Biology Olympiad municipal stage



You need to know the structure of flatworms.


The body is bilaterally symmetrical, with clearly defined head and caudal ends, somewhat flattened in the dorsoventral direction, in large representatives it is strongly flattened. The body cavity is not developed (except for some phases of the life cycle of tapeworms and flukes). Gases are exchanged across the entire surface of the body; respiratory organs and blood vessels are absent.

Coverings of the body

The outside of the body is covered with single-layer epithelium. In ciliated worms, or turbellarians, the epithelium consists of cells bearing cilia. Flukes, monogeneans, cestodes and tapeworms lack ciliated epithelium for most of their lives (although ciliated cells can be found in larval forms); their integument is represented by the so-called tegument, in a number of groups bearing microvilli or chitinous hooks. Flatworms with tegument belong to the group Neodermata. Flatworms can regenerate 6/7 of their body.


Under the epithelium there is a muscular sac, consisting of several layers of muscle cells that are not differentiated into individual muscles (certain differentiation is observed only in the area of ​​the pharynx and genital organs). The cells of the outer muscle layer are oriented transversely, while the cells of the inner layer are oriented along the anterior-posterior axis of the body. The outer layer is called the circular muscle layer, and the inner layer is called the longitudinal muscle layer.

Throat and gut

In all groups, except cestodes and tapeworms, there is a pharynx leading to the gut or, as in the so-called intestinal turbellarians, to the digestive parenchyma. The intestine is blindly closed and communicates with environment only through the mouth. Several large turbellarians have been noted to have anal pores (sometimes several), but this is the exception rather than the rule. In small forms the intestine is straight, in large ones (planaria, flukes) it can be highly branched. The pharynx is located on the abdominal surface, often in the middle or closer to the posterior end of the body, in some groups it is shifted forward. Cestode-shaped and tapeworms do not have a gut.

Nervous system and sensory organs

The nervous system is represented by nerve ganglia located in the front part of the worm’s body, cerebral ganglia and nerve columns extending from them, connected by jumpers. The sense organs are usually represented by individual skin cilia - processes of sensory nerve cells. Some free-living representatives of the type, in the process of adaptation to living conditions, acquired light-sensitive pigmented eyes - primitive organs of vision and organs of balance.

Nephridia and accumulation buds

Osmoregulation is carried out with the help of protonephridia - branching channels connecting into one or two excretory channels. The release of toxic metabolic products occurs either with fluid excreted through protonephridia, or through accumulation in specialized parenchyma cells (atrocytes), which play the role of “storage buds”.

Each question has four possible answers. It is necessary to select only one correct one and enter it into the matrix.

You are offered test multiple choice assignments(from 0 to 5). Indicate the indices of correct answers/Yes and incorrect answers/No in the matrix with the sign “X”.

  1. Which plants have regular (actinomorphic) flowers?
    • a) beans;
    • b) rose;
    • c) tulip;
    • d) snapdragon;
    • d) potatoes.
  2. Select from the listed cells those that belong to the integumentary tissues of plants
    • a) columnar mesophyll cell;
    • b) phloem satellite cell;
    • c) guard cell of the stomata;
    • d) epidermal cell;
    • e) tuber storage cell.
  3. What birds have disappeared from the face of the earth in historical times?
    • a) ichthyornis;
    • b) Archeopteryx;
    • c) moa;
    • d) rhea
    • d) passenger pigeon.
  4. Which of the following animals does not have a larval stage of development?
    • a) lamprey;
    • b) agama;
    • c) axolotl;
    • d) fast lizard;
    • d) triton.
  5. Contractile proteins are found in
    • a) skeletal muscle cells;
    • b) smooth muscle cells;
    • c) cardiomyocytes;
    • d) leukocytes;
    • d) neurons.
  6. Neurotransmitters in the central nervous system can be
    • a) glucose;
    • b) amino acids;
    • c) cholesterol;
    • d) adenosine triphosphate;
    • e) peptides.
  7. There are mechanoreceptors in
    • a) lungs;
    • b) bones;
    • c) tendons;
    • d) wall of the stomach;
    • d) skin.
  8. Lipids are part of
    • a) ribosomes;
    • b) mitochondria;
    • c) chromatin;
    • d) nucleolus;
    • e) Golgi apparatus.
  9. Living organisms use as a transport form of carbohydrates
    • a) starch;
    • b) glucose;
    • c) glycogen;
    • d) sucrose;
    • d) maltose.
  10. Phenotypic cleavage in a 1:2:1 ratio is observed during crossing
    • a) two homozygous dominant individuals;
    • b) two heterozygous individuals with complete dominance;
    • c) two heterozygous individuals with incomplete dominance;
    • d) two homozygous recessive individuals.
    • e) when inheriting traits determined by two linked genes in the absence of crossing over.

