Find runic formula. Runic staves with a reservation for all occasions. Proven runic formulas

According to the surviving legends of the skalds, hanging on the world tree, wounded by his weapon, the supreme god came to know the star symbols of the "runes", which were collected in Futhark. We will look a little at the compilation of runic formulas and think about how it can be used. Futhark is a powerful magical tool and careless handling can lead to unpleasant consequences. These are not just symbols, each sign carries a certain meaning and connection with the pantheon.

Who wonders how to correctly compose runic formulas to get the desired result, or why this or that “runescript” made up of several formulas does not work. In fact, there are no specific hard and fast rules for drawing up working formulas; what is important is your impact and state of consciousness during the application of runes. They can be arranged in a circle, from left to right, from top to bottom, you can use several identical and opposite (inverted) in meaning, and so on. This applies only to the magical aspect; Scandinavian writing has other patterns and rules. To get results and greater efficiency, it is better to follow some form of construction.

Fragment from "Speeches of the High One"
("Elder Edda")

I know I hung in the branches in the wind for nine long nights,
pierced by a spear, dedicated to Odin, as a sacrifice to himself,
on that tree whose roots are hidden in the depths of the unknown.

No one fed me, no one gave me water, I looked at the ground,
I picked up the runes, lifted them up groaning, and fell from the tree.

I began to mature and increase my knowledge, grow, prosper;
Word from word gave birth to word, deed from deed gave birth to deed.

You will find the runes and comprehend the signs, the strongest signs,
the strongest signs, Hroft colored them, and the gods created them
and Odin cut them out...

Drawing up a runic formula from left to right

These are the simplest and most common formulas. A striking example: Fehu, Fehu, Fehu - the formula for prosperity and wealth, attracting property. Enclosed in a circle and inscribed on wood or other material, such a formula can become an amulet. The more complex the runescript, the more effort is required from the practitioner for it to work. The combination of symbols is not limited by anything, nor is their number. For example, the Beer runes serve as protection for the mind and protect against witchcraft (Uruz, Nautiz, Berkana). Evaz, Raido, Isa also protect against magic. Protection by fire and water - Kenaz, Alguz, Laguz. Formula Kenaz, Raido Kenaz, Soulu, Isa - a clear and fast path, Isa is here as a limiter so as not to “get burned” on the way

Symmetrical or mirror writing of the runescript

Symmetry is important not only because it enhances the application of the runic formula, but also because it is easier for consciousness to perceive, which means less effort needs to be expended to engage the construction. Let's look at a very interesting example with the mirror protection of Isa, Kenaz, Hagalaz, Kenaz, Isa. Isa is the rune of ice, this is the meaning of this rune “Edge”. Kenaz is a rune of a fiery nature, it is associated with indicating the path, meaning “Path”. Hagalaz is a rune of destruction, hail, meaning “Damage, Attack.” As a result, we get the following chain: “Edge”, “Path”, “Harm, Damage, Attack”, “Path”, “Edge”. The meaning of this chain comes down to approximately the following: When an attack is made on me, the damage passes through the edge (shield), after which it goes beyond the edge again without touching me. In other words, this is the principle of a mirror reflecting light back.

Constructing a formula along the outer boundary of a circle

The circle serves to collect energy and accumulate it. In this case, we place the Rune or symbol in the center and arrange the runes we need clockwise on the outside of the circle. There may also be a runic formula in the center , and one rune and symbol. This method of construction depends on the depth of understanding of runes and the ability to build logical chains. For example, you should not use Soula, the rune of the sun and energy, in an upright position if you want to extinguish the energy in a person. Or runes of a fiery nature, if you want to freeze any process.

Runes are universal and their uses are varied. It all depends on your understanding and ability to handle them. You can learn this knowledge, as well as the basics of handling Futhark, from other sections of the resource.
Below are links to descriptions of runes and ready-made, tested formulas for various purposes.

Ready-made runic formulas


  • , – Universal shield. Suitable for everyday use.
  • , – protecting the home from misfortunes. Physical threats.
  • , – protecting the home from negative energy. It is best applied to the doorway.
  • , – protection of pregnancy. For the favorable development and protection of the fetus and mother.
  • , – protection of money, business, wealth. Used when your income is at risk.
  • , – invulnerability in battle. Gives flexibility and strength. Applied to the body or object.


  • , is a universal healing amulet. Almost a panacea, but not very effective.
  • , – energy replenishment. Quickly removes fatigue.
  • , - a surge of strength. Adds strength and invigorates. Use carefully.
  • , – rejuvenating, restorative. Removes errors in tissue regeneration, restores the body.
  • , – “burning” fats. Literally increases the breakdown of fat tissue and speeds up metabolism.

Removing spoilage, cleaning:

  • , – removal of damage. Removes energy that does not belong to you.
  • , – removal of damage to death. Use if you are sure that this is damage to death.
  • , – all kinds of cleansing from love spells, influences, negativity, evil eyes and garbage. Use for prevention.

Love formulas:

Runes are a universal tool with which practitioners influence any area of ​​human life. Runic formulas are used to improve relationships with the opposite sex, to accelerate career growth, there are runes for sleep that help influence the unconscious and enter lucid dreams.

Constantly practicing runic magicians put runic staves in piggy banks for all occasions.

Why is it important to use proven bets?

Mages who have just embarked on the path of rune magic get lost among the numerous runic staves and formulas. Beginners often succumb to the temptation to create a runic pattern on their own, which leads to unexpected consequences.

