

However, if it is necessary to carry out the construction as a real estate object, then obtaining a construction permit, as well as coordination of project stages, passing a mandatory state examination (in cases where the structure is more than 1,500 sq.m.), as well as its subsequent registration are required.

Are tent hangars designed for snow and wind loads?

Naturally, during the design process, the climatic loads of the region where the hangar is installed are calculated, and depending on the snow and wind loads, our design department selects the pitch of the arches, the cross-section and thickness of the pipes. Also, upon completion of shipment, along with a passport for our hangars and certificates for all materials used, we provide a load calculation (DCS).

How to protect a structure from vandalism?

In fact, protecting the hangar from vandalism is quite simple - it is to ensure the security of the facility. Well, but seriously, in cold-design structures the side walls of the structure are sheathed with corrugated sheets; in insulated structures, hangar walls are usually sheathed with sandwich panels.

Which awning is better, European, Asian or domestic?

The task of any awning covering is to protect its base. According to all technical indicators of awning materials of the same density, such as: thread thickness, tensile strength, adhesion, almost all materials are the same. The task of any PVC is to protect its base from destruction, the basis of the material, just as its light resistance is protected by a layer of varnish. Thus, the best awning material is where there is a layer of varnish, and even better if the awning material has a double-sided varnish coating. Double-sided varnish coating of awning materials is found, as a rule, in awning materials of the G1 flammability group from European manufacturers. Such materials have a service life of 20 years or more and greater light resistance. The service life of materials with a one-sided varnish coating is 12 years or more.

The choice of awning material in a particular hangar depends on the purpose of the structure and the client’s budget.

Is the awning frost-resistant?

Almost all awning materials we use have frost resistance down to -50C, there are special materials with frost resistance up to -55C. That is, when the tents are stretched over the hangar, they are not afraid of frost. However, installation of awning coverings, as a rule, is carried out at a temperature of -15C. Thus, the information that tent hangars are not installed in winter is also a misconception.

How to protect the hangar frame from corrosion?

If your budget allows, then treating the hangar frame with “hot-dip galvanizing” will ideally protect the frame from corrosion.

Our company selects paint and varnish materials and the degree of metal purification depending on the purpose of the hangar and the operating environment in accordance with the requirements of SP 28.13330.2012.2012. (SNiP 2.03.11-85).

Is it possible to heat tent hangars?

Yes, you can heat it, you can consider purchasing a “semi-insulated” hangar - a two-layer tent shell with an air gap, in this case for a hangar with an area of ​​1,500 sq.m. to maintain a temperature of +15C, a power of 200 kW will be required, or consider purchasing a hangar with a two-layer tent shell with insulation, in this case, depending on the thickness of the insulation, the heat loss of the hangar will decrease and to maintain a hangar of 1500 sq.m. temperature +17C, a power of 100 kW will be sufficient. The heating system of hangars depends on the heat sources that you have, this can be air-gas heating, infrared heaters, a system for pumping warm air from hot water, pellet boilers, and so on.

What is the construction lead time?

If the client chooses a previously produced design, the production time for any design is no more than 3 weeks. The average hangar production time is 30 calendar days. Construction area up to 1000 sq.m. installed in 10 days, 1,500 sq.m. – 14 days, from 2000 sq.m. from 20 days.

Is it possible to install a beam crane on tent hangars?

Yes, it is possible, but only if the hangar is designed in advance for the installation of a crane beam with a particular load capacity. In our practice, in a hangar for the repair and maintenance of large mining equipment, we implemented a tent hangar with a suspended crane beam with a lifting capacity of 10 tons.

1500 price

the issue is resolved


Lawyers' answers (5)

Explanation of the Ministry of Regional Development (no longer valid) but deserves attention.

The document has become invalid or cancelled.

