Dream interpretation of a cross in the sky, why dream of seeing a cross in the sky in a dream. What does the appearance of the cross in the sky mean? What does the Bible say about this? Red cross in the sky

In the old days, people believed: if a person saw a cross in the sky -
it means that great grace descended on him. They say that such a vision bestows
to everyone health, happiness, luck and prosperity.

In 1986, to the Rectory of P. G. Pierce in Altadena
(Los Angeles) hundreds of people rushed to look at the unusual spectacle -
a cross visible through his bathroom window. The cross seemed to be glowing
somewhere outside the window on the street. However, when the curious went out into the courtyard
home, we didn’t see anything there. Pierce himself, an Evangelical priest,
believed that this was a sign of the return of Jesus Christ to earth. One way or another, but
after a couple of years, luminous crosses appeared in many provincial cities
Southern California.

Particularly in Dinuba, in the house occupied by the family
immigrants from Mexico with the last name Davala, a golden cross also appeared in the window,
but only in the children's room. At the same time, he seemed to be hanging in the air
in close proximity to the glass, like a hologram. It decreased in
size when they approached the window, and increased if they moved away. It was worth it
look inside the room from the street - the cross shone in the children's room and seemed
very big.

Frightened Mrs. Davala changed the lamp several times in
nursery and even installed new windows, but the vision arose again.

It must be said that relationships in the family from the moment of the phenomenon
cross have improved significantly: the lady of the house has become calmer and more tolerant, the children
more obedient, and the husband is more attentive to his household. Positive changes
The family's neighbor, a witness to the events described, was also affected. He stopped
took a sip of the bottle, became a frequent visitor to the Davala family and even began giving interviews
to local correspondents at a time when all members of the Davala family were absent.

Sim win.

In the old days, people quite often noticed a similar phenomenon. That
were times different, or were people more attentive, or were the crosses really
appeared more often. Maybe people were cleaner and more sinless before? Here's how about it
the event is told by the biographer of the Roman Emperor Saint Constantine, his
contemporary and interlocutor Eusebius:

“Asserting your prayers and petitions earnestly,
Tsar Constantine received the most amazing sign sent from God, so
It would be difficult to believe if someone else spoke.

One afternoon
hours of the day, when the sun began to decline to the west, the king said, I
with my eyes I saw the sign of the cross made up of light and playing in the sun with
inscription: “With this win.” This sight filled with fear like the emperor himself.
Constantine, and the entire army. But the Byzantines worried in vain: in 312
the king defeated Maxentius in the famous Battle of the Bridge and became the only
full ruler of the state. The cross became a harbinger of happy
changes in the life of the sovereign."

For better or for worse?

However, the crosses are shown as strong of the world this and that
simple people. Here is the account of an ordinary eyewitness, which he posted on the Internet:

“Two days ago, on our outskirts
Zelenograd (former village of Kutuzovo) there was an amazing phenomenon that had
opportunity to see many people passing by. The appearance of the cross in the sky.
My mother's friend saw this amazing phenomenon when she returned from
Moscow from the concert. Many people saw her besides her. Arriving home, she (person
non-believer) called my mother and began to tell me about what she had seen. For some reason
She said that everyone who saw it regarded it as a terrible sign. People said
that this is an omen of the coming war. Someone remembered that something like this
stories, was observed before, before the Great Patriotic War.”

Stills from video from
appearances of a shining cross in the sky

According to the priests, the cross in the sky is a sign of victory
over the devil and enemies true faith, his miraculous appearance always precedes
good events. They claim that talking about the cross as a terrible sign
wrong and unfair. On the contrary, the heavenly cross is a happy, joyful sign.
It was precisely this feeling - joy and reverence - that once overwhelmed the inhabitants of Athens.

From 13 to 14 September 1925 over the Chapel of St. John
Theologian in Athens with a large gathering of eyewitnesses and police in the sky
a special, out-of-the-ordinary event took place.

