Brown-eyed Aryans. Who are the D'Aryans and where are they from? Clans of the Great Race - strength in unity


Da'Aryans are the first of the four original Clans of the Great Race. Externally main distinctive feature Da'Aryans are exceptionally tall (up to 290 cm) and have gray eyes (in the Vedic epics this color is called the “color of steel” or “color of silver”). Da'Aryans have light hair, most often blond, possibly with a tendency to early gray hair (individual genetic aspect).

Although initially all members of the white race had only the first blood group, over time and as a result of numerous external factors, a genetic anomaly appeared, which was later called the second blood group. The third and fourth groups cannot be correlated with the energon structure of a representative of the White Race. Regarding the Da’Aryans, we can say that it was this Clan that always had the strongest blood, which is why the current descendants of this Clan most often have the first group (and, of course, positive Rh, since negative rhesus and there cannot be a descendant of the Clans of the Great Race).

According to some Vedic sources, it was the Da’Aryans who originally formed the basis of the army of the Great Race. This clan is the most resistant to psychotronic and negative energy influences, which makes it an ideal candidate for the role of a warrior clan. Great height, exceptional endurance and outstanding physical capabilities are also important factors. However, like all representatives of the Great Race, the Da’Aryans are peace-loving and humane. Therefore, do not be mistaken: a person who outwardly completely fits the characteristics of a Da’Aryan may well not be one if his words, actions and thoughts contradict the foundations of this Clan. On the original Northern continent of Midgard, their territory was Thule. The color of the Da'Aryans is the color of polished steel, as well as the color of thunderclouds. Their main characteristics are strength and courage. Their calling is to protect.


The Ha'Aryans are the second of the four original Clans of the Great Race. As for external data, the Ha'Aryans, like other Clans, have quite definite distinctive features, determined by genetic characteristics, which in turn were formed in the process of evolution (after all, each of the Clans has its own “star cradle” - the maternal star system). According to some sources, the height of the Ha'Aryans corresponds to the height of the Da'Aryans (up to 290 cm); according to other sources, it is the Ha'Aryans who are the most tall people Their races and height reach 350 cm. Their eyes are always green (in the epic they are called “emerald-colored” eyes). The brighter the color, the more gifted the person. The hair is almost always brown, but definitely blond. Blood group can be not only the first, but also the second (Rh is always positive).

The original Ha'Aryans, like the Da'Aryans, lived along the outer perimeter of the territories controlled by the Great Race. That is why this Clan was also very successful in the art of war and the Ha’Aryans were always considered excellent warriors, although with a greater bias towards energy than physical strength. This does not mean at all that one Genus is somehow inferior to another. But there are certain genetic aspects that indicate that the Ha'Aryans, all other things being equal, have increased energy sensitivity.

The descendants of this Family work well with any technology, they are able to capture the essence and principles of operation of mechanisms that they see for the first time. Perhaps this is why some Vedic sources say that the Ha'Aryans have always been the best navigators. In addition, it was the Ha'Aryan Karuna that was recognized as the universal script of the Great Race, although each of the clans had its own writing system. On the original Northern continent of Midgard, their territory was hArra. The color of the Ha'Aryans is emerald, rich green, but not light green. Their main characteristics are wisdom and insight. Their calling is to learn.

The wisdom of our ancestors, which we have forgotten (with the help of historians), will help in everyday life and in modern conditions. And in modern conditions, many people cannot find a place for themselves in life: schoolchildren (and even university graduates) have difficulty imagining what they will do and what kind of work they are more inclined to, what profession to choose. Also, adults who are already adults often cannot stand their work in their mature years and simply want to change their field of activity.

For further reading, you should turn off your filter for a while and just take in what is written (especially the beginning of the story).

Let's get started.

According to ancient teachings, there are four main families ( white race), each of these genera has its own purpose. Membership in each genus is based on the color of your eyes. It is assumed that each of these genera should not be mixed with each other.

Darians - gray eye color
Kharians - green color
Rus - blue eyes
Rasen - brown eyes

Darians: a race of warriors
Kharians: monks, witches.
Rus: artisans, gunsmiths, builders, craftsmen, blacksmiths.
Rasen: merchants, traders, public figures.