<Письмо>Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated June 21, 2012 N 15319-AP/08<Об отнесении сооружений к объектам капитального строительства>


In connection with the appeal for clarification of legislation on urban development activities by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation within the framework of the exercise of powers to develop state policy and legal regulation in the field of construction, established by paragraphs 1 and 5.5 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2005 N 40, the following is reported.
When considering the issue of classifying a specific structure as a capital construction project, it is necessary to take into account in each case its features, including technical characteristics, duration of use, connection with the ground (the possibility of free movement of these objects without causing disproportionate damage to their purpose).
In particular, communication structures that are not related to capital construction projects are:
1) towers on loaded supports (prefabricated communication structures in the form
supports installed on a monolithic slab cast directly on the ground (only the turf layer is removed) or on a prepared earthen area (the turf layer is removed, sand and gravel filling with compaction is made) with fastening with guy wires on loaded supports from prefabricated reinforced concrete structures);
2) prefabricated and collapsible engineering structures with bolted connections with a load-bearing part made in the form of a frame support, installed on a gravel/crushed stone backfill or concrete slabs, and loaded with foundation blocks;
3) masts, which are prefabricated engineering structures (lattice prisms), secured with guys, the number of which depends on the height of the mast, attached to concrete foundation blocks.
The listed structures do not have signs of capital, namely: there is no strong connection with the ground and no deep foundation; when constructing these objects, significant earthworks (digging pits) are not required; they are not connected to the area by utility networks for heating, hot/cold water supply, or sewerage.
The indicated communication structures are easily erected, prefabricated structures, for which repeated dismantling, moving to another location and subsequent installation are possible while maintaining the performance qualities and design characteristics of the structural elements, without loss of technical properties and technological functions.
According to Part 3 of Article 49, Clause 2 of Part 17 of Article 51 and Part 1 of Article 54 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, in the case of construction or reconstruction of objects that are not capital construction projects, the issuance of a building permit is not required, state examination and state construction supervision are not carried out.
We ask you to bring the position of the Ministry to the attention of state construction supervision authorities.


Indentations must be observed taking into account fire safety standards, depending on the fire hazard class of your facility.

It is better to involve a specialist in the field of fire safety

Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” (as amended and supplemented)

Article 69. Fire distances between buildings, structures and forest areas (forest parks)

1. Fire distances between buildings, structures must ensure that fire does not spread to adjacent buildings and structures. It is allowed to reduce the fire distances specified in tables 12, , , , and appendices to this Federal Law from buildings, structures and technological installations to the adjacent protection objects when using fire barriers provided for in Article 37 of this Federal Law. In this case, the calculated value of fire risk should not exceed the permissible value of fire risk established by Article 93 of this Federal Law.

SP 4.13130.2013. General fire safety requirements

Your colleagues indicated the sanction to you. A fine for unauthorized construction if it is recognized that the construction of a hangar requires a building permit.

Another sanction is indicated in the example of judicial practice I cited - a claim for the demolition of an unauthorized building, again when the object is recognized as a permanent structure.

If you have any questions, you can ask them.

Sincerely! G.A. Kuraev

The construction of hangars allows you to solve most of the tasks, without large financial costs (for example, the construction of a frameless hangar does not require large financial investments, you can find out about the cost). Before starting construction work, a natural question remains to be resolved: “When constructing a light building such as a hangar, is it necessary to obtain permission for construction, if so, which one?”

Is it required to obtain a permit for the construction of a hangar under the legislation of the Russian Federation?

Article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that obtaining permits for construction is necessary in cases where it affects other objects existing on the site. If the integrity of surrounding buildings is compromised and there is a threat of collapse and danger to people, then a permit is required. Exceptions are specified there. The same article defines cases when permits are not required. This is if the hangar cannot be classified as a permanent building. Temporary, collapsible, mobile buildings are just like this. In most cases, these are awnings, kiosks, etc.

When is a permit required to build a hangar?

The legislation evaluates objects from the point of view of belonging to real estate. If there is a causal connection with the land on which the structure is erected, then it belongs to the category of real estate. This means permission will be required. The determining factor for establishing communication is the inability to move the object without causing damage.

In fact, the presence of a foundation, its type, the presence of communication lines connected to the object, as well as the presence of utilities are considered:

  • water supply;
  • sewerage;
  • centralized heating;
  • laying a fixed power line.

Based on the above characteristics, it is established that the object belongs to the category of real estate. In this case, permission is required. And if we are building a temporary hangar, is it necessary to obtain a construction permit?

Is it necessary to obtain a building permit if the hangar serves as a temporary technical building?

If the hangar structure is installed as a temporary facility (at a construction site, for agricultural purposes for harvesting, and so on), then permission will not be required even if there are signs of real estate. It is important that the technical documentation indicates the possibility of dismantling the hangar for subsequent installation.

