Do-it-yourself raised flowerbed from scrap materials. Do-it-yourself flower beds from scrap materials. Photos and ideas. Tire flowerbed

In the endless sea of ​​garden greenery, the eye looks for bright spots of color. An elegant flowerbed lifts the mood, pacifies, and sets the style and atmosphere of the country house ensemble. You just need to find the optimal type of flower bed for a particular area and figure out how to arrange it correctly.

Types of flower beds

Landscape designers have been working on a variety of flower beds and flower beds for centuries. The following types are most often used to place flowering plants:

  • geometric - with a regular contour and a clear pattern of flowers;
  • natural - free, sometimes deliberately careless, as if taken directly from the forest or from a mountain slope;
  • raised - with high decorative fencing;
  • monoflowers - occupied by only one type of plant;
  • multi-tiered - placed in containers that are stacked one on top of the other;
  • vertical - located on the wall or in a pipe with holes placed at the end.

On large flat areas, create carpet flower beds from ground covers of the same height. And around a tree trunk you can break it.

How to make an attractive flowerbed

In order for the flowerbed to look harmonious, several important rules must be followed when arranging it.

Combine plants by size, leaf shape, flower color. The best combinations are contrasting, for example, velvety gray ragwort and sunny tagetes.

Avoid excessive variegation. Three or four types of plants in one flowerbed are quite enough.

Provide for plant growth. In order for the pattern of the flower garden to be maintained throughout the season, you will have to periodically trim excess shoots.

Maintain tiers. Place tall plants in the center of the flowerbed or in the background, and the shortest ones at the edges.

The pinnacle of flowerbed design is the creation of a continuously blooming composition of perennials. It consists of several seasonal groups that smoothly replace each other.

Classic low flowerbed - step-by-step instructions

All flower beds are different, but in their creation there are several identical steps, on which the durability and beauty of the structure depends. First of all, choose a suitable place: well-lit, drained, ventilated.

Taking into account personal preferences and the general design of the garden, a sketch of the planned flower garden is drawn. It records the size of plants, their color and flowering time.

At the second stage, the flowerbed is marked out. Round - using a rope and two pegs. To mark a flower bed of a more complex shape, use a rubber hose, which is laid out on the ground along the contour of the future flower bed, secured with pegs.

The existing soil is removed to a depth of 20-25 cm. If there are mice, mole crickets and malicious weeds (wheatgrass, sow thistle, horsetail) on the site, geotextiles are placed at the bottom of the resulting excavation. In areas with heavy soils, sand or gravel drainage with a layer of 5-7 cm is placed on top of the geotextile.

Fertile soil is placed on the drainage. The simplest option is to mix the excavated soil with mature compost, as well as phosphorus-potassium fertilizer at the rate of 20-25 g per square meter. m.

The flowerbed looks better if its edges are raised above the ground. And so that they do not crumble, they are held in place by a fence made of stone, brick, and willow wicker. The last step is planting flowers and them.

This is a general plan for creating a flowerbed at your dacha with your own hands. Based on it, you can make a flower garden of any shape, adding relief elements, a small conifer, or a ceramic garden figure.

What can a flowerbed fencing be made from?

Raised flower beds occupy a special place: they are not trampled by children and pets, and caring for them does not require bending your back. For such flower beds, craftsmen have come up with dozens of options for beautiful fencing made from different materials:

  • wood in all forms: boards, beams, logs, picket fences, bamboo, even slabs and sleepers;
  • forged metal, ondulin and corrugated sheeting;
  • construction and decorative bricks;
  • stone: limestone, slate, sandstone;
  • glass and PET bottles;
  • plastic.

Stylish fencing is made from large shells, old plates of different sizes, and gramophone records. An interesting idea is to place a flower bed on the top plane of the gabion.

How to turn an old tire into a flowerbed

Worn-out tires are a free and almost eternal alternative to portable ceramic flowerpots. There are two main ways to make beautiful flower beds out of them with your own hands - such as in the photo.

The easiest way is to lay the tire on the ground and cut off the top side with a jigsaw. It turns out to be a capacious rubber container. It is painted with acrylic, allowed to dry thoroughly, then drainage and fertile soil are placed inside and flowers are planted.

