Should there be discharge during pregnancy. Discharge during early pregnancy: the norm and deviations. How does the female body change after conception

Discharge from the genitals in women immediately after conception or a little later scares expectant mothers. This phenomenon is completely different from menstrual cycle therefore, many women mistakenly believe that discharge during pregnancy is a pathology.

Only a qualified gynecologist can establish the initial cause, as well as diagnose the nature of the released substance. The substance comes in different colors: colorless, yellow, red and even dark tones.

Normal discharge do not have a characteristic odor and seep in small quantities. You need to know in which case this is considered a pathology and why this happens in women in position.

How does the female body change after conception

During pregnancy, the body undergoes many changes.

Some time after conception (at 6,7,8,9-14 weeks), symptoms of early pregnancy begin to appear, characterizing changes in the female body:

  1. The sensitivity of the breast increases. In the early stages, uncharacteristic chest pain is felt. The nipples increase in size, a light touch brings discomfort to a woman. In addition to pain and discomfort, colostrum is released from the chest - a colorless, odorless substance. Typically, this phenomenon is positive factor and is not considered a pathology;
  2. Increase in basal temperature. This factor is due to the fact that in the female body, 2-3 weeks after conception, progesterone begins to be produced. The optimum temperature, which will be kept on an ongoing basis, is 37 degrees, but sometimes, the indicator will rise to 38 degrees;
  3. Toxicosis. One of the first signs. The frequency of vomiting increases, some smells cause nausea. The phenomenon occurs due to the restructuring of the hormonal background;
  4. Blood clots. After the sperm cell has successfully entered the uterus, blood clots may be released from it. This is normal. However, if they continue to stand out on the 29-30th day after conception, this is a reason to contact a specialist.

For each woman, pregnancy takes place on an individual basis, so the above phenomena may occur in a more or less intense mode.

Secretion in early pregnancy - the norm or pathology

Throughout her life, a woman has discharge - menstrual, daily, as a result of a viral or infectious disease, etc. This is a natural process provided by female physiology. But does this count as early dates pregnancy pathology? It's all about the nature, color and intensity of the discharge.

A few weeks after conception, the first outflows appear - thick, transparent masses. The phenomenon is due to the fact that a new hormone appears in the female body - progesterone, which is a key factor in a successful pregnancy.

Some of the fair sex may begin menstruation if the conception occurred on the "red" dates of the calendar. In some cases, the menstrual cycle can harm the female body or the unborn fetus, so for your own peace of mind, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist.

An important factor is the lack pain, foul odor or profuseness. If these symptoms are present, the situation is considered a pathological abnormality and urgent intervention is required.

What is discharge in pregnant women - possible causes

Discharge from the genitals is the result of a "large-scale reconstruction" of the body. The biggest changes are hormonal background due to the production of a new hormone - progesterone. This is an indispensable element that actively “works” for the first three months of pregnancy.

Its production is accompanied by the appearance of a thick and viscous mass, vaguely resembling mucus. This is not considered a pathology and is considered normal. It is enough to use a daily gasket to correct the current situation.

Another symptom that occurs at 5-5 weeks is the appearance of blood clots. As a rule, they occur on the day when the menstrual cycle was supposed to begin. The factor is determined by the fact that the body has not “rebuilt” completely and functions according to the previous routine.

In the absence of pain, blood clots do not pose a threat to a woman in position. It is worth contacting a gynecologist for a control check.

What is considered normal discharge

In the early stages, there is practically no discharge, which can be a sign of pathology.

Consider several types that are considered the norm:

  • Colorless, odorless. As repeatedly mentioned earlier, this phenomenon is caused by the work of progesterone.
  • Blood clots. Occur as a result of the penetration of the embryo into the uterus.
  • Liquid colorless discharge, odorless. Closer to the second trimester, new changes occur in the hormonal background, and instead of progesterone, estrogen begins to actively act. It helps the body adapt to the ongoing pregnancy and restores the changed hormonal background;
  • Discharge resulting from poor hygiene. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence. Due to impaired daily hygiene, an allergic reaction occurs on the genitals, accompanied by redness on the skin, a rash and other unpleasant aspects. The end result of such negligence is irritation of the mucous membrane, which leads to the appearance of purple mucus (due to damage to the walls of the vagina). By treating the affected area with antiseptics and stabilizing daily hygiene, this deviation can be eliminated.

