What country is Gennady Tsyferov from? About the chicken, the sun and the little bear: How the chicken first wrote a fairy tale. Checking homework

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Literary reading lesson in 2nd grade

Prokopyeva N.V., primary school teacher

Lesson topic: G. Tsyferov “How the chicken first composed a fairy tale”; "Scottish Song"

Lesson objectives:

    Learn to observe how writers skillfully and tastefully use words when creating their works.

    Form the foundations of reading activity. To teach adequate, vivid and complete perception of the information offered by the book.

    Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others. Foster an emotionally positive view of the author’s intent.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

The long-awaited call was given.

We are starting the lesson.

Look at each other, smile...

And sit down quietly.

    Checking homework.

- Guys, we have finished working with the section “The Author and His Heroes”.

A crossword puzzle will help you remember the works from this section.

    This hero of the poem by Gleb Yakovlevich Gorbovsky was at first pink, and then became sad and turned gray.

    Once every hundred years, the kindest of all the kindest old people - Santa Claus - on the night before New Year brings exactly this gift. (“Magic colors” Evgeny Andreevich Permyak)

    This hero says to himself: “I’m just pathetic..., and I feel sorry for everyone” (Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferov)

    Nina returned, sat down and cried. ... And it was very heavy on her heart, which was gnawing mercilessly... (Arkady Gaidar “Conscience”)

    Who are these lines about?

Like a small black ball, squealing and barking, she rushed at the big scary dog, protecting her owner. (Vera Vasilievna Chaplina “Mushka”)

III. Learning new material.

1. Statement of the problem. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

What word did you get? Name the topic of the lesson “Words, words, words...”

How do you understand the title of our lesson? What will we learn in class?

Observe how writers skillfully and tastefully use words when creating their works.

2. Getting to know the workG. Tsyferova “How the chicken first composed a fairy tale”

Open the textbook to page 53. Read the title of the work, the author's first and last name.


How can one determine from the covers of these books whether they may contain the work of Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferov “How the Chicken First Made up a Fairy Tale”?

Let’s virtually “open” one of the books and check our assumption.

Slide 2

What book do you think this page is from? (book published in 1962, fifty years ago)

3. Familiarity with the text.

Reading in a chain.

4.Language analysis of the work

Did you like the fairy tale? How?

Guys, remember what we will learn in class? (repeat lesson objective) Let's do some research. Everyone has card number 1 on the table with questions. Work with it, and then we’ll discuss the results you got.

Find the highlighted words in the text.

What one word can replace them?

So, the highlighted words helped to accurately present the picture that Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferov wanted to convey to us.

5. Game “Where, whose house”

Did you like fairy tales about houses? Remember that they wanted houses? Do you want to play them?

6. Creative task

Have you ever made up fairy tales? Who will tell theirs? (1-2 people)

The rest can also try themselves in the role of a storyteller and compose their own fairy tale.

7. Physical exercise

A mischievous chicken lived

I've been turning my head all day:

Turned left, right,

He bent his left leg,

Then he raised the right one

And he stood up on both again.

He began to flap his wings:

Raise and lower

Up, down, up, down!

Turned left, right:

It's good in the world, really!

And then I went for a walk -

I found myself a worm!

8. Getting to know the work"Scottish Song"

- Let's continue to observe how writers skillfully and tastefully use words when creating their works.


Look at the illustration.

What can you say about the nature of this work?

Turn to page 55 and read the title of this work.

This song was invented by the Scots, i.e. residents of Scotland.

How can you find out who translated it into Russian? (according to the content in the textbook).

Irina Petrovna Tokmakova.

9. Getting to know the text

The teacher reads

10. Language analysis of the work

Remind us of the purpose of our lesson. Let's continue to watch the words.

Find and read which words are repeated most often in this song?

What mood do they create?

11. Listening to a song.

Guys, will the music for this song be sad and cheerful?

