Energy inspection of communal heating boiler houses. Energy audit in the boiler room. Main stages of a boiler house energy audit

Assessing the condition of the boiler room and the efficiency of its operation is an important operation aimed at optimizing energy consumption. Since such an inspection of the boiler room is quite detailed and objective, other problems are solved at the same time, for example:

  1. Determining the technical condition of boilers and all boiler room equipment, including the building and utilities
  2. Making a forecast about the need and possibilities for modernizing the boiler system
  3. Accident prevention and repair and maintenance planning.

An energy audit of a boiler room is a complex work that requires the use of many instrumental methods and serious analytical data processing. The reliability of such an examination, the efficiency and completeness of its implementation are determined by the correct methodology.

The procedure for performing an energy audit of a boiler room

Assessing the condition and efficiency of the boiler room consists of the following main stages:

  1. Collection of initial data
  2. Visual acquaintance with the object and clarification of the work plan
  3. Instrumental examinations and measurements of basic parameters
  4. Analysis of the economic activities of the boiler house
  5. Analytical processing of received information, drawing conclusions and recommendations.

Source data includes documentary information about the object obtained from various sources. This information characterizes the current state of the boiler room and its performance - data on equipment and its maintenance, fuel, its cost and much more. Timely and complete analysis of source data allows you to more accurately perform all operations at the facility. There may even be a need to clarify the audit objectives.

It should be noted that the individuality of each object requires the expert to clarify the form and content of the audit. Therefore, questionnaires - unique questionnaires sent by the audit expert to the management of the boiler house - initially reflect its characteristics. Likewise, subsequent stages of the survey are adapted to the specifics of the object.

The entire boiler room facility is subjected to a visual inspection, starting from the site and adjacent areas to the equipment and condition of the household premises. At this stage, the experience of the expert is extremely important. During the inspection, not only some characteristics of the boiler room are assessed, but also, possibly, additional instrumental examinations are planned.

A professional boiler room audit is based on a thorough on-site instrumental examination

The instrumental stage of surveys is represented by several types of measurements, including:

  • one-time measurements, including measurements of temperature, area, obtaining thermal imaging and ultrasonic characteristics of an object
  • system measurements, consisting of orderly monitoring of information about the operation of the boiler house in different modes, in particular, about the supply of coolant to different consumers
  • assessment of the reliability of the operation of control and measuring equipment in the boiler room.

Documentation on the financial side of the boiler house operation is subjected to a comprehensive analysis, including the cost of fuel, costs of maintaining the territory, other costs and revenues.

All collected information is systematized and analyzed. Features, directions of analysis and its emphasis are established in advance, but can and will be clarified as the results are obtained. A prudent audit customer will always listen to the expert’s opinion on adjusting the goals and content of such a boiler room inspection.

Audit results

The most important result of the audit is the independence and objectivity of its results. It is always interesting to compare these results with departmental reports and analytics.

The report on the completed boiler room audit is documented. Such a report always has three main sections:

  1. obtained data from all surveys
  2. analytical conclusions about the operation of the boiler room
  3. recommendations for improving the operation of the facility.

You need to understand that the expert’s recommendations are not a project or even a feasibility study for subsequent work. These are findings that should be used by designers of all works on a site if the audit finds the overall desirability of such a site to exist.

We propose to conduct a comprehensive diagnostics of boiler houses in order to find reserves for increasing technical and economic indicators. As part of the energy inspection of the boiler room, instrumental measurements are carried out:

  • Analysis of gas consumption, measurement of flue gas composition, identification of excess air.
  • Thermal imaging inspection of heating mains and enclosing structures.
  • Measurements of temperature, pressure and flow of heating fluids, analysis of the optimal operation of regulators.
  • Measurements of energy consumption and characteristics of the main equipment of the boiler room.
  • Identification of possible places of leaks and losses.

Based on the measurements taken, the actual energy balance of the boiler room is calculated and compared with the standard indicators from the regime maps. As a result, problem areas are identified that reduce the efficiency of the boiler room.

The operating modes of all boiler room equipment, leaks, heat losses, irrationality of operating modes, technical condition of the equipment (wear and tear) are analyzed. Based on the actual condition of the equipment and operating modes of the boiler room, an assessment of the energy saving potential is made. A program and plan for the implementation of energy-saving measures is being developed, taking into account the current regimes, norms and rules for operating equipment in boiler houses and heating networks.

