Room cooling system without air conditioning. How to cool a room without air conditioning: salvation from the summer heat. Cooling blinds

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Zharkikh summer days We all look forward to it with great impatience, but when thermometers show more than 35 degrees, you already dream of coolness. Undoubtedly, the best option will purchase an air conditioner. What if it’s not possible to do this, and the heat in the house makes it hard to breathe? There is no need to despair, there is plenty different ways cool the room without the help of an air conditioning system.

It would seem that this is simple, but ventilation must be done wisely.

You need to open windows and doors to “let” fresh air into the apartment from 4 to 7 in the morning. If you can hardly be called a “lark”, then leave the windows open all night.

It would be a good idea to ventilate your closets and chests of clothes at this time by opening them, then you can put on cool clothes in the morning.

Hiding the house from the sun

But when the sun is already ruling the sky, you need to carefully close not only windows and doors, but also curtains (especially if the windows face south). White thick linen curtains perfectly reflect sunlight.

Air humidification

High temperatures quickly destroy moisture, making it more difficult to breathe into the room.

  1. Therefore, you need to either purchase special moisturizing sprays in the store, or make them yourself: pour plain water into a spray bottle, humidifying the air with it every hour.
  2. You can also wet the curtains, which, when dry, will give up their moisture.
  3. In addition, it is worth placing vessels with water in each room, adding refreshing aromatic oils to them: lavender, mint or citrus.

But you don’t need to overdo it with moisturizing, so that later you won’t.


This is definitely a source of cold. Not only can it cool many water bottles, freeze ice, but also take care of your dreams. How? You can cool your bed linen in it. In the morning, carefully fold it into a bag and put it in the refrigerator. In the evening, make the bed, but you should only go to bed after 20-30 minutes. After all, if you lie down immediately on such a “frozen” sheet, you can catch a cold.

To make it easier to breathe at night, you need to put cold water bottles on the chair at the head of the bed.

Many people are surprised, but foil copes well with the heat in the apartment. You can stick it on window glass, as well as walls. This will be especially necessary in those rooms whose windows face south or southwest. The material reflects heat very well. This cooling method is very effective; interior elements do not heat up, which means the air does not heat up.

Window tinting will help counteract the sun's rays. Through the darkened film you will be able to see everything that is happening on the street (although not in the usual colors), but bright light will not enter the room.

When choosing a tinted film, you should choose green or blue.

If you don’t want to buy foil or cover your windows with darkening film, then you should install blinds.

When the blinds are closed, they block out 90% of the sun's rays.

With their help, you will not only be able to cool the apartment, but will make the interior more fashionable and modern.

But, like curtains, they need to be taken care of carefully.

Frequent wet cleaning gives good results in hot weather. By wiping furniture, window sills, doors and especially the floor with a damp cloth, you can easily reduce the air temperature in the room by several degrees.

Also, fighting dust and increasing humidity will make it easier to breathe.

Wet sheet

A wet sheet can be hung on a door or window. The main thing to remember is that the larger the sheet, the faster the heat exchange occurs. Some cover themselves with a wet sheet at night.

It is preferable to use fans with automatic change of air flow direction. After all, there is a high probability of catching a cold. For cooling, you can use table, floor or ceiling fans.

Cold water

If you open the door to the bathroom, where the flow of water is noisy in the shower or the bathtub is filled with cold water, the whole apartment will become cooler.

Regular ice will help make the room temperature cooler. It should be thrown into any wide container. Soon the ice will begin to melt, releasing cold and cooling the air.

Most of us love summer and look forward to vacation time. However, the warmth can turn into sweltering heat that makes staying in the apartment impossible. Of course, it can solve this problem in a short time, but not everyone has this device. Some people refuse it because of its high cost, while others consider air conditioning to be the cause of colds and allergies. Be that as it may, you shouldn’t endure the heat. We'll show you how to cool a room without air conditioning without much effort or expense.

"Grandmother's" methods

The apartment warms up in the summer, mainly due to the sun's rays entering the rooms through the windows. Accordingly, if the flow of light encounters an obstacle, it will not be able to enter the room. That’s why windows should be covered with thick curtains in the morning. It would seem that dark curtains should provide cooling in an apartment without air conditioning, because they create a life-saving shade, but this is not so. The darker the fabric, the more heat it absorbs. Moreover, it absorbs it from the street and gives it to the room. That is why windows should be covered with light curtains that reflect light and heat. The ideal option is foil curtains or blinds. When the sun sets and the heat outside subsides, you can safely open the windows to fill the rooms with cool air. fresh air. To cool your room as effectively as possible in the summer, curtain the windows outside during the day whenever possible.

To the very simple ways Cooling the air in the house includes night ventilation - just keep the windows open during the night. It is advisable to keep all the drawers and cabinets in the house open at night so that the air heated during the day also cools down.

Something as seemingly small as a light bulb is also a source of heat, and if you add to it an oven, a refrigerator, and various light indicators on household appliances, then the apartment will be provided with several additional “hot” degrees. Try to unplug all devices that you are not currently using.

During the day, try to cover all textiles with pile with a white cloth to keep them warm. In the evening, when you sit in a soft chair or on a fluffy blanket, they will seem cool to you.

