Kuril elixir for men. Elixir for men. Elixir Kurilsky increases male energy

The main use of “Male Elixir” is as a health product that comprehensively restores strength, immunity, sexual function and the nervous system of a man.

Extracts using linseed oil from St. John's wort, Kuril tea, amaranth flowers and seeds, fireweed (Ivan tea), burdock, licorice, chicory, sage, carrots, blueberries and sea buckthorn:

  • return the male body to the appearance and sensations of a young body,
  • help you emerge victorious from stressful situations,
  • maintain resistance to colds,
  • give special passion and warmth to sexual contacts,
  • will protect against the appearance of such an uncomfortable male disease of prostatitis and adenoma.
All this becomes a reality because the biologically active substances of the plants listed above can positively influence:
  • work immune system body,
  • are the basis for the synthesis of tissue hormones that activate metabolic processes in various parts of the human body,
  • improve blood supply to the male genital organs,
  • make the walls of blood and lymphatic vessels elastic, which significantly improves the circulation of all biological fluids, including blood,
  • help remove cholesterol plaques in artery walls,
  • and also improve the performance and mood of men and relieve the effects of chronic fatigue.

“Men's Elixir” is an effective assistant for both men and women with hemorrhoids, varicose veins and lymphostasis (lymph stagnation, swelling). The effectiveness of the “Male Elixir” increases with a combination of oral administration, application to varicose veins and administration into the rectum through microenemas.


flaxseed oil, extracts of St. John's wort, amaranth, licorice, Kuril tea, fireweed, burdock.

Directions for use:

An important advantage of the “Male Elixir” is the ability to individually select the required dosage (from 2 teaspoons to 2 tablespoons per day).

Take the “Male Elixir” with a small amount of vegetables, porridge or bread. This way the elixir is absorbed better and has a more gentle effect.

Duration of treatment – ​​6 weeks. At this time, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of oils low in Omega-3 (sunflower oil, animal fats, mayonnaise).

The nutritional value per 100g of product:
  • saturated and monounsaturated fatty acid- 30.7 g,
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids - Omega-3, Omega-6 (Vitamin F) - 69g,
  • Vitamin E - 105 mg%.

Energy value per 100g of product: 890 kcal.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance

Storage method: Store in the refrigerator, tightly closing the package after the next use of the product.

Shelf life: 7 months.

The composition of the “Male Elixir” is a mixture of extracts of St. John’s wort, amaranth, fireweed, Kuril tea, licorice, chicory, burdock, sage, blueberry, carrot and sea buckthorn based on flaxseed oil.

Useful properties and composition of the “Male Elixir”

The main use of “Male Elixir” is as a health product that comprehensively restores strength, immunity, sexual function and the nervous system of a man.

The unique herbal components of the “Male Elixir” have, first of all, a positive effect on the male genital area. For example, squalene (amaranth and St. John's wort are especially rich in it) is a substance necessary for the synthesis of steroid hormones in the male body. The bactericidal properties of amaranth, fireweed and other herbal ingredients of the “Male Elixir” contribute to the treatment of diseases such as chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Flaxseed oil helps increase potency. And the substances contained in the extracts of burdock, chicory and licorice, which are part of the “Male Elixir,” normalize the process of synthesis of high-quality sperm and also improve the functioning of the nerve receptors responsible for tactile sensations.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids contained in flaxseed oil increase the speed of transmission of nerve impulses, which has a positive effect on memory, vision, hearing and mental abilities of men, who regularly takes “Male Elixir”. Vitamins B1, B2 and B3 (their suppliers are sage, blueberries, chicory, sea buckthorn, carrots and fireweed) in combination with serotonin (which sea buckthorn and flaxseed oil with St. John's wort are rich in) are necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system, to maintain the emotional balance of a man. Kuril tea, St. John's wort and amaranth are powerful antioxidants that actively saturate the tissues and organs of the male body with oxygen. It is in connection with the above properties that “Male Elixir” can be effectively used in the treatment of headaches, insomnia, and also help a man who uses this health product every day to successfully fight lethargy, apathy, fatigue, stress, irritation, and alcohol addiction.

