Interesting games for a pajama party. Children's pajama party. How to throw a pajama party. What to do at a pajama party. Pajama party scenario. Children's Pajama Party Costumes

According to the rules of the pajama party, all participants must wear pajamas. After the party is over, all guests stay overnight with the party host and traditionally sleep on the floor. The party menu includes milk, hot sandwiches, juice, cookies (homemade), fruit. Many children consider this holiday to be the best holiday in the world, because you don’t need uncomfortable outfits, you don’t need to restrain yourself in order to sit calmly at the table, and you can have a lot of fun with friends, not leave until the morning and have breakfast together. So how do you throw a fun pajama party?

It all starts with an invitation. Be sure to specify that everyone must bring pajamas. Explain to the mothers of the invited children that there will be a pajama parade (so that no one is unprepared for the pajama demonstration). People usually invite people to “pajama parties” in the late afternoon, so there is no feast, but light snacks. Warn about this in advance, too, so that the children have dinner at home.

The party is starting!

Joyful children are jumping in their pajamas: they don’t often meet each other in this form. Give them a chance to get comfortable and offer them hot sandwiches and juice. Sandwich options:
Place a piece of sausage, a slice of tomato, cheese on a piece of bread and put it in the oven for a minute.
Grate cheese and sausage on a fine grater, mix everything, put the resulting mass on hot toast.

We are sure that you have many similar recipes.

After a light refreshment, you can hold several competitions.

Pajama parade. Of course, girls can’t help but like this competition, but don’t leave boys aside either. Invite them to walk, for example, like Spider-Man or a robot. We are sure that the boys will quickly join the game. Be sure to turn on the music. For this competition, purchase small soft toys for all participants. No one will be left without a prize!

Pillow fight. This is also traditional entertainment at a “pajama party.” The name is scary, but don't worry: if the game has rules, everything will be fine. Place the hoop on the floor. Rivals stand in it, holding pillows in their hands. Immediately warn that it is forbidden to hit someone in the face. The winner is the one who “knocks” the opponent out of the circle. Be sure to choose physically equal opponents. Girls can be asked to knock a soft toy off the table with a pillow. We think it goes without saying that you need to think about the security of this competition in advance. The winners can be given a small pillow with a cheerful face.

Dreamers. An adult can start the game so that children quickly understand what is required of them. Dad says: “If I were a KING, I would have three things: a crown, a robe, a carriage.” Children must think of substitute items to use. For example, instead of a crown there is a pan, a mantle - a sheet, a carriage - a stool. All invented objects are placed on dad. Then children can also fantasize: “If I were a COSMONAUT, I would have three things: a rocket, a spacesuit, a star.” The most resourceful ones win. The winners can be awarded medals with cheerful inscriptions “To the most resourceful”, “The smartest” or “The most active”, which you can purchase at a bookstore or make yourself.

SON-art. Buy or sew white pillowcases in advance for the number of party participants, and prepare a couple of packs of felt-tip pens for drawing on fabric. Invite the children to paint their pillowcases. This will be a unique handmade work of art. In addition, sleeping on such a pillowcase is much more pleasant. When buying markers, make sure that they do not wear off when washing, and then each participant, falling asleep at home, will remember your party for a long time.

Sleepy bakers. While the children are busy creating a masterpiece, prepare a dough from 190 g of wheat flour, three eggs, 200 g of granulated sugar, adding cardamom, vanillin or lemon zest. Roll out the dough and invite the children to cut out different shapes with molds. While the cookies are baking, you can start arranging the sleeping area: inflate the mattresses on which the children will sleep, and prepare lanterns (you can ask everyone to bring one with them, or you can give each a small lantern as a souvenir). Before going to bed, we enjoy eating cookies with milk.

A dream stuck to my eyelashes,
I want to sleep - I want to sleep,
I rub my eyes and drive away sleep,
But I'm almost asleep...
How early the dream stuck to me.
I want to sleep - I want to sleep!

Maybe one of the children will remember how to say “Good evening!” in English! Suggest, for example, this poem:
An Englishman walked towards me,
And suddenly I hear: “Good evening!”
"Good evening!" – I answered him.
And the evening became as bright as the morning.

After such poems, even those who did not know these words will definitely remember them.

Andersen has a beautiful fairy tale, which is perfect for our party - “Ole-Lukoje”. You can turn off the flashlights, close your eyes and listen to your mother quietly talk about the kind gnome who flies in at night and opens a colorful, wonderful umbrella over the most obedient children. And then these kids have good fairy-tale dreams. And the gnome opens a black umbrella over the naughty children, and then they don’t dream of anything. But among our children, of course, there are no such people! Agree, under good fairy tale and it’s more pleasant to fall asleep.

