Friday the 13th what does this day mean?

What does Friday the 13th mean? Why is it associated with something bad and dark for many? And how much truth is hidden in all the rumors and superstitions associated with this mystical number?

In order to get to the truth, let's take a short excursion into the history of mankind and look there for information about Friday the 13th. And, believe me, there are a lot of them, and some of them really make you believe in the fatal power of this date. But first things first.

What does Friday the 13th mean today?

Despite the fact that it is the 21st century, people still believe in the existence of mystical forces and mysterious signs. One of the strangest is the superstition that Friday the 13th is a very bad day.

For some reason, people believe that on such days misfortune follows them on their heels. Therefore, particularly superstitious individuals try to give up all serious matters and stay away from anything that could harm their health. Sometimes it reaches the point of absurdity: those who are especially fearful lock themselves in their own rooms and refuse to contact the outside world.

Naturally, most people don't do this, because it's stupid. And yet the fact remains: with the arrival of Friday the 13th, here and there you can hear whispered stories about mysterious incidents associated with this day.

But when did it start? Who first began to consider this day dark? And why did this happen? In order to understand this, let's find out what Friday the 13th means in the understanding of our distant ancestors.

Mystical numbers in antiquity

The ancient Greeks were obsessed with numbers, which is probably why they became the forefathers of many geometric theories. In particular, they believed that 12 was an ideal number that symbolized order and harmony. But the number 13, on the contrary, was bad, since its existence upset the balance.

As for Friday, it was not considered dark or unlucky. Moreover, only on this day of the week was it allowed to hold celebrations in honor of the goddess Athena. Therefore, for the Greeks, Friday was more of a solemn date than a harbinger of misfortune.

Beliefs of our ancestors

If everything is clear with the Greeks, then what does Friday the 13th mean for the Slavs? It just so happened that for our ancestors this day of the week was sacred. It was here that the most important celebrations and rituals of those times fell.

The Slavs believed that the last Friday of the month is the day of the Mother of the World. Therefore, with her arrival, all women in Rus' had an extra-hour day off. They could do nothing and just enjoy the world around them.

The Slavs also had a special date: the “thirteenth” Friday of the year. It was calculated according to the lunar calendar and was a very important religious event. After all, it was on this day that rituals aimed at strengthening the clan were held. At the same time, both women and men took part in the celebration.

So, the girls prayed to the goddess of fertility to grant them her protection. As for the guys, they competed with each other in strength and endurance. And the ladies standing nearby could watch them and choose a worthy betrothed.

The sad fate of the Templars

As for the notoriety, according to scientists, it stuck to this day at the beginning of the 14th century, during the reign of Philip IV. And to be more precise, after he dealt with the Order of the Knights Templar.

This happened because the Holy Order began to gain too much power. Numerous people helped the knights acquire lands that brought huge profits. And where there is money, there is the opportunity to control others, including courtiers and even kings.

This order of things suited many monarchs, but not Philip IV, popularly nicknamed the Handsome. He did not want to share his power with the holy army, and therefore decides to get rid of them. On October 13, 1307, he issues a decree: to arrest all the Templars, and transfer their property to the disposal of the state.

A little later, most of the prisoners were burned at the stake as heretics and criminals of the faith. Moreover, the massacre fell on Friday the 13th. That is why it will be remembered for a long time as a bloody date.

Myths of Christianity

The Catholic Church added even more fuel to the fire by expressing its opinion on what Friday the 13th means. This number, in their opinion, has been famous since the beginning of time for its bad influence on people. So, it was on this day that Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, and sin fell on all people. In addition, on Friday the 13th, Cain killed Abel, forever staining this date with human blood.

Also, the unfortunate number brought a lot of troubles to Jesus Christ. First, according to some sources, he was crucified on Friday the 13th, making it a bad day in the eyes of his followers. Secondly, at the last supper, which became the last for the savior, 13 people were present. These may be mere coincidences, but many see them as bad omens.

