Research work "the magic world of fountains". Where you can usually find a fountain with water. Where fountain water won't hurt. About the benefits of flowing water "boat" valencia, spain


Where you can usually find a fountain with water. Where fountain water won't hurt. About the benefits of flowing water

It's hot in the capital. Panama hat, umbrella, bottled water - without this it is better not to go outside. But others, seeing a fountain on the way, strive to wet their feet or their heated forehead. Fountains are regularly cleaned, but not always helps. We have selected the 5 most popular spots. We collected 100 ml of liquid. And they took it for analysis to the physico-chemical laboratory of the EcoStandard group.

The analysis was done in two types - chemical and microbiological. Chemical defines approximately 50 elements: various heavy metals, lead, manganese, arsenic, etc. Examination did not find any excess of these elements in any of the capital's fountains.


Total coliforms (OK)*

quality indicator drinking water. They should not be in drinking water at all. In fountains it can reach up to 500 units per 100 ml.

What are dangerous: can lead to food poisoning, inflammation of open wounds, intestinal diseases. High concentration causes acute intestinal and urogenital infections, conjunctivitis, pneumonia and sepsis.

Thermotolerant coliforms (TC)*

Indicates recent water pollution. In fountain water, the maximum concentration level is 100 units per 100 ml.

What are dangerous: lead to acute intestinal infections and diseases of the digestive system.


One of the top hot spots. It is large, wooden benches are conveniently arranged on the sides, occupied either by groups of young people or mothers with strollers. Children paddle barefoot along the edge of the fountain.

*OK - 400 units - less than normal.

*TK - 300 units - more than the norm by 200 units.


Water battles do not suit here, but they like to wet their feet. I came in the morning when the park staff was cleaning the fountain: they almost drained the water and walked around in waders. They gave me a sample bottle.

OK - 400 units - less than normal.

TK - 400 units - more than the norm by 300 units.


Near the four flying horses, people like to arrange water procedures. In my presence, a woman is bathing a two-year-old boy right in the fountain. Immediately, another boy is washed his hands after greasy fries. And from the edge, a man of dubious appearance washes himself.

OK - 900 units - more than the norm by 400 units.

TK - 900 units - more than the norm by 800 units.


Young children are held by their parents as they lean over the curb and run their hands through the water. And adults prefer to go in the heat not on asphalt, but on water. I also tried, but got out after a meter, because it was very slippery.

OK - 1000 units - more than the norm by 500 units.


Along the edge of the fountain, about a meter apart, taps are installed, from which water flows with a strong stream. Young people play around and try to splash each other. But it hits an elderly lady passing by:

Future VDVs! the woman grumbles.

OK - 1100 units - more than the norm by 600 units.

TK - 800 units - more than the norm by 700 units.


1. Where does the water come from in the fountains

All fountains in Moscow are built in a closed cycle, and the water goes around in circles for weeks. Therefore, the fountains are regularly cleaned, the water is drained - this is the concern of public utilities and park administrations. But they cannot be sterile in any way - bacteria are everywhere, it's just that sometimes there are too many of them.

And, of course, not everything depends on those who are responsible for the fountains. Open fountains serve as almost a garbage can for some citizens. And cigarette butts and cans fly there. Someone washes their hands. Legs climb. Often dogs are bathed. Hence the increased rate of dangerous bacteria.

2. When is it especially dangerous to swim?

Just in the heat. With an increase in temperature and an increase in daylight hours, the most favorable conditions arise for the active reproduction of various microorganisms in water. Therefore, it is at this time of the year that the number of bacteria in the water always increases. Precisely because of a large number bacteria in the bowl of the fountain, algae appear on the nozzles and on the walls.

3. Is it possible to get infected?

Of course, if you wet your hand in the water from the fountain, this does not mean at all that you will immediately fall ill with all the terrible diseases at once. But you don't have to wash. And you don’t need to bathe children there - they can sip some water or put wet hands in their mouths.

Have you noticed what an extraordinary effect water has on a person? Her splash bewitches, calms, puts thoughts in order. At all times, people loved to sit on the banks of a river, lake or sea in order to indulge in calm reflections, to calm down.

City dwellers are often deprived of such an opportunity - you will only find open water bodies in St. Petersburg or Venice. But decorative fountains are a completely logical substitute for a natural source and fully satisfy the human desire for the beauty of the water element. Perhaps that is why they are in any even the smallest town.

Photo gallery of decorative fountains made by Aqua Logo Engineering

Illuminated fountain in Dmitrov

Fountain in the shopping center in Elektrostal

Fountain in the shopping center in Elektrostal

Fountain in the shopping center in Elektrostal

Fountain in the shopping center in Elektrostal

Palestro Street Fountain

Palestro Street Fountain

Palestro Street Fountain

Palestro Street Fountain

Palestro Street Fountain

Fountain in Murmansk

Fountain in Murmansk

Fountain in Murmansk

Fountain in Murmansk

Miyako Fountain

Miyako Fountain

Miyako Fountain

Fountain Five Stars

Fountain Five Stars

Fountain Five Stars

Fountain Five Stars

Fountain in Kozelsk

Fountain in Kozelsk

Fountain in Kozelsk

Fountain in Kozelsk

Fountain in Kozelsk

Fountain in Kozelsk

Fountain complex in Kaluga

Fountain complex in Kaluga

Fountain complex in Kaluga

Fountain complex in Kaluga

Fountain in Voronezh

Fountain in Voronezh

Fountain in Voronezh

Fountain in Voronezh

Fountain in Voronezh

floating fountain

floating fountain

floating fountain

Musical fountain

Musical fountain

Musical fountain

Fountain in Kozelsk

Fountain in RIO shopping mall, Reutov

Fountain - waterfall in MegaGRINN mall, Belgorod

Fountain - waterfall at the Eternal Flame of the Federal Military Memorial Cemetery in Mytishchi

At the beginning of every hour, the fountain starts to work in geyser mode

12 foam jets take off around the perimeter and, as it were, the surface of the water in the center explodes

The central jet takes off to a height of almost 5 m

Around the main jet, many lower jets form a two-level cascade

The water show lasts exactly three minutes and is repeated every hour


A decorative fountain is a place of relaxation, where both on hot days and on quiet summer evenings there are always a lot of people. Both adults and children are looking forward to the opening of the fountains, because this marks the arrival of spring!

It is understandable that a person desires to admire the beauty of brilliant water jets, and decorative fountains are designed to satisfy this desire.

