Methodological developments on electrical safety for industrial enterprises. Class hour on the topic "electrical safety". Game: “What can be dangerous”

Lesson on electrical safety

in 1st grade B

"In the world of electricity"

During the classes

I.Organizing time

Teacher's opening speech.

Guys, listen carefully to the riddle and guess it:

I run along the paths

I can’t live without paths.

Where am I, guys, no?

The lights in the house won't come on. ( electricity)

Do you think humans need electric current? Yes.

What benefits does electricity bring to humans? Refrigerators, washing machines, kettles, computers, televisions, and trolleybuses run on electricity.

Without electricity, doctors, accountants, teachers, installers, and trolleybus drivers will not be able to work. Because many devices needed by humans run on electricity. Without electric current, a dentist will not be able to treat a tooth, a trolleybus driver will not be able to transport passengers, and an assembler will not be able to turn a part on a machine.

Conclusion:But every person must remember - electric current is needed, but it is not safe for life.

(Knock on the door. Forest animals enter the classroom: a hare and a fox)

Hare: Oh, trouble, oh, trouble

Help us friends!

Teacher: What's happened? What's happened?

Scene (the squirrel strokes the ribbons)

Fox: Squirrel Anyuta stroked the ribbon

And I saw my friends through the window,

And I completely forgot about the iron.

Hare: This is no joke!

That's what three minutes means,

There is no tape, there is a fuss all around,

There was almost a fire.

Teacher: Guys, why did the squirrel almost start a fire?

(Children's answers). The squirrel threw the turned-on iron on the ribbon.

Teacher: How to be? What should we do?

How to help the animals?

Teacher: I know one secret.

So that there are no more troubles,

We will invite all animals

Get to class quickly.

The forest dwellers come by and sit down with the guys.

II . Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

The topic of our lesson is “In the world of electricity.”

Game: “What can be dangerous”

Now we are going to play a game. I will name objects, and if you hear something dangerous, raise your hand.

(electric stove, book, electrical outlet, soccer ball, washing machine, table, plate, vacuum cleaner, iron)

III. Learning new material A

Today we will talk about electric current and the rules for using electrical appliances.

Teacher: Guys, what do you know about electric current? Where is he located?

(Children's answers) In the wires of the TV, refrigerator, computer, sockets.

Teacher: Electricity is also “pipes”, only through them energy flows into our house. And just as water finds a hole in a pipe and an accident occurs, electricity also becomes dangerous if the wires are faulty.

A person may accidentally touch a wire with their bare hand and receive an electric shock. The wires may become connected and cause a short circuit (the lights go out), or even a fire may occur. Therefore, if you see a bare wire, faulty switch or socket, you should immediately tell an adult about it!

The history of electricity dates back to 550 BC.

The phenomena now called electrical were first noticed in ancient China, India, and later in ancient Greece.

Surviving legends say that ancient Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus already knew the properties of amber rubbed with fur or wool, attract scraps of paper, fluff and other light bodies.

And I think, more than once, you have observed that a fountain pen or a comb rubbed on your hair attracts pieces of paper.

Let's do this experience with you. You have fountain pens and small pieces of paper on your desk. They took the pens, rubbed them on their hair and brought them to the pieces of paper. What are you observing? Yes, pieces of paper are attracted to the pen. This phenomenon is called electrification.

But where to our house is the electricity coming? (children's answers)

Electricity comes through wires.

Teacher: Electricity enters the house through wires, and it comes to the wires from power plants.

The very first power plants were wind power plants. (slide 2-3)" width="250" height="178 src=">

Then they began to build solar power plants. (slide 5)" width="214" height="141 src="> and nuclear power plants

III.Physical education minute.

Tili - boom! Tili - boom!

The cat's house is on fire!

The cat's house caught fire

There's a column of smoke coming out!

A chicken runs with a bucket

Flood the cat's house

And the horse with the lantern,

And the dog with the broom.

Once! Once! Once! Once!

And the fire went out!

IV.Continuation of work on new material.

Teacher: Guys, what should every person know to prevent such a disaster as a cat’s from happening? (children's answers)

What safety rules for electrical appliances do you know?

(children's answers)

VPracticing the rules for safe handling of electrical appliances

Now we will solve riddles and explain in what cases things can be dangerous.

1. There is a button on the head,

There is a sieve in the nose,

One hand

Yes, and the one on the back. (Kettle.)

- When Is the kettle dangerous?

(When the electric kettle is turned on,without pouring pour water into it, plug a plug into a faulty socket, touch a working electric kettle with wet hands; they forget to turn off an ordinary kettle after it has boiledwater, etc.)

2. The steamer is coming -

Back and forth

And behind him there is such a smooth surface -

Not a wrinkle to be seen ( Iron.)

In what cases do people take risks when using this necessary device?

(An electric iron is left on unattended, handled with wet hands, etc.)

3. Masha got her jacket dirty.

But I didn’t wash it by hand.

