Should a woman be passive? Energy differences between men and women A woman should be passive

When communicating with women, I constantly encounter misunderstandings on this issue.

I recently received a letter from a woman.

She hasn’t worked for a year now, lives in a relaxed way, and is in no hurry. But at the same time she feels that there is no more energy and her mood is worsening.

Can a “relaxed” existence take away your strength?

If you are a woman, how passive should you be?

Does this mean that a woman should not do anything?

And what is “activity” and “passivity”?

Let's figure it out.

The simplest understanding: activity is activity, and passivity is the absence of activity, inactivity.

But activity varies.

On the one hand, activity is: a lot of action, obsession, competition, competition, thirst for quick results, greed, lack of sense of proportion, fanaticism, fixation.

Such activity is chaotic, disorderly, fussy, meaningless and even destructive.

On the other hand, activity can be purposeful, meaningful, developmental, energetic, constructive, creative, adequate and inspiring.

At the same time, such activity satisfies, brings joy and sincere pleasure.

As for passivity, it also has many shades.

Passivity - inertia, lethargy, apathy, helplessness, infantilism, laziness, dependence.

It takes away your strength, you get the feeling that you are “like in a swamp”, you become despondent and depressed.

On the other hand, passivity is contemplation, observation, attention to the present moment, to yourself, to what you feel, being “in the flow.”

Passivity can also be conscious, meditative, which promotes fulfillment and restoration.

And when we talk about female passivity, this is precisely the side of passivity that is meant.

A man is realized through action, victories and achievements, and a woman is realized through a state of fulfillment, love and happiness.

Therefore, when a woman begins to act actively like a man, she begins to have problems. In the family, with her health, with her sense of self, she begins to live like a robot. Such activity deprives a woman of beauty, charm, exhausts her and makes her unhappy.

Here's what one girl wrote to me:

“I understand that I spent most of my life in a very masculine energies. She was always running somewhere, striving for something, competing with someone, gaining the upper hand over someone. This is what caused encouragement from the outside and brought success. It just started to run out of steam. I didn’t know anymore why I was doing all this. Why success if everything free time goes to restore minimal strength. Several years ago I completely stopped feeling my body. She has become like a machine, which is no longer particularly distracted by even enjoying life. The bathroom became a waste of time, the manicure a waste of time and money. I began to look at everything from the point of view of practicality and efficiency. I couldn’t even just do running anymore, I had to learn foreign languages ​​at the same time.”

Any activity of a woman should be inspired by meaning and the feminine state. Then it will not be fussy and meaningless, then it will not be destructive.

If, for example, your child is sick, you will be active; contemplation is unlikely to be suitable here.

But this activity will be a little different than for men. There will be more love and attention in your activities, it is not external and mechanical. This activity is more internal.

After all, every woman has the ability to heal. Heal with your attention, your love!

Men's changes are active actions. A woman changes the world with her inner states.

That’s why passivity, the ability to relax, feel yourself and those around you, observation, and intuition are so important for a woman.

For men, activity is a clear algorithm, scheme, automatism. He acts on will and effort. And this makes him stronger.

For a woman, everything is much more complicated; she cannot act automatically and mechanically.

Its activity must always be fertilized by an internal state. And the internal state is born only in passivity.

Even cleaning without state and awareness will only cause irritation and fatigue and is unlikely to fill your home with energy.

Before any action or activity, it is important for a woman to fill herself up.

Therefore, be careful even women's affairs many women are too active. Any activity should not be a drill, a requirement, a scheme.

Ask yourself - how much do I feel, perceive and realize what I am doing? Does this make me happy?

A woman often acts indirectly. It works through love, through prayer, through desire, through relaxation and acceptance of the situation.

Strength comes to a woman precisely in passivity.

And you must master this kind of passivity:

— Learn to listen to your body, your feelings;

— Learn to relax and recover;

- To wish and ask for help from a man and from the Higher powers;

— Seek support;

— Accept help;

- Be aware of your downturns and support yourself;

- Learn to love yourself;

- See beauty, notice femininity and masculinity;

- Learn to enjoy and have fun;

- Admire yourself;

- Be in love;

- Feel your present.

And then your activity will be conscious, beautiful and worthy.

Entire lecture - More videos on the official channel - Even a strong woman in a relationship with a man must behave passively. There is no need to unnecessarily remind yourself, much less annoy. Because a woman’s active interest provokes a man’s passive interest. With her imposition, a woman will only scare away a man. This also applies to situations where young people have quarreled, and the man expects the girl to immediately call and start apologizing, and when this happens, he is perplexed and begins to take offense himself. There is no need to succumb to a man’s provocations. In the female coordinate system, when there is a quarrel, the man calls and apologizes because he is stronger. And he always apologizes strong. There is no need to make concessions to your principles and, for the sake of every man, to expand the scope of your concepts. If a man is interested in further communication, then he will adapt to these frameworks.