Now this list can be updated:

Darians ( People With gray color eye, or "steel" color ).
Your craft is warfare , you live for battles and battles. Feel free to join the armed forces, become professional soldier , special forces, airborne forces or police - it’s all yours. Remember that a warrior is not a mountain of muscles, but your spirit, your determination, your special thinking. If you don’t like the army and the police or for some reason there is no way there, security structures, a bodyguard. Another alternative option is professional sports: martial arts or hard team sports.
A Darian is also a leader, a leader - a president, a minister, a major official and other areas related to management.

I know it’s bad, but a bandit/killer is also an alternative.

Anyone can be made into a soldier, but warriors are Darians.

By the way, our GDP has gray eyes.

He is Andres Breivik. Alexander Karelin, Alexander Povetkin, Fedor and Alexander Emelyanenko, Vladimir Turchinsky, Alexander Korzhakov (ex. Yeltsin’s bodyguard), General Vladimir Shamanov, General Lev Rokhlin, Vladimir Kvachkov, General Alexander Lebed, Tim Cook (current head of Apple), Yuri Baturin.

Haryans (people with green eye).

Any activity related to project work(architect, planner, designer). Priest, Monk, Sorcerers, Witches. Hariyas are ideologists and good app strength will be work related to the creation, development, maintenance of the company’s image, and the introduction of new products:
marketer, administrative top management, development manager, strategic management, brand work. Producer, conductor.

Only 2% of the inhabitants of our planet are green-eyed. The medieval Inquisition played a large role in the fact that green eyes became rare. Red-haired, green-eyed girls were considered witches and burned at the stake for this.

Representatives: A. Jolie, Vanessa Paradis, Drew Fuller, Glitch"oZa. But the most important, of course, can be called a real oracle of design today - Jonathan Quince, who was the chief designer of Apple.

Godfather of Marketing - Philip Kotler:

Famous world marketing gurus:
Seth Godin

Malcolm MacDonald

Rus (blue eyes).
Any work involving manual labor: installer, engineer, electrician, builder, farmer, mechanic, car mechanic, surgeon, dentist, service technician, jeweler and even hairdresser;programmer, scientist, inventor.
Famous representatives: Nikola Tesla, Bill Gates, Sergei Kapitsa, Mikhail Kalashnikov.

Rasen (brown eyes).
Sales managers, entrepreneurs ( pro- level - oligarchs), personnel managers, deputies, also any social activity and initiative, various kinds of showmen, presenters and journalists. Famous Rusyns: Mikhail Prokhorov, Vladimir Lenin, Sergei Mavrodi, Vladimir Dovgan, Victor Baturin, Sergei Dorenko, Ksenia Borodina, Olga Buzova, Maxim (Tesak) Martsinkevich, Pavel Volya, Pavel Durov.

Knowing your belonging to the Family, choose what you are destined to do in this world.

More globally(elective)

It's no secret that after the Bolsheviks came to power, the aristocratic and merchant elite were severely exterminated or left Russia. Quite recently, an interesting experiment was carried out to establish the external appearance of the average Russian, and at the same time it turned out that representatives of the upper classes had predominantly dark hair and eyes, and representatives of the lower classes had light ones.

After the deliberate destruction of the elites, a vacuum was created in Russia - there were few managers left, few people with a commercial streak remained, and this vacuum was filled by foreigners, many of whom came to power. The ordinary people (blue-eyed and gray-eyed) were workers and cannon fodder. The gray-eyed warriors were also beaten, because they stood for the monarchy to the end, others went over to the side of the Reds, and then simply exterminated each other on both sides.

Today, trade in the country is again controlled by strangers; it cannot be said that they are ineffective in this very trade (they are so good at squeezing out the juice by raising prices). The exterminated elite and merchants have still not recovered sufficiently. This issue can be resolved by the unification and return of Ukraine and Belarus to Russia. Moreover, Ukraine to a greater extent.

Indeed, our neighbor has a fairly significant percentage of the dark-eyed, brown-eyed population. I would even say that the average Ukrainian is darker than the average Russian. It’s also no secret that Ukrainians are quite cunning people, they like to push things. In some cases, such habits can develop into scams and banal scams. If one day both Ukrainians and Russians (to a greater extent the first) understand that they are one people, then these same Ukrainians may well fill the vacuum, become the locomotive of trade, instead of alien elements. Agree, it causes much less negative emotions if the owner of this store is not Ashot, but individual entrepreneur Shevchenko.