How time is getting closer sleep, the calmer the games should be. When everyone has settled down, let the children talk their secrets in the dark. Every mother can easily guess the mood of her children and see whether they have let her into their world today. If children ask to be left alone, don't insist, but if they accept you, sit and chat with them. You will see your children in a new way: in an unusual but cozy environment, they will reveal a completely different side. Such simple parties will bring you and your children closer, help you get to know each other and accept each other for who you are. And such holidays will allow children to be rightfully proud of you; they will definitely tell everyone that their mother is the best and that only their mother knows how to host the most fashionable parties.

Sopina Irina
Scenario "Pajama Party"

pajama party

Target: Teach children to creatively use their motor experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers.

Interior attributes: balloons, flags on the walls with smiley faces, etc., an inflatable mattress (1-2, a tent = fabric canopy for everyone, positive announcements (for example, take a smile, Have a good mood etc., cubes in the pool, candles, treats.

Prepare balloons with numbers according to the numbering of the competitions; children must burst the balloon and find out what awaits them next.

The hero Splyusha (for example) in a duvet cover, a cap and large slippers, who is celebrating the holiday. (Make a costume from an old duvet cover.)

Conditions: all children wear pajamas and slippers, blindfolds (we give them to children).

Progress of the event.

1. Game "Day-Night".

2. "Pajama Parade"(walk in a special way, for example, like Spider-Man, Hulk, princess, fairy, etc.).

3. “MY Slippers”(Gather all the slippers of the game participants in a pile, then command: “Start!” Who was the first to find and put on their slippers? He won! You can listen to the music, when it stops, everyone quickly puts on their slippers.)

At: slippers for each participant.

4. "Pillow fight"(A) 2 people with pillows stand in a circle (it is IMPOSSIBLE to hit the face or head);

B) knock an object off the table with a pillow.)

At: pillows for each participant.

5. "Changing rooms"(Arrange the children in a circle and turn on some rhythmic children's music. While the music is playing, the children must quickly pass the bag to each other. As soon as the music stops, the child who happens to have the bag at that moment must quickly and without looking take some kind of bag out of the bag. something and put it on yourself.

If there are a lot of children, then you can use two bags.)

At: bag, large size clothes.

6. “Beauty salon”

A) Children paint each other’s nails and do their own hair (curlers, elastic bands, hair clips).

B) Makeup = makeup (adults apply makeup to children of any fairy-tale/non-fairy-tale hero).

At: nail polish of several colors, curlers, rubber bands, combs, hair clips; face painting

7. "Soapy Pranks"(Children are offered jars of soap bubbles. Play “The Biggest Bubble”, “The Most”)

At: soap bubbles for each participant.

8. “Piggly-Wiggly” or “Sleepy Hide and Seek.”(The players lie down on the floor. The driver turns away. Everyone changes places, hiding under someone else’s blankets. The driver returns, puts his hand on one of the blankets and says: “Piggly-Wiggly.” The one inside grunts. The driver guesses who. If he is right, the one under the blanket becomes the driver. If he makes a mistake, he does the same with the other blanket.)

At: a blanket for each participant.

9. "Sleepy Man"(A large number of balloons are scattered on the floor. Players are chosen at will. After the presenter’s signal, to fast-paced music, each participant needs to take and hold as many balloons as possible. You can push the balloons under your jacket, if possible. But the balloons should not burst. The winner is the one who, at the end of the time, was able to hold the largest number of balls. You can give each player wide pants and a wide sweater so that the participants push the balls in. Again, the one who stuffs the most balls wins.)

At: very wide trousers and a jacket (the lower part of which has elastic) + 2 sets, inflated balloons.

10. “Catch the Unwanted”(The driver portrays the main Unwanted. He tries to catch other players. The one he catches must take his hand and actively help catch the others. Thus, the circle is constantly growing and strengthening. (You can catch with two hands that remain free. One part is considered the tail, the other is considered the head.)

11. “Cubic Fall”(We stretch the ribbon. We divide the children into two teams. Both teams must throw the dice to the opponent’s side.)

At: foam cubes.

12. “Sleepy creativity”(You will need white or plain pillowcases according to the number of guests and felt-tip pens. Along with felt-tip pens, you can offer templates cut out of cardboard for drawings: flowers, leaves, animals, etc.)

At: white pillowcases, permanent markers.

13. "Tickle Ticklers"(Children versus adults. To play, each participant puts socks on his feet, but only halfway, so that one part dangles and the other is put on his foot. The rules are simple: at the command of the leader, the players get down on all fours and try to take the socks off their opponent. The winner is The last player left with one or two socks comes out.)

At: socks for each participant.

14. “Funny photo shoot”

At: lips, mustaches, hats, glasses.