From several tires of different diameters you can build a multi-tiered flower bed.

For a more sophisticated piece, you will need a whole wheel with a disk. On the side, mark a cutting line with chalk - smooth or with petals. A closed incision is made.

The most difficult thing is to turn the wheel inside out; this operation is best done together. As a result, you get a tall flowerpot on a leg. It can be effectively painted to resemble marble, giving the garden a touch of baroque.

Creating original flower beds

Tired of flower circles and star flower beds? Making a flower river. It will require a plot sown with simple cereal grass, preferably on a slight slope. In the upper part, we lay the old jug on its side and lightly dig it into the ground. Starting from the neck of the jug, we plant low flowers down in a winding line.

If the household has a hopelessly broken wheelbarrow or a child has grown out of a toy car, they can easily be turned into containers for flowers. Petunias and nasturtiums will look especially good in them. Items for such flower beds can be very different, from rubber boots and an umbrella to a piano and a bed.

A flowerbed in the form of a flower column will emerge from the piece. The mesh is rolled into a cylinder and secured with wire. The inside of the cylinder is lined with agrofibre, then dug into the ground in the right place. The column is filled with earth, cross-shaped cuts are made in the agrofibre at different levels, in which flower seedlings are placed. Hanging types that completely cover the mesh are desirable.

Under the wall of the house, on a fairly rough table, you can place pots with different flowers and birdhouses with gable roofs. If you paint with imagination, you will get a flower garden-town. Its special charm is that replacing or rearranging elements instantly changes appearance of this doll town.

For a florist, creating a flower bed is akin to writing poetry. Expressing his vision of the beautiful and harmonious in flower beds, he shows the world masterpieces of gardening art. And often this requires not so much material investments as imagination, common sense and ingenuity.

Photos of ideas for garden flower beds made from scrap materials

Question answer

I do not have the opportunity to make a border for a flower bed from metal or stone. Only concrete. But it's boring and ugly. What can you recommend?

Yes, concrete itself is boring. But it can be inlaid with improvised materials. Fill the curb with concrete and, before it hardens, press beautiful pebbles, shells, and fragments of colorful bottles into it. You can also take dense textured leaves: maple, oak, fern - and press them in between to make imprints.

I want to make a flowerbed out of an old tire at my dacha. I found a drawing - a big round fish. I heard there are difficulties with processing tires. Tell me which one is better to take so as not to bother for a long time?

If you have a choice, then choose a winter one, imported and, moreover, the most worn one. The winter one is easier to turn out - you will bend the fins and tail of the fish. Imported ones are easier to cut. Also look at the cord material. If the word “Steel” is present in the tire marking, the cord is metal, it will be difficult to cut.

I tried cutting a tire for a flower bed with a grinder. The stench, the fumes, my wife ordered to keep it all out of sight. I took a jigsaw and it got stuck. Are there other ways to deal with rubber?

Of course have. Add grease to the jigsaw file, and if there is none, dilute a strong solution of laundry soap. The jigsaw will go like clockwork! You can cut with a shoe knife - it will take longer, but there will be no rubber dust.

Ask your question

We always, everywhere strive to surround ourselves with beauty. Flowers themselves are a decoration for our dachas and garden plots. I even want to make my garden beautiful! An interesting frame - the design of flower beds and flower beds only emphasizes this beauty. We will not now consider those cases when a certified landscape design specialist has a hand in the design of the site. Let's look at how you can creatively design flower beds and flower beds with your own hands from scrap materials, photos will be attached below.

Using your imagination and, sometimes, things completely incompatible with the floral theme, you can not only decorate your site, but also give it individuality. Flower beds add completeness to flower plantings and also perform a protective function. Thus, the roots of ground cover plants are restrained by the sides of a kind of fence and do not spread across the site. In addition, flower beds act as barriers for curious pets who are not averse to frolicking in your flower garden. Even a chipped jug, sawn log or used car tires can be used as an option for new ones. design solutions. Let's look at some creative techniques used by summer gardeners.

Tires or car tires are ready-made small flower beds that are painted in the desired color and then installed out of the blue. Fertile soil is poured inside the tires and flowers are planted. You can also figuratively cut out the top of the tire or even give it an intricate shape.

