Dmitry Yemets - books and biography. Dmitry Yemets: all books in order Yemets Dmitry Aleksandrovich Methodius Buslaev brief

If your kids love science fiction and fantasy, then you won’t find a better author for them - Dmitry Aleksandrovich Yemets. The books of this author have always been popular and with each new series, interest in him only intensifies.

Space Pirate Crox

The Mystery of the Star Wanderer

A boy named Andrei disobeyed his parents and flew into space as part of a space expedition. Together with their robot friend, they discovered that they accidentally ended up on the wrong ship, which, moreover, would soon explode. Young travelers must stop the ship's self-destruction at all costs without running into space pirates. Further

Pirate's Heart

Pirate's Heart

The boy Andrei, together with his friend Bayun and the girl Lavissa, nevertheless defeated Crox, took the winged hedgehog to themselves and escaped from the space pirate using a time traveler. But leaving the planet where friends find themselves is not so easy. There are many obstacles on their way: underground digger people, slippery snoring worms and terrible insatiable protoplasm. Further

Space pirate Crox is back again and is not going to give up. But this time everything went too far - a cargo ship exploded in outer space, on board which was Lavissa, the daughter of the ruler of this planet. Near the ship was the ill-fated Crox, who was responsible for the death of the girl. Further

Tanya Grotter

An evil witch, whose very name makes you shudder, strives to dominate the world, killing good wizards one after another. Among her many victims is a beautiful white magician, whose daughter accidentally remains alive. The girl is raised all her life in someone else’s family, unaware of her gift... Continue

The sorceress is unlucky again. During the reconstruction of the dilapidated Tibidox school of magic, the students go home. Tanya returns to the Durnev family again, taking with her a bag of quarrelsome ghosts. During her training, Tanya managed to learn a thing or two, so her aunt and uncle will clearly have a hard time. Further

There is another attempt on the Tibidox school of magic; strange discharges hit the roof of one of the buildings. And in an abandoned hut near a swamp, Tanya suddenly finds an ancient prophecy. If you release the ancient essence, the Golden Leech will appear in a magical fire and the string in the neck of the musical instrument will break. Further

And again the Tibidox school of magic has run into trouble! Someone stole ancient magical items from the school. And although there is still hope for a magic throne full of magical energy, no one knows where it can be found. The old reserves of magic in Tibidox are about to run out, so classes are temporarily suspended. Further

A strict balance is maintained between the world of magic and other worlds. But the fragile equality is broken: something very valuable has disappeared from the Other Worlds... At the same time, due to Tanya’s mistake, a spirit takes up residence in the mirror, opening a portal between the worlds. The mighty ancient gods, together with the strongest guardian of the tree of the world, demand the immediate return of the lost property. Further

Every night, ill-wishers destroy Buyan’s magical protection by carving unknown symbols on the dome. At the same time, everything in the school of magic is turned upside down. But life is still not going to stop. Pipa Durneva suddenly becomes a sorceress and even ends up in a high school of magic. Further

The time has come when magical artifacts become possessors of enormous power. An unknown person throws a magic book at an inexperienced magician and forces him to cast a terrible spell. The attackers want to seize a rod that can suck the soul out of a person when it touches his chest. Further

Tanya Grotter and her friends find themselves in a parallel universe. In this unusual world, four elements reign, to which all inhabitants of the world must obey. Here the Element is dominant - a spirit whose magical powers are several times greater than those of ordinary sorcerers. Once upon a time, Tanya’s ancestor deceived him into this world, and only she can change everything. Further

The Tibidox school of magic continues to exist, although much has changed there. All because the teachers suddenly disappeared. There is not a single strong magician left in the institution. The culprit was Poseidon's well. Several hundred years ago he accumulated his strength in the depths of Tartarus, and now he has again splashed it out... Continue