There is a special car -

He does laundry for us from the heart. (Washing machine.)

Guys, when does this irreplaceable thing for any housewife become dangerous for children? (When it is turned on without the permission of the parents, they take the electrical plug with wet hands, open the lid during operation, etc.)

Well done! And remember: you can’t stick your hand into the washing machine while it’s running, trying to pull something out of it. The hand can be pulled in and crippled. On most modern models, the hatch is blocked during operation, but if not, be vigilant yourself.

4. This is the house, one window.

Every day there is a movie in the window. (TV.)

(Children and teacher discuss rules for using TV.)

-Summary: So, all these things belong to the group of dangerous things - electrical devices. They pose a threat for two reasons:

Firstly, these items can cause a fire.

Secondly, an electric current passes through them, which can shock.

Teacher: Let us summarize our statements. What are the basic safety rules with electrical appliances:

VI.Work with proverbs about dangerous situations.

It’s not for nothing that people have put together such proverbs:

"Fear is half of salvation"

"Beware of troubles while they're gone"

How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs?

(Student answers: you need to be careful, know and follow the rules of safe behavior so as not to get into difficult situations)

VII. View the presentation “Electrical Safety Rules”

at home and on the street »

Presentation. Rules for handling electrical appliances.

1. First rule (slide)

Never enter transformer substations.


2. Second rule (slide)

You cannot use electrical appliances in bathrooms, baths, swimming pools and saunas.

3. Third rule

Do not insert the plug into the socket with wet hands.

4. Fourth rule (slide)

Under no circumstances should you approach or touch a bare wire. May cause electric shock.

5. Fifth rule (slide)

When unplugging the plug from the socket, never pull the electrical wire with your hands, as a short circuit may occur.

6. Sixth rule

Never wipe switched-on appliances with a damp cloth.

7. Seventh rule

Do not extinguish fires in electrical appliances with water.

Household appliances" href="/text/category/bitovaya_tehnika/" rel="bookmark">household appliances that run on electric current. And electrical appliances help a person in everyday life. But in order to avoid becoming a victim of fire, you must handle electrical appliances at home correctly, at school, at work. Electric current is a person’s faithful friend and assistant. And we must treat electricity with care and attention. And we have already talked about the dangers of handling electrical appliances.

Student: Everyone knows that an iron is

A kind but serious friend.

Anyone who is familiar with the iron

Doesn't play with the iron.

Student: Who studies science?

So the devices do not include:

Overheated outlet

It lights up often.

Teacher: Very often we plug several electrical appliances into an outlet at once. For example: TV, iron, washing machine, refrigerator, computer. But this cannot be done. Because an overheated outlet can also cause a fire or short circuit.

VI.Summing up the lesson.

Teacher: Well done boys! You did a good job in class today. I think our forest guests learned what electric current is and how dangerous it is to life, where electricity comes from to our house, and became familiar with the rules for safe handling of electrical appliances.

Hare: Oh, trouble, oh, trouble

Help us friends!

Fox: Squirrel Anyuta stroked the ribbon

And I saw my friends through the window,

I was only distracted for three minutes.

And I completely forgot about the iron.

Hare: This is no joke!

That's what three minutes means,

There is no tape, there is a fuss all around,

There was almost a fire.

There's a booth in Sasha's yard

There is a drawing on the door

If you want to be healthy -

Don't go into this booth!

Electricity is useful

Electricity is great

But if you climb onto the pole -

Electricity is dangerous!

If you see - the wire is broken -

Step aside:

After all, electric charge

Dangerous for a child!

Know that the wire is exposed

Not a toy at all

Almost died once

Our neighbor Andryushka!

You can brush your teeth in the bathroom

You can wash your hair

But we are unlikely to be there

Dry your hair with a hairdryer.

Student: We'd be shaking from the cold,

Without him it would be dark.

We didn't know a lot

Well, of course it would be bad.

Student: We wouldn't know about TV

Neither eat nor drink,

We wouldn’t play “Dandy” either,

In general, it would be a bad life.

Student: Everyone knows that an iron is

A kind but serious friend.

Anyone who is familiar with the iron

Doesn't play with the iron.

Student: Who studies science?

So the devices do not include:

Overheated outlet

It lights up often.


Understanding the dangers of electric current

Electrical installations of any voltage pose a danger to human life. Remember: there is no safe current!

Electrical installations are equipment that is used by power engineers to transmit electrical energy, as well as all household appliances that surround us in everyday life.

A person who touches live parts of electrical installations and bare live wires becomes involved in electrical circuit. Under the influence of voltage, an electric current flows through his body, which disrupts the normal functioning of the body, which causes convulsions, breathing stops and the heart stops, and severe burns occur. A person may die or become disabled.

The greater the amount of current flowing through the body, the more dangerous it is!

The higher the voltage the person is under, the greater the current.