In general, tires represent a vast field of activity for a creative gardener: they are hung on a fence (for hanging plants), installed on top of each other (for vertical gardening), and stylized to resemble various figures.

You can give an old bike too new life, having previously updated it with paint. Boxes and containers with soil are installed or hung on the trunk, frame, seat, even on the pedals, in which flowers will then grow. In this case, the main thing is to securely secure the bicycle and its moving parts. Usually a metal pin is used, which is buried in the ground, and then a former mobile vehicle is tied or welded to it.
This mobile flower bed looks very unusual, while saving space. You can also lean the bike against the fence and tie it well.

It will be interesting to look at a garden wheelbarrow in the form of a flower bed. It is better to first sand and renew an old metal structure with spray paint; a wooden one will look good on its own. The wheelbarrow elements can be partially buried in the ground to give it stability.

Old chairs with or without seats can act as stands for small containers with flowers. Such a flowerbed can be moved anywhere or installed permanently, with the legs partially dug into the ground.

A long-lasting option is a flower bed made of stones. Cobblestones, bricks, and ordinary stones are used. Such flower beds can be multi-tiered.

You can also create fences for flower beds from plastic bottles half dug into the ground. They are placed one after another, the shape of the flower bed can be absolutely any.

Separate containers are used as hanging flowerpots, for example, on a fence - hanging petunias look good in such a frame. From large five-liter containers you can make mini flower beds in the shape of animals.

Fences made from glass bottles are the oldest way to decorate flower beds and flower beds with your own hands. Champagne bottles are often used for this - they are thick-walled and have a strong bottom. Such a flowerbed will serve you for more than one year.

If you have imagination, a garden saw and an ax, you can make amazing flower beds from cut tree trunks and stumps. The log is usually used as a whole or cut into fragments, which are used to decorate miniature flower beds. The bark is either removed or left untouched - this adds even more “naturalness” and decorativeness.

A flower garden made from logs that were previously cut down and cleared of bark looks interesting. In the photo below, the flowerbed is stylized to look like a well.

Even from a sawn trunk of a medium-sized tree, you can make a decorative fence and fence off a flower garden.

Even ordinary wooden boards or fragments of timber can be used to fence flower beds.

You can make a multi-tiered flower garden with your own hands from several pots placed on an iron pin, which is dug into the ground. And if the pots vary in size, it will be even more interesting.

If you still have an old bathtub after renovation, why not use it as a flowerbed; moreover, it is almost ready. You can dig it into the ground to any depth or leave it in its original form. If you paint it the color you like, the new flowerbed will only become more attractive.

To create flower beds, you can use anything; leftover building materials make quite neat fences and fences.
If you approach things creatively, you can use any material that is more or less suitable and give it new life. For example, from vines and suitable twigs you can create flower beds-baskets that will look unusual, but symbolic.

You can also give a second life to things that have long served their purpose. For example, children's balls, if carefully cut into halves and filled with soil, turn into cute flowerpots.

An old basket, a household container and even children's toys can become a new home for flowers. The photographs below clearly demonstrate this.

The option presented below rather decorates an already formed flowerbed, but the author’s creativity deserves attention. You can even highlight an area of ​​flower plantings using disposable spoons by approaching this matter creatively.

Whatever the flowerbed is made of, it must have good drainage. Excessive moisture and stagnant water are detrimental to plants.

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TO flowerbeds are created by people as small works of landscape art. Their only purpose is decoration. Gardeners and flower growers are ready to spend hours and days on end in them, decorating and transforming small areas. Practice shows that flower beds and flower beds decorated using improvised means are in no way inferior to store-bought decorations. Do-it-yourself flower beds and flower beds from scrap materials, photos of which are in this article, are a great opportunity to show ingenuity and creative ingenuity.

In the flowerbed there is an installation of unnecessary things in the house

There are many types of flower beds. Their division into types is very arbitrary, but in the terminology of landscape designers there are clearly defined types:

  • flower garden without design in free form, imitation of wild thickets;
  • flowerbed - a flower garden with a pronounced design, a clear geometric shape, clear boundaries;

  • mixborder is a ridge of different types of flowers with different heights; they can have a rhythmic pattern or imitate wild thickets;

  • mini-format flower beds are free-standing low flowerpots with plants;

  • three-dimensional 3D compositions are flower beds, before planting which three-dimensional figures are formed from the soil; a variant of such a flower garden is an alpine slide.

