How to read an ultrasound image. Ultrasound photo during pregnancy - “welcome to the mysterious intrauterine world of my child! all three of my ultrasounds with detailed photos. all the advantages of ultrasound in a private clinic.” What does an ultrasound image look like?

Future parents always look forward to ultrasound of the fetus by week of pregnancy, because this is an excellent opportunity to learn about the development of the fetus, especially if a woman is pregnant with twins. The information obtained is extremely important for both the doctor and parents. Most often, the most touching moment in this process are photographs from the study, in which you can see an embryo or an already developing fetus, depending on the period.

Photos of periods

The very first examination using ultrasound is carried out on early at 4-5 weeks. Most often this happens for some reason that requires increased attention. At this stage of pregnancy, photos are not very informative, but for a specialist, the procedure will help determine the absence or presence of pathologies.

At 10-12 weeks, active development occurs, the embryo is already turning into a child, and when comparing the results of stage-by-stage development, arms and legs are clearly visible. Ultrasound inspection process at this stage is mandatory, but it is not yet possible to find out the sex of the child, but you can get fairly complete data, find out the sizes and other parameters. Every week, continuous development of the fetus occurs and at 22-24 weeks women need to have a second ultrasound according to the weeks of pregnancy. At this moment, you can learn a lot of interesting things, especially for girls, for whom the description of the study will show twins. The last examination at 36-38 allows you to find out all the sizes and development of the child.

Hi all!

First ultrasound.

I had my very first ultrasound at 4-5 weeks, when I registered with the gynecologist. They sent me at this stage to determine whether the pregnancy was intrauterine. An ultrasound revealed one amniotic sac and a developing pregnancy. That's all the information that ultrasound can provide at this time. Unfortunately, there is no photo, since the first ultrasound was performed in my clinic, but on the monitor you can see a small dot - a tiny embryo.. The ultrasound was performed abdominally (the sensor was moved along the tummy).

Second ultrasound at 12 weeks.

This ultrasound is not only routine, but also part of the first trimester screening. I had an ultrasound scan at a private clinic where there is a three-dimensional ultrasound machine. Due to the fact that this is my second pregnancy and learned from experience, I decided to go to paid clinic. It took me a long time to choose my doctor, I scoured the Internet, looked for reviews, and really, I’m very glad that I spent the time on this and ended up with an excellent specialist in his field. In a private clinic, an ultrasound lasts from 30 to 40 minutes, the ultrasound specialist carefully explains everything, shows the development of all internal organs, the development and location of the fetal limbs on a large screen. The doctor also takes measurements of the child, the nasal bone of the fetus, and looks at compliance with the standards.

At 12 weeks the baby is already taking shape little man, with a size of about 8 cm. On the face you can recognize the outlines of the nose and chin, ears and eye sockets.

Also during this period muscle and bone tissue is formed. The ribs are clearly visible in the photo below.

And in this photo you can see the baby’s spine clearly visible.

At the first screening, the number of fingers is counted to see if they are all in place.

This photo clearly shows the baby’s heart, which is already actively pumping twenty-three liters of blood per day and works twice as fast as the mother’s heart. And during an ultrasound you can hear the heartbeat. I’ll tell you a very exciting moment)).

During this period, interhemispheric and interlobar connections are formed in the brain.

A three-month-old baby in the mother's tummy can actively suck his finger. This moment can be seen in the photo below.

Well, the most interesting thing is that at the first screening after the examination, a three-dimensional image of the baby is taken. It was at this moment that they not only announced to me, but also showed it on the screen that I would have a son!

At 12 weeks I found out the gender of my baby! I want to say that when I did an ultrasound with my first pregnancy at the clinic, I only found out the gender at 21 weeks. That’s why the private clinic rules!))

Third ultrasound at 21 weeks of pregnancy.

Week 21 is the equator of pregnancy, when the second screening is performed. At this time, they also look at the development of internal organs, motor activity baby, heart rate, state of amniotic fluid.

At this stage, the baby becomes very active and the expectant mother already feels the baby’s movements with all her might. The baby reaches 17 cm in size and acquires the correct body proportions.

The baby is slowly taking on the correct proportions, his legs are becoming longer.