At first, proven runic staves are a smart choice. These formulas were compiled by professionals, the combination of symbols was carefully thought out, and the method of interaction was calculated and experimentally tested. An illiterate runic formula will not work, and if you are unlucky, it will work incorrectly and harm the creator.

Drawing up runic formulas is the pinnacle of the skill of a practicing runologist. Before moving on to creating stavs, you need to thoroughly study the meaning and inner meaning of each symbol of the Elder Futhark, as well as understand the principle of interaction of signs. The master observes all the nuances when compiling a working runescript, and mistakes in this matter are unacceptable.

Runescripts for all occasions are found on forums dedicated to magical practices, where runologists exchange experiences. On this page we have collected reliable working runic formulas for all occasions. We remind you that before using rune spells, it does not hurt to carry out diagnostics to understand whether it is suitable or not.

Everyone at least once tried to catch their luck by following folk signs. The effect of contradictory actions is invisible. And here runic formulas come to the rescue and work flawlessly. Among them there are proven options that attract good luck in business.

Runes of Victory

The runes of victory include:

  • Fehu– in the context of victory, the meaning of the “money rune” changes and the symbol acts as a sign of spiritual transformation, superiority over the enemy and development.
  • Hagalaz- a symbol of destruction, a kind of pass into new life when there is nothing left of the old one. In the runic formula, the symbol means victory and attracting good luck.
  • Teyvaz makes the wearer courageous, awakens fortitude, and helps to make the right decisions. It is also called the “warrior rune”; with the help of Teyvaz, the runescript is activated.

The three “victorious” symbols have a second name – “beer runes”. According to legend, one day a glass of poisoned beer broke in the hands of a Viking. Three runes were applied to the surface of the mug, which protected the Viking from death.

The runic formula, consisting of three symbols of victory, is used to attract good luck and for protective purposes. Become applied to clothing or make a body amulet. Talismans with this script are worn as needed.

“For good luck” is a three-part runic formula that is suitable for any area of ​​life. Runes also help get rid of laziness, pushing the wearer towards positive changes.

  • Kano is responsible for human self-realization.
  • Fehu expands financial flow and attracts material wealth.
  • Vunyo awakens joy and thirst for new experiences, and also helps to fulfill desires.

The runic formula includes Uruz and Yera located in the center, enclosed in the middle of two Ansuz. Runestav works in all areas and helps the wearer feel happiness and immerse themselves in the flow of good luck.

  • Ansuz symbolizes the acquisition of something new.
  • Uruz attracts success.
  • Yera accelerates the fulfillment of desires and brings closer the results of the work done.

This is a simple two-component runic formula, the main sphere of influence of which relates to the health of the wearer. For a person, health is a priority, and runic becoming helps to maintain tone, simultaneously catching good luck and well-being.

  • Dagaz used to attract success in business, and also symbolizes new beginnings and human rebirth.
  • Inguz symbolizes growth and development, as well as material abundance.

Betting to attract material wealth

Material wealth is gold.

The financial issue remains exciting, because demands grow in accordance with income, so no matter how rich a person is, he will always want more. Below we provide effective formulas that will help you attract money.

The first rune of the Elder Futhark is considered “money”, its meaning sounds like “wealth, gold, money, fire.” A triple symbol, applied to a person’s photo or used as a talisman, expands cash flow carrier and attracts material wealth.

The runic formula “Banker” is composed in a complex way and includes a larger number of symbols. Runestav is considered effective and requires a reservation for each symbol. A runic spell is drawn on a piece of paper, activated in the usual way, and then placed in a wallet between two large bills. Thus becoming saturated with the energy of money and will bring the first results within 24 hours.

  • Perth symbolizes a wallet containing money.
  • Fehu represents wealth.
  • Uruz increases the power of the spell and directs the energy of the symbols.
  • Nautiz guarantees the receipt of material benefits.
  • Kano shows the bearer ways to receive money.
  • Inguz prevents waste.
  • Yera denotes the harvest obtained after hard work.

Runestav is fast-acting and begins to work two days after activation.

  • Teyvaz destroys obstacles to financial flow.
  • Algiz protects money.
  • Evaz pushes the wearer to the “bread” places.
  • Dagaz opens up new sources of money.
  • Mannaz symbolizes the bearer of the formula.
  • Inguz indicate the arrival of money.
  • Laguz stabilize the flow of finance.

Universal runic formulas for cleansing negativity

Bets on cleansing from negativity are used before starting work on improving life. Negative energy sticks in the form of envy, the evil eye and damage.

Diagnostics "Rune wax"

A proven runic alignment will help identify the negative and type of impact, the conditions under which it was produced will reveal a possible pest.

  • The four runes of the first row will tell about the difficulties that a person created himself by doing the wrong thing. From here it will become known how negativity manifests itself in a person’s life.
  • The two runes in the central row will indicate the object or person that caused the negative impact. Here you can “see” the ill-wisher.
  • The last rune denotes the object through which the negative was injected.

Indicators of the impact will be a noticeable number of runes of the first row turned upside down in the layout. Eyvaz, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Vunyo, reverse Laguz, reverse Perth, Mannaz, sometimes Isa also indicate negativity. If the indicated combinations are not among the symbols, the runes are not laid out further - the person is clean.

When Mannaz appears among the runes of the second row, this means that the source of negativity is in the person himself. Turisaz and Teyvaz will point to a man, Laguz and Berkana - to a woman. Fehu, Odal, Gebo and Perth say that negativity is directed at a thing or project.