It is very important to remember to use sanitary napkins, as well as to change underwear several times daily. Follow all the rules established by a specialist, and then the pregnancy will pass without complications.

When to See a Gynecologist

Some manifestations of fluid and clots in the first trimester indicate a pathology present. If you do not contact a medical institution in a timely manner, the subsequent consequences can greatly affect the condition of the fetus, which will lead to uncontrolled complications.

Blood clots that are released with pain or an unpleasant odor are the primary sign of abnormalities. There is a possibility of violations inside the uterus or loss of cervical tone. As noted earlier, blood clots signal the menstrual cycle if, for any reason, conception occurred during the period of menstruation.

Yellow-green clots indicate an infection that develops inside the genitals. In this case, it is absolutely impossible to delay. If the spreading infectious process reaches the uterus, then the risk of miscarriage will increase significantly.

Pink fluid sometimes indicates internal bleeding, but there is no significant cause for panic. Contact a medical institution for diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment.

The specialist talks about the discharge at 1-2 weeks of pregnancy:


In the first trimester of pregnancy, discharge is especially pronounced, accompanied by a restructuring of the hormonal background and the body's adaptation to future changes.

Maintain daily hygiene. Use special pads. This will help prevent the development of an infectious process. If you experience any abnormalities, severe pain or bloody clots, you need to urgently seek help from a gynecologist.

In medical statistics, it is noted that similar symptoms are present in an ectopic pregnancy or sudden internal bleeding.

At the beginning of gestation, in the 1st trimester, it is advisable for pregnant women to monitor not only their condition, but also be able to distinguish pathological discharge from normal. Some departments at the very beginning of pregnancy may indicate the presence of diseases of the fetus itself, since it is at this time that the formation and development of the zygote - the future embryo and child - takes place.

The threat of miscarriage will show red or brownish discharge, about the pathology of the development of the flora of the vagina or uterus - purulent and yellow compartments with an unpleasant odor. But, in order to distinguish between other dangerous symptoms, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the possible manifestations in the first periods of pregnancy.

In the early stages of gestation of the zygote (this is what is called so far future baby) highlighting a reddish hue or Brown should not cause panic in a woman, but it is also not worth making a decision on treatment on your own.

At the beginning of pregnancy, hormonal changes occur, the production of elements that will further help maintain pregnancy. For this reason, only a doctor who will study clinical manifestations and research.

In the first month, many women have periods that are slightly delayed and last less than the previous period. Therefore, only a gynecologist should say about what is a normal manifestation, and what is a pathology in the development of a baby or placenta.

What can be the discharge in the first month

In the first 5 weeks, a woman often does not realize that the egg has already been fertilized by a sperm. Due to the fact that there are no symptomatic manifestations characteristic of all pregnant women, the diagnosis of pathologies is complicated, the ability to study whether the discharge is normal or not is also not possible.

Allocations to this stage development of the zygote and their nature is largely determined by the state of health of the woman herself, who had previously undergone surgery, has chronic diseases at the time of pregnancy genitourinary system.

The first signal that a woman is in an interesting position is the appearance of itching, irritability and swelling on the outer labia. This is how the body reacts to the intensive production of progesterone, which was released by the corpus luteum after fertilization of the egg.

The norm in the first month is clear, pinkish or white discharge, odorless. At the beginning of gestation, a woman feels an intense production of leucorrhoea, which does not bring discomfort. This production is due to a high concentration of the hormone progesterone, which is a protection for the fetus.

In the complex, not only one progesterone, but also estrogen, prolactin help to preserve the fetus in the very first weeks of its life, and therefore the body at different stages independently controls the necessary concentration of one or another substance in the body of the expectant mother.