Voltage is considered safe 12 volts. Most widely used in industry and agriculture and households received electrical networks with voltage 220 - 380 volts(220 volts - for lighting and household appliances, 380 volts - for three-phase electric motors and other industrial consumers). But this tension is very dangerous for humans.

The largest number of fatal electrical injuries occur with people exposed to voltage of 220 - 380 volts.

The electrical appliances that you use at home and at school, the electrical networks and substations that you pass by in the yard, on the street and in the field, are safe during normal operation. Designers and power engineers took care to prevent accidental contact with live parts.

However, with various damage to the insulation, broken wires, climbing onto supports, entering substations and electrical switchboards, and playing near electrical equipment, a real threat to life arises.

That is why it is so important for everyone to know the rules for handling electrical appliances and other electrical installations, to warn a friend about the danger of pranks near electrical lines and substations, and to be able to protect yourself and other people when damage is detected in the electrical network.

Electricity in everyday life

The rules for handling electrical appliances are not complicated and are easy to remember:

1). You should not replace light bulbs and fuses, repair electrical wiring and household appliances, open the back covers of televisions and radios, install bells, switches and sockets. Let an adult or an electrician do this!

2). Do not use switches, sockets, plugs, bell buttons with broken covers, as well as household appliances with damaged, charred or twisted cords. It is very dangerous!

You should not ignore such facts. Inform adults about damage in a timely manner!

Remember, breaking the covers of switches, bells, plug sockets for the sake of pleasure, damaging electrical wiring, you are thereby committing an offense equal to a crime, since this can lead to the death of people.

3). The danger of electric shock to people is very high in rooms with earthen, cement and concrete floors that conduct electricity well (bathrooms, bathhouses, sheds, garages, basements). Electrical appliances and portable electric lamps should be used in these rooms voltage 12 volts connected through a special step-down transformer. The same voltage should be used for portable devices and lamps used in the garden, vegetable garden and yard.

Some people neglect this and connect household electrical appliances in bathrooms directly to a 220-volt network, use portable electric lamps in garages and basements, install electric stoves in damp rooms and sheds, and such violations lead to dire consequences.


The boy decided to prepare his homework in the evening in the garden. Taking a table lamp connected through a 220-volt extension cord, in which the insulation of the internal wires was damaged, he began to leave the house. In the room, a small electric current apparently passed through his body, which he did not feel, since the dry wooden floor offered a lot of resistance. But as soon as the boy touched the ground, the resistance dropped sharply, the current increased, and the boy was fatally electrocuted.

A 16-year-old young man unauthorizedly installed 220 V wiring into the cellar and, while screwing in the lamp, touched the base with his finger and died.

There are cases of deaths of people who replaced electric lamps and repaired live electrical wiring while standing on heating radiators, water pipes, bathtubs, gas stoves and other well-grounded objects or touching them.


It is prohibited to use electrical appliances and portable electric lamps with a voltage of 220 volts indoors and outdoors in the presence of earthen, cement, concrete and other floors that conduct electricity well, as well as in dry rooms in which it is possible to simultaneously touch an electrical appliance and well-grounded subjects.

4). If, when you touch the body of an electrical appliance, pipes and taps of water supply, gas, heating, bathtub and other metal objects, you feel a “tingling” or “shaking”, this means that this object is energized as a result of some damage to the electrical network . This is a serious danger signal!

In other, worse conditions (for example, standing barefoot on a wet floor), touching the same live object again can result in fatal electrocution.

What needs to be done in these cases:

Immediately disconnect the damaged electrical appliance from the network;

If voltage appears on the pipes, bathtub, etc., immediately turn off the power supply using circuit breakers or unscrewing the fuses at the electric meter;

Warn others about the danger and immediately report the incident to an adult!


While crossing with the rod raised up under the overhead line, the rod touched the wire and an 18-year-old boy died.

A 6-year-old boy died from an electrical injury he received after touching a wire on the roof of a one-story house where he was playing with friends.

3). The greatest danger is posed by overhead wires located in the crown of trees or bushes or close to them. Do not touch or swing such trees, especially in wet weather! They serve as a conductor of electric current.


A 7-year-old boy, playing in the courtyard of a house, climbed a tall birch tree and, swinging on the branches, approached the wires of a 10-kilovolt line and was electrocuted.

4). Games near overhead power lines and transformer substations, and often the mischief and recklessness of individual children, lead to sad consequences.


The boys, out of mischief, threw a thin wire over one of the wires of an overhead power line and died from electric shock.

5). It is important to know that you can get under voltage without touching live parts, but only by approaching them. An electric arc will occur in the air gap between the electrical installation and the human body and cause burns incompatible with life.


The teenager climbed onto a metal support of a 110 kilovolt overhead line to scare away a pigeon with a stick. As he approached the wire, he was fatally electrocuted.

A 5th grader, who was playing with his peers next to an electrical installation, despite warning posters, climbed up the cell doors onto the roof of the electrical installation, approached live parts and was electrocuted.

