Incredible Harry Potter Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

“I know you've been saying this for years. But, Hermione, you won't be able to convince everyone. They do not believe you, and even if you threaten everyone with some vile curse, it will not help. Lavender had delivered that heartfelt speech and was now eagerly waiting for an answer—as if her life depended on it.

- You better not start. You know this topic is taboo," Granger replied, leaning back on the couch.

At this time, Harry and Ron burst into the common room, laughing merrily. After Quidditch practice, both were wet from the rain and sweaty. Seeing them, Hermione smiled happily. Harry ruffled his hair and smiled back at him with a playful smile, reminiscent of a naughty child now, not a seventeen-year-old boy who had matured too soon.

Ron set out to become the best goalkeeper and win the Quidditch Cup at all costs, and a friend, not paying attention to either the time of day or the weather, helped him train every free minute.

The redhead, on the contrary, did not smile, but frowned at his right hand and frowned. Hermione stood up quickly, cast a cleaning and drying spell on both of them, and taking Ron's hand gently, she began to move her wand over it. Gradually, the swelling disappeared, and after a minute, the redness also disappeared - the hand became its normal color. The moment the girl took hold of Weasley's hand, his ears flared up. An outside observer would have been surprised at his embarrassment - after all, everyone knows that Ron has known this girl for a long time, so such shyness seemed strange. But Hermione couldn't even imagine Ron Weasley any other way - his embarrassment was so charming and homely.

“So you really are in love with him,” Lavender announced contentedly. Fortunately for her, there were only a few people in the living room. Otherwise, within five minutes, Miss Brown's premature death would have been discussed throughout Hogwarts.

Hermione snarled, like Crookshanks when she's stalking her next victim. Harry, who had been pestered by everyone for the past few days on the same subject, grimaced in displeasure, and Ron looked as if he was ready to fall through the ground at this very second.

"Stop interfering in other people's lives, otherwise it will end badly for you," the warning in Hermione's voice would not have been heard only by the deaf. True, due to the fact that Harry held her tightly, she could not rush at Brown. The poise of Hogwarts' smartest witch Lately evaporated in an unknown direction, because Madam Pomfrey forbade her to overwork and sit at books for more than two hours a day, while her usual "norm" is six or seven hours. Harry was supposed to follow the rules, as only person, who can handle Granger.

