Accumulating strength practice. Personal power. How to develop and maintain it? How to develop personal power

On the way to yourself, it is important to familiarize yourself with some concepts, the awareness of which explains many things that happen to a person, due to which it becomes clear that everything in the World is natural and fair.

Energy level(life force) is the luminosity of the cocoon, the more energy, the brighter the luminosity. The energy level is responsible for general activity, immunity, desire to act, mood, solving various situations, tasks, etc. The more energy, the more active and positive a person is. I must say that most people have an energy level of about 25-30%, no wonder everyone is so tired, angry and gloomy. Many people don’t even know what a level of 90-100% is, when the whole world smiles at you, when everything turns out easy and simple, when you become aware of yourself, see “signs,” laugh and glow.
All people have this tendency: when they accumulate a small amount of free energy, an uncontrollable desire appears to waste it on alcohol, smoking, sex and other things. At the same time, a person receives pleasure that blocks internal conflicts. After which, the person returns again to his usual state: fatigue, gloominess and general dissatisfaction with life.

If you regularly do practices to accumulate and mix energy (various saturations, tensegrity (magical passes), wushu, breathing exercises, recapitulation, stalking, lucid dreaming, stopping internal dialogue and other practices), while being aware of the movement of energy, you can stably maintain your vitality at a level of 70-90%.
It is important to remember the basic pattern in self-development: energy should be invested only in what gives even more energy. Only this approach leads to the accumulation of Personal Power.

Personal power- this is the ability to manage energy and harmony inside the cocoon (Harmony, in turn, is the relationship between one’s own energy and someone else’s inside the energy body). The amount of personal power determines: the speed of energy recovery, the ability to manage attention, the ability to see energy (other. magical abilities), the level of general awareness, the ability to perceive the World and much, much more. Develops personal power: stalking (the art of tracking oneself and becoming aware of oneself), recapitulation, tensegrity, lucid dreaming and other magical practices. Personal power is related to a person's overall experiences from this life and "past lives."

Past Lives- other, previous incarnations of the personality. All negative and positive experiences of which are transferred to the current incarnation. The more past lives you have had, the more life wisdom a person has. On average, those who are interested in expanding their perception have had about 30-40 past incarnations. Past incarnations as a man and a woman, as a rule, alternate equally.
The more negative karma there was, the lower personal power.

Karma- the sum of cause-and-effect relationships over the entire life of a person.
Karma can be improved through recapitulation. In addition to negative karma, there is also positive karma - when the World helps a person in every possible way: with signs, the right information or the right people. Positive karma accumulates when you invest energy in your goals.
It is very important to change negative experiences into positive ones, since negative programs will not allow you to accumulate Personal Power.

The power of intention depends on two properties - vitality and personal strength (more on personal). The power of intention is a quantity with the help of which one can realize the internal in the external. I thought about a holiday in Turkey, formulated an intention - bam and the World responded, offering you a “hot ticket” through other people.

In general, all of the above concepts are closely related to each other, therefore our task on the way to ourselves e, expressed in:
1) Cleansing negative karma;
2) Increasing Personal power and due to this;
3) Realization of your true, global intention, that is, your goal in life.

What's happened personal power?
- Personal power is a feeling. Something like a feeling of luck or happiness. You can call it a mood. A person's personal power and its accumulation have nothing to do with his origin.

Everything a person does is determined by the level of his personal power.

Carlos Castaneda. Travel to Ixtlan.

Mages know that only by strengthening tonal may appear nagual

Carlos Castaneda. Travel to Ixtlan

Stay close to me,” don Juan instructed me before we left. - This area is unfamiliar to you, so you shouldn’t take risks. You went out in search of strength, and every step you take counts. Watch the wind, especially towards the end of the day. Watch how he changes direction and always position yourself so that I shield you from him.
-What are we going to do in these mountains, don Juan?
- You are hunting for power.
- I wanted to ask, what exactly are we going to do?
- Power cannot be hunted according to any plan. However, as well as for game. The hunter hunts what he comes across. Therefore, he must be in a state of readiness all the time. You already know something about the wind and can independently hunt the power it contains. But there are many other things that you do not know about, but which, like the wind, become centers of power at certain times and in certain places. Power is a very interesting thing. It is impossible to take it and nail it to something, to somehow fix it or to say what it really is. It is akin to a feeling, a sensation that a person has in relation to certain things. Power is always personal, it belongs only to one person. My benefactor, for example, could make a person fatally ill with just a glance. As soon as he cast such a glance at a woman, she withered and became ugly. But this does not mean that everyone he looked at got sick. His gaze only worked when his personal strength was involved.
- How did he decide who to make sick?
- Don't know. He didn't know himself. It's always like that with power. She commands you and at the same time obeys you. The power hunter catches it and then hoards it as his personal treasure. His personal power thus increases, and a moment may come when the warrior, having accumulated enormous personal power, becomes a man of knowledge.
- How do they accumulate strength, don Juan?
- This is also something like a feeling. His character is determined by the warrior’s personality type. My benefactor was a fierce man. He used the feeling of rage to accumulate power. Everything he did, he did directly, sharply and harshly. He left in my memory the feeling of something breaking through, crushing everything that was in the way. And everything that happened to him happened exactly in this vein.
I said that I did not understand how one could accumulate power through feeling. Don Juan was silent for a long time.
“It’s impossible to explain,” he said finally. - You have to do it yourself.