A lock of hair from the head of the ancient Greek goddess Aphrodite has been traveling around the world for several centuries. Once she gave it to her beloved. And then the magic curl mysteriously gets to Tanya Grotter. And her life at the moment is already very busy: final exams are ahead. Studying at the school of magic ends, and Tanya’s adult life should finally begin. Further

A year has passed since graduation from Tibidox, and the graduates found themselves scattered across different parts of the magical world. Suddenly, friends have a desire to get together for a high school reunion. And now the guests have arrived, and it would seem that everything should return to its place, but no... The friends again await a magical adventure, on the outcome of which the fate of the magical world depends. Further

The liquid mirror of the magician Tantalus is a black thing that gives a person the ability to become a werewolf. The lives of two creatures - yours and the one you will turn into at least once - from this second become one life. Who stole the artifact from the vault and for what purposes could the attackers need it? Further

Sphinxes, just like people, are different. But among them there is one who likes to make magical deals. At an inopportune time, when enemies had almost captured the Tibidox school of magic, he was promised the key to the dark gate. True, the sphinx asked for a few years of respite, and now the respite is over. But not everything you once gave can be demanded back... Continue

Several years ago, an evil witch tried to kill the daughter of a white magician, Tanya Grotter, but Ancient magic was able to protect the girl. The witch, who found herself in another world, survived and even seized power there. Now she wants to escape from the parallel world, but the only thing that can help her is a little bird... Continue

The magical night was approaching, when the lunar disk gives its power to the magic stone. A stone can serve good or evil, and balance in the magical world depends on this. Lately, the evil side has been pushing forward, so the good and bright creatures have had a hard time. Will there be an advantage this time on the good side, or will the advantage remain on the side of evil? Further

Star Empire Computer

The plot develops around the girl Ira Matveeva, into whose hands an unusual computer suddenly fell. In it, Ira found a program for the destruction of the Earth. Even her friend saw such a “toy” for the first time. The computer also had a timer that counted down until the disaster began. And then it turned out that the explosion of the Earth should have happened in a completely different place! Further


Shnyr is a place for special creatures to gather. No one else can find it on the map except them. This is a simple house in appearance; it is rebuilt every century so as not to attract unnecessary attention. Shnyrs are not magicians, although their capabilities far exceed any human mind - if something supernatural happens somewhere in the world, it means that Shnyrs are involved. Further

Horrible Stories

Dragon Pyhalka

My big family

Outwardly, this is an ordinary family consisting of seven children, parents and pets. They live in a small seaside town and outwardly are no different from others. In fact, children constantly have some kind of incident, and they unite only to dig a tunnel to the center of the Earth. Further

No series

History in stories for schoolchildren. The book tells about the events taking place during the times of Kievan Rus. Here is the life of young Vesei from the Polyan tribe, and the fate of the slave Bakuni, here and about the brave blacksmith Molchan, the greedy merchant Pasley and many other heroes. About how the poor and the rich used to live, how they went to work and rested, how they fought and tried to maintain peace. Further

Mitya’s parents had no idea what unusual friends their son had made. After moving to a new apartment, the boy made friends with the brownies - cheerful, active, playful, like children. But the most interesting is still ahead - Mitya and his friends want to see the real Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Further

An alien robot flies to Earth from deep space. His goal is simple - to catch a thief who has stolen rare species of animals from the earth's menagerie. And the boy Yura and his sister Lenochka will help the robot. The search leads young detectives to a spaceship that is about to take off...

This book does not continue the previous adventures of the unusual girl Tanya, so it can be read in isolation from the 13 previous stories. But there are so many mysteries here that “it doesn’t seem like enough.” But the ball will still unravel - the children will find out where the evil witch Plague del Tort has disappeared and what a terrible trap she has prepared for Tanya Grotter, Sardanapalus and the whole world. This time Tanya and her friends will have to once again encounter magical creatures and resist terrible magic and witchcraft, but they will also have to fight... themselves. Or rather, with doubles from the world - a mirror image of ours, in which the Plague seized power.