Part 1.
Chapter 1.
Hermione gnawed at her pen nervously, the right thought slipping away all the time, besides, the buzz in the Common Room interfered. The students were laughing, joking, talking loudly and didn't seem to think about the lessons at all. In the corner, the girls were playing "magic knots", and laughter was constantly heard from there. Hermione was frowning, angry, but decided not to leave until she finished her essay. There was only one last paragraph, the most important one. Finally, despite the noise, Hermione managed to successfully formulate the idea that tormented her, and she began to write it hastily.
It wasn't until a few minutes later that she noticed Ron hovering guiltily at the table. And it seems like it's been a long time.
Hermione glared at him angrily.
- What do you have today? Again an essay to correct?
Ron was a little taken aback by her rude tone and mumbled uncertainly:
- Yes, an essay… this… please.
“It’s high time to learn to write yourself,” the excellent student snapped mercilessly.
- Soon the game, you know. Harry asked to be sure to be in training today. And this damn essay is due tomorrow.
Ron looked miserable. Hermione gave him an icy look, completely Snape-like.
- All right, come on. But this is the last time.
The parchment moved into her hands, and Ron immediately happily disappeared out the door. She looked after him, pursing her lips in resentment: like this always, write, correct, prompt, help ... And they themselves have fun with Quidditch, while she laboriously corrects their mistakes. Friends are called...
The mood deteriorated, and I got tired of doing it. The bursts of laughter were annoying. At another time, she, perhaps, having finished her work, would have joined the players. But today someone else's fun unbearably acted on the nerves.
Hermione finished her essay and began collecting numerous books and parchments.
- Where are you going? Sit with us, - Parvati called her, looking up from the game.
"I'll go and rest," Hermione waved her hand vaguely and almost dropped one of the books.
Arriving in her room, she casually threw her textbooks on the bed, which she had never done before, and suddenly burst into tears. The essay, which was spent so much precious time, fell to the floor and crumpled, feathers rolled under the bed. Hermione didn't pay any attention. She was unbearably offended. Her friends, her only closest friends, had completely forgotten her, traded her for Quidditch, for Lavender Brown, for someone else... No, they didn't forget to contact her regularly for help with their studies, but they had fun without her.
Ron kissed Lavender around the clock, taking breaks only for food and Quidditch. She bumped into this couple everywhere and everywhere. And Harry... No, Harry hasn't kissed anyone yet. But she had recently noticed how fondly he looked at Ginny Weasley, how he talked to her at Quidditch practice.
And why is she, Hermione, worse? Why isn't she invited to Hogsmeade or a date by the lake? Although you have to give Seamus Finnigan credit, he tried. True, nothing good came of the date. Hermione would rather go out with her friends. As always. Like before.
She sobbed, remembering her recent trip to Hogsmeade, and wiped her eyes. Harry and Ron invited her and she gladly accepted. But before the three of them reached the village, Lavender and Ginny caught up with them.
- Oh, Bon-Bon! Lavender squealed and immediately hung around Ron's neck.
And Ginny had a lively conversation with Harry about Quidditch. Hermione felt superfluous and quietly withdrew towards Hogwarts.
Minutes flowed slowly, dreary evil thoughts slowly crept. The sun has long since set. Hermione finally woke up to find herself in complete darkness. I had to turn on the light and put myself in order.
“We need to study,” she decided firmly, aiming her wand. - Accio, feathers! And to hell with romance!
Now it was necessary to consistently implement the decision made, not paying attention to trifles, like love notes, dates by the lake and walks in the moonlight. No sooner said than done. And when Harry once approached her in the library, he was surprised to find that the mountain of textbooks in front of his friend was twice the usual size.
He walked around the fortress wall of books, found a small gap and whispered softly:
"Hermione, let's go for a walk while the weather is nice."
- A? What? – disheveled head emerged from behind a mountain of books.
Harry winked conspiratorially.
- The weather, I say, is good. Let's go to the lake.
Hermione waved absently.
"Ah, no, Harry, I can't right now. There is something else to read here.
- Well, okay, as you know.
And Harry started walking towards the exit. It wasn't until five minutes later that Hermione realized exactly what he had said to her. Understood - and her eyes immediately treacherously pinched. Harry suggested that she go for a walk. Myself. But she refused, she exchanged a friend for these damned textbooks! And she burst into tears again, since no one saw her behind a huge pile of books.
Unbeknownst to herself, she became touchy, taciturn and irritable. She tried to convince herself that it was easier to live if you did not hope for anything and did not notice that attentive eyes were constantly watching her.
Valentine's Day didn't bode well for her. She did not expect valentines from anyone, and she herself did not write to anyone. And, unlike the other students, she sat at the table, gloomy and taciturn, leafing through the newspaper. Everyone around laughed, joked and launched flying hearts. One fell near her plate. Hermione eyed the pink misunderstanding suspiciously.
"Here, this is for you," Ginny giggled under her arm.
She herself had just received a huge postcard, which sang a love song in a disgusting squeaky voice.
Hermione grimaced: the song was stupid and the performance left a lot to be desired, but Ginny was remarkably pleased. Well, to each his own. She held out her hand to take the heart, but it fluttered out and flew somewhere towards the Hufflepuff table.
"Probably got the wrong address," Ginny stated, enjoying her song for the third time.
Hermione didn't answer and left the table looking gloomy. Again, she did not notice that she was being watched.
In the evening, sorting through books and notebooks, Hermione suddenly found a valentine. The usual pink heart with flowers, as expected, unsigned. She opened it in disbelief. Inside were poems, the simplest, about roses, the sky and all that. At first Hermione thought it was someone's stupid joke, but then she noticed the inscription: for Hermione Granger.
Her heart skipped a beat and her hands trembled as Hermione recognized the handwriting. She hurriedly reached into her bag and pulled out one of the parchments to compare. Yes, that is right. The handwriting is the same!