Part 3

A task to determine the correctness of judgments. Enter the numbers of the correct judgments on the answer sheet.

Match the type of pollination and the names of the plants. Indicate the correspondence in the answer table.

Task 2.

The figure shows the nervous system of an animal. What type and class does it belong to? Enter the names in the appropriate cells of the table. From the list of lettered structures, select those that match the numbers in the figure. Enter the results into the answer matrix.

Structures: A – brain; B – spinal cord; B – thoracic nerve ganglion; G – neural tube; D – nerve; E – subpharyngeal nerve ganglion; F – abdominal nerve ganglion.

Task 3.

The figure shows the structure of the digestive system
person. From the list of enzymes, select those that are synthesized in organs
designated by numbers 1–7. Enter the results into the table on the answer sheet.
List of enzymes: A – trypsin; B – amylase; B – lipase; G – pepsin; D –
lactase, E – sucrase (invertase); F – no enzymes.

Task 4.

For the substances listed in the left column, select the corresponding properties from the right column. Enter the result in the answer table.


Part 1

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Part 2

1 2 3 4 5
Not really Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes
A x x x x x
b x x x x x
V x x x x x
G x x x x x
d x x x x x
7 8 9 10
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes
x x x x x
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x x x x x
x x x x x

Part 3

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
x x x x x x
x x x x

Part 4

A b V G 1 x2 x3 x4 x5 xA b V G d e 1 x2 x3 x4 x5 xA b V G d e 1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x x x6 x7 x xA b V G 1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x


School stage



Dear participant!

Part I You are offered test tasks that require you to select only one answer out of four possible., which can be dialed- 25 (one point for each test task). The index of the answer that you consider to be the most complete and correct, indicate in the answer matrix.

Part II. You are offered test tasks with one answer option out of four possible, but requiring preliminary multiple choice.Maximum points, which you can type– 20 (2 for each test task). The index of the answer that you consider to be the most complete and correct, indicate in the answer matrix.

Part III. You are offered test tasks in the form of judgments, with each of which you must either agree or reject. In the answer matrix, indicate the answer options “yes” or “no”.Maximum points, which can be typed-15.

Part IV. You are offered test tasks that require matching.Maximum points, which can be typed - 11 . Fill out the answer matrices in accordance with the requirements of the tasks.

Total amount – 71 points

We wish you success!

Part I You are offered test tasks that require you to select only one answer out of four possible. The maximum number of points you can score is 25 (one point for each test task). The index of the answer that you consider to be the most complete and correct, indicate in the answer matrix.

1.Which organism is unicellular?

a) hydra

b) kelp

c) chlorella

d) champignon

2. What science studies the causative agents of tetanus and tuberculosis?

a) bacteriology

b) botany

c) virology

d) mycology

3. Infection of humans with Finnish bovine tapeworm can occur through consumption

a) water from an open reservoir

b) unwashed vegetables

c) poorly cooked meat

d) food from poorly washed dishes used by the patient

4.Patients with anemia (anemia) take iron-containing medications, since iron increases the concentration in the blood

a) red blood cells

b) leukocytes

c) platelets

d) glucose

5. A distinctive feature that first appeared in the process of evolution in chordates is

a) nervous system

b) closed circulatory system

c) internal fertilization

d) internal skeleton

6.Which of the following indicates the origin of humans from mammals?