Decorative fountain - classic and avant-garde

Human imagination is unbridled and multifaceted, and this also applies to such an area of ​​human creativity as decorative fountains. All over the world you can find masterpieces of architects and sculptors: remember the "Samson" in Peterhof, the Fountain of Friendship of Peoples in Moscow. What about Manneken Pis in Brussels?

But not only water is a liquid for fountains - in the time of Peter the Great, during the holidays, jets of champagne were flowing from the fountains. Known for the Mercury Fountain in Barcelona, ​​it was created by Alexander Calder and became the embodiment of the memory of the siege of the city of Almadena.

And the people of Wales once a year tint the water in the fountain on Castle Square in Swansea with red paint, so that the jets resemble streams of blood. This is done on the first of March on the day of Saint David of Wales, who is the patron saint of Wales. So the love of mankind for fountains sometimes takes a somewhat unusual form.

Decorative fountain - the history of occurrence

Humanity's love for grandiose outdoor and small decorative fountains is understandable. Let's try to trace the history of the emergence and formation of fountains in human society from the very beginning to the present day.

Not so long ago, the fountain became a decorative one, and initially its purpose was to irrigate fields and gardens. This is how the first fountains in Egypt and Mesopotamia were used. In ancient Rome, the fountain system was part of the water supply system, but it was there that the fountain became decorative. Marble was used to create the fountains, and descriptions can be found that mention that the fountain was in the center and served as an ornament to the courtyard or chambers of the Roman patricians.

Over time, the traditions of fountain design changed: from one jet to a whole fan or cascade, the shape of the pool itself changed.

In Russia, decorative fountains first appeared as an adornment of park ensembles of the nobility, and only in the first half of the 20th century did fountains begin to be used to decorate the capital. IN Soviet period the decorative fountain has become an indispensable decorative element in the architectural appearance of cities.

Decorative fountain and modernity

Today, fountains are used to decorate city parks and squares, as both decorative and irrigation devices in gardens and park areas.

If you decide to decorate a park or garden with country house decorative fountain, then you will achieve both aesthetic and practical goals. The fountain in the garden will serve not only as a decoration, it will help to keep the garden ecosystem in harmony. A fountain installed in a reservoir will contribute to the enrichment of water with oxygen, prevent its stagnation and flowering.

The presence of a decorative fountain in the garden will be a real paradise for plants, because it will help maintain the required level of humidity. And, of course, the fountain in the garden is a wonderful opportunity to listen to the murmur of water on quiet evenings, sitting in a comfortable chair.

Initially, the Geneva Fountain was supplied with water from the water supply. But then the mayor's office decided that it was cheaper to place the pump directly in the lake: a three-hundred-meter fountain releases 500 liters of water per second up

The entrance to the Swarovski Museum in Innsbruck, Austria is decorated with a giant fountain head. Instead of eyes, the giant has green crystals. The museum itself is underground.

The extravagant Stravinsky Fountain in front of the Georges Pompidou Center in Paris was created by architect Jean Tinguely and his artist wife Niki de Saint Phalle back in 1982-83: they were inspired by Stravinsky's music written for Russian fairy tales

The Crown Fountain in Chicago's Millennium Park is a huge video installation projecting the faces of the city's residents. Its construction cost $17 million. Spending on the entire park as a whole is estimated at $ 475 million - investors hope to return them at the expense of tourists

In the jet of a fountain on the Spanish island of Menorca, a pipe is hidden through which water rises. This creates the illusion that the crane is just hanging in the air. There are similar designs in Belgium, the USA and Canada. The continuation of the photo gallery can be viewed on the website of the magazine "GEO"

And, of course, no city or urban-type settlement can be considered as such without a fountain in the city park or in the central square. What could be more pleasant than walking by the city fountain on a hot summer day or evening, when the foamy jets shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow and refresh the air with cool water?

Types of decorative fountains

According to the method of their action, fountains are circulating and flowing. Each type has its own benefits. Let's look at how both types work.

Circulating fountains do not require a constant supply of water from the outside, as the water in them moves in a vicious circle. The main reservoir is a decorative bowl at the bottom. To supply water upwards, a pump is used, hidden in the technical compartment of the fountain. Water can be poured out in the form of jets or cascades. This design is used not only for interior fountains, but also for park and street fountains. It is very economical, since you only need to add water to compensate for evaporation.

Flowing fountains require a constant connection to the water supply and sewerage system. In some cases, it is possible to use natural water level differences in reservoirs to create such flowing fountain complexes as in Peterhof.

Regardless of the method of water supply, fountains differ in functionality, design complexity, decorative and aesthetic effect according to the following features:

1. jet dynamics:

a. constant and uniform outflow of water through fixed nozzles;

b. intermittent and (or) uneven outflow of water through fixed or movable nozzles, not associated with light and sound effects;

c. intermittent and (or) uneven outflow of water through fixed or movable nozzles associated with light and sound effects.

2. backlight:

a. without illumination;

b. with constant or dynamic illumination in one color;

c. with constant or dynamic illumination in different colors.

3. sound (musical) accompaniment:

a. soundless;

b. with constant soundtrack;

c. with sound accompaniment associated with the dynamics of the expiration of jets and (or) the dynamics of light effects.

4. interactivity:

a. without interactivity;

b. with interactivity due to time of day, light level, human movement.

5. Mounting method:

a. stationary - to the bottom or wall of the reservoir;

b. movable - floating structures.

Interior fountain - a piece of nature in your home

A modern person is different from a person, for example, of the IXX or the beginning of the XX century. The rhythm of life is so fast, work takes all the time that there is no strength or opportunity left for a good rest. Therefore, it is quite understandable that many people want to create a cozy corner at home where they could relax and unwind.

There are two things that a person can look at for hours - fire and water. In order to be able to admire the bright flames, you can equip a fireplace in your living room. And the interior fountain is quite capable of bringing the life-giving power of water into your home.

These two components can make your interior cozy, and you will have your own little oasis where you can escape from the bustle of the city.

You can endlessly look at several things, among which water occupies an important place. That is why in almost every city you can find many beautiful fountains, often representing a real miracle of architecture. For example, there are more than five hundred fountains on the streets of Moscow, the largest of which is the fountain complex on Manezhnaya Square. But it is difficult to call these fountains unusual, but in other cities it is quite possible to meet something extraordinary and amazing.

King Fahd Fountain (Jeddah) - the tallest

This fountain is considered the highest. It was erected in the 1980s, and was supposed to become the main attraction of the city.