Examples of measures to improve the energy efficiency of a boiler room:

The technical report on the boiler room inspection ends with a calculation of the economic justification for the proposed measures. All activities are calculated based on real price data from equipment suppliers and design organizations.

Our partners in the field of improving the technical and economic indicators of boiler houses are:

  • CJSC "IES"— design organization, commissioning of automated process control systems.

Energy inspection or energy audit of an enterprise, building, boiler room, organization- this is the collection and processing of information on the use of energy resources in order to obtain reliable information about the volume of energy resources used, energy efficiency indicators, identify opportunities for energy saving and increase energy efficiency with the results obtained reflected in the energy passport.

An energy audit and energy survey carried out at your enterprise will allow you to:

    obtain complete and reliable information on the efficiency of using heat and electricity resources

    efficiency of the water supply system of an enterprise or organization;

    efficiency of fuel consumed;

    significantly reduce costs for basic fuel and energy resources;

    Get advice from highly qualified specialists on issues that interest you.

Energy audit, energy inspection of an enterprise, building, boiler room, organization

In accordance with Federal Law No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” dated November 23, 2009. The company "NTC Energoservice" carries out and carries out a full range of work related to energy inspection (energy audit) of facilities.

According to Article 16 of the federal law, conducting an energy survey and energy audit is mandatory for the following persons:

  1. state authorities, local governments vested with the rights of legal entities;
  2. organizations with the participation of the state or municipality;
  3. organizations carrying out regulated activities;
  4. organizations engaged in the production and (or) transportation of water, natural gas, thermal energy, electrical energy, production of natural gas, oil, coal, production of petroleum products, processing of natural gas, oil, transportation of oil and petroleum products;
  5. organizations whose total costs for the consumption of natural gas, diesel and other fuels, fuel oil, thermal energy, coal, and electrical energy exceed ten million rubles per calendar year;
  6. organizations carrying out activities in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency, financed in whole or in part from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets

The persons specified in part 1 of this article are obliged to organize and conduct the first energy inspection, energy audit during the period from the date of entry into force of this Federal Law until December 31, 212, subsequent energy inspections - at least once every five years. By an official document, The energy passport of the enterprise confirms the fact of the energy inspection of the enterprise.

The report on the energy survey (energy audit) and the energy passport of an enterprise, organization, building are the most important documents that contain the results of a study of the state of energy and energy consumption at the facility, a description of the facility and recommendations for efficient energy consumption. They form the basis of a strategic plan to improve the use of energy and capacity at the site. Thus, an energy survey (energy audit) is relevant, especially in conditions of power shortages in the Moscow region, and an effective mechanism for reducing the irrational consumption of energy resources without causing damage to the production process of the enterprise. Conducting an energy survey and energy audit is the first step towards ensuring reliable, high-quality, uninterrupted power supply to any facility.

Based on the results of the energy audit, our company will provide you with:

  • energy passport of the enterprise, drawn up in accordance with the form of Order of the Ministry of Energy No. 182 dated April 19, 2010, with approval from the SRO;
  • a report on the energy audit of the enterprise;
  • Energy saving program at the enterprise.

Our main advantage among competitors is the ability to provide the Customer with a complete analysis of energy consumption (heat, electricity, water, fuel) with the issuance of specific measures to reduce consumption, improve operation and reliability. The STC Energoservice company offers services for conducting energy surveys and energy audits of facilities with a variety of specific activities and focus.

The company STC Energoservice conducts energy audits of such facilities as:

    energy survey of industrial and energy enterprises;

    energy inspection of buildings;

    energy survey of municipal and public organizations;

    energy survey of social institutions;

    energy inspection of factories;

    energy inspection of housing and communal services facilities;

    energy survey of heat supply sources

    energy survey of power supply sources

    energy survey of water supply sources

It is important to remember that there is always the possibility of energy saving at an enterprise, so it is important to promptly identify the reserves and costs of the enterprise. An energy audit of an enterprise, organization, or building helps to identify priority areas for energy saving, thereby reducing the level of consumed energy resources at the enterprise, as well as assessing the efficiency of spending fuel and energy resources. It is important to remember that federal legislation stipulates that every enterprise, organization and firm whose activities involve the consumption of energy resources must have an energy passport.

Scope of work performed for energy audit, terms of reference for energy audit

1. Documentary study of the enterprise being surveyed

1.1. Collection of initial documentary information.

1.2. Collection of basic information about the nature of the production activities of the main divisions of the enterprise and the volume of their energy consumption.