“I’m as young as I want,” he replied. - This, by the way, is also connected with personal strength. If you accumulate strength, your body becomes capable of incredible actions. And if, on the contrary, you dissipate it, then before your eyes you turn into a fat, weak old man.

To have power, you need to lead a life of power.

Then where did it all go? If this is all real, where is it now?
- Here. If you had enough power, you could summon everything you saw at night. Call now.

Power is a very strange, magical thing. In order to fully possess and command it, you must first acquire a certain amount of power, sufficient to begin with. However, you can do it another way: gradually accumulate strength, not using it at all until you gain enough strength to withstand the battle of strength.

To embark on a journey along these unknown paths and bridges, you need to have a sufficient amount of your own strength.
- And if a person’s strength is not enough, what then?
- Death waits, it always waits, and as soon as the warrior’s strength comes to an end, death simply touches him. So it is simply stupid to set out on a journey into the unknown without strength. It will only lead to death.

If you had followed all my instructions and acted exactly as I taught you all along, you would by today have the strength to walk across the bridge. Sufficient for see and stop the world.
“But why on earth, don Juan, should I want to have power?”
- It’s hardly possible to speculate about the reasons now. But if you accumulated a sufficient amount of power, it itself would tell you the answer to this question. The ravings of a madman, right?
- Okay, but why do you need power yourself?
- I'm like you in this. I didn't want to have power either. And I saw no reason to accumulate it. And I never followed the instructions that were given to me, or at least I never thought that I was following them. And yet, despite my stupidity, I accumulated enough power, and one day my personal power caused the world to collapse.

I asked whether the way a warrior perceives death depends on his upbringing. I used the Yuma Indians and the Yaqui Indians as examples. I myself believed that it is upbringing that largely determines how a person sees his death.
“Upbringing doesn’t matter at all,” he answered. - It all depends on personal strength. A person’s personality is the total volume of his personal power. And only this total volume determines how he dies.
- What is personal power?
- Personal power is a feeling. Something like a feeling of luck or happiness. You can call it a mood. A person's personal power and its accumulation have nothing to do with his origin. I have already said that a warrior is a hunter of power. And I teach you how to hunt it and how to accumulate it. And you are faced with a problem common to all of us - the problem of conviction. You need to firmly believe that personal power exists, that it can be used and accumulated.

He said that the only thing I should be interested in was the accumulation of personal power. ...
- Hunting for power is a very interesting and strange business. First - the idea, then - the setting, and then - bam! It happened!

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Are you saying that I can pick any leaves from any bush and their effect will be the same?
- No. I don't mean to say that you can do it yourself. You have no personal power. I want to say that any leaves can produce such an effect if a person with power gives them to you. It wasn't the leaves that helped you today. Strength helped you today.
- Your strength, don Juan?
- I think you have the right to say that it’s mine. But in reality this is not entirely accurate. Power cannot belong to anyone. She is never mine, nor yours, nor anyone else's. Some of us know how to collect it and accumulate it, and can different ways pass on to others. You see, the key thing about using accumulated power is that it can only be used to help someone else accumulate power.
I asked if this meant that his power was limited to helping others. Don Juan patiently explained that for himself he could use his personal power as he pleased, in any matter, in any direction. But when it comes to directly transferring power to another person, the situation changes. The transferred power is useless if the person who received it uses it for anything other than one thing - the search for his own personal power. Someone else's personal power can only be used in the search for one's own.
“Everything a person does is determined by the level of his personal power,” don Juan continued. “Therefore, to those who do not possess it, the accomplishments of a powerful man seem incredible. An ordinary person, as a rule, is not able not only to believe what a powerful magician or a man of knowledge does, but even to simply comprehend the very possibility of these accomplishments. After all, in order to at least somehow imagine what power is, you need to possess it. This is exactly what I’ve been telling you all the way. But you don't understand. And I know this. You don't understand not because you don't want to, but because you can't. You have a very low level of personal power.
- What should I do, don Juan?
- Nothing. Act as you act. Live as you live. The force will find a way to get through to you.