a) social way of life

b) developed thinking

c) eating plant and animal foods

d) similar structure of all organ systems, intrauterine development

7.The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system strengthens

a) wave-like bowel movements

b) gastric juice secretion

c) salivation

d) heart contraction

8. Tetanus serum contains

a) antigens of tetanus pathogens

B) globulins and interferons

c) ready-made antibodies to tetanus pathogens

d) weakened and killed tetanus pathogens

a) in the soil

b) in cereals

c) in the trees

d) on wet bread

10.Dicotyledonous plants usually include those with

a) tap root system and reticulate venation of leaves

b) fibrous root system and parallel veining of leaves

c) one cotyledon per seed and reticulate venation of leaves

d) one cotyledon per seed and a tap root system

11. Warm-blooded animals include

a) gharial

b) cobra

c) penguin

d) tuna

12. Disrupts work immune system human virus:

a) polio

b) smallpox

c) flu

d) HIV

13 . What reflex occurs without the participation of the cerebral cortex?

a) cycling

b) withdrawing the hand from a hot object

c) playing on a computer

d) salivation in response to an invitation to the table

14. Mineralization of organic matter in the soil occurs with the help

a) underground plant organs

b) soil animals

c) soil microorganisms

15. What is the seed embryo formed from?

a) from sperm

b) from a zygote

c) from the ovary

d) from the ovule

16. Which of the listed organisms living in the forest is a consumer of the first order?

a) woodpecker

b) tit

c) crossbill

d) eagle owl

17.What level of organization of living things serves as the main object of study of ecology?

a) molecular

b) cellular

c) organismic

d) population-species

18. Which organ is similar to the human hand?

a) the rear fin of a fish

b) dragonfly wing

c) mantis leg

d) lobster claw

19. After calcination on fire, the bone became brittle because

a) mineral substances have burned out, but organic substances remain

b) minerals that ensure bone growth have burned out

c) organic substances that give bones elasticity have burned out

d) the water that gives bones hardness has evaporated

20. The structural and functional unit of the kidneys is

a) capillary glomerulus

b) neuron

c) nephron

d) renal capsule

21. How many species of animals are in the given list: grass snake, metazoans, salamanders, crayfish, birds, dysenteric amoeba, rodents, liver fluke, invertebrates, white shark, sturgeon?

a) 3

b) 5

at 9

d) 11

22. The skin-muscle cell of freshwater hydra contains 32 chromosomes. How many chromosomes does a freshwater hydra stinging cell contain?

a) 32


c) 16


23. Specificity interferes with the engraftment of foreign organs

a) carbohydrates

b) lipids

c) proteins

d) nucleic acids

24. What function does the root not perform?

a) fixation in the soil

b) mineral nutrition

c) synthesis of carbohydrates from inorganic substances

d) storage of nutrients

25 . What is the name of a hereditary human disease that results in a blood clotting disorder?

a) color blindness

b) albinism

c) hemophilia

d) diabetes mellitus

Part II. You are offered test tasks with one answer option out of four possible, but requiring preliminary multiple choice. The maximum number of points you can score is 20 points (2 for each test task). The index of the answer that you consider to be the most complete and correct, indicate in the answer matrix.

1.What organelles form a single membrane system of the cell?
I. mitochondria
II. endoplasmic reticulum
III. plastids

IV. Golgi complex
V. ribosomes

VI. lysosomes

a) I, II, III;
b) I, II, IV;
c) II, IV, VI;
d) I, III, V.

2. They reproduce by seeds

I. pine

II. birch

III. corn

IV. male fern

V. club moss

VI. cuckoo flax

a) II, IV, VI

b) I, III, V,

c) I, II, III

d) I, V, VI

3. Which plants produce modified underground shoots?
I. bow
II. carrot
III. potato
IV. wheatgrass
V. orchid

VI. radish

a) I, IV, V;
b) I, III, IV;
c) II, IV, VI;
d) II, III, IV.