15. Dance to cheerful music with soap bubbles as a result.

16. Treats.

Publications on the topic:

On June 1st there was a holiday in our kindergarten dedicated to the Day child protection. We prepared for this holiday in advance: we had conversations with the children.

Last week, the children of our group were invited to the city children's library for a “Pirate Party”. Pirates are a favorite childhood theme.

Hello, dear colleagues and friends! There is probably no person in the world who does not wear jeans. Each of us will definitely have one.

Our kids love to have fun! And how much joy they bring them! After all, entertainment takes place in the form of competitions between groups.

Summary of the event "Pirate Party" Pirate Party. “Thunder you, whoever brought it!” “Mock up quickly, damn it!” "Thousand devils! Old man, we've been waiting for you!

New Year's scenario "Tricks of the forest evil spirits." Script for adult performers Characters 1. Father Frost - adult 2. Snow Maiden - adult 3. Christmas tree - adult 4. Kikimora - adult 5. Baba Yaga - adult Voice-over:.

Based on our kindergarten in the senior – preparatory group In January we held the Pajama Party entertainment.

Target: teach children to creatively use their motor experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers;
- introduce children to healthy image life;
- develop in children activity, desire to achieve success, endurance and perseverance;
- develop a sense of camaraderie, competition, the ability to empathize and support each other.

Preparatory stageThere was a notification to parents (a request to bring their children in pajamas on the appointed day, and to have a clean, light-colored pillowcase and a small convenient flashlight with them) and, of course, preparing the necessary attributes for games and competitions. A few days before the party, the following reminder was placed in the reception area:

On the appointed day, we prepared the hall (we moved mattresses, pillows and blankets into the hall), received the children in pajamas (and, by the way, the teachers and nanny also spent the whole day in pajamas), and our first task was to paint the brought pillowcases on the theme “My magical colors dreams." The guys gave full rein to their imagination; they could draw anything! This is what we got.

Then we all go to the hall.

Party progress:

Guys, we're having a pajama party today, and who knows what a party is? (That's right, this is when everyone is dancing, playing and having fun!) What does a pajama party mean? (Listen to the children's answers).

Let's play and have fun today! Let's start with the pajama fashion show. What is a "defile"? (Children's answers). And today we are all beautiful, we all have wonderful pajamas, but let us show them in all their glory!

Then they offered the children a number of fun games.

  1. “Pull off your sock.”

Each child pulls off one sock halfway, then everyone gets down on all fours and, at a signal, accompanied by cheerful music, tries to take these socks off each other. The winner is the one who took off the most socks.

  1. "Find a match."

And now the guys give me one sock at a time and close their eyes. At this time, I randomly lay out my socks around the room. At the signal, the guys need to find their pair of socks.

  1. "Before bedtime". Playing in teams.

Guys, tell me, what do we usually do in pajamas? We sleep correctly. What should you do before going to bed? (Listen to the children's answers). Now you will need to properly prepare for bed, crawl through the obstacle and take from the table only those items that you may need before going to bed and bring them to your team.

Items on the table: comb, markers, toothpaste, soap, notebook, cubes, toothpaste, machine, towel, etc.

  1. "Hide and seek."

Children hide under blankets, I go up to any child, touch the blanket and ask: “Who’s there?”, and the child answers with a grunt or meow. My task is to guess who is under the blanket.

  1. “Who can put on a pillowcase faster?”

We were just playing with blankets, but what else is needed for a sweet sleep? That's right, a pillow, only our pillows without pillowcases. But we made such beautiful pillowcases with you, let’s dress up our pillows!

This is a speed competition to see who can put on a pillowcase the fastest.

  1. " Day Night".

A well-known game is played, only when the word “day” is said, the children dance with pillows to the music, and when they hear: “night!” Everyone should quickly lie down on their mattress and place a pillow under their head.

  1. "Who's louder?"

The game begins when the children are a little tired, lie down and when asked “girls snore” only girls snore, and when asked “boys snore” only boys snore. Let's see who can snore louder. Then they fulfill the request “both girls and boys snore together.”

  1. "Pillow fight".

In pairs, the guys stand in a large hoop; the one who steps over the edge of the hoop loses the battle.

  1. "Merry lights"

We turn on the flashlights and draw various figures in the air (the lights are off, of course, and the windows are darkened), then we dance with the flashlights and blow bubbles.

The end of the holiday was watching a good Russian fairy tale “Morozko”. The guys enjoyed watching it, lying on the floor on their mattresses.

Then it was time for lunch, and after lunch we went to sleep in the same room, on our “beds”. And the children had magical dreams that day, because it was not for nothing that we painted the pillowcases with colorful dreams and went to sleep on them. What a wonderful day we had that the children were absolutely delighted with!