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Believe in your personal power, he said in my ear. - This is the only thing a person has in this mysterious world.

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The darkness is an almost completely unknown entity to me, and if I am not extremely careful and attentive, it can easily outsmart me. To deal with her, you need to be completely calm.
- You have to “let go” of yourself. Then your personal power will be able to merge with the power of the night,” he said in my ear.

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A warrior is flawless if he trusts his personal strength, no matter how small or enormous it is.

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His ability to run in the dark has nothing to do with his knowledge of these hills. He said that the key to everything is the free flow of personal power. It needs to be “released”, and then it will merge with the power of the night. And if this happens, it will be impossible to stumble.

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But how can I build personal power?
- You will accumulate it if you live as I advise. Little by little you will plug the holes and pick up the tails. And you don't have to do anything special for this. Strength always finds its own way. Take me for example. When I started studying, I didn't know that I was on the path of a warrior, and I had no idea that I was accumulating strength. Like you, I thought I wasn't doing anything special. But that was not the case. Power has one curious property: you don’t notice it when it accumulates, and it accumulates unnoticed.

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As correctly as possible, I noticed that various incomprehensible things happen to me only in his presence. And this is strange to me. After all, many times in my life I spent nights in wild places, including in the mountains, and nothing like this had ever happened. Everything was quiet, calm and completely within the framework of explainable events. No shadows, no mystical sounds... Indeed, nothing ever scared me in such cases.
Don Juan chuckled gently and said that this only served as a confirmation of his great personal power, which allowed him to call on a lot of different things for help.

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My words don't make any sense to you. All for the same reason: you have too little personal power. But more than it was at the very beginning. That's why things started happening to you.

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I was terribly depressed that such an old man as don Juan should help me. I told him that I was in terrible shape because I was too lazy to exercise in any way. He replied that after reaching a certain level of personal power, the need for physical exercise and regular training is eliminated, since the only thing required to maintain impeccable shape is “not doing.”

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And only after sunset don Juan suddenly asked how things were going with my “dream.”
I replied that everything had gone well and simply before, but that by that time I had stopped finding my hands in my dreams.
- When you started, you used my personal power. That’s why at first everything went well and simply,” don Juan explained. - Now you are empty. But you shouldn't give up trying. Until you accumulate your own strength in abundance.

Carlos Castaneda. Travel to Ixtlan. Kyiv "Sofia", Ltd. 1992

Carlos Castaneda. Tales of power.

How can I come to an explanation of the magicians?
- As you accumulate personal power, you will come to it naturally.

Genaro is amazing,” he said. “But there’s no point in talking about it or its effect on you yet.” You don’t yet have enough personal strength for this topic. Wait until you have it, then we'll talk about it.

I gave you all the necessary knowledge. Now you are responsible for accumulating enough personal power to be able to touch the scales.

I said that I had received many letters from readers who assured me that I should not write about my apprenticeship.
“Don Juan, maybe I’m really unnecessarily revealing some things?”
“It doesn’t matter what a person reveals or keeps to himself,” he replied. - Whatever we do and whoever we are, it is all based on our personal strength. If it is enough, then just one word spoken to us can change our life. And if it is not enough, then even if all the treasures of wisdom are revealed, it will not give us anything.
He lowered his voice, as if about to tell me something secret.
“I want to entrust you with the greatest knowledge,” he said. - Let's see if you can manage it. Do you know that in this moment you are surrounded by eternity? And that you can take advantage of this eternity if you wish?
He looked at me expectantly, with subtle movements of his eyes pushing me to an answer. After a long pause, I said that I didn’t understand what they were talking about.
- Over there! Eternity is there! - he said, pointing to the horizon. Then - straight up: - Or there. Or you can say this: eternity is something here and here... - And he spread his arms to the sides, pointing to the west and east.
We looked at each other. There was a question in his eyes.
- What do you say to this? - Don Juan demanded.
I didn't know what to answer.
- Do you know that you can forever expand your borders in any of the directions I indicated? - he continued. - Do you know that one moment can be an eternity? This is not a mystery; this is a fact, but only if you ride this moment and use it to carry your wholeness with you forever and in any direction.
He looked at me.
“You didn’t have this knowledge before,” he said, smiling. - Now I have revealed it to you, but what difference has it made? For now, you still don’t have enough personal power to use it. Otherwise, my words would be enough for you to gather your integrity and direct it to break through your own boundaries.
He walked over to me and rapped his knuckles on my chest.
“These are the boundaries I'm talking about,” he said. - You can marry them. We are the feeling, the awareness contained here.