Also, “Male Elixir” can be widely used in the prevention and treatment of a number of other diseases that weaken men’s health:

A harmonious combination of flavonoids (there are many of them in St. John's wort, blueberries, Kuril tea, sage, fireweed, licorice, sea buckthorn and carrots), Omega-3 and Omega-6, as well as vitamin C (contained in fireweed, chicory, Kuril tea, blueberries, carrots, sea ​​buckthorn, sage) provides a powerful complex healing effect of the “Male Elixir” on the cardiovascular system. With regular use of this product, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries increases, and blood viscosity decreases. Thanks to these properties, the use of “Male Elixir” is especially useful in the prevention and complex therapy of diseases such as atherosclerosis, varicose veins, hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, etc.

“Male elixir” can be considered a unique product also because all its components, in combination with flaxseed oil, exhibiting tanning, choleretic or anti-inflammatory properties, contribute to the treatment and prevention of most diseases digestive system(gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, dysbacteriosis, constipation, dyspepsia, flatulence). In addition, the famous folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids (a common disease in men), the ingredients in the “Male Elixir” include burdock, St. John's wort, flaxseed oil, licorice and carrots.

Respiratory diseases. Thanks to the expectorant and bactericidal properties of sage, licorice and Kuril tea, “Male Elixir” can be used in the complex treatment of diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, and pleurisy.

Excretory system. Kuril tea, fireweed, chicory, and licorice have a pronounced diuretic effect, and chicory and carrots are also capable of removing stones from kidney stones. Thanks to the sage included in the “Male Elixir”, this product can also be recommended for people suffering from excessive sweating.

Skin diseases. The bactericidal, wound-healing and antiviral properties of most components of the “Male Elixir” make it advisable to use both internal and external use This product is used in the treatment of a number of diseases and skin lesions (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, trophic ulcers, fungal skin infections, burns, frostbite, wounds).

Diseases of the endocrine system. Thanks to the licorice content, regular use of the “Male Elixir” is effective in restoring adrenal function after a course of steroid therapy. Also, daily use of “Male Elixir” in the diet is beneficial for people suffering from obesity or diabetes.

Most of the components of the “Male Elixir”, due to their antioxidant properties, contribute to prevention and treatment of certain cancers.

The use of “Male Elixir” is useful both for men who are in good physical shape (to maintain energy and vitality), and for those men who generally lead an unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol, smoking, physical inactivity).

Method of use and contraindications for the use of “Male Elixir”

Mode of application. It is recommended to consume 1-2 tablespoons 2 times a day (morning and evening) before or during meals (for 6 weeks). After 6 weeks of regular use, it is advisable to take a break for 2 weeks, after which the use of “Male Elixir” must be continued. Continuous use of this product is possible for up to 6 months in a row (for example, in the autumn-winter period).

Contraindications. Individual intolerance to individual components.

Storage method: Store in the refrigerator, tightly closing the package after the next use of the product.

Shelf life: 7 months.

Nutritional value per 100g of product: saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids - 30.7 g, polyunsaturated fatty acids - Omega-3, Omega-6 (Vitamin F) - 69g, Vitamin E - 105 mg%.

Energy value per 100g of product: 890 kcal.

Manufacturer: NPO Compass of Health.

Natural unrefined cold-pressed flaxseed oil

  • Relieves inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • Heals the rectum;
  • Maintains prostate health;
  • Facilitates the course of varicose veins and lymphostasis.

Short description

Extracts using linseed oil from St. John's wort, Kuril tea, amaranth flowers and seeds, fireweed (Ivan tea), burdock return the male body to the appearance and sensations of a young body, help to emerge victorious from stressful situations, maintain resistance to colds, give special passion and warmth sexual contacts, will protect against the appearance of such an uncomfortable male disease of prostatitis and adenoma.