"Home" physics

Draft is the simplest and effective method. By opening two windows in the apartment facing opposite directions, you will ensure instant ventilation of the apartment. Even warm air that circulates at high speed will bring relief. How and with what to cool the air in the apartment if all the windows are located on one side? The usual one will help. The lower it is installed, the faster the cool air concentrated in the lower layers will rise to the top. And if you install several containers with ice or cold water in front of the fan, the effect will be much more noticeable. To prevent the ice from melting so quickly, add regular table salt to the container. By the way, bottles of water (melted ice) can be frozen again.

In extreme heat, it is worth curtaining door and window openings with a wet sheet. As the water evaporates, it will cool the room. But be careful: too high humidity increases the air temperature!

By installing one fan near the window with the blades outward, and another in another room with the blades inward, you will create artificial air circulation at a high flow rate. Heated air from the rooms will go outside, and cool air from the street will go into the apartment. Plastic bottles with ice placed in the corners of the room will enhance the cooling effect.

As you can see, cooling a room without an air conditioner is not such a difficult task.

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My apartment is located on the 5th floor of a 5-story building in Istanbul. The trees do not reach that height, the roof is flat, the windows face the sunny side. Therefore, in summer, when the temperature rises to +40 °C, the room turns into a branch of the Finnish sauna.

In such conditions it is impossible to fall asleep and get enough sleep. And since I don’t have air conditioning, I have to somehow get out and try various ways cool down.

For readers website I'll tell you what tricks and tricks I use to cool the room and bed and ensure a comfortable sleep.

To keep a room cool at night, it must be kept cool during the day.

    To keep the cold out of a room, it is important to ventilate it properly. To do this, I close the windows when the outside temperature rises above +25 °C, and open them when it drops below this value. The lowest temperature is from 4:00 to 7:00, so I open the windows in the morning and in the evening after 20:00.

  • To keep the sun out of your apartment, you should use the right curtains. I tried various materials and I can say that you should not buy synthetic curtains: they quickly heat up and fade. It is best to use thick linen white curtains.
  • To prevent heat from lingering in the house, you should also get rid of all dust collectors - carpets, rugs and mountains of pillows. This will make the air cleaner and cooler.
  • While airing, you can wet a towel and hang it in front of an open window. This will help cool the room quickly. But don't leave the towel on overnight: a room that's too damp can be just as stuffy.
  • Previously, when air conditioning did not yet exist, in the heat before going to bed, the floors were wetted. The temperature in the room immediately dropped. This allowed me to fall asleep quickly and sleep comfortably.

Another way is to use ceiling fans

They are cheap, mounted on a chandelier and cool the room well. If you have such a fan, check that its switch is in the “summer” position. Many fans have 2 modes for different seasons.

  • If you can't find the switch, check the blades: they should spin counterclockwise so that air hits the ceiling.

Homemade air conditioner

An ordinary small fan simply circulates air, and its motor heats the room. But any fan can be turned into a real air conditioner.

  • To do this, you need to freeze bottles or other containers with water and place them in front of the blades - then the cold air will blow throughout the room. When the heat is particularly intense, I freeze 2 sets of bottles and simply change them every 4-5 hours.

Cooling the bed

    If your bed linen is made of satin or synthetics, it is worth replacing these materials with cotton or silk. Cotton sheets absorb sweat well and keep you cool. And natural silk is very light and tends to slightly cool the skin.

  • Also use cotton pajamas: they are more breathable. Or sleep without clothes. And what? Also a way out.
  • Another great way to cool down is to put a sheet and pillowcase in the refrigerator in the morning and make your bed with them before bed. But don’t put your laundry in the freezer: you risk getting sick.
  • Memory foam mattresses retain heat well. This is useful in winter, but inconvenient in summer. This is the mattress I have, so in the summer I put a cotton mattress pad over it (which can also be placed in the refrigerator).

Summer often comes suddenly. It would seem like just yesterday we were wrapping ourselves in jackets, but today the air temperature has exceeded thirty. The season of heat, sweat and suffering has begun. Why suffer? Our tips will help make it easier to stay in a room where for some reason there is no air conditioning.

If you have a fan, you can quickly relieve the heat by placing two plastic bottles of frozen water in front of it. Point the blades at them - and after 5-10 minutes the room will become much cooler.

In the absence of a fan, place several open containers of ice around the room. This will help reduce the air temperature by several degrees - although not as quickly as in the first case.


Warning: Don't over-hydrate so you won't have to deal with mold later!

A similar effect can be achieved by using an automatic humidifier or nebulizer that produces cold steam.


Thick curtains that do not allow light to pass through will help protect the room from direct sunlight and prevent the room from overheating. And if you also wet them with cold water, they will give a feeling of freshness and coolness in a stuffy room.

If you're literally melting from the heat, here's a little trick that will make you feel better. Lightly stroke the skin on your hands with your fingertips, causing goosebumps. Do you feel a wave of cold running through you?


What better way to cool the air than cold-producing technology? Of course, you can’t keep the refrigerator open for a long time, but it will help you escape in a hot kitchen (especially if you decide to cook something).


Freeze sheets or bath towels in the refrigerator and hang them around your apartment. You can keep your apartment cool all day long by exchanging “warm” textiles for cool ones.

Wet cleaning

During the hot season, carry out wet cleaning as often as possible. Wipe the floors, window sills, shelves, doors - you will see that breathing will become much easier.


Try to deceive the body with essential oils, giving a feeling of coolness and freshness. Place containers of water around the room, adding 2-3 drops of peppermint, lavender, jasmine or orange blossom oil.

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