We are luminous beings,” he said, shaking his head rhythmically. - And for luminous beings, only personal strength matters. But if you ask me what personal power is, I will answer that my explanations will not explain this to you.

He told me to feel at ease and confident and to trust my personal power.

Vision Pablito left me even more shocked than vision Eligio.
Don Juan laughed so hard that tears rolled down his cheeks.
- Why do these people have a different shape? - I asked.
“They have more personal power,” he noted. - As you may have noticed, they are not tied to the ground.
- What gave them such ease? Were they born this way?
- We are all born light and floating, but gradually our form becomes fixed and chained to the ground. We make ourselves like this. Perhaps we can say that these people have a different form because they live like warriors.

When are you going to tell me about him?
- I don't know. It depends on you. You have to decide when.
- Why is it bad if now?
- Deciding does not mean choosing a time at random. Decide means that you have tuned your spirit and made it invulnerable and that you have done everything possible to be worthy of knowledge and power.
Today, however, at Genaro's request, you will have to solve one small problem. He left earlier and will be waiting for us somewhere in the chaparral. We do not know where he will be, nor the time when we will need to go to him. If you can correctly determine the time for us to leave the house, then you can also lead us to where he is waiting for us.
I said that I couldn’t imagine how to solve such a problem.
- What is the connection between the time of our departure and the place where don Genaro will be waiting for us? - I asked.
Don Juan smiled and began humming a melody. He seemed to enjoy my arousal.
“This is the problem that Genaro has given you,” he said. - If you have enough personal strength, then you will absolutely accurately determine right time to leave the house. No one knows exactly how the exact time will guide you. But if you have enough personal strength, then you will be convinced that it will be so.
- But what does “will lead” mean, don Juan?
- Nobody knows this either.

And then, perhaps, you will have her [personal strength - approx. my] that will be enough for your next visit. But wait until you feel, like today at the irrigation ditch, that an inner voice tells you to do exactly this and not otherwise. Remember that coming in any other mood is not only useless for you, but also dangerous.

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You know that in everything that concerns doing And not doing warriors, only personal strength matters.

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- Tonal easy to destroy due to his innate weakness, and therefore one of the arts of balance of a warrior is to bring to the surface nagual to balance tonal. I say it's art; and magicians know that only by strengthening tonal may appear nagual. Do you understand what I mean? This enhancement is called personal power.

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Personal power decides who can and cannot benefit from an explanation. I have learned from my own experience that very few people even want to listen, much less act on what they hear. And of the handful of those who want to act, only a few have enough personal power to benefit from their actions.

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What happens today will depend on the amount of personal power you have.

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What would have happened if I had taken your recommendations seriously then? - I asked.
- You would have reached nagual, he answered.
“But would I be able to reach the nagual without a benefactor?”
“Strength is given to us in accordance with our invulnerability,” he said, “and if you seriously used these techniques, you would accumulate enough personal power to find a benefactor.” You would be invulnerable, and the power would open up all the necessary paths for you to establish contacts. This is the law.
- Why didn't you give me more time? - I asked.
“You had all the time you needed,” he said. - That’s what strength showed me. Remember, once you had to find a favorable place for yourself at the door of my house. That night you acted flawlessly under the pressure of circumstances, and in the morning you fell asleep in the very place, on the stone that I put there for you. The Force showed me that you have to be pushed mercilessly, otherwise you won't lift a finger.

Carlos Castaneda. Tales of power. Kyiv "Sofia", Ltd. 1992

Carlos Castaneda. Second ring of power.

I told her that from everything I had heard earlier, I understood that La Gorda was their leader. Lydia replied that La Gorda was indeed in charge and that the Nagual himself had put her in charge. She added that even if he had not done this, sooner or later La Gorda would still have gained the upper hand, because she is better than all of them. ...
-What makes La Gorda the best? - I asked.
“She has more personal power,” she said.

Carlos Castaneda. Second ring of power. Kyiv "Sofia", Ltd. 1992

"We can also talk about the chemical death of a person, when the supply of psychic energy is depleted.

We can talk about resurrection when psychic energy begins to be replenished".

What is Psychic Energy?– This is the life-giving energy on which human existence depends. There is no Psychic Energy (hereinafter referred to as PE) - there is no life, physical decay, illness and death occur. There is PE - there is a life full of creativity, health and happiness.

Synonyms for PE: grace, prana, Chinese Qi energy, fire of Hermes, Kundalini, fire tongues of the Holy Trinity, Bulwer-Lytton Vril, free energy Killi, Mesmer's fluid, Reichenbach's Od, Zoroaster's living fire, Sophia of the Hellenes, Saraswati of the Hindus and many, many others.