1.3. Collection of basic information about the nature of production and consumption of energy resources by the enterprise’s energy complex facilities, production and general services of the enterprise.

1.4. Collection of information on commercial and technical energy accounting systems.

1.5. Systematization of source documentary information.

2. Technical study of the inspected enterprise

2.1. Visual and instrumental inspection of elements of enterprise energy systems.

2.2. Drawing up a generalized structure of enterprise energy systems.

2.3. Assessment of the characteristics of the enterprise's energy supply.

2.4. Systematization of basic information on energy consumption volumes.

2.5. Assessment of the state of accounting, control and energy management systems on the territory of the enterprise.

2.6. Assessment of trends in changes in energy consumption indicators of the enterprise and the most typical and energy-intensive consumers.

3. Assessment of the state of the enterprise’s energy systems

3.1. Enterprise heat supply system:

3.1.1. Study and layout of the structure of the heat supply system.

3.1.2. Identification of the composition of thermal energy consumers (industrial and domestic purposes).

3.1.3. Inspection of the technical condition of thermal insulation of heating mains and expert assessment of heat losses in enterprise networks.

3.1.4. Compilation of documentary information about consumers of thermal energy (technological units using thermal energy, heating devices and air heaters).

3.1.5. Drawing up a balance of thermal energy consumption.

3.1.6. Thermal imaging inspection of heating equipment of buildings.

3.1.7. Identification of hidden defects in thermal insulation of enclosing structures using thermal imaging control methods.

3.1.8. Development of proposals and measures to carry out work aimed at increasing the efficiency of use of thermal energy generated at the enterprise.

3.2. Enterprise power supply system:

3.2.1. Determination of the structure of the enterprise's power supply system at voltages of 6 kV, 0.4 kV.

3.2.2. Load graph analysis. Analysis of the tangent level of loads across the enterprise.

3.2.3. Selective reading of actual values ​​of current load on outgoing feeders from transformer substations - for stationary and portable devices (to be agreed with the Customer).

3.2.4. Calculation of the dependence of electricity losses in the distribution network of an enterprise on the load level of feeders and the uniformity of load across phases, as well as on the class of supply voltage.

3.2.5. Selective reading of actual values ​​of power grid parameters by phase for the most energy-intensive consumers (agreed with the Customer).

3.2.6. Selective measurements of voltage at inputs to individual consumers and currents by phase for subsequent calculation of losses in 0.4 kV networks.

3.2.7. Analysis of the dynamics and seasonality of electricity consumption across the enterprise.

3.2.8. Estimation of the degree of reactive power compensation.

3.2.9. Compilation of documentary information about consumers of electrical energy (integrated information on receivers - consumers of electricity in the following areas: electric motors and cable lines of the distribution network, etc.).

3.2.10. Drawing up a balance of electrical energy consumption.

3.2.11. Thermal imaging diagnostics of electrical equipment.

3.2.12. Assessing the efficiency of energy use at an enterprise.

3.2.13. Development of proposals and measures to carry out work aimed at reducing electricity losses.

3.3. Enterprise water supply and sanitation system.

3.3.1. Analysis of the structure of the water supply and sanitation system.

3.3.2. Assessment of the condition of elements of the water supply and sanitation system.

3.3.3. Determining the efficiency of water use at enterprise facilities.

3.3.4. Assessing the efficiency of energy use in the water supply and wastewater system.

3.3.5. Drawing up a balance of water supply and wastewater disposal.

3.3.6. Development of proposals and measures to carry out work aimed at reducing losses.

3.4. Compressed air generation and distribution system.

3.4.1. Analysis of the structure of the compressed air generation and distribution system.

3.4.2. Assessment of the condition of the elements of the compressed air generation and distribution system.

3.4.3. Determining the efficiency of using the production and distribution of compressed air.

3.4.4. Assessing the efficiency of energy use in a compressed air generation and distribution system.

3.4.5. Balancing compressed air consumption.

3.4.6. Development of proposals and measures to carry out work aimed at reducing losses.

3.5. System for the use of motor fuels by enterprise vehicles.

3.5.1. Analysis of motor fuel consumption by motor vehicles.

3.5.2. Assessment of the efficiency of motor fuel use.

3.5.3. Balance of motor fuel consumption.

4. Analysis of the efficiency of using fuel and energy resources at the enterprise

4.1. Drawing up a balance of fuel and energy resources consumption at the enterprise.

4.2. Analysis of the efficiency of using fuel and energy resources at an enterprise.

5. Drawing up an energy passport of the enterprise

5.1. Gathering the necessary information.

5.2. Drawing up an Energy Passport based on Order No. 182 dated April 19, 2010 Energy Passport of the FER consumer.

5.3. Coordination of the Energy Passport with the services of the Chief Power Engineer of the enterprise and its registration with the supervisory authorities.