Ukraine, by the way, abounds in dark-eyed people and what do we see? Rocket engines are falling, the “constipations” are not even close to the rubbish from the “basin”. But there are a lot of cunning people who are trying to get by in a rather poor country. And there are also green-eyed people, along with a love for various ideologies: here you have torchlight processions, and the Una-Unso uniform - in general, the Kharian shamans are working at their best. But there are not enough blue-eyed builders, there is no one to work with their hands and nothing to sell, they “have to” sit on gas pipe and take tribute for the fleet.

Here is Belarus - a symbiosis of brown-eyed and blue-eyed. There are also a lot of Rusyns there, but they cooperate harmoniously with the Russians: excellent tractors, now there is a construction boom in Belarus and they are being built... by the Belarusians (Russians) themselves. Entrepreneurs + artisans.

However, it is worth noting that there is no need to put anyone above. If you remember real story ancient Rus', then in those days the main one was chosen on the basis of the need for certain qualities: in difficult ones, a leader-warrior was chosen, in favorable ones, a leader-reformer, etc.

All four genera do not contradict each other, but complement each other, but in certain periods a certain genus becomes more relevant. Now in Russia there is a clear spiritual decline, a crisis of self-identification - we need ideologists (and not dictatorial warriors) who can instill pride in themselves and confidence in the Russian people, who will find “levers” and the Russian people will no longer be ashamed of the fact that they are Russian: will know the true story (or as close to reality as possible, and not just any nonsense according to Mongol yoke, which “for some reason” left no traces at all in genetics), will follow family values.

Now there are attempts to impose Orthodoxy, but how can you follow it when spiritual leaders are not at all embarrassed to say that Russians before baptism were barbarians and animals.

After the ideological platform is formed, every Russian knows his roots, then the time will come for the Rusyns, those who will increase trade and spin up the locomotive of the economy.

The emergence of certain funds will entail the possibility of industrial development - the patrimony of the Rus (blue-eyed).

A clear national idea and self-sufficiency, developed trade and industry - then the time comes to form a strong army to protect the interests of the country.

Naturally, these principles are not observed in our lives now. There is no idea in the country, the Russian people do not know who they are, but there is a dictatorship and military rule. The main crisis is now within the country, at the everyday level, but here the army is powerless, the police too, the authorities are trying to offer some artificial ideas, but it all fails. Whether intentional or not, it's time to stop ignoring the obvious gaps in the story; it's in those gaps that the real idea lies. It is after such a step that a real revival will begin, the wisdom of the ancestors, who have long proposed algorithms for solving many issues, including the self-determination of each individual, will all be in their place.

[The publication will be updated regularly]

(updated: 07/22/2013)
(updated: 03/14/2014)
(updated: 12/29/2014)

If we turn to Vedic sources, then after the second great battle between Light and Darkness, the Earth became a refuge for the Ases, who became the ancestors of the ancient Slavs. The land or, as the name can often be found, Myrgard was divided by rivers into 4 parts, each of which was inhabited by people. According to legend, after this moment four Clans of the Great Race appeared on earth: Da’Aryans, Ha’Aryans, Rasens and Svyatorus.

The clans of the Great Race are people with white skin, whose thoughts are pure and whose soul is filled with Good. They differ only in eye color and height, but at the same time they are essentially fraternal peoples. Over the past few hundred thousand years, the peoples of the ancient Slavic Aryans have mixed with other peoples, so now it is quite problematic to meet purebred representatives of the RACE, and it is impossible to prove their purebredness. It is worth remembering that the theory of the Clans of the Great Race is the basis for obtaining new knowledge and the power of ancestors, but it is important to use it only for good, otherwise it can cause harm to the descendants of the ancient Slavs.