In the next photo you can see the child's eye sockets and nasal septum.

The photo shows the outline of the spine.

And here you can see the baby’s fingers, which he actively uses as a pacifier.

The head circumference reaches 20 cm.

Well, at the end of my story I want to show my favorite photos of the heel

Advantages of paid ultrasound:

  • You choose an uzist yourself, carefully reading information about him and reviews.
  • You don’t have to wait in line, but arrive at the time you signed up for. At the clinic I waited in line for about two hours, I was so hungry that during the examination they could not find the child’s stomach. They sent us to eat and come again. Long and tedious.
  • Address the patient politely. And in the clinic you yourself understand which one, because there are a million of them like you.
  • The procedure lasts about 40 minutes, instead of 15 in the clinic, where they explain in detail how the baby is developing, and do not remain silent with a smart look.
  • You can see your baby on the screen!
  • Gender is determined at 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  • And the best thing is that they give you not only a photo of your baby, but also a disc with a video recording!

Have an easy pregnancy and childbirth!

Ultrasound (ultrasound) during pregnancy is the simplest, most accessible and harmless method. Therefore it's in Lately prescribed in every trimester, and even more often if it is necessary to monitor the current condition of pregnant women.

Of course, no one will once again conduct even a safe examination of a pregnant woman, but almost every expectant mother passionately wants to know what her child looks like and what parameters he has already achieved. It is not at all necessary to go for ultrasound diagnostics almost every week just to find out how the baby has grown.

You can familiarize yourself with the generally accepted standards characterizing the size of the fetus by week of pregnancy using ultrasound, and future parents will be able to understand what it is like - like a seed or a plum. But for more later they will have the opportunity to feel the small body even just by touching their mother’s belly.

Embryo in 1st trimester

The process of bearing and developing a child is conventionally divided into three periods, called trimesters. So, the 1st trimester (the first 12 weeks) is very important: at this stage, rapid cell division occurs, their number grows rapidly and they are divided depending on their specialization. Thanks to this phenomenon, various organs and systems develop, as a result the embryo becomes an almost full-fledged human being. At this time, the placenta begins to form - children's place, providing nutrition and a comfortable stay for the fetus in the womb.

1 Week

In obstetrics, the gestational age is calculated from the first day of menstruation preceding conception. Therefore, it turns out that at 1 week, in fact, conception has not yet occurred and female body just preparing for it. An egg matures in the ovary, and after approximately 12–14 days it will be released (ovulation will occur) and meet with a sperm. It follows from this that there cannot yet be any signs at this time.

2 week

Week 2, just like week 1, is not actually the beginning of pregnancy - only preparation takes place in the body. The level of hormones responsible for preserving the fertilized egg increases; there are no signs of conception. Ultrasound diagnostics are used during this period only if it is necessary to determine whether ovulation has occurred in situations where pregnancy is planned in advance.

3 week

So, the 3rd week of pregnancy according to the obstetric calendar corresponds to 1 week from conception. Only at this stage does fertilization of the egg occur. Over the next 30 hours, the zygote intensively divides into cells within itself. Having reached the uterus, the fertilized egg attaches and then the placenta begins to form. The embryo still looks like a cellular substance. Its size is no more than 0.15 mm, but it is already equipped with all the genetic material.

Interesting! At week 3, during the initial cell division, a multiple pregnancy may develop, and a little later the mother will be pleased with twins or even triplets on an ultrasound.

4 week

At this stage, the embryo can be safely called an embryo. Of course, now he is still far from having a human appearance - he looks more like a flat disk of three layers - endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm. From the inner (endoderm) internal organs will subsequently develop, from the middle (mesoderm) - bone and muscular system, and from the external (ectoderm) extra-embryonic organs will be formed - the yolk sac, chorion and amnion. The parameters of the embryo are now 1 mm in width and 0.36 mm in length, that is, no more poppy seed.

5 week

Now the formation of the internal organs and systems of the embryo continues; it itself has already reached the size of a sesame seed. Fetal development requires a large amount of vitamins and minerals, so the mother needs to eat well.

week 6

The fetus has grown noticeably, and now on an ultrasound image it will look approximately the size of a pomegranate seed. This size will allow the diagnostician to determine the location of the fertilized egg and understand whether there is a danger ectopic pregnancy. At this stage, the child’s face is formed - the rudiments of the eyes, nose, chin, cheeks, and ears are visible. It is possible to hear the heartbeat and later estimate its frequency.