Signs of PE decline: mental and physical fatigue, drowsiness, amorphous consciousness, and in severe cases - nausea.

Signs of a hot flash of PE: joy and optimism, creative activity, desire for achievements and fruitful activities.

Seven ways to preserve PE

1. AURA. When leaving home in the morning, mentally outline an energy shell in the shape of an outstretched elbow around you. chicken egg so that your body is in the center of this auric egg. In this way, you will strengthen the protective network of your aura, which protects your PE from unwanted intrusions.

2. VAMPIRES. Try to avoid communicating with people with dull, cloudy, shifting eyes - these are energy vampires, after communicating with whom severe fatigue sets in. A person's gaze cannot be faked. The eyes are the most reliable indicator of the presence of PE in a person. Those who do not have their own PE often become an energy vampire and try (often unconsciously) to steal it by simply approaching the donor’s aura.

3. CROWD. In public transport, or similar crowded places, discreetly make a quick assessment of the people standing nearby. If one of them caused you slight rejection, then move away from him to another place. When human auras come into contact, your PE flows magnetically into another aura, and the PE of another aura flows into yours, and there is no way to interfere with this energy exchange - this is a firm law.

4. HANDS. IN in public places try to avoid direct contact with your bare hands with commonly used objects and things, such as door handles, handrails, shopping cart handles, etc. If possible, then winter time Do not take off your gloves for years or buy thin ones, for example, kid gloves. If it is not possible to avoid direct contact with bare hands, then find a place that is least common. Human hands emit strong streams of PE. With each touch, a person saturates with his PE those objects touched by the hand. Be attentive to old, unfamiliar things. They can carry a charge of negative PE, from contact with which you will spend a lot of your PE on neutralizing it.

5. IRRITATION. By all means, avoid irritation, which can be especially annoying in public transport, in shops, in heavy traffic while driving a car, at home, etc. Mental irritation generates negative PE, which destroys your positive PE.

6. INTIMATE. Drive moderately intimate life, because the reproduction of seminal fluid requires a large consumption of PE.

7. ANIMALS. Do not keep animals at home so that your PE does not leak to them. Animals, like all living things, have their own aura with their own PE, which is much lower in quality than human PE. When the auras of a person and an animal come into contact, the same exchange of PE occurs as between people. Do not saturate your aura with lower animal PE.

Seven ways to enhance PE

1. AIR. Breathe natural, clean air more often. Prana is dissolved in it - solar PE. In large cities with over a million people, the air is not clean, so try to either go out into nature more often, or even move outside the city or to a small town.

2. SPACE. The boundless spaces of the universe are filled with cosmic life-giving energy, which is akin to human PE. You just need to mentally call, pull her from there. Look at the starry sky and imagine that it is an ocean of energy, by touching which you can easily strengthen your vital energy.

3. FRIENDLY. Be friendlier to everyone around you. Do not wish harm on anyone, not even your enemies. Kindness and a friendly attitude not only generate positive PE radiation in your aura, but also cause people to have the same response vibrations in their auras. Friendly people exchange positive PE with other people simply because they evoke the same positive PE in other people.

4. HEART. The main manager of a person’s PE is his heart. Listen to your heart, not your brain. The rational brain is often deceived in correctly assessing a life situation and sometimes leads into a dead end. The heart is never deceived and knows much more than the mind can imagine. Listen to the voice of your heart in silence and silence. It will tell you how to follow the path of life, so that at the end of it you can say that you have lived happy life.

6. VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. Eat raw vegetables and fruits - they are full of solar PE deposits. Try not to eat fried foods, because... overcooked oil releases poisons that kill your PE. Do not eat meat, it is full of invisible energy, pathogenic fluids of decomposition, which begins immediately after the death of the animal. Even the freshest meat is full of not only low animal PE, but also energetic microbes, when eaten, your body will spend a lot of PE to neutralize them. Legumes can easily replace meat products.

7. SLEEP. Before going to bed, don’t worry, and especially don’t quarrel with your family. Try not to watch negative and criminal television programs that evoke bad emotions. It's better to watch a good movie or read good book, or listen to calm music. Before going to bed, take a shower to cleanse not only your body of sweat deposits, but, more importantly, to wash away the energy accumulations of the day from your aura. Pure water has the property of cleaning PE. Having gone to sleep in a clean body and a calm, peaceful spirit, your PE will rush into the pure layers of space, where it will receive strengthening and nutrition. In the morning you will feel cheerfulness and strength to live the coming day with dignity.