Da'Aryans or Daritsa

Da'Aryans should under no circumstances be compared with representatives of the Nazi

Germany, although they considered themselves the direct ancestors of one of the four Clans of the Great Race. According to historians, the Da'Aryans are the first race to appear on earth. Outwardly, a representative of this race is very easy to recognize - they have always been noticeable by their tall stature, gray eyes and light brown hair. The eyes have always deserved special attention - they are often compared to the color of steel or silver. According to one theory, it is precisely because of the color of the eyes that Slavic amulets are made of silver.

For thousands of years, the Da'Aryans were famous only for the first blood group, but under the influence of mixing and genetic changes, the second appeared. Pure-blooded Da’Aryans, whose appearance is described above, cannot have either the third or fourth blood groups, since they are in no way combined with the energy power of the Da’Aryans. Although the issue is controversial, after all, millennia have passed, and due to mixing and genetic influences, the blood type may also have a negative Rhesus.

Alas, there are no direct sources in which one could read about the races, but according to Vedic legends, the Daarians were excellent warriors who were not afraid of the negative energy of the enemy and psychotropic influences. It is worth remembering that by their nature the Da’Aryans are a peace-loving and humane race, whose representatives revere their family and do not harm other peoples. But if the question of protecting their family and land arose, the Daarians boldly took up arms, proving their strength, courage and courage. This race is characterized by a steel-gray color, so a silver amulet with a rune or Slavic symbol is an artifact that will awaken the memory of a great family.

Ha'Aryans or Haryans

The Ha'Aryans are rightfully considered the second most important Race of the Great Clans. Their distinctive appearance is green eyes, tall height and blond hair, and (according to one theory) they arrived on Mirgard from the constellation Orion. A person’s talent and his ability to develop in any direction directly depended on the brightness of his eye color. Haaris can have both the first and second groups, but always with positive Rh.

There were legends about the art of warriors of this race - the swords of the Khaari were considered reliable defenders of all Slavic lands. Special attention is given to the fact that the Ha'Aryans were famous for their high military spirit and could influence the enemy not only with the help of physical strength, but also with spiritual strength and their inexhaustible positive energy. Among the representatives of this race there were often sorcerers and healers who were ready to help anyone in need.

The descendants of this Family adapted to modern world, since they are excellent mechanics who will not have difficulty understanding any equipment. At the same time, the Karuna of the Khaaris is rightfully considered the universal writing of the Great Race and serves as the basis for many modern alphabets. Wisdom and insight, knowledge and the desire for self-improvement, a piercing mind and intuition - these are the main signs of a true Haari.


Among the Clans of the Great Race, Rasen are widely known, who are known to many as

Etruscans. The legendary Holy Russians-Rasen and Scandinavian berserkers are the descendants of the Rasen. Despite the fact that their stature is slightly lower than that of the Haarians and Daarians, they were rarely inferior to them in strength and courage. Brown eyes did not mean dark eye color at all (according to one theory, dark brown eyes were given to the Rasen to protect them from bad looks by the gods), but meant “the desire for the Aryans” and granted them military courage and rage. Rassen's blood type is second. Quite often you can find another name for Rasens, which is more pleasant to our ears - Rusens.

According to Vedic sources and ancient legends, the Rasens lived in the middle lands of the Great Race, so they were not such skilled warriors, but this does not mean that they could not stand up for themselves. It was not such a rich experience of battles that was more than replaced by rage and combat trance, but by the ability to sense the environment on a subtle energy level. At the same time, races are vulnerable to external psychological effects and negative energy.

The ability to enter a combat trance, draw energy from the depths of space, and leave aside emotions and fear made Rasens indispensable assistants on the battlefield, especially where it was urgently necessary to break through the enemy’s defenses. Rasen, whose appearance was somewhat different from previous races, according to some theories, are the founders of the Roman Empire and the ancestors of most of the peoples of modern Europe.


The fourth and last clan are the Svyatorus, the legends about which have preserved their description - broad-shouldered and tall, with blue eyes and blond hair. The Svyatorus blood group can be either first or second. As legends say, in the eyes of the Svyatorus one could see all the purity of the sky and the mountain lake, but in case of danger, the shine of the eyes became sharper than steel.