Ultrasound standards that determine fetal development by week of pregnancy in the 1st trimester

week 7

The baby's growth and development is in full swing - he is now 3 mm in size. The basic parts of the brain are formed, the cardiovascular and nervous systems are progressing, and limbs and gonads are beginning to form. At this time, ultrasound determines the activity and stage of development of the embryo, and through a special sensor the diagnostician can hear its heartbeat.

8 week

This period is characterized by the formation of genital organs and the synthesis of hormones required for their normal functioning. The child develops an optic nerve, bones and muscles continue to develop, taste buds appear on the tongue, and olfactory buds appear in the nose. At week 8, the baby is already the size of an average grape - its weight reaches 0.25 g and its height is about 7-8 mm.

Week 9

The embryo is actively growing, the gills have already disappeared and the tail will soon disappear. The body gradually ceases to be arched. Internal organs are developing and life-support systems are being improved.

Heart rate (heart rate) reaches a maximum of 175 beats per minute. On an ultrasound, the limbs become clearly visible and you can even see the fingers. The length of its body is approximately 8–9 mm.

10 week

The embryo does not slow down its growth for a second and is already called a fetus. It is the size of an average strawberry, and increasingly resembles a person. The organs of hearing and vision are being formed – the nose and ears are already visible on ultrasound. Small teeth are formed. Now the child’s legs and arms have already developed well, muscles have appeared, so he can even clench his fist. At the beginning of the week it is 15–20 mm long, and at the end of the week it reaches 40 mm and already weighs 5 g.

11 week

Now the baby has a sense of smell and can already smell the food that his mother eats. Its length is about 50 mm, it can stretch, behaves actively - it responds to sudden movements of the mother, covers its face with its arms, pushes off the walls of the uterus and turns over 360 degrees. But for now the woman does not feel his movements - this will happen later.

Reference! At a period of 10–13 weeks, the doctor prescribes the first ultrasound screening and other routine tests to determine the presence of genetic abnormalities of the fetus, as well as the condition of pregnant women in general.

12 week

The baby has already grown to 60 mm, weighs 9–14 g, and is the size of a small passion fruit. He develops nail beds, the nail buds themselves, and genitals, but his gender cannot yet be determined.

Week 13

During this period, the baby grows to 68-70 mm and weighs about 15 g. The first, still irregular, respiratory movements appear. He can already yawn and swallow amniotic fluid. The intestines and kidneys begin to function.

Fetal development in the 2nd trimester

In the 2nd trimester, many internal organs of the fetus already begin to perform their functions. His brain becomes almost as sensitive as that of a newborn. The baby’s movements are becoming more varied every day, and the mother begins to feel his kicks. This allows her to become even more aware of the pregnancy and treat the baby as a separate entity.

Week 14

Now qualitative changes not as much will happen as in the first 3 months, but the child continues to grow and all organs are gradually improving. His body has reached a length of 78 mm, and his weight is 19 g. The baby is active, his joints are developing and his movements are becoming more coordinated. The first hairs appear.

Table of main fetal parameters on ultrasound by week of pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters

Week 15

At week 15, the baby’s height is 10 cm and weight is about 30 g. Now it is easy to measure his hip and chest diameter, which are 12 and 24 mm. The baby has already formed 20 baby teeth, waiting for their time to appear. He swallows well and can even excrete urine, hears noise and reacts to light.

Week 16

All the child’s parameters are growing proportionally - his weight is already 50–60 g, and his height is about 12.5 cm. The thigh length (HL) reaches 1.6 cm, and the chest diameter (CHD) is 2.6 cm. Approximately at this stage, the fetal body begins to grow faster than the head. The baby's body is covered with soft fluff - lanugo.

Week 17

The baby reaches the size of an adult’s fist – its height is 13–14 cm, and its weight is 70–100 g. Formation is completed immune system. A small heart can pump up to a liter of blood in an hour, bile is produced in the liver, and hair grows on the head.