All this becomes a reality because the biologically active substances of the plants listed above are able to positively influence the functioning of the body’s immune system, are the basis for the synthesis of tissue hormones that activate metabolic processes in various parts of the human body, improve blood supply to the male genital organs, and make the walls of blood and lymphatic vessels elastic. , which significantly improves the circulation of all biological fluids, including blood, helps remove cholesterol plaques in the walls of arteries, and also improves the performance and mood of men and relieves the effects of chronic fatigue.

Elixir "MEN" is an effective assistant for both men and women with hemorrhoids, varicose veins and lymphostasis (lymph stagnation, swelling). The effectiveness of the "Male Elixir" increases with a combination of oral administration, application to varicose veins and administration into the rectum through microenemas.

Compound: edible unrefined linseed oil, plant extracts of St. John's wort, agrimony, fireweed, burdock, Kuril tea, amaranth.

100 g contains:
polyunsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F) – ω3 – 57 g, ω6 – 17 g,
saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids – 25.7 g,
vitamin E – 6.2 mg.
Energy value: 961 Kcal/4036 KJ.
Storage method: Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C, after opening, store in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days.
Best before date: 10 months
Contraindications: Individual intolerance
Volume: 200 ml.
Barcode: 4607078970332

  • An important advantage of the “Male” elixir is the ability to individually select the required dosage (from 2 teaspoons to 2 tablespoons per day).
  • Take the “male” elixir with a small amount of vegetables, porridge or bread. This way the elixir is absorbed better and has a more gentle effect.
  • Duration of treatment - 6 weeks. At this time, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of oils low in Omega 3 (sunflower oil, animal fats, mayonnaise) so as not to “overload” the pancreas.

Oil extracts from St. John's wort (oil of John the Baptist), Kuril tea, amaranth flowers and seeds, fireweed (willow-tea), burdock, licorice, chicory, sage, carrots, blueberries and sea buckthorn.


During infectious diseases, colds, and injuries, the body works under strain. The longer this regime, the greater the wear and tear on the body. First of all, a person’s reproductive organs are affected. Protect a man, and if he has already experienced changes metabolic processes in the body, then the Male Elixir is called upon to return them to their previous boundaries - a mixture of oil extracts of St. John's wort, fireweed, burdock, amaranth and other medicinal plants. The purpose of the Male Elixir is to defeat infection, relieve inflammation, increase immunity, restore metabolic processes, restore the functioning of secretory tubules and blood circulation, supply the body with the substances necessary for the synthesis of hormones and enzymes, and remove excess stress from the nervous system.

The Men's Elixir contains:
1. Oil extract from St. John's wort(oil of John the Baptist). St. John's wort is needed as a strong antimicrobial and antiviral agent. It is necessary for tissue regeneration, to relieve inflammation, to clean capillaries and secretory channels, to resolve scars on the prostate, as a strong antihemorrhoidal agent. St. John's wort effectively relieves nervous tension. Oil extract from St. John's wort contains hypericin, bioflavonoids, coumarins, vitamin E, and essential oils.

2. Oil extract from Kuril tea. Kuril tea saturates organs and tissues with oxygen, normalizes blood pressure, and stimulates the synthesis of hormones and enzymes. Contains microelements, phytoestrogens, bioflavonoids, vitamin K, carotenoids.

3. Oil extract from amaranth flowers and seeds. Relieves prostate inflammation, restores prostate cells and tissue. Protects against free radicals. Contains antioxidants, vitamin E, phytoestrogens.

4. Oil extract from fireweed (Ivan-tea). Relieves inflammation of the prostate, promotes the resorption of adenoma.

5. Oil extracts from burdock, licorice, chicory. Helps synthesize high-quality sperm. Restores the functioning of nerve receptors responsible for sensations.

6. Oil extracts from sage, carrots, blueberries and sea buckthorn. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerative agent.

Extracts from these plants are made on the basis of linseed oil in order to achieve maximum healing effects. Even ancient people noticed that oil extracts from medicinal plants are usually more effective than extracts based on other solvents. There are several explanations for this phenomenon.