6. Drawing up an energy saving program

6.1. Development of feasibility studies (TES) and recommendations for the implementation of energy-saving measures at the enterprise.

6.2. Drawing up an Energy Saving Program with an assessment of the effectiveness of investments, as well as the payback period for energy saving measures.

7. Reporting documentation on the results of work

7.1. A preliminary edition of the technical report (by sections) based on the survey results is provided in the amount of 2 copies on paper, as well as 1 copy on electronic media.

7.2. The final version of the technical report and energy passport for the enterprise as a whole is provided in 4 copies on paper, as well as 1 copy on electronic media.

8. Basic methodological provisions for performing the work

8.1. The energy inspection of the enterprise is carried out in accordance with the approved and agreed upon Program for Conducting an Energy Inspection of the Consumer of Fuel and Energy Resources. The program is based on fundamental documents on conducting energy surveys, current regulatory and technical documents on the collection, processing and analysis of initial information, on determining the efficiency of energy use and compiling energy balances of industrial enterprises.

8.2. Completion of missing information and confirmation of the objectivity of the provided initial information is carried out (if necessary) by means of selective measurements when performing balance tests. The required volume of measurements is determined based on a systematic analysis of the provided data, i.e. the number of specific measurement points and the number of measurements themselves is determined by the completeness of the collected (or provided) source data.

8.3. Measurements are carried out in accordance with the current Maintenance, Health and Safety Regulations.

8.4. The order and stages of measurements are agreed upon by the Customer.

8.5. Taking into account the specifics of energy consumption on the territory of the enterprise, the operating modes of energy and technological facilities and the time of year of the survey, the preliminary instrument survey program provides for the following measurements:

Main directions of energy saving measures

Energy audit of power supply systems

  • installation of energy efficient equipment (drive mechanisms, lighting systems, etc.)
  • installation of variable frequency drives (6-10 kV, 0.4 kV)
  • implementation of AIIS KUE and ASTUE systems
  • development and installation of modern automation and protection
  • compilation of balances, recalculation of loads and resale of electrical power

Energy audit of heat supply systems

  • compilation of balances, calculation and recalculation of required heat loads
  • installation of modern heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • introduction of innovative equipment and much more

Energy audit of water supply systems

  • implementation of automation and accounting systems
  • changes in water consumption and production technologies
  • installation of modern cleaning products

The main principles of legal regulation of the energy saving process are increasing energy efficiency and rational use of energy resources.

Conducting an energy survey and energy audit of enterprises and organizations is one of the priority tasks set as part of the implementation of Federal Law No. 261-FZ of November 23, 2009 “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”

A complete energy survey of an enterprise, organization, or individual building allows you to obtain objective data on the volume of energy resources used, determine energy efficiency indicators, determine the potential for energy saving and increasing energy efficiency, and also develop measures for energy saving and increasing energy efficiency.

Based on the results of the energy audit, the enterprise receives a reasonable assessment of the use of energy resources and water, as well as recommendations for saving them.

Our specialists have extensive experience in the field of energy saving, which allows us to quickly and effectively assess the state of the enterprise’s energy economy, as well as develop effective measures to reduce the cost of energy resources.

Conducting an energy survey and energy audit allows you to obtain an objective assessment of the use of energy resources, which will be useful for both the owners and the engineering services of the enterprise.

The timing and cost of performing energy surveys of enterprises and organizations are individual and completely depend on the volume of work performed. You can find out more detailed information on conducting an energy audit from our specialists.

An energy audit of a boiler house allows you to identify sources of unjustified costs and losses during the production of thermal energy, as well as determine the magnitude of energy saving potential and formulate methods for its rational implementation. During the energy audit of a boiler house, reliable performance indicators of its devices and equipment are determined using modern instruments.

Comparison of the obtained data with existing standards allows us to identify and eliminate the causes of non-compliance through the development and implementation of a set of energy-saving measures.