Of course, in practice, most often there is a mixture of styles and a creative approach.

Video: beautiful and unusual flower bed ideas

Flowerbed layout

A flowerbed is not built for one season, so it needs to be carefully planned taking into account possible work on the site or future redevelopment. Another criterion that needs to be taken into account at the stage of developing a flower bed is the presence of children. If they have access to the flower garden, it is better to avoid materials such as metal, as the child could be seriously injured.

Flowerbeds in car tires

The most popular material for decoration is old tires. With some imagination, you can turn rough source material into an unusually beautiful composition. You should not limit yourself to the banal painting of tires in different colors. You can make stylish sculptures from this plastic material and imitate stone and moss on its surface.

Fencing made from plastic bottles

Hundreds of plastic bottles accumulate in houses, and if desired, they can be used to build beautiful enclosing structures or entire sculptural groups. Do-it-yourself flower beds and flower beds from scrap materials - photos with plastic bottles:

Logs, logs and stumps

A tree fits better into a plant composition than anything else. At a summer cottage there are always unnecessary logs, stumps or logs sticking out in inconvenient places that are unlikely to be useful. These things can be included in a flowerbed arrangement and get truly fabulous results. Do-it-yourself flower beds from scrap materials, photos with logs and stumps:

Stone decor

Sometimes, after the construction or dismantling of buildings, stones, conglomerates of cement and brick remain, which are only suitable for throwing away. Such items make very beautiful decorations that look natural and allow you to imitate alpine meadows. They can be laid out, but in any case, it is better to paint them first to give a more natural look.

Paths and paths

Flat compositions can be decorated by adding paths and making an expressive edging. There may be sawdust, construction waste, broken bricks, sand. Fencing elements can be created from any available materials - pieces of polycarbonate, slate, even glass bottles.

Flowerbeds in pipes

Remains and scraps of pipes with a diameter of more than 10 cm are excellent materials for decoration. With their help, they create expressive volumetric compositions, ladders and spirals of flowers.

Flower beds from unnecessary things

A do-it-yourself flowerbed made from unnecessary scrap materials, the photo of which is below, are real masterpieces of design thought. These compositions are charming, it’s hard to take your eyes off them, especially if the original purpose of the item is played out in a flower garden, as in the photo below:


Wattle is a traditional form of enclosing structure. In addition to being beautiful and stylish, wicker is extremely durable and long-lasting. It is made from willow twigs. The manufacturing process is simple and the technology is similar to weaving. You shouldn’t limit yourself to traditional forms, because you can create real sculptures from rods.

We create a flowerbed with our own hands

So, the planning stage has been completed, the idea has been formalized and the material has been prepared. There are two approaches to arranging flower beds. You can decorate existing plantings, or you can first install the elements and only then plant the plants. The second stage is used to create volumetric compositions, and decoration on a plane can be done at any stage of plant life.

When arranging a flower bed, multi-colored details and bright colors are used. If there are flowering plants and annuals, or bees need to be attracted to the site, preference should be given light colors- yellow and white. For painting, it is better to use construction paints for exterior use; they are not washed off with water, dry instantly and do not smell.

Principles of landscape design

In order for a do-it-yourself flowerbed at the dacha, photos of which are shown in several versions in this article, to please the eye throughout the summer season, you must simultaneously take into account the features of agricultural technology and architectural principles:

  • The growing season for all plants should be the same length. In this case, the flowering periods may not coincide, but from April to October the stems and shoots must be kept intact, otherwise bald spots will be visible on the flowerbed.

With the onset of spring, not only nature awakens, but also summer residents, owners of country houses and their own houses have an irresistible desire to decorate their properties, create an atmosphere of beauty and comfort in them. After a noisy, dusty city with a polluted atmosphere, it’s good to find yourself on a forest island, inhale a sweet floral aroma, lie on a soft green carpet, plunge into the transparent blue of a swimming pool, and watch the sunrise in a gazebo entwined with strange plants and flowers. This is how the workdays of millions of owners of pieces of nature begin. You can, of course, order from a landscape designer to have your site magically transformed. However, this service is very expensive and not everyone can afford it, and making flower beds in the country with your own hands is much more pleasant.