A 14-year-old teenager broke the ventilation grille of a transformer substation and climbed into it to steal non-ferrous metal. Having accidentally touched live parts, he became energized and died.

Two boys from the embankment climbed onto the roof of the transformer substation to play. We approached high-voltage wires and received an electric shock. One of them remained disabled.

- play near overhead power lines and substations;

- make throws on the wires of overhead lines and fly a “kite” near them;

- climb onto overhead line supports, attach ladders and other objects to them;

- penetrate behind the fence, inside or onto the roof of substations, open the doors of electrical panels;

- climb onto the roofs of houses and buildings, as well as trees, if there are power lines nearby.

6). In the summer, while hiking, it is dangerous to stop to rest near overhead power lines or substations.


The family was relaxing on the river bank, pitching a tent in a cozy corner under the overhead power lines. A gust of wind caused a tree to fall on the wires, breaking the wire, and it fell to the ground near a 15-year-old girl who was sunbathing near the tent at the time. The girl was fatally electrocuted. Her mother, trying to help, approached her daughter’s body and also died.



Guys, don’t upset your parents with your rash actions! Stop, warn your comrade from dangerous pranks near power facilities! This will save his life!

If you detect broken wires, sparks, damage to supports, insulators, unclosed or damaged doors of transformer substations or electrical panels, or torn signs and posters on electrical safety, in order to avoid accidents, you must immediately notify adults and the Distribution Zone.

Sometimes it seems that trouble can happen to anyone, but not to us. This is a misleading impression!

Be careful guys! Take care of your life and the lives of your friends

Electrical safety lesson for high school


Guys! You know well the important role electricity plays in the national economy, everyday life and study. It gives us light, warmth, and sets in motion various mechanisms that facilitate human work. Electricity has taken such a strong place in our lives that now it is simply impossible to do without it. She is our irreplaceable assistant. But, while providing great help to people, electricity is fraught with mortal danger for those who do not know or neglect the rules of electrical safety, do not know how to handle household appliances, and violate the rules of behavior near power facilities.

Electrical safety lesson in elementary school

Target: teach children safe behavior at home

Lesson objectives.

Educational : 1. Open the question: what is electric current

2. Formulate ways to solve the problem of saving electricity.

Educational: 1. Promote development creativity students, the ability to work with scientific information, analyze, compare, and express their point of view.

Educational: 1. Form a positive attitude towards the problem of saving energy costs, a sense of responsibility when operating electrical appliances.

Tasks : Introduce children to electric current and its use in everyday life;

Teach careful handling of electricity to prevent injury;

Introduce electrical safety rules;

Foster a careful attitude towards electricity;

Equipment: rubber balls, pieces of woolen fabric according to the number of children, posters with electrical safety signs.

Problem: Each of us is a consumer of electricity. Can we contribute to solving the problem? Is it possible to reduce energy consumption without reducing comfort? What safety precautions must be observed when operating electrical appliances?

Teacher: Hello guys! Today we have an unusual lesson, and try to guess what we will talk about after listening to the poem.

My grandfather is a big fan of fables.

Tells me about this and that

And so that the meaning is always clear,

I read about everything myself.

Once upon a time it was time

The food was cooked by the fire,

As soon as the sun rises,

Lights out - when darkness comes.

But times have changed

And life of miracles is now full.

We can turn on the computer

And call a distant city,

Catch the movement of the waves,

Treat people in a new way,

Do not heat stoves with wood,

Surprise with a new fireplace,

And warm and feed,

What you need is bright lighting.

After all, electricity is our friend.

But you have to be smart so that suddenly.

Didn't turn into an enemy.

Didn't take a step to harm.

The moral of this story is:

The head must work.

And you have to do everything wisely

So as not to shed tears later.


So, what are we going to talk about today? Presentation No. 1 (slide No. 1)

(children's answers ) That's right, about electric current. Do you know what it is and where electric current comes from? (children's answers ) and now we will conduct an experiment.

Experiment with a balloon and fabric. When you rub objects on fabric, they receive energy, so they begin to attract lighter objects. By rubbing balls on woolen fabric, we saw that small, small pieces of paper) objects are attracted to the ball.

This happens because the ball has received energy, in other words, it has become electrified.

There is safe electricity, but in the case of balls there is dangerous electricity that travels through wires.

Please give examples of electrical appliances that people use.

(children's answers)


The ability of rubbed bodies to attract light objects was first discovered by ancient Greek weavers. They noticed that individual machine parts made of amber, when rubbed against wool, attracted fluff, dust particles, straws and other light objects. This property was attributed only to amber. from the name of which the word “electricity” comes, which comes from the Greek word for “electron” - amber.


We are twin sisters

They call us particles.

We come to your aid,

When they give us a charge.

We run along thin and thick wires,

And at the right time we get to you.

Which sisters are we talking about?