Chapter 2
Hermione went to Hogsmeade with Harry. Not that he invited her on purpose, no, somehow it just happened. At first they, as usual, went in a large Gryffindor crowd. Ginny, however, was not there, she remained "resting" in the Hospital Wing: the day before, she landed unsuccessfully in training. And Ron and Lavender quickly fell behind everyone. And then the rest dispersed. Harry and Hermione entered the Sweet Kingdom together.
"Look," said Harry, pointing to the shelf. “This is where Ron and I recently discovered new candies. Sugar hearts. Amazingly delicious.
Hermione tried. Sweets, indeed, turned out to be wonderful, with some subtle pleasant aftertaste. Their mood immediately improved. And it could not be spoiled either by the unexpectedly starting rain with snow, or by Malfoy spinning near the counter.
Harry and Hermione took two packs of multi-colored hearts at once, then Harry chose another gift for the sick Ginny, and the Slytherin cast suspicious looks at them and tediously bickered with the saleswoman about sweets: it didn’t suit him, it didn’t suit him, it was too expensive, and that's not the best quality. The saleswoman had already begun to lose patience, and Hermione suddenly felt funny, Malfoy arguing over trifles looked very ridiculous.
Outside, she said to Harry:
"Have you ever noticed how stupid Malfoy seems when he puffs up?"
"Yes," Harry agreed, carefully holding the bags as a gust of wind tried to knock them out of his hands. - I would have swaggered less, I would have looked like a person.
So, chatting and laughing, they reached Hogwarts. Then we went to the Hospital Wing to visit Ginny. On the way they were joined by Ron and Lavender. And strangely, this eternally kissing couple ceased to annoy Hermione.
The wonderful day ended, she went to bed in a great mood, although the cherished words that she secretly hoped for did not sound.
"There's a time for everything," Hermione reasoned philosophically, looking at her priceless pink valentine. - Will have to wait".
We didn't have to wait long. A few days later, right at the lesson, she found in her notebook a note written in familiar handwriting. The note invited her to the Astronomy Tower after dinner.
Hermione glanced over her shoulder at Harry, who was raptly discussing something in whispers with Ron. It is strange that he did not say anything to her personally and behaves as usual. Although…maybe Harry is just shy.
She read the note again furtively. No doubt, meeting at the Astronomy Tower.
"What do you have, Miss Granger?" Snape's voice was harsh.
She shuddered and blushed.
- Nothing.
The Slytherins giggled wickedly.
- Nothing? But it seems to me...
Snape took a quick step towards her desk, but the note melted in Hermione's hands. Indeed, nothing.
But the professor was not embarrassed:
- Minus five points from Gryffindor.
And he turned to his pulpit. The Slytherins' giggles got even more disgusting.
"Damn you," thought Hermione. The mood was spoiled, but the upcoming date warmed the soul.
She ran to the tower a few minutes before the right time, sat down in a corner and opened the book she had taken with her. But she couldn't read. My heart almost jumped out of my chest. Hermione never thought she'd be so excited on a date. And she didn’t have any dates, Viktor Krum and Seamus Finnigan don’t count
Footsteps were heard, Hermione convulsively grabbed the book, as if for salvation. Harry appeared. He stepped towards her, smiling sunnyly, and held out a box of sugar hearts.
- Help yourself, I have one more box left.
Hermione accepted the candy gratefully, and immediately felt better. She felt confident again, because this is Harry, her best friend!
The rain that had been drizzling all day suddenly ended, and the sun peeked out from behind the clouds. They sat, basking in its rays, choosing sweets from a box (how tasty they turned out to be, tastier than last time!) And chatting about trifles.
- You have changed a lot lately, you are nervous, angry all the time, has something happened? Harry began cautiously.
Hermione pulled out another sugar heart.
- You know, nerves, probably naughty. These disappearances, the constant threat of Voldemort... I'm afraid for you, Harry! And then there's Ron with his Lavender. It seems to me that you have forgotten me, that you do not need me.
"You're wrong," Harry said softly. - We need you. And Ron. And me.
He said it very seriously, and Hermione's heart skipped a beat again. To hide her embarrassment, she again reached for the candy.
"Harry, why don't you take it?" I'll eat everything now.
He smiled.
- Yes, and eat, I saved it especially for you.
Hermione was embarrassed

At this time, Harry and Ron burst into the common room, laughing merrily. After Quidditch practice, both were wet from the rain and sweaty. Seeing them, Hermione smiled happily. Harry ruffled his hair and smiled back at him with a playful smile, reminiscent of a naughty child now, not a seventeen-year-old boy who had matured too soon.