That is why, if you ask a Christian: “What does Friday the 13th mean?”, he will most likely answer that it is And, taking into account all of the above, it will be very difficult to convince him otherwise.

Witches and witchcraft

Now let's talk about what Friday the 13th means for Satanists and witches. After all, if you think about it, this is the best time for dark charms and spells. And indeed, according to legend, it is on this day that all witches gather together. The Great Sabbath is what Friday the 13th means. The full moon falling on this date only enhances its significance for dark sorceresses and sorcerers.

What is going on at such a Sabbath? If you believe the stories of occultists, then such magical meetings are held at various places where dark forces emerge. For example, it could be a cemetery, an old forest, or a long-ago battlefield. According to the laws of the Sabbath, it is conducted by 12 witches, and their 13th guest is the devil himself, who appears in the form of a goat or a man with a goat’s head.

Together they dance in a wild, shameless dance, thereby showing their love for sin and debauchery. A little later, an orgy begins, during which the wicked bestows his power on the witches. After which everyone scatters to their homes in order to continue to do evil and wreak havoc.

As for Satanists, they also love Friday the 13th. Even though they don’t organize covens, they still practice dark magic.

Dark dates associated with Friday the 13th

Over the long history of mankind, there have been hundreds of mysterious cases related to this fateful date. Unfortunately, it is impossible to list them all, so let’s focus only on the most significant of them:

  • Thus, on October 13, 1066, the last Anglo-Saxon king, Harold II, refused the Normans’ offer to surrender the kingdom. As a result, his army still lost and the monarch himself died at the hands of his enemies.
  • In 1791, British authorities decided to dispel mystical rumors about Friday the 13th. To do this, they built a new ship, which they named after the dark date. Moreover, he went to sea on Friday the 13th. Alas, their hopes were dashed, as the ship disappeared forever in the vast expanses of the ocean.
  • This date was also unlucky for the great gangster Al Capone. After all, it was on Friday that he was arrested by Chicago police.
  • The famous American Shakur has always been famous for his extraordinary luck. Throughout his career, he successfully evaded repeated attempts on his life. But on September 13, 1996, luck failed him, and the killer’s bullet still overtook Shakur.

Popularization of the myth

Today, almost everyone on the planet knows what Friday the 13th means. If we do not take into account the mystical origin of this myth, then a completely logical question arises: “How is it that everyone thinks this is a bad day?”

And it’s all the fault of television, which has repeatedly raised the topic of mysticism and witchcraft on its television shows and films. Just look at the American horror film called “Friday the 13th”, which reveals the life of a psychopathic maniac.

Psychics and fortune tellers also made a lot of noise. They constantly reassure their clients that Friday the 13th is a dark day indeed. Some clergy also join their opinion, which is true, the official church assures: there is nothing terrible about this date.

Famous refutation of the Black Friday myth

As soon as rumors spread that Friday the 13th was an unlucky number, those who wanted to refute them also appeared. And if in the case of the British ship the experiment was a failure, then our next hero achieved his goal.

It all started with the fact that a certain William Fowler decided to found a club that would dispel various mystical rumors and fictions. Naturally, such an organization should have an appropriate name. And therefore, William, without thinking twice, calls it the “Club of Thirteen”, because that’s exactly how many people are included in it. Moreover, the official opening is set for Friday, January 13, 1881.

Since the club's main goal was to destroy myths, they did everything possible to do this. For example, they ate dinner at a table on which salt was scattered, or walked through a door under a staircase. And here’s what makes me happy: during the entire existence of the club, nothing bad happened to its members.

For some, this is the long-awaited day of the end of the work week, which due to some misunderstanding fell on the 13th day of the month. For others, this mystical coincidence is not accidental. On this day, they believe, “the forces of evil reign supreme.”