The design of the fountain is quite simple: the base is a bowl made in the form of a traditional incense burner, from which a powerful jet of water shoots. If immediately after the opening, the jet hit 120 meters, then later the power was improved and the height began to reach 312 meters.

The fountain differs not only in the height of the jet, but also in its location. The fountain is located in the sea and is turned off only in two cases: for a scheduled check and due to strong winds.

Dubai Fountain - the largest and most expensive

Dubai is famous for its love of size - the tallest building, a giant oceanarium and so on are located here.

In 2009, it was in Dubai that the largest and most expensive fountain complex in the world was opened, located on an artificial lake.

The design of this fountain was developed by a Californian company called WET. In total, 218 million dollars went into the construction of this spectacular fountain.

With its discovery, this fountain has added to the list of world dancing fountains. He performs his "dances" to various classical, Arabic and pop tunes. At night, you can admire this magnificent spectacle from a distance of 30 km.

Crown Fountain (Chicago) - the most international

This art object, which includes an interactive fountain and video sculpture, was opened in 2004 in Chicago's Millennium Park. According to the idea of ​​the author Jaume Plensa, the fountain was to consist of two towers 15 meters high, on which, thanks to liquid crystals, images of Chicago residents should be projected.

Showing the faces of ordinary citizens was the best way to emphasize the diversity of the city. Representatives from 75 public and religious organizations were considered for the selection of candidates. When broadcasting faces, the ejection of water from the fountain occurs precisely at the moment when the lips on the face of one or another citizen are folded into a tube.

At first, the attitude to the fountain was twofold, but gradually everyone got used to it.

Fountains of Peterhof (St. Petersburg) - the most luxurious

Multiple fountain complexes in Peterhof are considered the most exquisite in the world. The idea of ​​their creation belongs to Peter I, whose goal was to create a magnificent fountain complex on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. For more than a hundred years, work has been going on to implement this idea, and the result of the work was 64 fountains, 255 sculptures and many decorative elements.

During the Second World War, the fountains suffered great damage. It was possible to evacuate the four largest sculptures of the complex, which subsequently were never found.

Much later, the entire complex was restored according to available photographs.

Mercury fountain (Barcelona) - the most poisonous

For safety, the surrounding fountain is under protective glass. It is located in the Joan Miró Museum in Barcelona and at first glance this fountain is unremarkable. But its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is not ordinary water that flows through the fountain, but mercury.

For the first time, viewers were able to see this fountain, the author of which was the American sculptor Alexander Calder, in 1937. Initially, the fountain was located in Paris and only later was moved to Barcelona. The protective sarcophagus on the fountain appeared in the 1950s, when the toxicity of mercury and its vapors was proven.

Fountain of Wealth (Singapore) - built according to feng shui

What nicknames did not give this unusual fountain. During its existence, he managed to visit both the “bagel on legs” and the “basketball hoop”. In 1998, the fountain of wealth entered the Guinness Book of Records as the largest, but then he lost this title.

The design of the fountain is simple and symbolic. The four pillars symbolize the four peoples and four major religions of Singapore. But the ring itself is equal in size to the dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral.

It was decided to use bronze as the material for the fountain, because according to Chinese belief, it is the combination of this metal with water that contributes to success. Singaporeans believe that those who walk around the fountain three times and then dip their hand into the water will be happy and lucky.

Bellagio (Las Vegas) - America's most famous dancing fountain

This fountain is a free Las Vegas attraction.

The Bellagio Fountain can be seen in many films and series. It was first launched in October 1998.

$40 million was spent on the construction of the fountain. Today, large streams of tourists continue to flock to it, dreaming of enjoying daily performances that take place to classical music, as well as to the compositions of Madonna, Elton John and Whitney Houston.

There is a romantic legend according to which if you make an offer at the fountain, then the marriage will be happy and long.

Trevi Fountain (Rome) - the most visited

Rome is rightfully considered the capital of fountains, and the legendary Trevi is recognized as the king of the fountain. This fountain is the most visited in the world.

This magnificent creation was created for thirty whole years - from 1732 to 1762. In the twentieth century, the brainchild of the architect Nicolai Salvi became a real celebrity. It was filmed in many films, and Federico Fellini made this fountain a full-fledged hero of his film " Sweet life". Throwing one coin into the fountain, you can be sure that you will return to Rome, two - a love meeting, three - a wedding, four - wealth, and five - parting. Thanks to this belief, the treasury is annually replenished with 700 thousand euros received from the fountain.

"Moon Rainbow" (Seoul) - the longest fountain on the bridge

In 2008, the ordinary Banpo Bridge, which connects the banks of the Han River, turned into a real miracle thanks to the installation of the Moon Rainbow Fountain on it.

The decision to turn the bridge into a fountain came to the authorities of the South Korean capital, who thus decided to revive the attractiveness of Seoul in the eyes of tourists.

On both sides of the bridge, jets of water beat, which are painted in all colors of the rainbow by 10,000 LED lamps located on the bridge.

The Feng Shui fountain will act as a talisman, depending on where to put it, the value will also change. The main meaning of the fountain in the house is a source of inexhaustible wealth, which symbolizes flowing water. Also, the fountain is associated with endless vitality. The water here is constantly in motion, due to which the energy in the water is activated and its stagnation is removed. Only moving water is able to bring good luck and success in business, according to the Feng Shui principle "up and forward."

The meaning of the fountain in the house

Pure flowing water attracts positive Qi energy, creates energy balance and harmonizes the space. An ideal place to live would be exactly where the energy of Qi, which symbolizes life force, spreads in abundance.

The element of water in the home brings prosperity and wealth. If you awaken this energy in proportion to the rest of the elements, then a harmonious interaction is achieved. Thus, do not overdo it and make the water sector too active.

When the water element becomes uncontrollable due to the large number of water symbols, the opposite effect may occur: financial failures, you will become indecisive, insecure, too emotional and touchy. Therefore, paintings with a water landscape are chosen very carefully. A roaring waterfall, a stormy and raging sea can produce an undesirable effect.

Types of fountains

Fountains in the house can be installed in any shape you like. Today, there are many electric fountains in stores of different designs and sizes. There are fountains made in the form of architectural structures, animals, with natural landscapes, abstract compositions. The decorative part of the fountain can depict a group of rocks, grottoes, a lake, thickets, for the manufacture of which natural and artificial stone, natural and artificial flowers, palm bushes, bonsai are used.