4. The following signs are characteristic of reptiles
I. internal fertilization
II. Fertilization in most species is external
III. indirect development
IV. reproduction and development occurs on land
V. Thin skin covered with mucus

VI.eggs with a large supply of nutrients

a) II, IV, V;
b) I,IV,VI
c) III, V, VI
d) I, III, IV.

5 . Diseases associated with dysfunction of the thyroid gland are

I. myxedema
II. Graves' disease
III. diabetes
IV. bronze disease
V. gigantism

VI. cretinism

a) I, II, VI;
b) II, III, IV;
c) III, IV, V;
d) II, IV, V.

6. Eye shells:

I. Cornea; a) I, III, IV;

II. Retina; b) I, II, III;

III. Sclera; c) I, II, IV;

IV. Cataract; d) II, IV, V.

V. lens.

7. What is the role of water evaporation in plant life?

I. protects against overheating

II. promotes double fertilization

III. increases cell turgor

IV. speeds up the breathing process

V. ensures water absorption by roots

VI. promotes the movement of substances in the plant

a) I, V, VI

b) III, IV, V

c) II, V, VI

d) I, II, IV

8. How is fertilization characterized in angiosperms?

I. fusion of the nuclei of female and male gametes occurs

II. the egg is surrounded a large number spermatozoa

III. the haploid nucleus of the sperm fuses with the diploid central cell

IV. the process involves mobile male gametes

V. the process can occur outside the body

VI. the process occurs in the embryo sac of an adult organism

a) I, II, III

b) I, IV, V

c) II, V, VI

d) I, III, VI

9. What causes obesity in humans?

I. the predominance of dissimilation processes over assimilation

II. hyperthyroidism

III. the predominance of assimilation processes over dissimilation

IV. dysfunction of the hypothalamus

V. dysfunction of the midbrain

VI. hypothyroidism

a) I, II, III

b) III, IV, VI

c) II, III, V

d) I, II, V

10. Curvature of the spine or the development of flat feet can lead to

I. active lifestyle

II. poor muscle development

III. Constantly carrying heavy weights in one hand

IV. wearing flat shoes as a child

V. stressful situation

VI. eating disorder

a) I, IV, V

b) I, II, III;

c) I, II, IV;


Part III. You are offered test tasks in the form of judgments, with each of which you must either agree or reject. In the answer matrix, indicate the answer options “yes” or “no”. The maximum number of points you can score is -15.

1. Based on their feeding method, mold fungi are classified as saprotrophs.

2.Species is the largest systematic category.

3. For the normal functioning of aerobic organisms, the presence of oxygen in the environment is necessary

a habitat.

4. The coccygeal bone and appendix are atavisms.

5.The relationship between a sundew plant and an insect is an example of symbiosis.

6.The crocodile has a four-chambered heart.

7. Humoral regulation is carried out with the help of nerve impulses.

8. Bone belongs to connective tissue.

9. Venous blood flows through the arteries of the pulmonary circulation.

10. In most vertebrates, the notochord is formed in the embryonic state, which is then replaced by a cartilaginous or bony skeleton.

11. In the human skeleton, the bones of the thoracic spine are motionlessly connected to each other.

12. In a butterfly, after the larval stage, adult insects are formed.

13.The initial link in food chains is usually plants.

14.Heterotrophic organisms include animals.

15. The plasma membrane of the cell is involved in pinocytosis.

Part IV. You are offered test tasks that require matching. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 11 points. Fill out the answer matrices in accordance with the requirements of the tasks.

1. Establish a correspondence between cells and the organelles that are located in them

(Max - 6 points)

2. Establish a correspondence between the ventricle of the heart and the characteristics of the blood flowing from it (Max-5 points)


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Dear participant!

Part 1 tasks indicate in the answer matrix.

Part II assignment.

Part III tasks

Part IV assignments.

Total amount - 40 points

Task completion time – 120 min.

We wish you success!

Part 1 tasks . You are offered test tasks that require you to select only one answer out of four possible. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 15 (1 point for each test task). The index of the answer that you consider to be the most complete and correct isindicate in the answer matrix.