Week 18

At week 18, the baby reaches 15–16 cm in length and weighs 110–150 g. The movements of the fetus are already more advanced - he can grab his hand, clench his fingers, and his face takes on different expressions. In addition, he is able to react to the emotional state of the mother.

Week 19

Now the child’s height is 18–19 cm, and the weight can reach 160–190 g. He is already strong enough to push off the wall of the uterus and roll over. Only then does mom begin to notice his movements inside her. As a rule, the baby is active and performs dozens of different movements in an hour. At 19–20 weeks, the fetus reaches a fairly large size, which makes it possible to determine its sex.

Week 20

Now the baby has already grown to 19–20 cm and weighs approximately 190–200 g. He actively gestures, grabs the umbilical cord with his hands, and can fold them. And if you carefully observe the ultrasound examination, you can see his smile. The 20th week is characterized by the beginning of the formation of the spatial organization of the brain.

Ultrasound photos by week of the 2nd trimester give parents the opportunity to see their baby’s gestures and grimaces

21 weeks

The child's dimensions are 22–23 cm in length, and his body weight is 270–310 g. His skin thickens, the glands produce a special secretion that protects the skin from damage and bacteria, as well as the entry of amniotic fluid into the body. It is already possible to determine the blood type and Rh factor of the fetus.

Week 22

At week 22, the baby is 23–24 cm long and weighs 310–350 g. The baby responds to touches on his mother’s belly, and he likes them. But harsh remarks upset him, and he turns away. The ability to distinguish sounds and highlight the voices of loved ones appears.

Week 23

At this time, the fetal body length is 25–26 cm, and it weighs about 400–500 g. The spleen is involved in the activity of the hematopoietic organs, which has become a kind of depot for lymphocytes, which perform a protective function. The baby can move in different directions, and eyebrows become noticeable on his face.

Week 24

Now the baby has grown to 27–28 cm, and his body weight is 500–600 g. Thanks to the development of the brain, vestibular apparatus and motor skills, he actively controls his body. This period is characterized by the formation of two layers of skin - superficial and deeper.

Week 25

The child’s height now reaches 29–30 cm, and his body weight reaches 600–700 g. By this time, he already manages to fall in love with his mother’s voice, and has quite pronounced facial expressions - he smiles, frowns, opens and closes his eyes. Brain cells are being intensively improved.

Child development in the 3rd trimester

This period is very difficult and important for both the woman and her baby. The fetus is rapidly gaining weight, its organs and reflexes are actively developing. He can already swallow, grasp, suck perfectly well, and his ability to hear, touch and see is gradually improving. Time is already divided into periods of sleep and wakefulness, and the mother notices this very well from the baby’s movements.

Week 26

The baby has already grown to 31–21 cm, and has gained weight to 700–800 g. He makes regular breathing movements. The cells responsible for thinking in the brain mature and a sleep cycle gradually becomes established.

Week 27

At this stage, the length of the fetus is 32–33 cm, and its weight is 800–900 g. Its muscles and skeleton continue to strengthen, neural connections become more active, hormones are synthesized in the pituitary gland, vellus hair darkens, and meconium is formed in the intestines - the first feces .

Week 28

Now the child has grown to 33–34 cm and weighs 900–1000 g. He is able to distinguish the taste and smell of all substances and products that enter the mother’s body. Often, from this age, a baby gets used to his mother’s favorite dishes. The baby's eyes and eyelids have developed so much that he can blink.

Week 29

The baby has already acquired considerable size, namely height - 35-36 cm, and weight - 1100-1200 g. He has eyelashes on his eyelids, fairly good hearing and reacts to noises by shuddering or blinking. You can listen to your heartbeat without a stethoscope.

Normal parameters that guide diagnosticians when creating a description of ultrasound images during pregnancy

Week 30

By the end of the 7th normal month, the child’s height becomes 36–37 cm, and his body weight becomes 1200–1300 g. Now the development of his nervous system and psyche is in full swing, and clearly monitored periods of sleep and wakefulness appear. The skin does not become wrinkled as before, but a fat layer forms under it.