The reasons why brownish, bloody or yellow consistency may appear in the first months of pregnancy:

  1. Consequences after intercourse. It’s not worth giving up sexual life, but it’s worth controlling the depth of penetration of a man and the painful sensations at the same time. At this time, the uterus is just beginning to grow, the cervix and cervical region also increase in volume, and therefore slight bloody consistency can indicate a slight trauma to the tissues.
  2. In women, even during pregnancy, there is the production of hormones that, before fertilization, were responsible for the cyclical nature of the menstrual cycle. Many gynecologists call this feature "an individual female biological clock." Of course, not every woman has discharge during the period when menstruation should have gone, but if this happens, then you should not panic. At the same time, you should also not be afraid of light aching sensations in the vagina and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe appendages, this is also a natural reaction of the body to a change in biological rhythm.
  3. Attachment of the fetal egg to the thin tissues of the uterus can provoke a slight pinkish or reddish discharge from the vagina during the first month for several days. It is necessary to pay attention to the consistency, smell and nature of the manifestation. So, if there is pain, and the amount of discharge does not decrease, but increases, you need to seek help. If the number of consistencies does not change, and pinkish pasty leucorrhea periodically occurs, then this may indicate the attachment of the fetal egg to the walls of the uterus. This process is considered normal, you should not worry.
  4. White curdled consistency or thrush is an unpleasant companion of pregnancy for almost 80% of women. In the first trimester, a woman's vagina not only changes the qualitative composition of the flora, but is also exposed to hormonal activity. The local immune response is not always so high as to avoid the unpleasant development of a fungus of the genus Candida on the walls of the vagina. The spread of fungal colonies occurs instantly, because now in a weak place it is possible to feed on mucous favorable components, which helps in the growth of bacteria. This condition is not dangerous, but control by a gynecologist is required.

A fungus of the genus Candida is a common complication for the mucous membrane of a pregnant woman. Even if a woman is not diagnosed with such a disease before pregnancy, then during the bearing of a child, a "weakness" in the immune defense allows fungal formations to spread. The situation is aggravated by a weak reaction of the body to pathogens, the treatment is long, symptomatic.

Allocations in the second month

In the event that the pregnancy proceeds without complications, and the woman knows about her situation, the second month of gestation is not associated with features and changes. In the second month, important organs of the fetus are only being born, and the heart can already be heard with the help of special equipment.

Also, from the 7th week, a woman feels a desire to sleep, taste preferences change, a combination palatability and the amount of food consumed. At this stage, the body is actively working on hormonal changes. Visually, pregnancy is not yet determined, but a woman may feel nausea, vomiting, and heartburn. Also give an interesting position frequent urination, often a few drops.

There are no discharges, only thrush can be observed, which develops against the background of weakened body defenses, but such manifestations should not frighten a woman, the treatment is symptomatic, and the condition is not dangerous for the growth and development of the child. Toxicosis is also determined by individual factors.

The following discharges in the second month of the first trimester are the norm:

  • leucorrhoea with mucus;
  • transparent and mucous compartments;
  • light reddish or pinkish discharge without pain;
  • brownish consistency at the time of the menstrual cycle without much volume;
  • leucorrhoea thick consistency in the case when diagnosed with dysbacteriosis.

In the first months, a pregnant woman may notice a changed nature of the discharge - an increase in the amount of whiteness after sexual contact. In this case, the body and, in particular, the organs of the reproductive system of a woman react negatively to the microflora of the sexual partner. It is recommended to undergo a family examination, perhaps the cause of the discharge is in a man.

Allocations in the third month

The last, third month in the first trimester is a turning point, which many obstetricians consider risky for the fetus. Up to this point, the fetal egg or membrane was involved in the formation of the fetus, then other organs, in particular, the placenta, take over the support functions.

If the fetus is formed normally, there are no genetic abnormalities, extra chromosomes, and the placenta has a reserve for further provision of the fetus and is attached in the proper place of the uterus, the discharge of any nature stops. At the hormonal level, a woman also experiences changes:

  • the chest is swollen, poured;
  • nipples are sensitive, react to any touch and exposure to water;
  • the stomach begins to grow, even if it is not visible, the woman feels a slight "bloat", it is impossible to draw in the abdominal muscles as before;
  • toxicosis passes, its complete suspension can be observed up to the 14th week;
  • taste preferences and smells are perceived acutely, a woman hears and catches smells of a nature that she had not previously felt;
  • complexion changes, a blush appears, possible acne, irritation.

Obstetricians note that if a miscarriage does not occur before the 12th week, the risk of this is further leveled. The main reasons that lead to complications in the form of developmental fading are genetic anomalies in development, improper division of chromosomes at the gene level.

For this reason, normally, there should be no discharge in the third month. If a woman notes the continuation of spotting spotting, it is necessary to take an analysis of the amount of hormones in the blood that ensure the safety of the fetus and the normal life support of the baby throughout the entire period.