Of the architectural structures, you can often find mills on which water falls, jugs, Chinese pagodas, sea shells and copies of ancient statues. Someone will like a large fountain in the form of a column or bowl, for someone the best option would be a miniature fountain, which should be placed on a table or stand, or a fountain-picture. Living plants can be placed around outdoor fountains, as the green scale also attracts the energy of money.

Fountains are appropriate in the house, and at school, and in the office, and f kindergarten. Fountains are made from different materials: granite, ceramics, glass, marble, semi-precious stones. Here you are free to choose a fountain depending on the interior of the apartment, financial capabilities and your own preferences.

Where to put?

To attract material prosperity and wealth to the house, the southeastern zone of the apartment should be activated, which is controlled by the energy of Water and is the main area for attracting finance.

A decorative fountain installed in the east has a beneficial effect on the family and the health of the household. If you put a fountain in the north, it will help you climb the career ladder.

In any case, a decorative fountain in an apartment will become a wonderful decoration of the interior and add sophistication to it, create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere in the room.

The water flowing in the fountain fascinates and attracts. The calm murmur of a slowly running living water will help a person relieve stress and fatigue. You will create a corner for a relaxing holiday after a day's work. In addition, the water in the fountain will humidify the dry air in the room, which will certainly have a positive effect on the condition of the flowers and the health of the household.

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Water is wealth. That's what the Chinese say. The energy of water is universal. If there is abundance, water also abounds. With water, life becomes easier, the harvest is more abundant, no one is thirsty. Water has been used since ancient times to generate energy in mills.

It is important that the fountain faces in the direction of your house.

But not many homes have enough of this valuable element. Often wood, metal, and earth are abundant, but water, in the form of images of waterfalls, ponds, and pools, is absent.

But those houses where this element is present, get more wealth and give their owners a calm feeling of abundance.

In order to turn your home into a wealth generator, it is important to learn how to activate the so-called water stars.

Every house has water stars, the activation of which brings more energy of wealth and abundance. There are five auspicious water stars.

Each bagua sector has one mountain star and one water star. These two stars determine the quality of the sector's energy. Most people know about the Water Eight, but there are four more Water Stars that can be activated.

Their location is useful to know when the eight is in the wrong place. These stars are numbered 1, 4, 9, and 6. 1 represents the energy of a successful business, 4 represents relationships, 9 represents future income, and 6 represents unexpected wealth and networking.

One of the most important characteristics of water stars is their location on the house plan. Favorable is the location in front of the house. If there are several water stars here, it will bring more luck. Determine the position of all the stars in your house and decide which sector is most suitable for activating the star.

Water stars must be activated. Not all water will be useful. Only pure water in an aquarium with fish or with clear illuminated water will bring the desired wealth, a stable increase in income, earnings and accumulated investments.

Your financial needs will be met, and with it comes a sense of calm.

water star 8

This is the most important water star. Like any other water star, the figure eight can be activated using a fountain, waterfall, pool or pond. The best way its activation is six-level. This is especially true for houses with a facade facing North 1, South 2 and 3, East 1 and West 2 and 3. In this case, adding stones to the fountain is key.

If the water eight is in the wrong place, near the garage or on the side of the house, then you can activate the water unit instead.

water star 1

The second most important water star is a unit. She is responsible for constant income and business development. It can be activated using a six-level waterfall or a round fountain that mimics the shape of the element that generates water.

Water star 4

This star is responsible for success in speaking, writing, education, sales and love relationships. Activate it with goldfish, a waterfall or a pond. Lighting is also helpful for a quad.

Water star 9

This star will bring prosperity in the future. Since it continues until 2024, the fountain in the nine sector will help achieve material well-being in the future period.

Three level waterfall great way activate this star. The number three corresponds to the wood element, which nourishes the nine. It does not hurt to add lights to the fountain.

Disappearing water fountains should not be used. It means vanishing wealth. It is important that the flow of water in the fountain is directed towards the house or inside the house. In a good feng shui fountain, there is a reservoir where water accumulates (increasing wealth) and a flowing or bubbling stream of water (increasing income).

Location of 24 water stars

The direction of the facade of the house degrees 8 - wealth 1 - business 4 - relationship 9 - future income 6 - networks
South 1 157,5 - 172,5 WITH IN NW SW SW
South 2 172,5 - 187,5 YU W SE SW SW
South 3 187,5 - 202,5 YU W SE SW SW
Southwest 1 202,5 - 217,5 SW YU NW WITH SE
Southwest 2 217,5 - 232,5 SW WITH SE YU NW
Southwest 3 232,5 - 247,5 SW WITH SE YU NW
West 1 247,5 - 262,5 IN Center SW SE WITH
West 2 262,5 - 277,5 W Center SW NW YU
West 3 277,5 - 292,5 W Center SW NW YU
Northwest 1 292,5 - 307,5 SE NW YU Center SW
Northwest 2 307,5 - 322,5 NW SE WITH Center SW
Northwest 3 322,5 - 337,5 NW SE WITH Center SW
North 1 337,5 - 352,5 WITH SW Center YU IN
North 2 352,5 - 7,5 YU SW Center WITH W
North 3 7,5 - 22,5 YU SW Center WITH W
Northeast 1 22,5 - 37,5 SW NW IN W WITH
Northeast 2 37,5 - 52,5 SW SE W IN YU
Northeast 3 52,5 - 67,5 SW SE W IN YU
East 1 67,5 - 82,5 IN WITH W SW Center
East 2 82,5 - 97,5 W YU IN SW Center
East 3 97,5 - 112,5 W

I heard about Peterhof trick fountains from my mother many times, and finally I went in search myself :) To be honest, I had big doubts that they would work in cloudy, foreshadowing rain, and rather cold weather, however, lucky. The first fountain-bench was found at the Monplaisir Palace (by the way, the sketches of these benches-sofas were developed by Peter I himself, the tsar-father knew how to have fun :):

An ordinary, harmless-looking bench, only the stones in front of it are filled with water, they make you think :)

The boys first tried to step on the pebbles from the edge, but they did not find the right stone that activates the streams of water. Then we decided to go for a run, and the stone platform immediately swirled with streams of water :)

The adult group did not dare to run, but they still got patience, having tried all possible pebbles on the edge, they found the right one :))

And I go to the following cheerful fountains - tulips and oaks:

Indeed, they are cheerful - so energetically they scatter streams of water, crumbling into tiny drops that form water dust. And those that reach the ground, knock merrily, breaking on the stones. Probably, in sunny weather, you can always see a lot of small rainbows here:

And here's a familiar shop...