The third row specifies the method of inducing negative energy. Gebo says that the thing was presented, Odal indicates the lining, Fehu - the person held this thing in his hands, Berkana and Laguz mean drink and food. The last rune is laid out when there are many reverse signs in the first row.

Becoming the "Helm of Terror"

Agishjalm has long been known among practicing runologists. The frightening name does not reflect its essence - becoming the “Helm of Horror” is an effective tool of protection. As the myths say, Odin himself cast this spell, giving people a way to protect themselves from ill-wishers. Amulets with the image of Agishjalm were worn by ancient warriors; today there are varieties of the runic formula.

The properties of the stave still lie in the area of ​​protection. The formula protects the wearer. The terrifying name works as a repeller for enemies - they are afraid to approach the bearer of the “Helm of Terror” runic stave.

  • Mannaz personifies the wearer.
  • Algiz performs protective functions.
  • Turisaz used to counter enemies and destroy them.
  • Isa freezes processes.
  • Stungin Iss- This is the rune of concealment.
  • Teyvaz helps you find the warrior within yourself and fight back the enemy.
  • Jotun's wraith in combination with Stungin Iss hide the wearer from magical scanning methods.

The symbols in the stav are lined up in a mirror protection, which provides for a reverse strike - the negative will be sent to the sender. The runic formula is applied to a photograph of a person or to a talisman made of natural materials. Runescript is used for personal protection.

If desired, the operator stipulates the action of the formula, indicates what it will protect against, and for how long it will work. The activation method is not important and remains at the discretion of the operator.

The spell takes effect once it is activated. After 2-3 months, the stubs are burned or renewed.

The runic formula is used to accelerate the breaking of attachments, including magical methods of attachments. Becoming works precisely and helps to quickly break the connection with a person or object.

  • Kveort, originally from the Northumbrian rune series, cleanses.
  • Hagalaz destroys.
  • Evaz protects and acts as a weapon.
  • Turisaz destroys the enemy.
  • Nautiz used for protection and overcoming obstacles.

The slander is pronounced in an arbitrary manner, indicating the object or person with whom the energy connection needs to be broken.

Teyvaz creates a strong shield between two Turisaz. With the help of this runic formula, higher powers protect the wearer. The “protective barrier” will withstand malicious intent directed at the wearer.

Becoming helps a person to “reboot” and start a new life. The formula is used to cleanse yourself of negative influences, put your mind in order and overcome difficult times.

  • Dagaz in stavka strengthens health.
  • Berkana It will give you a feeling of support and give you energy to grow forward.
  • Soulu will bring your dreams closer to reality.

Runic cleansing« Sun»

The runic formula includes Northumbrian runes. Using a spell, the operator cleanses a home or person.

  • Kveort burn out the negativity.
  • Ear transform it into ashes.
  • Soulu attract positive thoughts and impart solar energy.
  • Algiz protect.
  • Kano harmonize the internal state of a person.
  • Berkana guarantee the harmless course of the work of the stave.
  • Ir in conjunction with Perth remove magical influences on the subtle plane.
  • Ear gives strength for rebirth.
  • Spiral acts as a funnel where trash goes.

Home defense bets

Runic formulas work to cleanse and protect a person’s home.

A powerful formula to protect yourself and your home

This stave is depicted as a chain or runic script.

Hagalaz is placed in the middle, then Kano is placed on each side, and two Isa runes close the chain.

Anastasia Smirnova developed a runic formula that is drawn above the entrance to an apartment or house.

  • Algiz protects.
  • Uruz harmonizes.
  • Berkana, the rune of fertility, makes family members happy.
  • Dagaz solves difficult family problems and attracts prosperity.
  • Laguz regulates conflicts within the family, protects the budget.
  • Nautiz supports family members, helps to realize karmic developments from past incarnations.

The fastest bets for all occasions

Runic staves for all occasions - quick way solve the problem, no matter what area it relates to. The action of the formulas begins after activation; after two to three days the first results appear.

This runic formula belongs to the authorship of Banshi and serves as a camouflage and protective cocoon for an object or thing. Practitioners use stav to reduce the interest of others in a person, to make him less noticeable and devoid of sexual charisma, although this all applies to side effects. The initial purpose of the “Dust Cape” is protective, influencing others.

  • Mannaz represents a person.
  • Mirror Soulu And Laguz hide the true essence.
  • Mirror Kano deprives a person of “inner light”.

The formula is applied to a photo of a person whose trust the operator inspires.

  • Laguz reduces critical perception of the object.
  • Ansuz pushes intuitive movement in the right direction.
  • Vunyo brings joy from communication and lulls vigilance, provokes sexual attachment.
  • Mirror Soulu inspires that trust arose naturally.

The action of this runic formula will bring changes in fate in the desired area.

  • Dagaz, Inguz, Evaz transform the situation.
  • Nautiz turn it in the required direction.
  • Algiz protect the operator.
  • Teyvaz symbolize movement towards results.
  • Ansuz control the situation.
  • Laguz manage the progress of change.
  • Raido, Evaz, Algiz And Yera speed up action and ensure operator safety.
  • Soulu fueled by becoming energy.
  • Vunyo bring joy from the achieved goal.

Practitioners use this short formula to attract freebies. The operator draws symbols on his hand, after which he finds money on the road, receives a discount in a store or an unexpected gift, or wins the lottery.