Firstly, unlike other extracts (decoctions, alcohol tinctures, dry concentrates) - the absorption of the oil extract occurs not only through the blood, but also through the lymphatic system, because this is how all fats in the body are absorbed. This method of fat absorption also determines the special mechanism of action of the oil extract. Various pathogens and all kinds of toxins are retained in the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes fix pathogens and prevent their penetration into the body. Biologically active substances of the body and medicinal substances from plants jointly inhibit the growth of bacteria in the lymph nodes, neutralize their toxins, strive for the complete destruction of pathogens and do not allow them to penetrate deep into the body, therefore the oil extract from medicinal plant begins cleaning the body where the maximum concentration of infections is.

Secondly, for many medicinal substances and vitamins, oil is a good preservative; it protects substances from direct access to oxygen and other oxidizing agents; they practically do not go into oil chemical reactions between plant ingredients because there is no dissociation (and plant extracts contain hundreds of components that work synergistically, as if in an ensemble!). By preserving the components of the extract from premature mutual reactions, the oil preserves the individuality of plants, their natural and healing properties for a long time, even in a bouquet of chemical compounds. The oil restores microcirculation in the secretory tubules and helps remove toxins. Very complex substances of a polycyclic and polyphenolic structure, which have very strong biologically active properties, pass into oil from plants. Such substances are usually water-insoluble and very poorly soluble in edible alcohol. That is why choosing oil as a solvent and carrier of biologically active substances from a medicinal plant allows you to achieve a faster preventive and healing effect, which is not always possible when using other drugs containing extracts from the same plant.

Oil yellow color, with a characteristic odor inherent linseed oil(a smell reminiscent of fish oil is allowed). The taste may have a bitter tint, characteristic of preparations containing St. John's wort. If, when consuming oil, you experience discomfort, believe me, it won't be long. Get over yourself, the results are worth it. With regular use, you will develop a habit of using oil, which will turn into a strong feeling that the oil is tasty and pleasant.

Method of use

St. John's wort oil contains a large percentage of biologically active substances with a combination ingeniously balanced by nature itself. It is equally effective for both internal and external use.

A sustainable effect is achieved with regular oral use of 1 tablespoon 2 times a day for 6 weeks.

Don't be surprised or discouraged if improvement occurs later. Be patient and don't expect immediate results. The oil is not a drug with a quick and strong effect; it deliberately does not have such actions. The whole idea behind the mechanism of action of the oil is long-term and regular use. Thanks to its wide therapeutic spectrum and relative safety, the oil meticulously restores the damage received by the body every day, hourly, every minute, step by step. Some time will pass, and you will definitely notice a soft, slow, but inevitably oncoming positive effect. Believe me, the oil works inside you from the first minutes it enters your body, and works for its benefit. Pay attention to your own feelings, don’t let anything pass you by. The oil works similarly to the preparations of ancient Chinese medicine, which takes a long time and painstakingly, but the result is always victory over the disease.

For stomach or duodenal ulcers, for gastritis Take the oil on an empty stomach. Take for at least 2 months.

For prostatitis and hemorrhoids oil is the most reliable and effective remedy. For these diseases, in addition to ingestion, to enhance the effect, it is necessary to do at night either rectal (into the rectum) tampons soaked in oil, or microenemas (1 teaspoon of oil heated to 40 ° C), do at least 10 sessions. It is advisable to first go to the toilet to cleanse the rectum. But you can’t do any cleansing enemas! The oil that gets into the rectum will relieve pain, help hemorrhoids resolve faster and heal cracks in the rectum, for men it will cleanse the secretory tubules in the testicles and prostate, which will increase sperm production and improve its quality, as well as increase the elasticity of the penis and return it during sexual intercourse. Feel, similar topics who were in their youth. And no harmful ones side effects! The oil will not only relieve inflammation of the prostate and return it to its previous size, but will also do this without the formation of scars and folds on the gland! Do not forget to take the oil internally at the same time. Exactly the same scheme can be used to effectively correct sexual impotence. It is unlikely that you will find a more reliable, more effective and cheaper remedy against these ailments.