What discharge can tell at different times at the beginning of pregnancy

Since the beginning of the formation of the zygote, and then the embryo, is associated with hormonal changes, discharges of a different nature are allowed. However, in any situation, only additional control and examination will help establish the necessary diagnosis, which could cause the formation of departments.

The obstetrician can tell a lot by secretions:

  • child's illness;
  • chronic diseases of the mother;
  • hereditary factors;
  • gestation period;
  • risks in pregnancy.

In particular, such examinations as the level of hCG, its concentration, ultrasound, Doppler control and cardiogram play a huge role. All studies, tests and diagnostics are prescribed by a doctor.

What can discharge tell about, how to identify pathology in time? It is worth paying attention to the following features:

  1. Yellow or green consistency indicates the presence of pathogenic flora, in particular, we can talk about the presence of the spread of infections through the birth canal. The danger in this case is the consequences - infection of the fetus, termination of the life support of the baby.
  2. Brown plentiful- the risk of abortion, while in most cases the number of consistency does not play a role, even a small but constant amount of brown discharge can mean a risk or threat to the child.
  3. Clear liquid discharge without pain is a sign of the normal development of pregnancy. Abundant, thick, colorless, odorless and impurities - the norm at any time.
  4. Bloody may indicate the presence of injuries, microcracks and irritations. The nature of such a manifestation should be determined only by a gynecologist.

Getting pregnant is just the first step on the path to happiness and motherhood. The discharge shows the normal or abnormal course of fetal development, so the first thing a woman pays attention to, regardless of the period, is changes in the discharge.

Causes of spotting in pregnant women

  1. Menses. This question is especially relevant for those women who have a heredity of bleeding in the first months. To clarify the diagnosis, Doppler diagnostics is carried out, which will show the course of pregnancy, at a normal rate, the fetus will be “washed” with blood, but such a course does not harm its growth.
  2. Erosion of the cervix provokes a weak discharge of blood of a dark brown or pinkish color. With exacerbation or excessive pressure on the bottom of the uterus, bleeding or pasty spotting may occur.
  3. Detachment of the fetal egg, placenta after the 11th week. Scarlet blood discharge during the first months of gestation can also be the cause of a miscarriage. This situation occurs due to delamination children's place, which should be attached to the uterus. The hormonal unstable state of a woman is the most common cause such a complication. Hormone replacement therapy is recommended throughout the entire gestation period;
  4. Rhesus conflict. It can also cause bleeding both in the early period and in the later periods of gestation. Depending on what kind of pregnancy is on the account (the number of births does not depend), the Rh conflict appears for a period of 7 to 15 weeks. In this case, timely therapy of the mother's antigens will help eliminate bleeding, and as a result, a miscarriage.

Rhesus conflict occurs when the mother and fetus different groups blood. So, the most dangerous situation is the pregnancy of a mother with a negative Rh factor, and a fetus with a positive one. If the pregnancy is not the first, there is a possibility of rejection of the child as a foreign body.

First trimester of pregnancy: natural discharge or not?

In which situation the discharge is the norm, and in which it is not, only the doctor determines. With pathologies of gestation, they do not necessarily appear sharp pains, bright symptoms and bleeding in large quantities. For exfoliation of the placenta, smearing textures of a mild character are sufficient.

Of course, pain and simultaneous discharge with progressive symptoms are a dangerous situation, but in this case, in the early stages, we can talk about the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Hospitalization, therapy and treatment are mandatory. Delay in diagnosing and determining the causes threatens a woman with the risk of infertility or death.

To identify and be able to distinguish normal natural discharge from pathological manifestations, you can use the following tips:

  • an increase in body temperature is always a manifestation of complications;
  • if the basal temperature is within 37-37.4 degrees, then pregnancy at this stage is not at risk;
  • bright or dark bleeding is almost always a manifestation of a dangerous condition that threatens to terminate a pregnancy;
  • pain doesn't always mean danger (exception - spasms, cramping or increasing pain in the lower back, lower back, lower back);
  • after sexual contact, examination by a gynecologist, passing tests of smears from the vagina, a slight pink consistency may appear, this is the norm, there is no need to panic;
  • dangerous symptoms with a threatened miscarriage, which are associated with the absence of glandular engorgement, weakness and vomiting after toxicosis, may indicate the presence of a rapid development of miscarriage symptoms.