Who among us does not dream of being healthy and successful, living a long and happy life? For thousands of years, humanity has been looking for the secret of happiness, not realizing that it had long been found and lies not somewhere beyond the horizon, but within ourselves. It turns out that the secret of harmony and peace lies in filling life with energy. It is thanks to energy that we live and enjoy life, because when filled with vitality, we turn into creators. At the same time, loss of energy makes us apathetic and sick, depriving us of all the joys of life, and therefore if we want to feel healthy and happy, we need to learn to conserve and accumulate energy.

At first glance, this may seem difficult, but everything will fall into place if you turn to esotericism and understand that the loss or accumulation of energy occurs not only on the physical, but also on the energetic level, through the astral, mental and etheric bodies. These energy bodies really exist, they are just not visible, since they have much higher vibrations that the human eye cannot perceive. Let's talk about what each of the bodies represents.

  • The physical body is our shell, a spacesuit, so to speak, visible to the human eye.
  • The etheric body is the energy matrix of the physical body, which we commonly call the “aura”. It contains all our physical sensations, and therefore the etheric body is responsible for physical health our body.
  • Astral body. It is often called the second energy body, because it is responsible for our emotions, feelings and desires, that is, it contains all the characteristics of our nature. This is probably why we often call the astral body the soul.
  • The mental body is sometimes called the thinking body, since it is an expression of our personality. Such an energy body is given to a person to build thought processes and expand his consciousness.

Why do we lose energy

1. On the physical level
At this level, our vitality is depleted by: illness, useless physical activity, prolonged stay in places with large crowds of people, for example, at rallies, demonstrations and festivities. In addition, vitality leaves those people who are influenced by “energy vampires.”

Loss of energy occurs at moments when there is an obstacle to its free movement. Such an obstacle can be a curvature of posture, the presence of muscle tension, as well as an unnatural posture during the performance of professional duties.

Overeating, which causes obesity and other digestive problems, as well as excess or lack of physical activity, relaxation and sex. This also includes violation of the daily routine. In all these areas it is necessary to adhere to the golden mean.

Let us also add that a person spends a large amount of energy in contact with unnatural products, such as food with harmful additives and household chemical products, such as shampoos, gels and powders. In this regard, it is worth thinking about how to replace these products with natural ones.

2. At the level of the etheric body
Our aura can also lose energy, especially at times when we feel tired, nervous and irritable. The fact is that in such situations the connection with the Universe is lost and the energy simply leaves the body. People who rarely visit nature and are forced to constantly breathe in the polluted air of a metropolis also lose their supply from space. In this case, vitality also disappears, and the person becomes apathetic and joyless.

Considering that the astral body is responsible for our emotional world, loss of energy will occur at a time when a person experiences any negative emotions, for example, anger or irritation, anger or envy. In addition, vital forces will constantly sharpen mental traumas, serious grievances and unresolved conflicts. All these feelings are real ulcers that grow in the astral body of a person and poison him with their stinking odor.

Feelings that suck vital energy from the body can also include any experiences that may be associated with various kinds of addictions, for example, gaming, love, or addiction to watching television series. This also includes all the obsessive desires that a person experiences. The agony of desire greatly torments the astral body, and therefore, when a person becomes fixated on one object and ceases to see the beauty and kindness of the world around him, bright vital energy flows out of him, and its place is immediately filled with dark destructive energy.

As we already know, mental body are thoughts that express our personality. It has long been known that thoughts are material and can be both creative and destructive. Against this background, the mental body can lose vital energy in the event of negative thoughts, especially when a person is bothered by thoughts about the past or when he has to think and comprehend completely useless things. Such thoughts devastate us, which means we should learn to switch from the past to thoughts about the present and future, to what is really important to you here and now. Once you organize your thoughts and replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will feel the joy of life. This will be the moment of filling with energy.

To stop the senseless loss of vitality, first of all, it is necessary to realize through which body the energy leaves and what exactly becomes the trigger for its loss. In this case, all that remains is to eliminate negative factors in order to avoid loss of energy. Various psychological trainings can be of great benefit in this regard.

As soon as the loss of vital energy stops, the person will immediately feel it. His well-being will noticeably improve, the quality of his work will improve, and his relationships with loved ones will improve. However, there is no need to stop there. If you not only stop the flow of outgoing energy, but promote its accumulation, truly broad horizons will open up before you, such as harmony with the world, a feeling of true bliss and true happiness.

How to save energy

1. On the physical level
To start accumulating energy on the physical level, it is very important to take care of own body. This can be achieved by cleansing the body, for example, through various diets, vegetarianism or fasting, as well as in the traditional way through enemas or yoga practices.

It is also very important to tone your body through regular but moderate physical activity such as walking, jogging, cycling or swimming. All this contributes to muscle tone, improved mood, and therefore the accumulation of vitality.