The calendar does not often spoil us with such combinations of the date of the month and day of the week. Once, twice, occasionally - three times a year. So why does no other day carry such an ominous aura as this one?

Perhaps it all began in the era of the dark Middle Ages. King Philip IV of France, nicknamed “The Handsome,” decided to compete for a monopoly on power with the rapidly growing rich and influential order (and the power of the king exceeded the power of the head of the Catholic Church!). And at the same time, replenish your treasury with the countless riches of the order...

In advance, sealed packages with a secret order for the arrest of members of the Templar Order were sent to all parts of France. They were to be opened on one day - October 13, 1307. And on this day, a wave of arrests of members of the disgraced order swept across France. As a result of the treachery of the king and the conciliatory position of the church of that time, the first blood was shed on Friday, the 13th. And the chronicles brought this historical fact to us, seven hundred years later (!).

According to historians, the king chose this date not by chance: 1307 years ago, on Friday the 13th, Jesus Christ was crucified. The negative image of the “devil’s dozen” number is facilitated by the fact that just the day before, at the Last Supper, 13 people were present. Jesus himself and his 12 apostles, including Judas Iscariot...

Or perhaps it all started even earlier? Ever since people learned to count and tried to unravel the magic of numbers. But they couldn’t understand everything, but they deduced some patterns. And one of them is the negative impact of the coincidence of Friday and the number “13”!

To be fair, it should be noted that this influence is not total. Someone successfully avoids all devilry. But the statistics are inexorable: on this day the number of “troubles”, with severe and catastrophic consequences, increases significantly.

All the world's great religions call for the rejection of prejudice. In turn, atheists have a negative attitude towards them. And we, meanwhile, are wary of black cats, empty buckets, whistling in the house, etc., etc. We know almost everything about “prejudice”, and still, we spit over our left shoulder... So, just in case. Take care - you know who takes care!

In some states, they try to avoid the number “13” in the numbering of houses and floors, seats in airplanes and cinemas, etc. Very serious and educated people try not to plan anything on Friday the 13th. No matter what happens...

Atheists laugh at superstitions and boldly move forward in life, not paying attention to empty buckets, black cats and other nonsense. Troubles do happen, but these, they believe, are accidents from which no one is immune!

And mystically minded people are convinced that “superstitions” are fragments of great Knowledge that have come down to us from the depths of centuries. There is nothing wrong with this knowledge. On the contrary, they are called upon to help people. And there are no accidents: “Chance is a pseudonym for God when he does not want to sign with his own name” (A. France). Mystics believe that in ancient times religion and magic were united in the search for truth. For some reason, then their paths diverged...

How to feel about “Friday the 13th”? Calmly! No matter who a person is - a believer, a sympathizer or an atheist, one must live a full-blooded life. You need to learn to listen to your heart. A faint whisper of the subconscious or intuition, if heard in time (!), will always warn of danger.

You need to be careful every day of your life. Do no harm to anyone and do only good. And then no evil will harm you. Can not!

Festive events in Moscow on May 9, 2019, dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the great Victory in the Second World War, will end with a solemn festive artillery salute and fireworks.

The spectacle is expected to be truly grandiose and will be visible from almost anywhere in the capital. The fireworks display in Moscow on May 9, 2019 will be launched from 19 sites in different parts of the city. Also, visitors to 19 parks will see colorful pyrotechnic shows (holiday fireworks).

Time to launch artillery salute and festive fireworks in Moscow on May 9, 2019 is the same for all sites - this is 22:00 Moscow time . Fireworks duration - 10 minutes, until 22:10 Moscow time.

The largest number of guns will be placed on Vorobyovy Gory and Poklonnaya Gora.

The fireworks will be clearly visible in the center of Moscow, since low-rise buildings predominate there. For observation, it is best to choose a place on one of the bridges or on the embankment in the Garden Ring area.

What is the route of the Moscow procession "Immortal Regiment" in 2019:

The procession will begin from the Dynamo metro station at 15:00 and end on Red Square. The length of the route is 7 km.