1. Rhizoids are:

A) Name of plants

B) Type of root

B) Cell organelle

D) Branched cells with which algae attach to the substrate

2. What are the bacteria that have the shape of a ball called?

A) Cocci

B) Spirilla

B) Vibrios

D) Bacilli

3 Sphagnum, unlike cuckoo flax:

A) Quickly absorbs and conducts water

B) Does not have rhizoids

B) Reproduces by spores

D) Does not have a stem or leaves

4. Vayami is called:

A) Heavily dissected fern leaves

B) Type of fern

B) Fern root

D) Underground shoots.

A) Kukushkin flax and pine

B) Spruce and horsetail

B) Fir and larch

D) Juniper and clubmoss

6. Annual plants include:

A) Nettle

B) Potatoes

B) Cabbage

D) Dandelion

7. Dicotyledonous plants include:

A) Beans and watermelon

B) Wheat and peas

B) Apple and onion

D) Wheat and corn

8. Which insects are social?

A) Flies

B) Cockroaches

B) Bees

D) Butterflies

9. What type of animal are sea cucumbers?

A) Coelenterates

B) Arthropods

B) Shellfish

D) Echinoderms

10. Adventitious roots:

A) Develop from the root of the embryo

B) They grow from the stem

B) Develop on the main root

D) Grow from lateral roots

A) In ponds and lakes

B) In the seas and oceans

B) In the human intestine

D) In ​​human blood and in the body of a mosquito.

12 Animals with radial body symmetry

A) They move actively

B) Feel the approach of danger from any side of the body

B) Have separate anterior and posterior sections of the body

D) Can be divided into similar halves by one plane

13. What gas do protozoa produce when breathing?

A) Nitrogen

B) Oxygen

B) Hydrogen

D) Carbon dioxide

14 Lower plants include:

A) Mosses

B) Algae

B) Mosses and algae

D) Ferns

15 The fruiting body is:

A) Mushroom cap

B) Mycelium

B) Mushroom stem and cap

D) Mushroom stem and mycelium

Part II assignment. You are offered test tasks with one answer option out of four possible, but requiring preliminary multiple choice. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 10 (2 points for each test task). The index of the answer that you consider to be the most complete and correct, indicate in the answer matrix.

1. What animals are coelenterates?

I. Hydra A) I, II, IV

II Sea pen B) I, II,III

III. Planaria B) II, IV, V

IV. Sea anemone D) I, III, IV

V. Ciliates

2. What plants belong to the class Monocots?

I. Peanuts A) III, IV, V

II. Lily of the valley B) I, IV, V

III. Rye B) I, II, IV

IV. Raspberry G) II, III, V

V. Oats

3. Which plants have berries?

I. Grapes A) I, II, V

II. Plum B) I, . III, IV

III. Currant B) II. III, V

IV.Tomato D) I, IV, V

V. Apricot

4. By what characteristics are plums, cherries and apricots combined into one family?

I. Fruit – drupe A) I, II, V

II. There are many stamens in the flower B) II, III, V

III. Fruit – pod B) I, IV, V

IV. Inflorescence – basket D) II, IV, V

V. The perianth is formed by 5 free sepals and 5 free petals

5. Which plant organs are generative?

I. Flower A) I, IV, V

II. Sheet B) I, II, III

III. Stem B) II, III

IV. Root D) I, V

V. Seed

Part III tasks . You are offered test tasks with one answer option out of four possible, but requiring preliminary multiple choice. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 10 (2 points for each test task). The index of the answer that you consider to be the most complete and correct, indicate in the answer matrix.

1 . An animal cell lacks chloroplasts and a cellulose membrane.

2. The small pond snail is the main host of the liver fluke.

3. Ferns are higher spore plants

4. Animals with bilateral body symmetrymove actively

5. Leeches are roundworms.

6. A. Leeuwenhoek saw single-celled organisms for the first time

7. Bud – embryonic shoot.

8. Reproduction can be sexual or asexual.

9.Plants are grouped into families based on the structure of the flower and fruit.

10. In dicotyledons, the number of flower parts is a multiple of 3.

Part IV assignments. You are offered test tasks that require matching. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 5. Fill out the answer matrices in accordance with the requirements of the tasks.

