Inorganic beings in lucid dreams. By practicing dreaming, you attract the attention of inorganic beings. Dangers of dreams or stalking by stalkers

Inorganic beings(eng. inorganic beings)

Don Juan said that the cornerstone of the cognitive system of the shamans of Ancient Mexico is the following energetic fact: any manifestation of the cosmos is a form of expression of energy. Studying the world from the height of the ability to directly see energy, shamans comprehended the energetic fact that the entire cosmos consists of two opposing and at the same time complementary forces. They called these two forces animate and inanimate energy.

They saw that inanimate energy has no awareness (awareness). According to the definition of shamans, awareness is a vibrating state of animate energy. Don Juan said that the shamans of Ancient Mexico were the first to see that all earthly organisms have vibrating energy. They called them organic beings and saw that these organisms themselves determine the coherence and boundaries of such energy. In addition, they saw that certain conglomerates of this vibrating animate energy also have their own coherence, independent of the structural connections of the organism. Such conglomerates are called inorganic beings; shamans described them as invisible to the human eye, stable clots of energy - self-aware energy (energy that is aware of itself), possessing unity, which is determined by some connecting force (agglutinating force - gluing force), different from the connecting force of organic beings (of an organism - organisms).

The shamans of don Juan's lineage saw that the fundamental state of animate energy - both organic and inorganic - is the transformation of the total energy of the Universe into sensory data (sensory data). In the case of organic beings, these sense data are then transmitted to a system of interpretation, which classifies the total amount of energy and produces a special response for each division of the classification, on whatever principles the division may be made. Sorcerers assert that in the realm of inorganic beings, the sense data into which these beings transform the totality of energy must, by definition, also be interpreted, no matter how incomprehensible to us this system of interpretation may be. (interpreted by them in whatever incomprehensible form they may do it - interpreted by them in any incomprehensible form that they can create).

<...>They saw that the Universe creates billions of organic and inorganic creatures By exposing all these beings to external pressure, the Universe forces them to improve their awareness (enhance their awareness)- in this way the Universe tries to come to awareness of itself (aware of itself). Consequently, the final question in the shamans' system of knowledge is the question of awareness.

<...>Shamans like Don Juan Matus defined their task as the desire to become inorganic being, that is, into a self-aware energy manifesting as an integral unit, but devoid of an organism. They called this aspect of their cognitive system complete freedom - in this state awareness (awareness) finds herself freed from the restrictions of social life (socialization) and syntax.

(trapped) if you indulge indulge (affect). Inorganic beings satisfy

In fact inorganic beings are energy formations, we shouldn't think of them as beings from outer space . They are energy that seeks energy. If you're full (totally) indulgences, didn't recapitulate, you have no control (victim).


Pass the second dream gate

HE:<Опасно ли заниматься вторыми вратами сновидения без наставника? Дон Хуан говорил, что неорганические существа имеют хищническую природу.>

(sobriety) and control (control)

(fluid) (move) (basically)

But... The danger is that you may be captured (trapped) if you are indulging, if you have not done a recapitulation and you are not fluid enough not to indulge in emotions such as fear or attachment (affect) (cater - please, indulge, serve) your emotions, they give you what you want.

(totally) indulgences, did not recapitulate, you have no control, then you are more or less a victim (victim).

poor child syndrome (poor baby syndrome)- this is when you constantly<чувствуете себя> (defeatist attitude)

Absolute freedom

The development of all components of the sorcerers' cognitive system allowed don Juan and all the shamans of his line to come to rather strange energetic conclusions that at first glance seem appropriate only for these sorcerers and the circumstances of their own existence, but upon careful assessment they turn out to be applicable to each of us. According to don Juan, the culmination of the shamans' search is something that he himself considered the final energetic fact not only for sorcerers, but for all people in the world. He called it the final journey.

The ultimate journey lies in the possibility that individual awareness, developed to the level of commitment to the shamanic cognitive system, can overcome the normal limit of functioning of the organism as a complete unit, that is, avoid death. The shamans of Ancient Mexico understood this highest awareness as the possibility that the consciousness of human beings is capable of surpassing everything known and reaching the level of energy flowing in the Universe.

Shamans like Don Juan Matus defined their task as the desire to transform into an inorganic being, that is, into a self-aware energy that manifests as an integral unit, but without an organism. They called this aspect of their cognitive system complete freedom - in this state, awareness is freed from the restrictions of social life and syntax.



Everything was going smoothly. The only thing that bothered me was the increasingly recurring sensation of some kind of interference, something like attacks of fear or discomfort. I believed that this was due either to my disgusting diet, or to the fact that just at that time don Juan often gave me hallucinogenic plants, which was also part of my training program. However, in the end the attacks became so obvious that I was forced to turn to don Juan for advice.

“You have touched the most dangerous edge of magical knowledge, a real nightmare, a true fear,” he began. - I am obliged to tell you this directly, without ceremony with your favorite rationalism. Every magician inevitably faces this line. I'm afraid that if I had not warned you, then at this stage you could easily break down and panic, believing that a mistake had been made somewhere.

Don Juan very seriously explained to me that life and consciousness as energy categories are not the exclusive properties of living organisms. The sorcerers saw that there were two types of conscious beings roaming this earth - organic beings and inorganic beings. Comparing them with each other, the magicians saw that both were clots of light through which millions of energy fibers of the universe flowed in all imaginable directions. They differ from each other in shape and brightness. Inorganic beings have elongated shapes similar to candles and glow dim light. Organic creatures are more rounded and have a much brighter glow. Another significant difference between them, which the magicians saw, is that the life and consciousness of organic beings are fleeting, since these beings are forced to live in a constant hurry. Inorganic beings they live immeasurably longer, because their consciousness is filled with infinite peace and depth.

Without much difficulty, sorcerers can interact with inorganic beings, don Juan continued, because the latter have consciousness, the main characteristic necessary for interaction.

But do they really exist? - I asked. - As real as you and me?

Of course they do,” he replied. - You can believe me, magicians are extremely intelligent creatures. Under no circumstances would they flirt with prejudices, subsequently accepting them as reality.

Why do you say that these creatures are alive?

From the point of view of the magician, to have life means to have consciousness. That is, to have an assemblage point with a glow of consciousness surrounding it. This is what indicates to the magician that the creature with whom he is dealing, no matter whether it is organic or inorganic, fully possesses the capacity for awareness. Sorcerers consider the presence of perception as a necessary condition for life.

Then inorganic beings must also die. Is that right, don Juan?

Naturally. They lose their awareness just like we do. Just the duration of their consciousness is truly mind-blowing.

Are inorganic beings themselves magicians?

In their case it is very difficult to say which is which. Let's put it this way: we lure them, or rather, force them to interact with us.

For a moment, don Juan literally glared at me.

This doesn’t reach you at all,” he concluded confidently.

It's almost impossible for me to think about it with common sense, I said.

And I warned you that your sanity would be seriously tested. In this case, it is advisable to leave everything as is and allow events to take their course. I mean allow inorganic beings to come to you.

Are you serious, don Juan?

Absolutely serious. The difficulty of interacting with inorganic beings is that their consciousness acts extremely slowly compared to ours. And it takes years for them to recognize the magician. Therefore, it is recommended to be patient and wait. Sooner or later they will show up. But not the way you or I would seem. They make themselves known in a very specific way.

How do magicians lure them? Is there some kind of ritual?

Well, in any case, magicians do not go out into the middle of the road and do not call out to them from there in a trembling voice when midnight strikes, if by ritual you mean something like that.

What are they doing?

They lure them through dreams. I told you there's more to it than just luring. Through the practice of dreaming, sorcerers force them to interact.

How do magicians force them?

Dreaming means holding the assemblage point where it moved in the dream. The resulting energy potential attracts the attention of inorganic beings. How bait attracts fish. And they take this bait. By reaching and overcoming the first and second gates of dreaming, magicians throw bait for inorganic creatures and thereby force them to appear.

Having overcome the first and second gates of dreaming, you brought your invitation to their attention. Now wait for them to give you a sign.

What could this sign be, don Juan?

It is quite possible that one of them will appear to you, although it is too early for this. In my opinion, the sign will simply be some outside interference in your dream. I believe that the attacks of fear that last days you experience in dreams are not caused by indigestion, but by impulses of energy that are sent to you by inorganic beings.

And what should I do now?

Fail your own expectations.

I couldn't understand what he meant. Don Juan explained in detail. What do we expect when we interact with humans or other organic beings? Immediate response to your request. However, inorganic beings are separated from us by the most difficult barrier to overcome - different speeds of energy movement. Therefore, there cannot be an immediate reaction, and the magician must deceive his expectations by continuing to act in the request mode for as long as it takes for his request to be accepted.

Are you saying, don Juan, that the request and the practice of the art of dreaming in this case are one and the same?

Yes. But in order to get the perfect result, you should add to your practice the intention of reaching inorganic beings. Send them a feeling of strength and confidence, a sense of power and detachment. And at all costs avoid having your feelings of fear or depression reach them. They are quite dark on their own. At the very least, you don’t have to add your own to their gloom.

It is not entirely clear to me, don Juan, how they appear to the dreamer. What is this special way they make themselves known?

It happens that they materialize in this world - right in front of us. Although most of the time they are invisible, their presence manifests itself in the form of a special sensation in the human body, a kind of shake or trembling that penetrates a person to the marrow of his bones.

And in a dream, don Juan?

In a dream it's the other way around. At times we feel them the way you felt them - like attacks of fear. In most cases they materialize, appearing right in front of us. Since we have no experience with them at first, they can fill us with immense fear. And this is truly dangerous for us. Through the channel of fear, they are able to follow a person into the world of everyday life. The results of this can be truly catastrophic.

In what sense, don Juan?

What do magicians do with inorganic beings?

They merge with them. They turn them into their allies. They form communities. Sometimes their contracts result in extraordinary friendships. I call this relationship cooperation without boundaries. Perception plays the most important role in them. After all, we are social beings and inevitably seek the company of other consciousnesses.

The secret of successfully establishing contacts with inorganic beings is that you do not need to be afraid of them. Moreover, the message that a person sends to them must be full of strength and detachment. It should be encoded: “I’m not afraid of you. Come and see me. If you show up, I’ll be glad to see you. If you don’t want to come, I’ll miss you.” When inorganic beings receive such a message, they are filled with such uncontrollable curiosity that they are sure to come.

But why should they come to me, or why should I strive to meet them?

Dreamers seek contact with other beings in their dreams. Whether we like it or not doesn't matter. This may come as a shock, but dreamers automatically seek out groups of beings with whom they can form a connection, a bond of sorts. Dreamers are truly eager to find them.

This seems very strange to me, don Juan. Why do dreamers do this?

Inorganic beings are something new to us. And for them, those of us who cross the border of their sphere of existence are new. Thanks to their magnificent consciousness, inorganic beings have enormous attractive power for the dreamer and can transport him to indescribable worlds. Remember this well, and never forget about it.

This was used by the magicians of ancient times - the term “allies” owes its origin to them. The allies of these magicians taught them to shift the assemblage point beyond the luminous egg - into the non-human universe. Thus, when a magician uses them as a vehicle, they transport him to worlds beyond the human realm.

I listened to him, and I was overcome by strange fears and forebodings. Don Juan instantly understood what was happening.

“You are religious to the extreme,” he laughed. - And at the moment I felt the breath of the devil on the back of my head. But think about it differently. We believe that such and such can be perceived. And a dream is the perception of something that goes beyond the possible.

During my waking hours, I was worried about the possibility of the real existence of inorganic beings. But when I was sleeping, my conscious anxiety did not have much force. The attacks of physical fear continued, but they were invariably followed by a strange calm. It took over me and allowed me to continue as if there was no fear.

Then it seemed to me that every breakthrough in my dream happened suddenly, without warning. The appearance of inorganic beings in my dreams was no exception. This happened when I was dreaming about a circus from my childhood. The setting was reminiscent of a small town in the mountains of Arizona. I began to look at the people, experiencing the vague hope that never left me of seeing again the same people I had seen when don Juan first forced me to enter the sphere of second attention.