What are their names?

And their name is the smallest charged particles. (slide No. 2)

Electricity is a flow of tiny charged particles - electrons. Each electron carries a small charge of energy. When these electrons accumulate in large numbers, electrical voltage occurs.

Do you think electricity gets into our house?

(children's answers)

Correctly by wire. (slide No. 3)

Just as water flows through a hose, electricity enters our home through wires. And it comes to the wires from power plants, and the very first power plants were wind power plants (slide No. 4)

What do you think is the significance of electric current for us?

(children's answers)

Tell me, is there a profession in the world that could do without electric current?

Who invented electricity?

(slide No. 5)

How did the first light bulb appear?

First, in ancient times, an oil lamp appeared - a clay or metal teapot with oil, through the spout of which a wick was passed (slide No. 6)

The lamp smoked for many centuries, then in the mid-19th century kerosene was obtained from oil, and the kerosene lamp appeared (slide No. 7)

At the same time they invented and mastered gas and came to our house gas-burners(slide No. 8)

Now guess the riddles (riddles about the light bulb)

She looks like a pear on the outside

Whist idle during the day.

And at night it lights up the house.

Brought to the ceiling

Amazing lace.

Screw the bottle on -

The fire has come on!

A pear hangs from the ceiling.

And don’t even think about eating a pear,

Shine like the sun

If you drop it, it will break!


The lamp will burn for a day

He'll burn a hundred kilos of coal!

If she shines in vain,

Where are the savings in raw materials?

Who invented the light bulb?

(slide No. 9 photo by Thomas Edison)

Guys, what do you think, is it possible to save electricity?

(children's answers)

But as?

(children's answers)

(slide No. 10 “Rules of thrifty and thrifty guys)

(slide No. 11)

(slide No. 12)

(slide No. 13)

(slide No. 14)

(slide No. 15)

(slide No. 16)

(slide No. 17)

(slide No. 18)

(slide No. 19)

TOK comes in

Hello, friends! I'll tell you a riddle. and you can guess who I am.

I'm running along the path

I can’t live without a path

Where am I guys not?

The lights won't come on in the house! (children's answers)

CURRENT: That's right, my name is electric current. What do you know about me (children’s answers)

TOK: That's right guys. Now I will ask riddles, and you will guess them. For each correct answer, I will give you a token; the one who collects the most tokens will be awarded the title of chief electrician.

*Beware of dust and debris

I'll deal with you quickly!

And don't hide in the corners,

I’ll still find you there! (slide No. 20) (vacuum cleaner)

*This device is perfect

Heats water instantly.

All you have to do is turn it on

Soon we can drink tea! (slide No. 21) (teapot)

*The whole universe lives in it

And the thing is extraordinary (slide No. 22) (TV)

*I'll turn the magic circle

And my friend will hear me! (slide No. 23) (phone)

*In the summer, our dad brought

There's frost in the white box

And now the frost is gray

Homes in summer and winter.

Protects food

Meat, fish, fruit (slide No. 24) (refrigerator)

*to distant villages and towns

Who's going through the cities?

Light Majesty-



Well done guys! Let's count the tokens earned (awarding the winner with a ribbon)

TOK: now let's play a game. I will name the object, and if it is electric, you sit, and if it is not electric, you get up (TV, plate, light bulb, tree, airplane, chair, refrigerator, fork, iron, etc.)

TOK: Well done guys! I am sure that you have learned what electric current is, I can calmly leave you and go to other guys! Goodbye!

Presenter: Electricity helps us a lot. but he demands respect for himself: he wants to be treated as he should be. (presentation No. 2 “Electrical safety rules”)


Guys. Don't upset your parents with your rash actions! Warn your comrades against dangerous pranks near electrical objects! This will save his life!

GBOU "School" No. 609

Zelenograd district of Moscow

Class hour

on the topic: "Electrical safety"


Teacher of school No. 609

Shalnova Lyudmila Vasilievna

Class hour

Topic: "Electrical safety"

Goals: to teach schoolchildren to see the danger when using electricity, to teach how to use household appliances at home; warning child injury,preventing electric shock; fostering a caring attitude towards one’s own health and the health of others.

1. Organizational moment.

2.Opening speech by the teacher.

We all love to enjoy life, enjoy childhood, communicate with friends, walk and play hide and seek in the yards, catch up, draw with chalk on the asphalt, on paper. There are actually so many priceless things in this happy time of childhood! But let's remain reasonable. Let us pay attention to compliance with safety rules that cannot be neglected in life.

Modern life is unthinkable without electricity. Electricity surrounds us everywhere: at home, on the street, in schools and kindergartens. We don't think about the fact that this can be very dangerous. We are so accustomed to the safety and reliability of electrical appliances that when we insert a plug from an iron or tape recorder into a socket, we do not think about the sad statistics.

3.What can happen if an electrical appliance or outlet malfunctions?

Students' reasoning.