The boys don’t care about the weather, pulled the hood over their heads and rushed off to tease the shop, which immediately responded with streams of fountains:

And the shop calmed down again, subduing the streams of water:

The guy is happy with the reckless act :)

Another repeated the feat, teasing another shop and getting his portion of the soul :)

And again, the shop calmed down quite a bit, dousing the young hero with cold water :)

And again under the jets of water :) The boys rushed back and forth so contagiously that I also could not resist :)

Leaving, I caught another young madman in the frame, it seems, preparing to go under an icy shower from the Peterhof shop :)

The people crowded behind the water curtain of another fungus fountain or Chinese umbrella:

Another suspiciously wetted path met on the way to the Chess Cascade :)

Carefully looking around and pulling on my hood just in case, I quickly overcame it in anticipation of a dirty trick :) However, it turned out that I waited in vain. The track is switched on strictly by the hour. Uncle comes to turn some magic valve. There is no mystery and mystery that is on the benches, but the water tent will be larger in scale :) I was not going to wait, I was just lucky - it turned out to be in the right place in right time, and here people have already gathered in anticipation. There were many spectators, but there were no daredevils to run along the path for a long time. Then the first one appeared, armed with an umbrella, and the others followed him...

And in hot weather, there is probably no end to those who want to cool off under the fountains :)

Vedernikova Diana




"Letnikovskaya basic comprehensive school" (branch) Municipal educational institution"Sernur secondary (complete) secondary school No. 2 named after N.A. Zabolotsky"

Research work

Magical world of fountains

/Section of mathematical disciplines/

Completed by: Diana Vedernikova

7th grade student


Mamaeva Liria Kirillovna

Physics teacher



  1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………….3
  2. Main part……………………………………………………………5

2.1 What is a fountain? ....................................................... .................................5

2.2 Fountain of Heron ………………………………………………………..6

2.3 History and purpose of fountains…………………………………. 6

2.4 Design of fountains…………………………………………….8

2.5 Practical use of fountain equipment……..10

2.6 Air humidity and indoor climate……………………..11

3. Practical part…………………………………………………..13

  1. Conclusion…………………………………………………………...14
  2. List of sources used……………………………….15
  3. Applications…………………………………………………………..16

1 . Introduction

The first fountain, perhaps, can be called a spring, which primitive blocked off with several stones laid in the place where the water came out. As a result of this simple manipulation, the water stream became narrower, but its pressure increased, the stream of water bent, which is convenient for filling clay jugs with water.

For many centuries (until the end of the 19th century), the fountain retained its practical, utilitarian significance as the main source of water supply, although over time it acquired certain aesthetic features - from decorations from rough sculptural forms to real works of art in ancient Greece, ancient rome and later civilizations. The fountain has reached our days already as an element of a purely decorative design of space.

And if in not so distant times fountains were mainly decoration of city parks, squares, squares, today fountains are increasingly being used to decorate summer cottages and mansions.

Purpose of the study:

To study the conditions for the emergence of the fountain.

To achieve the goal were set tasks :

  • To study the concept of communicating vessels;
  • To study the literature on the design, aesthetic and practical
  • use of fountains
  • To study the action of fountains and their impact on the environment.

The topic is relevant because apply the knowledge gained in physics in practice.

Object of study: fountains

Subject of study:the meaning of fountains in nature


1. The study of some theoretical information on the topic;

2. Search for information on the Internet;

3. Method of modeling (compiling a table).


People have always been passionate about water. Life on earth without water would be simply impossible. In most religions, water is considered a symbol of purification and new life. Contemplation of water pacifies a person, sets him up in a philosophical way and gives positive emotions.

Fountains must exist.

If we learn how to make fountains, we can build mock-ups to showcase them.

2. The main part.

They say there are three things that you can look at endlessly - fire, water and stars. The air near the reservoir is always clean, fresh and cool. And it is not in vain that they say that water “cleanses”, “washes”, not only the body, but also the soul. Already in ancient times, people thought about how to create artificial reservoirs, they were especially interested in the riddle of running water.

2.1 What is a fountain?

Fountain - lat. fons 1) source, spring; 2) source, beginning, root cause Fountain - a device in which water beats from a source, falls into a bowl

of any kind and, as a rule, is used again.

From an architectural point of view, a fountain is a structure that serves as a base or fence for jets of water flowing up and flowing down.

There are water fountains of natural origin - springs gushing in small jets.

Giant fountains exist in nature hot water and couple. They are called geysers. They can often be found near volcanoes. They can be seen in our country in Kamchatka, in Iceland, in New Zealand, in North America - in Yellowstone national park, in Japan. From the name of the place Geyser in Iceland, where hot fountains beat, the term "geyser" arose. In Icelandic, geiza means to gush.

artesian waters- pressure groundwater enclosed in aquifers of rocks between water-resistant layers. Usually found in depressions, forming artesian pools. When opening a borehole, artesian waters rise above the aquifer, sometimes gushing.

Since ancient times, people have not only enjoyed waterfalls and streams, rivers and seas, but also created artificial reservoirs and fountains to admire them. Water has such a beneficial effect on the human nervous system that in some clinics, contemplation of flowing streams of water is used as one of the methods for treating depressive disorders.

How does the fountain work?

The fountain operates: through the use of communicating vessels;

Under the influence of atmospheric pressure.

Communicating vessels - two vessels connected by a rubber tube. In communicating vessels of any shape and section, the surfaces of a homogeneous liquid are set at the same level (provided that the air pressure above the liquid is the same).

2.2 Fountain of Heron

One of the devices described by the scientist ancient greece Heron of Alexandria, was the magic fountain of Heron. The main miracle of this fountain was that the water from the fountain spouted itself, without the use of any external source of water.

Heron's Fountain consists of an open bowl and two hermetic vessels located under the bowl. A completely sealed tube runs from the top bowl to the bottom tank. If you pour water into the upper bowl, then the water begins to flow through the tube into the lower container, displacing air from there. Since the lower container itself is completely sealed, the air pushed out by the water through the sealed tube transfers air pressure to the middle bowl. The air pressure in the medium tank starts pushing the water out and the fountain starts to work.

  1. History and purpose of fountains

The first fountains appeared in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, as evidenced by the images on ancient tombstones. Initially, they were used not so much for beauty, but for watering cultivated crops and ornamental plants. The Egyptians built fountains in orchards near the house, where they were installed in the middle of a rectangular pond.