Watching them, I felt a surge of nervousness - a jolt in the pit of my stomach, like a blow to the solar plexus. The jolt distracted me somewhat, and I lost sight of the people, the circus and the town in the mountains of Arizona. Instead of all this, two figures of a completely creepy appearance stood in front of me. They were skinny - no wider than a foot at the shoulders - and long - about seven feet. They loomed over me menacingly, like two giant earthworms.

I knew it was a dream, but I also knew what I was seeing. Don Juan and I talked about vision when I was both in the normal state and in the state of second attention. And, although I could not then experience it personally, I thought I understood the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdirect perception of energy. And in that dream, looking at these strange ghosts, I realized that I was seeing the energetic essence of something incredible.

I was very calm. I didn't move. The most remarkable thing for me was that they did not dissipate or transform into anything else, remaining visible creatures, shaped like candles. There was something about them that made me retain the perception of their form. I knew this because something told me that if I didn't move, they too would stay put.

At a certain point it all ended. I woke up startled and was immediately besieged by many fears. I was overcome by a deep anxiety - something like physical suffering, a kind of sadness that had no basis.

From then on, two strange figures appeared to me every time I practiced dreaming. Over time, it turned out as if all my dreaming practice was only necessary for me to meet them. They never attempted to approach me or engage in any interaction whatsoever. They simply stood motionless in front of me the entire time my sleep lasted. Not only have I never made an effort to change my dreams, moreover, I even forgot why I actually practice dreaming.

By the time I finally told don Juan what was happening to me, I had been contemplating only these two figures for several months.

"You are stuck at a very dangerous crossroads," don Juan said. - It won't be right if you drive them away. However, allowing them to stay is also a mistake. At present their presence is a hindrance to your dreaming practice.

What should I do, don Juan?

Meet them right now, in our world, and tell them to come later, when there is more power in your dream.

But how to meet them?

It's not easy, but it's possible. You just need to make sure your gut isn't too thin. But it’s not subtle, so be calm.

And, without waiting for me to begin to assure him that I had a thin gut, and a very thin one at that, he dragged me somewhere into the hills. He lived then in the north of Mexico and first made sure that I formed the impression of him as a lonely sorcerer, an old man forgotten by everyone and dropped out of the flow of human life. True, I was slightly alarmed by his suddenly manifesting truly immense intelligence. Therefore, I was inclined to put up with some of his manifestations, since I was half sure that they were just his quirks.

His favorite skill was a special trick that magicians had been practicing for many centuries. He made sure that in my normal state I understood everything that I was capable of understanding. At the same time, by introducing me into a state of second attention, he ensured that I either understood or at least enthusiastically listened to everything he taught me. Thus, he seemed to divide me into two parts. Being in my normal state, I could not figure out why or how it turned out that I was inclined to take his eccentric antics seriously. When I was in a state of second attention, all this made a very definite sense to me.

Don Juan argued that the second attention is, in principle, available to any of us, but, diligently clinging to the saving straw of our rationalism, we - some more violently, others less - push the second attention away from ourselves, not letting it come closer than at arm's length. Don Juan's idea was that dreams remove the barriers with which we protect ourselves from the second attention, thereby isolating ourselves.

On the day he led me into the hills of the Sonoran Desert to meet the inorganic beings, I was in a normal state of awareness. However, somehow I still knew that something was going to happen, and this something would definitely turn out to be something incredible.

There was a little rain in the desert. The red soil had not yet dried and stuck to the rubber soles of my boots. To get rid of the heavy lumps, I had to step on stones every now and then. We walked east, climbing towards the hills. When we reached a deep hollow between two hills, don Juan stopped.

Well, this is probably the perfect place to call your friends,” he said.

My friends? Why do you call them that?

They chose you themselves. When they do this, it means they are looking for contact. I told you that bonds of friendship are formed between them and the magicians. It seems that this is exactly the situation we are faced with in your case. And you are not even required to function in request mode.

What, exactly, is this kind of friendship, don Juan?

In a mutual exchange of energy. Inorganic beings invest their high level consciousness, and magicians - their heightened awareness and their high energy. If the result is positive, a parity exchange occurs. But it can also be negative, then mutual dependence arises.

Ancient magicians tended to love their allies. In fact, they loved their allies more than their neighbors. And I see a huge danger in this.

Okay, what do you advise me to do, don Juan?

Call them. Then you will estimate their sizes and decide for yourself what to do next.

What should I do to call them?

Recreate in your mind the appearance in which they appeared to you in the dream, and record it. The reason they tried to make you satiated with their presence in dreams was because they wanted to leave a memory of their forms in your mind. And now it's time to take advantage of it.

Don Juan strictly ordered me to close my eyes and not open them. Then he led me to some stones and sat me down on them. They were hard, cold and lay at an angle, making it difficult to maintain balance.

“Sit here and visualize their forms until they become exactly the same as they were in the dream,” don Juan said in my ear. - You'll let me know when they're in focus.

Very quickly and almost effortlessly, I was able to reproduce in my mind an image of their form, the same as the one I had seen in the dream. The fact that I managed to do this did not surprise me at all. Something completely different struck me. Even though I desperately tried to signal to don Juan that I had already imagined them, I could neither open my eyes nor squeeze out a word. I definitely didn't sleep. And I heard everything.

I heard don Juan say:

Now you can open your eyes.

I opened them without difficulty. I sat cross-legged on some rocks. These were not the same stones that don Juan sat me on in the beginning. He himself was somewhere behind and slightly to the right of me. I tried to turn around to look at him, but he did not allow me, holding my head straight. And then I saw two dark figures, like two thin tree trunks. They were right in front of me.

Opening my mouth in surprise, I stared at them. They were not at all as tall as in the dream. They shrunk to half their original size. Instead of two forms of dim luminosity, there were two dense, dark, almost black, threatening sticks in front of me.

Get up and grab one of them, don Juan told me, and don’t let go, no matter how much you shake.

I obviously didn't want to do anything like that, but some unknown urge forced me to stand up against my will. At that very moment, I clearly realized that I would end up doing everything, although I had no conscious intention of obeying don Juan's orders.

I mechanically approached the two figures. My heart almost jumped out of my chest. I grabbed the one on the right. What I felt was like an electric shock that almost made me let go of the dark figure.

If you leave him, you're done!

I continued to hold the figure. She twisted and shook, but not like a massive animal, but like something fluffy, light and as if electrified. We messed around on the sandy bottom of the ravine and rolled around on it for quite a long time. One after another, sickening impulses pierced me electric current. I thought that it felt so nasty because it was different from the energy I had to deal with in the everyday world. When “it” shocked me, I twitched, screamed and growled like an animal. Not from pain, but from some strange anger.

Finally, it froze under me - motionless, almost solid. Inert. I asked don Juan if it was dead, but I did not hear my voice.

“No way,” someone said with a laugh; this someone was not don Juan. - You just exhausted his energy. But don't get up yet. Lie down for a while.

I looked questioningly at don Juan. He studied me with great curiosity. Then he helped me up. The dark figure remained lying on the ground. I wanted to ask don Juan if everything was all right with this figure. And again he was unable to utter a word. And then I did something extraordinary. I agreed that all this was real. Until that moment, something remained in my mind that protected my rationalism, considering what was happening to be a dream, inspired by the manipulations of don Juan.

I approached the figure stretched out on the ground and tried to lift it. I did not succeed - it was impossible to grasp it, since it had no mass. I was confused. The same voice, which was not don Juan's, told me to lie on top of the inorganic being. I did so, and when I rose to my feet, it rose with me, like a shadow clinging to my body. Then it gently separated from me and disappeared, leaving me with some extremely pleasant feeling of completeness.

It took me more than a day to fully regain control of myself. I slept most of the time. From time to time don Juan checked my condition by asking the same question:

Was the inorganic being's energy like fire or water?

My throat felt like it was burned. Therefore, I could not answer him because the energy impulses that I felt resembled streams of electrified water. I have no idea what jets of electrified water are, since I have never felt anything like that in my life. I am not at all sure that such a phenomenon can be reproduced or felt. But this is exactly the image that popped into my mind every time don Juan asked me his key question.

When I finally realized that I had fully come to my senses, don Juan was sleeping. Knowing that his question is very great importance, I woke him up and told him everything.

You will have no friends among inorganic beings to help you. With them you can only have an irritating relationship, like a burdensome interdependence,” he concluded. - Be extremely careful. Aquatic inorganic creatures are most prone to excess. Ancient magicians believed that they loved more, were better at pretending, and perhaps even had emotions. In contrast to inorganic beings of a fiery nature, whom ancient magicians considered serious, more reserved, but also more pompous.

What does all this mean to me, don Juan?

Too big to talk about now. I advise you to overcome all the fears that are present in your dreams and in your life. Then you can maintain your own unity. The inorganic being that you had drained of energy and then recharged was beside itself with this adventure. And he will appear to repeat it.

But why didn't you stop me, don Juan?

You didn't give me time to do this. Besides, you didn't even hear me screaming for you to leave him on the ground.

It was necessary to instruct me in detail in advance, as you usually do, regarding all possible options developments of events.

I couldn't foresee all the possible options. In general, I am almost a newbie when it comes to inorganic beings. At one time I abandoned this part of the knowledge of magicians on the grounds that it was too burdensome and unsteady. I don't want to depend on any entity, whether organic or inorganic.

This is where our conversation ended. Obviously, I should have been concerned because his reaction to what had happened was definitely negative. But I wasn't worried. For some reason I was sure that I did everything right.

Subsequently, inorganic beings never interfered with my dreaming practice.


...the world of inorganic beings was the sphere of activity of magicians of the past. To get there, they carefully concentrated their attention in a dream on the observed objects, thus they were able to detect infiltrators. And when the scouts found themselves in the center of their attention, they shouted out loud their intention to follow them. As soon as the magicians of antiquity declared this intention, they left, carried away by alien energy.

Sobriety, control, fluidity, recapitulation, lack of indulgence

HE:<Опасно ли заниматься вторыми вратами сновидения без наставника? Дон Хуан говорил, что неорганические существа имеют хищническую природу.>

TA: No, you don't need a mentor if you have sobriety (sobriety) and control (control). You must know what you are doing because you are going through this gate alone.

Women don't need to worry because they are fluid enough (fluid) and they just flow in or out. Their assemblage point is moving (move). The Universe has feminine energy at its core (basically). Predators, inorganic creatures, are more interested in male energy.

But... The danger is that you may be captured (trapped) if you are indulging, if you have not done a recapitulation and you are not fluid enough not to indulge in emotions such as fear or attachment (affect). Inorganic beings satisfy (cater - please, indulge, serve) your emotions, they give you what you want.

In reality, inorganic beings are energy formations; we should not think of them as beings from outer space. They are energy that seeks energy. If you're full (totally) indulgences, did not recapitulate, you have no control, then you are more or less a victim (victim).

For example, in ordinary life, we call it "poor baby syndrome" (poor baby syndrome)- this is when you constantly<чувствуете себя>a sacrifice with which people do what they want and the world does not give you this and that. And so, with a feeling of defeat (defeatist attitude) you go to dream, you bring it into the dream.

We are systematically separated [from inorganic beings] by flyers

Then comes the death defier. An outstanding man of his time. Inorganic creatures are also blown up (blasted - blown up, destroyed, cursed) flyers. There is nothing they would like to do more than team up with us. But only sorcerers are brave enough, as beings who want to increase their awareness. You claim to be who you are in their kingdom and they grab you! How else will they do this, since they have no opportunity to express themselves. We are systematically separated [from inorganic beings] by flyers.

There are gaps in the social network and inorganic beings also know about them and use them

Abelard then enters lengthy vignettes describing the "theater of the real" in which the stalker accepts (put on) role, moves (moves) assemblage point and plays the character so thoroughly that the stalker loses himself in this role. Her three roles, given to her by Emilito, are Ricky - the gringo, the ugly American, the man. Abelar is so good that she deceives everyone except a group of magicians; then the spirit, as Emilito says, sends her her next role in the theater of the real, which is a young Mexican girl from a wealthy family waiting for a groom (there is an amusing corollary in which Abelar is actually deeply in love with a former priest who suffers from a massive "syndrome" poor baby", and Abelard strikes him in the solar plexus and puts him in a tree, thinking in his person that since this was done to restore her sanity, it would benefit her broken and energetic lover); the last role we learn is that of a crazy beggar woman, but in this role Abelard is ignored by everyone and forced to sit all day and watch people come and go from her place, and one day she no longer sees people, only

World of Inorganic Beings

True to his agreement, wait until don Juan himself decides to continue his explanations dreams, I only turned to him for advice when absolutely necessary. However, he generally came across as a man who not only did not want to discuss dream, but I am also dissatisfied with my attitude towards this subject. In my opinion, confirmation of his dissatisfaction with me was that whenever we began to discuss my practice dreams, he deliberately downplayed the importance of what I had achieved.