Do-it-yourself flowerbeds in the country

The most spectacular, eye-catching, attention-grabbing thing is flowers. Any form of flower beds looks beautiful, but if there is little space left for these ornamental plants, then using your imagination and coming up with a non-standard solution to this issue can be done easily and simply, the main thing would be the desire.

The flowerbed should be located in a place where there will be enough lighting for it, unless, of course, shade-loving plants grow in it. Therefore, you should not plant a flower bed or flower garden in shady places, but it is even better to place them near the recreation area, at the front entrance, or where free access will be provided to them. The paths leading to flower beds and flower beds can be laid out beautifully, or simply covered with red tennisite.

Decoration of flower beds

Do-it-yourself built-in flower beds at the dacha. There is no need for a specially designated place for them, and any one will do. Flowers will brighten up the dullness of gray, ennoble, and emphasize the airiness of glass. This option will help to divide into, eliminating the need to remove flowerpots and pots from the room every spring.

It can be designed in the form of rising terraces, carefully considering the placement of planting material in them. Flower beds built into benches are practical, look impressive, and provide aesthetic pleasure.

Flower beds made from car tires

The creative fantasies of gardeners in the design of flower beds and flower beds should not be limited by anything. Any items available on the farm can be used. It could be anything: old car tires, buckets, pots.

In a word, everything where you can pour soil. To give these items even more beauty and elegance, they can be painted bright.

Colored flower beds made from car tires -
a great attempt to add bright colors to gray everyday life

DIY vertical flower beds

For example, hollow bricks must be glued together to form a cabinet from which all the drawers are pulled out. Fill the cavity with soil and sow the seeds of your favorite flowers. When forming flower beds, you need to remember about drainage holes so that the water does not stagnate and the plants do not die.

Vertical flowerbed for petunia- a brilliant solution not only as an original decoration for your garden. This will also save you a lot of usable space, which you will always find something to use for.

Making vertical flower beds at the dacha with your own hands from scrap materials is fun and exciting; they look special, beautiful and impressive. Each site becomes unique in its own way, acquiring its own individual charm and charm.

As you can see, absolutely everything can be useful on the farm - this photo is a clear confirmation of that.

Do-it-yourself flowerbed umbrella

An old factory umbrella or one made from plywood with your own hands is suitable for this. The sharp part of it is stuck into the ground 10 cm, strengthened with wooden pegs for stability, the bottom is lined with small pebbles, then fertile soil is covered.

The handle of the umbrella can be painted in different colors to harmonize with the plants blooming here. Bright marigolds, colorful asters, and drought-resistant salvias will look beautiful.

Ordinary garden design has not brought proper joy to the eyes for a long time. Every housewife strives to decorate her garden, to make it special and unique, but not everyone succeeds, and often the result does not live up to expectations. How to choose and arrange flowers in the garden correctly is a pressing question for many gardeners.

First of all, you need to choose a color scheme that doesn’t hurt your eyes and blends into a colorful palette. I think the most common colors are red, blue and yellow. They are generally called shades of purity, since they are obtained without mixing the main colors of nature.

Of particular relevance are colors such as purple, light green, orange; they are obtained precisely as a result of mixing primary colors. Turquoise, blue, blue are cool shades.

Black and white, polar shades, can be combined with any color. Thus, using a wide range of colors, you can create a unique palette in the garden.

Before decorating the garden, you must first decide on the main color and the transition of tones. Having chosen a base color, you should not plant similar colors next to each other, otherwise the garden will look dull and dull.

It is better to occupy the main area with bright colors, thereby placing emphasis on the main spectrum of the palette. If the foreground looks quite bright, then it is better to make the background more neutral; green shades, calm and harmonious, are suitable for this. The more greenery in the landscape, the higher the degree of harmony.