31 weeks

At 31 weeks, the baby became 38 cm long and now weighs 1400–1500 g. He is actively preparing for extrauterine life - gaining weight, muscle mass, all organs are gradually completing the formation process. Due to the fat layer and muscles, the fetus becomes more rounded and adapted to future existence.

Week 32

Now the baby has grown to 39–40 cm, and weighs 1600–1700 g. He is already cramped, and in the near future he needs to take the correct position for childbirth. Therefore, the head begins to grow rapidly, as well as the brain. Big sizes lead to its hanging down, and the child turns to the required position.

Week 33

The body length is 41–42 cm, and the weight is 1700–1800 g. At this stage, the fetus should already turn upside down, which is called correct presentation. Continues to form subcutaneous fat, the brain improves, and the lungs begin to secrete surfactant - a mixture that envelops the lung vesicles from the inside.

Reference! At 33–34 weeks, a routine Doppler ultrasound is performed. Its results allow the doctor to assess the condition of the fetus and choose the most appropriate delivery tactics.

34 week

Now the child is 42–43 cm tall and weighs 1900–2000 g. His skin is moist, covered with fine hairs, and he himself is wrinkled and red. Heartbeats are perfectly audible, and their frequency is 120–140 beats per minute. During this period, your own metabolism is formed.

Week 35

At this stage, the baby has grown to 43–44 cm, and weighs 2100–2300 g. The muscles become even stronger, the subcutaneous layer accumulates. He can already actively react to bright light and even hiccup. In boys, the testicles should descend into the scrotum at this time.

Week 36

The child’s height has already reached 44–45 cm, and his body weight is 2400–2500 g. He learns to breathe through his nose, because previously he had to do it through his mouth, he can distinguish flavors and remembers what he hears.

Week 37

The fruit becomes approximately 46–47 cm in size and weighs 2700–2800 g. Its skin becomes lighter and the fluff disappears from the body. The immune, endocrine and central nervous systems are improved. The heart is well formed, and the baby is actively preparing for the first breath.

Week 38

Now the baby is already very big and weighs 3 kg, and his height reaches 47 cm. His lungs are ready for independent breathing. Gradually, the baby moves lower and lower into the mother’s pelvic area.

Week 39

The baby has grown further, and now it is 48–49 cm long and weighs approximately 3200 g. The head has dropped lower and rested against the entrance of the pelvis. The fundus of the uterus drops, and it becomes easier for mommy to breathe. The child's body produces cortisol, which ensures the final formation of the lungs. The baby's skin turns pink.

week 40

By this time, the child has already fully formed - he has reached a weight of 3-3.5 kg, and has grown to 50-55 cm. With his movements in the mother’s belly, you can easily guess where the back is, and where the leg or buttocks are. With correct presentation, the head is felt just above the pubis, and sometimes the mother feels the blows of her limbs on the bladder. The baby’s needs for oxygen and nutrients increase, and the placenta is no longer able to provide them in full. Therefore, the long-awaited birth will most likely happen in the next few days.

Intrauterine growth and fetal development by week of pregnancy

41 weeks

The baby’s comfortable life ends sooner or later, and it’s time to leave their home. Due to rough estimates of the expected day of delivery, the latter may occur at 37–42 weeks. And this will be considered absolutely normal.

42 week

The 42nd week, which is determined by the obstetric calendar, is the last date when a woman can give birth on her own. Later, the baby’s skull will begin to ossify, and natural childbirth may result in trauma for both mother and fetus. Therefore, you should not delay in such situations, but pack your things and ultrasound images and go to the maternity hospital.

Of course, every expectant mother is very interested in knowing how her baby is developing, but even such a harmless examination as an ultrasound is better not to undergo many times. In a normal pregnancy, three screening tests are enough to make sure that everything is fine with the baby.

Realizing that a tiny man has settled in her stomach, the expectant mother collects a “dossier” on him. When did conception occur? Who will he be according to the horoscope? What does it look like now?

To find out how it changes appearance child, you can watch a video about pregnancy by week, photos of pregnant women and ultrasound images. Thus, many are surprised to learn that the baby “chooses” its gender and eye color at the moment of conception. Or that at the 15th stage of pregnancy, the fetal heart “pumps” up to 25 liters of blood daily! Studying pregnancy week by week, photos of an unborn baby or a changing figure expectant mother will help you understand and accept all the changes that occur in a woman’s body and psyche, and be more responsible about your health and emotional state.