The local Orthodox community celebrated the Feast of the Exaltation
Holy Cross. About two thousand people had gathered the evening before
the country chapel of St. John the Evangelist, where the all-night vigil was served. For the sake of
To maintain order, a police squad also arrived there. And suddenly at 23:30 right above
church and in the direction from west to east a bright white cross. Light from
it fell only on the space around the church, flooding all the worshipers. He
completely eclipsed the radiance of the stars, at the same time illuminating the church and courtyard, as if
an electric spotlight would be directed at them.

This heavenly sign was continuously visible throughout
for half an hour, and then it began to fade little by little. What followed next was not
no words to describe. All those present at the all-night vigil fell to their knees and
shouted in one impulse, praising the Almighty. The police forgot about their
duties and also collapsed to the ground, began to bow and pray. Vigil
lasted all night until 4 am. People began to disperse, carrying with them
news of a miracle and overwhelming enthusiasm.

From Moscow to the very

Here is a documented fact. In the same
In Los Angeles, television producer Dan Meenan and his colleague filmed
TV movie about the appearance of a cross in the Louisiana sky in 1989. They've already taken
interview with a Catholic priest, a witness to the event, and watched the filmed
material. And suddenly on the film they saw a cross, as if superimposed on the figure of the padre.
However, according to Meenan, "Nothing
this was not the case when we spoke with the reverend.”
Another thing is surprising: soon crosses began to appear on the windows of ordinary houses,
moreover, two or even more crucifixes were illuminated at the same time.

In November 1990, a Dallas morning newspaper published
message that a radiant appeared in a private house in the Violet area
panorama of crosses, three of which were white, and one was golden... In
Louisiana in 1991, four white and gold crosses appeared on a bathroom window
rooms of a former plumber. Nearly sightless 61-year-old
the owner took this as a sign from above and began to fervently pray for healing. Vision
returned, although not in full. The news spread quickly to his home
Hundreds of people poured in. The former locksmith even had to set visiting hours.

Similar events took place in Russian spaces. 16
August 2008, a bright light appeared in the sky over the city of Sharya, Kostroma region.
glowing cross! Moreover, the cross correct form. From a scientific point of view, this
the correct form cannot exist in nature. Experts say that
the video does not have computer graphics elements and creating something similar would be

A similar appearance of the cross happened on January 4, 2010 in the sky
Moscow. The glow is similar to energy pillars, and the color of the cross itself
clearly different from other sky objects. A beautiful sight!

What is the origin of luminous crosses? Why are they
appear in one specific place or another? Maybe it's the mass
hallucinations? But we are usually talking about a large-scale spectacle, so
hallucination or hoax is impossible. So it turns out that, whatever one may say,
This could not have happened without some intervention from above. And if you ever happen to
If you see something like this with your own eyes, don’t be afraid. Quite the contrary
- rejoice.


Tunnels to another dimension

Australian parapsychologist Jean Grimbriar concluded in 2007 that
that among the numerous anomalous zones in the world there are about 40
tunnels leading to other worlds, four of them are in Australia and
seven are in America.

for these “hellish tunnels” is that chilling sounds are heard from the depths
screams and moans from the soul, and every year more than a hundred disappear in them without a trace
Human. One of the most famous places is the limestone cave in
California national park, which you can enter but not exit.
There aren't even any traces of the missing.

There are “hell places” in
Russia. For example, near Gelendzhik there is a mysterious mine,
existing, according to local historians, since the 18th century. She
is a straight well with a diameter of about one and a half meters with
like polished walls. When I ventured into the mine a couple of years ago
a man descended, at a depth of 40 meters the Geiger counter showed a sharp
increase in background radiation.

And since earlier from the strange
disease has already killed several volunteers trying to examine
well, the descent was immediately stopped. There are rumors that the mine has no bottom,
some incomprehensible life flows there, in the depths, and time is in the depths
mysterious formation violates all laws, accelerating its progress.

in an hour and a half, a village resident came to the surface from the well,
located on the Greek island of Tilos, 32-year-old Ioannos Kolofidis.

For a long time
this well was considered bottomless. The water in it was icy even in the heat. AND
then one day it was time to clean it. Do this job and volunteered
Colofidis. The man put on a wetsuit and was lowered into the shaft.
The work took about an hour and a half. Three people pulled out from time to time
upstairs bucket with silt. Suddenly, frequent blows were heard on the surface.