Similar fountains were used in Mesopotamia and Persia, famous for their beautiful gardens. Here in the East they have become even more popular. According to certain canons, the Persian oriental garden was supposed to reflect four essences - water, flowers, plants and music, which can be seen on ancient images and carpet drawings. Muslim gardens were surrounded by terraces of multi-colored tiles, the spray of the fountain, reflected from them, created an unusual play of light and shadow.

Fountains were of great importance in China and Japan. The most famous Japanese garden in Kyoto - Buddhist monks participated in its creation. Each element of this garden carries a special meaning and evokes a certain mood and state of mind in visitors.

Persian gardens served as the landscape and architectural basis for fountains and gardens in Europe. In the Middle Ages, gardens appeared at monasteries and, like a Persian garden, were divided into four parts - for flowers, herbs, vegetable crops and fruit trees. In the middle of the garden there was a well or fountain - a place of solitude, reflection and prayer for the novices of the monastery. But basically, as in ancient world, in the Middle Ages, fountains were used as sources of water supply - for irrigation and drinking.

With the beginning of the Renaissance, fountains in Europe become part of the architectural ensemble, its bright accent, and sometimes the main element. The Roman style became dominant. Pumps came to the aid of natural springs, and instead of underground springs, fountains filled the Roman hills. An example of the Italian Renaissance is Villa Lante.

Gradually, new trends in architecture spread throughout Europe.

The greatest dawn of landscape and park art was achieved in France in the 17th century, its crowning achievement was Versailles, the king of regular parks, which became the basis for the creation of similar palace and park ensembles all over the world. At the end of the 17th century, with the advent of "romanticism", landscape art also underwent a change. Parks in the "English style" came into fashion, when everything is closest to the "wild" nature, without chic and pomposity. The architecture of water sources was also distinguished by its natural naturalness and simplicity. Modern fountains compete in height.

Purpose of fountains:

  • Coolness: in hot weather, the fountain refreshes the air and gives a psychological effect - the realization that there is a fountain nearby gives vigor.
  • Air purification: the fountain cleans the air of dust, next to it it is even easier to breathe.
  • Protection from extraneous noise: the sounds of murmuring water pleasantly drown out extraneous annoying noises.
  • Humidification: the fountain is able to humidify the air with high quality, which has a positive effect on health.
  • Serenity: Both the sound and the sight of running water give a wonderful relaxation effect.
  • Entertainment: The changing compositions of the fountains are able to entertain people Fun: Fountains are excellent fun for both children and adults.
  • A means of attracting attention: as part of landscape or architectural design, landscape fountains not only complete the overall composition, but also focus attention on themselves.

2.4 Fountain design

A variety of fountains is created using various combinations of their types and types of sprays. Simple classical forms are most often used, while cutting-edge modern designers prefer original and unique designs.

Fountain types: with pebbles; with a millstone; fountain - mine;

from one water jet; multi-jet; with one bowl; from several bowls with overflow of water; with the use of sculptures; with sprinkler.

Rice. 1. Types of fountains. a - with pebbles; b - with a millstone; c - fountain-spring; g - from one water jet; d - multi-jet with one bowl; g - from several bowls with overflow of water; h - using sculptures; and - with sprinkler

They differ in architectural design, location, type of nozzles, thanks to which you can create a unique pattern of water movement. The most commonly used sprayers are of the following types (Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Types of fountain nozzles: single nozzle, tiered nozzle, spinning nozzle, water jet, fishtail, geyser.

Single: small vertical jets with water ejection to a certain height;

Tiered: small vertical jets eject water to different heights and form several tiers;

Atomizer-revolver: a jet of water during rotation forms several spiral streams;

- "water jet": water is ejected horizontally from a hole in a decorated wall at a certain distance from the surface of the earth (reservoir, floor, etc.);

- “fishtail”: when water is ejected, several vertical jets are formed, fanning out and forming an almost continuous falling wall;

- "geyser": when ejected, a jet of water with a large number of air bubbles is formed;

Rice. 3. Types of fountain nozzles: Tulip, Ring, Hemisphere, Bell, Tiffany

- "tulip": the flow of water rises under pressure, forming a funnel, expanding from above, and, falling in a circle, forms a thin water dome;

Ring: vertical ejection of water occurs from holes located along the circumference to the same height;

Hemisphere: the nozzle is a ball, from which a large number of tubes depart, from which water is ejected, thereby forming a hemisphere;

- "bell": the upper part of the nozzle has the shape of a disk, from which water flows out, and, falling down, forms a thin water dome;

- "Tiffany": the basic principle of operation coincides with the functioning of the "bell" nozzle. The difference is that under the dome, the atomizer has several holes from which jets of water of the same height are ejected, creating an elegant pattern.

2 .5 Practical use of fountain equipment

A modern city cannot be imagined without a fountain.

Street, square fountains

Fountains have always been one of the most beloved hydraulic structures of mankind. Fountains were invented in hot countries - for a purely practical purpose: in summer heat jets of water, beating upwards, bring saving coolness. They have not lost their popularity to this day.

landscape fountains

The fountain on the site near the house usually becomes a very attractive place for its inhabitants. A beautiful fountain is the best cure for the stress and hustle and bustle of everyday life. Listening to the soothing sounds of flowing water, contemplating its smooth streams, a person gets the opportunity to forget about everyday problems and troubles, to escape from the anxieties and experiences that fill life in a modern city. The fountain becomes an oasis of peace and joy, a place for relaxation and self-contemplation.

Musical fountains- These are complex complexes with the use of automation. The height and shape of the jets, color design are set using software.

Interior, indoor fountains

Placing a fountain in one's home becomes the focal point of the interior of the living space, a beautiful fountain usually turns into a favorite place for the whole family to relax. After all, there is nothing more pacifying than the calm contemplation of flowing water.

2.6 Humidity and indoor climate

We measured the humidity of the air with a hygrometer using a homemade fountain


  • Humidity in a room increases on average by 2% without heating
  • Humidity in the room increases on average by 5% during the heating season
  • Humidity, increasing, has a beneficial effect on the well-being and tone of a person, confirmed by research by scientists
  • The ecological situation in the room improves, because. indoor plants grow better and provide more oxygen.

3. Practical part - making a fountain

Take 2 vessels with a common bottom.

Let's create a difference in water levels.

Water tends to one level (fountain beats).