Ron set out to become the best goalkeeper and win the Quidditch Cup at all costs, and a friend, not paying attention to either the time of day or the weather, helped him train every free minute.

The redhead, on the contrary, did not smile, but frowned at his right hand and frowned. Hermione stood up quickly, cast a cleaning and drying spell on both of them, and taking Ron's hand gently, she began to move her wand over it. Gradually, the swelling disappeared, and after a minute, the redness also disappeared - the hand became its normal color. The moment the girl took hold of Weasley's hand, his ears flared up. An outside observer would have been surprised at his embarrassment - after all, everyone knows that Ron has known this girl for a long time, so such shyness seemed strange. But Hermione couldn't even imagine Ron Weasley any other way - his embarrassment was so charming and homely.

So you're really in love with him," Lavender announced contentedly. Fortunately for her, there were only a few people in the living room. Otherwise, within five minutes, Miss Brown's premature death would have been discussed throughout Hogwarts.

Hermione snarled, like Crookshanks when she's chasing another victim. Harry, who had been pestered by everyone for the past few days on the same subject, grimaced in displeasure, and Ron looked as if he was ready to fall through the ground at this very second.

Stop interfering in other people's lives, otherwise it will end badly for you, - the warning in Hermione's voice would not have been heard only by the deaf. True, due to the fact that Harry held her tightly, she could not rush at Brown. The poise of the most intelligent witch of Hogwarts has recently evaporated in an unknown direction, because Madam Pomfrey forbade her to overwork and sit at books for more than two hours a day, when her usual "norm" is six or seven hours. Harry had to follow the rules, as the only person who could handle Granger.

This isn't funny at all, Hermione! Lavender exclaimed, puffing up. And then she winked slyly. She looked puzzled at her classmate. - But, so be it - I'll leave you behind if you kiss Harry.

Ginny giggled merrily. It was already quite a clumsy attempt to get two best friends to open their hearts to each other. Otherwise, these two stubborn people will deny before themselves and the whole world at least some feelings other than “platonic friendship” until the end of time. Only one thing was surprising: how Brown decided on this and why Granger is not afraid of revenge.

Wait... I thought you were talking about Hermione and Ron, - trying to understand what kind of strange game Lavender started, Dean stared at her, puzzled.

Oh, everyone knows that this couple fights like they're brother and sister all the time. Haven't you ever noticed that their fights are very similar to Ron and Ginny's fights? I hope Ron is not interested in incest, - at the last phrase, Parvati turned to the Weasleys, mockingly raising an eyebrow.

Whoa, Parvati! - the answer was a friendly chorus of all those present. Ron looked like he'd been hit over the head with a Bludger and had managed to fall off his broom. It looked so funny that the Gryffindors laughed merrily.

I don't understand why, instead of getting ready for TOAD, you're doing a damn thing and wasting your time spying on us! Hermione said, crossing her arms over her chest.

That's it! Stop playing comedy and wasting our time. Just kiss him! Lavender chuckled, cutting off her attempt to divert the conversation.

Harry sat on the couch next to Hermione. With one hand, he hugged the girl around the waist, while throwing his head back on the back of the sofa and completely relaxed. Hermione was like a spring, about to unwind. She crossed her arms and legs and glared at Lavender as if she was trying to get her to clean up the hell out of her.

Then explain why you think that Harry and Hermione are suitable for each other? Dean asked. And Granger felt a great urge to come over and kiss him. Lavender, on the contrary, was simply outraged by such blindness and narrow-mindedness.