Read completely

Eksmo Publishing House announced the release of Dmitry Yemets’ book “Tanya Grotter and the Bird of Titans” - the fourteenth episode of the series about the adventures of a girl with an unusual fate and an equally unusual gift.

"Grotteriana", which started back in 2002, immediately attracted the attention of young readers with its unique national flavor, an abundance of funny passages and witty phrases that quickly became aphorisms, a dashingly twisted plot and cute characters, similar to ordinary boys and girls.

“Tanya Grotter and the Bird of Titans” is not a continuation of previous events, but refers us to the adventures that happened before the heroes graduated from the Tibidox magic school. Throughout the series, Yemets left his fans mysteries, which he is now gradually revealing. From this story it will become clear where the evil witch Plague del Tort disappeared and what terrible trap she prepared for Tanya, Sardanapal and the whole world. This time, the heroes will not only have to once again encounter magical creatures and resist magic and witchcraft, but also fight with themselves. Or rather, with doubles from the mirror image of our world, in which the notorious Plague has seized power.

It is not so easy to confront the students of Sardanapalus, those who were taught to live without knowing love, pity and friendship, who became the winners of a cruel race for survival and are now ready for new difficult trials, but in another world and in other bodies. The main task of the inhabitants of the parallel world created by the insidious and merciless Plague del Torte is to find and destroy the bird of the titans, for which there is no time, no space, no physical barriers. The death of this small creature will lead to the erasure of the border between worlds and the long-awaited acquisition of unlimited power by the Plague. Time will tell how the fight between Tanya Grotter, Shurasik, Grobynya Sklepova and other heroes of the popular series created by the progenitor of the hooligan fantasy genre Dmitry Yemets will end.

Each new book by the famous creator of children's literary series is eagerly awaited, discussed for a long time and impressions shared on the Internet - the group of fans of Dmitry Yemets' work on VKontakte has more than 16 thousand members, and his books are invariably included in the top twenty of the Russian retail rating.

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Publishing house "Eksmo" has released the third book in the series "School of Diving (Shnyr)" - "Bridge to someone else's dream."

If you haven’t read the first two yet, then know that the word “shnyr” has nothing to do with prison vocabulary (don’t be confused by the cute phonetic similarity), and the habitat of shnyrs attracts some adventurers no less than the famous Hogwarts. What could be so special about swimming, you ask. But the Diving School is not associated with water sports. Anyone who studies in it plunges into completely different depths.

In a strictly classified environment, teenage sleuths dive into a two-room apartment - another world where everyone is immortal. In the kopeck piece they take out bookmarks - things that heal illnesses if you give them to sick comrades, and give power and magical talents if you keep them for yourself. You can take a bookmark for yourself only once, because the kopeck piece is forever closed to these egoists. The one who hungers for power becomes a witch, the ideological enemy of all shnirov.

The school is located somewhere in the Moscow region. Once every hundred years, its building is demolished and rebuilt in a new location - this is a unique way of not attracting attention. Becoming a snitch is as easy as shelling pears, but there is only one way: you must be chosen by one of the golden bees living on the territory of the School.

The first book in the series was published in 2010, and has since gained wide popularity among admirers of the talent of the author of Tanya Grotter and Methodius Buslaev. Teenagers constantly quote on the Internet “The Diary of an Unreturned Shnyr” and the internal Shnyrov code, full of chivalry and courage. Heroes-sniffs have to overcome serious obstacles. The guys continually risk their own lives for the sake of peace on earth. The road to a two-room apartment tests their strength every time, and even in the ordinary world evil witches haunt them.

In the third book by Shnyrov, the founder of hooligan fantasy will tell his readers about the fatal mistake of the first Shnyrov, about the dangers of marriage, about the bites of the giela, about the corpse of a lone magician and his dark artifact, as well as about the witchers’ trick, unprecedented in its cunning. But, as always, their code will come to the rescue of the shnyrs: “Shnyr, don’t give up! Believe in a miracle, and it will definitely happen!”