Conclusions: The style of our fountain is decorative;

The fountain model is compact (placed on a demonstration table);

Water is pumped due to the difference in levels in the vessels (the law of communicating vessels applies).

We checked the dependence of the height of the fountain on the diameter of the tube

Equipment: tripod - 2; plastic bottle; rubber tubes with a diameter of 4 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm; cuvette.


The height of the fountain depends on the diameter of the tube. The smaller the diameter

tubes, the higher the pillar of the fountain.

An important factor that determines the comfort of the microclimate of the room is the humidity of the air. The optimal level of air humidity for a person, his pets and indoor plants is 40 - 60%. . In particular, during the heating season in apartments, air humidity averages 22%. This has a very negative impact on people's health.

4 . Conclusion

We are ready to spend hours looking at the surface of the water, listening in fascination to the sound of water, which makes us carry away to other worlds, when “the Earth was innocent and empty and the spirit of God hovered over the water…”

But in modern world, the world of speeds, we practically do not have time to communicate with nature, of which the water substance is a part.

Maybe that's why we try to arrange a small oasis in the desert of our home from the sparkling smooth surface of the pool or the foaming jets of the fountain. And we do it with that love and reverence, which is rightfully claimed by the greatest of the elements - WATER.

The study revealed that the most suitable design features for location in the apartment are Heron's fountains. Various fountains have been studied for their aesthetic and practical use. A fountain model has been created. IN research work recommendations and instructions are given for self-creation of a fountain at home to improve the environmental situation and the state of human health in general.



Ponds, ponds, fountains | №4 (49) "2009

Mankind has been building fountains for a long time. Initially, they were used exclusively as sources of drinking water. But gradually, people began to notice that moving water is surprisingly able to interact with the surrounding landscape. And very soon the fountain became one of the central images of both urban and garden architecture.

A fountain is usually called a hydraulic structure with a closed cycle of water movement. That is, water is taken from a certain reservoir and returned to it. In the generally accepted understanding, the water in the fountain is thrown either up or, in extreme cases, to the side. Although today various water cannons are widely used in landscape design, imitating natural springs water: streams, waterfalls, cascades. All of them, of course, also work in a closed cycle, although this is sometimes not visible. Sometimes such devices are also called fountains.

So, any fountain includes a certain container with water, a pump, a supply hose and one or more nozzles (nozzles). Everything else (architectural framing, etc.) is optional. Fountains are classified mainly according to the type of picture that water moving in the air creates. This water is shaped by nozzles.

Water in small stationary fountains needs to be changed periodically. In large fountains and ponds, these measures may not be enough; additional filtration equipment will need to be installed. For the winter, the fountain is conserved: the water is drained, and the equipment is taken away for storage in a warm room.

Water shapes

Let's list what types of fountain nozzles-sprinklers (sprayers) are. The simplest is a single atomizer that throws small vertical jets to a certain height. A nozzle consisting of several such nozzles that raise water to different heights creates a tiered fountain. The spinner nozzle, as the name implies, rotates and creates several spiral streams. The nozzle-geyser, which is a pipe with a nozzle at the end, forms a jet of water with a large number of air bubbles. The upper part of the bell nozzle is disc-shaped. The falling water forms a thin dome of water, really resembling a bell. By adjusting the gap between the upper and lower parts of the nozzle, one or another wall thickness is achieved. The Tiffany fountain looks like a bell, only under the disk the atomizer has several holes, and the water is not thrown out in a solid wall, but in separate jets of the same height, creating a very elegant pattern.

"Fishtail" - this is when, when water is ejected, several vertical jets are formed, fanning out and forming an almost continuous falling wall. In the "tulip" the flow of water rises under pressure, forming a funnel expanding from above, and, falling in a circle, forms a thin dome of water. In the “ring”, the vertical ejection of water occurs to the same height from the holes located along the circumference. The hemisphere fountain is very popular today - the nozzle is a ball, a large number of tubes depart from it, from which water is ejected.

Powerful lamps give a contrasting hard lighting pattern with a sharp transition from light to shadow. To create a soft picture, low-power lighting devices are used, which are often supplied with color filters so that the playing water blooms with all the colors of the rainbow.

On land and water

All fountains that can be found on the market today can be divided into two large groups. The first group is traditional stationary fountains. A specially made bowl serves as a reservoir for water in them. Usually these fountains represent some architectural and sculptural composition. Wall fountains can be called a private type of stationary fountains. Near the wall of a house or other building, a small pool is located in a semicircle. The architectural design of such fountains is mascarons (bas-reliefs in the form of a human face, head of an animal or bird). They are mounted on the wall and mask the hose. The second group of fountains - floating (submersible, pontoon). Their compositional basis is a certain water picture, and the reservoir for water is the reservoir (pond) already existing on the site. Such fountains, unlike stationary ones, are not an independent element of landscape design, but are perceived in conjunction with the environment - a pond, trees, grass. For the most part, they are not shaped sculpturally; the form that the water itself creates is quite enough.

Note that the accepted division is somewhat arbitrary, since there are stationary fountains that organically fit into the natural and park landscape. First of all, these are the already mentioned springs, springs, waterfalls, cascades. But there are also figured compositions that use a pond as a reservoir, and nature as an environment.

Let's start with floating samples. Usually they are a ready-to-use complex consisting of a fountain pump with a nozzle, mounted on a special float. Sometimes the design also includes a backlight device. Mounts are provided for it on the body of the unit, so that if desired, the backlight device can be installed independently. Installation of these water jet systems is extremely simple. They are fixed with an anchor or stretch marks and connected to a source of electricity. The advantages are quite obvious: first of all, there is no loss of pressure to overcome the difference in height from the bottom to the surface of the reservoir. There are no problems with uneven bottom. And ease and simplicity of installation diversify application possibilities. You are tired of the fountain, you can remove it or move it to another place. Moreover, you can take it with you, say, to a country picnic. You just need to take care of the generator. Submersible fountains also include devices in which the pump is placed on the bottom of the reservoir, and the nozzle is brought to the surface.

Of course, there are some subtleties. So, floating aquatic plants such as water lilies do not tolerate when water is poured on them from above, so they should be away from the fountain. In addition, you need to think very carefully about which nozzle to choose if the pond is in an open area and is intensively blown. Thin high jets then obviously will not work - they will simply be carried outside the pond. In this case, it is logical to install either a recessed nozzle, which will create a kind of key on the surface of the water, or a geyser that forms a powerful foamy jet that is resistant to gusts of wind. True, for a powerful geyser, a powerful pump is also needed, so the cost will increase. Unlike water fountains in stationary fountains, the main load falls on the decorative design. It can be sculptures and various architectural forms made of stone, metal and other materials.