It seemed that Kolofidis was begging to raise as soon as possible
his. When the poor fellow was pulled out, his comrades almost lost their gift
speeches: in front of them on the ground lay a decrepit old man with absolutely white
hair on his head, a long beard and in shabby, worn-out clothes. But
what happened in the well remained a mystery, since Kolofidis, through
died a few hours later. An autopsy showed that he died of old age!

The creepy well is located in the Kaliningrad region. In 2004 two
Covenants, Nikolai and Mikhail, contracted to dig a well in one of the villages.
At a depth of about ten meters, the diggers heard from underground
feet of polyphonic human moans. The diggers are in incredible horror
got out. Local residents avoid this “cursed place”
believing that it was there that the Nazis organized mass massacres during the war

Disappearance in the Castle

Old castle,
located near the town of Comcrieff (Scotland), not so long ago became
a place where adventure lovers disappear. Current owner of the castle
Robert McDogley purchased this uninhabitable building for
a pittance simply for the love of the exotic.

One day I was late at
basement, where he discovered ancient books on black magic, until midnight, -
says 54-year-old Robert. - Dusk fell quickly, and I
the blue glow emanating from the large central one seemed strange
hall When I entered there, a bright bluish-gray sheaf hit me in the face.
light emanating from a three-meter portrait, whose colors during the day
they seemed so worn out that it was impossible to see the drawing.
Now I clearly saw the full-length man depicted on it,
whose clothes were made of parts that clearly did not fit together
costumes from different eras - from the 15th to the 20th centuries. When I came closer to
better to take a better look at everything, the heavy portrait fell from the wall and collapsed on

It was a miracle that Sir Robert remained alive. But rumors about what happened
spread beyond the area, and tourists began to flock to the castle.
One day two exalted elderly ladies entered and
climbed into the niche that opened behind the portrait after it fell. AND
immediately they... disappeared into thin air.

The rescuers knocked
all the walls and passed all the rooms with special radars, but no one
discovered. Psychics brought in as experts claim
that the door in the castle, “sealed” for centuries, opened
Parallel Worlds, where the tourists moved. However check this
neither the psychics nor the police decided to enter the niche.


scientist, professor of the Pulkovo Observatory Nikolai KOZYREV argued,
that there are universes parallel to ours, and between them there are tunnels -
"black" and "white" holes. According to the "black" from our Universe goes into
parallel worlds are matter, and through the “white” ones energy comes to us from them.

Are we able to understand the signals that the Higher Mind gives us? Even in ancient times, Egyptian and then Greek and Roman chroniclers wrote about mysterious phenomena when clearly visible, motionless and moving pictures and various signs appeared in the sky. It is characteristic that, regardless of the era, place and religion dominant at that time, they were invariably perceived as divine signs.