I suggest listening to the song “Let’s Dance!” performed by Sergei and Tatyana Nikitin.

Who liked this song?

So we've seen how the repetition of words in this piece creates a mood.

12. Working with children's books


Could the books depicted here contain the song that was read? (yes: both books by Tokmakova, they contain poems and songs, in the second book “Scottish Songs”)

VI.Summing up the lesson.

The lesson is coming to an end. What was our goal?

Who thinks we have achieved it?

VII. Homework

P. 55., by heart; notebook p. 62

VIII. Reflection

- Remember your impressions in the lesson and draw a smile for the sun, who was interested and who was satisfied with their work in the lesson; lips down, who were uninterested and bored, and who were dissatisfied with themselves.

Gennady Tsyferov


Who is stronger than whom, who is more terrible than whom - this is what the animals argued about all day yesterday.

At first they thought: the scariest of all, the strongest of all, is the BOASTED SNAIL.

Then they decided: no, the scariest of all, the strongest of all is the BUG-HOCK.

After the stag beetle, the scariest and most powerful of all is the GOAT.

Behind the goat - RAM - BEAT THE DRUM.

Behind the ram with a drum - BULL - POKE WITH HORNS

Behind the bull is RHINO-CRICOSORUS.

And behind the rhinoceros, and behind the rhinoceros, the most terrible of all, the strongest of all, is the TUSKED ELEPHANT.

This is what the animals said to the elephant:

You, elephant, are the strongest! You, elephant, are the scariest!

But the elephant was offended.

Of course,” he nodded, “I’m the strongest.” But am I the worst and the most evil? Not true!

Elephants are kind.

Please, please don't scare anyone with me.

I love all the little ones very much!


Do you know where river steamers live in winter?

They are sad in quiet bays and harbors about a good summer.

And then one day such a steamboat became so sad that it forgot how to whistle.

Summer has come. But the ship still didn’t remember how to sound its whistle. He swam along the shore, met a puppy and asked:

No, said the puppy. - I bark. Do you want me to teach you? BOW-WOW!

What are you, what are you! If I say “WOOF-WOOF!”, all the passengers will run away.

You don't know how to buzz?

No, said the piglet, I can grunt. Do you want me to teach you? ONG ONK!

What are you, what are you?! - the steamboat was scared. - If I say “OONK-OONK!”, all the passengers will laugh.

The puppy and the piglet never taught him to hum. The steamboat began to ask others.

The red colt said: “IGO-GO-GO!” And the green frog - “KVA-KVA-KVA!”

The ship was completely depressed. He buried his nose in the shore and began to sniffle. And suddenly he sees: sitting on a hillock a little boy and is sad.

What happened to you? - asked the steamboat.

“Well,” the boy nodded, “I’m little, and everyone, everyone teaches me.” But I can’t teach anyone.

But if you can’t teach anyone anything, then I don’t need to ask you...

The steamboat blew out a thoughtful cloud of smoke and was about to sail on, when suddenly he heard:


Does something seem to be buzzing? - he said.

Yes,” the boy answered, “when I’m sad, I always play my pipe.”

I think I remembered! - the steamboat was delighted.

What did you remember? - the boy was surprised.

I know how to buzz! Doo-doo-doo! It was you who taught me!

And the sad boy laughed merrily.

And the steamboat roared throughout the entire river:


And all the boys and steamboats on the river answered him:



Oh, how hot it was that day! The heat caused the flowers to wilt and the grass to turn yellow. The little frog thought and thought, took the bucket and went somewhere.

In the meadow he met a cow.

Do you want me to give you some milk? - asked the cow.

In the clearing he met a goat.

Do you want me to give you some milk? - asked the goat.

No, the frog croaked again and went even further.

The little frog walked for a long time, waving a bucket.

And finally, he saw blue mountains. On their tops lived fluffy white clouds.

The frog called the smallest cloud and said to him:

Give me some milk, please!