What is required for legal installation of a hangar

Most cases involve permanent installation for production purposes. In this case, it is necessary to obtain permits. Their complete list consists of:

  • documents on ownership or lease of land indicating the intended purpose - development;
  • design documentation for the hangar;
  • economic feasibility study for construction;
  • project indicating the location and area occupied by the hangar;
  • statement from the owner of the structure being constructed.

The authorities that issue permits are city and regional councils. The above documents are submitted there. Next comes coordination. If no legitimate reasons or grounds for refusal are identified, permission will be issued.

Can they refuse?

The answer is yes, yes they can. A legal right is granted if there are objective reasons, and the construction of a structure contradicts the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

There are many reasons for refusal. The most common problems encountered are:

  1. The construction of a hangar by its appearance and location violates the architecture and landscape of the surrounding area, thereby disfiguring the city within its borders.
  2. The design documentation does not provide for sufficient safety in environmental issues, sanitary standards, fire safety, and so on.
  3. Inability to carry out construction due to the presence of poor soils (quicksands, subsidence, etc.), as well as when the depth of groundwater does not allow it.
  4. Other reasons.

What to do if permission to build a hangar has not been issued

The legislation does not oblige government agencies to indicate the reasons for making such a decision. But the developer must be offered an alternative option. These could be:

  • making changes to engineering and technical documentation in order to finalize the requirements specified by the government agency to full compliance with fire safety, sanitary standards, and so on;
  • reducing the overall dimensions of the hangar in length or height;
  • reducing the weight of the structure by installing a less powerful foundation and eliminating large dimensions.

When the refusal is unmotivated and no alternative proposal has been received, it is necessary to immediately file a claim in court. Such cases are considered by regional arbitration courts.

Settle all issues with regulatory authorities for our clients. By taking on all the hassle associated with town planning and other bureaucratic organizations, we help save you time, money and nerves. Our managers and lawyers will quickly and efficiently prepare all documents, and we will be able to quickly move from the preparatory stage to construction. By purchasing a hangar from our company, you will receive a high-quality and reliable structure, and we will take care of all the worries!

If you have a need to build a hangar, regardless of its purpose, be it a warehouse, granary, car service center or workshop, you need to understand whether a permit for its construction will be required and what documents will be needed. It is better to familiarize yourself with the legal requirements in advance and prepare the relevant documents in order to avoid huge fines and orders to dismantle the structure.

According to Article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a construction permit is required if your hangar is recognized as real estate. Legislation defines “real estate” as objects that are firmly connected to the land, or objects whose movement without disproportionate damage to their purpose is impossible. If your hangar is a temporary or auxiliary structure, then a permit is not required.

In addition, the characteristics inherent to real estate and associated with continuity with the ground include such characteristic features as the presence of a foundation and the impossibility of separating an object from the foundation without causing significant damage to it, the presence of various communications in it: gas, electricity, water and etc.

To avoid bureaucratic delays, many try to register the building as movable property (temporary or auxiliary). The line is very thin. Judicial practice shows that hangars made of metal structures, including frameless hangars, can be classified as both movable and immovable property.

It should also be noted that it is important not to make a mistake when assigning a property to one or another of these categories, since such an error may subsequently lead to the fact that the lack of the need to obtain permission for the construction of a hangar is fraught with the impossibility of making purchase and sale transactions with such an object. its demolition as an unauthorized construction and within the framework of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In most cases, in order to classify a hangar as movable property and eliminate the need to obtain a construction permit, correctly drawn up design documentation is sufficient. Prefabricated hangars with bolted joints are considered temporary structures and do not require permits. A design office can tell you more accurately whether your future hangar will be a permanent building.

It is also necessary to take into account that the construction of hangars exceeding 1500 sq.m. will require a state examination.

Documents required for the construction of a hangar:

If your hangar requires a permit, then, regardless of the subject of the Russian Federation, you need to prepare the following documents:
-technical conditions that make it possible to justify the feasibility of erecting a structure;
-a certificate confirming that the land plot is owned or a land lease agreement;
-project documentation (KM, KZh, AR);
- application from a company or individual who is a developer.

The issuance of a permit for the construction of a hangar is issued only after the approval of the completed design documents.

Reasons for refusal to obtain permission to build a hangar

You must be prepared for the possibility that your permit may be denied. There can be many reasons for this, the most common are:
- violation of the architectural ensemble of the area;
- the structure does not comply with sanitary standards, fire safety, environmental standards, etc.;
- high groundwater level, soil instability, etc.