At that time, the most important feature of my practice was the constant evidence for the existence of living inorganic beings. After I met them in my dreams, and especially after encountering them in the desert surroundings of don Juan's house, I had good reason to believe their existence was a genuine fact. But all these cases had the opposite effect on me. I stubbornly and vehemently denied the possibility of their existence.

Then my mood changed, and I decided to conduct an objective study of the issue related to them. The research method required me to first keep regular records of what happened in my classes. dream, and then, based on these notes, I will conclude whether my assumptions about inorganic beings have been confirmed in practice. In fact, I have filled hundreds of pages with meticulous but meaningless descriptions, while sufficient evidence in favor of their existence was received by me almost at the very beginning of my research.

A few lessons were enough to find out that, perceived by me as random, the don's recommendation - to refrain from making a decision and give inorganic beings the opportunity to approach me - was in fact the very method that the magicians of the past used to attract them. Having given me the opportunity to experience this for myself, don Juan was simply following his method of teaching magic. He repeated again and again that it was very difficult to force our ego leave the defensive lines. This can only be achieved through practice. One of the strongest defensive lines ego is nothing other than our rationality. And she is not only the staunchest line of defense when it comes to magical actions and explanations, but also the most threatening. Don Juan believed that the existence of inorganic beings is the main enemy of our rationality.

In my practice dreams I adhered to the established routine, from which I did not deviate even for a single day. In the beginning my goal was to observe all available objects in my dream, and then a change in dreams. I observed, day after day, entire universes of different dream details. It goes without saying that at some point my dream attention began to wane, and my studies ended either with me falling asleep and having ordinary dreams in which I had no dream attention, or the fact that I woke up and could no longer fall asleep at all.

However, from time to time in my dreams a flow of alien energy appeared, as don Juan defined it, also calling it spy. His warning regarding spies helped me to be vigilant and use my dream attention. The first time I encountered alien energy was when I dreamed that I was shopping in a department store. I walked from counter to counter, looking for antiques. Eventually I found one. Mismatch between department store and art search ancient art it was so obvious that I chuckled quietly, but as soon as I found one such piece, I immediately forgot about this absurdity. This item was the handle of a cane. The seller told me that it was made of iridium, which he described as one of the hardest substances in the world. The handle was carved with the head and shoulders of a monkey. But it seemed to me that it was made of jade. The seller was very indignant when I hinted that it was most likely jade, and to demonstrate that he was right, he threw the object with all his might onto the cement floor. It didn't crash, but it began to bounce like a ball and then floated away, spinning like a frisbee. I followed him. He disappeared behind the trees. I ran to find him and found him stuck in the ground. It turned into an unusually beautiful cane of proper length, dark green in color with a transition to black.

I wanted to take it for myself. I grabbed hold of it and tried to pull it out of the ground before someone appeared nearby. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t move her. I was afraid that I would break it if I tried to pull it out of the ground, shaking it from side to side. So I started digging the ground around her with my bare hands. As I continued to dig, it melted before my eyes until all that was left in its place was a puddle of green water. I stared into the water, and suddenly it seemed to me that it had exploded. She turned into a white bubble, which then disappeared. My dream continued with new images and details that did not stand out in any way, although they were completely clear.

When I told don Juan about this dream, He said:

You highlighted spy Scouts more numerous in our ordinary dreams. Strange, but dreams dreamers characterized by the absence spies. When they appear, they are easily detected by their attendant unusualness and disproportion.

What kind of disproportion are you talking about, don Juan?

Their presence is surrounded by absurdities.

Much in a dream is absurd.

Only in ordinary dreams are things meaningless. I would say that this happens this way due to the large number spies, those present in them. There are many of them because ordinary people tend to protect themselves more strongly from the unknown.

Do you know why this is so, don Juan?

In my opinion, everything is determined by the balance of power. The average person has unusually strong barriers to protect themselves from these attacks. For example, barriers such as self-anxiety. But the stronger the obstacle, the more powerful the attack.

Unlike them, dreamers erect fewer barriers and therefore attract less spies into your dreams. IN dreams of dreamers meaningless things are missing, perhaps in order to dreamers presence was easily detected spies.

Don Juan advised me to be very careful and remember all the details of that dream. He even made me repeat my entire story.

“You’re confusing me,” I said. - You don’t want to hear anything about my dream, what you want. Is there any systematicity in your refusals and consents?

Of course, there is a certain system behind all this,” he said. “Perhaps someday you will do the same to someone else.” dreamers. Some things are of key importance because they are related to in spirit. Others are completely unimportant, since they are associated with our indulgent personality.

First spy which you discovered will now always be present in any form, even in the form of iridium. By the way, what is iridium?

“I don’t know exactly,” I said sincerely.

Here you go! What will you say if it turns out that this is one of the most durable substances in the world?

Don Juan's eyes sparkled with delight as I laughed nervously at the absurdity of his last remark, which I later learned was in fact true.

From that time on, I began to pay attention to the presence of awkward objects in my dreams. Once I accepted don Juan's classification of this energy as alien, I completely agreed with him that the absurd things in my dreams were alien intrusions. After I isolated them, my dream attention always focused on them with an intensity that did not occur in other circumstances.

I also noticed that every time foreign energy entered my dreams, my dream attention they had to work hard to turn her into some familiar object. The problem I was having was dream attention in this case, consisted in his inability to completely complete such a transformation: as a result, I received some kind of outlandish object, almost unfamiliar to me. Subsequently, the alien energy disappeared quite quickly; the unusual object disappeared, turning into a bubble of light, which was soon absorbed by other parts of my dream.

When I asked don Juan to comment on what was happening in my dream, He said:

Currently spies in your dreams are spies sent by the inorganic world. They are very fast and short-lived, which means they don't stay for long.

Why do you say they are spies, don Juan?

They come in search of potential consciousness. They have consciousness and purpose, although this consciousness and purpose are incomprehensible to our minds and are perhaps comparable to the consciousness and purpose inherent in trees. The internal speed of trees and inorganic beings is incomprehensible to us due to the fact that it is infinitely slower than ours.

Why do you think that, don Juan?

Both trees and inorganic beings live longer than us. They are designed to stay in place. They are motionless, but at the same time they make everything move around them.

Are you saying, don Juan, that inorganic beings are immovable entities just like trees?

Exactly. What you see in dream in the form of light and dark sticks, is their projections. What you hear in a dream like a voice emissary - also their projection. Just like them spies.

For some incomprehensible deep reason, I was depressed by these words. Suddenly I was overcome with anxiety. I asked don Juan if trees also had similar projections.

They have,” he said. “However, their projections are even less friendly to us than their counterparts from the inorganic world. Dreamer never seeks them unless he is in a state of deep intimacy with the trees, a state very difficult to achieve. We have no friends on this Earth, you know. - He grinned and added. - It’s no secret why this is so.

It may not be a secret to you, don Juan, but most certainly it is a secret to me.

Our actions are destructive. We have turned all living beings on this Earth against ourselves. That's why we have no friends.

I felt so awkward that I wanted to stop the conversation altogether. But an inner urge forced me to return to the discussion of inorganic beings.

What do you think I should do to follow spies? - I asked.

Why, exactly, do you need to follow them?

I am conducting objective research on the subject of inorganic beings.

You're making fun of me, aren't you? I thought you were steadfast in your denial of their existence.

I have a different opinion now, don Juan. Now I want to explore all the possibilities.

Remember that the world of inorganic beings was the sphere of activity of the magicians of the past. To get there, they firmly fixed their dream attention on observed objects, thus, they were able to detect spies. And when spies came into focus, they shouted out loud intention follow them. As soon as the magicians of antiquity declared this intention, they left, carried away by alien energy.

Is it that simple, don Juan?

He didn't answer. He just laughed, looking at me, as if inviting me to do what he told me.

At home I tried to find true meaning don Juan's words. I was not at all inclined to regard what he described as a valid procedure. After running out of ideas and patience, I stopped being defensive. After this, in my dream I saw a fish, which puzzled me because it suddenly jumped out of the lake near which I was walking. She fluttered at my feet, then flew up like a bird and landed on a branch, still remaining a fish. The picture was so unusual that I dream attention perked up. I immediately realized what it was spy A second later, when the bird-fish had turned into a point of light, I shouted my intention follow her and went to another world exactly as don Juan spoke about it.

I, like a light insect, flew through what seemed like a dark tunnel. The tunnel sensation suddenly stopped. It was as if I had been blown out of a pipe and, by inertia, plopped onto a huge lump of some substance; I almost touched her. I saw no end to it in all directions accessible to my gaze. All this reminded me so much of science fiction films that I was completely sure that I myself had constructed this image, the way we construct dreams. Why not? I reasoned that after all, I was dreaming, I'm dreaming.

I decided to consider all the details of this dream. What I could see was like a gigantic sponge. It was porous and covered with indentations. I couldn't touch it, but it looked hard and stringy. It was dark brown in color. Then a doubt flashed through my mind that this silent mass was just a dream. What I saw did not change its shape. It didn't move. When I looked closely, I got the impression of something real, but completely motionless; it was planted somewhere and had such a powerful attractive force that I could not tear my dream attention to study other objects, including yourself. Some strange force that I have never encountered before in dream, chained me.

Then I clearly felt that the mass had released my dream attention. After that, all my awareness focused on spy who brought me here. He looked like a firefly in the dark, hovering at my side. In this world spy was a bubble of pure energy. I could see the boiling of his energy. He seemed to know about me. Suddenly he came closer to me and then pulled or poked me. I didn't feel his touch, but I knew he was touching me. This feeling was amazing and new to me; as if some part of me that was not present there was electrified by this touch; waves of energy passed through it one after another.

From that moment on, everything in my dream became much more real. I had a hard time remembering that I was in dream. Mixed with this difficulty was the feeling of certainty that, having touched me, spy created with me energy connection. At that moment, when it seemed that he was attracting or repelling me, I immediately knew what he wanted from me.

First he pushed me into a large depression in the block of matter in front of which I was standing. Once I was there, I noticed that the inside surface was just as uniformly porous as the outside, but it didn't look as rough, as if its rough edges had been sanded down. What I was looking at from the outside had a structure that resembled something like an enlarged image of a beehive. Countless tunnels of geometric shapes diverged in all directions. Some of them led up, others down; there were also those going left and right; they formed all sorts of angles with each other, one heading higher, the other lower.

The light was very dim, but everything was clearly visible. The tunnels looked alive and aware; they were seething. I looked at them closely and realized with surprise that I see their. These were tunnels of energy. As soon as I realized this, the voice dream emissary sounded so loud in my ears that I could not understand anything he said.

“Keep your voice down,” I yelled with unusual impatience, noticing that as I uttered the words the tunnels disappeared from view, and I was plunging into a vacuum where I could only hear.

You are inside an inorganic being. Choose any of the tunnels and you can even live in it. - The voice fell silent for a moment, and then added: - Of course, if you want it.

I couldn't bring myself to say even a few words. I was afraid that any statement I made could be understood in a sense opposite to the one I intended in it.

There are countless advantages for you in this,” the voice continued. emissary. - You can live in any tunnels you want. And each of them will teach you something special. The magicians of the past lived there and learned many amazing things.

Without using any of my senses, I felt that spy pushes me from behind. He seemed to want me to move forward. I headed into the tunnel to my right. Once in it, I realized that I was not walking on it; I soared in it, flew. I was a bubble of energy, like myself to the spy.

Yes, you are just a bubble of energy,” he said.

His verbosity brought me great relief.

You're soaring inside one of the inorganic beings,” he continued. - Scout wants you to move in this world this way. When he touched you, he changed you forever. Now you are practically one of us. If you want to stay here, just express your intention.