Don't forget about regular meditation to relax. The body simply needs proper rest to recover, so pay attention to spiritual practices that will help you feel peace and feel how your body is filled with the energy of life.

2. At the level of the etheric body
Our etheric body is very closely connected with the external environment, and therefore, in order to stimulate the accumulation of energy, it is important to realize that we are part of the surrounding world, to understand that everything around us: animals, birds, trees, water, and air - is energy. In this regard, you should spend more time in nature: wandering through the forest or walking through parks.

In addition, meditation and, especially, working on your own breathing helps to accumulate life-giving energy, because breathing is our key to self-knowledge. To this end, it is best to study yoga practices that include diaphragmatic, clavicular, and costal breathing.

3. At the level of the astral body
To fill yourself with the energy of life through the astral body, first of all, you need to be honest with yourself and the people around us, get rid of arrogance and arrogance, and also take off any other masks so that the most valuable energy does not go to invented roles. Learn to admit your mistakes and accept your feelings. This will allow you to take a step in self-knowledge, and therefore become happier.

Stop hiding your emotions, find a way to express them without harm to others. Moreover, do not try to divide your own emotional impulses into good and evil, but simply perceive them as intense and vivid experiences. In this case, negative energy will leave the body in a timely manner without accumulating, and the vacated space will soon be filled with the energy of life.

Remember that you are the master of emotions, and they do not control you. By succumbing to the power of negative emotions, you cause damage to your own body, releasing the energy of life. At the same time, by increasing your own self-discipline, you will be on the path to accumulating vitality.

Considering that the astral body is usually called the soul, you can fill yourself with positive energy when love and compassion appear in your soul. It is these feelings, in which we are ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of a loved one, or when we recognize ourselves in other people and their actions, that make us kinder.

4. At the level of the mental body
Our thoughts are one of the most important factors in accumulating the energy of life. If restless and anxious thoughts instill fear in us and attract negative energy, then positive thoughts and faith in the best give us a feeling of freedom. And this is exactly what you need to fill yourself with the energy of life.

Thus, by taking care of your own health, clearing your feelings and thoughts of filth, and replacing them with positive thoughts and faith in the best, you will step by step be filled with the energy of goodness, and therefore accumulate the energy of life! Harmony and peace to you!

Who among us does not dream of being healthy and successful, living a long and happy life? For thousands of years, humanity has been looking for the secret of happiness, not realizing that it had long been found and lies not somewhere beyond the horizon, but within ourselves. It turns out that the secret of harmony and peace lies in filling life with energy. It is thanks to energy that we live and enjoy life, because when filled with vitality, we turn into creators. At the same time, loss of energy makes us apathetic and sick, depriving us of all the joys of life, and therefore if we want to feel healthy and happy, we need to learn to conserve and accumulate energy.

At first glance, this may seem difficult, but everything will fall into place if you turn to esotericism and understand that the loss or accumulation of energy occurs not only on the physical, but also on the energetic level, through the astral, mental and etheric bodies. These energy bodies really exist, they are just not visible, since they have much higher vibrations that the human eye cannot perceive. Let's talk about what each of the bodies represents.

  • The physical body is our shell, a spacesuit, so to speak, visible to the human eye.
  • The etheric body is the energy matrix of the physical body, which we commonly call the “aura”. It contains all our physical sensations, and therefore the etheric body is responsible for the physical health of our body.
  • Astral body. It is often called the second energy body, because it is responsible for our emotions, feelings and desires, that is, it contains all the characteristics of our nature. This is probably why we often call the astral body the soul.
  • The mental body is sometimes called the thinking body, since it is an expression of our personality. Such an energy body is given to a person to build thought processes and expand his consciousness.

Why do we lose energy

1. On the physical level

At this level, our vitality is depleted by: illness, useless physical activity, prolonged stay in places with large crowds of people, for example, at rallies, demonstrations and festivities. In addition, vitality leaves those people who are influenced by “energy vampires.”

Loss of energy occurs at moments when there is an obstacle to its free movement. Such an obstacle can be a curvature of posture, the presence of muscle tension, as well as an unnatural posture during the performance of professional duties.

Overeating, which causes obesity and other digestive problems, as well as excess or lack of physical activity, rest and sex can shake the energy balance. This also includes violation of the daily routine. In all these areas it is necessary to adhere to the golden mean.

Let us also add that a person spends a large amount of energy in contact with unnatural products, such as food with harmful additives and household chemical products, such as shampoos, gels and powders. In this regard, it is worth thinking about how to replace these products with natural ones.