The central territories of the Great Race were originally considered subject to the Svyatori. It has long been believed that the Holy Russians are the most peaceful people of the Great Race, but this is not entirely true - in case of danger or if it is necessary to protect their home and family, the Holy Russian men as one became strong warriors, capable of fighting to the last drop of blood. Among the Holy Russians you can always meet talented people, capable of arts, crafts and creation. The ability to sense subtle matters at the genetic level allows races (and their descendants) to bring any chaos to harmony. If we touch on history, many Holy Russians became spiritual mentors, broadcasters, and healers. The purpose of the Holy Russians is to create and create, looking for beauty in the terrible, and morality in the immoral.

Clans of the Great Race - strength in unity

The Darians, Kharians, Holy Russians and Rasen are not just four clans of the Great Race, they are four indivisible parts of a single whole - the divine principle that came to earth. Every descendant of the Great Race must know and understand that mastery of the past is the key to the future, but gaining knowledge in an unrighteous way is not the way of the Slav. Buying a Slavic silver amulet does not mean receiving the help of ancestors, it is just an energy bridge that makes it possible to reveal inner strength, awaken the memory of the family, and receive positive cosmic energy. It is worth remembering that the strength of the Aryan Slavs at all times was in unity, and today, in order to achieve spiritual unity, all descendants of the Great Race need to forget the strife and unite.


Video version of the article "Eyes are the Mirror of the Soul"

Eyes Mirror of the Soul?

Is eye color somehow related to genetics or is it something to do with the soul?

Why are the eyes a mirror?

How did it happen that only people of the white race have silver, green, blue eyes?

Slavs-Aryans (RASA) consist of 4 peoples - differences incl. by eye color - iris reflecting the spectrum Solar System where did those people originally come from?

The decisive sign of belonging to the Race is not blood relationship, but the relationship of the Spirit / this is evident from deeds; we judge by deeds - who do you belong to?
According to the Heritage of the Slavic-Aryans, there were originally 4 “branches” - Kharians, Darians, Russens and Svyatorussians.
And they differed in eye color.
Silver-steel eye color - DARIANS,
The Darians have silver eyes, or, as they say now, steel-gray;
Emerald green - Haryans,
Lake blue - Svetorus,
Among the Holy Russians - lake, that is, blue, or heavenly;
Fire brown - Rassen
The Rassen have fiery ones, or, as they say now, “those striving for the Aryans” - that is, brown ones.

American eye color statistics

Black Americans are absolutely dominated by brown and black eyes. Rare cases of different eye colors may be due to genetic mixing, but as can be seen from statistics, green, blue, silver-gray are very, very rare 0.1-0.3%

Hispanics also have dominant brown and black eyes, but apparently there was more mixing of genetics, which gave a higher percentage of Blue and Green colors.

It is also very interesting that according to Wikipedia Americans of German origin (read Slavic) - black eye color is completely absent(German-Germans don’t like to mix)

Eyes Mirror of the Soul

At this point it’s worth thinking about whether it’s genetics? Or maybe in the desire and possibility of the soul to be embodied in the body in which the soul desires?

Let's try to imagine that for hundreds of thousands of years the soul has been embodied in an avatar-bio-machine, say, with white skin, both habitually and comfortably, and the priests/magi say that this is more correct - because according to the laws, the bodies belong to our race.

And who will let you into someone else’s avatar? Do you often drive your neighbor's car? Why is there a neighbor, at least he’s an acquaintance, but what if you don’t buy an avatar car from a black guy you know and drive for one life?

It turns out that in our family, on our bio-avatars, human bodies, we travel and live and embody our great-grandfathers, and they embody us.

And the souls of different peoples, the Kharians, Darians, Russens and Svyatorussians, have lived together for a long time, so it happens that two brown-eyed parents have a child with green eyes.

Newborn eye color

Again from Wikipedia - “Most newborns Caucasian is born with blue or blue eyes, but at 3-6 months of life the eye color may darken."

And here Black eyes commonprimarily among the Mongoloid race, in South, Southeast and East Asia. There, babies are immediately born with black eyes.

black newborn

From photographs and statistics it is clear that childrenblack raceare also born withblack/browneyes. The effect of changing eyes is not observed in these races.