  • Gebo in the center of the formula symbolizes a gift.
  • Two Vunyo along the edges of the chain mean joy.

The runic formula works when the operator has a source of money. After activation, a person gets a chance to quickly earn money, a bonus or other incentive.

  • Diamond from Inguz symbolizes abundance and movement towards obtaining results.
  • Four Fehu the edges represent money.
  • Three Soulu inside they feed and become strength.

The runic formula “Female Magnetism” is used to attract male attention and increase one’s own sexuality. The operator applies the runestav on the body, stipulates the rune - in this part of the work with the stave, variations are possible.

  • Inguz fuels the spell with energy and gives impetus to change.
  • Kano symbolizes attractiveness and vibrant sexuality.
  • Laguz personifies femininity, charisma and charm.

The use of runes as a magical system reveals wide possibilities for influencing a person. With their help, you can evoke the whole range of feelings in the man you like: from light interest and carnal desire to passion and complete dependence and submission. So you can return your departed husband, acquire a rich spouse, or have fun with a fleeting romance.

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A huge advantage of this system is that a runic spell is easy to cancel if it is no longer needed, so a runic love spell is preferable from a moral point of view. If you use ready-made staves, runic magic will be an accessible activity even for beginners.

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    Rules for making stakes

    Creating a working magic formula based on runes is always carried out in several stages:

    • Choose the most suitable pattern. Preference should be given to already proven bets.
    • Choose a medium to suit your taste. Any natural material will do: stone, metal, wood, leather, bone, silk. Often, galdrstav is applied to a photograph of the person who needs to be influenced.
    • Apply the image of the stave to the media. This is done by drawing, engraving, carving, and burning. Embroidery on fabric is allowed.
    • Color the drawing with your own or sacrificial blood. It is allowed to use red and blue paint, but it is generally accepted that runes painted with blood work more powerfully.
    • Activate the formula using a reservation. To do this, you need to say out loud the recommended spell or wish in free form. The words of the slander cannot contradict the meaning of the individual runes included in the ligature.

    The magic will begin to work immediately after activation and will work until the carrier is destroyed. If the color is washed off, it will need to be re-painted and reactivated. To cancel the spell, it is enough to burn or otherwise destroy the base on which the fagot is applied.

    If everything is done correctly, the man will have the same feelings that were indicated when reading the slander.

    You should not make any changes to the text used for activation, or to the image itself.

    Not all bets are compatible with each other, so if you need to give new installation, the effect of the previous spell must be canceled.

    Hot bed

    "Hot Bed": variant of the outline.

    The formula from the author Vinani, consisting of the Berkan and Inguz runes repeated four times and one Uruz rune, helps to inflame passion and create strong family relations and soon conceiving children. Helps to release sexual energy. The author herself recommends writing in blood on paper and hiding the bed of love under the mattress. The option with an inscription on the cake is not without originality: the main thing in this case is not to cut it into pieces, but to eat it together from one plate.

    It is not forbidden to draw this bundle on a photograph of your loved one or embroider it on your and his clothes. When activated, it is enough to appeal to Yngwie - the god of fertility and ask for passion in bed, strong feelings or healthy children. The formula will work as desired.

    Feminine power

    "Female Power"

    This knitting called "Women's Power" is intended to transform the woman herself. Increases the level of sex appeal, enhances extrasensory and witchcraft abilities, increases the level of internal energy. It consists of the Inguz rune, framed by four laguz signs and uruz inscribed inside it. If you apply this to your skin, you only need to want any man, and the magic will begin to make her more attractive to him.

    You can also carve this symbol on a piece of wood. Ash, linden or alder are best suited. The activation formula looks like this:

    “Fire and water, earth and sky, give me the power and gift of witchcraft, at the behest of the Wise, by the grace of Freya, endow me with unearthly beauty.”

    This amulet should be worn on the chest, on a leather cord. If you intend to draw the formula directly on your body, you can choose any place, both hidden from prying eyes and in plain sight.


    If you want a man to madly want his partner, you need to take his photo and put “Lust” on it with your blood. It not only evokes a desire for sex, but also a desire to please the girl who has bewitched him, and there is a willingness to change in order to please her. Consists of the following elements:

    • Gebo - the frame of the spell, encourages partnership.
    • Kano, Perth, Nautiz - one of the standard formulas for a love spell.
    • Uruz - enhances the effect of other runes, does not allow you to endure and restrain your urges.
    • Teyvaz is a push to remove you from a state of balance.
    • Yera - ensures repeatability of the spell so that the desire arises time after time.

    No reservation is required for this spell - it begins to work immediately after being cast. Becoming is suitable if you need to influence at a distance, and can be easily implemented at home.

    My red rose

    "My red rose"

    In the combination called “My Red Rose”, only two runes are used - the central gebo is framed by four kano. According to the creator's idea, becoming increases interest on the part of the opposite sex and allows you to make a new acquaintance, which in the future will develop into a strong relationship. Can be applied to a piece of wood or leather. You can wear such an amulet on your chest or in your purse, since it is symmetrical and does not need to be fixed in a vertical position.

    You can paint with either blood or paint. The first option is preferable. To get started, you will need a reservation:

    “The air fans the flame, and the fire ripples the air, two elements, merging together, will make me beautiful, for anyone who even a little likes me.”

    To avoid unpleasant incidents, you should not wear an amulet with this formula in places where men from an inappropriate social group live.