04.06.2013 01:31 FireFly: Yemets Dmitry

A wonderful writer who knows how to be interesting not only to the target audience of children and youth, but also to older parents. We read his books with the whole family with great pleasure: this is a truly wonderful combination of positivity and very useful and accurate thoughts, entertainment and instruction, vivid storytelling and the right worldview.

30.10.2014 14:06 VDL: Re: Yemets Dmitry

Yes, Harry Potter is far from Tanya Grotter. Don’t buy if you don’t want to, but don’t deprive your child of the pleasure of reading books about Tatyana. Read it yourself, I guarantee you will enjoy it and be in a cheerful mood.

02/21/2015 14:41 Guest: Re: Dmitry Yemets

Well, that's stupid! Harry Potter cannot be compared with Yemets. I've been reading all his books for over 10 years now. Humorous, captivating with an exciting plot and always kind. They teach kindness, friendship, mutual assistance, compassion. Best author!

03/28/2014 07:35 Guest: Dmitry Yemets

Pretty interesting. Even if we take into account that Tanya Grotter is similar, especially her first parts, to Harry Potter, then Methodius Buslaev is simply a wonderful work. And if you continue reading the same Tanya Gr. further, the work draws you in, you understand that this is completely different.

09.08.2014 08:20 pineapple_sherlok: Yemets Dmitry

This author is perhaps one of the most beloved and interesting. I started reading books by Dmitry Yemets in the 4th grade, 6 years have passed since then and nothing has changed: Tanka’s worlds are still open to me, Arey (spoiler alert) is alive, Shnyr is alive and thriving. While reading, you get the impression that you are in this world, feeling all the emotions of the character, traveling with him...
For those who think that "Tanya Grotter" is a parody of "Harry Potter" - they are very mistaken... The first book is a little similar, but then the plot lines are completely divergent.

10.10.2014 10:35 Guest: Yemets Dmitry

I have been reading this work by Dmitry Yemets since I was 12 years old. Now I’m 21. For 8 years I experienced and felt all the emotions of the characters myself. Now in the army. And the books are not available... It's a shame.

30.10.2014 14:11 VDL: Yemets Dmitry

The British made a claim that the Author had ripped off the plot from them. But the competent commission concluded that D. Yemets had original plots, not similar to the Harry Potter plots, and that there was no “rehash” of any kind. Thanks to Dmitry for the fun adventures of Tanya Grotter.

09.01.2015 18:09 ladyfunjoke: Yemets Dmitry

The best writer! I was especially impressed by the series of books by TANYA GROTTER. It's a parody of Harry Potter, but much easier to read. The book is more likely for children from 10 to 13 years old.

22.08.2015 19:40 shiorin: Yemets Dmitry

Amazing books for children. As a child (and even in my youth), I read stories about mutants, a space pirate and the Star Empire computer. How interesting they are, how instructive - it is difficult to estimate the impact that these wonderful books made on me - the plots are still fresh in my memory, the characters have become family. But the series about Tanya Grotter is terrible. Ridiculous and absurd. Given the incredible imagination and exceptional talent of the author, it is unnecessary to stoop to twisting other people's plots, twisting them in your own way, perverting them... this is unnecessary. I would like to read something different, author’s, Yemtsov’s

Date of Birth: 27.03.1974

Popular Russian science fiction writer. Known for his works in the genre of teenage fantasy. He is one of the most published authors of books for children and teenagers.

Born into an intelligent family. The writer's father was a meteorologist, and his mother worked as an editor at the magazine Literary Studies. Dmitry started composing very early; in his own words, he has been composing for as long as he can remember. He wrote his first complete work of 14 pages at the age of 9. After graduating from school in 1991, Dmitry entered Moscow State University. Lomonosov to the Faculty of Philology. In parallel with his studies, he wrote stories and novels, trying to publish them in various magazines. In 1994, Dmitry Yemets’s first book was published: “Dragon Pyhalka.” Two years later, Dmitry was accepted as a member of the Union of Writers of Russia. After graduating from university, he remained in graduate school, where he met his future wife, Maria. He defended his thesis and is a candidate of philological sciences.