The cloud did not answer, it just sighed loudly. The little frog looked into the bucket, and there - glug-glug! - milk!

The little frog returned home and said:

And I brought cloud milk!

What kind of cloud milk is this? It's just blue rain. Who will drink it?

“Like who,” answered the frog, “and the flowers are tiny?”

II he watered the flowers and grass with steamed cloud milk. There's still some left for the ant.


Once upon a time there lived a baby elephant.

It was a very good little elephant. The only problem was: he didn’t know what to do, who to be. So the baby elephant sat by the window, sniffling and thinking, thinking...

One day it started to rain outside.

Ooh! - said the wet little fox, seeing a baby elephant in the window. - What a big-eared guy! Yes, with such ears, he could very well be an umbrella!

The baby elephant was happy and became a big umbrella. And foxes, and hares, and hedgehogs - everyone hid under his big ears from the rain.

But then the rain stopped, and the baby elephant became sad again, because he didn’t know who he should be after all. And again he sat down by the window and began to think.

A bunny ran past.

Ooh! What a beautiful long nose! - he said to the baby elephant. - You could very well be a watering can!

The kind little elephant was happy and became a watering can. He watered the flowers, grass, trees. And when there was nothing left to water, he became very sad...

The sun went down and the stars came out. Night has come.

All the hedgehogs, all the foxes, all the bunnies went to bed. Only the baby elephant did not sleep: he kept thinking and thinking, who should he be?

And suddenly he saw fire.

"Fire!" - thought the little elephant. He remembered how he had recently been a watering can, ran to the river, got more water and immediately put out three coals and a burning stump.

The animals woke up, saw the baby elephant, thanked him for putting out the fire, and made him a forest fireman.

The little elephant was very proud.

Now he wears a golden helmet and makes sure that there is no fire in the forest.

Sometimes he allows the little bunny and little fox to launch boats in their helmets.


In the forest, in a forest house, there lived a lonely donkey. He had no friends. And then one day the lonely donkey got very bored.

He was so bored, bored - and suddenly he heard:

Pee-wee, hello! - A little mouse crawled out from under the floor.

“I’m a mouse,” he squeaked again, and then said: “I came because you’re bored.”

And then, of course, they became friends.

The donkey was very pleased. And he said to everyone in the forest:

And I have a friend!

What kind of friend is this? - asked the angry bear cub. - Probably something small?

The lonely donkey thought and said:

No, my friend is a big elephant.

Big elephant? Of course, no one believed him. And so all the animals soon gathered at the donkey’s house. They said:

Well, show us your friend!

The lonely donkey already wanted to say that his friend had gone off to pick mushrooms.

But then the little mouse came out and answered:


Yes, it’s very simple: I took it and composed it. They once told him a fairy tale about a house on chicken legs. He thought and immediately came up with another: a fairy tale about a house on calf's legs. Then about the house on elephant legs. Then about the house on hare legs.

The house on calf's legs, he said, had horns growing on it.

The house had ears growing on hare legs.

The house had a proboscis pipe hanging on elephant legs. And the house on chicken legs had a red comb.

The house on hare legs squealed: “I want to jump!”

The little house on calf's legs mooed: “I want to butt heads!”

The house on elephant legs began to puff: “Pfft!” I want to blow the trumpet!”

And the house on chicken legs sang: “Ku-ka-re-ku! Isn’t it time for you all to sleep!”

Here the lights went out in all the houses. And everyone fell asleep. How the chicken drew. They gave the chicken ten colored pencils. He thought and decided: I’ll draw ten colorful kittens. Then I thought some more and decided: no, it’s better to draw five multi-colored kittens. And even better is one multi-colored kitten.

The kitten turned out funny. His eyes are blue, his mustache is red, his ears are gray, his back is white, and his legs are: blue, green, yellow, blue.