Emissary stopped talking, and the sight of the tunnel appeared before me again. But when he spoke again, something was adjusted; I stopped losing sight of that world and could still hear the voice at the same time emissary.

The ancient magicians learned everything they knew about dream, being here among us,” he said.

I was going to ask if they learned all this just by living inside these tunnels, but before I asked my question, emissary answered me.

Yes, they learned everything just by living inside inorganic beings,” he said. - To live inside them, the magicians of the past only needed to say that they wished it. Just as in order to get here you only needed to express your feelings loudly and clearly. intention.

Scout pushed me again, letting me know that I could continue moving. I doubted, and then he did something equivalent to such a forceful effect, from which I flew through endless tunnels like a bullet. In the end I stopped because I stopped spy For a moment we hovered and then fell into a vertical tunnel. But I did not feel that the direction of movement had changed significantly. As for my sensations, I still felt that I was moving along the surface.

We changed direction many times, but in each case my sensations were similar. I was just beginning to formulate the idea of ​​my inability to feel where I was moving, up or down, when suddenly a voice spoke emissary.

It seems to me that it will be more pleasant for you to crawl slowly rather than fly,” he said. -You can also try moving like a spider or a fly, straight, up or down, or upside down.

Suddenly I landed. It was as if, having been weightless, I suddenly gained the weight that grounded me. I couldn't feel the walls of the tunnels, but emissary I was right when I said that crawling would make me feel more comfortable.

In this world, you don’t have to be bound by gravity,” he said.

Of course, I could understand this myself.

You don’t need to breathe here either,” his voice continued. - And only for your convenience you continue to use your vision, out of habit doing it the same way as in your world.

It seemed that emissary was deciding whether to continue speaking. He cleared his throat exactly like a man clearing his throat and said:

Vision is never impaired. That's why dreamer talks all the time in his dream in terms of what he sees.

Scout pushed me into the tunnel to the right. He was somewhat darker than the others. On some absurd level, he seemed more comfortable than the others, friendlier or even familiar. The thought came to my mind that I was like this tunnel, or it was like me.

I'm sorry, i do not understand? - I said.

I understood his words, but did not know what he meant.

You once fought with each other, and therefore now each of you contains the energy of the other.

No, this is not sarcasm, he said emissary. - I'm glad that you have relatives among us.

What do you mean by relatives? - I asked.

The exchange of energy means kinship, he replied. - Energy is like blood.

I was speechless. I clearly felt fear stir within me.

Fear is something missing from this world, said emissary.

Of all the things he said, that was the only thing that wasn't true.

That's it for me dream ended. I was so stunned by the brightness of what I saw, the amazing clarity and consistency of what was said emissary that he couldn't wait to tell don Juan everything. I was surprised and alarmed that he did not want to listen to me. He never said anything, but I had the feeling that he considered everything that happened to be my own indulgence.

Why are you acting like this towards me? - I asked . - Are you unhappy with me?

No, I'm not unhappy with you, he said. - The thing is, I can't talk about this side of you. dreams. This is entirely your personal matter. I told you that inorganic beings are real. Now you discover for yourself how real they are. But what you learn from this discovery is your business, your own business. Someday you will understand why I stayed away.

But can't you tell me anything about this dream? ? - I insisted.

All I can say is that it was not a dream. It was a journey into the unknown. I might add that it was a necessary journey, but a very personal one.

He then changed the subject and began to explain other aspects of his teaching.

From that day on, despite my fear and don Juan's reluctance to give me advice, I began to believe in my dreams regularly visit that spongy world. I soon discovered that the more my ability to observe the details of my dreams increased, the more adept I became at identifying spies. If I chose to recognize them as foreign energy, they remained in my field of perception for some time. Now if I chose to transform spies into objects somewhat familiar to me, they remained even longer than usual, randomly changing shape. But if I chose to follow them, loudly declaring my intention get into their world spies they invariably endured my dream attention into a world beyond my normal imagination.

Don Juan said that inorganic beings always feel the need to teach. But he did not mention that they teach dream. He stated that dream emissary, being a voice, it is an ideal bridge between that world and ours. I found out that emissary often represents not just the voice of a mentor, but also the voice of a skilled sales agent. He explained to me again and again, in the right place and at the right time, the benefits of his world. However, he also taught me invaluable lessons dreams. Listening to his explanations, I understood why the sorcerers of the past preferred practical training.

To master perfectly dream,“First of all, you should stop the internal dialogue,” he once told me emissary. - To achieve better results in turning it off, hold between your fingers a few two or three inches long quartz crystals or a few thin polished river pebbles. Bend your fingers slightly and squeeze the crystals or pebbles between them.

Emissary reported that metal rods, if appropriate to the size and width of the fingers, have the same effect. The method involves holding at least three thin objects between the fingers of each hand, squeezing them almost until your hands hurt. This pressure has the strange property of shutting down internal dialogue. Emissary preferred quartz crystals; he said that the result in this case would be most effective, although anything is suitable for this practice.

If you fall asleep in a state of complete silence, this guarantees you an ideal entry into dream, - a voice once said emissary - it also ensures growth dream attention.

- Dreamer must wear a gold ring, he told me emissary next time. - It’s better if it’s a little tight for your finger.

Explanation emissary in this regard, it came down to the fact that the ring serves as a bridge to return back to the surface of the ordinary world from dreams or immersion from a state of normal consciousness into the world of inorganic beings.

How does this bridge work? - I asked, not understanding what was meant.

Finger contact with the ring establishes a bridge, said emissary. - If dreamer comes into my world with a ring on his finger, it attracts and preserves the energy of my world; and, if necessary, this energy transfers dreamer back into this world by releasing it from the ring onto the dreamer's finger.

The pressure exerted by the ring on the finger also serves well to ensure that dreamer will return to his world. This pressure gives him a constant, familiar sensation on his finger.

During one of the subsequent sessions emissary reported that our skin is an organ ideal for transmitting energy waves from the range of the ordinary world to the range of inorganic beings and vice versa. He advised me to keep my skin cool, clean and not oily. He also recommended dreamers wear a tight belt, headband or necklace to create pressure on points on the skin that serve as energy exchange centers. The Emissary also explained that the skin automatically reflects energy, and that in order for the skin not only to reflect energy, but also to help transfer it from one range to another, we must loudly express in dream appropriate intention.

One day emissary gave me a real gift. He said that to ensure liveliness and accuracy dream attention we should draw it from the area in our mouth just behind the roof of our mouth. In this place, all people have a huge reservoir of attention. Emissary specifically recommended learning how to press dream tip of tongue to palate. He said it was as difficult a task as finding one's hands while sleeping. However, having solved it, dreamer achieves amazing results in terms of control dream attention.

I received mountains of instructions on all sorts of things. I would soon forget these instructions if emissary did not continue to repeat them to me regularly. I asked don Juan how I should deal with the fact that I was forgetting.

His remark was brief, as I expected.

Focus only on what emissary tells you about dream, - he said.

Everything that the voice tirelessly repeated emissary, I grasped it with constant interest and zeal. But, true to don Juan's advice, I followed the instructions emissary only in relation to dreams, personally confirming the practical value of his instructions. The most important information for me was that dream attention comes from the region beyond the upper sky. It took me a lot of effort to begin to feel dream the tip of the tongue pressing against the palate. Once I learned this, my dream attention took on a life of its own and became, I would say, sharper than my usual attention in our world.

It didn't take me long to realize how deeply the sorcerers of the past were connected to inorganic beings. Don Juan's explanations and warnings about the dangers of such a relationship became more urgent for me than ever before. I tried to do everything in my power to meet his standards of self-esteem without being indulged. Therefore the voice emissary and everything he said presented me with an exceptional challenge. I should have resisted temptation by any means necessary. emissary, when he promised me all kinds of knowledge. I had to confront him alone because don Juan still refused to listen to me.

“You must at least give a hint about what I should do,” I insisted one day, being determined enough to bring it up.

“I can’t,” he said with a hint of categoricalness, “and don’t ask me again.” Because I told you that in this case dreamer must decide everything himself.

But you don't even know what I'm going to ask.

Oh, I know. You want me to tell you that there is nothing wrong with living in one of those tunnels, if for no other reason then at least to listen to what the voice is saying emissary.

I admitted that this was exactly my problem. And if he couldn't help me solve it, then I wanted to at least find out what it meant to be able to live inside those tunnels.

“I went through all this anxiety myself,” don Juan continued, “and no one could help me, because here everything is determined exclusively by a personal and final decision, a decision that you make if you express intention stay to live in that world. For you to declare this intention, inorganic beings indulge your deepest desires.

But this is truly diabolical, don Juan.

You can say this again. But this is so not only because of what you understand by it. What is diabolical about this for you is the temptation to give up, especially when they promise you such rewards. In my opinion, the devilish nature of the world of inorganic beings is manifested in the fact that it is the only refuge for dreamers in this whole hostile universe.

This is truly a paradise for dreamers don Juan?

This is definitely true for some of them. But not for me. I don't need support and protection. I know who I am. I am alone in a hostile universe, but I have learned to say “So be it!”

That was the end of our exchange. He didn't say what I wanted to hear, but I knew that just wanting to know what life was like in the tunnel was practically choosing a way to live. But that didn't interest me. I immediately decided to continue my practice dreams without any further complications. I immediately told don Juan about this.

“Don’t say anything,” he advised me. - Just understand that if you decide to stay there, your decision will be final. You will remain there forever.

Now it is no longer possible to objectively judge what happened to me when I dreamed that world. I can say that it seemed to me a world as real as it could be dream. I can also say that it seemed no less real than our familiar everyday world. Visiting in dream that world, I realized what don Juan had told me many times: under the influence of classes dream reality changes greatly. I was faced with two possibilities that, according to don Juan, everyone faces dreamers: either we carefully repair or completely discard our system of interpreting sense data.

According to don Juan, repairing the interpretive system means intention rebuild it. This means that a person purposefully and carefully expands his capabilities. Living according to the way of the magicians, dreamers release and store the energy needed to suspend judgment, thereby facilitating intended perestroika. He explained that if we choose to restructure our interpretive systems, reality becomes fluid and the scope of what can be real increases without the danger of destroying the integrity of reality. That's why dream really opens the door to other aspects of what is real.

If we choose the second path, the path of discarding the system of interpretations, the scale of what can be perceived without interpretation increases incredibly. The expansion of our perception in this case is so gigantic that you are left with very few devices for sensory interpretation and therefore with a sense of a limitless reality that is unreal or a limitless unreality that may well be real but is not.

For me, the only viable option was to reconstruct and expand the system of interpretation. Dreaming the world of inorganic beings, I was faced with the constancy of this world in everything, starting with my selection spies, listening to the voice of the emissary and ending with traveling through the tunnels. I moved through these tunnels feeling nothing, but at the same time aware of the constancy of space and time, although not in the sense accessible to our rationality under ordinary conditions. However, the features of the tunnels associated with the quantity and quality of parts in each of them, as well as significant differences in the distance between them and in their parameters, were so noticeable to me that when visiting them, I felt like I was making objective observations.

The area in which the restructuring of my interpretive system had the most dramatic effect was my knowledge of how I related to the world of inorganic beings. In their world, which was real to me, I felt like a bubble of energy. Therefore, I could whiz through the tunnels, as if flying at the speed of light, or crawl along their walls like an insect. As I flew, the voice gave me random but consistent information about the details of the walls on which I was focusing my dream attention. These details were sophisticated protuberances reminiscent of blind font. As I crawled along the walls, I could see the same features with greater clarity and hear the same voice, this time explaining everything to me in more detail.

The inevitable consequence of this for me was to develop a sense of duality in my position. On the one hand I knew that dreaming; on the other hand, I felt that I was making the same useful journey as any other, no less real journey in our ordinary world. This genuine duality of my situation was a confirmation of what don Juan had said: the existence of inorganic beings is the greatest enemy of our rationality.

It was only after I actually stopped judging that some relief came to me. At that moment, when the tension caused by the untenability of my position, which was that I seriously believed in the verifiable existence of inorganic beings, while simultaneously believing that it was all just dreams, almost destroyed me, a change occurred in my attitude towards the problem without any conscious interference. sudden change.