Photo of the belly by week of pregnancy

A very useful and exciting process is to describe your pregnancy week by week with photos, sketches and funny comments. Or at least the most vivid moments: dad’s reaction to the news about the stork, the first visit to the doctor, kicks and somersaults in the tummy, “meeting” the child in the ultrasound room.

All more women, having become pregnant, she compiles her own photo gallery from pictures of bellies at different weeks of pregnancy. Looking through them is a real pleasure, and even with your husband or family! A few days before giving birth, you won’t even believe that a whole nine months have already passed: it seems like you learned the good news only yesterday...

Weekly belly photos not only bring aesthetic pleasure, but are also useful information for many pregnant women. Women often worry that their belly is too small or, on the contrary, too large for a certain period. There is no point in comparing the size of your own belly with others - after all, they are all so different! However, in the photo of the abdomen week by week you can see that the dimensions of the bellies, their shape and “fit” at the same period can be completely different for different women.

Photo of fetal ultrasound by week of pregnancy

Ultrasound photos of the fetus by week of pregnancy are of particular value to the expectant mother. It’s a rare woman who doesn’t keep the very first photo of her baby as a keepsake. It’s so funny and exciting, so touching and even intimate - to peer into an obscure photograph together with the future dad and look for familiar outlines on it: here is the head, here is the butt, and here is the baby waving his hand at you!

Often, future parents are completely unable to figure out where, what and how is in the picture. Other people's ultrasound photos of the fetus by week of pregnancy will help compare the image received in hand from the doctor. But ultimately, this is not the most important thing. The main thing is that the pregnancy proceeds safely and the baby is born healthy. Although mom will certainly keep the ultrasound photo along with her most valuable things...

Three-dimensional ultrasound- this is an ultrasound examination that gives a three-dimensional image (in three dimensions) - in factfetal photographon the monitor screen, which can be printed (take a photo of an ultrasound scan of the fetus) and saved on disk in digital format. Usually, with an ultrasound of the fetus, a two-dimensional image is obtained - a section of tissue in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ultrasound. This method remarkably determines both the condition of the fetus and possible anomalies in the development of internal organs. The presence in our clinic of a device that allows you to reproduce a 3D image on a computer monitor is a sign that the ultrasound device belongs to a new generation and has a high degree of resolution, allowing for high-quality ultrasound examinations.Expert level ultrasoundThis is an ultrasound examination of women from the 18th week of pregnancy, which includes diagnostics in 2D mode and obtaining a three-dimensional image of the fetus in 3D/4D mode. The 3D/4D mode allows for the greatest reliability and high level image quality to assess the child’s condition and exclude developmental pathologies, determine the gender.

You can perform a fetal ultrasound in Moscow using an expert-class Siemens Acuson X300 device (Germany) in the Stolitsa network of clinics.

We conduct:

  • two-dimensional ultrasound of the fetus (2D),
  • three-dimensional ultrasound (3D ultrasound) with the issuance of a printed photo of fetal ultrasound,
  • four-dimensional ultrasound (4D ultrasound), which allows you to see and save on disk fetal ultrasound video, that is, record the movements of the fetus in the mother’s tummy (the fourth dimension is time).

The cost of an expert fetal ultrasound includes:

  • medical report on the state of health of the child, including all height and weight indicators, gender, morphometric data (sizes of the head, abdomen, legs, etc., condition of internal organs), conclusion on the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid, umbilical cord and placenta
  • color photographs;
  • video recording of the study.

3D ultrasound procedure includes two- and three-dimensional ultrasound examination of the fetus. The results of the study are a doctor’s report, printed color photo The patient receives a disc with a digital recording of the 3D ultrasound on the day of the examination. In the absence of special indications, two or three sessions of 3D ultrasound during pregnancy will be sufficient.