Route "Immortal Regiment" 2019 in Moscow:

Metro "Dynamo" - Leningradsky Prospect. - 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya st. - Tverskaya st. - Manezhnaya Square - Red Square.

The first part will be able to leave Red Square along the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge, the second - along Moskvoretskaya Embankment.

Today is Friday the 13th... This combination causes many, if not fear, but certainly caution. I immediately remember the horror stories that frightened me since childhood, omens and superstitions.

In medicine, a term such as “triskaidekaphobia” has appeared, which means panic fear of the magic number 13. And paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th. Where do the roots of these phobias come from?

In the course of observing historical events, a number of tragic events were noted that occurred on this particular date, associated with this number. Not only secular, but also religious explanations have gained popularity, and many reasons can now be found why this number has become so frightening.

Religion believes that 13 is the number of the Devil. It was on this day that Cain killed his brother Abel and Eve ate the forbidden apple. John the Theologian begins to predict the end of the world precisely in chapter 13. And Jesus was the thirteenth along with 12 disciples. But the most common biblical interpretation of tragic Friday is the death of Jesus Christ on this day. Well, after these biblical observations, many others appeared over the next 2,000 years.

On October 13, the Templar Order was destroyed. In 1307, King Philip IV of France ordered the liquidation of this organization. At the same time, the Templars were taken into custody throughout the country. They were accused of blasphemy. The order was dissolved and its members were killed.

On December 13, 1907, a major shipwreck of the Thomas Laurson occurred. The ship, named after the writer, at the beginning of the century became the only seven-masted one, carrying hundreds of cargoes. As a result of the storm, the ship washed up on the reefs and the hull split. As a result, the entire team died, except for a couple of people.

On July 13, 1947, a Douglas C-54 airliner encountered bad weather, caught its crest and broke into pieces, killing everyone on board.

On October 13, 1972, a plane carrying a rugby team crashed in the Andes mountains. 12 people died. And within Moscow, an IL-62 plane crashed, killing 174 passengers.

Signs and superstitions of Friday the 13th

It is believed that witches gather for the Sabbath. They are joined by ghouls and evil spirits. And the last one is Satan himself. It is not advisable to start something new, as it will not lead to anything good. If a person dies on this day, he may soon take someone else with him. Fun will lead to misfortune. The wedding on Friday the thirteenth will not last long.

On this day, the action of evil forces and negative energies intensifies, so many tragedies and disasters happen. On this date, people become more emotional and hot-tempered, which is why quarrels, conflicts, fights, and divorces occur.

What not to do on Friday the 13th

1. Don’t plant plants - they won’t grow
2. You shouldn’t look in the mirror before going to bed.
3. Don’t swear or say bad words
4. Don’t open an umbrella at home
5. No need to go traveling
6. It is better not to use gadgets or computers, as viruses are activated
7. You can’t cut your nails
8. Fun and dancing are prohibited
9. Taboo – wedding, marriage will be unsuccessful
10. Deals should not be concluded, there will be no profit
11. Don’t give or borrow
12. Put brown, orange, and purple outfits in the closet for today
13. When you leave work, don’t look back.

What you can and should do on Friday 13th

The prohibitions listed above can be supplemented and supplemented. Having listened to the prohibitions, you should generally hide in a corner, sit, not move, do nothing and finally wait for the 14th. But in order to protect yourself from worries and possible tragedies, you just need to be careful and accept rules that allow you to do at least something on Friday.

It's really worth going to church on this day if you're afraid of superstitions. And if you are a believer, then most likely you will ask for forgiveness for your superstitions.

Remember that this day is the last day of the work week. And yes, go ahead, run away from work, indeed, as the prohibitions advise, without looking back.

Do what you love. If you can’t cut your nails, then paint them, get a colorful manicure that you can decorate with a playful black cat.