After pregnancy after caesarean section bleeding may also appear, which indicate deformation of the tissues of the uterus. It is necessary to use additional protective equipment in the form of bandages and elastic bandages to support the abdominal tissues.

First trimester and clear color discharge

Transparent mucus or leucorrhoea in any amount is the norm at all periods of the development of the child in utero. Characteristic mucous formations are the result of hormonal activity in a woman's body. Progesterone and then estrogen cause an increased amount of mucus production, which is similar in nature to the period of ovulation.

This amount of mucus is necessary in the first months of pregnancy for the formation in the upper part cervical canal mucous plug, which, due to its composition, protects the fetus from negative factors and infections from the external environment. However, even such a cork will not be able to protect against dangerous diseases - rubella, chickenpox, smallpox and hepatitis.

Dangerous discharge in the first trimester

Dangerous discharge for the first week of pregnancy is associated with the threat of miscarriage, with features and anomalies in the development of the fetus. Genetic features do not allow the child to survive outside the mother's body. And because the body does not give a chance to survive such a fetus, there is a contraction and an arbitrary miscarriage.

About how the body determines such anomalies, and why until a certain point it was unknown, today even scientists cannot guess. Hypotheses are put forward, but in some cases all such assumptions remain assumptions.

According to statistics, 15-18% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, fading of pregnancy. Such a figure is laid down at the genetic level, when nature has laid down a natural process for the birth of healthy representatives of the genus.

The most dangerous discharge in the form of blood can also be associated with developmental anomalies, possibly congenital pathologies of the internal organs of the mother. Only a doctor can tell what caused the discharge and what their pathogenesis is.

The danger to the life of a woman during the period of gestation is represented by discharges such as brown paste, scarlet or dark blood with clots, mucus with streaks or blood clots, yellow and green compartments at any stage of pregnancy.

Waiting for the appearance of a baby is always a joy for a woman. But, in some situations, such a languid expectation is overshadowed by negative consequences, which are important to identify in time, eliminate and eliminate the causes. Discharge in the first three months is a criterion for assessing the norm and pathology in the development of the baby. In some cases, you should not worry, but if there is a change in the consistency, intensity of secretions and their quantity, you should seek help from a doctor.

The period of conception and subsequent gestation is the most important in a woman's life. Nature has created all the mechanisms for the normal course of the process. Puberty, pregnancy, and the gradual decline to menopause are integral links in the chain. During this long time, the features of the functioning of the genital organs also change. It is important to monitor discharge during early pregnancy in order to monitor health status.

It is the first trimester that is considered the most dangerous for preserving conception. The amniotic egg, together with the embryo, is fixed in the uterus, systems and organs gradually begin to form. If the expectant mother does not yet know about her new condition, the nature of the discharge may already change during the delay. This is the norm, or a signal about the required correction and treatment, only a doctor will help to find out. But right away, you should not panic, thinking up diagnoses for yourself, any unrest is instantly reflected in the baby.

Discharge rates in the first trimester

An increase in the number of discharges in the early stages is a natural process. Under the influence of the pregnancy hormone progesterone, a large amount of mucus is ejected to form a protective plug, which is discharged immediately during childbirth. Enhanced secretion is also activated, so transparent, light, white, beige, with a yellow mass is not a cause for concern. They perform the most important functions - they protect against pathogenic microflora, cleanse the vagina.

May differ in consistency and quantity, depending on the hormonal background and individual features, but more often the secretion is gel-like, with a stretchy structure similar to chicken protein. The absence of smell and uncomfortable sensations indicate the normal course of gestation.

If there is a burning sensation, pain, you should immediately consult a doctor, even if the external secretion has not changed.

brown discharge

Not always a change in color poses a threat to the health of the baby and mother. But obvious changes in the secretion, smearing brown discharge, as at the end of menstruation, can be caused by implantation bleeding. It is caused by the attachment of the embryo to the endometrial layer in the uterus. The process occurs in the first week after conception, the consistency is similar to monthly blood, the volume is quite meager, observed throughout the day, no more.

A woman may not notice, because the size of the speck does not exceed a coin or a pea, and the color is not only maroon, but also yellow.