Main stages of a boiler house energy audit

  1. An energy inspection of a boiler house begins with the collection of documentary information, including technical parameters, equipment used, cost and tariffs for energy sold, monthly indicators of monetary and fuel energy costs, quantitative and qualitative parameters of supplied and reserve fuel, as well as energy generated and spent for own needs . In addition, documentary information provided for the last three years may contain technical reporting, simplified schemes for supplying consumers and energy accounting. At the same stage, energy measurement points are determined.
  2. At the stage of visual and instrumental inspection of heat exchangers, deaerators, process pipelines and other boiler room equipment, the lack of information regarding the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the energy resources used is filled, and the efficiency of energy consumption is also assessed. In the process of inspecting a boiler room, digital and ultrasonic stationary and mobile devices are used, allowing the required types of measurements to be made as accurately as possible.
  3. The next stage involves the calculation of indicators reflecting the operating mode of the boiler room, based on the data obtained during measurements. In addition, all documentary information is processed, and the results of a visual and instrumental survey are analyzed to assess the economic efficiency of energy consumption.
  4. The final stage of the energy audit involves the development of recommendations and a plan of energy-saving measures aimed at rational energy consumption, promoting energy efficiency and minimizing energy costs. Based on the results of the inspection, a report and an “energy passport” of the boiler house are drawn up.

Our advantages

The high quality of our energy audit activities is ensured by the presence of:

  • modern instruments necessary for conducting energy surveys;
  • full-time certified specialists;
  • democratic pricing policy;
  • documented guaranteed deadlines;
  • an individual approach that takes into account the specifics of each specific enterprise.

Design and executive documentation for boiler houses, heating networks, pumping substations on heating networks and heating points;

Operational documentation (operational charts developed for each boiler based on the results of operational testing of these boilers, approved temperature graphs for heat load regulation, piezometric graphs, information on heat load by type of heat consumption, as well as on individual consumers of thermal energy (heating points, etc. .);

Statistical information for the year preceding the year of the energy survey (production and supply of thermal energy during the year, fuel costs, coolant and make-up water consumption, available pressure at the nodes of heating networks, temperature of the outside air and coolant in the supply and return pipelines of heating networks at the boiler house terminals, soil temperature at a depth corresponding to the location of the axis of heating network pipelines, etc.);

Results of conducting and processing the results of tests of heating networks to determine heat losses by heat transfer through the thermal insulation of pipelines, as well as their main hydraulic characteristics;

Information on the designs of pipelines of heating networks according to the types of their installation and the types of insulating materials used, the technical condition of pipeline insulation in order to assess its replacement in individual sections, as well as on the service life of individual sections of heating networks;

Information on equipping the heat supply system with metering devices for supplied and consumed thermal energy and coolant;

Materials for the development of energy characteristics of heating networks (heat supply systems);

Information on the frequency and nature of damage to heating networks and equipment.

1.15. The technical basis for conducting energy surveys in power supply systems are:

Design and as-built documentation for overhead and cable electrical networks, substations and other structures;

Operational documentation;

Statistical information for the year preceding the year of the energy survey (electric energy balance; amount of losses by element; reactive energy compensation; electric energy quality indicators);

Information on types of installation and service life of individual sections of electrical networks;

Information on equipping the power supply system with metering devices for supplied and consumed electrical energy;

Information on the frequency and nature of damage to electrical networks and equipment.

1.16. The technical program and methodology must be agreed upon with the state energy supervision authority before the start of the energy survey.

1.17. Based on the results of the survey, a technical report is drawn up with conclusions and measures to improve the energy efficiency of the energy supply system.

1.18. A technical report on the energy survey, conclusions and measures to improve the energy efficiency of the surveyed centralized heating system or part of it (heating boiler houses; heating networks) are presented to the surveyed organization.

Within ten days after signing the report on the survey, energy passports (Appendices 3, 4, 5 to this Methodology) are transferred to the state energy supervision body at the location of the inspected energy organization.



The survey can be comprehensive in nature, in which both indicators for the heat supply enterprise as a whole and for its individual boiler houses are identified and analyzed.

Heating boiler houses with an annual consumption of fuel and energy resources, reduced to equivalent fuel, 6 thousand or more tons of equivalent fuel (tce) are examined, as a rule, in the full scope of energy inspection; Low-power boiler houses (up to 6 thousand tons of fuel equivalent per year) can be inspected according to a shortened program as part of an inspection of the enterprise as a whole.

Below are indicators characterizing the energy efficiency of municipal heating boiler houses, and methods for their determination during energy surveys.