Ask the higher powers of luck and health for yourself and your loved ones, and then no evil will dare to approach you.

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Friday the 13th In many countries of the world it is considered an unlucky day when various big and small troubles occur. On this day, especially superstitious people generally try not to go out into the street, not to start new things and not to meet unknown people, so as not to become a victim of evil forces..

Baker's dozen

12 is a dozen, and 13 is a “devil’s dozen”, why? This number has long been considered negative in European culture (although, for example, among the Mayan Indians, the number 13 is a lucky number). There are many reasons for dislike of the number 13, most of them relate to mythology or religion. For example, 13 people were present at the Last Supper of Jesus Christ, and the last of them, Judas, ultimately betrayed the Savior. The Scandinavians have a legend that initially 12 gods sat at the heavenly table, but the 13th came - Loki - he started a quarrel, after which numerous misfortunes began.

Then the cause-and-effect relationships got mixed up, and now it is difficult to say, for example, whether 13 is considered unlucky because 13 witches gathered for the Sabbath, or whether so many of them gathered just because the number is demonic. The same applies to the gallows, to which, according to tradition, there are 13 steps, and to 13 ropes - turns of the rope on which the condemned person is hanged.

Fear of the number 13

The superstitious fear of the number 13 even has an unpronounceable scientific name: triskaidekaphobia. It is so common that in many European countries avoidance of the number 13 is widespread. For example, in some buildings there is no 13th floor, and immediately after the 12th there is the 14th or 12A. In opera houses in Italy, sometimes there are no seats with this number, and on almost all ships, after the 12th cabin, the 14th immediately follows. Also, the 13th row is sometimes missing on airplanes.

Previously, there was a superstition, associated precisely with the Last Supper, that if 13 people gathered at the table, the last one who came would soon die. To avoid such an unfortunate set of circumstances, a special “fourteenth guest” was even invited to celebrations and official meetings. And in the USA, for example, due to the superstitiousness of many pilots, there is no F-13 fighter (the YF-12 was immediately followed by the F-14). The 13th number is also not used for cars participating in auto racing.

Friday is an unlucky day, and Friday the 13th is even more so

It is believed that Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday, so this day is unlucky. It's hard to say when these two solitudes, Friday and the number 13, came together to create some super unlucky days of the year. Perhaps the main legend about this day is associated with the Templar Order. This explanation is popular among esotericists and followers of alternative history.

On Friday, October 13, 1307, the French king Philip IV ordered the arrest of all members of the order, including the supreme leaders. A protracted process began, as a result of which the order was dissolved, and many Templars arrested in France were tortured and later executed.

Here is what the French esotericist and occultist Robert Ambelain writes about this: “The day was not chosen by chance. The king chose Friday as the day of Christ's crucifixion. He chose the 13th day of the month - a hint of an unlucky number. 13 was considered a bad number by Homer (Iliad, V) and Cicero (Pro Cecina). In the Hebrew Kabbalah there were 13 Spirits of Evil, and the 13th mentioned in Scripture was Judas, who betrayed Christ.”

By the way, on Friday the 13th, terrible events, disasters and catastrophes actually took place in different years, the latest of which was the terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015, which claimed the lives of about 150 people. However, on other days, no less great misfortunes happened, so blaming the day of the week that coincided with the “devil” date for everything is unfair.

Signs of Friday the 13th

You cannot start traveling, as the road will be full of unpleasant surprises.

It is better not to get behind the wheel and not to go on the road at all, there is a great danger of an accident.

You should not have surgery on this day.

It is believed that a child born on such a day will have a difficult fate.

If you bury someone on Friday the 13th, you will soon have to bury someone else.

Do not plant anything in the garden on this day - there will be no harvest.

Do not cut your hair - it can be stolen by evil forces and damaged.

Don't take all the superstitions associated with Friday the 13th to heart, because being negative in itself can result in something bad.