One of the most common heavenly visions is the Holy Cross. Its first documented appearance occurred in 312, when the temporary ruler Maxentius and the military leader Constantine, who was supported by the army, entered into a struggle for the title of Roman emperor. On the eve of the decisive battle, he and his army saw a huge cross in the sky and considered this an omen of victory. And at night Christ appeared to Constantine in a dream and ordered him to make the cross his emblem. This vision made such a strong impression on the commander that in the morning he ordered his soldiers to engrave a Christian monogram on their shields - the Greek letters "xi" and "rho". In the ensuing battle near the Tiber River near Rome, Maxentius was defeated. Constantine became emperor and went down in history as Constantine the Great. This was greatly facilitated by the fact that the next year after the victory he issued the Edict of Milan, repealing the laws under which Christians were persecuted, granting them religious freedom and civil rights and returned the property confiscated during the persecution. Less than 30 years passed, and Bishop Cyril (later Saint Cyril) sent a very curious message to Emperor Constantine II: “On the holy days of the Trinity, on May Non (May 7), at about the third hour, a huge luminous cross appeared in the sky above the holy Mount Golgotha, so great, which reached the Mount of Olives and was seen quite clearly not by one or two, but by all the inhabitants of the city of Jerusalem, this cross did not appear, as some may imagine, as a trick of the imagination, in which case it would quickly disappear, but it was visible throughout. several hours, and its radiance was brighter than the rays of the sun... And so all the people, overwhelmed with joy and awe at the sight of the heavenly sign, gathered in the church - old and young, men and women, even maids, local and foreign, Christians and idolaters - and all of them with one voice offered praise to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the miracle worker." In medieval chronicles there are also numerous references to heavenly signs in the form of the Holy Cross. And later they periodically appeared in the sky. So, on December 17, 1826, near the parish church in Minya, near the French city of Poitiers, about three thousand parishioners gathered for a solemn ceremony, during which Abbot Marceau was supposed to bless and consecrate a large roadside cross installed near the western doors of the church. When in his sermon the abbot reached the place where he spoke about the miraculous cross that appeared in the air before Constantine’s victory in the battle with Maxentius, a luminous cross more than 30 meters in size appeared above the heads of the people, floating horizontally through the air for about 30 meters. His appearance was not preceded by a flash of light or any sound, and Abbot Marceau himself was unaware of what was happening behind him until another clergyman pointed him to the sky. Marceau later wrote: “It seems almost impossible to describe the impression that this incredible spectacle made on the souls and consciousness of all those present. I can only say that at that moment part of the crowd knelt on the dirty ground ... in fear, while the rest stood with open arms with my mouth and hands raised to heaven, I found it possible to sing the song “Glory to Jesus! May his cross reign!” and this happened against the backdrop of excitement and excitement of the mind that gripped us all without exception.” Then the cross began to gradually disappear, and by the time Abbot Marceau gave the blessing, it was almost no longer visible. Five days later, a report describing the mysterious incident, signed by 50 eyewitnesses, was sent to the Bishop of Poitiers, prompting him to create a commission of clergy and scientists and begin an investigation. The commission's report caused a noisy and controversial reaction in France. Skeptics attacked parishioners and clergy, accusing them of gullibility, although they themselves could not put forward a rational explanation for what happened. Some believed that a huge kite was mistaken for the cross, but witnesses unanimously stated that there was no wind that day. As a result, after weighing all the pros and cons, on April 18, 1827, Pope Leo XII declared that the vision in Minya “cannot be attributed to natural phenomena.”

In addition to crosses, another vision related to the Christian religion has appeared in the sky more than once - the face of the Virgin Mary. Moreover, several cases have been registered when he was observed by hundreds of impartial witnesses who cannot be suspected of religious fanaticism. For example, in 1914, a giant female figure, very similar to the Virgin Mary, appeared in the sky over one of the sections of the Russian-German front. It was seen by thousands of German and Russian soldiers, who believed that it was a sign that foreshadowed victory. True, no one knows whose! Rather, the vision was to be understood as a call for peace. In the literature, this incident was later explained as "a propaganda technique using a powerful projection lamp." But then a legitimate question arises: who carried out such an original operation, since there is not a word about it in either Russian or German military sources? A similar phenomenon occurred quite recently, also on a very large scale. In the suburbs of the Egyptian capital Cairo, since April 1968, one could observe above the roofs of two Coptic churches. strange phenomenon, which has puzzled skeptics a lot. The first time a radiant vision, appearing in the early morning hours and bearing a striking resemblance to the face of the Virgin Mary, appeared over the Coptic Church of St. Mary in Zeitoun. For three years, thousands of people could see this phenomenon. Appearing for the last time in 1971, the vision disappeared and then reappeared in 1986 over the Church of St. Demian.