4.What is a transformer and where can it be found?

Students' reasoning.

5.Teacher's explanations.

A transformer - it hums, the wires dangle, and what flows through them is called current.

Probably many people asked their parents, what kind of house is this in our yard? So, this seemingly harmless-looking house is not a house at all, but an entire transformer substation. About what this substation is needed for, how useful it is, but at the same timeVERY DANGEROUS , we'll talk.

What exactly is a transformer substation?Transformer substation – this is power equipment designed to increase or decrease voltages in an electrical circuit and for the distribution of electricity. It is with the help of this equipment that electricity enters our homes, and life becomes brighter and more interesting.

But, on the other hand, a transformer substation does not need to be played next to such objects! Imagine, if you can get serious injuries even from a simple socket or light bulb, then what kind of injury can you get in a transformer substation, which is under very high voltage.

6.Rules that all children should know.


If you see a transformer substation with an open door, never go inside, as penetration into such power facilities can end in disaster. Immediately inform an adult about the open door!

Always pay attention to danger signs!

9 commandments for you and your parents:

how to avoid electric shock


Never enter transformer substations, IT IS VERY DANGEROUS TO LIFE!


Before turning on an unfamiliar electrical appliance, take the time to carefully read the instructions (this will not only help you master the new product faster, but will also save you and those around you from very serious problems).


You should not use electrical appliances in bathrooms, baths, swimming pools and saunas (an electric wire in water is like the bite of a hundred angry cobras)


Do not insert the plug into the socket with wet hands.


Unplug the plug from the socket, never pull the electrical cord with your hands, as a short circuit may occur.


Under no circumstances should you approach or touch a bare wire. May cause electric shock.


Never wipe electrical appliances while they are on with a damp cloth.


Do not extinguish fires in electrical appliances with water.


In case of fire of electrical appliances, call the fire department “01”.

7.Questions after the conversation

    Where can we find electricity?

    What is a transformer substation?

    Why is a transformer substation useful, but very dangerous?

    What should you do if the door to the transformer substation is open?

    What should be shown on a hazard warning sign?

8.Results of the class hour.

Try to list all 9 commandments “HOW TO AVOID ELECTRIC SHOCK” from memory.

In front of you guidelines for an extra-curricular hour on the topic “Electrical safety”, which will help convey to children information about the dangers of electric current. You can view them on this page, or download them in PDF format (4.7 Mb)

Energy workers of IDGC of Urals call for vigilance and compliance with the rules of safe behavior when interacting with electricity. This is especially true for children and teenagers. In order to protect children from unwanted effects of electric current, we adults are obliged to constantly teach children the basics of life safety. It’s so SCARY when the cause of a tragic accident is five minutes that we did not devote to our children.

Among children different ages, cases of electrical injuries are distributed unevenly; children of primary school age are more exposed to electric current.

Particular attention must be paid to interaction with this particular age category and more closely organized work with parents.

Data guidelines developed by IDGC of Urals specialists for life safety teachers and class teachers educational institutions, staff of children's recreation camps. They present the basic rules of behavior with electricity at home and on the street for conducting an extra-curricular hour “Electrical Safety”.

You can download

Plan for extracurricular hours on the topic “Electrical safety”


Dear Guys! You know well the important role electricity plays in everyday life and study. It gives us light, warmth, and sets in motion various mechanisms that facilitate human work.

Electricity has taken such a strong place in our lives that now it is simply impossible to do without it. She is our irreplaceable assistant. But, while providing great help to people, electricity is fraught with a mortal danger for those who do not know or neglect the rules of electrical safety, do not know how to handle household appliances, and violate the rules of conduct near power facilities.

Understanding the dangers of electric current

Electrical installations of any voltage pose a danger to human life. Remember: there is no safe electric current!

Electrical installations are equipment that is used by power engineers, as well as all household electrical appliances that surround us in everyday life.

A person touching live parts of electrical installations and bare live wires becomes connected to an electrical circuit. Under the influence of voltage, an electric current flows through his body, which disrupts the normal functioning of the body, which causes convulsions, breathing stops and the heart stops. When certain parts of the body overheat, severe burns occur. A person dies or becomes disabled.

The greater the amount of current flowing through the body, the more dangerous it is!

The higher the voltage the person is under, the greater the current.

A voltage of 12 volts is considered safe. Electrical networks with a voltage of 220 and 380 volts (220 volts for lighting and household appliances, 380 volts for three-phase electric motors of machines and mechanisms) are most widespread in industry, agriculture and everyday life. This voltage is economically beneficial, but very dangerous for humans.

The greatest number of fatal accidents occurs with people exposed to voltage of 220 and 380 volts.

The electrical appliances that you use at home and at school, the electrical networks and substations that you pass by in the yard, on the street and in the field, are safe during normal operation. The power engineers took care to prevent accidental contact with live parts. All electrical installations are fenced, have warning signs and safety posters and are locked.