Couples who have been together for quite a long period sometimes experience moments when passion completely disappears in the relationship. And often it is women who become passive in sex, and sometimes without any reason. But where did this “coolness” come from in sexual relationships, since everything else is fine!? And when it comes to bed, you simply mechanically perform your marital “duty” without emotions and former passion, and at the same time you don’t try to fix anything.

As a result, the once pleasant marital bed turns into a routine. And if you not only do not try, but also reluctantly or do not support his initiative in sex at all, then there is a high chance that the joint “game” of family life sooner or later it will end with a very sad result. After all, a man simply needs variety, but he gets a “log” in bed. Maybe it's time to think about yourself, find out the reason and how to deal with it!?

Alone with myself

You should always face the truth - especially in relationships - admit to yourself that sex doesn’t bring you joy anymore – but why!? Think about it, maybe you are passive in bed with this particular person and you are not interested in trying what his “beloved” offers, but why!? However, in any case, this is absolutely no reason to bury your relationship and the couple as a whole, because everything is fine with you except for bed. Think, maybe this is a hint to “reanimate” feelings before they completely disappear.

Try to remember at what period did you become passive in sex? Maybe the reason lies precisely in a certain day, action, etc. - try to analyze the current situation. Maybe there was some kind of quarrel, after which you were left with an unpleasant aftertaste, although you had already made peace a long time ago!? Maybe you are subconsciously angry with your “beloved” and therefore, when it comes to sex, you cannot relax. But keeping grievances inside, especially long-standing ones, is not the best decision. Just talk to him!

Conversation for two

Of course, men don’t like showdowns with a psychotherapeutic twist, but try to explain/tell him as delicately as possible that even after reconciliation, you still cannot forget that quarrel. Such a frank confession will at least be a reason for reflection and a hint for him, because, most likely, he forgot about that incident a long time ago.

If you have children, then send them to grandma and have a romantic evening without TV, computer, long conversations about work, etc. - just the two of you! Talk about distracting topics and smoothly transition the conversation to a sexual topic, for example: “I saw such stunning lingerie in the department store! or There are a lot of interesting things on the Internet “toys for adults” - that is, hint to him that you would be interested in trying - show him your interest and effort to fix everything.

The ability to openly talk about desires in bed brings you very close, but at the same time you need to remember what you are trying to achieve, because the crack in the relationship and passivity in bed comes from you. Maybe your boyfriend/husband is trying to fix the situation, but you just don’t notice it or don’t want to notice it!? Thus, you simply do not give him a chance, thereby distancing him and making the situation worse. Of course, it’s easiest to feel sorry for yourself and make someone else to blame for your passivity, but in order to get pleasure, you need to give it to your soul mate.

Praise your man after sex, give him the pleasure of being a hero in bed, show him your delight in his sexual capabilities. This will inspire him and then he will “move mountains” to make you feel good. “Pleasure – without – Pleasure – does not exist!”!

Memory of the past

It often happens that passivity in sex begins after an unexpected meeting with an ex-boyfriend/husband. Memories come flooding back to you, and you begin to compare the “former” and the “present”, but for some reason you are more inclined to favor the former, although you didn’t have any problems with the present, especially in bed!?

Here you need to think carefully: why is your ex stuck in your head so firmly. Of course, the matter takes on a serious tone if your ex was the first person you truly loved. This feeling does not pass without a trace and it would seem that you fell in love with someone else and are happy with him, but when you meet, the memories simply wash over you in a huge wave. However, you need to pull yourself together, because you broke up - that means there were good reasons - try to suppress everything connected with the past. Go to a consultation with a psychologist if you cannot get rid of the past on your own.

My passivity - In my body

Many girls/women consider their body to be very, very far from perfect. Therefore, various kinds of experiences arise as a result of which is a reluctance to fully open up, even after living together for several years. This can serve as a rather alarming “bell” because it gives rise to problems in sex. The reasons may be different, for example, with age or after childbirth, breasts sag, a tummy appears, cellulite, etc.

A woman begins to feel that she disgusts her man, because in this form it is impossible to please her. But this is not true!!! Important to remember: basic "genital" organ- This is our brain. Therefore, as long as the brain is able to appreciate, no matter what, there will be passion in the relationship. Everything else is your personal idea, but you can’t do this, otherwise real complexes may develop!

Although naked female body changes due to some natural reasons, but often a woman drives herself into a corner, because if you think about it, the problems are not as serious as it seems at first glance. Moreover, one’s own lack of confidence in one’s appearance in some cases can be extremely negative impact on your couple's sex life.

If a woman believes that her partner should not see her body in any way, even though he clearly wants to, then she becomes passive towards sex, which will primarily affect your sex life. Because during sex you think about what your breasts look like or what movements are happening with your stomach - this is insanity!

Relax, give free rein to your feelings, concentrate on his touches and actions. Try to get your far-fetched complexes out of your head - trust and surrender fully to your man and the fear will go away by itself!

Turning a blind eye to the problem - What will happen?

If you do not pay attention to, and especially do not correct, the problem of your passivity in sex, then most likely this will lead to a huge reluctance in your man to continue the relationship. Because there will still come a time when he becomes bored and uninterested with you, and sex will not awaken absolutely any passion in him. Surely you can guess how this will end: your loved one will go to the left and soon leave altogether. Therefore, do not wait until your man’s patience is completely exhausted and the relationship completely fades away, to nothing.