Have you been sleeping soundly for the past few years, Thomas? asked Parvati, looking at Dean as if he had accidentally grown a second head.

No, - the guy answered barely audibly.

Oh, for Merlin's sake, stop it! Hermione began irritably, but trailed off as Harry patted her arm soothingly.

Ever since Potter's defeat of Voldemort, the entire wizarding world has been watching the hero's life with bated breath. The main thing that the public was now interested in was how long the most enviable bridegroom of magical Britain would be alone, and who was the beauty who would win his heart.

The rest of Granger's indignation simply did not notice.

Are you blind? Lavender asked, slowly and somewhat predatorily approaching her classmate. This time, Dean thought it best not to even answer, but just shook his head.

Then you are stupid, - said Lavender and Parvati in one voice. And Hermione felt the urge to bang her head against the wall.

Harry and Hermione know everything about each other, understand each other from half a word, half a glance ...

They are constantly looking at each other...

Always together...

Finishing sentences for each other...

Often touching each other and hugging ... - at the last statement, Harry stopped stroking Hermione's hand and moved away from her a little. But Granger, who was busy inventing more and more new ways to kill this couple (if possible, so as not to thunder into Azkaban later), did not even notice this.

But that's because they've been best friends since they were eleven," Ron explained to them, as if they were retarded.

But you're also their best friend, and you act differently, don't you? Lavender asked, turning to the Weasleys. Dean also raised his eyes to the ceiling and thanked all the gods he knew for being on his side - Brown forgot about him, and the tornado passed by. This couple of well-known Hogwarts gossips was sometimes really scary. One had only to remember how cleverly they dealt with the Death Eaters, sending them curse after curse.

Yes, friend, Ginny confirmed.

But not like Harry and Hermione. I mean, they seem to exist on the same wavelength. I'm sorry Ron, but sometimes you just don't fit in there.

Instead of pouting and offending the whole world, Weasley looked at his best friends with different eyes and saw them in a new way. His gaze only increased Harry and Hermione's annoyance. Granger thought she saw gears spinning in the redhead's head, putting everything into order.

You must kiss, - in the end, announced Ron, answering with this phrase to all the words and thoughts of the conspirators. If Hermione hadn't been so angry, she would have laughed. Instead, she groaned in protest.

Oh, Merlin, Ron, you're still joining this nonsense. Just not you! Her face became very unhappy. She turned to Potter, as if hoping that he would be able to reason with their friend, who for some reason was not afraid of her anger.

Oh, I'm glad... - suddenly finding himself face to face with Hermione, Harry fell silent. He froze for a few seconds, then leaned over and kissed her gently. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed how those around him widened their eyes in surprise, and a deathly silence instantly hung. And only the sound of breathing disturbed it. Then the young man broke the kiss and smiled at his friend.

Hermione thought she was deaf. There was a pounding in my ears, blood suddenly rushed to my head, and sunbeams danced in my eyes. The girl felt strange… she had never experienced anything like this before. All thoughts fled. Harry just kissed her. Kissed in front of all honest people. They pursued him, they put pressure on him, but he did not betray the feelings that overwhelmed him with a word or gesture, did not throw out irritation and indignation at the interference in his personal life. But he was angry - she knows him very well, and sees what the prying eyes will not notice. And then suddenly took - and kissed. There was no one else in the room for her now. What is there in the room - in the whole Universe there were only the two of them. For some reason, the thought flashed through my head that someday this was supposed to happen, and everything went exactly to this. Cursing, she pushed plans for revenge on the witnesses out of her mind.

Lavender took a step forward and opened her mouth, but Hermione got ahead of her: first muttering something under her breath, and then uttering a phrase that shocked everyone:

And you call that a kiss? - mockingly hissed the girl, for the first time in her life spitting on logic and trusting her heart and her own feelings.

Before Harry could answer her, she moved closer to him and kissed him. Damn, if they really want to see a kiss - they will see it! This time everything was different - both were angry, and it seemed they wanted to prove something to someone. Although their personal life should not concern anyone at all. Still not fully succumbing to the feelings and desires of her body, Hermione clutched at the young man's shirt. With difficulty, though, as Harry kissed her back with just as much passion.