They began to ask the chicken:

Why did you do this? And he laughs:

Don't you understand? This kitten put on a hat with different ears. And they gave him a white fur coat. And we bought colorful shoes. And the kitten’s mustache is red: he drank red jelly. It flowed down his mustache, but nothing got into his mouth. About friends The chicken had few friends. Only one. This is because he looked for friends by color. If yellow means friend. If it's gray, no. If it's brown, then no. Once a chicken was walking along a green path, saw a yellow thread and followed it. I walked and walked and saw a yellow caterpillar.

So is it you, my yellow friend? - said the chicken.

Yes, it’s me,” grumbled the caterpillar, “yellow friend.”

What are you doing here?

Don't you see? I pull the yellow phone.

What for?

Can't you guess? The blue bell that lives in the forest and the blue bell that lives in the meadow decided to call each other today. Ding-ding-ding-ding - this is how the bells rang each other all day and wished for rain and sun.

Don't they have anything else to say? - the chicken laughed. What did the two yellow friends do? What do all the little ones do? Were playing. They danced. Blowing bubbles. They splashed into a puddle.

And they were also sad. And sometimes they cried. Why were they sad? That’s why on Monday. On this day they deceived their mothers. They told them: “We will go to the meadow.” And they themselves went to the river to catch crucian carp.

Of course, if it had been a boy, he would have blushed. If it's a girl, too.

But they were a yellow chicken and a yellow caterpillar. And all day they turned yellow, yellow, yellow. And by evening they became so yellow that no one could look at them without blue glasses. And whoever looked without blue glasses sighed and cried: “How sad this is all! How sad it all is! They deceived their mothers!”And on Tuesday...On Tuesday they decided to fly a kite. All day the chicken glued it together, and the caterpillar pulled the yellow thread. Then they tied a string to the kite. The wind blew and the kite flew so far that it could not be seen. A frog galloped past. Laughed:

Hold the thread, but you've lost the snake!

A goat ran past. Laughed:

Hold the thread, where is the snake?

The chicken and the caterpillar are tired of explaining why there is no snake. When the little pig asked them the same thing, they told him:

This, grunt, is not a snake at all. We tied a string to the sun, and it went over the mountain. We hold him by the thread, and the yellow sun will rise again.

In the morning they wound the thread, but for some reason, instead of the sun, a cloud floated by, and it rained all day. Why did they laugh? On Wednesday they decided to play hide and seek. In the morning they decided, at lunch they considered:

One two three four five! Who plays - run!

The chicken ran away and hid under the porch. The caterpillar crawled away and hid under a leaf. They are waiting to see who will find whom. We waited for an hour - no one found anyone. We waited for two, but no one found...

Finally in the evening their mothers found them and scolded them:

Is this hide and seek? Hide and seek is when someone is hiding from someone. Someone is looking for someone. And when everyone is hiding, it’s not hide and seek!

At this time thunder roared. However, there was no rain, and it began to hail. Knock-knock-knock, - he merrily knocked on the roof. How the chicken met the gosling - It’s strange, - the chicken squeaked, - it’s white itself, but its legs are pink. Did you buy pink stockings?

Are you wearing pink shoes?

So what?

And I washed them in blue water, and they turned red from the cold.

And if I wash in blue water, will my skin turn red too?

Also not the same, also not the same, but try.

The yellow caterpillar and the yellow chick went to the blue water, and the caterpillar began to water it from a ladle onto its paws. The chicken was waiting for its paws to be pink, but for some reason its paws turned blue. At this point everyone laughed a lot: “What is this? Yellow chicken on blue legs. Isn't it funny? Very funny!"

I told you why it is sad. I told you why it's funny. Do you know that sometimes it can be both sad and funny? This happened once with a chicken.

On Sunday he asked the caterpillar:

How to become big?

“We need to eat more,” the caterpillar answered seriously. - A boy should eat porridge, a girl should eat jelly. And for you, yellowmouth, it’s best to eat cranberries. Eat one cranberry and you will grow a red scallop. Eat another one and a red beard will grow.