REMEMBER: Everything depends only on you, fight your passivity, indifference, alienation!!!

The material was prepared by Natalya KOVALENKO. Website illustrations: © 2014 Thinkstock.

“I realize that I spent most of my life in very masculine energies. She was always running somewhere, striving for something, competing with someone, gaining the upper hand over someone. This is what caused encouragement from the outside and brought success. It just started to run out of steam. I didn’t know anymore why I was doing all this. Why success if all your free time is spent on restoring minimal strength. Several years ago I completely stopped feeling my body. She has become like a machine, which is no longer particularly distracted by even enjoying life. The bathroom became a waste of time, the manicure a waste of time and money. I began to look at everything from the point of view of practicality and efficiency. I couldn’t even just do running anymore, I had to learn foreign languages ​​at the same time.”

Any activity of a woman should be inspired by meaning and the feminine state. Then it will not be fussy and meaningless, then it will not be destructive.

If, for example, your child is sick, you will be active; contemplation is unlikely to be suitable here.

But this activity will be a little different than for men. There will be more love and attention in your activities, it is not external and mechanical. This activity is more internal.

After all, every woman has the ability to heal. Heal with your attention, your love!

Men's changes are active actions. A woman changes the world with her inner states.

That’s why passivity, the ability to relax, feel yourself and those around you, observation, and intuition are so important for a woman.

For men, activity is a clear algorithm, scheme, automatism. He acts on will and effort. And this makes him stronger.

For a woman, everything is much more complicated; she cannot act automatically and mechanically.

Its activity must always be fertilized by an internal state. And the internal state is born only in passivity.

Even cleaning without state and awareness will only cause irritation and fatigue and is unlikely to fill your home with energy.

Before any action or activity, it is important for a woman to fill herself up.

Therefore, be careful, many women are too actively involved in women’s affairs. Any activity should not be a drill, a requirement, a scheme.

Ask yourself - how much do I feel, perceive and realize what I am doing? Does this make me happy?

A woman often acts indirectly. It works through love, through prayer, through desire, through relaxation and acceptance of the situation.

Strength comes to a woman precisely in passivity.

And you must master this kind of passivity:

— Learn to listen to your body, your feelings;
— Learn and recover;
- To wish and ask for help from a man and from the Higher powers;
— Seek support;
— Accept help;
- Be aware of your downturns and support yourself;
- Learn to love yourself;
- See beauty, notice femininity and masculinity;
- Learn to enjoy and have fun;

- Admire yourself;
- Be in love;
- Feel your present.

And then your activity will be conscious, beautiful and worthy.

We learn all these skills at .

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Tatiana Dzutseva.

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Let's note for ourselves what the ideal of femininity is for a man. This ideal is simple.

A woman must be:

· Sexual

· Beautiful

· Tender


· Affectionate

· Wise

· Passive

· Dependent

Very often a woman plays the role of mother to her husband, being a wife. The reason is that she grew up in a family where she saw a woman as a mother.

Not surprising. Parents do not show their mistress wife to their children. No one, other than church Bible teaching, can really teach a woman how to truly love her husband. Church elders are commanded, those who have husbands and children, with great experience in sexual marital life, to advise young women how to love their husbands (Titus 2:4)

To admonish young people to love their husbands and children.

The Bible says the pleasures of marriage are unique and physical -

Eph 5:28. Thus should husbands love their wives as their own bodies: He who loves his wife loves himself.

How do husbands love their bodies? Only saints (cheaters) can say that sex is indifferent to them. Either there are sick men (there is healing in Christ), or there are eunuch monks who should not condemn women to platonic marriage.

In the life of "one flesh" in all spheres, there is a certain relationship: if a woman is passive, the man is active, if a woman is active, the man is passive. The presence of two active components is impossible, this contradicts the principle of one flesh.

A woman's passivity allows a man to feel strong, energetic and successful towards a woman. A woman should be a little« not successful», for a man to realize himself, succeed, and grow. So that he feels that he is the breadwinner, he is the provider, he is the giver, he is the protector. For him to feel compassion - this makes a person strong. A strong, active, screaming, nagging wife evokes in her husband not a feeling of compassion, but a feeling of defense (the strong attack, the weak defend).

Since the soul plays various roles on earth (the soul itself lives on heavenly food), then in marriage one must play one’s roles well so that those playing this performance will like it. For you and your partner, as well as for people watching (children), and of course for those who need true models of marriage.

But we all need to remember the Word of Christ (Luke 12:15) - a person’s happiness does not depend on the abundance of his possessions(wife, husband, children, property, etc.).

At the same time he said to them: look out, beware of covetousness, for a person’s life does not depend on the abundance of his possessions.

We draw happiness from God in eternity from the Spirit, and marriage is not intended to give true happiness to a person, only a good (or bad) earthly game.

It's better good game, like a good dessert - an addition to good food.