However, with various damage to insulation, broken wires, climbing onto supports, penetration into substations and electrical panels, a real threat to life arises.

That is why it is so important for everyone to know the rules for handling electrical appliances and electrical wiring, to warn a friend in time against dangerous pranks near electrical lines and substations, and to be able to protect yourself and other people when damage to the network is detected.

The effect of electric current on the body

The danger of electric current lies in the fact that a person does not have special senses to detect electric current at a distance. Electric current is odorless, colorless and silent. It is impossible without special instruments to feel whether a given part of an electrical installation is energized or not. This leads to the fact that people often do not realize the real danger and do not take the necessary protective measures.

The path traveled by the current in the human body is of great importance in the outcome of the injury. The damage will be more severe if the heart, chest, brain and spinal cord are in the path of the current. The most dangerous paths for current passing through a person are: arm-legs, arm-arm.

The immediate causes of death in a person struck by electric current are cessation of cardiac function, respiratory arrest due to paralysis of the chest muscles, and electric shock. The most unfavorable outcome of electric shock to a person will be in cases where contact with wet hands occurs on electrical appliances or electrical wires in a damp or hot room.

Electrical injury can occur in the following forms:

  • stopping the heart or breathing when an electrical current passes through the body
  • electrical burn
  • mechanical injury due to muscle contraction under the influence of current
  • electric arc blinding

Death usually occurs due to cardiac or respiratory arrest, or both. Under the influence of electric current, the muscles of the body contract. If a person grasps a live part of the equipment, he or she may not be able to free himself without assistance. Moreover, he may be drawn to a dangerous place. Under the influence alternating current the muscles periodically contract at the same frequency as the current, but the pause between contractions is not sufficient to allow release.

Damage from electric current is determined by the strength of the current and the duration of its effect. The lower the resistance human body, the higher the current. Resistance decreases under the influence of the following factors:

  • high voltage
  • skin moisture
  • long exposure time
  • increase in carbon dioxide content in the air
  • high air temperature
  • carelessness, mental and psychological unpreparedness for a possible electric shock

The central nervous system suffers most from the action of electric current. Due to its damage, breathing and cardiac activity are impaired. Areas of the body with the least resistance (i.e. more vulnerable):

  • lateral surfaces of the neck, temples
  • back of the hand, the surface of the palm between the thumb and index finger
  • hand in the area above the hand
  • shoulder, back
  • front of leg

Electrical burns are much more difficult to heal than conventional thermal burns. Some consequences of electrical injury may appear after several hours, days, or months. The victim must live in a “gentle” mode for a long time and be under the supervision of specialists.

Rules for dealing with electricity at home

The rules for handling electrical appliances are not complicated and are easy to remember:

    IT IS FORBIDDEN use electrical appliances without adult permission.

    YOU SHOULD NOT independently replace light bulbs and fuses, repair electrical wiring and household appliances, open the back covers of televisions and radios, install bells, switches and plug sockets. Let an adult or an electrician do this!

    IT IS FORBIDDEN use switches, sockets, plugs, bell buttons with broken covers, as well as household appliances with damaged, charred or twisted cords. IT IS VERY DANGEROUS! YOU SHOULD NOT ignore such facts. Inform adults about damage in a timely manner! REMEMBER, by breaking the covers of switches, bells, plug sockets out of mischief, or damaging electrical wiring, you are thereby committing an offense equal to a crime, since this can lead to the death of people.

    IT IS FORBIDDEN use faulty electrical appliances. If there is a smell of burnt rubber coming from your TV, refrigerator or vacuum cleaner, or if sparks are visible, you should immediately unplug the device and tell an adult about the faulty device.

    IT IS FORBIDDEN repair and disassemble electrical appliances yourself.

    Turning off the electrical appliance, IT IS FORBIDDEN pull the cord. You need to grasp the plug and smoothly remove it from the socket.

    IT IS FORBIDDEN play with electrical sockets. If you see a faulty socket, switch, exposed wire, nothing NOT touch it and immediately tell an adult about it!

    REMEMBER, electricity does not tolerate proximity to water. To avoid getting an electric shock, IT IS FORBIDDEN touch switched on electrical appliances with wet hands or wipe electrical appliances with a damp cloth.

Rules of conduct near power facilities

Energy facilities are air and cable lines power transmission, substations, transformer substations, distribution points.

Overhead power lines with voltages of 35, 110 kilovolts and higher are responsible for power supply to cities and towns. Overhead and cable power lines with voltages of 6 and 10 kilovolts are responsible for power supply within cities and towns, as well as rural settlements. Power lines with a voltage of 380 volts provide electricity to multi-apartment residential buildings, and 220 volts to individual apartments.

Substations and high-voltage power lines are divided by voltage classes: 35 and 110 kilovolts and higher, and transformer substations with a voltage of 6 - 10 kilovolts - these are exactly those transformer booths.