Don Juan confirmed that my energy level, constantly increasing, had once reached a certain threshold level, allowing me to no longer take into account opinions and prejudices about human nature, reality and perception. From that day on, I am in love with knowledge, regardless of its logical and practical value, and most importantly, regardless of my personal convenience.

When my objective research concerning inorganic beings lost all interest for me, don Juan himself raised the question of my travels in dream. He said:

I don't think you realize how regular your encounters with inorganic beings are.

He was right. I never bothered to think about this topic. I admitted that this was a very strange oversight.

This is not an oversight,” he said. - This world by its nature promotes secrecy. Inorganic beings shroud themselves in mystery, darkness. Think about their world: it remains motionless, constantly attracting us to it, like light or fire attracts midges.

There's something about emissary I still haven’t decided to tell you: inorganic beings are hunting for our consciousness or the consciousness of any other creatures that fall into their network. They give us knowledge, but they also charge us - our entire being.

Are you saying, don Juan, that inorganic beings are like fishermen?

Exactly. Some day emissary will show you people or some other creatures who were caught there.

I should have been scared or disgusted. Don Juan's message touched me deeply, but my reaction was rather one of undisguised curiosity. I could barely contain my impatience.

Inorganic beings cannot force anyone to stay with them,” don Juan continued. - Living in their world is a voluntary matter. But they are capable of enslaving each of us, indulging our desires, pampering and entertaining us. Beware of awareness that is motionless. Such awareness seeks movement and does this, as I already told you, by creating projections, sometimes the most phantasmagoric projections.

I asked don Juan to explain what he meant by "phantasmagoric projections." He said that inorganic beings cling to the deepest feelings dreamers and play them mercilessly. They create ghosts to please dreamers or scare them. He reminded me that I had already fought one of these ghosts. He explained that inorganic beings are skilled illusionists who love to project themselves like slides onto a screen.

The ancient sorcerers suffered because they foolishly trusted these projections,” he continued. - The magicians of the past believed that their allies were powerful. They lost sight of the fact that they are only tenuous energy projected through the worlds like a cosmic movie.

You are contradicting yourself, don Juan. You yourself said that inorganic beings are real. Now you're saying these are just pictures.

What I meant then was that in our world inorganic beings are like moving pictures projected onto a screen; and I might add that they are like moving pictures of rarefied energy projected across the boundaries of two worlds.

What about inorganic beings in their own world? Are they also like moving pictures there?

In no case. That world is as real as ours. Sorcerers of the past described the world of inorganic beings as a bubble with depressions and pores, floating in some dark space. They depicted inorganic beings as hollow sticks linked together, like the cells of our bodies. The magicians who once lived called this huge intricacy labyrinth of chiaroscuro.

It's true that everyone dreamer sees that world exactly the same?

Certainly. Every dreamer sees him as he is. Do you think you are special in this way?

I admitted that some quality of their world always made me feel that I was special. This very pleasant and vivid feeling of one’s own exclusivity was not created by any voice dream emissary nor anything else that I could consciously think of.

This is exactly what defeated the sorcerers of the past,” don Juan said. - Inorganic beings did to them the same way as they are now doing to you; they created in the magicians the feeling that they were unique and exceptional; To this must be added an even more pernicious feeling: the feeling of having power. Strength and uniqueness are indestructible corrupting factors. Beware!

How did you manage to avoid this danger yourself, don Juan?

I visited this world several times, after which I never returned there.

Don Juan explained that, according to sorcerers, the universe is predatory, and sorcerers, more than anyone else, must take this into account in all their ordinary magical actions. His idea was that consciousness has the inherent property of continuous growth, and the only opportunity for this opens up in the struggle for life and confrontation with death.

The awareness of magicians when they practice dream, growing,” he continued. - And as he grows, something external to him recognizes and notices this growth and strives to master it. Inorganic beings strive for this possession of a new heightened awareness. Dreamers must always be on alert. From the moment they set out on their journey through this predatory universe, they are prey.

What would you advise me for self-defense, don Juan?

Be vigilant every second! Don't let anyone or anything make decisions for you. Visit the world of inorganic beings only when you want to.

Honestly, don Juan, I don't know how I can do this. As soon as I discover an infiltrator, I have a tremendous urge to go there. I don't have the slightest chance of changing my mind.

Stop doing that! Do you think I'll trust you so easily? Of course you can stop this. You just didn't try, that's all.

I insisted that I couldn't stop. He did not continue the conversation on this topic, and I was grateful to him for that.

A disturbing feeling of guilt began to torment me. For some unknown reason, the thought of stopping one's attachment to someone by force of will spies never crossed my mind.

As usual, don Juan was right. I discovered that I could change the course of my dreams, intending follow the intended path. After all, I am mine intention allowed spies transport yourself into their world. It is quite possible that if I had consciously formulated intention do the opposite, my dream would continue in a different direction.

With further practice my ability mean travel to the world of inorganic beings has become extremely acute. Increased ability to manage intention had a positive effect on my control dream attention. This extra control boosted my confidence. I felt like I could travel with impunity because I could stop traveling any time I wanted.

Your confidence frightens me very much,” don Juan said when, at his request, I told him about a new aspect of controlling my dream attention.

Why does she scare you? - I asked.

I was absolutely confident in the practical value of what I had discovered.

Because that is the confidence of a fool,” he said. - I'm going to tell you one story about magicians that is relevant in this case. I did not witness these events myself, but my teacher's teacher, the nagual Elias, saw it all with his own eyes.

Don Juan said that the nagual Elias and the love of his life, a female magician named Amalia, in their youth were once lost in the world of inorganic beings.

I have never heard don Juan talk about how a sorcerer can have love for life. His words surprised me. I asked him what was the matter.

There is no contradiction in this. “I just refrained from talking about the love of magicians all this time,” he said. -You've been so fed up with love your whole life that I wanted to give you a break.

So listen. The nagual Elias and the love of his life, the witch Amalia, were lost in the world of inorganic beings, don Juan continued. - They weren't there dream, and together with their physical bodies.

How did this happen, don Juan?

Their teacher, the nagual Rosendo, was very close in temperament and practice to the sorcerers of the past. He was going to help Elias and Amalia in their studies, but instead he pushed them over some deadly edge. The Nagual Rosendo had no intention of transferring them there. He only wanted to move his two students to second attention but instead the result was their disappearance.

Don Juan said that he was not going to go into detail about this long and complicated story. He was only going to tell me how they got lost in that world. He stated that the nagual Rosendo's mistake was in his assumption that inorganic beings were not at all interested in women. His point of view was correct and was based on the knowledge of the magicians that the universe in its nature corresponds primarily to the feminine principle, and that the masculine principle, arising from the feminine, is present in small quantities and is therefore what is coveted.

Don Juan deviated from the topic and explained that probably the unjustified dominance of men on our planet is somehow connected with this lack of masculinity. I wanted him to develop his point further, but he continued to tell the story he started. He said that the nagual Rosendo planned to give Elias and Amalia instructions only during second attention. For this purpose, he used the standard technique of magicians of the past. He, being in dream, took advantage spy ordering him to transfer his students to second attention by shifting their assemblage points to appropriate positions.

Theoretically, strong spy could move their assemblage points to the desired position without any difficulty. But the nagual Rosendo did not take into account the cunning of the inorganic beings. Scout did change the position of the disciples' assemblage points, but he placed their points in a position from where they could easily be transferred in bodily form to the world of inorganic beings.

Is it possible to move in a physical body? - I asked.

Perhaps, he confirmed. - We are energy that is held in a specific form and position due to the fixation of the assemblage point in one place. If this position changes, then both the form and location of this energy change accordingly. To do this, inorganic beings only need to place our assemblage point in the required place, and we immediately set off, like a bullet, a shoe, a hat, or whatever.

Can this happen to any of us, don Juan?

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Private signs of the eight classes of magical creatures

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2. Signs of magical creatures of the Mamo class (Tib.: ma mo). Root syllable. "Ma" Self-name: "Mabhye" Sanskrit: Mamo Now I will explain to you the signs of beings of the Mamo class, listen carefully and keep it in your mind. Here, too, there are three levels of signs: external, internal and secret. Signs of external

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8. Signs of magical creatures of the Nodjin class (Tib.: gnod spyin) Root syllable: “Sha” Self-name: “Shaksha” Sanskrit: “Yaksha”. In addition, there are several types of special signs of other classes of spirits: Visions of a wide variety of creatures, walking, standing, for example, a noble dignitary,

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3 THE SECRET OF LUMINOUS BEINGS Don Genaro entertained me for a long time with some absurd instructions about how I should manage my everyday world. Don Juan advised me to take don Genaro's recommendations very seriously, because

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From the author's book

From the author's book

*** There are no useless living beings. Many troubles come from not understanding this. simple fact: everything that exists in nature is a manifestation of natural completeness. And every Living being is in its place, fulfilling its unique role. Any separation

Inorganic beings

The world had not yet cooled down after the big explosion when the first intelligent beings appeared. These were not biological organisms or anything like them. We can say that the first beings were incorporeal creatures, or more precisely, they consisted of something that we cannot describe if we adhere to the only concept of the materiality of the world.

These beings are built exclusively from spiritual fabric - from a different substance of the universe, which is different from the matter we are familiar with. In other words, these are creatures of the spiritual world, to which we - people (like animals and plants) are also involved, since we consist of a body, which has a material nature, and a soul - an energetic body, which has a spiritual nature. And, of course, as complex beings that combine two natures: material and spiritual, we appeared later than the entities of the spiritual world; and spiritual beings have had and continue to exert their influence on the formation of our biological structure, on our energy, on our mind, and on all our behavior, both in the material and in the spiritual world.

The spiritual world is heterogeneous. Nor that there are forces of good and evil in him. Rather, these are human categories that reflect our relationship with the forces of the spiritual world. The energies of the spiritual world differ in their qualitative composition and spectrum of radiation.

In practice, it seems that biological beings (people), or rather their soul - energy body, are bright cocoons with high turgor (energy saturation); and those same ancient (inorganic beings) are dull, flabby cocoons (and only by perceiving our inductions, they become similar to organic beings not only energetically, but also informationally, becoming like a mirror of ourselves - our psyche, our inner world).

Inorganic beings (inorganics) appeared in the universe and on planet Earth much earlier than us; and we, people ourselves, are aliens, and were created as unique beings largely in fulfillment of the programs of the inorganic world and with the direct participation of these mysterious beings (although they are also servants of a larger planetary space program implemented by the World Spirit).

Inorganics have low ovoid turgor. They look like flabby, grayish-brown sacs, and in front along the midline, like a zipper, is a tipper antenna. The assemblage point for some inorganics is below, their dynamics are similar to those of plants, for others it is at the top of the ovoid, and they are more reminiscent of animals and humans.

The existence of inorganics is inert and unhurried, but if they receive additional energy, for example, when they are irradiated, creatures of the bright world are induced, all these undead actively interact with the world. They are able to perceive and react in a proactive manner, create, think and feel.

The low level of energy exchange in inorganics is compensated by high cooperativity. They live in a special community, reminiscent of a giant beehive or anthill. This world is practically closed to outsiders, and only emissaries from the looking glass are able to lead you inside through secret paths and tell about their existence.

The sluggish dynamics of inorganics determine their measured rhythm of life and almost eternal stability. Less stable are the astral bodies of inorganics, the forms of which are often copied from energy-donating creatures. In some cases, these forms are so pumped with energy that they can be perceived even in the world of matter.

Some of these forms manifest in our world at the will of strong inducers. Others are due to natural energy and collective intention. For example, those generated by myth, and confirming the myth (all sorts of angels, devils, monsters, fantastic creatures).

These astral robes of the undead can be recognized as anyone or anything. Experience and worldview determines the mental attitude. The system of interpretation works to perceive the mysterious as desired and long-familiar, to squeeze the wealth of the world into the Procrustean bed of beloved mythology.

That’s why, for example, people used to encounter devils and angels, and all sorts of undead creatures. Now there are contacts with aliens, meetings with heroes of thrillers and science fiction. However, all these mythical creatures have similar habits. Culture is changing, but the relationship between people and inorganics, like thousands of years ago, has similar dynamics and similar misconceptions.