    Find your betrothed

    "Find your betrothed"

    Becoming is intended to attract a man who is ideal for family life, and be with him all your life. Once a partner is found, the magic will stop. According to the author, the formula works only nine times for one person. The duration of action is nine days.

    Decoding of component symbols:

    • Raido and soulu - the path to each other is illuminated by the rays of the sun.
    • Otal - attracts family support: there will be no conflicts with relatives on either side.
    • Gebo is the main rune of partnership.
    • Evaz and laguz provide mutual attraction for lovers.
    • Triple teyvaz forces a man to become the head of the family - a breadwinner and protector. Berkana merged with Teyvaz ensures living together in harmony.

    If you remove the dots and the temporary condition from the clause, the stale will work until the runes are erased. However, this must be approached with caution: after a relationship has begun, the magic must be stopped, otherwise more and more new partners will be attracted to the family. The spell is activated by the words:

    “With this stave, I weave roads and paths that lead me to the only man I love and brings Him to me, wherever he is, making us one, weaving the lines of life together, filling our relationships with harmony and harmony. Becoming leads to a new understanding and level in our relationships, with ease and comfort for us. This stave protects us from other people’s envy and witchcraft, sheltering us from adversity and misfortune. Stav works 9 times for 9 days.”

    When activated, it is necessary to light candles, 9 pieces if the operating time is set, and an arbitrary number if the formula is launched for an unlimited time. The faucet can be applied to any object.

    Wind of the willows

    "Wind of the Willows" - becoming a truce

    This is a truce that helps in the event of a quarrel, forcing the culprit to apologize and begin negotiations. Can be used both for yourself and for any two people who have quarreled. It works best if you draw it on a photo, but it will also work if you put it on paper with the names of those who quarreled. The clause applies as follows:

    “Let the old relationships and problems be destroyed in this moment and let the door that we both locked open. Let him take the first step to negotiate with me.. Let him need reconciliation with me.”

    This form works as follows:

    • Hagalaz - destroys the current situation.
    • Turisaz inverted - opens the symbolic door that separated those who had quarreled.
    • Nautiz and Ansuz - force the guilty person to take the first step, force him to take it.

    The joy of communication

    "The Joy of Communication"

    This becoming ensures restoration love relationship, does life together more joyful and happy. Consists of four bundles of gebo with vunyo, connected into one large gebo rune. Does not require a reservation; applied in blood to a joint photograph.

    It can also be used to improve relationships between parents and children, business partners, since this formula does not necessarily carry sexual overtones, but simply makes spending time together more enjoyable. It works quickly and reliably. You can mentally draw a symbol on the forehead of your interlocutor - the conversation will go smoothly, since the person himself will be more inclined towards him.

    Harmonization of relations

    "Harmonization of relations"

    To get out of the crisis that has arisen, becoming a relationship harmonizer is suitable for lovers and married couples:

    • Teyvaz and berkana symbolize a man and a woman, respectively.
    • Superstructures in the form of two ansuz invoke the mercy of the gods on lovers.
    • The Gebo rune unites in a strong union: quarrels stop, the man becomes stronger and more self-confident, and the woman becomes softer and more economical.

    You can draw them on a joint photograph or make paired amulets. A clause in any form or like this:

    “A husband is a warrior and a wife is an earth, this was commanded by the gods, so that they could merge in one love, always walking with their hands clasped.”

    The blood of one of the lovers or a mixture of the blood of both is suitable for staining.

    Flower of Love

    "Flower of Love"

    Another bundle for creating harmonious relationships. Makes a man remain faithful. Despite the complexity and the large number of runes included in it, the formula turns out to be very stable. Gives quick noticeable results and can work for many years. Contains the following runes:

    • 2 Gebo - to strengthen friendship and love, give stability and fulfillment to relationships.
    • 1 Teyvaz - destroys external aggression, which can interfere with love.
    • 1 soul - feeds the formula with the energy of the sun, adds warmth and mutual understanding.
    • 4 Kanu - ignite passion, accelerate the action of other runes, promote understanding and quick deliverance from omissions.
    • 2 dagaz - provide a breakthrough into a bright future, a transition to a qualitatively new level.
    • 4 Eyvaz - unite the family, stimulate empathy.
    • 2 turisaz - destroy psychological barriers between lovers, organize feelings, remove emerging problems and negativity.
    • 4 algiz - guarantee protection both from interference in the relationships of strangers and from negative energy influences.

    It is recommended to draw on a joint photograph with a felt-tip pen or red marker, pronouncing the name of the runes and the expected action from them. In the process of drawing, it is advised to remember the best moments from the past, joyful events.

    A clause in free form or like this:

    “Oh, beautiful Frigga, you are the wife of the Lord of the Runes, Help me in love, let the magic happen. What is written will be filled with great power. Everything that is said will come true in the same moment.”

    "Dhat kann ek it seitianda, at mik mun seint firrazit mannvinga manliodha therramunti Lodhfafnir!"

    Before using the “Flower of Love”, you should carry out cleansing rituals to get rid of negativity, and after using the stav, you should put additional protection on the relationship.

    Web of Love

    When to attract a man. who is already married, in order to be together with him forever, it will come in handy to become a “Web of Love”. Often it is done on a rich lover. It will be very difficult to detect and remove such witchcraft.