2. At the level of the etheric body

Our aura can also lose energy, especially at times when we feel tired, nervous and irritable. The fact is that in such situations the connection with the Universe is lost and the energy simply leaves the body. People who rarely visit nature and are forced to constantly breathe in the polluted air of a metropolis also lose their supply from space. In this case, vitality also disappears, and the person becomes apathetic and joyless.

Considering that the astral body is responsible for our emotional world, loss of energy will occur at a time when a person experiences any negative emotions, for example, anger or irritation, anger or envy. In addition, vital forces will constantly sharpen mental traumas, serious grievances and unresolved conflicts. All these feelings are real ulcers that grow in the astral body of a person and poison him with their stinking odor.

Feelings that suck vital energy from the body can also include any experiences that may be associated with various kinds of addictions, for example, gaming, love, or addiction to watching television series. This also includes all the obsessive desires that a person experiences. The agony of desire greatly torments the astral body, and therefore, when a person becomes fixated on one object and ceases to see the beauty and kindness of the world around him, bright vital energy flows out of him, and its place is immediately filled with dark destructive energy.

As we already know, the mental body is the thoughts that express our personality. It has long been known that thoughts are material and can be both creative and destructive. Against this background, the mental body can lose vital energy in the event of negative thoughts, especially when a person is bothered by thoughts about the past or when he has to think and comprehend completely useless things. Such thoughts devastate us, which means we should learn to switch from the past to thoughts about the present and future, to what is really important to you here and now. Once you organize your thoughts and replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will feel the joy of life. This will be the moment of filling with energy.

To stop the senseless loss of vitality, first of all, it is necessary to realize through which body the energy leaves and what exactly becomes the trigger for its loss. In this case, all that remains is to eliminate negative factors in order to avoid loss of energy. Various psychological trainings can be of great benefit in this regard.

As soon as the loss of vital energy stops, the person will immediately feel it. His well-being will noticeably improve, the quality of his work will improve, and his relationships with loved ones will improve. However, there is no need to stop there. If you not only stop the flow of outgoing energy, but promote its accumulation, truly broad horizons will open up before you, such as harmony with the world, a feeling of true bliss and true happiness.

How to save energy

1. On the physical level

To start accumulating energy on a physical level, it is very important to take care of your own body. This can be achieved by cleansing the body, for example, through various diets, vegetarianism or fasting, as well as in the traditional way through enemas or yoga practices.

It is also very important to tone your body through regular but moderate physical activity such as walking, jogging, cycling or swimming. All this contributes to muscle tone, improved mood, and therefore the accumulation of vitality.

Don't forget about regular meditation to relax. The body simply needs proper rest to recover, so pay attention to spiritual practices that will help you feel peace and feel how your body is filled with the energy of life.

2. At the level of the etheric body

Our etheric body is very closely connected with the external environment, and therefore, in order to stimulate the accumulation of energy, it is important to realize that we are part of the surrounding world, to understand that everything around us: animals, birds, trees, water, and air - is energy. In this regard, you should spend more time in nature: wandering through the forest or walking through parks.

In addition, meditation and, especially, working on your own breathing helps to accumulate life-giving energy, because breathing is our key to self-knowledge. To this end, it is best to study yoga practices that include diaphragmatic, clavicular, and costal breathing.

3. At the level of the astral body

To fill yourself with the energy of life through the astral body, first of all, you need to be honest with yourself and the people around us, get rid of arrogance and arrogance, and also take off any other masks so that the most valuable energy does not go to invented roles. Learn to admit your mistakes and accept your feelings. This will allow you to take a step in self-knowledge, and therefore become happier.

Stop hiding your emotions, find a way to express them without harm to others. Moreover, do not try to divide your own emotional impulses into good and evil, but simply perceive them as intense and vivid experiences. In this case, negative energy will leave the body in a timely manner without accumulating, and the vacated space will soon be filled with the energy of life.

Remember that you are the master of emotions, and they do not control you. By succumbing to the power of negative emotions, you cause damage to your own body, releasing the energy of life. At the same time, by increasing your own self-discipline, you will be on the path to accumulating vitality.

Considering that the astral body is usually called the soul, you can fill yourself with positive energy when love and compassion appear in your soul. It is these feelings, in which we are ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of a loved one, or when we recognize ourselves in other people and their actions, that make us kinder.

4. At the level of the mental body

Our thoughts are one of the most important factors in accumulating the energy of life. If restless and anxious thoughts instill fear in us and attract negative energy, then positive thoughts and faith in the best give us a feeling of freedom. And this is exactly what you need to fill yourself with the energy of life.

Thus, by taking care of your own health, clearing your feelings and thoughts of filth, and replacing them with positive thoughts and faith in the best, you will step by step be filled with the energy of goodness, and therefore accumulate the energy of life! Harmony and peace to you!