The appearance of brown discharge may indicate the following abnormalities:

  • ectopic pregnancy, in which the embryo is not attached to the walls of the uterus, but inside the fallopian tubes, as it grows, it will be constrained by a limited space, such a reason requires immediate intervention, is diagnosed by ultrasound, hCG tests, if measures are not taken in time, the consequences may affect reproductive function , and there is also a threat of death;
  • uterine erosion is common in women of reproductive age who are actively sexual life, the disease is small wounds and sores, the condition itself is not dangerous, but in some cases it can provoke oncology, drug therapy is used during pregnancy, and cauterization with electricity is prescribed after childbirth;
  • the appearance of brown discharge during pregnancy in the early stages may indicate hormonal changes, they usually do not cause pain and discomfort, but if repeated for several days, it is worth visiting a doctor to conduct a blood and urine test to determine the level of hCG, and its compliance with the gestational age , in some cases, women may mistake secretion for menstruation, and not even be aware of their new condition;
  • a frozen pregnancy can also be detected due to the appearance of brown smears, if the embryo dies, the amniotic egg remains on the walls of the uterus for some time, gradually exfoliating, leading to similar discharges, the absence of a heartbeat is determined on ultrasound as the main indicator of vital activity, and an operation is prescribed to remove the amniotic eggs.

Less dangerous, but requiring immediate intervention, is the separation of the undeveloped placenta (chorion). Therapy is prescribed to save the pregnancy.

yellow discharge

Similar in consistency to the curd mass with a sharp specific odor, discharge, most likely provoked by various infectious diseases. In addition to bright yellow, the presence of pathogenic microflora is evidenced by green vesicular masses.

On early stages may appear without burning and pain, but as the disease progresses, they are reflected in the urinary system. Treatment is naturally complicated by pregnancy, in the first trimester, any adverse factors can lead to a spontaneous breakdown. In addition, without drug therapy, there is a possibility of pathologies in the development of the fetus. Therefore, at the first signs of infection of the genital tract with bacteria or fungi, you need to urgently seek medical help.

red discharge

Explicit bleeding indicates serious failures in the process of bearing a child. After conception, there is no renewal of the upper layer of the uterus, as during menstruation, the amniotic egg is attached to it. If appeared in early pregnancy bloody issues need to call a doctor immediately. Getting to the hospital on your own, there is a threat of disruption of gestation, it is better to wait for the primary diagnosis of the ambulance paramedic.

A similar symptom can be caused by the following reasons:

  • the appearance of blood in combination with pain in the lower abdomen, signals the threat of miscarriage and exfoliation of the amniotic egg, to confirm the diagnosis, a blood and urine test for the hCG hormone is performed, its indicators should correspond to the norm at this time, ultrasound is also necessary to detect the vital activity of the embryo;
  • if the diagnosis of a threatened miscarriage is confirmed, the woman is prescribed treatment in a hospital or outpatient clinic, the main thing is to comply with the condition - bed rest, calmness and a positive attitude;
  • hydatidiform mole is a rare but dangerous pathology of embryonic development, disorders occur during conception, for unknown reasons, the chromosomal set of paternal genes is duplicated, and the maternal one is lost, there is a variant of incomplete hydatidiform mole, in this case, the egg is fertilized by 2 spermatozoa, is formed with a haploid maternal set and diploid paternal chromosomes, the fetus is not viable and dies for up to 10 weeks, the main treatment is surgery;
  • in multiple pregnancies, detachment of one or more embryos is possible, they exit through the genital tract, more often observed during artificial insemination, when several fertilized zygotes are introduced into the uterus, it also occurs during a natural pregnancy, the disappearance of a twin does not necessarily affect the development of the remaining embryos, they can grow and develop normal for all 40 weeks;
  • the appearance of smearing pink discharge is often observed after a contact examination by a gynecologist, as well as sexual intercourse, they appear for 2 hours in a meager volume, they do not pose a danger to the course of pregnancy.


After the onset of conception, the hormonal background of a woman changes dramatically. Active synthesis of hCG reduces the immune parameters of the expectant mother to preserve the embryo. Under favorable conditions, pathogenic bacteria are activated. The main cause of thrush is the Candida fungus, it is always found in the microflora of the vagina, but some factors contribute to the development of the disease. These are chronic diseases bad habits, pathology of the urinary system. Characteristic cheesy discharge, with a sour smell, varying degrees of burning, itching are the main symptoms of thrush.