The chicken ate one cranberry, and nothing grew. I ate the other one too, nothing. He began to cry, and his eyes turned red from his tears. Everyone looked at the chicken and could not understand what was wrong with it. If his eyes turned red because he was crying, that’s already sad. Nobody could understand anything. And the chicken itself too.

He laughed all day and cried all day.

Adults say: this is laughter through tears.

OK it's all over Now.

How is everything, is this the end? - you ask.

No, it's not the end. Is it good when something good comes to an end? When I was little and knew very little, I was always sad if something good ended quickly. A good day. Good evening.

Nice sun.

Both the chicken and the caterpillar are very good too. So why would I make up an ending?

In this lesson, you will look at the definition of a fairy tale, get acquainted with the work of G. Tsyferov “How the chicken first composed a fairy tale,” complete interesting tasks, and get acquainted with other works of this author.

  • “Moroz Ivanovich” (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. “Moroz Ivanovich” ()

This is a folk tale.

  • B. Zakhoder “My Imagination” (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. “My Imagination” ()

This is a poem.

  • P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse” (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. “The Little Humpbacked Horse” ()

Rice. 5. “How the chicken first composed a fairy tale” ()

How the chicken first wrote a fairy tale

Yes, it’s very simple: I took it and composed it. They once told him a fairy tale about a house on chicken legs. He thought and immediately came up with another: a fairy tale about a house on calf's legs. Then about the house on elephant legs. Then about the house on hare legs.
The house on calf's legs, he said, had horns growing on it.
The house had ears growing on hare legs.
Near the house there was a proboscis pipe hanging on elephant legs.
And the house on chicken legs had a red comb.
The house on hare legs squealed: “I want to jump!”
The little house on calf's legs mooed: “I want to butt heads!”
The house on elephant legs began to puff: “Pfft!” I want to blow the trumpet!”
And the house on chicken legs sang: “Ku-ka-re-ku! Isn’t it time for you all to sleep!”
Here the lights went out in all the houses. And everyone fell asleep.

House on rabbit legs beeped.

Cow's Leg House hummed.

House on elephant legs puffed.

House on chicken legs sang.

All highlighted words can be replaced with one word - said . The author does not use just one word said, but uses different words to describe each house, because it turns out brighter and more colorful.

Read the words of the houses from the fairy tale and determine which house each phrase belongs to.

“I want to butt heads!”

(house on calf's legs)

“Ku-ka-re-ku! Isn’t it time for you all to sleep!”

(house on chicken legs)

“I want to jump!”

(house on hare legs)

“Pff! I want to blow the trumpet!”

(house on elephant legs)

Have you ever composed fairy tales at home? Get acquainted with other works by this author and try to compose a fairy tale yourself.

Rice. 6. Girl reading a fairy tale ()

Rice. 7. G. M. Tsyferov ()

Gennady Tsyferov wrote many interesting stories:

  • "In bearish hour"
  • “Once upon a time there lived a baby elephant”
  • “Like a little frog was looking for daddy”
  • "How to become big"
  • "Who is kinder than whom"
  • "Little Giant"
  • "About the chicken, the sun and the bear"
  • "About the eccentric frog"
  • "A fairy tale on wheels"
  • "Tales of the Ancient City"
  • "The Mystery of the Baking Cricket"
  • "What's in our yard"


  1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite pages: Textbook on literary reading for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
  2. Kubasova O.V. literary reading: Workbook to the textbook for grade 2, part 2. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
  3. Kubasova O.V. Guidelines for textbooks of grades 2, 3, 4 (with electronic supplement). - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
  4. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Tests: 2nd grade. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
  1. Planetaskazok.ru ().
  2. Myshared.ru ().
  3. Litresp.ru ().


  1. Prepare an expressive reading of the fairy tale “How the chicken first composed a fairy tale.”
  2. Draw an illustration for a fairy tale.
  3. Read a few additional fairy tales by Gennady Tsyferov to choose from.