Eyewitnesses said that it was often accompanied by the smoke of smoking incense, and the dome of the church seemed to burst into flames when the face of the Virgin Mary appeared in the sky above it. One day the vision persisted in the sky for 20 minutes. So many people gathered in front of the church that police had to be sent out to maintain order. Although scientists have tried to present this phenomenon as an optical illusion, mass hallucinations, a natural optical phenomenon, or simply as electrical discharges on the domes of temples, no one has been able to give a comprehensive explanation of the phenomenon. And here is the testimony of our compatriot and contemporary, engineer of the Izhevsk Engine Plant Vladimir Tyaptin: “On October 27, 1964, a tragedy occurred: on the Izhevsk pond during a storm, the poet Vladimir Rozhkov drowned with his friend Vladimir Teslov... And on September 26, 1994, a month before thirty years since the death of the boys, I sat down at the table, looked out the window from the fifth floor (the window of my room, by a strange coincidence, overlooks the pond where they drowned) in the direction of the place where the tragedy happened, and was stunned: right in front of me, completely In the clear cloudless blue evening sky, symmetrically relative to the setting sun, a beam of white rays emanating from a single cloud was curved towards it. They diverged to the right and to the left, expanding like a fan, but remaining equally thin in diameter along the entire length. For half an hour they did not change. its shape and location. And above this beam of rays, exactly along the line of the Sun, a huge circle was outlined in the sky, and in it, as if woven, was the figure of a young woman. The face is calm, unusually beautiful. Dressed in light, secular dress. In the crook of her left arm she held a naked boy of about three years old. With his right arm he hugged the woman’s neck, and his left arm rested in her hand. This lasted for half an hour. Then, as if on cue magic wand, the image along the contour of the figure and the beam of rays turned into a dense, monotonous white cloud. I was shocked! This picture is still before my eyes." The second unusual incident happened with Tyaptin exactly a year later: "From numerous publications about Vanga, I realized that she heard a voice explaining to her this or that truth, giving an answer to any question. It's different for me. Not always, but only in special cases, when I turn to heaven (most often to the Mother of God) with a request to give me advice, provide help or explain what to do. I contact without prayer and, as a rule, I receive a lightning-fast response. Sometimes I receive commands and advice on a mental level. This may manifest itself in the form of a strong, unexpected desire. This is what happened on the memorable evening of September 27, 1995: I suddenly felt a strong desire to go ashore.

I went down to the embankment of Izhevsky Pond. A mental voice asked to go to the right to the beach. Opposite it is Raspberry Mountain. I looked at the sky above it and again, like a year ago, I was amazed: in the white-gray clouds above the mountain, in a clearly defined space of golden-white clouds, a huge cross seemed to be carved out, through which a crimson sunset glowed! The shape of the cross was exactly the same as that installed on Orthodox churches. The spectacle was amazing! If someone had told me before that this was possible, I would not have believed it. But this picture was in front of me, and I, delighted, admired it for about fifteen minutes. Then the lines and the cross began to distort and gradually seemed to blur in the sky... When I, shocked by what I saw, came home and looked at the Kazan icon hanging in my room under Mother of God orthodox calendar, then I was even more amazed: this day, September 27, was the Day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord! So then say that there is no God and that heaven does not work miracles! One thing is clear to me: heaven is speaking to us! Another thing is that most often, busy with their own material problems, we do not see the miracle, we do not hear and do not understand this heavenly language."

So, if we consider celestial visions to be a real fact, the question arises: who or what paints various signs and even whole pictures in the heavens? A hypothesis regarding the “celestial arts”, quite acceptable at first glance, was proposed in a book by a certain V. Fulk, dedicated to atmospheric phenomena, which was published back in 1640. According to some researchers, it “still amazes with a truly scientific approach to the issue and a deep criticism of superstitious ideas.” “All these visions can be caused in two ways: artificial and natural. They are artificially caused with the help of certain mirrors and instruments made according to secret laws of science, which is called Catoprica (the science of mirrors and the reflection of light), writes Fulk. “However, as a rule, these phenomena arise naturally when the air, due to its properties, suddenly begins to reflect everything that is and happens on Earth.” . Later, skeptics usually referred to the first explanation of the medieval author, replacing mirrors with a powerful projector, since in their content celestial pictures often bear little resemblance to mirages well known to science. When I asked an optical physicist to comment on the “projection version,” I received a discouraging answer: “I won’t go into details like the power of the projector, which will be required to display transparencies in the sky, or the strictly defined state of the air - temperature, humidity, etc. .so that it serves as a screen. I will give only one detail that refutes this hypothesis, which for some reason is forgotten. If the picture is clearly visible, then the beam of any projector will certainly be visible. And this, as far as we know, has never been noted. And yet there is a rational grain in Fulk’s hypothesis. Heavenly visions in a number of cases actually reflect events on Earth, but by no means “due to the properties of the air,” as he believes. According to the now widely known hypothesis, there is a global information field that contains information about everything that has happened, is happening and will take place on our planet. It is this that is the source of amazing predictions of soothsayers and prophetic dreams of ordinary people about events happening somewhere or future events. According to a number of researchers, the information field is holographic in nature, that is, it can generate surprisingly reliable three-dimensional images. In this case, individual “pictures” or mental images from it can appear not only in people’s minds (as happens most often), but also be projected onto a suitable “screen” in the surrounding material world. Under certain conditions, the role of such a screen is played by air. Finally, it is possible that God or the Supreme Intelligence, with the help of heavenly visions, sends people some messages that they are not yet able to decipher. In any case, one thing is absolutely clear: “pictures” in the sky are serious.