Tablets are prescribed for treatment, but candles are considered the most effective and safe. There are also certain recommendations for changing the mode. They are limited physical activity, including the temporary cessation of sexual activity. Particular attention is paid to nutrition - diversity fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products will speed up the healing process.

With thrush, you should not resort to self-medication. The effect will be short-lived, and the action of folk formulations may affect the development of the embryo.

The discharge does not stop even after the onset of pregnancy, this is a normal development of the condition. But when an unusual consistency appears - curd, bubbly, as well as a pronounced color - yellow, green, red, pink, brown, you need to seek qualified help. Only carrying out appropriate tests and consulting a doctor will allow you to find out if this is a small malfunction in the hormonal system or a dangerous pathology.

The long-awaited two stripes on the test and you are the happiest woman in the world. Ahead of you is a long road of nine months, and this is just the beginning of your joint journey with the baby. This is the most interesting road, but you need to be fully prepared for it. You will have thousands of questions, and in order not to start worrying once again without significant reasons, or vice versa, not to miss an important one, you need to arm yourself useful information. The topic of our conversation today is discharge in early pregnancy.

information It is a well-known fact that fertilization in a woman’s body triggers a cascade of all kinds of changes that affect all organs and systems, so often a woman during this period ceases to recognize her native and seemingly long-studied body for her. During preparation for motherhood, along with changes in the most important systems, such as the circulatory, respiratory and endocrine, changes occur in all mucous membranes, especially in the area of ​​​​the external genital organs. They increase blood flow.

During gynecological examination even at the smallest terms, the cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix attracts attention, and the discharge during pregnancy in the early stages also changes. Let's try to figure out what in this case will be the norm and what is pathology.

Normal discharge in early pregnancy

An increase in the amount of secretions, an increase in their viscosity, but at the same time without changing color and odor, and without the appearance of discomfort- all this is the norm and no treatment is required, only careful hygiene. It is obligatory to toilet the vulva twice a day, shower daily, wear cotton underwear. Avoid scented sanitary pads, synthetic clothing. For washing, use special means For intimate hygiene. Normal discharge is always clear or white, without an unpleasant odor, itching, and does not cause discomfort. No douching, sitz baths, suppositories or vaginal tablets are needed.

Perhaps the appearance of minor bloody spotting, when you still do not know about your interesting position. Allocations in the early stages of pregnancy before the delay are due to the implantation (implementation) of the fetal egg in. This usually happens on the eighth day after fertilization, after the already accomplished meeting of the egg and sperm, their merger and joint journey through fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. Such discharge is also not a cause for concern, and does not require medical attention. Usually they are short-term and do not cause discomfort.

Pathological discharge in early pregnancy

When should you start to worry and apply for medical care? When the discharge in the early stages changes color to anything other than white and acquires an unpleasant odor. Let's figure it out in order.

Possible causes the appearance of bloody and brown discharge:

  • Threatening or incipient.
  • Trophoblastic disease is a lesion of the embryo when the chorion villi (outer membrane) degenerate and turn into cluster-shaped formations, which consist of transparent vesicles with a clear liquid.
  • Cervical erosion.

Such secretions are often called "contact" because they occur after sexual contact. The cervix during pregnancy is well supplied with blood, its surface becomes especially sensitive, and when it already has erosion, any touch to it causes bleeding.

  • Polyps of the cervix.
  • Cervical cancer.
  • Varicose veins of the vagina and external genitalia.
  • Injuries.

Possible causes the appearance of discharge, beige or accompanied by an unpleasant odor:

  • Colpitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina. Most often, the cause of their occurrence are sexually transmitted infections (trichomonas, chlamydia, ureaplasma, and others). Joint treatment with a spouse is required.
  • Thrush. Accompanied by a feeling of itching, burning and discomfort. Often occurs in pregnant women due to physiological immunodeficiency.
  • Bacterial vaginosis is a disorder normal microflora vagina (the number of harmful microorganisms prevails over the beneficial ones). Accompanied by an unpleasant fishy odor. Not transmitted sexually.


important In the early stages of pregnancy, pathological discharge can bring irreparable consequences. Ectopic pregnancy and trophoblastic disease are dangerous, first of all, for your life. They demand immediate surgical intervention. Threatened miscarriage can lead to fetal loss if treatment is not started in time to maintain the pregnancy. Any colpitis increases the risk of intrauterine infection, the threat of termination and non-developing pregnancy. An undeveloped or missed pregnancy is an indication for

In a pregnant woman, excitement can arise even over a mere trifle: either it stung in her side, or a slight aching pain was felt. This is quite natural, because every woman cares about giving birth healthy child, and her body is now undergoing multiple changes.