    The bundle consists of the following runes:

    • Stungin iss - the Icelandic black rune of concealment interferes with the diagnosis and removal of a love spell.
    • Kano, Vunyo and Gebo - evoke strong passion and love, joy from relationships and dependence on them. They are used if it is necessary for a man to be crazy about a woman.
    • Nautiz - suppression of one's own will and coercion into submission.
    • Uruz - sexual attraction it is further enhanced to make the man madly want it.
    • Ansuz in the background helps to find better mutual language.

    The drawing is applied in blood on paper with the name of a loved one, using the following clause:

    “With the power of Stangin iss, I will hide my magical influence. Let the power of the Gebo rune create a relationship between me and (man’s name), which the power of Vunyo will fill with joy and comfort. Let Kenaz kindle fiery love in the heart of (man’s name) for me. Let him feel for I have an uncontrollable sexual attraction. Let the ansuz bring mutual understanding. With the power of the runes, let the object strive for me, show tenderness, attention, generosity. All the action happens forcibly."

    A person under the influence of this spell very quickly becomes affectionate and obedient, wants to please his mistress and give gifts. Becoming creates something like a drug addiction in the bewitched. It lasts for two weeks, after which a new dose of magic will be required.

    Love fire

    "Love Fire"

    To become loved, you can also use the love spell “Love Fire”, consisting of the following runes:

    • Mannaz, teyvaz and berkana as symbols of man and woman. The man is designated by two runes to clarify who the love spell should affect.
    • The mirror ansuz fills the words of the spell with magical power.
    • Nautiz in the background forces submission and stabilizes the love spell.
    • Ansuz and nautiz evoke constant thoughts in the bewitched person’s head about the one who bewitched him.
    • Yera ensures continuity of work, launches the formula again and again.
    • Spliced ​​kano and laguz fill with passion; They are the ones who are called “fire sisters” in the slander.
    • Vunyo brings joy to these relationships and makes lovers happy.

    This form was specially created for a specific spell:

    “At the midnight hour, I will light spring candles, call and awaken the fire sisters. You will wake up, fire sisters, as the streams of God flow from east to west. I will choose one of the seven streams, fill it with fire fires, the stream will flow like a river of fire. This river of fire will carry fire sisters to Mother Earth, and that scorching river, a river of fire, will rise into the soul of a man - my husband (name).

    A fiery fire will ignite in his chest, ignite a zealous heart, dry up his mind (name), so that he thinks about me, yearns for me hour and day, does not remember his father and mother, dreams of me alone. So that his thoughts about others pass by - they disintegrate into dust. No matter how much his soul cries or fights back, let the fire burn in his soul, in a fiery fire, a loving fire, a dry fire.”

    The formula is activated exactly at midnight. There are no restrictions on what to paint on or what paint to use.

    Hook of love and marriage

    "Hook of Love and Marriage"

    This powerful runic spell helps to make a specific man fall in love with you. It was successfully used to ensure that a man finally left his old wife and created a new marriage. Under the influence of magic, the bewitched person will offer to be together.

    The basis consists of the following symbols:

    • Nautiz - breaks the will and forces you to act as ordered.
    • Vunyo - causes euphoria in the bewitched.
    • Soulu - fills the ligature with strength, makes relationships warmer.
    • Uruz - inverted - deprives one of the strength to resist the influence, direct - increases attraction.
    • Teyvaz - speeds up getting what you want.
    • Eyvaz - eliminates all emerging obstacles.

    Second plan

    • Kano - incites lust, causes the desire to possess a partner.
    • Gebo - evokes friendly feelings, a desire to help and care.
    • Inguz - makes a woman irresistible in the eyes of a man.
    • Algiz - protects from attempts of other people to interfere in relationships, protects both from magical actions, and from any others.
    • Turisaz - breaks down all the barriers that arise in the process of building a marriage.

    The clause is this:

    “This becoming gentle, but forcibly, leads the rabbit to the actions of possessing me and conquering me, showing me all his feelings that he hides in himself - love, care, warmth, gentleness, in connection with which all grievances are forgotten and differences are smoothed out and contradictions. In addition, the rabbit falls on the hook [Nautiz + Eyvaz] from which he can no longer jump, but comes to my family for marriage.”

    They draw their blood on a photo of their loved one, at the level of his heart. The magic begins to work immediately, but reaches full power within three days.

    According to my wish

    "According to my wishes"

    A very strong galdrstav, removes all obstacles between partners, is able to ensure the return of a man if he has fallen in love with another, and restores love if it has faded. Includes a range of symbols.

    Scandinavian runes:

    • Mannaz - Personification of the object of influence.
    • 6 Nautiz - severe compulsion to think about the bewitcher, a feeling of discomfort when she is not nearby.
    • Inverted Nautiz - generates a clear confidence that this woman necessary + Eyvaz - it becomes the meaning of life.
    • Ansuz - thoughts only about the one who bewitched.
    • Vunyo - the joy of communicating with the hostess.
    • 2 Laguza - the object’s self-control is blocked, and the effect itself is masked from outside diagnostics.
    • Raido - ensures constant desire for your beloved + Yera - the effect is repeated every day.
    • Dagaz is an explosive change in attitude towards the bewitcher: from complete indifference to adoration.
    • Gebo - evokes a desire for partnership, encourages you to care and help in everything.
    • Kenaz - kindles passion + Soulo - evokes tender love.
    • 4 Turisaz - a constant desire for sex and a desire to have children.