Having chosen the colors and decided on the plants, you need to correctly arrange the flower beds in the dacha with your own hands. Here you should use your imagination, not forgetting to adhere to the color scheme. It is also worth remembering that the flower bed should be well, but if, of course, these are not shady plants, flower beds with such plants are best placed under trees.

It would not be a bad idea to place a flowerbed near the entrance to the site or next to another building, thereby improving the buildings. For the exact location of the flower beds, it is worth drawing a sketch of your garden, so you can predict the end result.

The biggest mistake when decorating a garden is going overboard, both in colors and in the arrangement of flowers. You shouldn’t take up all the free space with flowering plants.

A small artificial stream and garden figures will look original; this will add some zest to your garden. Those made in the shape of an artist’s palette, from bottles, from old shoes and even from an old toilet look unusual. It is important what you like and fits organically into.

There are a lot of options, colors and arrangement of flower beds in the garden, as they say, who knows what. But it is still worth following the basic principles.

Decorate your garden correctly, maintain a balance of natural colors, because there are a lot of ideas for creating flower beds.

Talking about flowerbeds with your own hands from scraps or, even more preferably, free funds, we mean that old things, unnecessary empty bottles or jars, leftover building materials such as tiles, boards or bricks will be used in the design of the flower garden. It is with the help of such materials that they are created that turn the flower garden into a real installation of modern art.

DIY flower beds from scrap materials

View examples DIY flower beds from scrap materials We will start with examples in which these objects will directly form a container into which we can plant flower seedlings. This is convenient for those that consist of annual plants, so they are replanted every year. For them, the design, in fact, can be a huge variety of objects, which you just won’t see in the examples whose photographs are on the Internet.

But are originality and courage always the same? The best decision. Put a toilet or an old bed in a flower garden - these will also be varieties DIY flower beds from scrap materials (photo If you wish, you can find quite a lot of such creativity), but will it be beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, or will it suit the chosen landscape design? It is worth remembering that everyone should first of all pursue the goal of decorating the space, and only simultaneously disposing of unnecessary garbage, otherwise your area may look untidy.

For example, wonderful examples in which old garden tools, and specifically, a garden cart, are used. It will look appropriate and organic in any landscape design, as it is associated with such use. Only now the “old lady” will no longer be carrying useful loads for the household, but the most beautiful flower arrangements. The soil along with the drainage material is poured directly into the bowl of the cart, additional drainage holes are made in the bottom so that rain and irrigation water has somewhere to drain and does not stagnate inside the soil. The cart gives you a lot of creative space as you can organize both vertical and horizontal system flower garden, plants can be either ordinary or hanging, hanging from a height to the ground. And it’s even more impressive if you combine both of them into a single composition.

They also look very interesting flower beds, flower beds with your own hands from scraps things such as an old umbrella. In the photo above you see how these can be implemented in practice. In fact, it is the use of old umbrellas that has already become a classic example of such crafts, so that they even make stylized flowerpots from stone and concrete that depict a fully open or half-folded umbrella. This design will really look impressive and unusual. A design tip is to try to ensure that your umbrella is painted with inside, not only from the outside, this will give the craft additional brightness. Cane umbrellas with a wide dome and many spokes look most beautiful, especially since they can be buried in the ground using the sharp top of the cane as an anchor.

Do-it-yourself flower beds from improvised means

The following examples DIY flower beds using improvised materials, which we will look at more closely, relate to the use of unnecessary tires, because they inevitably accumulate in almost any household. They often go on - swans, turtles, crocodiles and flowers are carved. But this material is perfect for framing a small flower garden.

The tire itself, as you see in the photo, does not need to be cut at all, nor can it be given any other intricate shapes, but simply painted in bright colors, this will be quite enough. Cascades of such flower beds look most impressive when tires painted in different colors are installed on top of each other in a pyramid. However, if you like more complex architectural forms, you can make a flower pot using a slope, according to the instructions, which are also available on our website. We can say that such crafts have been confidently occupying places in the top for a long time.

Let's take a close look at what else is interesting in our farm that could be used to decorate flower beds with your own hands using improvised materials. Photo which you see above shows how easy it is to make flower beds using wooden boxes, and this design can be suitable not only for flower beds, but also for decorative beds with vegetables and herbs.