In 2002, the book “Tanya Grotter and the Magic Double Bass” was published, written largely “based on” the series of books by JK Rowling about Harry Potter. This book (and the two subsequent books in the series) became widely known, including due to accusations of plagiarism by representatives of Dojo Rowling. The lawsuit was filed in the Amsterdam court in response to an attempt to publish Tanya Grotter in the Netherlands. In court, Yemets’ lawyers stated that his books are a parody of Rowling’s books, and therefore do not fall under the definition of “plagiarism.” The court did not agree with this position and banned the publication of books about Tanya Grotter in the Netherlands. Representatives of Yemets disputed the decision, but at the time of writing this article (2011) it remains in force. No official lawsuits were ever filed in Russian court, despite numerous accusations from domestic copyright holders of Harry Potter. However, starting from the 4th book, the plot and characters finally separated from Harry Potter and Tanya Grotter became a completely independent series.

Dmitry Yemets also created several historical portraits of Russian princes, which include stories about Vladimir, Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky, Vladimir Monomakh, Yaroslav the Wise, Andrei Bogolyubsky, published for the Sretensky Monastery. Based on the first two books about Tanya Grotter, computer games in the quest genre were made in 2008, but they were not particularly successful.

Star Empire Computer
(Planet of the Black Emperor) (1998)
(The Dead Emperor's Revenge) (1998)

ShNyr (Diving School)

    - (born March 27, 1974) children's and teen science fiction writer. Born into the family of a meteorologist and a journalist. Candidate of Philology. At the age of 22 he became the youngest member of the Writers' Union. Author of fairy-tale and fantasy stories: “Dragon... ... Wikipedia

    Dmitry Aleksandrovich Yemets (born March 27, 1974) children's and teen science fiction writer. Born into the family of a meteorologist and a journalist. Candidate of Philology. At the age of 22 he became the youngest member of the Writers' Union. Author of fabulous and fantastic... ... Wikipedia

    Yemets surname. Famous bearers: Yemets, Vladimir Aleksandrovich (1937 1987) Ukrainian Soviet football coach, football player, coach of FC Dnepr in 1981 1986. Yemets, Dmitry Aleksandrovich (born 1974) child and teenager... ... Wikipedia

    Dmitry Aleksandrovich Yemets (born March 27, 1974) children's and teen science fiction writer. Born into the family of a meteorologist and a journalist. Candidate of Philology. At the age of 22 he became the youngest member of the Writers' Union. Author of fabulous and fantastic... ... Wikipedia

    Dmitry Aleksandrovich Yemets (born March 27, 1974) children's and teen science fiction writer. Born into the family of a meteorologist and a journalist. Candidate of Philology. At the age of 22 he became the youngest member of the Writers' Union. Author of fabulous and fantastic... ... Wikipedia

    Dmitry Aleksandrovich Yemets (born March 27, 1974) children's and teen science fiction writer. Born into the family of a meteorologist and a journalist. Candidate of Philology. At the age of 22 he became the youngest member of the Writers' Union. Author of fabulous and fantastic... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Double bass (meanings). Double bass... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 1941 2 1942 3 1943 4 1946 4.1 Awards ... Wikipedia


  • Tanya Grotter and the magic double bass (CDmp3), Dmitry Aleksandrovich Yemets. Dmitry Yemets is a modern Russian writer, author of works in the genre of science fiction and fantasy for teenagers, including the famous books about the sorceress girl Tanya Grotter. Conceived as...
  • Tanya Grotter and the Vanishing Floor (CDmp3), Dmitry Aleksandrovich Yemets. We present to your attention the second audiobook about the adventures of Tanya Grotter, recorded at the ARDIS studio based on the novel by Dmitry Yemets “Tanya Grotter and the Vanishing Floor”. Dmitry Yemets - modern…