Darians(Da'Aryans) are the Genus of the Great Race that appeared first. They looked like this: very tall (almost three meters), gray eyes (“silver”, “steel”), with light brown hair. There is also evidence that the Darians had the first blood group, from which the second appeared as a result of mutations. But the other two blood groups are absolutely not characteristic of the white race. The Darians were the basis of the army and military affairs. After all, this Genus was distinguished by its extraordinary resistance to mental and physical influence. The Darians were resilient and strong. But it is worth noting their kindness and mercy. The eye color of the Darians is associated with steel and thunderclouds.

Haryans(Kh'Aryans) - also belong to the Great Race, but they appeared second. Their average height ranged from two hundred to three hundred centimeters. Today, the descendants of this family are residents of the Scandinavian countries, the north Russian Federation, England. What did the Harians look like? They had brown hair green eyes (emerald). The more saturated the color of the iris, the more gifted the person was. It is believed that the Kharians had numerous encounters with dark forces. They were brilliant strategists and difficult to deceive. The Kharians were sages and priests. They possessed writing, supernatural abilities (teleportation, moving objects with the power of thought), and military affairs. In addition, the Kharians had the ability to see spaces and plan construction.

Rasen- third genus. In world history, their descendants are called Etruscans. The appearance of the Rasen was as follows: height up to 270 centimeters (that is, lower than the Darians and Kharians), with brown eyes, dark brown hair color. The military skills of the Rasen were not so developed, since they did not live on the borders of the territories they occupied. But races in war are more frantic and furious, but less resistant to mental and physical influences. Rasens sense the world around them very subtly. They made good priests and magicians. Modern peoples are descendants of the Rasen: Italians (residents of the Apennine Peninsula), Albanians, some Russians and others.

Svyatorus– the last Clan of the Great Race. A typical Holy Russian was up to three meters tall, broad-shouldered and powerful, blue-eyed (sky color). Interestingly, the hair could be absolutely anything: from light to dark. The Holy Russians lived far from the borders, so they mastered the art of war to the extent that they could. But despite this, they were brave and strong. This Genus is the most prone to creativity, creation, art, and craft. They feel beauty. The Holy Russians made excellent artists, writers, and architects. Modern peoples are descendants of the Holy Russians: northern ethnic groups in Russia, Belarusians, Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Poles, Irish and others.

The Slavs call the Heavenly inhabitants -, and those Gods who live on Earth are called Asami (hence the image - As and Earth, i.e. God living on Earth). Until now, the best in their field are called Asami: ace pilot, ace driver, i.e. flies and drives like God.

Our country was called ASIA - Country of the Ases, and since our Ancestors lived, the abbreviation " RACE» – Clans of Ases of the Country of Ases. Therefore, the name “RACE” refers only to people with white skin color, there cannot be “black race”, “yellow race”, other peoples had their own names. When the Clans of the Aesir multiplied many times over, multiplied throughout the Earth, they became the Great Race, i.e. a large numerous people (great = big).

Relocation to Midgard-Earth

The Aesir flew to Midgard-Earth from space. During the Second Great Assa (battle between the Light Ones and Dark Forces), a large intergalactic ship of the type was damaged and stopped for repairs in, two Earths (planets) were already inhabited here: Oreya (Mars) and Deia (the asteroid belt remained), space navigation and communications stations were located on them. But closer to Whitemara was the unexplored Midgard-Earth, samples taken of air, land and water showed its suitability for life, and part of the crew landed on Midgard.

After the repairs, Vaitmara continued on her way (“The Gods returned to Heaven”), and some of the settlers remained to settle and ennoble Midgard-Earth, on which at that time there were no people, but only plants and animals. The continent on which our Ancestors settled was located at the North Pole and was divided into 4 parts by rivers. They named the continent DAARIA, i.e. "Gift to the Aryans", now better known under the Greek name Hyperborea. That is our Ancestors were the first to colonize Midgard-Earth, and people with different skin colors (red, yellow, black, green) appeared here much later, only about 40,000 years ago.

da'Aryans, x'Aryans, Rasen, Svyatorus

The crew of the Vaitmara consisted of representatives of the four Clans of the allied Lands: Da'Aryans, Kh'Aryans, Rasens, Svyatorus - these are people with white skin color, pure thoughts and pure Soul. The only difference between them is the color of their eyes (iris), since initially they lived in other star systems, and depending on what spectrum the Sun had, this iris color was deposited in the DNA.

