Pictures, postcards and congratulations on the Ascension of the Lord. Pictures, cards and congratulations on the Ascension of the Lord Animated brilliant postcards of the Ascension of the Lord

Ascension of the Lord 2018: animated pictures, postcards with in beautiful words Congratulations will be useful for your messages on social networks and instant messengers on this bright holiday, which is one of the twelve main church celebrations.

This year, the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated early, since Easter was early, and 40 days of the risen Christ’s stay on Earth are counted from it. Thus, on Thursday, May 17, we celebrate the next great event for Christians - the Ascension of the Lord.

Don’t forget to congratulate all your family, friends and acquaintances on this bright date and select the most beautiful pictures of the Ascension of the Lord for congratulatory posts!

According to legend, 40 days after his resurrection, Jesus Christ appeared to his apostles for the last time, promising them the imminent sending of the Holy Spirit. The ascension of Christ was witnessed by his disciples, whom he accompanied to Bethany. Having fed them with bread, he blessed his disciples and ascended into the sky above them. The apostles told all the people about this miracle when they returned to Jerusalem.

This event ended the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, who in his person raised human nature to the throne of God the Father and thus prepared it to receive the Holy Spirit.

Let us add that people also call this holiday Ascension or Happiness.

On the Ascension of the Lord, believers flock to churches, where at the festive service they turn their prayers to the Lord, asking for protection, peace and health. Believers also congratulate each other on this bright holiday.

Congratulations, pictures on the Ascension of the Lord 2018:

On Thursday, June 6, all Orthodox believers will celebrate an important church holiday - the Day of the Ascension of the Lord. Even in the 5th century, Christians attached special significance to this day. Congratulatory gifs, pictures, postcards “Ascension of the Lord 2019” with inscriptions, animation and congratulations will remind your family and friends of an important church holiday.

Ascension of the Lord 2019: beautiful flickering pictures with congratulations for WhatsApp

For the church, the celebration of the Ascension of the Lord has a special symbolic meaning. It is believed that 40 days after his miraculous resurrection, Jesus Christ rose into the sky in front of the amazed apostles. Having seen the miracle, people understood the main Christian truth - those who lead a righteous life are able to defeat bodily death. Nowadays, on the Ascension of the Lord 2019, it is customary to send beautiful flickering pictures with congratulations on WhatsApp.

A selection of beautiful flickering pictures with animation and congratulations for the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord 2019 for WhatsApp

Pictures with inscriptions in verses with the Ascension of the Lord 2019

On the Ascension of the Lord 2019, you must definitely invite your relatives to visit, send beautiful pictures with inscriptions in verse to your friends. Believers visit the temple, pray for the dead, clean up the cemetery, and prepare a festive dinner.

Options for pictures with poems and congratulatory inscriptions for the Ascension of the Lord 2019

Ascension of the Lord 2019: pictures with animation, flickering gifs with poems for Odnoklassniki

Previously, it was customary to bake pies with different fillings: onions, potatoes, eggs, drawing a ladder on the product. The crumbs from such a pie should have been scattered on the graves. These days, pictures with animation, flickering gifs with poems for Odnoklassniki on the Ascension of the Lord 2019 are popular.

A selection of beautiful pictures with animation and flickering gifs for the Odnoklassniki website for the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord 2019

Greeting cards “Ascension of the Lord 2019” with animation and beautiful poems

Another unusual ritual that has come down to us from our ancestors is associated with the wedding of a young bride. For the holiday, her mother scattered bread crumbs on the ground so that the girl would have as many suitors as possible. Nowadays, believers send each other “Ascension of the Lord 2019” greeting cards with animation and beautiful poems.

Options for greeting cards for the Ascension of the Lord 2019 with poems and beautiful inscriptions

Beautiful cards for the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord 2019

If you decide to devote the holiday to family affairs and receiving guests, you definitely need to give your family beautiful cards with the Ascension of the Lord 2019. In the selection below we present the most successful options.

A selection of beautiful cards for the holiday of the Ascension of the Lord 2019

The Ascension of the Lord is one of the 12 main Orthodox holidays. It is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter. Ascension always falls on Thursday, just as Easter always falls on Sunday. On this day, Orthodox Christians congratulate each other on the sacred holiday, go to church for a festive service, and then celebrate in the family with family and friends. Congratulate your family and friends on the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord by sending them beautiful cards and pictures with congratulations.

Happy Ascension of the Lord - pictures and beautiful congratulations

A bright holiday today -
Ascension of the Lord!
And I wish from the bottom of my heart -
Don't sin in your life!
He is all-merciful, but still,
Be stricter with yourself,
And then the Lord is great
It will be your protection!

We all celebrate today
The day is both bright and holy.
With the Ascension of the Lord,
May Christ be with you!
Keeping faith in your heart,
Protecting from insults
Christians let all the faithful
He protects from sorrows!

So Easter is over,
Forty days have passed since then,
Today we feel
Unforgotten warmth.

Ascension Thursday
The Testament calls us to life,
To the sky, to the light! We are ready
Believe that there is no death.

Today is the Ascension of the Lord.
The big church holiday has arrived.
I wish you good health,
Always be full of zeal and strength.
May heaven protect you from troubles,
A God's Son will reward with love.
So that you live easily, prosperously,
Without troubles, worries and insults.
Let your soul be cleansed today
From all grievances, from anger and sadness.
I wish on the Ascension of the Lord,
May you live long and prosper.

Ascension of the Lord
Orthodox glorifies people,
Many people are going to church today
They go with pure faith.

Be open to God too
Increase the goodness in yourself
And then the way to you
Happiness will choose itself.

Happy Ascension of the Lord
I congratulate you,
Peace in heart and kindness
I wish you a bright day.
May the Lord give you strength,
It only strengthens the spirit.
A spark of love and faith
So that the souls do not go out.

Beautiful cards with the Ascension of the Lord

Summer has already called for spring to bloom.
And now the shower gardens are filled with happiness.
Congratulations on the Lord's Ascension!
May God deliver you from anger and enmity!
And with the light of faith in miraculous salvation
Let your earthly days be illuminated!

Congratulations on the Ascension of Christ,
There is so much I want to say on this bright day.
I wish you peace, tranquility, goodness,
Live in friendship, don’t get angry and don’t be discouraged.

May your health be good, strong,
May good luck and success accompany you in everything.
I wish you to be joyful, loving,
Let life go well without bitterness or interference.

Ascension of the Lord
Heaven gives us
Hope is reborn
In our souls and hearts.
May it bring blessings
On this day, heavenly light,
May our sins be forgiven
Will save you from evil and troubles.
I wish you all on a bright holiday
Keep faith in your heart,
Under holy skies
Live a happy life.

On the great day of the Holy Ascension
The sky rejoices, the people celebrate.
May the truth of divine genius
It will bring you pure bliss.

May your joy be endless,
And life is without sins and without evil.
On the day of the great celebration of eternal life
Let there be a lot of happiness and warmth!

We wish you bright joy,
Good health,
A comfortable, long old age.
Let him keep you, with love,
Christ, and in righteous faith
You will find salvation...
With a wonderful, bright, rainbow
Lord's Ascension!

You can download these Happy Ascension Day pictures for free and send them to your family and friends by phone.