Match the animal with the type to which it belongs.






Dear participant!

Part 1 tasks indicate in the answer matrix.

Part II assignment. You are offered test tasks with one answer option out of four possible, but requiring preliminary multiple choice. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 10 (2 points for each test task). The index of the answer that you consider to be the most complete and correct, indicate in the answer matrix.

Part III tasks

Part IV assignments.

Total amount - 30 points

Task completion time – 120 min.

We wish you success!

Part 1 tasks . You are offered test tasks that require you to select only one answer out of four possible. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 10 (1 point for each test task). The index of the answer that you consider to be the most complete and correct isindicate in the answer matrix.

1. Tubular mushrooms include:

A) russula

B) fly agaric

B) breast

D) boletus

2. Bodies of living nature include:

A) glass, drop of dew

B) nail, wood leaf

B) ball, mushroom

D) flower, beetle.

3. Photosynthesis is a process:

A) oxygen absorption

B) the formation of organic substances from inorganic ones

C) the formation of inorganic substances from organic

D) release of carbon dioxide

4. Ecology is

A) the science of the relationships of organisms with each other and with the environment B) the relationships of organisms

C) part of nature in which organisms live

D) state of the environment

5 Chromosomes are located

A) in the cytoplasm

B) in plastids

B) in vacuoles

D) in the nucleus

6. Main feature soil environment is

A) increased oxygen content and decreased carbon dioxide content, as well as small temperature fluctuations

B) increased content of oxygen and carbon dioxide, as well as small temperature fluctuations

B) reduced oxygen content and increased carbon dioxide content, as well as small temperature fluctuations

D) reduced oxygen and carbon dioxide content, significant temperature fluctuations

7.Method of studying natural objects using the senses

A) experiment

B) observation

B) measurement

D) description

8. Flowering plants include:

A) algae

B) moss

B) pine

D) rosehip.

9. Which of the examples is classified as an environmental factor of living nature?

A) eating aphids by ladybugs

B) spring river flood

B) seasonal drying of the reservoir

D) absorption of mineral fertilizers by plants

10. The reservoir containing cell sap is called

A) vacuole

B) cytoplasm

B) core

D) chromosome

Part II assignment. You are offered test tasks with one answer option out of four possible, but requiring preliminary multiple choice. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 10 (2 points for each test task). The index of the answer that you consider to be the most complete and correct, indicate in the answer matrix.

1. The mycelium gives to the roots of trees

I. Water A) I, II

II. Minerals B) III, IV

III.Organic substances B) III

IV. Vitamins D) I, IV

2. Factors of inanimate nature

I. Light A) I, III, IV

II.Symbiosis B) II, III, V

IV.Temperature D) II, III

V. Wind speed

3. What organisms live in the desert?

I. Saxaul A) I, II, IV

II. Jerboa B) I, III, IV

III. Aspen B) I, IV, V

IV. Camel D) I, IV

V. Honey fungus

4. What organisms belong to the plant kingdom?

I. Chlorella A) I, II, IV

II. Streptococcus B) II, IV, V

III. Sundew B) I, III, IV

IV. Mukor G) I, III, V


5. What organisms live in the soil?

I. Killer whale A) II, III, IV

II. Mole rat B) III, IV, V

III. Earthworm B) I, III, V

IV. May beetle larva D) II, III, V

V. Leech

Part III tasks . You are offered test tasks in the form of judgments, with each of which you must either agree or reject. In the answer matrix, indicate the answer option “yes” or “no”. The maximum number of points that can be scored is -5 (1 point for each test task).

1. The simplest magnifying device is a light microscope.

2. Chloroplasts are green in color.

3 Sphagnum grows in dry places

4. Ferns, horsetails, and lycophytes belong to higher spore plants

5. Phenology studies seasonal periodic phenomena in the life of plants and animals.

Part IV assignments. You are offered test tasks that require matching. The maximum number of points you can score is 5.

Establish a correspondence between the organism and its environment



A) louse

1 water

B) whale


B) cobra

3. ground-air

D) mole

4. bodies of living organisms

D) woodpecker