Under his slightly chapped lips, her lips were soft and supple. In an instant, her fingers were entangled in his jet black hair, her other hand still holding tight to the collar of his shirt. Now he's not going anywhere.

And he wasn't going to. One of his arms wrapped around her neck, sending waves of sweet shiver down her spine, while the other went around her waist, pulling her even closer until Hermione found herself sitting on Harry's lap. The kiss inflamed them more and more - they became hot, very hot, and they wanted more. Both had the feeling that this was far from their first kiss. And certainly not the last.

Even if the sensations were amazing, you still need to breathe. So she pulled herself away from Harry's lips, feeling the gaze of those around her back. The girl's face flushed. But the hand that held her quite tightly did not allow her to get up from the sofa and leave the room, which definitely did not help to drive the color from her cheeks.

You kissed,” said Ginny, looking at the couple with huge eyes, and her smile would do credit to any maniac. - You kissed! - she repeated, as if for the first time someone did not believe her.

Yeah, Jin, that's exactly what they did," Dean confirmed snidely. He felt a little out of his depth, but he could not miss the opportunity to pick on his girlfriend.

Now Harry's hair was more messy than usual, and Hermione's lipstick shone on his lips.

Now I believe that there is a chemistry between them that you spoke about.

The two conspirators who organized everything somehow nodded distantly.

The first clear thought was to run. Run as far as possible, but someone's hands still firmly held her waist. She looked at the man sitting in front of her. Until now, he was hers. best friend and now he hugged her so tightly! And on his face settled the most charming expression that she had ever seen.

Even through all the clothes, the girl felt how fast his heart was beating. His face was frozen and his eyes glazed over. Here he leaned a little towards her, and his breath tickled her neck, causing a pleasant shiver:

Do you think we have chemistry?

Hermione felt the young man smile, and could argue with anyone that this grin is worthy of a true Slytherin.

No, she answered calmly.

After these words, everyone around froze again. It seemed as though they were just having a heated discussion about what they had witnessed. Parvati and Lavender wanted to literally pull Hermione out of Harry's arms and ask in detail how wonderful the kiss of the Hero of the wizarding world was. Once ... and dead silence fell. It even seemed to the girl that those around her were ready to strangle her.

I think I need more proof," she said in a flat voice. And this despite the frantically beating heart and trembling hands.

As long as you need," Harry winked at her and smiled in a way that Hermione caught her breath and became unimaginably hot again.

The most anticipated kiss of a feature-length series about a boy wizard with a scar on his forehead took place without the participation of Harry Potter. The love affair in two parts of the final seventh Harry Potter movie will be built on the relationship between Hermione and Ron, and the key moment of their love story has already been filmed.

Actress Emma Watson for the final part of the adventures of Harry Potter was the only one of the trio of bosom friends who never had a kiss on the big screen. Daniel Radcliffe was the first to be baptized in “Order of the Phoenix”, in “Half-Blood Prince” Ron also enters the image of a womanizer - however, for the “first contact”, the red-haired joker does not choose Hermione. Nevertheless, both Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, and millions of fans of the magical saga knew perfectly well where everything was going.

“Rupert and I were very worried. First of all, because we desperately wanted this moment to finally be filmed and left behind, but just because of this, the kiss could look like something unremarkable, Emma recalls. - This kiss was supposed to express 10 years of tension, a rampage of hormones and established chemistry between the heroes - and in just one moment. We had to deal with it." “It's not like we were looking forward to this moment,” corrects co-star Rupert Grint. “It’s a rather strange thing to even think about.”

Despite trying to take a serious tone in the conversation about kissing, yesterday's teenager Watson, who turned from an ugly duckling into a swan during the filming of the Potter series, still modestly wrinkles her nose. “Kissing in movies is always so awkward,” Reuters quoted the most beautiful girl sixth film. “Kissing is always awkward for some reason.”