Another feature is the blood type, initially white people had only blood groups 1 and 2 (this is like “northern”). Later, when moving to the south (RASA increased and a new territory was needed), due to changes in nutrition, climate, the Earth’s magnetic field, gravitational conditions, a gradual change in the composition of the blood occurred, i.e. Thus, Mother Nature improved and increased the immune system and protective functions of the body. Therefore, 3 and 4 blood groups appeared. But we will deal with blood later, do not think that everything is simple (see), because blood is the “energy of life”. Those. when they arrived on Midgard, each Clan had only the 1st blood group, and as they settled and adapted, some people's blood changed to the 2nd group, then 3 and 4. But let's say the Da'Aryans have immunity, energy potential so high that no matter where they move, they will still have the 1st group. Therefore, one cannot judge by one people. Now there are more than 500 types of blood groups in the world, and the 1st group of a white person is completely different from the 1st group of a yellow or gray, black, red person. Other blood groups are also different; for example, a person with blood group 1 cannot be given a second one, but the 1st group of a white person suits everyone.

The crew of Vaitmara. The pilots were representatives of the Da'Aryans, the X'Aryans were responsible for space navigation calculations, the Rasen were responsible for the service systems on the ship, and the Svyatorus were involved in the life support systems of the ship and carried out repair and restoration work.

Differences between the Aesir Clans (at the moment):
Da'Aryans– height 175-190 cm, in ancient times they lived more than 300 years, eye color is silver (gray, steel), hair color is light (brown, almost whitish), blood type 1.
x'Aryans– height 180-260 cm, green eye color, light brown hair color, 1st blood group predominates, 2nd is rare.
Rasen(Latin Etruscans; Greek Tyrrhenians) – height 165-185 cm, fiery eye color (k’Aryan and light k’Aryan), dark brown hair, blood group 2 predominates, blood type 1 is rare.
Svyatorus– height 155-195 cm, sometimes up to 220 cm, eye color heavenly (blue, lake, cornflower blue, black, etc.), hair color from white to dark brown, blood type can be 1 or 2.

This is, as it were, modern data, and before the Ice Age the growth was higher. The tallest are the Kh'Aryans, their height is up to 360 cm (although archaeologists found a skeleton and 4 meters), and in the time of Daariya the growth of the Race was even higher, this is due to the fact that before there was a different ecology, the air was more dense, ours There was Earth, which means the gravitational component was somewhat different. Let’s say that if dinosaurs appeared now, with the current gravity and pressure of the air column, they would not be able to move, and would only feel normal in water where there is softening. Therefore, it should not be surprising that people were so tall.

Race Symbol

There is Rune Inglia (in the picture there is a central “swastika”), which means the Primary Fire of Creation. There is a symbol of preserving Wisdom - it is a sword with the tip down. So, the symbol of the Race was depicted as the superposition of Primary Fire on Wisdom- preservation of Wisdom. And here four peoples are encrypted: the Aryans ( grey eyes), Kh'Aryans (green eyes), Svyatorus (heavenly eyes), Rasen (fiery eyes). And note that in the figure there are two colors in each of the rays: red-green, gray-green, sky-green, green-red, i.e. like two colors.

Faith of the Race

No matter what Earth white people live on, they have one, and according to this Faith, having lived in the Manifest World, a person goes to the World of Glory (Light), then to the World of Rule, and so on - constant improvement, development, creation. The goal of the Ases is to pass on Wisdom from generation to generation. All foundations are built on, the highest degree of which is creative potential. The Aces are Creators, they instill in their descendants Hard work, namely hard work, and not the ability to work, for work is a soulless mechanical process; The aces work, i.e. put their Soul into the fruits of their labor.

The Great Migration from Daariya

According to ancient records, 300,000 years ago the appearance of Midgard was completely different, Daariya was connected with the Eurasian continent by a mountain isthmus, which on the Eurasian continent passed into the Riphean Mountains (Ural Mountains). The Sahara Desert was a sea. The Indian Ocean is land, there was a continent there. On the Russian Plain, where Moscow is now located, there was a sea. On the territory of Western Siberia there was big Island Buyan, washed by the Eastern and Western seas. The river Iriy Quiet (Irtysh) flowed through Buyan Island. The Sakhalin and Korea peninsulas, as well as Japanese Islands did not exist, because they were a continuation of the Eurasian continent.