2.1. Primary, regular, extraordinary examinations and express examinations

2.1.1. To assess the efficiency of fuel and energy use during the survey, the indicator of specific energy efficiency losses when supplying heat to the boiler house is used (D B sweat), determined by the formula:

, kg equivalent/Gcal (1)

where D B er, D B rivers and D B uch - values ​​of the possible reduction in fuel consumption per year, t.e., due to, respectively:

Increasing the level of operation and repair of equipment;

Reconstruction and modernization of equipment elements;

Improving technical accounting and reporting, energy analysis, strengthening claims work with fuel suppliers;

Q otp - heat energy supply, Gcal.

D value B sweat characterizes the fuel equivalent of energy saving potential identified during the survey D B in terms of standard fuel:

D B = D B sweat Q otp 10 - 3, t.t. (2)

2.1.2. Index D B er is calculated based on reporting data for the last calendar year.

2.1.3. D value B er in terms of standard fuel, corresponds to the excess of actual specific fuel consumption for supplied thermal energy B otp above the nominal value B otp(nom) :

D B er = ( B otp - B otp(nom)) Q otp 10 - 3, kg equivalent fuel/Gcal (3)

Nominal values ​​of specific fuel consumption reflect the minimum level of energy resource costs for a specific boiler house for the supply of thermal energy to consumers in the absence of omissions in the operational maintenance and repair of equipment and in the actual for the reporting period:

Composition of operating boilers;

Values ​​of external factors that do not depend on the activities of operating and maintenance personnel (structure and quality of burned fuel, water temperature in the water supply source and outside air, etc.).

When developing regulatory and technical documentation for heat use (NTD TI), the average annual value of the thermal efficiency reserve for the supply of thermal energy is determined and specific targeted measures are developed for their implementation, as a rule, in full during the validity period of the documentation.

Components of energy efficiency losses D B i; are calculated based on an assessment of the impact on fuel efficiency of deviations of the following actual performance indicators of units from standard values:

Gross efficiency of the boiler (boiler plant);

Excess air coefficient;

Air suction into the combustion chamber, convection shaft, boiler flues;

Temperature of flue gases behind the last heating surface of the convective shaft (before the smoke exhauster);

Electricity costs for auxiliary mechanisms (boiler feed pumps, blower fans, smoke exhausters);

Thermal energy consumption for own needs (fuel oil facilities, defrosting device, heating unit, heating and ventilation of industrial buildings and structures).

D values B i characterize the directions for implementing reserves for increasing the energy efficiency of the boiler house. Sample form to fill out when analyzing indicator D B er and its components D B i, is given in Appendix 2.

If there is no TI in the boiler room approved by the NTD, it is allowed to use information from the operating charts, according to design data, and the results of express tests.

2.1.4. D value B rivers are accepted for the project of reconstruction of the unit (unit).

2.1.5. Effect of implementing recommendations for improving technical accounting D B The study is accepted based on expert assessment. If the recommendations relate to improving claims management with fuel suppliers, D B uch is numerically equal to the value of its underload.

2.2. Determination of energy saving potential

The energy-saving potential of the boiler room is determined in the following areas:

Analysis of equipment composition, fuel and water supply conditions;

Assessment of the state of technical accounting and reporting, standardization and analysis of fuel consumption indicators;

Analysis of the condition of the equipment, the operating efficiency of the elements of the technological scheme, its features and analysis of the optimality of the thermal scheme;

Analysis of the implementation of measures to realize thermal efficiency reserves;

Compilation of the fuel and energy balance of the boiler house, analysis of the operation and heat supply modes of the boiler house in accordance with the regime maps in the base year (previous year of the survey) and the current heating period.

2.2.1. Analysis of equipment composition, fuel and water supply conditions, thermal design features.

The following issues are discussed in this section of the program. Composition of main and auxiliary equipment, table 1;

Main and auxiliary equipment _________________________ boiler room

and its brief technical characteristics

Table 1

Boiler parameters

Design fuel

Smoke exhausters

Blower fans

Network pumps

Boiler station number

Type, brand

Year of commissioning

Manufacturing plant

Productivity t/h steam, Gcal/hour

Pressure, kgf/cm 2

Temperature, °C

Swimming pool, brand

Boiler consumption, t/h


Productivity, m 3 / h

power, kWt


Productivity, m 3 / h

power, kWt


Productivity, m 3 / h

power, kWt

Filter type


Productivity, m 3 / h