The figure of the Lord is clearly visible. And most importantly, the sign on the Cross of the Lord.

The researcher read the invisible inscriptions on the Shroud of Turin

Vatican archives historian Barbara Frale claims to have been able to partially read virtually invisible inscriptions on the Shroud of Turin, which allegedly prove the authenticity of the famous Christian relic. AP reports this.
According to the researcher, modern computer technology helped her read words in Greek, Latin and Aramaic. So, Frala managed to see the inscription “Jesus of Nazareth”, written in Greek. In her opinion, this means that the canvas cannot be a medieval fake, since in those days not a single Christian, even a forger, could call Christ simply a Nazarene (Nazarene, that is, a resident of Nazareth), without indicating his divine origin .
According to Frale, the nameplate was attached to the shroud, in which, according to legend, the body of Christ was wrapped, so that loved ones could recognize the remains and bury the deceased. The metals contained in the ink of that time could have transferred to the fabric, the researcher believes.
Frale said that the letters on the canvas had been seen before, but researchers did not pay attention to them because of the belief that the shroud was fake. It is based on the results of radiocarbon dating: in 1988, this test was carried out in three laboratories, which independently dated the relic to the 12th-14th centuries.
A Vatican historian believes that the inscriptions on the shroud confirm the Gospel descriptions of the last hours of Christ's life. In particular, in her opinion, the Greek inscription, which can be read as “taken down at the ninth hour,” indicates the time of death of the Son of God, which is reported in the sacred texts.
Frale examined an enlarged image of a fragment of the shroud, on which at least seven words can be seen. She was unable to translate one short inscription in Aramaic, imprinted in the area of ​​the supposed face of Christ; The historian regarded the Latin letters iber as an indication of the Emperor Tiberius, during whose reign, according to the Bible, Jesus Christ was crucified.
According to legend, Joseph of Arimathea wrapped the body of Christ in a shroud - a four-meter piece of linen - after the torment of the cross and death. Some believers believe that the fabric contains original imprints of the Savior’s body and face. The Roman Catholic Church has never officially recognized the shroud as either genuine or fake. The relic is kept in the Cathedral of John the Baptist in Turin.

In the era Ancient Rome When a person condemned to death by crucifixion was led to the place of execution, a sign was hung on his chest with the inscription for which he was condemned. Sometimes this sign was carried in front of the condemned person.
As for the inscription indicating the guilt of Christ, it can be reconstructed according to the testimonies of all four evangelists, since each of them gives one or another clarification in it that the others do not have. Its full text is arranged as follows: This is (Matthew, Luke) Jesus (Matthew, John) Nazarite (John) King of the Jews (all). John also testifies that this inscription was made in three languages ​​- Hebrew, Greek and Latin. The Jews considered this inscription offensive to them, since it implies that the kingdom of Jesus over them was, as it were, recognized by themselves, while they condemned Christ for the fact that he himself claimed to be their king. “The chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate: Do not write: King of the Jews, but what He said: I am the King of the Jews” (John 19:21). However, the procurator refused to do this, saying: “What I wrote, I wrote” (John 19:22). In the paintings of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, this inscription is given in Latin either in full: “lesus Nazarenus Rex ludareorum”, or in the form of an abbreviation: INRI.

