Combination of horoscopes for Ox Libra woman. Ox - Libra. Libra woman born in the year of the Ox

Wise Libra-Oxen make only balanced, well-thought-out decisions. It is not their rule to rush themselves and rush others; they prefer to act slowly, but for sure. The strength of the Ox gives Libra self-confidence and does not allow them to succumb to doubts and worries. In turn, Libra softens the stubbornness of the Ox, his desire to dominate and control everyone around him. It is impossible to imagine Libra-Oxen being irritated and not being aware of their actions. Always calm, friendly and extremely polite. They are careful, they trust few people, but this is not a reason to demonstrate their disdainful attitude. Therefore, they behave with each interlocutor as if they were best friend, trying to please.

Characteristics of Libra Ox

Sociable Libra-Oxen are the soul of any company, they are easy to find mutual language with a variety of people. Gentleness, courtesy, kindness are the main traits of their character. Libra Oxen are so polite that they are unable to refuse a request, even if it is made in a demanding form. Few people can boast of such an attitude towards others. Often their courtesy is taken advantage of by less than decent people. Although the Ox’s firmness has a positive effect on them: sooner or later, pride takes over. Therefore, you should not abuse good attitude these people, they are quite capable of fighting back. They have self-control, think quite soberly, and enjoy authority among friends and colleagues.

These are reliable and efficient people; if they give their word, they will definitely keep it. True, Libra Oxen are not at all eager to take on extra obligations. If it weren’t for their natural responsiveness, they wouldn’t bother helping their loved ones. Do not like physical work, but they are happy to indulge in dreams and reflections. Despite its friendliness, it is quite closed people. Few people close to them know them well enough. Libra-Oxen are the sweetest creatures, harmless creatures, but rather stubborn and proud. Although they will not directly sort things out, they will come up with a way to protect themselves. In any matter they find the shortest way to solve a problem; they do not like to overcome difficulties and difficulties.

Libra-Oxen will not be frank, but listening is their favorite pastime. They can talk for hours, but only with interesting people. They understand perfectly well that politeness and goodwill are the surest way to collect as much information as possible. This good tactics and even a little manipulators, so they always know how to use the information received. Any Libra-Oxen, regardless of gender, strives to achieve perfection and harmony. One cannot be happy if there are conflicts raging around and there is no confidence in the future. Libra-Ox doesn’t need much for a normal life: peace, tranquility. Although he is not averse to having fun, he loves noisy feasts. He eagerly responds to any opportunity to have fun.

Libra Ox Compatibility

These honest, open people do not like to pretend, but they will not tell the whole truth to their partner. They will prefer to diplomatically circumvent obstacles and will do everything possible to smooth out rough edges in relations. Even if they don’t reciprocate, they won’t sharply push away the person in love. Libra-Oxen feel best in the company of old acquaintances and are not frivolous. They need time to get to know a person, only after that can they talk about marriage.

Family life The Libra-Bykov relationship proceeds quite calmly, without serious scandals. They will try to do everything possible to resolve conflicts. The Libra Ox himself never causes trouble to his soulmate. This is a deeply devoted person to his family; he sees no point in cheating. He devotes a lot of time to raising his children and has a trusting relationship with them. It is very difficult, almost impossible, to get him angry. Therefore, there are no problems in his family.

Libra Ox Career

Libra-Ox is a multifaceted personality with a lot of talents. There is no job that this person cannot handle. His advantages include: hard work, sharp mind, restraint. In any business he proves himself to be a responsible and principled worker. Prefers mental activity, too proud to waste energy on low-paid work. He will not rest until he reaches the highest position and will not succeed as a professional.

For ambitious Libra-Oxen great importance has the prestige of the job. Thanks to their excellent communication skills, they quickly find a common language with colleagues. These are excellent leaders who know how to work with people. They will not be able to work fully in an atmosphere of hostility and hatred. Any field of activity is suitable for Libra Bulls: legal, financial, analytical. They are patient, efficient, resourceful, and therefore are considered the best and irreplaceable employees.