Remember that the oil is sterile and bactericidal, that it has antiviral and antifungal properties, use them. Feel free to instill, if necessary, into the ears, nose, eyes, and treat wounds. The oil is unrivaled in its effectiveness for swelling, bruises, abrasions, open wounds, and burns. For example, someone fell and received a bleeding, painful wound from contact with asphalt. Grease with oil. Hold a cotton swab soaked in oil on the wound. The oil will relieve pain, stop bleeding, and disinfect. Rapid tissue regeneration will begin. It will practically be possible to do without a bandage. No iodine, hydrogen peroxide, or brilliant green is needed. Do not forget parallel oral administration!

For osteochondrosis, arthritis- lubricate areas affected by the disease (spine, lower back, neck, joints) at night. At the same time, do not forget the parallel intake! For severe pain in the spine, it is recommended to make microenemas into the rectum from 1 teaspoon of oil heated to 36-40 °C in water.

Skin diseases - lubricate problem areas regardless of the cause of the disease (nervous disorders, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infection, viral infection). Do not forget parallel oral administration!

Thickenings, neoplasms, papillomas, age spots, warts on the body, face, neck- apply a tampon or napkin soaked in oil to the problem area for 20 minutes. At the same time, do not forget the parallel intake!

For alcohol (or other) poisoning, for insect or snake bites take 1 tablespoon orally three times a day and lubricate the bite site.
For heartburn of any nature, take 1 teaspoon of oil during a burning sensation in the stomach. You can take up to six doses per day.

With loss of strength, with insomnia, with increased irritability, with uncontrolled aggression- take 1 tablespoon orally in the morning and evening.

To neutralize alcohol addiction take the oil three times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon before or during meals.

In case of any mania or phobia(jealousy, irresistible desire for something, fear of waiting for some unpleasant event, etc.) take 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening.

For urinary incontinence(for any nature of this disease) take 1 tbsp of oil orally. spoon twice a day.

For otitis, sinusitis- bury heated oil in the ears and nose, gargle. Place in the nose until the oil reaches the throat. Must be taken orally. If the disease has become “attached,” such washings should be done several times a day. This oil is especially recommended for swimmers before water training in the pool. Remember, a bad nose and untreated ears always mean hearing loss in the future!

For sore throat- gargle with heated oil up to 6 times a day. Ingestion is required!

Oil enriched with St. John's wort helps the body maximally absorb beneficial and essential substances from vegetables and other foods.

To avoid addiction, and therefore loss of beneficial effects on the body, it is necessary to take breaks from taking the Male Elixir. After six weeks of regular use, it is advisable to take a two-week break so that the substances accumulated in the body from the Male Elixir are produced. The exception is the winter period (December, January, February) or the period of some kind of epidemic. At such times, there is no need to stop taking the Male Elixir, especially for people with weak immunity.

The Men's Elixir can be used continuously for up to 6 months in a row. During the break, it is recommended to take edible flaxseed oil, enriched carrots, or sea ​​buckthorn, or amaranth produced by the Siberian Oil Company. These oils are rich in vitamins E, provitamin A, and vitamin C (in colloidal form). The presence of these vitamins helps more efficient absorption of previously accumulated substances from St. John's wort and other plants.


The oil is well tolerated even with long-term use, has no side effects, has virtually no contraindications, is not addictive, is not a doping agent, can be combined with dosage forms, has a positive effect on fat metabolism (reduces excess body weight), and does not interact with alcohol.

Source of information - materials of NPF Siberian Oil Company LLC

A decrease in male activity can occur for various reasons. Constant lack of sleep, overwork, stress, poor diet, etc. can play a major role in this matter. And this should under no circumstances be ignored. After all, a decrease in activity can negatively affect the sexual sphere of life, disrupting erectile dysfunction and leading to the onset of early impotence. But, fortunately, there is Kuril Elixir for men, which in just a few days provides increased vitality and activity.

This product has a completely natural composition and is completely safe for the body. And if you also decide to buy Kuril Elixir, then you will definitely not be disappointed in your choice.