3D ultrasound of the fetus

3D ultrasound is a new method of research using ultrasound, which appeared thanks to modern computer technologies, which has significantly expanded the possibilities of visual (visual) assessment of the intrauterine development of a child. With three-dimensional ultrasound, a computer converts the ultrasound signal into a three-dimensional image on the monitor screen. If with a two-dimensional ultrasound only a specialist can understand the “picture” on the screen, then a 3D ultrasound of the fetus allows parents to see for the first time a real image of the unborn baby. The presence in our clinic of a device that allows you to reproduce a 3D image on a computer monitor is a sign that the ultrasound device belongs to a new generation and has a high degree of resolution, allowing for high-quality ultrasound examinations. Three-dimensional ultrasound (3D - 4D) can be done many times, without changing the power and intensity of the ultrasound flow, which is absolutely safe for the mother and her unborn baby. 4D ultrasound also has a four-dimensional dimension: time is added to the height, length and depth of the image. 4D ultrasound allows you to see the fetus in motion in real time. The movements of a child located in utero can be recorded on various magnetic media (CDs, DVDs) and kept as a souvenir of the first video recording of your future baby.

Benefits of 3D fetal ultrasound

Carrying out three-dimensional ultrasound is possible only on devices expert class with a very high resolution, which, of course, improves the quality of any ultrasound examination performed on this device, making it an expert-level examination. 3D - 4D can be done many times. Optimal for carrying out three-dimensional ultrasonic method Diagnosis is considered to be the 24th week of pregnancy. By this point, the child has formed all the external organs, so you can examine it in detail. In addition, you can see the presence of pathologies (cleft lip - cleft lip upper jaw or cleft palate - non-closure of the hard palate) and/or other anomalies in the development of bones, brain and internal organs.

4D ultrasound of the fetus

Four-dimensional ultrasound allows you to record a three-dimensional ultrasound in real time, that is, obtain fetal ultrasound video, see his first movements, and even save this video in your family archive. You can personally see how your baby lives in the womb, how he moves his limbs and sucks his thumb. You can even record the video onto a tape or disc. If the usual ultrasound image tells the expectant mother and relatives almost nothing - only incomprehensible dots and lines are visible on it, then in a three-dimensional image the baby looks as he really is. And on the “video” you can follow his movements, examine any parts of the body, right down to his tiny fingers! Seeing a tiny person smile, cry, yawn or “embarrassedly” cover their face with their hands. The image is transmitted to the screen almost in on-line mode, with a lag of a few fractions of a second. Therefore, not every “photo shoot” can be very successful. The more it moves, the clearer the image will be and the more interesting the “video recording”. If the baby does not want to “defile,” the doctor may suggest stopping the study and resuming it after a while. At this moment, mom is recommended to drink some sweet drink. This usually “excites” the baby within 10-15 minutes.

Isn't this dangerous?

Many expectant mothers mistakenly believe that ultrasound is unsafe for their baby. Meanwhile, statistics show that approximately half of women feel the baby’s reaction during an ultrasound. In other cases, the baby behaves calmly or dozes. This suggests that in some cases the time of the echogram (also called ultrasound) coincides with the time of the baby’s activity. Ultrasonography fetus, including 3D and 4D ultrasound do not have any negative effect on the fetus, and remain one of the safest and most informative methods for monitoring the intrauterine development of a child. We try to conduct ultrasound during pregnancy in strictly regulated periods - that is, when the diagnostic value of the method is especially high. In addition, the exposure time to ultrasound during a three-dimensional ultrasound of the fetus is only 1% of the time of the entire study. The rest of the time, the sensor receives reflected signals and processes the information. Therefore, 3D ultrasound during pregnancy is as safe as 2D.

An ultrasound of the fetus must be carried out at the time recommended by the doctor (screenings that monitor the development of the fetus and placenta) - at 11-13, 18-20, 24 and 32-37 weeks. And also at any time - if there is evidence, the slightest suspicion of developmental deviation and simply for the peace of mind of the expectant mother. An expert-level ultrasound examination can be performed from 18 weeks of pregnancy. The most favorable time to conduct a 3D/4D ultrasound is 24-25 weeks of pregnancy. For best visualization of the baby's face, a period after 30 weeks is desirable.

The quality of ultrasound is also influenced by the location of the umbilical cord and placenta; the amount of amniotic fluid (the less there is, the worse the image will be); overweight expectant mother; the presence of scars on the abdomen after operations.