Therefore, one should not go to the other extreme, declaring all miracles a play of the imagination. We are not alone in this mysterious world. The population of the looking glass is incomparably more diverse, and the degree of interaction between the inhabitants of the universe is quite high, although the topic itself has not yet been studied much.

Inorganic beings are real, but their life dynamics are extremely slow; and only in our presence, in conscious and unconscious energy exchange, does the acceleration of these dynamics occur, their chronal coupling with the dynamics of biological beings. And then inorganics appear to us as “allies,” as creatures from another world, possessing knowledge and power, capable of bringing certain benefits to humans.

In practice, they come to us because they are attracted and feel the need for our energy to accelerate their life dynamics, to realize their inhuman intentions. We, in turn, can obtain through their mediation a wide variety of information, both about this (material) world and about other worlds unknown to us, and learn many techniques for managing our energy and the energy of space. In reality, only thanks to these creatures, we are able to carry out a full-fledged set of adjustments to another continuum of the world, and make this world as real as the world of matter.

This set of settings is carried out thanks to the ability of the dim substance to be a kind of glue that holds clusters (fibers) of the light substance. In practice, this means that we can fix the settings of our perceptive and creative structures and become accustomed to the corresponding continuum of the world.

Inorganics are especially interested in the energy of bright creatures. After all, they, like the moon from the sun, shine with reflected light and show themselves energetic only when induced by bright beams. Energy exchange is not one-way. It is intended to be mutually beneficial, with organic beings reaping their benefits from contact with inorganics.

The advantages of the spiritual tissue of organic beings: its high energy and reactivity, turn into disadvantages in management. It is difficult for us to maintain a uniform nuclear combustion regime. Instead, there is a chain of explosions and detonations. The energies of the inorganic world are used as additives. With their help, the necessary damping of the system is ensured.

The inertia of inorganics facilitates control and precision in management. But this same inertia can be misleading, especially when it is obsessive in nature; and, spinning the flywheel of contact, it is easy to lose control and go beyond the side of the middle path - the path of the heart. Excessive trust in inorganics gives rise to dangerous inertia in the human world: the inertia of a wretched rut, the inertia of a social order for devastated people, the inertia of complacency with what has been achieved and the inertia of eternal employment.

Another advantage of the dim world is to be a storehouse of cosmic memory. By establishing contact, we are able to take advantage of this limitless bank of information, extracting any information from it; and, above all, those that relate to the sphere of the human unknown, to the rules of controlling the assemblage point, methodological manuals on meditation and dreaming.

However, we shouldn’t delude ourselves too much here either. Idle, empty curiosity spins the inertia of obsessions. After some time, it will be very difficult to get rid of the helpfulness of inorganics. They overwhelm their minds with a heap of unnecessary and sometimes unsafe information. A person is drowning in this influx of information and has difficulty distinguishing truth from lies. He shouts: “Enough!”, but inertia continues to act, and new waves of information load the mind.

It’s rare that anyone manages to rein in runaway inorganics. For those who fail, their thinking goes from a mental disorder clinic to a complete collapse of thinking and personality.

Each bright creature has inorganics that it likes with similar resonant characteristics. Moreover, among inorganics there are various specializations, how they interact with creatures from the bright world. And, in relation to our spiritual practice, the most interesting are three professions of inorganics: “allies”, “transmitters” and “scavengers”.

Allies, not without their own benefit, help us manage our energy and the movements of the assemblage point. They perform the function of scouts in this world and in other worlds, delivering information to the owner about everything in the world. They are able to be saturated with energy and transfer it. Help with a variety of tasks.

The dynamics of the allies are explained by the fact that in their energy spectrum there are resonances that are consonant with human ones. Transmitters have different resonances. With their help, energy exchange with other creatures is possible. Therefore, transmitters can be called allies of the outer circle. They don't interact with people that often. Usually they are met and parted with in solving specific attunement tasks, for example, to interact with a tree, with the spirit of water. Such transmitters are often allies of other beings, and provide us with a temporary service.

Inorganic scavengers have resonances to inhibitors. With their help, waste is recycled. However, if we ourselves do not carry out preliminary sewage disposal, if it is completely loaded with caustic slag, then it is removed with “meat and blood” - with the threads of the human spirit. Scavengers are turning from orderlies into inquisitors. And it seems that the voladores (scavengers of the universe) are eating up the luminosity of the energy body, leaving us only the pitiful remains of the force field at the level of the soles.

However, one should not assume that inorganics are in all their glory and next to us. Much more noticeable are their emanations, astral residents. They, like satellites, travel with people, with other creatures, going off on different missions.

For example, the astral emanations of voladores are seen as like small animals that quickly pick up discarded scraps. In the most cloacal places, these entities swarm and hang from the ceiling in clusters. When there is a pile of toxins, they eat not only from the soles, but completely stick around and stick again, no matter how much you pick them off.

Similar picking movements can be found in a delirious patient, for example, in an alcoholic with delirium tremens. Small entities are perceived as “devils that climb out of a bottle”, like “insects that crawl over the body.” The emanations of Volodares scrape off debris along with energy emissions. A person is first affective, then exhausted; and, after deep sleep, the assemblage point returns to its normal state.

^ The intention of evolution

By strengthening settings and demonstrating vital creative activity in this continuum of the world, an organic being generates energy and intention - a vector for the implementation of this energy. Intention is program information, first of all, for the organic being itself, and according to the law of induction, our energies and our intentions are directed towards the world, have a special (magical) effect on objects and events of this world.

The energy of organic beings is partially lost to inorganics. Our intention is also conveyed to them, and they, skillfully sorting through cosmic files, select information on a given topic to fulfill our intention.

Typically, the concept of “intention” is associated with intelligent, purposeful activity. From the point of view of computer science, intention is where a program of action is built, where there is a goal - the final useful result that the system strives to achieve. With such an expanded understanding of the term, there is intention in any complex system, including every living organism generating its own intention. Intention is generated by a population, a species, and, in general, the entire biosphere of the Earth.

When applied to living organisms, these are intentions for specific actions; and this is a kind of integral intention for the evolution of the system. By challenging the conditions of the environment, a creature intends how it would like to change (and usually a whole group of creatures in a population intends in this way).

To achieve the final useful result, several acts of transferring information from one medium to another must occur in the system itself and in the external environment. In particular, for the evolutionary intention to work, the creature’s ideas (information in the brain, in consciousness) must become commands for the genome (we are talking about recording hereditary information in DNA).

In practice, this is possible, given that when working with energy matrices, you can read information from any object; you can learn about the past and future of an object and read codes for managing information processes. This is approximately how clairvoyants work, who, as is known, use inorganic beings as “messengers”, “spies” and “postmen” to obtain necessary (and sometimes unnecessary) information.

The inorganic (dull) substance is used to realize the vital goals of the currently existing organism, and to intend the evolution of its descendants (to consciously change the genome). True, nature has provided that even strong conscious intentions do not radically affect the genetic material (so that with the intention to immediately create in the next generation the new kind– I don’t know of such precedents in nature; and the hypothesis that some gods or aliens created earthly creatures is not currently being considered).

We can say that intention potentiates a complex of directed mutations that manifest themselves in new generations of living beings. The mechanisms of natural selection confirm or refute the choice and intentions of the ancestors (i.e. those individuals survive, reproduce and reproduce to whom, through the intention and vitality of their ancestors, the “best” genes were transmitted, and these individuals, due to variability, became more adapted to the environment).

Variability, fixed in natural selection, is also the cumulation of intention, its exposure for many generations; this is a factor accelerating evolution, allowing for qualitative transitions to be made - to a new biological species, order, etc. However, all these processes occur very slowly, like the dynamics of inorganic creatures slowly - over many generations, with long-term natural selection.

At one time, Darwinism reigned supreme in evolutionary teaching, and Lamarck’s ideas that the desires of individuals are the main factor in the evolution of the species were rejected as unscientific. However, natural selection according to Darwin cannot explain many evolutionary phenomena.

For example, the evolutionary leaps associated with the fact that a creature must develop several qualities (several specific adaptations) at once in order to successfully survive in the external environment are incomprehensible. There are also other inexplicable facts for scientists, which require their explanation that in evolutionary development there should be not a smooth, but an abrupt transition to the qualities of a new species.

Another confirmation of the validity of Lamarck's insights (as well as ancient traditional views about evolution) comes from modern genetics. Scientists have found that only a small percentage of genes in the human genome (and other biological beings) are responsible for coding proteins, and the majority of genes are so-called “silent”, and they do not seem to show physiological activity.

When scientists began to study DNA as a generator of a field of complex configuration, it became clear that “silent” genes are needed to store information on ontogenesis (individual development) as a hologram; which means that it is possible to influence the genome not only through mutations (by cutting, inserting or modifying genes), but also informationally, by irradiating DNA molecules with various fields.

Moreover, the human biofield has the qualities of a hologram (in each fragment of this hologram you can read information about the entire object as a whole), and not only about its present, but also about the past and future. This fact has been known since ancient times, and ancient traditions have been passed down to us from the depths of centuries: chirology, acupuncture, iridology, auriculotherapy and others.

The holographic understanding of physiological processes suggests that when the general human biofield changes (which reacts to our stress, illness, emotions, intentions), the field configurations of cellular fields change, including the field of the DNA molecule. The holographic image set by the human biofield, which reflects our intention, proportionally changes the holographic images in the field of DNA molecules, and this directionally changes the functioning of the genetic apparatus; and such an “information mutation” can be inherited, both without potentiation of molecular mutations and being fixed by them.

The power of intention is capable of potentiating not spontaneous, but rather systemic mutations - a whole complex of interconnected changes that provide a qualitative leap in the evolution of the system (living organisms). Moreover, the power of intention protects the first still imperfect organisms from the harsh pressure of natural selection, and allows them to continue in their offspring, to improve their evolutionary potential; and subsequently, it is these individuals, thanks to a complex of progressive qualities, that receive an advantage in natural selection.

A whole scientific direction has emerged - epigenetics, which studies phenomena that cannot be explained by ordinary mutations, but only by the fact that the experiences of living beings, their intentions, their generation of power influence their descendants, including through a narrowly targeted effect, manifesting itself in appearance or fate these descendants.

In spiritual traditions, the facts of epigenetics have long been known. Therefore, for example, it is believed that curses and spells are capable of influencing the development programs of not only the cursed (sworn) person, but also his entire family, up to some (for example, the 7th) generation. Also, our actions create not only a person’s personal karma, but also ancestral karma, which our descendants work off, while simultaneously developing their own personal karma, which is “deposited” on the karma of the genus.

The power of evolutionary intention also reveals another fundamental property of the spiritual world - pan-inductivism: every structure, every being of the spiritual world induces other structures, other beings of the spiritual world, and is cross-induced from them; and the entire spiritual world interacts as a single field, each point of which is a center of radiation and a locus of induced inductions.

Consequently, in the environment there occurs not only a natural selection of structures and organisms, but also a natural selection of intentions; and the intention that becomes dominant has an inhibitory effect on all others, therefore evolutionary energy is distributed, first of all, in the chosen direction and ensures the success of a specific evolutionary program.

True, absolute dominance and inhibition of evolutionary programs are an exception to the rule. Partial dominance and inhibition are typical. In this case, one or two branches of evolution are actively developing, while the others are in an underground state. However, under changed circumstances, e.g. natural disasters It is from this underground that new leaders emerge—successfully developing evolutionary programs (for example, at one time dinosaurs became extinct, but they were replaced from the “underground” by mammals and birds).

Also in the underground there are individuals whose mutations, although progressive, are excessively manifested and this puts them on the brink of survival; and there are other individuals with moderately pronounced mutations. The latter usually use the intention of the former for the success of their own evolution, and new characteristics are fixed in the course of natural selection.

Again, when setting evolutionary programs, organic beings are looking for allies to implement the maximum effective management systemic mutations, which are inorganics. The latter also do not remain at a loss, since they bleed off the “excess” energy that we collect from space to carry out our life activities and the evolutionary process.