Libra Ox Man

The calm Libra-Ox man inspires trust and you can always rely on him. He has the ability to give valuable advice, a sharp mind, endurance, flexibility, practicality - qualities that allow him to make informed decisions. He copes well with work related to finance and analytical activities. It would seem that people of these professions behave rather reservedly and are not inclined to communicate. But the Libra man, born in the year of the Ox, is a rather interesting, erudite person. A charming interlocutor easily finds a common language with women, but it takes quite a long time to choose a life partner. He enjoys having affairs with bright beauties. He strives for home comfort, loves to eat deliciously, and therefore gives preference to calm, thrifty women.

Libra Ox Woman

The charming Libra-Ox woman is surrounded by numerous relatives and friends. People are attracted by her gentleness and friendly attitude. She knows how to defuse a tense situation and jokes a lot. Communication with her gives you a feeling of warmth and comfort. At the same time, she is quite an intelligent, practical person who shows wisdom in solving the most difficult issues of life. An ambitious, energetic Libra-Ox woman, aimed at success, but, unfortunately, subject to the influence of others. She usually shows interest only in those things that she likes. In a love relationship, she expects beautiful courtship, endless compliments and generous gifts from her admirer. A romantic person idealizes her chosen one too much and often experiences disappointment.

Sociable BULL. Can be a source of information.

Eastern horoscope: year of the ox/buffalo
Zodiac horoscope: sign Libra

Charming and attractive, Libra-Ox quickly finds its place in society in any situation. Such people are sensual and love to please themselves. They don't mind talking about themselves; in particular, they feel the need to be understood.

In Chinese astrology, the Ox is considered a symbol of strong will, determination and endurance. Libra-Ox men and women are soft and patient people, they are beautiful with their fairness and balance of emotions.

Ox-Libra are usually friendly people who understand other people’s feelings well and know how to get along with most people. Their reliability makes them great friends. They are very loyal to their friends and are always ready to defend them, especially if they are criticized. These people like to stand up for others, but do not protest so much for their own name.

These Libras are probably the most calm and friendly people. In a work situation, they will always divide the load evenly and are ready to help everyone at the workplace. Their diplomacy and cold-bloodedness are ideal for professions where it is necessary to be able to make friends. They have a huge number of friends, much more than they need, sometimes all these friends can distract them from their personal life. They often have to rebuild their lives in order to be more accommodating and create long-term partnerships.

In personal relationships, they do not take obligations very easily, but if they have already accepted such obligations, they take them very seriously. As a rule, they shirk responsibilities in their youth and try to avoid obligations of any kind. However, when they find love, they become wonderful partners. In personal relationships, these people like to believe in some kind of destiny. It is easiest for them to start relationships with people they have known for a long time.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that their natural courtesy can be taken advantage of, it is difficult for them to say no. This weakness, due to which they cannot stand up for themselves, makes their life a little more difficult. They should learn to give negative answers more often.

The year of the Ox goes well with the zodiac sign Libra. The personality qualities of the Ox and Libra complement each other well, forming a complete and harmonious personality.

The concentration and methodical nature of the buffalo makes the scales less scattered and doubtful, and the softness and flexibility of the scales calms the anger of the bull. This is a calm person, not inclined to attack, preferring to resolve all issues peacefully.

A Libra bull, especially if it is a man, is very strong in solving complex business problems, as he is well versed in market trends and the economy as a whole. It is worth listening to his opinion, and if possible, seeking advice. Such people often choose work related to various types of consultations, training, and education.

Women of the Libra bull sign also strive for intellectual activity and do not like intense, hard, physical labor.

The nature of the Libra buffalo constantly requires various kinds of hobbies and entertainment, but always prefers the same type, to which it remains faithful all its life.

Characteristics of Oxen-Libra women: These women are passionate about everything unusual, which allows them to make their existence easy. However, this position often takes them away from real life, making them impractical, exalted individuals. Often this position is an opportunity to escape from problems. They should express such ideas more through art, so that life remains life and dreams remain dreams.

By nature, these are quite contradictory natures. They are energetic and ambitious, and can achieve good results in any endeavor. However, they will be able to become successful if they do not spill their energy on various side activities and do not succumb to the influence of others. Almost all their lives, these individuals try to define themselves, but they come to the disappointing result that they have never found themselves.