Substations are designed to reduce voltage in the alternating current network and to distribute electricity. Transformer substations are located in every locality and, due to their ubiquity, pose a particular danger to the population!

All energy facilities pose a real danger to life!

Remember simple rules:

    In no case IT IS FORBIDDEN touch broken wires hanging or lying on the ground or even approach them. An electric shock can occur even a few meters from the wire due to the step voltage. Therefore, let's agree: consider any wire or electrical appliance to be energized! Even if two dozen people touched it before you. What if at exactly the same time, when you took it in your hands, someone a few meters away from you turned on the switch! If, nevertheless, a person finds himself in the “step voltage” zone, one should not tear the soles off the surface of the earth. You should move away from the wire in a “goose step” - the heel of the walking leg, without leaving the ground, is placed against the toe of the other leg. Remember, if you see a broken wire lying on the ground, under no circumstances approach it at a distance closer than 8 meters.

    DEADLY climb onto the supports of high-voltage power lines, play under them, make fires, break insulators on the supports, throw wires and other objects on the wires, fly kites under the wires.

    If you see a broken wire, open or damaged doors of transformer booths or electrical panels, DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING and tell an adult immediately.

    In no case IT IS FORBIDDEN open stair electrical panels located in the entrances of houses, climb onto the roofs of houses and buildings where electrical wires run nearby, enter transformer booths, switchboards and other electrical rooms, touch electrical equipment and wires with your hands.

    In the summer, while hiking or going fishing, DANGEROUS stop for rest near overhead power lines or substations and fish under power line wires.

Help for an electric shock victim

It must be remembered that a person struck by an electric current can be saved and brought back to life if help is provided correctly and, most importantly, quickly.

Remember! You should not take measures to save the victim yourself. It is better if adults or energy specialists follow this. Call them for help immediately!

A person who is well aware of the Rules for freeing a victim from electric current and providing first aid can provide effective assistance to a victim of electric current.

What actions should an adult take to help?

  • Call an ambulance
  • Assess the situation and, if possible, free the victim from the effects of electric current
  • Provide first aid until the ambulance arrives

Under no circumstances should you touch the victim immediately. He may still be under electrical current. By touching the victim, the person may also be hit. It is necessary to turn off the power source (unscrew the plugs, turn off the switch). If this is not possible, you must move the current source away from yourself and the victim with a dry, non-conductive object (branch, wooden stick).

If it is necessary to pull the victim away from the electrical wire, we must remember that the human body through which the current has passed conducts the current in the same way as the electrical wire. Therefore, you should not touch open parts of the victim’s body with your bare hands; you can only touch dry parts of his clothing, and it is better to wear rubber gloves or wrap your hands in dry silk cloth.

After the electric current ceases, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of signs of life (breathing and pulse in large vessels). In the absence of signs of breathing and pulse, urgent resuscitation measures are necessary: ​​closed heart massage and artificial ventilation (artificial respiration). Inspect exposed areas of the victim's body. Always look for two burns (where electrical current enters and exits). Place a sterile or clean cloth over the burned areas. Do not use a blanket or towel for this purpose - fibers from them may stick to the burned surface. To improve the functioning of the heart, blood flow to it should be increased. To do this, lay the victim so that his chest is slightly lower than his legs.

All victims of electric shock should be hospitalized as quickly as possible.

Electrical Safety Warning Signs

To prevent accidental entry into electrical installations, and thereby prevent electric shock to people, there are special warning signs and posters. They are hung or applied to the supports of overhead power lines of any voltage, the doors of various electrical panels that contain electrical equipment, and on fences enclosing electrical installations. The presence of such signs implies a prohibition for the public to enter electrical installations or climb onto power line supports.

Signs warn people of the danger of electric shock. Neglecting them, much less removing and tearing them down, is unacceptable!

Dear guys!

Do not upset your parents with your rash actions! Stop, warn your comrade from dangerous pranks near power facilities! This will save his life!

If you detect broken wires, sparks, damage to supports, insulators, unclosed or damaged doors of transformer substations or electrical panels, or torn signs and posters on electrical safety, in order to avoid accidents, you must immediately inform an adult or call 112 .

Sometimes it seems that trouble can happen to anyone, but not to us. This is a misleading impression!

Be careful guys! Take care of your life and the lives of your friends!

Test for knowledge of key electrical safety rules

    Where does man meet electricity?

    What are the main causes of electric shock to a person?

    Why is it dangerous to use electrical appliances without adult permission?

    Is it possible to use a TV, kettle, vacuum cleaner if they are faulty?

    What should you do if the contacts in the socket spark and smell burnt?

    Why shouldn't you touch the bare ends of the wire?

    How should you behave on the street to avoid getting an electric shock?

    What should you pay attention to when choosing a place to play? And for fishing?

    What should you do if you see a broken wire on the street?

    How to properly provide first aid to someone injured by electric current?

    What do the warning signs mean?