Gaining the inertia of confident evolution, an organic being no longer needs the help of inorganics and “deprives” them of energy. Therefore, the help of inorganics usually manifests itself as “playing along” with the creature’s local programs, often to the detriment of strategic (target) ones. This is, to a certain extent, good, since it leads to a diversity of forms and types of organic life, but in a certain way slows down the general line of the entire evolutionary process, often so much that one day a new branch appears that intercepts the evolutionary dominant, which has happened repeatedly in the history of the Earth.

Similar mechanisms of intentional evolution operate in all complex systems. Thanks to them, quite quickly on a cosmic scale, biological life arose on Earth, and over the course of billions of years they have been transforming the Earth’s biosphere.

The key moment of this evolution was the emergence of Homo sapiens, who learned to consciously set goals for the long-term evolution of both his personality and his kind, his species, the entire biosphere of the Earth.

^ Making contact

Humanity continues to change as a species, but human civilization is evolving at a faster pace; the consciousness of all people on the planet and each person individually is evolving. The development of individual human consciousness occurs according to the same evolutionary laws as the development of other complex systems; and this process involves inorganic energy and inorganic beings reacting and being attracted to our intentions.

For most people this connection with the inorganic world is not even noticeable. There is too much chaos in their intentions, so help or harm from inorganic beings does not have much effect, although, in relation to a population (civilization), evolution occurs in much the same way as in irrational nature. There is some intention to create an “ideal” society, but base human aspirations often prevail, throwing us from one social upheaval to another.

Not all people agree to be “pawns” in the evolutionary process. We have the ability to “crystallize” our intention, turn it into a powerful cosmic instrument that transforms the world, transforming ourselves. Inorganics take a special interest in such people, and they are so capable of reconciling their own and human dynamics that a person generating powerful intentions is able to “awaken” the inorganics as intelligent beings capable of dialogue and creative interaction with the magician - the “master”. In ancient times, this was called calling a spirit-helper, making him your “ally,” establishing verbal and other forms of contact with him, and using this contact to fulfill your desires, to realize your goals and intentions.

Calling the spirit is like shouting into a bottomless sink. When the cry is strong enough (the intention of the calling spirit has sufficient power), mysterious creatures appear from this “funnel” with reciprocal offers of contact.

The creatures attracted from the “funnel” are similar in energy to the one who causes them. But this affinity is more or less, according to one or another resonance of its spectrum. Consequently, a creature more “native” or more “foreign” to a person may come to the calling ally; more pandering to one or another human agenda.

Considering the antiquity of human civilization, contact is primarily made by those allies who were previously allies of magicians. They have resonances of attunements to people in their spectrum, and they “look” for people and easily come into contact with them.

In spiritual traditions, it is customary to inherit spirits - allies from a teacher - to a student (or from a relative - a magician, in the chain of family tradition - to his heir). Outside the chain of succession, an ally can be found from those who were once not passed down in the line of tradition or from the "wild" who were not previously an ally of a person, but were, for example, an ally of an animal or plant.

In general, taking into account the antiquity of the existence of allies, those who “stuck” to a person had previously collaborated with animals or plants, therefore the shamans who “tamed” these creatures from another world saw them in animal or plant form. The shamans of America called these spirits - allies - “naguals”, and since the well-being of the entire clan depended on the help of these allies, an animal or plant, the resonances of which were recognized from a given ally, became a “totem” of this clan.

Later, when national and ecumenical religions and associated myths began to develop, the spirits coming to people became more “humanized” by contacts with previous magicians, and, coupled with the changed mentality of people, all this determined the transition in mythology from zoomorphic “ gods”, to anthropomorphic ones, who began to be depicted as people, but with the possibility of werewolves - transformation into animals, plants, fantastic or anthropomorphic creatures such as “angels”, “devils”, “giants”, multi-armed and multi-headed gods and various monsters.

When an ally summoned by a shaman manifests “wild” energies, the person requires additional strength and discipline to tame the “beast,” but the one who comes into contact with the “humanized” ally also requires increased vigilance.

Already during the period of establishing contact, you should keep track of which magicians the ally has his settings from: from those who were consistent on the path of light, or from those who flirted with the “dark side of the force”? This often happens - a person calls an ally, but the first entities that come to him are precisely the former “friends” of “dark” magicians. They are usually called “demons” - entities of another world with destructive programs.

The insidiousness of “demons” lies in the fact that they know how to indulge a person’s base instincts, “help” him satisfy his needs for material resources, in the desire for fame, in “love pleasures”, in superiority over other people - and all this to the detriment of the true spiritual development, the path of knowledge of power and pure love. "Demons" indulge feelings self-importance a person, his selfish aspirations, and encourage a person to immoral acts, justify him destructive behavior.

An inorganic being, one might say, assimilates the character traits characteristic of its former “master”, and, if it is a “demonic” being, it assimilates the dominant base instincts that prompt a person to commit immoral acts. As a consequence, the person who contacted the "demon" (who "signed" with him alliance treaty), as if experiencing the volitional imperative of the “demonic” personality of the former “master” of the above-mentioned “demon”.

Not only is the person constantly “tempted,” but the ally, “out of old habit,” seems to arrange situations that “in a previous life” satisfied the former “master” of the ally. As a result, the new “master” of the ally is offered to become the same as the previous “master”, to acquire all his “demonic” qualities.

It should be noted that a “demonic” personality does not mean a person who only thinks: “Why do such a bad thing?” Most of the human “demons” are completely socialized creatures who talk about bright ideals and are engaged in good deeds: socially useful activities, healing, fortune telling, etc.

However, no matter what kind of activity they engage in, these people are guided by selfish motives and easily violate ethical and moral prohibitions when they see their personal benefit in this. In addition to the fact that “demons” are engaged in self-destruction of their personality, their destiny, their family and other close people, they are ready to lead many other people away from the path of true spiritual development, capturing their attention and mind with more mundane goals, inducing into the world a mentality that is obsessed the vanity of man.

The “demonic” qualities that the allies possess are, after all, not their “natives,” but acquired as a result of long-term contact with people who themselves developed these demonic qualities in themselves. Therefore, each “master” of an ally has freedom of choice: he can yield to the “demonic” mind and strength, but he is also able to show will and character - to affirm truly human values ​​and “re-educate” his ally, to make him, so to speak, a “good angel” .

However, firstly, the process of re-education of both people and animals, and entities from another world is extremely complex; secondly, entities, like people and animals, are initially easy and difficult to educate; and thirdly, it is much more convenient to establish bonds of contact not with “demons”, but with “angels of light” - with entities who previously “served” good “masters” and who accepted the settings and intentions of the pure spiritual development of the human personality.

Ancient desires and instincts in relation to the ideas of developed intelligence are like noise in relation to a useful signal. A person generates intentions aimed at achieving higher ideals, but at the same time we generate instinctive, physiological and other “lower” needs. Moreover, these intentions have a pronounced obsessive (obsessive) character, and “lower” needs strive to take over our mind and feelings, and switch the dominant will to the realization of precisely these “lower” goals.

Such a struggle of motives is characteristic of every person, only for those who are undeveloped in heart, mind and will, the concession to instincts occurs almost “without brakes,” and for spiritually advanced people, effective measures of self-discipline are carried out so that the “vector” of spiritual asceticism does not go astray, so that focus intention and strength on the realization of the “highest” human ideals of peace, harmony and love.

Just like psychological motivations, allies from the spiritual world also behave towards a person. Most people are characterized by an obsession with the vain world, and they, if not clearly, then at a subconscious level, come into contact with allies from the category of “minor demons” who in a certain way support our vain desires; and only sometimes our high aspirations resonate with the “strings” of pure spirit and attract “ bright angels”, helping to realize our purest intentions.


Constant, sensually vivid contact between a person and a certain ally is a new, higher quality of interaction between a person and the forces of another world. And just as in everyday relationships with the forces of another reality, (in a vain existence in a seemingly material world), the first to come into contact are the allies of the “demonic” nature, who are more responsive to the “base” intentions of a person.

A person of knowledge who comes into contact with a spirit ally is able to expose its nature and what services it is ready to offer to a person. If a person of knowledge sees that there is a “demon” in front of him, then what is the point of entering into an agreement with him, and then experiencing constant temptations and wasting energy on re-educating the “demon”?

Patience is a useful character trait for warriors of strength. When entities from another world make an attempt to make contact with a person, they do this repeatedly; and if a person has exposed and firmly rejected the "demon", one should expect that his pure intention will attract the "angel of light" and he will become his ally.

The advantages of such contact are obvious: through clairvoyance, enormous resources of information become available to a person; various magical abilities; intentions thrown into space are quickly realized as favorable happy occasions; new ones open up to our imagination magical worlds, so sensually alive that the boundaries of the real and unreal worlds are blurred.

It goes without saying that the contactee has a natural desire to develop and practically use his abilities. However, this often happens as entertainment, as a way to satisfy all our (often base) desires. A need arises - to strengthen contact, to establish new contacts with other inorganics, expecting from them even greater strength and even more magical capabilities. Soon the practitioner will learn " dark side» contacting, and he has to deal with the negative consequences of crazy contacts.

Inorganic beings (even “angels”) teach us many of the intricacies of virtual reality, but they do not teach us the main thing - how to develop the power of the human spirit, how to become an independent, free-thinking being in harmony with the bright component of the World Spirit.

This is disadvantageous for inorganics, since there is a general line of evolution of human consciousness, a “narrow path” of personal development. Following this path, a person continues his positive evolutionary inertia, disciplining inorganic beings, allocating portions of energy to them in doses, and not allowing other inertia and intentions to take over the human mind.

Inorganics support evolutionary wanderings and turn them... into obsession. This is a painful condition when a person suffers from contact with inorganics; when obsessive desires and attractions fall upon him, when he is forcibly thrown into another reality and attracts negative situations of fate for himself and his loved ones.

The danger of obsession lies in the fact that, by setting goals and tuning in to their implementation, a person calms his mind for the conjugation of settings, for more effective damping carried out by inorganics. To do this, a person entrusts himself to the spirit, as if he transfers control over his mind and actions to other forces of the universe, and in this state is accessible to both the universal spirit and the forces of the inorganic world (which are also needed to realize our intentions).

If a person is steadfast on a single path, then his mind, even being “turned off,” will not become clouded; but if a person deviates into dissipation, he and his mind are taken over by base intentions, which, supported by inorganics, create painful, painful obsessions (obsessions) that are very difficult to get rid of, and which often drive people to madness.

Without going into details, with painful pathological contacting a person suffers doubly: from the obsessions themselves and from the feeling of possession (imposed automatism), as well as from the consequences of the implementation of harmful intentions (pangs of conscience in a painful imagination manifest themselves as destructive drives, phobias (fears) and self-destructive intentions ). All this forms a clinic of negativistic delusion, when a person imagines that someone or something is taking over his mind and body, and this is leading the person to death.

In parallel with the negativist delusion, delusions of grandeur usually develop, associated with the awareness of one’s own “chosenness”, which is why, in fact, someone or something organizes a “hunt” for his human mind and body - and the whole picture of delusion is built up as complete paranoia, capable lead to the complete destruction of personality, intellect and the whole person.

However, each of us has three strengths to resist negative impacts inorganic beings: will, heart and mind. This is a person’s steadfastness on the single path of warriors of the spirit, moral purity and correct understanding of himself and the world around him.

At a certain stage of our spiritual development, we still come into direct contact with inorganic beings, experience their penetration into our minds, are thrown into virtual reality and balance between holiness and madness.

It is useless to blame the cosmos for the rigidity of contact with energies of another type. We should be grateful to the power that in our spiritual development there is such a testing stage, thanks to which people with impure intentions go into the sludge of insanity (schizophrenia), and people with a pure heart, strong will and developed intellect move to the heights of wisdom. They are given great gifts and great power creative transformation of yourself and the universe.

^ Ancient Treaty

Mankind, against its will, was drawn into an ancient treaty with inorganics. At the same time, people got the opportunity to consciously realize their intentions; have a wide variety of information, both about the material and about other worlds; make virtual trips to other worlds and carefully tune into their resonances; track your weaknesses as sources of obsessions in order to strengthen your character, forming the qualities of warriors of the spirit.