Typically, the government service responsible for issuing such permits offers the developer alternative options and areas for the construction of a hangar. In addition, it is proposed to change the technical and operational characteristics of the future structure (for example, reduce the length or height of the structure, use a different type of foundation, etc.). If the developer was refused permission without explanation, or he considers these reasons to be unfounded, then he has the right to file an application in court.

From all of the above, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion: if you do not want to bother with the design of your future hangar, choose a project with an area of ​​less than 1500 sq.m. made of lightweight metal structures with bolted connections and does not require a permanent foundation. These can be either arched or straight-walled hangars with an awning covering or sheathed with corrugated sheets. Pay close attention to the design documentation, which should indicate that the hangar has a prefabricated structure. Or, as an option, use pneumatic hangars (inflatable). In a number of cases, it is possible to design small frameless hangars as temporary structures.

Granting a permit allowing the construction of a hangar is possible only after the completion of the approval procedure for the completed set of design documentation. The commissioning of a building into operational mode is also preceded by a number of additional approval procedures from authorized authorities.

Coordinating the construction of a hangar planned for construction is a rather lengthy undertaking, since the initiator of the work will have to take part in a huge number of bureaucratic delays. Most people who have not previously encountered such procedures perceive coordination as a difficult and illogical phenomenon. None of the approval stages is complete without communication with representatives of regulatory authorities.

Unscrupulous contractors try in every possible way to shift the burden of approval onto the customer himself, thereby creating additional difficulties for him.

Features of design coordination

For all objects located on the territory of our country, uniform standards have been adopted for the implementation of events by agreement. Subjects can only slightly expand the list of documentation that is required by the authorized body to consider the problem on its merits. In the standard case, the set of papers required to be provided includes:

  • Specifications that allow you to justify the feasibility of erecting a building in a specified location;
  • title documentation in the name of the applicant;
  • a set of project files;
  • application from the developer, duly completed.

If the area of ​​the future structure is less than 1500 sq.m., then there is no need to organize a state examination.

The enterprise is the owner of a certain territory on which the management plans to build a new metal hangar for storing product units prepared for sale. The hangar must have a collapsible design. In such a situation, is a permit required to begin construction activities?

Russian legislative norms in the urban planning sector indicate the need to consider a construction permit as a form reflecting full compliance of the content of the design documentation with current standards. The presence of the appropriate form indicates the legality of construction activities or procedures organized by the developer for the reconstruction of a capital structure, or the organization of major repairs of buildings. Exceptions are provided only for individual cases.

Also, legislative norms indicate an urgent need for the developer to obtain a permit form when the repair and construction procedures planned by him may affect the reliability of the building, the safety of people nearby, and the durability of the structure.

In what cases does the issuance completely lose its relevance? We are talking about situations where the structure belongs to real estate, or its existence is temporary.

In Article 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation the concept of real estate and movable property is given, from which applicants can base their further actions. Any structure that has a close relationship with the territory located underneath it can be classified as real estate. This concept also applies to the entire list of objects, the movement of which without causing disproportionate damage to their purpose is impossible. For such buildings, the provision of a building permit is a mandatory step. Its organization must take place in accordance with current Russian urban planning standards.

Courts follow a similar approach when determining whether a particular building belongs to the category of movable or immovable property. Representatives of judicial authorities are especially careful to check whether a building has the characteristic features of a permanent or temporary structure. The court has sufficient jurisdiction to determine the physical and legal relationship of a building with the territory it occupies.

Most cases from judicial practice allow us to draw an unambiguous conclusion that metal hangars should be considered as real estate. The judges are based on the presence of the characteristic features of a permanent construction:

  • arrangement on a strip foundation with a concrete floor and metal openings;
  • the presence of walls, ceilings and roofs made of galvanized metal sheets;
  • availability of a technical passport indicating the possibility of organizing electric lighting.

To correctly answer the question, the characteristics of real estate are subjected to a comprehensive study. This allows you to identify:

  • the presence or absence of a close relationship between the building and the ground located underneath it;
  • the intended purpose of the future hangar;
  • the presence or absence of a foundation for the building, whether the foundation belongs to a certain type;
  • the presence of main walls and ceilings;
  • presence of communication inputs.

In addition to the above parameters, other technical characteristics of the structure intended to be created are analyzed. A large-scale approach to the issue of auditing a building makes it possible to obtain an adequate answer to the question posed.