The sky is the direct opposite of the earth’s gray vale; its beauty and splendor are perfect. This is the ultimate, transcendentally beautiful goal of the pilgrims of the earth. Back at the end of the 13th century, Jacob of Voraginsky dreamed of the kingdom of heaven, which he described in the “Golden Legend”: “... a beautiful meadow... with well-groomed flowers, a gentle wind blew through the leaves of the trees, causing them to make a sweet ringing sound and emit a subtle aroma. There were fruits there, pleasant to look at and tender to the taste; there were benches made of gold and gems... Transparent streams gurgled there, and the walls were made of ringing gold, emitting a light of indescribable clarity. The singing of heavenly choirs was heard, which had never reached the human ear on earth, and a certain voice said: “This is the city of the blessed!”
The Incas also located in the sky “Ganan Pacha” - the “upper world”, into which good people ended up as payment for their virtue. There a life of peace awaited them, all kinds of pleasures and liberation from the worries and sorrows of this life.

But over time, people learned to create beautiful palaces, emitting golden light, with aromas and fruits, even here on the sinful earth. Not true for everyone. However, the sky has not lost its secret - desirable and beautiful. And unattainable.
Talking about cloud performances in the skies, witnesses to such mysteries assure that we are not talking about white fluffy clouds that easily change shape under the influence of atmospheric currents. Sometimes real theatrical performances with many characters unfold in the sky, dominated by battles, horse races, and sometimes symbols consisting of geometric, clearly defined circles. And the purpose of heavenly pictures, according to eyewitnesses, is to attract a person’s attention, to prompt or warn him against something.
In our chronicles and legends, cloud visions are described quite often. Thus, during the battle with the Teutons on the ice of Lake Peipsi in 1242, Novgorodians from the army of Prince Alexander Nevsky saw an “angel regiment” move above them towards the enemy.
On the night before the Battle of Kulikovo, the soldiers of Dmitry Donskoy watched the battle of the “heavenly army” with the infidels.
A certain spheroid, showing pictures of the battle in blue and red tones, was seen above the Yasny farm, in the places of action of the partisans during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War.

What will the clouds tell a simple, modern person?

Angel appears for those who will soon receive the good news, for whom a joyful event awaits.

Swan. The outline of the Swan preaches about love, a peaceful and calm life.

Pegasus portends overcoming numerous obstacles. Creative people, after long unpleasant failures, can expect well-deserved success.

The Dragon. However, for those who think that this is not Pegasus, but quite the opposite, a Dragon, then everything is much more complicated. Because, if in European culture the appearance of a dragon means the intervention of devilish, malicious forces that must be overcome, then in Eastern mythology the dragon is a symbol of a long, happy life.

Virgo promises a complete rethinking of life, and whoever sees it will face a new goal.

Rabbit- lunar animal. His appearance is always a good thing and most often foreshadows the acquisition of offspring. And to the pregnant woman who sees him, the rabbit (and the hare too) promises a safe delivery of the pregnancy.

Rider on horse- to profit. And not unexpected, like a lottery win or a found wallet, but deserved, earned. In business, for example, a successful deal. It is even possible that a government award awaits the person who sees such a rider.

Flowers I’m telling you about the blossoming that is about to come in your life. However, the benefits that I predict for you from flowers are more likely to be not of a material, but of a spiritual nature. Joy, love, happiness, spiritual enlightenment - these are the generous gifts of heaven that flowers tell you about.

Cross. If you see a cross in the sky, do not be afraid. Just know that space says: “the time has come for you to fulfill your destiny, that is, to become who you should be.” And if you follow your own path, then the whole Universe will help you with this. If for some reason you accidentally turned in the wrong direction, then the whole world, by placing certain obstacles, will help you return to your path.

Mountains. Mountains made of clouds predict unexpected obstacles in business. You will have to be patient and persistent on the way to your goal. But if you cope with all the tests with dignity, then the reward will be royal.

Eye, eye. It portends global, rather unfavorable mass events. Messenger of crashes and disasters. For a specific person, this is a warning: be careful, don’t sleep, watch what’s happening.

Mother of God. There is no number of visions that believers who have seen the Mother of God tell about, and she most often was a harbinger of some grandiose events. The Holy Mother of God was seen in front of October Revolution, during the war it foreshadowed the Battle of Kursk, and in Belgrade it appeared before the civil war.