What does a decrease in male energy and strength lead to?

A decrease in male energy and strength entails many problems. Firstly, this increased sensitivity to stress, which provokes the development of not only psychological problems, but also various diseases, among which are:

  • diabetes;
  • joint diseases;
  • heart pathologies, etc.

Moreover, constant fatigue and weakness negatively affects the quality of sleep. Insomnia occurs, after which the person becomes irritable and unable to adequately respond to events occurring around them. This also affects potency. Erectile dysfunction and lack of desire to have sex provokes many problems in sexual and family life.

All this can be easily avoided if you start taking Kuril Elixir for men on time. It provides increased vitality and performance, prevention of various diseases, normalization of erectile function, improved quality of sex and much more.

Why are other methods ineffective?

When a man notices that his vitality has decreased and his sex life accompanied by a number of problems, as a rule, it is already too late. Processes have already begun to develop in the body that cannot be reversed in a short time with the help of other drugs and alternative medicine.

Yes, they are good and really work, but they take a lot of time. According to numerous reviews of Kuril Elixir, this remedy helps you feel a surge of strength and return to an active life within 2-3 days! And these are not just words, but confirmed scientific research fact!

Drug review


The instructions for Kurilsky Elixir state that the drug contains only natural ingredients. Among them are:

  1. Manchurian Aralia root. This plant has long been used in folk medicine and it is valued because the active components included in its composition help to quickly cope with diseases and conditions such as impotence, diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, insomnia and fatigue.
  2. Rhodiola rosea root. This plant is used in both folk and modern medicine during production medicines, the action of which is aimed at combating hypertension, prostatitis, amenorrhea, impotence and neurosis.
  3. Fruit Chinese lemongrass. They also have numerous properties and help improve performance, improve vision and hearing, and restore the functioning of the central nervous system.
  4. Chinese Schisandra vine. Provides increased performance, eliminates irritability, reduces cholesterol in the blood and accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Eleutherococcus senticosus root. Contains substances that have a direct effect on genitourinary system. They enhance the production of testosterone, thereby restoring erectile function and causing a man to have a strong attraction to the opposite sex.

Important! These are not all the components that make up the drug. They are described in detail in the instructions that come with each product. It also describes the contraindications of the Kuril Elixir and possible side effects.


This drug has a complex effect on the body and provides:

  • increased vitality;
  • increasing endurance;
  • lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • restoration of erectile function;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • improvement of mental performance;
  • increased visual and hearing acuity;
  • normalization blood pressure etc.

Clinical researches

The elixir has repeatedly undergone clinical trials and proven its effectiveness. More than 1,000 men took part in the experiments. During them, it was found that 98% of the subjects had increased vital activity, improved sexual function and general health. And 95% noted weight loss, the emergence of a strong sexual desire, prolongation of sexual intercourse and improved hearing.


The drug has a completely natural composition. It doesn't have chemical substances which can negatively affect your health. On the contrary, its use improves overall well-being and increases vitality, improves the functioning of the central nervous system and the quality of sexual life. And all this in one product!

Mode of application

The method of using the elixir is as follows: it should be taken 1 tsp. half an hour before meals, drinking plenty of water. It can also be dissolved in water or any other drinks. The main thing is to take it 2 times a day.

Important! To obtain maximum results, you need to take the product every day for two weeks, without missing a single dose. Otherwise, achieving positive results will be problematic!

Where to buy Kuril Elixir?

It is not possible to purchase the product at a regular pharmacy. You can only buy it online. The price for Elixir Kurilsky is very reasonable and will not hit your family budget. The main thing is to order the drug on the manufacturer’s official website. By purchasing it from third-party resources, you risk buying a fake.

Expert opinion

Kuril Elixir is a new complex remedy that affects the entire male body generally. Its use can improve the quality of sleep, sex and life in general. Since it contains substances that increase vitality and endurance. With its help, every man can cope with any loads during the day, without leaving his other half unattended in the evenings! But before taking this remedy, you need to consult a specialist, as it has contraindications and side effects.
I. Kutsenko, urologist