When is your wife's birthday? Eugenia's name day. Name days according to the Orthodox calendar

It is impossible to talk about his life without talking about the lives of a whole host of sufferers for the faith of Christ who lived in the 4th century in the city of Chersonese. It was at this time that the episcopal see was founded here. And to preach the Gospel teaching, Patriarch Hermon of Jerusalem sent two bishops to these lands: Ephraim and Basil. They went to the people and converted many pagans to Christianity, for which they were executed as martyrs. Having learned about this, three of their associates stayed in Chersonesus, among them Bishop Eugene (the other two were Elpidius and Agathodorus). They worked to tell people about the light given by the Savior. The pagans hated the servants of God, for which they stoned them to death.

It is worth especially noting that thanks to the feat of the Chersonese martyrs, the faith in this city was very strongly strengthened among the residents. From the beginning of the 5th century, Chersonesos became the center of spiritual life. It was in Chersonesos in 987 that Prince Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles, received Holy Baptism.

"noble" (in Greek), in some sources - "one who will change the fate of the family." Evgenia has a strong character and is always confident in herself. Even being balanced and good-natured, she often simply burns with the sternness of her gaze. Evgenia always warmly welcomes guests, is friendly, efficient, will surprise you with beautiful table settings and is very delicious dishes. Zhenya is frugal and doesn’t waste money. She doesn’t like to throw away old things, she constantly thinks that she might need them.

She is very well read, has high level intelligence, she is interested in art, she has good taste. With age, she becomes very stubborn and touchy: the slightest objection is enough, and this stubborn woman may already be offended. She gets irritated even over trifles, and often provokes conflict herself. It is because of this that Evgenia usually has problems in her family life.

The children simply adore their mother Evgenia, but at the same time they are a little afraid of her because of her excessive severity.

Astrology named after Eugene

  • Eugenia's talisman stone is Jade.
  • The planet under whose auspices Eugenia was born is Mars.
  • Guardian angels: Evgenia Rimskaya (Evgenia’s name day - January 6).
  • Colors that will bring good luck to Zhenya: blue, green and white.

What are name days and when are they celebrated?

Name day is a holiday that is mentioned in Christianity, Orthodoxy and Catholicism. They are also called Angel Day. This is the day when they honor the saint whose name the child was christened. Angel Day can fall once a year, or maybe several times. If it is not known when a person’s name day is, or saints with this name are not mentioned, then the patron saint should be considered the saint who is revered on the person’s birthday or on Forty Saints Day, March 22.

Believing it or not is an individual decision for everyone. But the name given to a person at birth can play a huge role in his fate. Each name has a specific meaning and can tell you a lot about a person. Therefore, it is best to name a child in honor of the saint whose name day falls on this day. Then they say that a guardian angel is always with a person, and his life will turn out in the best way.

Angel Eugenia Day

Name day for Evgenia church calendar primarily meet on the day before Christmas. And if we remember that in some interpretations the name Evgenia means “the one who will change the fate of the family,” then we can assume that all Eugenes are special. Perhaps even close to God. And their fate is special. They may be endowed with some kind of gift. Eugenia's Day, name day, or angel's day, all Zhenyas celebrate January 6th.

The Legend of Saint Eugenia

According to legend, Eugenia’s name day according to the church calendar began to be celebrated at the time when Christmas began to be celebrated. But first things first. Saint Eugenia was born back in 183 in Rome.

Her father was the emperor's viceroy, his name was Philip. Evgeniya was smart, beautiful, got a good education. The only thing that haunted her parents was that she avoided marriage.

Evgenia became very interested in reading the holy writings of the Apostle Paul, and the desire to become a Christian flared up in her heart with a bright flame. The desire to devote herself to the Lord was so strong that when Evgenia turned 16 years old, she dressed in men's clothing and, accompanied by two slaves, left her parents' house.

Pretending to be a man, she went to the monastery to Abbot Elliy and asked him to baptize her and bless her, since she wanted to live the life of a monk and serve God with faith and truth. The saint understood who she was, but went ahead with it and christened her with the male name Eugene. Her slaves were baptized along with her. After this, all three were tonsured into monasticism. The Lord was so pleased with Eugenia’s deeds that He rewarded her with the gift of healing.

People began to come to Evgenia for healing, she helped everyone. The devil did not like this, and with the help of the sick widow Melania, he slandered Evgenia. Eugenia had to appear before the court of the ruler Philip - her own father.

Phillip recognized the convict as his own, long-mourned daughter and acquitted her, accusing Melania of slander. Soon Philip was elected bishop. But not for long - he was killed.

The orphaned Eugenia continued her good deeds, and it so happened that an orphaned Roman woman from the royal family, Vasilla, wanted to be baptized. The girl received baptism from Evgenia. Vasilla's groom became embittered and complained to the emperor about Eugene as a Christian, who preached celibacy, since Vasilla refused to marry. Everything didn't go the way we wanted.