Any discomfort or unusual sensation certainly worries the expectant mother. Very often, unrest in pregnant women is caused by mucous discharge during pregnancy, and therefore it is very important to know what the rate of these discharges should be.

What should be the discharge during pregnancy

The work of the female reproductive system until the twelfth week of pregnancy is regulated by a hormone such as. It also causes the appearance of mucous secretions, and this symptom is even considered as the first sign of a successful conception. However, from the 13th week, the discharge will become plentiful, more liquid, since the hormone estrogen enters the active phase. This normal watery discharge is odorless and does not itch or burn. They resemble egg white, are transparent or slightly whitish, and must be homogeneous - without clots, lumps, flakes. If the discharge during pregnancy is intense, then you can use panty liners, the main thing is to choose odorless hygiene products. In addition, experts do not recommend using tampons during the period of bearing a child.

However, during pregnancy, the color of the discharge may change. This happens under the influence of various urinary infections, hormones, diseases of the cervix and other adverse factors. It is imperative to pay attention to such highlights.

White discharge

When discharge during pregnancy becomes pronounced White color, have an unpleasant sour smell and become curdled (or resemble curdled milk), this indicates the development, or. With abundant manifestations of thrush, when unbearable itching and burning occur in the genital area, the attending physician may prescribe antifungal agents.

It is not uncommon for pregnant women to develop bacterial vaginosis. With this disease, they are observed similar to leucorrhoea, but they have an unpleasant odor. If you have such secretions, you should consult a doctor, since all these diseases increase the risk.

Blood discharge

Truly dangerous for a pregnant woman and fetus are those that are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. If this happened in the early stages of pregnancy, then such discharge most likely indicates a threatened miscarriage or indicates ectopic pregnancy. Be sure to consult a doctor - it is he who will help save the life of the fetus.

Bloody discharge can also be observed in the second trimester of pregnancy, but such cases are very rare. Such secretions become stronger with sudden movements and heavy physical activity. In the last trimester of pregnancy, there may be a risk or its detachment. In this case, spotting during pregnancy becomes strong - and the woman must be urgently hospitalized. can also affect discharge during pregnancy. It happens that because of this, spotting occurs, or yellow discharge or. In any case, be sure to check with a doctor.

brown discharge

Brown discharge during pregnancy should be considered as bloody. They can be observed early or late, but, unlike profuse red or scarlet spotting, spotting is not always a danger.

Small patches of blood on the 6-12th day after conception can be observed during the period of attachment of the fetal egg to the uterine wall - this is the so-called implantation bleeding, which, in fact, is not bleeding at all, but looks like a drop of blood in ordinary whites.

On recent weeks pregnancy, blood fragments can be included in the mucous secretions when the mucous plug leaves. They also do not pose a danger, but are a harbinger of an early birth, and therefore expectant mother should be on the alert.

Unrest and fear should be caused by brown discharge, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, as well as other pathological signs: an unpleasant odor, irritation in the genital area or frequent urination.

yellow discharge

Ranked as "bad" and yellow discharge. Normally, normal vaginal discharge may be yellowish or creamy. Also, curdled discharge with thrush can be yellow. But still bright yellow, green and grayish discharge from the vagina is a sign of development bacterial infection in the urinary tract. Such discharge has an unpleasant putrid odor and is accompanied by other symptoms. inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system: pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, increased frequency and / or soreness of urination, itching, burning and swelling of the genital organs, fever, etc.

If yellow discharge during pregnancy smells unpleasant and is accompanied by other signs, then a woman should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible and take a smear on the flora. Any sexual infections during this period should certainly be treated, and only an experienced qualified specialist is able to choose a safe effective treatment future mother.

But in general, vaginal discharge is a normal physiological process, and the period of pregnancy in this sense is no exception. However, it is still better to consult with your doctor once again, even when clear discharge seems normal to you, in order to avoid possible unwanted complications.

In addition, do not forget about the elementary hygiene of the female genital organs: for the period of pregnancy, you should give up soap with a strong smell, do not use sprays for the perineal area, and do not wear tight underwear and clothes.

Especially for- Elena Kichak