Oxen Women - Libra in Love and Relationships: Love relationship These women are held to a certain standard that has nothing to do with real life. They want to see certain qualities in their partner, forgetting that everyone has their own shortcomings. It is worth taking this into account so that disappointments and numerous novels in search of a loved one do not become the meaning of life. Being simpler and more subtle is all that will help them become happy.

Oxen Women - Libra in Finance and Career: A career is nothing for these women. They should and can only do what they love. If the profession is chosen by chance, they will constantly experience disappointment. It is important to them not just to receive a certain profit, but also to moral satisfaction. Otherwise, they will destroy their personality with discontent. The financial side of life will be full of big wins and complete failures.

Oxen - Libra women in family and marriage: The family life of these women is planned and created in the imagination. They are not embarrassed that this life is far from real life, since it is impossible to convince them. They can remain alone for many years, because they do not see prospects and opportunities for realizing their ideas in this area. In adulthood, it will be even more difficult for them to start a serious relationship, so starting a family should be planned at a young age, despite all the difficulties.

Advice for Oxen-Libra women: These women are advised to become realistic and give up fruitless dreams. It is also worth paying more attention to the amazing things around, as this will make their life more interesting and fuller. It is worth learning to find compromises, to see new opportunities, since this is the essence of relationships and life in general. Only this skill will allow them to become happy in their personal lives, as well as in communicating with friends.

Today, do not deny others the opportunity to receive advice or recommendations from you. Other people truly see you as a role model and a seasoned professional. However, do not overdo it in such a good impulse: imposing your own opinion may be frowned upon, especially for those who did not ask for help.

Love horoscope

On this day, the stars recommend being extremely honest with the opposite sex. Even if your relationship is just beginning to develop, openness, sincerity and sincerity are qualities that will be appreciated by your partner. They will help you tune in to a wave of trust, and an attempt to hide the truth, on the contrary, can lead to quarrels and conflicts.

Financial horoscope

You may feel that you have become too irritable and critical of others. Even small mistakes and oversights can cause a storm of indignation. Try to control your emotions so as not to spoil your friendships with colleagues. Wherein independent work or tasks related to analyzing a large flow of information can be completed quickly and efficiently.

Health horoscope

The day will begin with a feeling of high spirits and great well-being. Health will be at high level, especially if in Lately you took a number of actions to maintain it. However, be careful with sharp objects, corners, and dangerous mechanisms. There is a possibility of injury.

Russian actor and singer Sergei Bezrukov. Soviet and Russian singer and musician Vyacheslav Butusov. French football coach Arsène Wenger. English politician Margaret Thatcher.
Ukrainian artist Andrey Danilko (Andriy Danilko).

The Yess pacify the violence of the Ox, at the same time, the effectiveness and pressure of the Ox do not make it possible to hesitate for a long time when choosing one path or another. Libras born in the year are excellent partners and friends, reliable allies and family men, fair colleagues and honest employees.

Ox Libra Man

The Ox-Libra man is an intellectual and financier by nature. He is attracted to mental work and is not bothered by numerous calculations, formulas and numbers. Such a man prefers mental work to physical work, and in general, avoids physical overexertion. The Libra Ox man will perform well in the field of trade, economics, and the financial system. In his youth, he prefers casual acquaintances, crowded parties and noisy companies to serious relationships. With age comes awareness of the importance of family and home comfort. Having once chosen his life partner, this man will strive with all his might to protect the family hearth and good relationships.

Ox Libra Woman

The Ox-Libra woman is open, honest, and cheerful. She knows how to enjoy life, while being able to work well and be a responsible employee. In the field of accounting or consulting, such a woman will certainly achieve success. In personal relationships, the Ox-Libra woman is just as honest as at work: open and trusting relationships are important to her, where each partner has his own personal space, but this is not at all a reason for “adventures.” The Libra woman, born in the year of the Ox, loves to travel, have fun, and change her environment.

In general, people born under the Ox-Libra sign combination make a favorable impression on others. These people are cheerful, sociable, have a good sense of humor, as well as a perceptive mind and foresight.

Libra – Ox
Libra – Ox