Vasilla was executed for her refusal. They decided to sacrifice Evgenia. When the girl was taken to the temple of Diana, where the sacrifice was to take place, the temple was destroyed. Evgenia was accused of witchcraft and thrown into a deep river with a stone around her neck. But a miracle happened: the rope came undone. Evgenia survived.

She was executed on December 25, 262. A few years later, Eugenia’s name day began to be celebrated on this day. But later this date became significant in religion as the Nativity of Christ.

The veneration of Eugenia's memory was moved to the day before Christmas - December 24. According to the new style, Eugenia’s name day is celebrated on January 6. Her remains were kept in Rome for a long time in the Church of the Holy Apostles.

Beautiful male name, which sounds courageous and reliable, is all about Evgeniy. The success and vitality of the so-named man are given by patrons who are revered on certain days.

Name days according to the church calendar

There are not so many patron saints among men, but they provide big influence for a man's life. This is especially true for the martyrs Eugene of Damascus (October 8), Caesarea (December 23) and Sebaste (December 26). Evgenia’s name day is celebrated on the following days:

  • February 3, 18, 24;
  • March 4 and 20;
  • August 3rd;
  • October 8;
  • 20 November;
  • December 7, 23 and 26.

Characteristics of the name Evgeniy

The origin of scolding goes back to ancient Greece. In this language there is a word “eugenes”, which is translated as “noble”. This word is key in defining Zhenya’s character. This is both gentle and strong, a reliable name that does not lose its popularity, despite some simplicity.

Zhenya does not have strong energy; he is calm and balanced. He is never in a hurry and even walks at a leisurely pace. This does not bother him, although it often infuriates those around him. In general, Eugene does not get along with people very well, does not get along with them.

This is not to say that he is always silent and quiet. In some situations, he may raise his voice and quickly become irritated. But most often his aggression does not result in screams, but in ironic and caustic remarks. But he still doesn’t like to argue. If he is not affected, he himself will never enter into a conflict, much less resolve it by force. However, most often his character maintains a balance between calm and hyperactivity.

Zhenya is not a knight who is ready to perform feats around the clock. However, sometimes he can do something heroic, and it can be an impulsive impulse, an impromptu, which even the man himself did not expect from himself.

Personal life and career

The soul is what is important for Zhenya in a woman. It takes him a long time to choose his companion. If he tied the knot, he will be a good family man. Rarely gets into quarrels and conflicts with his other half. He easily cedes the rights of the head of the family; this issue does not bother him. Loves children and willingly spends time with them.

Zhenya has a technical mindset, he is drawn to technology, exact sciences, wires, and diagrams. He is quite hardworking and promising in his work if he is interested in it and likes it. Sometimes he gives in to impulse and takes risks that are not always justified and can lead to problems. It is difficult to endure obstacles and difficulties; because of them, depression in mood is often observed.

The name is Evgeniy, whose Angel Day falls on different days year, is beautiful and popular among Russian people. If you name your son this, don’t forget to look at the calendar to see when the child has a name day.

Celebration tradition

In Rus', the day of the Human Angel has always been celebrated on a special scale. The whole family prepared for this event in advance: baked pies, brewed mead, and made gifts. In the evening, the birthday boy went to church for confession, and in the morning, if possible, he took communion, always venerated the icon of his divine patron, placed candles in front of it and other images of saints, and then went home. All his relatives were already waiting for him there. Godparents, friends, acquaintances were invited to the festive table - everyone who knew and loved the hero of the occasion.

Saints officially recognized Orthodox Church, more than two thousand. People often don’t know when to answer their Angel Day, because many of God’s saints have the same names. In this case, it is necessary to remember that there is always one patron, and he may have several days of remembrance. For example, the discovery of relics, the day of glorification, etc. may be celebrated. You need to be guided by the date of your birthday and look for a saint of God whose memory stands next to or after this event. Thus, Eugene, whose Angel Day occurs many times a year, should know exactly when the church celebrates the memory of his saint.

How is Angel Day related to choosing a name for a child?

Believers try to give the child a name at baptism that is in the Orthodox calendar. In Rus', this ritual was performed on the eighth day from the birth of the baby. He could have received the name in honor of the saint whose memory the church honors on the day of the child’s baptism. In another case, the parents have already chosen a heavenly patron for their baby, and God’s saint will not necessarily be remembered on this day. The celebration of the saint may be, for example, in a month. Let's say little Eugene, whose Angel Day, judging by the number of saints of God, can be almost all year round, will definitely not be deprived of a heavenly patron.

Of course, nowadays young parents can give any name they like to their child (sometimes it is not even in the calendar). Children are named after grandparents, close relatives and best friends. However, now Orthodox Old Russian names are just coming into fashion, which are given to babies in honor of saints so that they have strong patrons. The name Eugene, whose Angel Day occurs in almost every month of the year (according to the number of saints), is also quite popular in our time.

Origin of the name and its characteristics

Many people always try to celebrate the day of the Angel name. Eugene is translated from Greek as “noble”. Since childhood, the boy has been distinguished by his hard work, but if an obstacle arises in his way, he may get scared and not finish what he started. Already an adult young man is often helped out by his innate stubbornness and desire to achieve his goal at any cost. Growing up, Evgeniy becomes a pleasant and good-natured person. His excessive ardor can inspire others to do something, and he is often a talented organizer. His intuition is excellent.