    Elven runes

    • n - softens the effect of a love spell, eliminates side effects.
    • t - enhances the magic of the formula.
    • g - harmonizes relationships.
    • f - evokes love, passion and admiration for the beloved.

    “You won’t live in peace! I’ll be in your dreams at night, a barely dressed girl. Your dream will be my home, very sweet and familiar. I’ll become your obsession, an unconscious vision. I’ll spin you around and put a spell on you, I’ll enchant your heart. antidotes!"

    They are applied to the photo by men. During the process, you can drop one drop of blood.

    Passionate love spell

    This bundle is suitable for different purposes. Depending on the reservation, it can be used to incite passion, if feelings have cooled down, to marriage soon. Apply to a photo, paper with the name of a lover or a piece of wood for permanent wear.

    Scandinavian runes:

    • Dagaz - awakening of feelings.
    • Kano is a burning passion.
    • Soulu - warm feelings.
    • Laguz - the witchcraft will work.
    • Vunyo - happiness from being together.
    • Gebo - a sense of mutual understanding and partnership.
    • Ansuz - evokes the necessary thoughts.
    • Yera - loops the action of the stave.

    Elven runes:

    • E - causes passion, subdues;
    • K - makes a woman irresistible;
    • L - makes you yearn and long for a meeting
    • S - enhances desire;
    • U - forces the bewitched person to take active action: call himself, confess his love, propose marriage.

    The text for activating this position can only be compiled independently. There is no need to pronounce individual runes; the entire pattern is drawn as a whole and everything that needs to be done is spoken out. It is recommended to make a payment for the elves - collect alcohol, goodies and decorations in a bag and take them to the forest.

    Features of the impact on men and consequences

    Despite the fact that many runic bindings work more accurately than ritual ones, they do not cease to be a magical controlling influence. Bet designed to please men are also love spells. Because a person is forced to behave in a way that is unusual for him, his psyche breaks down over time. The impact of magical energies on bioenergy is also destructive.

    Over time, side effects occur:

    • nervousness;
    • alcoholism;
    • impotence;
    • apathy;
    • cardiovascular diseases.

    Any love spell is a sin. If a person adheres Orthodox faith, he will not practice magic in any form. The use of love spells is immoral because they are violence against the individual. However, each person chooses independently what kind of behavior to adhere to, just as everyone will receive karmic reward for any of their actions.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Magic is a concept as comprehensive as, for example, medicine. This includes hundreds of directions and religions. ​Rune formulas for all occasions belong to the northern tradition, where the Gods of Scandinavia are at the head.

All magic can be divided into two types:

  • on the power of the upper world;
  • on the power of the lower world.

Runes work on the power of the Gods. All rituals of this direction of esotericism are accompanied by prayers or, as runologists say, hangings. It would seem that working through the Gods should not be accompanied by various negative consequences and setbacks. However, it all depends on whether the impact is positive or negative.

There are several Gods in the northern pantheon. If you look closely at them, you can find similarities with the pagan Gods of Rus'. Each of them is responsible for a certain area of ​​a person’s life and when making an impact, you should contact exactly the one who is assigned to do this.

In order to start working with stakes, need to buy a runic set. They are often sold in stores and magic shops on the Internet, but it is best to make them yourself. Then, every day in turn, a person must “live” the runes. Take one of these and carry it with you all day. For example, on Monday take ansuz, on Tuesday - laguz, on Wednesday - geby (gebo). So you need to feel the whole set. Understand the nature of the runes.

Runostavs exist for any occasion. They help in love, work, with magical negativity, when it is impossible to find a common language with a person. There is no problem in life that the runic formula cannot solve.

The only thing that may be difficult is easy money. Runes for winning the lottery, for example, will not work, since the magic of money is much stronger and when large sums are involved, completely different forces are activated.

We draw runes and make reservations

Runes are applied different ways. If you are making an impact for yourself:

  1. Draw symbols towards you.
  2. Apply to your body, on paper, wooden objects.
  3. Carry it with you or put it away from prying eyes.
  4. Runes written on the body should not be visible to others.

If the ritual is performed on another person:

  1. You can apply runes on his photo, on paper with the object’s data.
  2. Do not apply symbols with your biological material (saliva, blood, etc.). The impact will fall on you.
  3. Under no circumstances should you reveal what you have done to the person on whom the runic ritual was performed.

Runic formulas are proven and powerful magic. You can choose runostavs for all occasions. Therefore, many remain adherents of this type of witchcraft for life.

Runes for attracting love are most in demand. The strongest bets can be easily found on the Internet. There are runic staves and clauses to them. On thematic sites, users actively discuss how this or that runescript worked. They share their mistakes, victories and results. You will read about the meaning of runes, rune writing and the meaning of combinations of different symbols. Thanks to such forums, you can not only get acquainted with runes, but also become a competent, experienced runologist.

Over time, you will form a piggy bank with useful rune articles, ready for use in everyday life. If you wish, you can start compiling a complete catalog of runograms that can bring good luck in any business and improve your health. Runes can be mastered even by a person who does not have a family of sorcerers and magicians. The main thing is purpose and diligence in studying this topic.

Simple runic formulas

The formula for good physical well-being looks like this:

Ingvaz - physical health. Algiz - subtly detects the slightest change in health, an approaching illness. Uruz - stable physical strength, rejecting all ailments. Yera - neutralizes everything harmful that can undermine health. Teyvaz - a barrier to disease and personal resistance to infections, good health. Gebo - internal harmony of health. Soul - the forces that fuel the entire formula to be healthy.