The life of the Clans of the Great Race and the Descendants of the Heavenly Clans on Midgard-Earth changed radically as a result of catastrophes on a cosmic scale, which in turn were often the result of the struggle of the Light Gods with the Dark Forces.

The First Great Flood on Midgard-Earth occurred as a result of the destruction of the Moon Leli, on which representatives of the Pekel World - Koshchei - concentrated their forces to invade Midgard. The Light One, who arrived from Ingard-Earth, did not allow the Koshchei to attack Midgard-Earth. He struck Lelya and destroyed the Forces of Darkness, but at the same time Lelya collapsed, and since there were 50 seas on it, salty waters and fragments of the destroyed Moon fell on Midgard, Daaria disappeared under the waters of the Great Flood. The impacts of the fragments shifted the axis of Midgard-Earth, which began pendulum-like movements, Daaria either sank into the ocean or rose from the ocean, but, in the end, the Sacred Ancestral Home of the Slavic-Aryan peoples sank under the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Some high-mountainous parts of Daariya remained on the surface - these are modern Greenland, Franz Josef Land and other islands.

However, the descendants of the Clans of the Great Race did not die along with Daariya; people were warned by the Great Priest named Spas about the upcoming Heavenly Battle and the death of Daariya. They began resettlement to the Eurasian continent in advance. 15 deportations from Daariya were organized. For 15 years, our Ancestors moved along the mountain isthmus (Ural Mountains) between the Eastern and Western seas to the Eurasian continent. 111,820 years ago there was a complete migration from Daaria. Some of the Rasichs were saved by ascending to low-Earth orbit on the Vaitmanakh. Others moved through the Hall of the Bear into the domain of the Da'Aryans. The main part of our Ancestors remained to settle in the new territory of Midgard-Earth (Ural and Siberia), where a subtropical climate existed at that time.
* Our First Ancestors recorded the events that took place during the period of their life in Daaria, and counted time from these events. Thus, the connection between times and events was preserved for many, many hundreds of thousands of years. And after these events they began a new one - from the Great Migration from Daariya.

In honor of salvation from the Great Flood, Leto was established on the 16th Easter holiday, which translated from means: “The Way AS Walked ETim” - i.e. The path along which the Gods walked. Our ancestors glorified the Heavenly Family for salvation from the Flood, and in memory of this event there appeared ritual - hitting colored eggs against each other on the great spring Slavic-Aryan holiday Paskhet. This ritual reminds us of the victory of Dazhdbog Tarakh over Koshchei. The broken egg is called the Egg of the Koshchei, which is reminiscent of the destroyed Moon Lele, and the whole egg is called the Power of Tarkh Dazhdbog.

After the resettlement from Daariya, RASA lived in the territory from the Ural Mountains (Ripei) to Lake Baikal (H'Aryan Sea) - the Country of the Ases (Asia); settled the territory of what is now the Southern Urals, then the large island of Buyan in the Eastern Sea, now the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia. Both Aryan peoples (da'Aryans and Kh'Aryans) and Slavic peoples (Rasen and Svyatorus) lived together on the same territory. They lived in peace, improving the land, planting gardens and forests, creating together the Majestic Temples () and. The clans of the Great Race helped each other in a brotherly manner, this is where the concept “ White Brotherhood“, for in all creative acts Conscience and pure thoughts were the measure of everything. This Brotherhood had not only pure thoughts, but also white skin, and this is a philosophical unity of form and content.

RACE settled throughout the now so-called “Eurasian” space, and our Ancestors called this space DISCLOSURES- the territory where RACE settled. The Latins wrote Russenia as Ruthenia, and then they came into use: Silver Rus' (Serbia), Red Rus', Pomeranian Rus' (Prussia), God's Russia (Borus), but when Chervonnaya Russia divided it through the swamps, eastern Borus is now called Belarus , and the western one is called Borussia (see).

* The word “Children” is written with a capital letter when talking about all our Ancestors. And when it comes to the birth of children - from a small “birth”.