Why is a suitcase worse than a box or an old umbrella? It's time for these large bags to contribute to the design of an unusual landscape design. The advantage of a suitcase over other containers is the presence of a closing lid, which can also be interestingly used in your work. Before use, the surface of the suitcase can be restored, covered with a layer of bright paint or varnish. You should also use a special film inside so that it does not deteriorate from constant contact with wet soil. And, of course, take care of drainage so that the flower garden will delight you all summer season. For inspiration like this do-it-yourself flowerbeds - photo from handy old suitcase, which are located above.

Beautiful flower beds with your own hands from scraps

Unusual beautiful flower beds with your own hands from scraps You may be able to obtain funds if you use wooden pallets as a base, which you may have left over after construction work, or you can inexpensively buy such used boxes. What’s unusual about this option is that you won’t end up with ordinary flower beds, but vertical ones, with which you can decorate a fence, the wall of a house, make a decorative screen in the garden, and so on.

Above you can see firsthand the beauty of these. Pallets here act not only as fasteners, but also as decoration, a kind of frame that gives the craft a finished look. Under the pallets you can place small pots containing the plants themselves or containers with soil, or you can use plants with aerial roots, which will only need watering and spraying with water in order to grow and delight you with their beauty.

If you want to reproduce a garden with a rustic flavor, in some classic style, then another available material - an old wicker basket - will work perfectly instead of boxes and pallets. For decoration, you don’t even have to take it whole, take a completely unusable product, without a bottom or with leaky walls. All the same, it will need to be buried in the ground to create the impression that once upon a time the basket was forgotten in this place and beautiful flowers sprouted inside it. Again, as with other old items, you don't have to update the item to make it shine like new. On the contrary, the beauty of such decor is that it looks antique, this gives the flowerbed additional charm.

Baskets, like basins, can also be used to create spectacular flower beds that resemble spilled water. To do this, the container is placed on its side, as if you are pouring something from it, and the flowers are planted so as to resemble water that flows out.

Do-it-yourself flowerbed fencing from scrap materials

We are not always interested in containers that are used like flowerpots, because, as mentioned above, annual plants are most often planted in them, and in the country there are plenty of areas where luxurious bushes, alpine hills, and perennials are grown. For them the more pressing question is DIY flower bed fencing from scrap materials, and there are so many of these options that you could write a separate article about them.

The first thing that comes to mind is empty bottles, of which quite a large number can accumulate both at home and in the country. Plastic ones, despite the availability of the material, cannot always look good enough and correspond to the concept of landscape design. But glass bottles are a completely different matter. They are strong and durable, and have a spectacular appearance even without special decoration, solely due to the properties of colored glass. Simply by digging these bottles upside down around the perimeter of the flowerbed, you will provide it with a beautiful appearance and protect the space from soil (and this is precisely the main purpose of the border). If we develop the idea with bottles, then in the photo you can see an option using gabion mesh. Only if gabions are traditionally filled with cobblestones or pebbles, then our gabions will be filled with the same glass bottles.

Naturally, bottles are not the only way to put flower beds in order; there are a lot of other means, for example, wooden pegs, which can either be cut from old cut down garden trees or branches when pruning the garden. Working with branches is much easier than making them, especially since you can make a tandem by combining borders with garden paths, using the same material for them.

DIY flowerbed from scrap materials - photo

If you rummage through your utility room, you can find a lot of materials to decorate flowerbed with your own hands. From scrap materials, photo which you will see below, you will get excellent borders, original and completely easy to work with.

Literally anything can come in handy, from bricks to chipped ceramic tiles. In the case of bricks or paving slabs, you simply need to lay them out around the perimeter of the flowerbed. If you want more interesting ideas, you can use small bricks or paving slabs do not lay flat, because this will also increase the consumption of material, but place each element vertically, at an angle to the surface.

Tiles with chipped edges or cracks are an inevitable result of tiling, so a lot of them remain after each such repair. Plus, in stores you can buy just such defective tiles for pennies. Using them for decoration is very simple - you need to form a border using cement or concrete and, before it dries completely, cover it with fragments of tiles. You can do this on an already hardened layer, but then you will need to additionally use tile adhesive. Mosaic will turn any ordinary brick into an exclusive and durable decoration.