Runic betting for quick money. Always gives a positive result. It needs to be updated daily. Around the third or fourth day, money begins to arrive.

If there is a negative impact on the financial sector, then the amount will be either scanty or not at all.

As it becomes clear, runes are quite affordable and effective way achieve what you want. The main thing is to enter this type of magic gradually, understanding the theory and only then starting practice.

Runic writing came to Europe in the first millennium of the new era and spread there quite quickly. In fact, runes are the writing of the ancient Germans. The emergence of runic magic based on this alphabet is attributed to Odin - according to legend, he underwent asceticism, during which he received insight in the form of runic writing and runic magic. The very word “runes” has at its root the ancient Germanic “run” - “secret”, which again indicates the mystical properties that the ancient Germans saw in them.

In modern magic, runic formulas, or runic staves, are also actively used - bundles of runes that together give the necessary “charge” of action. Moreover, these runescripts (another name) are used in various spheres of life. Runic magic can help quit smoking, get quick money, they are used for business or to win the lottery. Runic staves and slander to them can be found in specialized literature - but you can find the most basic things in our article.

We have selected for you effective runic formulas for all occasions. It is better if you first study the meanings of each rune so that you can independently compose a runescript in accordance with your task. Or if a specialist does it for you. But if you are ready to experiment and are not afraid of side effects, take ready-made formulas and use them to your health! These formulas were selected by experienced rune masters or have been known since ancient times.

How to use the runic formula?

Burn or carve it on a piece of wood and carry it with you. Another option is to choose a candle that matches the color of your task, scratch the required formula on it and light it. If you can’t do it with a tablet, write it on a piece of paper or on the back of a photograph and carry it with you. As a last resort, draw it in Photoshop and hang it on your desktop. In any case, during the writing process, clearly understand and imagine for what purpose you are doing this, being aware of the meaning and “charge” of each rune.

Cash runic rates.

Several runes are directly related to money, wealth, wealth and prosperity. What are these runes?

Fehu. Associated with possession, property, wealth.
Soul. Sun, strength, victory - often used in success formulas.
Otal. Rune of clan, home and family.
Vunyo. Joy and satisfaction, happiness.

One of the most famous formulas for well-being is triple rune Fehu.

In triads - triple runic formulas - each position has its own function. The left rune is the direction of action, the right is the goal, and the middle is the concentration of the power of the Fehu rune, its essence. Thus, the energy of this rune is aimed at transforming circumstances and achieving the desired goal - growth in income and material well-being.

Formula for a breakthrough to well-being and well-being

The following runes are used for this formula:

Dagaz. Prosperity, health, light.
Evaz. The rune of transformation, change and movement, pushing the situation towards development.
Fehu. Wealth and property. There are also formulas for increasing wealth. Suitable for increasing business income, crops and property.
Otal. Family, inheritance, home.
Fehu. Property, wealth, possessions, finance.
Yer. Harvest, fruits, results and successful end of the cycle. The formula is especially good for businesses where there is a cycle. For example, a farm or a winter clothing store.
Vunyo. Joy.

This formula helps to open up possibilities and thus make the leap from a disadvantaged state to a prosperous one. It is designed to attract changes in the situation and in life and give strength to take advantage of them.

By the way, it is also well suited for curing long-term illnesses, in order to take a protracted situation to a new level and lead to recovery.

Runescripts for health

Dagaz. prosperity, health, light and well-being.
Berkana. rune of feminine strength, growth, motherhood and birth.
Inguz. masculine energy and fertility.

Thus, the combination of these runes provides a formula for conceiving a child and healing infertility.

There are health formulas that help stop the disease and recover. For example, this one.

Algiz. Protection, support from higher powers.
Evaz. Change, transformation, progress and transition to another level.
Dagaz. Prosperity, light and health.
Isa. Frost, stop, cold.

This combination gives impetus to recovery and stops pathogenic processes in the body.

Formula for luck and achieving what you want, achieving your goal

It is suitable for achieving any goal - monetary, property, related to obtaining an education or a visa to travel abroad, from the field of creativity or business, in general, any task that is understandable and has a specific result. Charges for success and victory.

Otal. Home, inheritance, family.
Ansuz. Knowledge, word, mind and magic.

Runic formulas for love

For purposeful and assertive people - the formula for victory in love on the runes. Some men, for example, need to add confidence and luck to get the relationships they want in their lives. For them, this is the formula.

Teyvaz. Warrior spirit, willingness to win, success and will.
Uruz. Magic force, success and action.

A tough and short-term love spell - a rune written four times Turisaz. Its effect is about a month, it includes low sexual energies of mutual attraction. You can try if you want to quickly kindle someone’s sexual interest in you, but here it is important to feel the moment and the situation, and remember that the development of events in a month will depend on how interesting you were to each other during this time. However, sometimes such formulas are used in a purely practical way - to develop in someone a personal interest in oneself in order to reach an agreement on something, to conclude a deal, to strengthen one’s influence. In general, balance your goals and strengths.

Thurisaz four times. Masculine energy, aggressive magic, control and self-discipline, military strength.

Formula for family well-being, harmonious family relationships.

Ansuz. Knowledge, magic, word.
Gebo. Mutual gift, partnership, unity of opposites.
Otal. Home, family, inheritance and lineage.

It is impossible to list runograms for all occasions at once, but we have listed the main, proven ones here. And good luck with your experiments on the path of knowledge!