Daniel Radcliffe was also dissatisfied with his last kiss - so much so that he even asked for forgiveness from the audience for him. In The Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter's attention is completely captured by Ron's sister Ginny. “I watched the movie again a couple of days ago and found that my lips are like the lips of a horse when kissing,” lamented the lead actor in the film.

The sixth film "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" can be seen on July 16th. The seventh picture of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" will be released in two parts: the first is expected by the end of 2010, the second - in the summer of 2011. The creators have not yet revealed in which of them Ron and Herimone will finally reveal their feelings to each other.

Meanwhile, this final kiss is the only hope left for the fans. Over the years the trio spent on the set, they never once gave rise to anyone suspecting anything more than a friendly relationship between them. Watson, on the eve of the premiere of the sixth film, advised Potter fans once and for all to leave any thoughts that the title trinity in real life will ever tie a love bond. “We grew up together and perceive each other exclusively on a family level. So I must disappoint you: there were no couples in our company, ”Emma categorically cut off.

What would he, she thought, well, why is he staring! Turn away, Hermione mentally ordered Malfoy. But Draco had no intention of doing so. Sometimes there was a strange, sly light in his eyes, and that was precisely what made the girl worried. What if he decides how he can maliciously play a trick on Harry and Ron and ... and ... me, I guess ...

Malfoy stood and watched her. His gaze swept over Hermione's entire body. And strangely enough, at first the girl could not admit it to herself, but then she gave in, she was pleased to feel that he was looking at her.

Finally, all the students began to enter the classroom. Hermione saw her friends and quickly moved after them.

Squeezing into the office, she took out her textbooks and sat down at her desk. There were two classes at Defense Against the Dark Arts today: Gryffindor and Slytherin. Well, and a present, Herm thought. "Mad-Eye" Moody quickly went through the list in the magazine, settling on Neville as a guinea pig.

Longbottom went to the board and Moody showed him a couple of defensive spells. Appreciating the boy's "excellent" knowledge of his subject, the professor moved the desks apart with his wand and put the two classes in pairs, deciding that it would be better for Neville to practice with Hermione.

The girl willingly helped a friend.

Look, the wand needs to be lifted straight up and easily held to the right ... Oops!

Hermione felt sharp pain. She hit her elbow on something.

Or about someone, turning Herm, saw Malfoy. A wicked smirk played on his face.

Idiot! You specifically ... - began, was, Hermione.

After the Protection, I'll be waiting for you in the Transfiguration classroom," the Slytherin hissed softly.

What?! the girl shouted loudly.

Almost everyone turned to look at her.

I-i-sorry. I didn’t think that Neville was such an ace in this subject, Germ murmured, justifying herself.

She glared at Draco, but he turned to his partner with a sardonic smile.

The end of the lesson went pretty smoothly.

Draco looked into her face appraisingly.

Yes, with your ability to lie, you should be in Slytherin.

Hermione flushed.

Yes, how can you assign me to your vile, low faculty! Where is one word "conscience" - you have a shameful stigma! I have nothing to talk about with you.

She turned abruptly and quickly walked towards the door.

Not so soon, Granger." Draco blocked her passage.

Go away, Herm hissed. - Get out or I'll scream.

Yes, at least the zavoi, at least I do not forget to put a soundproof spell.

Malfoy chuckled.

Hermione felt herself getting sick. He guessed. He knows everything, it can't be!

The girl shuddered.

What do you want?

Well, if you like to make a fool out of yourself so much ....

Hermione was ready to dig her nails into Draco's face and rip that caustic face apart. Finally, she regained her composure and said:

Get to the point.

Give me the book.

Which book? - the girl instantly picked up, guessing what it was about, now it was necessary to build from herself not just a fool, but a crazy one. In order to piss him off and run away from this conversation.

"Research on magical artifacts," Draco said calmly, as if he had caught her intent.

I don't have one like this...

Eat. And you will give it to me. Otherwise ... - he maliciously smiled.

What else? - the girl pulled herself together, looking into his eyes with the challenge of a real Gryffindor.

Otherwise, everything secret will become clear: the Ministry of Magic, for example, or how you and Potter stole the ingredients in the dungeon from Snape.

Are you not afraid that...