Good tales about guardian angels. Parables and tales about angels

Tale about an angel

Every time a kind, good child dies, an angel of God descends from heaven, takes the child in his arms and flies with him on his big wings to all his favorite places. Along the way they pick up a whole bouquet different colors and they take them with them to heaven, where they bloom even more magnificently than on earth. God presses all the flowers to his heart, and kisses the one flower that seems dearest to him; the flower then receives a voice and can join the choir of blessed spirits.

All this was told by God's angel to the deceased child, carrying him in his arms to heaven; the child listened to the angel as if through a dream. They flew over those places where the child played so often during his life, they flew over green gardens where many wonderful flowers grew.

- Which ones should we take with us to heaven? - asked the angel.

There was a beautiful, slender rose bush in the garden, but someone’s evil hand broke it, so that the branches, strewn with large, half-opened buds, almost completely withered and hung sadly.

- Poor bush! - said the child. - Let's take it so that it blooms again there in the sky.

The angel took the bush and kissed the child so hard that it slightly opened its eyes. Then they picked many more lush flowers, but besides them, they also took a modest golden flower and simple pansies.

- Well, now that’s enough! - said the child, but the angel shook his head and they flew on.

The night was quiet and bright; the whole city was asleep, they flew over one of the narrowest streets. Straw, ash and all sorts of rubbish were scattered on the pavement: shards, fragments of alabaster, rags, old hat bottoms, in a word, everything that had already served its purpose or had lost all appearance; the day before was just moving day.

And the angel pointed to a broken flower pot lying among this rubbish, from which a lump of earth fell out, all entwined with the roots of a large wildflower: the flower withered and was no longer good for anything, so it was thrown away.

- Let's take him with us! - said the angel. - I’ll tell you about this flower while we fly!

And the angel began to tell.

“In this narrow street, in a low basement, lived a poor sick boy. From the very early years he always lay in bed; when he felt well, he walked on crutches around his closet a couple of times back and forth, that’s all. Sometimes in the summer the sun would peek into the basement for half an hour; then the boy would sit in the sun and, holding his hands against the light, admire how the scarlet blood shone through his thin fingers; This kind of sitting in the sun replaced a walk for him. He knew about the rich spring harvest of the forests only because his neighbor’s son brought him the first blossoming beech branch in the spring; the boy held it above his head and was transported in his thoughts under the green beeches, where the sun was shining and the birds were singing. Once the neighbor’s son brought the boy some wild flowers, and there was one with roots among them; the boy planted it in a flower pot and placed it on the window near his crib. Apparently, a light hand planted the flower: it began to grow, put out new shoots, bloomed every year and became a whole garden for the boy, his little earthly treasure. The boy watered it, looked after it and made sure that not a single ray that just made its way into the closet passed it. The child lived and breathed his pet, because it bloomed, fragrant and beautiful for him alone. The boy turned to the flower even at that last minute, when the Lord God recalled him to himself... Now whole year like a boy with God; For a whole year, the flower stood, forgotten by everyone, on the window, withered, dried up and was thrown out into the street along with other rubbish. It was this poor, withered flower that we took with us: it brought much more joy than the most magnificent flower in the queen’s garden.

- How do you know all this? - asked the child.

- I know! - answered the angel. “After all, I myself was that poor cripple boy who walked on crutches!” I recognized my flower!

And the child opened his eyes wide, wide, peering into the lovely, joyful face of the angel. At that very moment they found themselves in heaven with God, where eternal joy and bliss reign. God pressed the dead child to his heart - and he grew wings, like other angels, and he flew hand in hand with them. God pressed all the flowers to his heart, but kissed only the poor, withered wildflower, and he added his voice to the choir of angels who surrounded God; some flew near him, others further away, others even further, and so on ad infinitum, but everyone was equally blissful. They all sang - both small and large, and a kind child who had just died, and a poor wild flower thrown onto the pavement along with rubbish and rubbish.

Video: Angel

Wednesday, January 05, 2011 17:46 + to quote book

An angel lived high in the sky...
Every morning he got up from a fluffy cloud and circled across the sky, enjoying the morning sun. He was the most carefree Angel in the world. In the mornings he washed himself with water from the clouds and basked in the warm rays of the sun. Behind his back were huge fluffy wings and in flight he resembled a giant bird...
The angel was still very young and terribly curious. He wanted to know everything in the world. One day, circling high above the ground, he saw people for the first time. People also noticed it and called it a bird. But the Angel was not a bird at all. He was almost the same as them - only a little cleaner and lighter, and he had wings on his back and could fly. People interested Angel.
One day he got too close to a village and fell to the ground. The angel stood and looked around in surprise, marveling at the culture alien to him and the strange objects surrounding him. He picked up a clay pot, but his hands were so clumsy that he accidentally dropped it and broke it... People heard the noise, ran and caught the Angel. He was put in a cage... The angel did not know that he could lose his freedom - all his life he saw only a clear blue sky. People didn't like what they didn't understand. They thought for a long time and finally decided that in order to become normal, the Angel only needed to cut off his wings. It seemed to them that by achieving external similarity, they would also achieve internal similarity. They took a sharp knife and cut off his wings.
The angel screamed and fought in fear in the cage, losing his last connection with heaven, blood oozing down his body. Soon he lost consciousness...
When he woke up, there were people standing around. The angel hardly opened his eyes and looked around. With a habitual gesture, he tried to spread his wings behind his back, but there was nothing behind him anymore... The angel really wanted to become like people. So people helped him realize this dream? Now he could live among people and became almost the same as them.
People accepted the Angel when he became like them. They taught him their language and craft. The world of people became his own world for him...
But no matter how interesting this world was, it lacked clear skies and soft white clouds sparkling in the sun’s rays. The angel yearned for heaven more and more. But alas, he no longer had wings.... The dream of flight and the sky became his obsession. Soon the Angel could only think about new wings.
At first he tried to copy the wings of birds, but nothing worked. The angel instantly got tired and could not fly even a few meters above the ground. Realizing that it was impossible to make a likeness of a bird, the Angel decided to tame real birds. He caught several dozen of the largest and strongest birds and tied himself to them with a strong rope. The birds soared up and dragged him along, carrying him higher and higher into the sky... Soon the earth and people seemed the same as when he first saw them - small and defenseless...
Suddenly the rope came untied and the birds rushed in different directions, leaving the Angel dangling between heaven and earth. He fell to the ground and broke...
A man walked nearby. He saw an Angel falling from heaven and thought that it was a sign from above... He went from city to city and told people about this miracle... Gradually, followers began to gather around the man, and soon his stories were overgrown with new details and facts. People now have religion and faith in something bright...
The place where the Angel fell became a shrine for people and every day thousands of pilgrims came there to pray... A chapel was erected at this place and everyone considered it their duty to light a candle for the health of their loved ones or for the repose of those who had passed on to another world... People forgot about their guilt, trying to make amends for it in prayers... There was only one person who said: “People, it was we ourselves who destroyed him. After all, it was we who cut off the Angel’s wings with our own hands, depriving him of his connection with heaven. So why? Are all these prayers in vain?
But they didn’t listen to him. People cherished the bright image of the Angel so much that they did not want to believe in their guilt. The man was called a heretic, defaming the bright name of the shrine, and burned at the stake...
When the flames engulfed his body, his soul appeared above the fire... It, like the Angel, had huge wings. Swinging them, she flew up - straight to the sun, straight to the sky - into a world where every morning the sun's rays illuminate the tops of the clouds and peace and silence reigns...
The angel was not a person - he was only a soul - pure and bright, loving people and seeking freedom.
And the soul - it will always return to heaven...

Wednesday, January 05, 2011 17:49 + to quote book

Below lay the city, covered with snow to the very roofs. Above lay a dark gloomy sky with sparse feathers of clouds. And above the sky an angel sat on a cloud and looked through the gray veil of the twilight sky at the city, covered with snow to the very roofs. The angel needed to go down, but he didn’t want to.
First of all, it's cold. Secondly, snow. Thirdly, people. And if the cold and snow could still be tolerated, then things turned out very badly with people, that is, it didn’t work out at all. The angel sighed and began to slowly descend. He was afraid of being noticed, so he made it snow heavily. But the wings quickly became wet and heavy, and instead of a majestic smooth flight, there was a quick and unpleasant fall. But still no one noticed him. When there is a snowstorm outside, people stay at home or hide in deep hoods. But they don't look at the sky.
The angel touched the ground with his feet and folded his wings behind his back. So he was almost no different from people. The air was fresh and not even very cold. The angel quickly caught the right scent and went to it. After all, night was approaching, and at this time even an angel cannot be sure of safety. The entrance smelled of black cats, a German shepherd, burnt pizza and freshly brewed coffee. The angel did not hesitate in front of the black door and did not press the elastic bell button. He simply entered the house. She was sitting in the kitchen and reading a book.
“Good evening,” said the angel. - I came for you.
She raised her eyebrows in surprise and offense and shook her head.
- Who are you? - she asked. - I do not know you. How did you get here?
“I entered the door,” answered the angel, still standing in front of her. She did not invite him to sit down, but all angels are proud of their upbringing. - You should know me. Maybe I just forgot. I'm an angel.
- Angel? - she asked incredulously, throwing away an unruly strand of snow-white color from her forehead. - There are no angels here.
“But I’m here,” he objected, turning slightly in profile so that she could see the wings.
- Wings? - She walked up to him and timidly extended her hand. - Are they real?
Angel sighed. He was a little tired, a little cold and wanted to drink coffee. But he didn’t want to show what real wings he had.
And then another person appeared in the kitchen. Man in black. The angel shuddered. He could never get used to the fact that here on Earth, anyone has the right to wear black, white, and gold.
- Who are you talking to, dear?
She spread her hands:
- Yes, with an angel.
The man looked at the angel with interest. The angel looked at the man with curiosity. Their gazes met. IN gray eyes all his feelings were reflected. IN blue eyes The angel's pale golden light trembled.
“Well,” the man said, looking away. “I believe you are an angel.” And you are stronger than me.
The angel was upset. Why did the man give up so quickly? Why did he even give up? Doesn't he really love her?
The man left, first from the kitchen, then from the apartment, then from the house. For a long time, the angel heard his nervous steps along the empty streets of the snowy city.
- Why did you send him away? - the woman exclaimed.
“He left on his own,” the angel objected. He didn't make excuses. He was just fair. - You saw it.
She covered her face with her hands and sobbed. Then again. Her shoulders shook. The angel put his hand on her head and whispered a few quiet words. She calmed down.
“He will return,” said the angel, “if you do not want to leave with me, he will definitely return.”
“And I don’t want to leave with you,” she whispered, wiping tears from her cheeks. “I don’t want to die, and I don’t want to leave with you, and I don’t believe in God.”
And then the angel was surprised.
-You don’t remember anything at all? - he asked, squatting down so that he could look into her eyes and read the answer in them.
- What... can I... remember? - she said with difficulty, gulping cold and completely tasteless coffee in between. And then the angel saw something that he had not noticed from the very beginning. She didn't have wings.
- Where... are your wings? - he asked in a whisper, holding back the indignant fluttering of his people.
- Wings? - She took off her shirt and turned her back to him. - I never had them.
The angel touched the thin skin between the shoulder blades with a cool palm and felt two thin threads of scars.
“Here,” said the angel, “here were the wings.”
“What are you doing,” she threw her shirt over her shoulders and turned around, “our cat jumped on me.” These are just scratches. And they are almost healed. Soon they will completely disappear.
“Yes,” the angel agreed. - Of course, these are just scratches. And they are almost healed. And you never had wings.
Backing away, he left the house, almost stepped on a fluffy black kitten and stood for a while under her window. And then he found a man in black, took him by the shoulder and said:
- Come back, you are stronger.
Triumph and joy flashed in the man’s eyes. But the angel was in no hurry to let go of his shoulder.
-You took her memory, but how did she give up her wings?
“They were in the way,” the man explained.
- How can wings get in the way?
“She’s a woman,” the man said, as if that explained everything.
But the angel did not understand. And the man got angry.
“The wings make it difficult to lie on her back,” the man explained, “and she has to lie on her back every night.” Understood?
But the stupid angel still didn’t understand anything. And the man said his last words:
- We love each other. We are having sex. And the wings prevented her from lying on her back. Do you understand now?
“Now I understand,” answered the angel. “She needed sex, and didn’t need wings.”
“Well done,” said the man, freeing himself from the angel’s hand. - You understood everything correctly.
“I know,” the angel bowed his head and shook a tear from his eyelashes. He didn't know how to cry, but the tears came on their own. “But I know something else: you don’t love each other.”
The angel spread his wings and took off from the Earth.
- Why? - the man shouted, raising his head to the sky. The angel was already high. But he lowered himself and whispered in the man’s ear:
- Because wings don’t interfere with love!
Snow began to fall, covering the man in black and the black roofs of the houses.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011 17:52 + to quote book

wax runs in a thin strip along a long curved candle. She smells like vanilla. I don't like vanilla. An angel sits on the windowsill and looks into the sky. He wants to go home, but I hold him. I keep it with my thoughts and attempts to be with the man I love. I make you fly everywhere and keep you from doing crazy things. He is tired and sighs blue pollen. I want to apologize, but this is his job... I ask the angel to find my beloved, but he refuses. And what's wrong with him, really?
The angel is crying. I didn't know this could happen. It turns out that he is crying with my tears. So, when I cry, is it really my angel who cries? Why do angels cry? Or for whom?
I crawl along the huge bed to the windowsill. I look at my angel's cute face. He is beautiful. I stroke his dark hair and take his hand. Curious, do all angels have such gentle hands? His brown eyes are filled with sorrow. Every teardrop is dark and shiny. They leave scratches on my cheeks. His face is bleeding. I'm scared that my torment makes him suffer. I cry with him, but the tears just can’t escape. I stroke his hand and kiss his scarlet lips. God, they're so cold. Does he really not feel anything?
“Angel, dear,” I say to myself, because he understands me without words, “don’t cry, please! I'm scared!"
He is silent. He probably doesn't have a voice. The blood from his cheeks drips onto my shirt. The shirt is as snow-white as his wings. The drops turn into graceful patterns and decorate my shirt with bloody color. Tears fall like shards from his eyes. They roll down it and fall loudly to the floor. My heart is racing like a driven horse. It's all so strange and beautiful. His pain, or rather my pain in him, gives birth to beauty.
“Please, calm down, I will always be with you!” - although what I say is that he will always have to look after me. But I look at him and I feel sorry for him, but he is a reflection of me! He doesn’t move, only tears scratch his cheeks, and I kiss his lips. Why did he freeze? What about him? Feathers fall from his wings, they fall on the black tears of the angel and become white mice. Mice crawl on sharp tears and scratch their bellies. Their fur turns red from their own blood. They squeal in horror. I squint, close my eyes, jump away from the angel and hide under the blanket. The squeaking stops.
I remove the blanket from my face and see an angel standing above me...
“He loves you,” the angel spoke.
This means they still have a voice.
- You told me in a dream that he doesn’t love me! - I look at the angel, holding my breath.
Illuminated by the moon with its wings spread, it is beautiful. He looks so much like a man, but there is something lofty, correct and cold about him. I would love him all my life, but he is an angel. But I am a human being, and even more so I love another...
“You will never be with him,” he says with a tremble in his voice.
The angel no longer cries, tears flow from my eyes. A veil obscures my eyes, I rub my face with my palms and drive away the loneliness that is already creeping up. An angel is crying for me?!
-Can I be with you? - I ask in the hope that at least my angel loves me as I love my chosen one.
“No,” the angel is cold and motionless, only his feathers flutter in the light breeze.
“Why?” I ask silently.
- Because people and angels cannot be together. You are too hot in your actions and emotions, and we are cold and calculating. We have no positive emotions, we are worried, only your fears, illnesses, troubles, pains, sorrows. We feel everything bad. It is our life. We take it all for ourselves, and leave the good things for you.
Angel sits on my bed and strokes my cheek. I clung to her, with the feeling of a mother holding a newborn in her arms for the first time. His wings are warm and soft. I crawl out from under the blanket and snuggle up to the angel. He covers me with his wings. We are silent, we feel each other, we are one.
- Why won't I be with him? Are you saying he loves me? - I'm starting again. But I speak quietly, so as not to frighten off the merging of souls, mine and his.
-I said that angels and people cannot be together! - he reassured me.
- I don't understand you…
- It's simple: I am your angel, and you are his! You are everything to him! You take away all his bad things, you give him real warmth and good fate. He understands this, but cannot appreciate it. He is afraid of. Afraid of you and afraid to change. He thinks he can be happy with what HAS BEEN.
My angel cried, he cries with my grief. I felt cold. My lips are red, I feel cold in my body, I press closer to him. It does not help. My hair is turning grey, or rather it is becoming white, completely white, like his wings. They have become long. My eyes are glazed over, but it’s like I can see myself from the outside. I feel nothing but fire on my lips. I feel something unnecessary in my body. It's getting hard for me. I get out of bed, the angel is silent. It's so hard for me... I'm falling...
...Leaning on my hands, I lift myself off the floor, but something pulls me down and hangs from behind my back. God, these are... WINGS...
I have wings! My body is soft pink. My lips are scarlet. My heart is cold...
... I’m sitting on the windowsill, and he’s sleeping. Finally, he sleeps. He works a lot. I feel pain. I sit motionless. I see his pain, the pain of loss. He lost... me. He cries in his sleep, or rather, tears scratch my cheeks. He was stupid, but it’s not for me to judge. He thought he would have time to do everything, but he didn’t. I became for him someone he doesn’t even know about. He doesn't believe in angels. And I will sit on the windowsill and watch his dreams. I will hide him from sorrows, illnesses, fears and troubles.
He will be with her! And I'm with him! But every night I will cry for myself for him!
Someone always becomes an angel to someone, but is it difficult to say about it right away?

Wednesday, January 05, 2011 17:55 + to quote book

The little angel sat on a cloud with his legs dangling. He watched the city, which seemed to him like an anthill. Suddenly, in the window of one house, he saw a familiar face.
“It’s her,” the angel thought and smoothly began to descend. His little feet had already touched the ground, he opened the entrance door and slid into the small crack. I went up to the ninth floor and found myself next to that very door.

With his small hand he touched the bell, and his piercing cry disturbed the silence. “Who’s there?” asked a once familiar voice.
-It's me, Angel.
-I don’t know any Angel. You've probably got the wrong apartment!
- No, I wasn’t mistaken! It's me, Angel... please open...
The door opened and the Angel saw HER. She was no longer the same... Tortured, pale, in an old robe... “Is it really you? What happened to you?!” exclaimed the Angel.
-Do we know each other??? This is the first time I've seen you. What you need? Why are you here?
The girl looked with dull eyes and did not understand anything.
-You do not remember anything?
-No. I'm very tired, and I advise you to get out of here quickly. Moreover, my husband will come soon. I think he won't be very happy to see strangers in his house. She sat down at the table and turned her back to the Angel. The angel came closer to her and timidly hugged her shoulders and pressed his small body against her back. “I’ll show you something now, promise that you’ll leave right away”... She took off her robe, and on her perfect body, on her peachy back, in the area of ​​her shoulder blades, there were two terrible scars... “Now go away” ....

The doorbell rang and she jumped. She quickly got up from her chair and ran to open the door. It was her husband. “Who else is this???” the husband muttered displeasedly. “He’s already leaving,” the girl looked sternly at Angel. “I’m hungry, I’ll come eat in 5 minutes,” said the husband. The girl hurried to the kitchen. “The door is over there,” the man pointed his finger at the door. “Get out!”

Tears appeared in Angel's big eyes.
-Where are HER Wings??? Where did you put her wings? She had huge white wings. Why did you cut them off??? “You ruined her!” Angel choked in tears.
-You see, we love each other... And accordingly we sleep together! Do you know how the wings interfered with this! It was uncomfortable for her to lie on her back, so I cut them off! Now everything is fine with us! We are happy!

The angel had already gone out into the street where it was snowing...
“And yet you don’t love each other!!! She will die with you...” the Angel shouted after him... The man ran out into the street, but the Angel was already high...
“WHY??? WHY DO YOU SAY THIS???” the man shouted, looking into the heavens.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011 17:58 + to quote book

I slowly walked along the colorful stripes of the rainbow, counting steps. I wonder how many more of them you need to do to get to the end? Some strange thoughts are creeping into my head, I thought, because today they had already ruined my mood - the elder angel entrusted me with some guy on earth. I never thought that I would have to do such boring work. It’s much more interesting to count clouds, catch raindrops, create fragile snowflakes, or at worst, just walk on a rainbow and count steps.
Brrr, why don’t you want to go downstairs? This thought alone makes me shiver, but this is my job, each of us has our own destiny, mine is to observe and help people and there is nothing you can do about it. And with them everything is as usual - gray and boring. They are all somehow strange: they do not notice the beautiful, but they manage to waste so much time on empty things, but at the same time they confidently consider them very important and necessary. Ugh, it's disgusting to watch. I don’t even want to think that I will be stuck in this hole for the next 70-80 years, for me this is, of course, not much, but I don’t want to waste even such a small amount of time. Eh, okay, I’ll count to the end and go down to the ground to look at the next storage item.
Three hundred fifty-seven million, three hundred fifty-eight million, three hundred fifty-eight million, three hundred fifty-nine million, three hundred sixty. Well, here I am on the ground, slowly walking along the river bank, and looking at the mountains. I got distracted, I have to fly to the city. Almost audibly, I took off from the ground and flew.
This is the house I need.
“One, two, three,” this seems to be the window I’m looking for. Slowly approaching him, I made my way inside. The dark blue curtains were drawn tightly, making the room dark.
“Hee-hee-hee, here my fun begins,” I muttered, opening the curtains so that a small ray of sun slowly crept into the room. He began to study his face joyfully and cheerfully in the morning. Brown hair shone the color of golden wheat, a straight nose, a strong chin and a gentle smile illuminated his face. I wonder what he's dreaming about since he smiles like that. Maybe the seashore, blue clouds or simple banal human things that they are delighted with.
I am far from an ideal angel, I thought and decided to start the game. Approaching the nightstand next to his bed, I just pressed one button on the round alarm clock, made in the shape globe. And the blue object began to make unpleasant sounds.
The guy stirred, his hand automatically turned off the alarm clock. Surprisingly, he did not continue to sleep, but, stretching sweetly, opened his eyes and smiled when he saw a ray of sunshine sneaking into the room.
I came across some strange specimen, usually, if I start making little jokes, no one likes it, everyone just gets angry and swears, but this one has a smile on his face. I was so confused that I simply stopped being angry, and did not notice how I myself began to smile. But the guy is quite nice and his smile is charming. While I was thinking about which ward had come under my wing, he had already managed to get up and head to the bathroom. With my eyes sparkling slyly, I followed him. Having perched myself at the entrance, I was able to study it more carefully: quite tall, with beautiful figure, straight greek god, descended from Olympus. But what am I talking about, these stupid people believed that there is a mountain on which all the Gods live, they don’t know anything at all, although they think that they will soon conquer the world. They are still far from achieving peace and perfection. All of them initially carry within themselves a piece of evil and flaw, without realizing it, they strive for the ideal, but will never achieve it.
Somehow I became unphilosophical and completely distracted. And at this time he carefully brushed his teeth. A pleasant surprise made me smile for the second time during my stay on earth; the color of the toothbrush, like the entire bathroom, was my favorite blue. It turns out that our tastes are somewhat similar.
Looking at the calendar hanging on the wall, I learned that today is a day off on earth. He was doing his usual things: doing homework, reading a book, talking on the phone, walking. And all this time I watched him with interest. It seems that before, all these human little things seemed so stupid to me, and when he did them, it was even funny to look at it all from the outside. Before I knew it, the first day of work came to an end. A black blanket of night slowly fell over the city, only small holes - stars - letting in light helped people not to go astray.
I sat on the windowsill and watched as the luminous points-windows on the other side of the house gradually went out. There are two small spots left, probably soon their owners will finish all their business and go to bed. Hearing the quiet snoring of my little man, I realized that I could go upstairs.
Pushing off from the window sill, I soared up and rushed, as it seemed to me, to the softest cloud. But in a split second they got ahead of me, and now some impudent angel was already sitting in my favorite place.
- Well, I didn’t understand something! “This is my place,” I exclaimed angrily.
“But it doesn’t seem to be named,” I heard in response.
Wow, this idiot has the nerve to be rude to me, but no, I won’t allow him to do that. Slowly flying up from behind, I pulled the edge of the cloud so that it fell head over heels from it, like from the steepest hill. After watching his manipulations in the air, I calmly sank into my seat and, smiling victoriously, began to clean my wings. The night flew by unnoticed. The stars dissolved in the predawn silence and the sun, stretching sweetly, spread its rays. This meant that the second day of my work had already begun.
I watched him from the side, and he, not noticing anything, continued to get ready for the university. I washed my face, did exercises, and prepared breakfast. In my haste, I almost forgot to take an umbrella when I left the house. And I moved the books, and they fell to the floor with a crash. Surprised, he went to see what had happened and noticed a forgotten umbrella. What would he do without me, thoughts flashed through my head.
I spent the whole day with him. I met many of his friends, acquaintances, teachers and fellow students. Some are quite interesting, but there are also some that are better not to even encounter. And none of them look like my boy.
A year of my work on earth flew by unnoticed. I went downstairs every morning to guard my little man. Sometimes, when he couldn’t sleep for a long time, I stayed with him overnight. Slowly lowering herself to the top of the closet opposite the bed, she watched him.
Without noticing it myself, I became very attached to him. Now I couldn’t imagine a day without my work. As soon as the first rays fell to the ground, I was already next to him, catching every moment. His smile, laughter, affectionate look, sadness in his eyes - all that without which I was very sad and missed. I loved playing with him, it always turned out so fun and funny. Probably, everything would have remained this way, but She appeared in his life - a kind of The Snow Queen- white, almost transparent skin, flaxen curls and a piercing cold gaze. I looked at her and couldn’t understand why she could interest him. I won’t argue, by earthly standards, she is very attractive. But what can this piece of ice give him other than cold?
“Nothing,” I answered my own question.
He just loved her. Love defies explanation, is not subject to laws, rules and theorems derived on earth. Although I know where it comes from. Just a playful cupid once again went hunting, and this time my boy became his prey.
Now my little man spent all his time free time with her. He gave her tenderness, a smile, warmed her with his warmth and protected her in every possible way.
I didn't like her at first sight. I was angry with her, with myself. Strange, this is the first time this has happened to me. You can't even imagine who her angel was. I didn’t believe it myself until I saw him wagging after her. Yes, it was exactly that impudent person who almost stole my place. Seeing this, I was doubly against the acquaintance of my boy and this ice crystal.
Every day thousands of needles of jealousy pierced my heart, and I could not do anything about it. I didn’t understand what was happening to me and I didn’t know how to fix it. At every opportunity, I tried to touch her, to open my little man’s eyes, but he did not see my warnings, Cupid’s arrow hit the target and I was unable to pull the tip of love out of his heart. I had to put up with this, but now more and more often I was looking for an opportunity to fly up: to sit on a cloud and think. Counting stars in Lately ceased to interest me, I looked at the intricate drawings in which they were folded. I looked in the sky for any little thing that resembled him. At first I thought that everything would pass, that it would come out of his heart as an ordinary hobby, but every day the hope for this melted away, like the March snow slowly but surely melts under the spring sun. Everything collapsed, shattered like fragile glass that day when she stayed overnight with him for the first time. I sat, biting my lip on the windowsill, heard their breathing quicken, and saw how their bodies connected into a single whole. Unable to withstand this test, I soared upward like an arrow. The sky suddenly became covered with large dark gray clouds, which, like menacing giants, covered the entire city. A moment later the first drops of rain were heard, the first sincere and pure tears of an angel fell. If you think that angels cannot feel, you are deeply mistaken. They are very tender and vulnerable, it is easy to offend them and destroy their immaculate soul.
And the rain outside the window kept coming and going. Slowly flowing from the roof in a thin stream, drumming on the glass and slowly flowing into huge puddles of sadness, the sadness of a small and helpless angel.
Quietly crying, I didn’t notice at all that the impudent angel had also left his charge and, as if nothing had happened, was cleaning his wings. Small drops of rain were running down my face, when suddenly something squeezed on the left side of my chest, and I felt a sharp, unbearable pain. Anxiety and fear shackled me like steel chains. Having overcome all this, I sharply rushed down to my boy. Having flown to the familiar window and seeing it, I understood where this pain came from. He sat on the bed and looked at Her in fear. She lay motionless, her usually transparent white skin became even whiter. Barely taking my eyes off the couple, I saw her guardian and dark angel. A thought flashed through my mind - this is the end. There will be no more interference, no more queens, my boy will remain only mine, I will always be with him. My head was buzzing from so many thoughts, my ears were all ringing... In this state, I accidentally caught his gaze. Pain, unbearable pain, the kind that slowly destroys everything around, filled him. I read fear and horror in her eyes - the horror of losing her. I don’t remember anything, I only know that the words “keep by any means” were hammering in my memory like a hammer. Memories will forever preserve this look, filled with horror, fear and sadness.
A second later the room was filled with people, all of them wearing white coats. All out of breath, they immediately began to perform some manipulations with her body, but I knew very well that they were unlikely to help her with this. I must act, otherwise it will be too late, flashed through my head.
In the blink of an eye, I flew up to the dark angel. I don’t remember exactly what I told him; only fragments of our conversation remain in my memory. He said:
- I'm sorry, it's not my fault that he couldn't save her. Now she must come with me.
- No, you can’t do that, you can’t!!! “What do you want in return,” I shouted with all my might.
“I don’t understand you,” he answered calmly and indifferently, “your man is alive and well, what else do you need?”
- Don't you see how bad he is? I want her to live! Do it, please,” I begged him.
-No, I can’t, I don’t have the right.
- What do you want? I will give you everything you ask, just fulfill my request,” I asked with my last strength.
- So be it, dear creature, I’m doing this only because I really liked you. But remember what you said, now you owe me.
“Okay, I’ll do whatever you ask,” I said with the last of my strength, lowering myself to my usual place—the top of the closet.
Coming to my senses, I noticed that people were also running and fussing over the motionless body.
“I did it, I did everything, now she will live,” I said triumphantly.
The girl in my boy's arms slowly opened her eyes. It was a miracle for people. They fussed even more. How naive they are, they don’t understand that their stupid and ridiculous actions have nothing to do with it; if a dark angel rises to earth, he will not leave without his victim.
What will happen next, I didn’t even ask this question, now it doesn’t matter, they will be together, they will be happy, my boy will be happy, and for me now this is the most important thing.
I looked from above at the flickering of people and for the first time I didn’t think about anything. All thoughts flew out of my head and flew away in flocks of birds. Later the girl was taken to the hospital, and my boy left with her. People diagnosed it as a heart attack. Now he cared twice as much about her and became an angel on earth for her.
Night gave way to day, and day to night. Everything was the same as before. At night I climbed to heaven to look at the earth from above. But one day I could not leave the earth. The girl felt bad, my boy did not leave her side for a minute, and I was with them all this time. I sat on the windowsill of the hospital room and watched the stars appear.
“Hello, angel,” I heard a creaky voice behind me, that day I didn’t even notice how unpleasant it was and hurt my ears, “I came to collect a favor.”
“Hello,” I answered, turning to face him, “I remember my duty very well.”
I knew that someday this had to happen. I wasn't surprised by his appearance, I just didn't think it would happen so soon.
- It’s good that you remember everything, there’s no need to remind you.
- What do you want from me? - I said looking at him indifferently.
- I liked you, brave angel, you don’t see someone like that very often. I decided to take you with me.
“With me,” I said slowly, syllable by syllable.
Having read the silent fear in my eyes and smiling maliciously, he replied:
- What did you think: the cost of living is high.
- I didn’t think anything, okay, it will be the way you want. Do I have time to say goodbye?
- Exactly five minutes, and then we will leave the earth.
I flew up to my boy. He gently hugged the sleeping girl. The last time I looked into his eyes, I read so much love and affection in them, calmness and serenity. My choice was made correctly. This look will remain in my memory forever. I will remember him as he is now. Let him be happy, and I will be doubly happy for this. With these thoughts, I flew up to the dark angel:
- I'm ready.
- Okay, let's fly. You still have a lot to do today. You need to have time to sign up for the account book, change your wings and cleanse your soul of all that is good...

Dedicated to everyone who makes their
small things, not big ones
awards, but because it’s necessary,
Low bow to you, good people.
And you too!

Once upon a time there lived a Little Angel who really wanted to be Big. Little Angel had small responsibilities, but he wanted Big Things. One day the Chief Angel saw him and asked:
- Why are you so sad?
“Yes, how can I not be sad,” the little angel answers, “everyone around me is doing big and important things, and some even perform heroic deeds, but they only trust me to carry out small tasks.”
- Do you think that you are not entrusted with important things, and this offends you? – the Chief Angel smiled.
- Of course it offends! – a tear glistened in the eyes of the little angel. - Here is the list of my errands for today, isn’t this Work?!!! – the kid handed over a piece of paper on which it was clearly written when and what the little angel should do today. If you think that angels just flutter around the sky and sing songs, then you are deeply mistaken! Everything, absolutely all angels are busy with Business, it’s just that each one has their own.
- What are you dissatisfied with? – after reading the list, asked the Chief Angel?
- And I’m not happy with the fact that my deeds are invisible and invisible, whether I did them or not! My older brother does this, everyone praises him, congratulates him, says what a great guy he is, how much it means to the whole world - tears of resentment rolled down one after another, no matter how hard the angel tried to restrain them, they did not listen to him, and dripped, dripped from his beautiful blue eyes.
“Don’t cry, my dear,” the Chief Angel began to console the angel, and gently stroked the light curls on the angel’s head. “I think I know how to help you.”
- Is it true? – the angel immediately stopped crying, the tears dried up, as if they had never existed. - How will you help me? Will you give me a big, big task? – joyful hope appeared in the angel’s eyes.
- Not really. We will go along the road of your affairs and tasks. I give you permission not to do them today. Let's just see, and if they really aren't important, I'll free you from them forever.
- Forever? – the little angel was happy.
“If you don’t change your mind, and you want it yourself,” the Chief Angel said very seriously.
- I want it, however I want it! - the little angel said confidently. - How can I change my mind?
“You know, anything can happen in life,” and smiling mysteriously, he took the little angel’s hand. – But remember, if three times you have the desire to leave everything as it is, I will not be able to help you. Did you fly?
- I am sure that I will not have such a desire! Let's fly! - and they went towards the Earth, where the angel had to work every day.
They quickly reached the ground, which was beautiful that morning. The sun was just opening its rays, and dewdrops glittered like transparent beads on the leaves and grass. The birds loudly greeted the new day, and the angel froze for a moment to listen to the young nightingale.
- This nightingale has a great future, it would be nice to hear it next summer! Oh! – the little angel looked at the main angel in fear – is this considered a wish?
- It is considered, baby, and this is a very good wish. I’m glad that there is a place for beauty in your soul, I’m glad that you can distinguish real talent among hundreds of ordinary bird voices. But the day has not yet come to an end, and we agreed to follow your path until the evening, so what do we have on the list?
The list said: make the green traffic light stay on three seconds longer.
- What kind of task is this? it’s a couple of trifles to complete! – the little angel was indignant.
- So that's it, I forbid you to carry out this task. Let's see what happens. – The Little and Main Angel stopped at the crossroads, people walked past them, and no one was surprised, because no one saw them. True, the smallest children saw them very well and smiled, and some waved their arms and laughed loudly. The angels also waved back to them. Then the light turned green, a huge crowd of people hurried along the pedestrian crossing to the other side of the street. The very last one was an old woman with two heavy bags, she was in a hurry as best she could, but the younger and faster ones pushed her away and overtook her. The yellow light had already turned on, and the old woman had just reached the middle of the road. She sighed and decided to quickly run before the red light turned on. The drivers honked their horns impatiently, the cars roared as if they were hurrying an old lady.
“I’m now, now, dear, I’m already...” the old lady said, there were only three steps left, suddenly one of the drivers could not stand it and pressed the gas, the old lady got scared, her legs gave way and she fell right at the side of the highway, someone ran over to help her up. They lifted the old woman, but the bags remained lying on the road, and everything that was in them rolled under the wheels of the roaring cars and turned into mush. Before the eyes of Angels and people, and the unfortunate old woman, apples, bread, cabbage, beets and carrots were smeared like puree. And the milk from the broken bottle spread across the gray asphalt.
- What am I going to feed Murzik now? - the old woman wailed, more sad about the little kitten that the neighbor's children had given her than about herself.
The little angel felt ashamed, because the old lady did not have just three seconds, the very ones that were mentioned in the task.
“And the old lady spent all the money she had, and she hoped not to go to the store for a whole week,” the Chief Angel said quietly. Let's go further. What's on your list? Next on the list was to slam the window, and it was necessary to hurry to the appointed time. The angels flew away from the scene, but the little angel was still wondering what the old woman and her little kitten would eat all these days.
- What can be done for them? – he asked the Chief Angel.
-You could have extended the green light at the traffic light for three seconds, and the old lady would have had time to cross the road. – The Chief Angel answered very calmly. The little angel wanted to answer something, but they had already flown up to the house, where a window opened on the seventh floor due to a strong gust of wind.
- Well, we’ve arrived, let’s wait and see what happens next. “They sat down on the branch of a tree that grew opposite the house. The tree was old, high, the angels could clearly see what was happening in the apartment with the open window.
A huge gray cat jumped onto the table where there was a cage with a parrot, and began to walk around and around, trying to stick his paw in and catch the parrot with red cheeks. The parrot was rushing around in a panic and screaming as if calling for help. The cat slowly began to move the cage towards the edge of the table with its nose, and finally the cage fell to the floor with a roar, the door opened, and the parrot flew out. Having made several circles under the ceiling of the room, the parrot sat down on the window sash. At that same time, the door to the room opened, and a boy of about five ran in, he was in pajamas, and there was still a mark from the pillow on his cheek, his dark hair stuck out in a funny way. The kid saw that the parrot was flying away, took a chair and ran to the open window. The parrot fluttered, but did not fly away, but sat down on the ledge and began to look around and clean its feathers. Meanwhile, the kid put up a chair and was about to climb onto the windowsill to get the parrot, but he kept chasing it:
- Senya, Senka, come here! Come to me! Go home, Senya! Senechka!
Another second, and the boy could have fallen out of the window, but... The little angel realized this earlier, he flew to the seventh floor, blew softly on Senya, so that he was carried back into the house. The angel slammed the window forcefully so that it could not open again. The boy’s mother came to the sound of a slamming window, he turned to her and began joyfully telling how he saved Senya. The angels did not hear his words; they could have already guessed everything.
- Why didn’t you continue to observe? – asked the Chief Angel, and looked carefully at the little angel
“Because I understand...” the angel said quietly.
- What did you understand?
“I realized that small things can also be very important, even if no one notices them,” said the little angel, looking into the eyes of the Chief Angel.
- You understood everything correctly.
“Can I fly and carry out my assignments,” the little angel asked the Chief, “Today I have a lot of important little things to do!”
- Fly, baby, fly, - The main angel waved after the angel - Great Things await you!

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Every time a kind, good child dies, an angel of God descends from heaven, takes the child in his arms and flies with him on his big wings to all his favorite places. Along the way, they pick up a whole bouquet of different flowers and take them with them to heaven, where they bloom even more magnificently than on earth. God presses all the flowers to his heart, and kisses the one flower that seems dearest to him; the flower then receives a voice and can join the choir of blessed spirits.

All this was told by God's angel to the dead child, carrying him in his arms to heaven; the child listened to the angel as if through a dream. They flew over those places where the child played so often during his life, they flew over green gardens where many wonderful flowers grew.

- Which ones should we take with us to heaven? - asked the angel.

There was a beautiful, slender rose bush in the garden, but someone’s evil hand broke it, so that the branches, strewn with large, half-opened buds, almost completely withered and hung sadly.

- Poor bush! - said the child. - Let's take it so that it blooms again there in the sky.

The angel took the bush and kissed the child so hard that it slightly opened its eyes. Then they picked many more lush flowers, but besides them, they also took a modest golden flower and simple pansies.

- Well, now that’s enough! - said the child, but the angel shook his head and they flew on.

The night was quiet and bright; the whole city was asleep, they flew over one of the narrowest streets. Straw, ash and all sorts of rubbish were scattered on the pavement: shards, fragments of alabaster, rags, old hat bottoms, in a word, everything that had already served its purpose or had lost all appearance; the day before was just moving day.

And the angel pointed to a broken flower pot lying among this rubbish, from which a lump of earth fell out, all entwined with the roots of a large wildflower: the flower withered and was no longer good for anything, so it was thrown away.

- Let's take him with us! - said the angel. “I’ll tell you about this flower while we’re flying!”

And the angel began to tell.

“In this narrow street, in a low basement, lived a poor sick boy. From his earliest years he was always lying in bed; when he felt well, he walked around his closet on crutches a couple of times back and forth, that’s all. Sometimes in the summer the sun would peek into the basement for half an hour; then the boy would sit in the sun and, holding his hands against the light, admire how the scarlet blood shone through his thin fingers; This kind of sitting in the sun replaced a walk for him. He knew about the rich spring harvest of the forests only because his neighbor’s son brought him the first blossoming beech branch in the spring; the boy held it above his head and was transported in his thoughts under the green beeches, where the sun was shining and the birds were singing. Once the neighbor’s son brought the boy some wild flowers, and there was one with roots among them; the boy planted it in a flower pot and placed it on the window near his crib. Apparently, a light hand planted the flower: it began to grow, put out new shoots, bloomed every year and became a whole garden for the boy, his little earthly treasure. The boy watered it, looked after it and made sure that not a single ray that just made its way into the closet passed it. The child lived and breathed his pet, because it bloomed, fragrant and looked pretty for him alone. The boy turned to the flower even at that last minute when God was calling him back to him... For a whole year now, the boy has been with God; For a whole year, the flower stood, forgotten by everyone, on the window, withered, dried up and was thrown out into the street along with other rubbish. It was this poor, withered flower that we took with us: it brought much more joy than the most magnificent flower in the queen’s garden.

- How do you know all this? - asked the child.

- I know! - answered the angel. - After all, I myself was that poor cripple boy who walked on crutches! I recognized my flower!

And the child opened his eyes wide, wide, peering into the lovely, joyful face of the angel. At that very moment they found themselves in heaven with God, where eternal joy and bliss reign. God pressed the dead child to his heart - and he grew wings, like other angels, and he flew hand in hand with them. God pressed all the flowers to his heart, but kissed only the poor, withered wildflower, and he added his voice to the choir of angels who surrounded God; some flew near him, others further away, others even further, and so on ad infinitum, but everyone was equally blissful. They all sang - both small and large, and a kind child who had just died, and a poor wild flower thrown onto the pavement along with rubbish and rubbish.


(Ten Commandments for Children)

The boy got lost. He realized this, desperately looking around, clearly realizing that his mother was not nearby, he was alone in this huge city, with people running somewhere, dirty puddles in which the sky was reflected, making the sky seem not blue at all, but gray and frightening, with monster clouds and a very dim, unsmiling sun. The boy was small, he was just beginning to talk, clearly pronouncing only a few words, those that he often needed to communicate with his mom and dad. So he was afraid louder than his heart. He had been scared before, either from his father’s stern eyes, or from a friend who swung at him, or simply from the darkness before going to bed. But he had never been as scared as he was now.

He could have screamed, cried, someone would have paid attention to him, but the boy was even more afraid of strangers than of his city loneliness, about whom his mother more than once told terrible things and forbade him to communicate with unfamiliar uncles and aunts. He looked around and unexpectedly decided that he would just sit on a bench in the garden until his mother, who was definitely already looking for him, finally found him.

The boy chose the bench, which seemed the brightest in the spring garden, because the gloomy sun, bypassing its attention to the large trees and low bushes waking up after winter, the sad swings without children, the dying snowdrifts brown from dirty snow, gathered into its fist all the warmth that was still there. so little after a long winter warmed the green bench under the old maple tree. The bench was light, it seemed like a warm and smiling pink smile, and the boy suddenly felt that it was on this bench that a large sunny hare was lying curled up.

The boy sat down on the bench and, stroking the sunny hare, feeling the warmth of the greenery of the wooden board, he began to wait patiently.

Do not be afraid of anything. - Suddenly the boy heard a confident and calm voice. He looked around and saw next to him a blond boy, very similar to him, dressed in unusually white clothes. They were so white that the boy thought it was snowing.

Who are you? - the boy asked, surprising himself, since just a minute ago, he almost couldn’t speak.

“Don’t be surprised,” said the new acquaintance, “now you are speaking not with words, but with your heart, I hear you well and understand you, my heart hears you.” I am your Guardian Angel and I have been with you for a long time, since your birth. I keep you from unexpected adventures. Always.

So it's true! - the boy was happy, - It’s true that angels exist! Great! And what is your name?

They don't call me anything. A name to call, address, but you don’t need to call me, I’m always with you. If you want to talk to me, just say: “My guardian angel.”

Mom told me that there is a God, and I think so myself, I just know very little about him and don’t understand much. Have you seen God? What is he like?

Listen, baby. Do you see the world around you? Do you see this coming spring, the slowly melting snow, the snake streams, the falling blue of the sky, so that sometimes you feel dizzy, this big old maple tree that has survived many winters and springs, the sun that is becoming warmer and gentler day by day? Do you feel the warmth of the green bench, the breeze kissing the top of your head, the salty taste of your tears? Do you know that summer will come soon, then autumn will come, you will grow up, you will have your own children, then grandchildren? All this is life, the world in which we live, existence. All this was created by God, in all this we see him, his love for us and all living things on earth, for all human details.

So does this mean that God created everything, everything, everything? And me too?

The best creation of God, the crown of his creation, is man, that is, you too, baby.

And my mother said that there are bad people in the world. Are they also God's creations?

Even the most bad person- child of God, his son. There are naughty children, you yourself are sometimes capricious and do not listen to your mother. God also loves disobedient children and really waits for them to improve. But the joy of disobedience is short-lived, and immortal life with God is endless. Therefore, God's disobedient children will suffer after death.

What is death? - the boy asked the angel.

Death is immortality. God made man from dust, breathing into him his spirit with his power and love. When human body dies, it turns to dust again, and the spirit returns to its father - God. When your house, your life on this earth is destroyed, then you will live in the house of God. And you will live the way you deserved it through your earthly deeds and actions.

While your mother is looking for you, I will tell you a few fairy tales about God so that you can feel the wings that have not yet appeared behind your back, the Angel suggested.

I, the Lord your God, may you have no other Gods besides Me.

Once upon a time there lived a cheerful Sailor. He sailed for a long time, the sailors say “walked”, on a large and strong ship. The Sailor saw many different seas, countries, and people in these countries. The countries were different - hot and cold, good and evil, small and big, sad and joyful. And people in these countries lived differently, they had different clothes, houses, skin color, customs, traditions and beliefs.

One day the Sailor arrived in a country whose inhabitants, gathering together, circled in multi-colored outfits around a large stone pillar on which someone's face was carved. They raised their hands to the sky, sang songs in an unknown language and fell to their knees. The sailor was good guy, he never offended people and always rejoiced at meeting new peoples that were still unfamiliar to him. Therefore, the Sailor never came to a new country without gifts. And now he has arrived with a large bag of sweets to give to the new tribe. People were delighted with the Sailor's delicacies, and in response to his gift, they gave him the same pillar, only a small one, telling him that this pillar was the God of the tribe. If you also pray to him, as these people do, then the Sailor will be saved from all the troubles and misfortunes of the traveler. The Sailor took the small gifted God and set off further on his mighty ship.

Residents of another country told him that sailors traveling through harsh seas and oceans need to pray to the Sea God. Then this Sea God will protect the Sailor from sea misfortunes.

The people of the third country explained to the Sailor that there is not and cannot be any God in their country, because they do everything themselves, which is what they advise him to do. The main thing, they said, is that you have a strong ship and strong hands - you won’t be lost.

But the day came when the sky fell into the sea, the wind ceased to be wind and turned into a hurricane. The waves, like large tongues, tried to lick the Sailor's ship, and it seemed that the ocean was about to swallow the traveler along with the ship. Fear engulfed the Sailor with huge black wings, the fear was so strong that the man could not breathe, and his heart turned into a piece of ice.

The Sailor remembered the inhabitants of the third country, their words about human power, and decided that he could cope with the violence of the angry ocean himself. But the weak hands of man could not hold the sails blown by the wind. The sails broke and flew into the sea.

Then the Sailor thought about the inhabitants of the second country and about the Sea God, whom these inhabitants worshiped. He began to earnestly pray to him, asking him for protection and help in his distress. But the Sailor’s cry remained unanswered; all he heard was the rumble of thunder, the roar of the waves, and saw bright flashes of lightning. The ship's mast broke and was licked by the waves.

Then the Sailor grabbed the small stone God, fell to his knees and began to pray to him for his salvation. But the stone God looked at him indifferently until the next wave washed the Sailor himself overboard.

The god went to the bottom, and the Sailor suddenly realized that there are no other gods except the One God, and everything that happens to us, everything that is around us, everything is from the One God - the waves opening their screaming mouths, the restless salty sea, the thundering clouds , stones, his ship, himself, dying in the depths of the sea, and that’s all. And then he left the Sailor's heart terrible cold, great love for God melted the icy heart. With the last of his strength, the Sailor turned to God with Prayer and Faith for his salvation. His prayer was so sincere, and his Faith was strong, that at that very moment the storm stopped, the kind eyes of the stars appeared in the sky, the water became warm, and the Sailor’s heart was calm and happy. Because what he was most glad about was not his salvation, but the fact that his soul now knew that there is no God except the One True One. And Faith in God placed Hope and Love in his heart.

So, the Sailor was saved because he believed? - asked the boy.

God loved the Sailor before. God just wanted to save his soul, which without Faith would have perished forever,” the Angel smiled.

And if the sky turned blue, does it mean that God is in a good mood, Guardian Angel? - the boy asked another question.

Whatever the sky, gloomy or joyfully blue, whatever the day, whatever this day brings, bright joys or foggy sorrows, God always loves us. He knows that we love him and remember him in joy and sorrow.

Do you want to hear another fairy tale?

You shall not make for yourself an idol or any image of anything in heaven above, or on the earth below, or in the waters under the earth; do not worship or serve them .

The father had three sons - the Elder, the Middle and the Younger. And although their father and mother were the same, as often happens, the sons were completely different from each other.

The eldest was tall and handsome, smart and lucky. He achieved a lot in life and valued himself above all else. He loved himself very much. What to do here? He thought that the most important things in life were money, health, and strength. Nobody could argue with him. The eldest son was very stubborn.

He wasn't average in height, and he wasn't smart either. But he was lucky in life, luck was always next to him, as if he carried it with him in a backpack. And Medium believed that the whole point was that he had a magic picture. In that picture, the old grandfather is drawn, a stern grandfather, unsmiling, his eyes are narrowed, his beard is long, his clothes are rich. As the average person needs something, let him kiss the picture, whisper different words, bow to him. He often succeeded, so he thought that this grandfather in the world was the most important, and important one. So he loved this grandfather with all his soul.

The youngest son was not at all handsome; he had a quiet, calm character. He did not succeed in everything in life, and if he did not succeed, then he waited for a bright and transparent day, went into an open field and asked the fickle wind and the hot sun for his desire, complained to them about fate, asked for a better fate.

These are difficult times. The grain failed and the war began. What should sons do? The eldest relies on himself, the middle one sits with a picture, the youngest sits in a field to the pure sun and prays to the wind.

There will always be another force for strength. The Elder's enemies took him prisoner, tied him with ropes, and threw him into prison.

The picture did not help the Average one. Hungry children are sitting, shedding tears, asking for bread.

The sun disappeared, the wind changed, became cold, the rain fell on the ground like a wall. Junior has caught a cold, he is lying hot, he feels bad, all of Junior’s bones hurt.

The brothers’ father did not cry, did not murmur, but kept repeating: “Everything is God’s will.” The eldest of the family believed in only the One God, loved him, prayed to him, without asking for anything, thanked him for every day he lived. The man believed that God would not leave his sons in trouble.

God heard the father’s prayers and returned his foolish sons.

“You are my unreasonable sons,” said the father. - There are no powers except the One God, everything around was created by Him. You are his sons. The sun, the wind, the grass, the road and the stars are his creations, everything that we see and feel, all of this is God. He needs to love and pray, honor and thank, wait and believe, hope and serve. You can worship the starry flowers, the emerald grass, and the stone pillar, because he alone created all this, he has all this under his control, all this reminds us of the One God. The radiance of the stars, the strength of the stone, the warmth of the stove, the beating of the heart - the One True God who loves you.

So, did the father teach his sons not to believe in the power of anyone other than God? - the Boy thought.

“And there is no other power, neither human, nor material, nor natural,” answered the Angel. - You need to understand this, baby. Understand and believe.

How can you reach God? Should I shout loudly? - asked the Boy.

God always hears you, don’t try to shout louder, you can just turn to him in your thoughts, always remember him,” said the Angel.

Are you tired, my friend? Shall we continue our conversation?

“That you are an Angel,” the boy answered. - Tell me more.

Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

The Merchant was successful and rich. He had a lot of different goods in his shop. There are multi-colored silks and openwork laces, bright ribbons and airy muslin. The Merchant's trade was going well. The merchant decided that God was helping him, and since he was helping, he made it a custom that as soon as a buyer entered the shop, the Merchant immediately said to himself: “Lord, help me sell!” It seemed to him that his invented saying seemed to be working. He grew richer day by day. And in the spring I decided to go to a neighboring city and take my goods for sale. He loaded the cart full and said to himself, “Lord, help me sell!” and set off on a long journey.

The Merchant is driving along the spring road, looking around and enjoying life. A black Officer meets him on a horse. Handsome, proud, the uniform on him, although the road is long, not a speck of dust, not a speck.

The two travelers talked and decided to have dinner together in the evening. The fire was lit hot, some fragrant tea was boiled, and conversations began. The merchant is all about his trade, and the Officer is all about his military valor, about heroic battles. The officer boasted, boasted, take it and say: “I swear to God, I have never lost a battle!”

As soon as the Officer said this, the tramp of horses was heard, and fierce robbers jumped out of the forest. These were unkind people, they offended travelers. Here it is now. They plundered the Merchant's property, took the Officer's horse, and fortunately did not kill anyone.

The Merchant and the Officer were left in an open field without money, food or their clothes, beaten, sitting, grieving. Then the Old Man came out of the forest. Gray-haired, straight back, blue eyes. He approached the poor fellows, listened to their story, they told him their whole lives to this day. The Old Man shook his head:

You people are sinful,” he says. - One person mentions the name of God inappropriately, another swears by it. So the Lord turned away from you and did not protect you from adversity. Too often you turned to him for trifles. You must speak with God alone, in sincere prayer, in a heartfelt conversation, turn to him, the sacred name of God evokes awe in every sinful creature on our earth, and you insult the Lord with your thoughtless lips. Serves you right, empty talkers.

The Old Man turned around and went back into the forest.

And the Merchant and the Officer were left alone on the road, asking God for forgiveness.

Did you understand, boy, this commandment? The name of God is sacred; it cannot be used in empty conversations, various jokes, or unworthy oaths.

Got it, Angel. - the boy answered. - I will even think about God and his beautiful name with love and respect. I just don’t know if I can do that.

Of course you can. All good people they think and act well.

Six days you shall work and do all your work, but the seventh is a day of rest, which you shall dedicate to the Lord your God.

Once upon a time there was a good one, clever man. His work was interesting, he liked it very much, let’s say he worked as a car mechanic, repairing cars - trucks and cars, complex and not so complex, old and new, red and white, all sorts of different ones. He had a lot of friends, he loved them all, that’s why they loved him, they came to him whenever they had a free moment, and it was usually on weekends. Therefore, the person had very little time, but many plans. The person planned to do many good things in life for others. And I wanted to write fairy tales, and to bestow my care and attention on orphans, and to help the elderly with something, and to pray for the sick. But he didn’t even have enough time to go to church once a week. Either there is not enough time, or strength. So all his plans remained just plans, things put off until “someday.” Days passed after days, weeks after weeks, and good man So I lived in an eternal bustle - work on weekdays, friends on weekends.

And then one day this man fell ill. He got so sick that he couldn’t work, and he couldn’t spend weekends with friends either. All he could do was lie in bed. Lie down and think.

His soul was full of some kind of poison, blind, weak-willed and helpless. It would ring in the night blooming like a gray flower with the high sound of a violin, so plaintively, piercingly, blurring into the pearly distance, in which you are lost somewhere.

The man thought honestly about his life and realized that the Lord God gave him this illness, out of love for him, caring for his soul, not bad at all, but very busy. So busy that there was very little room left for God in her. So the Lord God made a man stop in his daily run, remember about God and turn to him, talk to him for all the missed Sundays. God stopped the running of time for man, so that this man could finally do his good deeds.

And the melancholy of man reached the peak of my tenderness and love for God. The man thanked God for the opportunity given to him and for understanding this opportunity. The man dedicated all the days spent in his hospital bed to God. He promised that as soon as he recovered, he would begin to carry out his good plans, and would never again miss a single Sunday to communicate with God.

The man was sincere, God saw it, he forgave the man and the man recovered.

“And I often talk to God,” said the boy, “how do I know if he has enough time to talk to me or not?”

One day a week must be dedicated to God, boy, this is Sunday, in honor of the Resurrection of Christ. Of course, you can talk to God whenever you want, but never forget about Sunday,” the Angel explained.

And sometimes on a summer night, bright, bright stars burn in the sky, and it’s so quiet that you can hear a grasshopper chirping in your grandmother’s garden. He's probably green and bored. The leaves on the apple tree froze, as if they were listening to the silence and song of a grasshopper, and I wanted to cry. What is this, Angel? - asked the kid.

This is your conversation with God. This is Love.

And Angel also shed a tear. He probably remembered his conversations with God.

Honor your father and mother, may you be blessed on earth and have long life.

The young man was young and passionate, and precisely because he was young, he considered himself very smart, experienced, and understood everything in life. He was irritated by the advice of uneducated old people and parental instructions. “They don’t understand anything in life!” thought the young man and did everything his own way. He did not yet know that parental love is much greater than any knowledge.

So the young man left home; he wanted to live without advice and instructions. He wandered around different countries, worked, fought, vanity circled around, beckoned, made him forget everything, and never once remembered his parents.

And then one day the young man was wounded by his enemies, seriously wounded, and the young man lost a lot of blood. He lies under a tree, delirious, in pain and distress. And he calls in his feverish delirium: “Mom! Mom-ah!” Because, like a person in grief and trouble, even if he simply stumbles on the street, his mother immediately remembers. And from afar, a mother’s heart feels the misfortune of her child. The mother sent the father to her son; her heart trembled at her son’s misfortune.

The father found the young man under a tree, and even though he was already old, he dragged him home. It was hard for the old man, but he knew that he himself would die along the way, but would not abandon his son.

The son's parents came out. And here new trouble- they slandered the young man, saying that he abandoned his comrades on the battlefield and fled in cowardice. The young man is escorted by angry, angry soldiers, the whole village points a finger at the young man, spits at him, throws stones. Suddenly the meadow cornflowers fell at his feet, blue-blue like the sky, on this dirty and dusty road they lay like a stream of spilled sun, a bright spot giving hope. It was his mother, believing and not believing the slander, who knew that she loved him and would always love him, no matter what her son was, so she threw flowers at his feet so that the young man would know this and remember his mother’s love. There is no tenderer and more enduring love than parental love, given by the Lord God to all his children. This love is always there, like your empty palm, like tired daylight, like the sun rejoicing today in the near spring, like a night pierced by the arrow of longing of forgotten parents.

What is tenderness? - asked the boy.

Ooo! This is love to the seventh heaven, if in a childish way. - answered the Angel, - this is love with tears of happiness and tenderness, the love that the Lord himself gives us.

Is there more or less love? I am often asked, who do I love more, mom or dad?

There is no quantity in love. “Either there is love or there is not,” the Angel said sternly.

Thou shalt not kill.

The girl fell in love for the first time. For the first time, she wanted to sing all the time, look at the clouds, stroke the white lazy cat, deeply breathe in the autumn air, listen to the endless whisper of falling leaves and rejoice, rejoice, rejoice. She loved this world so much! She even liked the bad weather. She was happy.

But, unfortunately, our love is not always reciprocated. It happens that someone loves, but he is not at all. That's what happened to the girl. Her chosen one did not like her and told her about it. He said it badly, rudely, harshly.

The girl’s soul collapsed and flew like a stone after such words. The world has changed, it has become completely different - alien, cold, unnecessary. She was suddenly alone, settled in the winter night, surrendering to its blackness, and she herself became the same, suffering louder than her heart. Making her way through the snow that night, the girl froze, and she became unbearably sad.

The girl put on her favorite dress, the color of ripe wheat, and went to the river, deciding that she had no reason to live now, let the river take her into its cold waters. The beauty came to the shore and looked around: the river was noisy, dark, you couldn’t see the bottom, your head was spinning just looking at it. Only heaven knows the limits of our strength.

The girl looked at the river, and suddenly, she became scared, she realized that she wanted to deprive herself of life, the precious property of God. The life that God gave her as a huge gift, and which she has no right to dispose of like that. The girl prayed to God that the Lord would enlighten her, and the world became beautiful for her again, because it was colored by the love for God, enduring, eternal, beautiful. The girl's gloomy heart melted from this love.

But you can’t just kill yourself, you can’t kill others too?! - the boy looked questioningly at Angel.

Without a doubt, dear, the life of each of us is God's property. I just want to warn you that murders are not only obvious. - The angel took the boy’s hand in his palm. - Anyone who hates a person and wishes him death is called a murderer. Anyone through whom temptation comes is also a murderer. But you, honey, you definitely won’t be like that, you have a pure soul that knows how to love.

Don't commit adultery.

(don't betray love)

One day two people looked into each other's eyes, and the world became different for them.

The sun shone only for the two of them, the trees rustled with joy with them and bowed only to the two of them, the grass whispered their names and spread a silk carpet only under their feet, the birds played hide and seek with them and, invisible to the eye, trilled only for them two. Joy and happiness picked them up and rocked them like babies.

Two people fell in love with each other. They fell in love so much that they decided never to part again and to become husband and wife before God and people, they made a promise to live together all their lives and share both joys and sorrows together.

The wife ran the household, the husband did everything to ensure that this household did not know worries and problems. They had children. The children loved their parents, the children's parents and each other.

Everything always happens “one day.” And then one day the husband left home for a neighboring town, on business, apparently to the market. He walked around the city, looked around, looked at new places, and suddenly he saw a beautiful woman, so beautiful that it took his breath away. The husband forgot about his beloved wife, about how he called her his only and betrothed, and went, without looking back, for the beauty.

So the husband began to visit this city to meet the beauty. But there will always be evil tongues of unkind people. They told his wife that there was another woman and that her husband was visiting her.

The sun darkened for the wife, the trees froze, a leaf did not move, the grass was covered with cold dew, like a tear, the crows croaked. And the poor heart loving woman couldn't stand it and stopped.

This is the price of betraying a family sanctified and blessed by the Lord God.

“I will never betray my family, my mom and dad,” the child said.

Of course,” the Angel agreed, “but someday you will have your own family, your beloved woman, your wife.” Remember now: a wife is alone for life. Love her and be faithful to her.

I will definitely grow up!!

Don't steal.

The tramp was sitting under the old bridge and dying of hunger. He drank cold river water, wrapped himself in an old matting and began to think about his short life. He had parents, a shoemaker father and a weaver mother, brothers and sisters, a wife and children. Where is all this now? Why is he sitting alone under the old bridge?

When he was a boy, the first time he stole apples was from a neighbor's orchard. The apples were unripe, sour and smelled of rotten leaves, but they seemed tasty to him because they were foreign. The next day his mother fell ill. He really wanted to help his mother, so he stole a wallet from the market, wanting to please his mother with gingerbread. But the next day the mother died.

This went on all my life. A man stole something, and immediately something very important and dear left his life. So he lost his family and ended up in this damp hole, in the cold and hunger.

An old woman passed by and handed the tramp a piece of bread. He grabbed the bread, and, suddenly thinking, broke off half and gave this half to the birds. The man did this for the first time in his life. For the first time in his life, he shared his with someone else. The birds chirped joyfully and rushed to the bread crumbs.

And then a strange and good event happened. The captain of the ship walking by called the tramp to be a sailor on his ship.

The girl was bragging and lying all the time. She herself wanted to be the way she was in her stories: beautiful, brave, cheerful. At first she knew she was lying, but over time she began to believe what she was making up.

And one day a new girl came to the class where the girl was studying. The new girl was modest, obedient and extraordinarily beautiful. The students immediately fell in love with the new girl, invited her to play, the boys protected her from strangers, the girls wore bright ribbons for her, and the teachers praised her when she answered at the blackboard.

The girl got angry, she spent so much effort to be the best in the class, and then this new girl suddenly, just like that, won the love of her classmates. And the girl decided to go against the truth again. She said all sorts of nasty things about the new girl so that the guys would stop loving her.

But nothing worked out for the lying girl. They didn’t want dirty words to stick to the new girl, everyone still loved her, but they stopped being friends with the girl altogether, no one likes evil people.

Never sin against the truth, son,” said the Angel. - Don't lie to yourself or others. The truth will always come out. God will reveal it.

“Honestly, I won’t,” the boy promised.

Man will have to give an answer to God for every word he says. And doubly for an “honest” word,” answered the Angel.

Don't covet anything that belongs to others.

I would need to tell you another fairy tale,” the Angel bowed his head thoughtfully, “but I don’t know at all what it will be.”

If you remember this fairy tale, then it will be easier to understand all the others and easier to fulfill all the other commandments. Because our desire is the root and beginning of action, the source of our bad deeds.

Once upon a time there lived an Artist. With his multi-colored paints, he painted beautiful pictures that contained everything that the Artist saw and how he felt. The world in the artist’s paintings was beautiful. The sun was shining so much that people, looking at the picture, began to smile, enjoying the sunny day. The sea seemed alive, many listened, trying to hear the splash of its waves. The people in the paintings were so kind that it seemed like they were about to extend their hand and say, “You are my best friend!”

The artist walked around the world and gave away his paintings, bringing joy and love to people. He knew that there was no better artist in the world than him.

One day the Artist came to a distant city where he had never been before. He wandered through unfamiliar streets, looked around and suddenly saw the Master, who, like him, was standing on the street with an easel and painting a picture.

The Artist approached the Master and looked at his work. The Artist saw that the Master’s work was better than his. The Master's painting was beautiful. It seemed like everything in it was like the Artist himself, but the sky was deeper, the sun was more vibrant, the people were happier, and I wanted to pick up the painting itself, look at it for a long, long time, and then never give it to anyone. The Artist realized that he was not the best in the world, that the Master was more talented than him.

Black envy settled in the Artist’s soul; he wanted the Master to disappear from the face of the earth, so that the Master would go blind and never be able to paint again, so that it would happen that the Artist would again be the only one in the world, only his paintings would be needed by people. And at that moment, when the Artist wished all sorts of misfortunes in his soul for the Master, his soul became different, his soul changed. Instead of a transparent, fresh source of goodness and love, his soul turned into a black clot of hatred and malice.

So from that day on, the Artist stopped being an artist, because he could no longer paint his beautiful pictures, create with his radiant brush the outlandish mirages that had previously reflected his bright eyes. Whatever the Artist painted, everything turned out ugly, disgusting, such that no one I didn’t even want to look at the picture a second time. There was a snowy steel emptiness in the paintings, and only the scented wind would either whisper, or stroke, remind of the missing talent.

God took away his gift of drawing. Talent is given only to happy people. And happy people cannot be angry, greedy, or envious. They are happy with their love for the world, God, their heart is open to everyone, merciful and huge.

Did God deprive the Artist of his talent just because he wished bad things to another person? - asked the Boy.

You see, child, when you wish bad things for your neighbor, and in this world we are all neighbors, a seed of evil falls in your heart and begins to grow, filling with itself all the good that was in your soul. Just as a weed destroys beautiful flowers, so the evil in your soul destroys the love that God has given you. And then your arms and legs, your body, listening to the orders of the grown evil, begin to do disgusting things.

Should we be content with what God has given us and not desire the things of others?

Smart kid! And also thank God for what he has given us.

The angel hugged the boy:

Our conversation was long, I hope that it was not in vain that we sat in this park, chatted, talked. Remember, baby, these simple truths, which are so difficult to observe if there is no God in your soul, and which are so easy to fulfill if God, and therefore Love, is in your soul.

We won't see you again. You'll grow up, but I can only talk to children. But you know, wherever you are, whatever you do, I am always with you. I will protect you from human evil, from absurd accidents, from you, the stupid one. But you yourself take care of yourself and your divine soul, the only one in the world.

The angel kissed the Boy and disappeared. And at that very moment the Boy saw his mother running towards him and smiling happily.