The contract stipulates that the other side (inorganic beings) gets the opportunity to vent the “excess” of our energy onto themselves, and gets the opportunity, by accelerating its dynamics, to play its own game with people according to some of its own (schizophrenic) plots.

For some, this agreement becomes a “contract with the devil,” and if this person has destructive intentions, then the help of inorganics in their implementation becomes the road to madness and death.

There is no point in blaming the forces of space for our troubles: programs are set in the universe human development, test and testing conditions are specified; and the opportunity is provided to overcome all these tests in order to gain spiritual strength and learn to correctly interact with all the forces and entities of the universe.

Initially, there is no “devil”. There is a certain stage in the evolution of the soul when a person begins to manifest various magical abilities, and along with them all the temptations and hidden motives of the psyche, both positive and negative, appear. And since, at this stage of spiritual development, the karmic consequences of our thoughts, feelings and actions are accelerated and aggravated, negativity can easily drive a person to madness and death, and positivity leads to purity and holiness.

In essence, the path of human spiritual development has three stages, and there are three dominant challenges at each stage.

At the first stage, we experience challenges coming, first of all, from the world of matter; we acquire the values ​​of this material world to make our lives more comfortable. However, while charting the path of warriors of the spirit, man also approaches the challenges of the material world differently than spiritless ordinary people. A warrior uses the trials of everyday life to develop character, to purify the heart, to strengthen intentions for the spirit. The spirit “knocks” on the warrior, he acquires the gifts of the spirit, and the 2nd “magic” program of personality evolution begins to dominate in his life.

It is here that contact with inorganics is clearly manifested, and the challenge of death and madness, as a consequence of possession by the forces of another world, becomes relevant and vitally important. Only a warrior does not flirt with inorganics. He follows the one middle path, the path of the heart. With the power of his spirit he cleanses all the Augean stables of his psyche and with the power of his spirit he transforms his body, acquiring even greater gifts of strength, even greater magical abilities.

At this third stage of the evolution of the human spirit, the challenge of inorganics is no longer so strong, but the “high-voltage” energy itself requires very careful handling. You can get “stuck” in unknown worlds, but it’s even easier to suffer from breakdowns in the energy body, which will damage both the psyche and the health of our physical body. And to the extent of this associated transformation of the physical and energetic body, this is the main challenge for spiritual practice at this stage.

Alas, few reach the heights of human evolution, since the path of involution is much simpler. At the first stage, the simplest choice is to join the large cohort of “petty tyrants” who are stuck in the values ​​of the material world, and who “always have no time” to turn to the spirit, take on discipline and responsibility in transforming their physical and energetic bodies.

Meeting with inorganics and close contact frightens a person. Often so much so that he is ready to change the paths of the warriors of the spirit and is looking for a “safe haven” where he can hide from the creatures of another world. Usually this is a return to the values ​​of the material world and renunciation of everything “demonic”. (In many modern religions this is what they instruct - one must become “white and fluffy”, without flirting with power, since its source is from the evil one; and such reinsurance leads to the fact that these churches turn into “cemeteries of dead warriors”, into the same human sumps, only filled with “white and fluffy ones”).

Those who were not frightened by the meeting with inorganics develop their talents and abilities. At the same time, they can manifest themselves as “charismatic madmen” - people who have spiritual strength and, at the same time, have clear signs of a schizophrenic process. Such ascetics are often carried away when they believe that they have reached the heights of spirituality, but they themselves commit elementary stupidities.

Since there are no perfect people, each of us is more or less crazy; and it is not known which madness is better: the madness of the “right” people, or the madness of spiritual ascetics. “Charismatic madmen” can be called spiritual teachers, healers, prophets, and other spiritually advanced people; but what does it matter if they also have a bit of madness when they are consistent on the path of warriors of light and lead other people out of the “swamp” of vanity and sludge?!

Considering the rich (and often negative) experience of close contacts between people and inorganic beings, it is better for modern ascetics to avoid such an almost friendly loving attachment to inorganic beings as the ancient magicians had. Modern idea spiritual asceticism is to use the power of the “dull” world, but to distance oneself in contact, not allowing the personal core to be captured by the intentions of the “alien” world.

For every person on life path there is a danger of being obsessed with inorganics, making mistakes and straying from the path. However, when the movement occurs at high speeds, the slightest mistake can lead to an accident. This means that at any stage of your life development you should be a steadfast warrior: not to go against the grain, but also not to slide back into the swamp of sludge and indulgence.

There are many traps and tests in this universe for warriors of the spirit. Warriors one day come into direct contact with inorganics and again read the lines of the ancient treaty, trying to extract wisdom and not change the general strategy for the development of the human spirit.

Just as biological evolution should one day lead to the emergence of intelligent life, so the individual evolution of the human personality is the path of warriors of the spirit. By following the path, a person not only acquires great treasures, but the path itself is a stay in the joy of the heart, in love, harmony and faith.

We are thrown into the sludge by petty tyrants, played and provoked into stupidity by inorganic beings, but we, first of all (before God) are travelers, and we are valued by the cosmos precisely as warriors of the spirit. We make our evolutionary choice and bear full responsibility. We are travelers living on this amazing planet– The earth along with other entities and beings. We create our intention and harmonize it with the intention of other beings, with the intention of the universe. In this harmony lies our strength and support of the World Spirit. This is the path of our heart, our mind and will - the path of the warrior.


Inorganic beings

Inorganic beings are living beings that are formless energy fields alien to what we call organic life. These creatures live on Earth side by side with organic life forms. They are characterized by certain forms of emotional dependence: they are capable of sadness, joy, anger and show a strange kind of love, incomprehensible to humans. Inorganic beings have awareness, but do not have life as we understand it.

The awareness of inorganic beings is incomprehensible to people, since it acts much more slowly than humans. Inorganic beings live longer than humans, they are motionless and make everything move around them. They can appear to the dreamer in the form of light and dark tubes, the voice of an emissary or spies, or take other forms - from the well-known and understandable to the most bizarre. The scouts of inorganic beings are their projections in the dream worlds. Inorganic beings create these ghostly projections to amuse or frighten dreamers. And although in our world inorganic beings appear as moving energy patterns projected across the border between two worlds, in their own world they are as real as anything that is in our world.

The duration of a person's awareness in a dream forces inorganic beings to interact with the dreamers. A shift in the assemblage point in a dream creates a significant energy potential, which attracts the attention of inorganic beings.

Overcoming the first and second gates, dreamers throw bait for inorganic creatures. The ancient magicians mastered this art to perfection. By cooperation without borders they turned inorganic beings into allies, and maintained a supernatural connection with these beings.

The world of inorganic beings is sealed. No one can enter there without their consent.

At a certain stage of the path of knowledge, the warrior makes a choice: to pay attention to inorganic beings or to refuse to interact with them.

This choice is a choice between self-indulgence and sobriety, between the path of the magician and the path of the warrior. All that a person needs is knowledge from inorganic beings - this is knowledge about his inorganic nature and the ability to shift the assemblage point as they do (completely trusting the unknown).

The life of organic beings is more fleeting, since they are forced to live in a constant hurry. Inorganic beings live immeasurably longer because their consciousness is filled with infinite peace and depth.

Trees and mushrooms have the closest connection with inorganic beings; sorcerers used their awareness to collect worlds of inorganic life.

The world of inorganic beings by its nature promotes secrecy. Inorganic beings shroud themselves in mystery and darkness.

Under certain personal circumstances, a person can attract the attention of inorganic beings who see in him a potential addition to their world. In this case, he will have to enter into a mortal battle with them for his life and his chance to gain freedom. Exist Various types inorganic beings with different individual characteristics. For example:

Water inorganics are more prone to excess, they love more, are better at pretending and perhaps have emotions, they are more dependent, but they are more possessive and cruel.

Inorganic fiery properties are more restrained, but also more pompous (more details in the Dreaming seminar, Part 2).

Believing inorganic beings is simply absurd: they have their own rhythm of life and there is nothing human about them.

The entire world of inorganic beings is imbued with the need to teach us. This probably happens because inorganic beings have a deeper awareness than ours and feel the need to look after us.

The method of teaching used by inorganic beings is to take our ego as an indicator of what we need and teach us accordingly. This method of teaching focuses on our cowardly, envious and greedy ego and inorganic beings teach how to satisfy all its demands.

Ordinary people rarely encounter these, because their perceptual system filters out as much as possible everything that is not included in inventory lists perceptions conditioned by it. Something incomprehensible happened - he immediately came up with something rational explanation- obsession, glitches, aliens... and this is where the episode usually ends. Sometimes, however, it really makes you go crazy! ...if the tonal turned out to be weak. Sometimes Just, fearing for my sanity. Another reason for the rarity of such meetings is that normal person all of him is fully involved in his daily life, in .

Another thing is all kinds of “non-humans” related to the area or. They are partly determined by the fact that their system of perception (interpretation) at least allows for the existence of creatures of a different kind than creatures in the biological (organic) sense. However, in the perception of such creatures, the most important role is played by interpretation unknown in terms famous, that is, due to upbringing. That is, in fact appearance inorganic beings gives viewer, wanting see something famous in it, or waiting see something specific. In the upper corner of the page there is a picture that “appeared in heaven” during a kind of Christian-religious “meditation” of a large group of worshipers. With its total intention, with a latent expectation to come into contact with “higher powers,” whose appearance they seem to “know,” and they interpreted the clouds to such an extent that the resulting “appearance” appeared in photographs. Other “appearances” can be obtained in a similar way - if previously we more often “saw” devils, angels, demons, goblin and other “evil spirits”, now similar creatures are “translated” into more modern images, corresponding to more “scientific” concepts of the world, for example into aliens, the Supreme Intelligence, representatives of “more developed civilizations”. The ease of such “transformations” is due to the fact that inorganic beings have no shape, gives them form, since they are unable to perceive anything in a different, unformed form.

The features of the tonal appear not only on appearance, if “visual contact” did take place, but also in cases of various “voices”, contactor connections, mediumistic invocations - in this case, the entity whose appearance is expected in the session will also “appear”... not consciously expected, but “subconsciously”. That is, if the contactee is obsessed with the idea of ​​​​saving humanity, fueled by suddenly opening up for contact with non-organoids, then some Higher Mind will certainly come to contact him and convey the Message to All People of the Earth through him, the MESSENGER... which is very warming... and they convey a lot - .

During the times of religious interpretation of inorganic beings, it was noticed that they are “crafty”, they catch “the basest desires of a person” and strive to tempt him in every possible way, that they “look into the very soul, and it is very difficult to resist temptation”, that they “read thoughts”... . For the most part, this approach to this issue is due to human perception, a kind of consequence one of the characteristics of inorganic beings:

They are not read minds, since thoughts are a product of the tonal, the “non-organs” capture intention, which is usually hidden from the person himself, deep under, is located in the hidden corners of the subconscious, where he himself was hidden... and only this is what they “see”. The contactee himself may continue to indulge in the thought that he is driven only by good intentions to “make EVERYONE better”... but inside he needs support(considers the world bad, unworthy of his presence, but feels himself), needs confirmation(hence not self-sufficient, not sure that he is right), has an even larger assortment of complexes that they are controlled in his contact business. ...And the neo-limited beings only see that This, and they are unaware of the explanations that man has invented for himself to justify “uncommendable contacts with the otherworldly.” Accordingly, they are always ready (unselfishly, of course) to help a person, to do everything exactly the way he wants it. Therefore, from the most Reliable Cosmic Sources, everyone receives what they wanted - convincing, “otherworldly” confirmation of their own thoughts. There is a need to consider Lenin as Christ - they will confirm this and give a program for the development of Earthlings. You feel like a fighter against the Dark Forces - there will be an “informant” who describes the state of affairs in Space in the spirit of “Star Wars”, where purely human problems are transferred to the entire space - here they are fighting, capturing, which means the same thing is happening in space, only in On a cosmic scale. I want to be on the “right” side in this Great Battle - and then there will be a trick, they will appoint the contactee as some kind of OBSERVER.

Inorganic Beings in different traditions

In the tradition of the Castaneda Clan there is a dedicated theme - which was translated as “flyers”... well, what was translated from English flyers, from a fly, came into play here. However, it didn’t work out very well here, since voladores are not so much flyers as “stealers”, from vole - to steal.