Sometimes Zhenya is very picky towards others, but this can be explained by the fact that he is demanding of himself. He will have no equal in science and technology, but it is difficult for Evgeniy to concentrate his attention on one thing for a long time. He likes the feeling of adrenaline in his blood, so Zhenya often takes risks without thinking about the consequences. He has an easy-going disposition. This is what Eugene is all about, whose Angel Day can serve as an excellent occasion for friendly gatherings with friends. Zhenya easily falls in love and looks for care and warmth in women rather than external beauty. Evgeniy rarely gets involved in conflicts and mostly prefers to maintain peace in the family. Little children love him.

Celebration dates

When does Angela Eugene celebrate his day, what date? In fact, there are many saints with this name. Let's list some of them:

  • Eugene of Trebizond was martyred for Christ
  • Eugene of Vifinsky is one of the venerables
  • Eugene of Antioch (Moorish) was a presbyter and is a hieromartyr
  • Eugene of Chersonesus was in the rank of bishop, also a martyr (March 20).
  • Evgeniy Melitinsky died as a martyr (November 20).
  • Eugene of Sebaste was a warrior; he was tortured during the persecution of Christians (December 26).

Thus, parents can give the child the name Eugene, which falls mainly in autumn and winter.

Evgenia is not like the others, she seems to live in her own imaginary world and is far from reality. She is comfortable being alone with herself. Zhenya can spend hours doing useless things, simply because she wants to. He studies well, strives for new knowledge, and shows interest in everything.

Adult Evgenia loses her childish lightness and becomes capricious, stubborn, quarrelsome and prone to offense. You can’t joke with her like before, she takes everything personally and gets offended for a long time. Also, some conflict appears in her character. For her, creating a conflict is a matter of just a few minutes. She chooses a man who is calm and reserved. Such a man will be able to compensate for her restlessness and emotionality.

Fate: A woman with this name is passionate, with a wonderful imagination and is completely unfamiliar with the concept of self-restraint. Usually a woman with this name has good intelligence and excellent artistic taste.

Angel Eugenia Day

From the ancient Greek language - noble, sacrificing (sacrificing herself). It is possible that this is a Slavic version of the Greek name Iphigenia - in Greek mythology daughters of King Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. Evgeniya (Zhenya, in Poles - Genya) has been religious since childhood, that is, she is interested in stories about the other world, about saints, about Jesus Christ, etc.

It is interesting that she does not have any mystical fear or special admiration for them. Zhenya treats them as ordinary people who live a different life, in a different, real world for them (and for her). And this world is interesting to her.

Evgenia can invent her own stories about them, make this or that saint the hero of her fairy tales own world, in which he helps people, in particular herself, and she helps him. Zhenya will carry this attitude towards religion, especially trusting, throughout his life. However, this will not stop her from being keenly interested real life- what is happening on the street, on the river, who lives in a hole under an oak tree, etc.

She is always bruised, scratched, with skinned knees - she also likes to climb trees from above because she can see better and farther. The main problem in the morning is how to escape from home, and for the whole day. At school, Zhenya studies well - almost an excellent student (in any subjects). She goes in for sports, dancing, in the drama club - and everywhere she needs to be ahead of the “locomotive smoke”.

In her youth, oddly enough, Zhenya is often shy. It seems to her that her legs are longer (or shorter) than everyone else's. She doesn't know what to do with her hands, which are still covered in scratches. Despite the fact that she reads a lot, she sometimes finds it difficult to express her thoughts accurately. But this happens only during the transition period. At 18-19 years old, Zhenya is on the rise again - she goes in for sports (parachute, rowing, sailing, cycling), there is a crowd of fans around her who are afraid that she will fall, crash, drown, etc. Evgenia is not always happy in her marriage. Often the husband tries to curb her nature and calm her down. If such “taming” occurs carefully, gradually, and most importantly – without irritation and noise, then everything will be fine. Otherwise, family breakdown is inevitable.

The most favorable period of life for Evgenia begins at 35 years old. At this time, she is a confident, elegant (even with a modest wardrobe), moderately sensible, moderately eccentric (for charm) woman. She can make a good specialist, of any profile. She achieves good success when she is engaged in what she loves, for example, medicine, advocacy, art history, journalism, agronomy, animal husbandry (some Evgenias are very fond of animals).

You can always safely rely on her. Evgenia will not let you down, she will not deceive you - her innate, as mentioned above, internal religiosity, which is based on strict observance of the Ten Commandments, will not allow her to do this.

Evgeniya Name Day according to the Church Calendar

  • January 6 – Evgenia Rimskaya, prmts., virgin. [who labored in male form]
  • January 18 – Evgenia (Domozhirova), MC. /newmuch./
  • August 1 – Eugenia of Serbia, princess
  • September 12 – Eugenia of Serbia, princess