The bowl of the fountain, which serves as a reservoir for water, is usually assembled from separate elements, the seams between which are sealed with special waterproofing compounds, usually supplied by the manufacturer in the kit. Further, a central figure is installed in the bowl, and sometimes along the perimeter - a number of secondary, smaller ones. The most classic architectural form is also a bowl. It is designed for a circular view, so fountains with a bowl are usually located in the center of the landscape area. Bowls can be quite simple or more sophisticated figured. Fountains from several bowls with water overflow are also common. They are, as it were, strung on a vertical pole, the largest at the bottom, the smallest at the top. Water from the upper bowl flows into the one below it, from the second - into the next one, forming a kind of cascade.

In addition to bowls, fountains with sculptural images of people and animals are widespread. Most often, these sculptures are made of artificial stone. In other words, polymer concrete. Due to the presence of plasticizers, the product becomes resistant to temperature extremes and, accordingly, durable. Coloring is also carried out in mass, which ensures color stability. You can additionally treat the fountain with hydrophobic compounds, then it will not be afraid of almost any element. True, many prefer not to do this, so that over time the sculpture looks older.

The most standard options are girls with jugs from which water flows, playing or, sorry, pissing boys, angels. Large fountains are usually not decorated with figurines of animals (frogs, elephants and geese). Their place is not in the center of the park, but on the banks of a pond or stream. Somewhere in the same place, in the thicket of the Moorish lawn, fountains are installed in the form of mushrooms, along which water flows, or stone flowers covered with abundant dew.

But this is, so to speak, a democratic option. There are also finished products made of ceramics and, of course, made of natural stone (sandstone, shell rock, granite or even marble, although this is not very practical). But it's expensive. These fountains are often made to order. Most often they are very voluminous and usually serve as the compositional center of the landscape, where all paths and alleys converge and around which hedges, flower beds, benches are located as a frame. And the ascending jets are visible from everywhere. Of course, such ceremonial fountains belong to large plots.

But it is absolutely not necessary to install a monumental stone structure on your site. Today on Russian market you can find expensive and exclusive fountains that take up very little space and at the same time are genuine works of art. For example, a collection of fountains from the English company Alexander Rose. These fountains are handmade from copper, imitating trees, shrubs, flowers and natural compositions, including even dragonflies. The petals of the flowers are made of Murano glass, and the branches and leaves of copper are covered with a patina over time, which fits them even more into the surrounding nature. To install the Alexander Rose fountains, a pond with a diameter of 1.3 to 2.5 m is required.


To lift water, you can use conventional submersible volumetric inertial pumps, but more often they use special fountain units. Moreover, the Russian market is represented by the products of a fairly large number of manufacturers. Fountain pumps, like water-lifting ones, are submersible or surface-mounted, installed on land. Submersibles are placed at the bottom of the reservoir on some kind of stone or a specially made stand (it is not recommended to place the pump directly on the bottom - silt will be sucked in) or float on a float with a nozzle. Surface ones are inserted into the foundation or inside the sculpture, buried in the ground (in a technical box), masked with bushes or stones.

Text: Alexander Sparber

01/18/2019 | admin | No comments yet

Where can I find a fountain with water 100 to 1

In the town of Sunderland, Great Britain, an unusual fountain is installed, which is a whirlpool in a transparent cylinder, it is called - whirlpool fountain "Charybdis"(Charybdis), designed by William Pye (Vortex Fountain by William Pye).

Designer William Pye and previously designed unusual fountains, but after the previous fountain, which is made in the form of a cube "Clearwater Cube", in which for the first time he used such a material as transparent acrylic, the designer really liked the material, since it is so transparent that it conveys all shades of water, so I decided create something truly extraordinary. After that, in 2000, a fountain was opened called - whirlpool fountain "Charybdis" (Charybdis Vortex Fountain).

This unusual fountain - whirlpool "Charybdis" can be seen at the entrance to the Seaham Hall Hotel in Sunderland. It is a transparent flask-pipe made of durable acrylic, 2.3 meters high and 2.4 meters in diameter, filled with water, into which, with the help of pumping systems an air-vortex flow is formed, thus obtaining an artificial whirlpool with a funnel in the middle of the cylinder. In the Charybdis fountain, the water level in the pipe is constantly changing and the funnel is at different levels at different times, when it is almost at the bottom of the fountain, almost hiding in a hole at the bottom, and when it reaches its the highest level, spilling over the edges of the cylinder into the drainage basin below.

The name of the whirlpool fountain "Charybdis" was taken from Greek mythology, where Charybdis is the personified representation of the all-consuming deep sea (etymologically, Charybdis means a whirlpool). In the Homeric epic, Charybdis is depicted as a sea deity living in the Messenian Strait under a rock at an arrow's flight distance from another rock, which served as the seat of the six-headed monster Scylla (Homer, Odyssey, XII 101-107). Homer's Charybdis has no individuality: it is just a whirlpool of the sea, disturbed by an invisible water goddess, who absorbs and vomits the same number of times a day. sea ​​water under the second of the mentioned rocks. Even Poseidon was unable to save from the death of a man who fell into a whirlpool between Charybdis and Scylla, where, however, Odysseus nevertheless managed to swim. Also in mythology, Charybdis is mentioned as the daughter of Poseidon and Gaia. Known for stealing a herd of oxen from Zeus, for which the ruler of Olympus punished Charybdis by striking her with lightning and turning her into a giant whirlpool that absorbs ships.

Thanks to whirlpool fountain "Charybdis" (Charybdis) is made in the form of a transparent cylinder, then the whirlpool can be seen from any side and so you can observe the movement of water for quite a long time. 12 years after the installation of the Charybdis fountain in the city Sunderland, Great Britain designer William Pye created another similar whirlpool fountain, called - caribdis, commissioned by the energy company CPFL, which was installed in Campinas, Brazil in 2012. Photos of the new Caribdis fountain can be seen below.

In the same year, 2012, another sculpture by William Pye (Vortex Fountain by William Pye) was installed - a whirlpool fountain "Charybdis 2" (Charybdis II) in Ruwi city, Oman. Photos of the Charybdis II fountain below.

Video which shows whirlpool fountain "Charybdis"(Charybdis) in Sunderland, UK:
