How to caption a photo on Instagram to attract the attention of followers. Beautiful phrases about love for signing photos Interesting phrases for signing photos

Good afternoon friends.

Instagram makes it possible to exchange information and follow life every day interesting people. We like to look at photographs and videos, and we also want to read how a person lives, what thoughts are spinning in his head. We immediately leave our comments under the original texts in publications. They inspire, motivate and uplift, encourage communication.

And we also want to be able to write beautifully and interestingly. And for business and promoting your account, this is simply necessary. Therefore, today we’ll talk about how to caption a photo on Instagram to interest subscribers, increase views and comments.

Click on the plus sign at the bottom of the screen, add a photo to your Instagram and tap on “Next”. Add filters if desired and move on.

Sign in the new window. The maximum text size is 2,200 characters, which corresponds to approximately 300 words. To make it easier and more enjoyable for your subscribers to read, break the inscription into paragraphs, make indents and lists, and add emoticons.

To promote your publication, it is recommended to add hashtags under the main material. If this is done only for friends, then they can be anything, as long as your posts can be found by those who are interested in them. If you need to attract new subscribers, then hashtags should be simple and understandable. These can be short queries for which people search for thematic pages, for example:

  • #health,
  • #2019,
  • #psychology,
  • #wealth,
  • #finance.

An example of a signature with tags in the screenshot.

Please note that the hash and the word are written together. Do not overuse hashtags and write them on the topic of the post, otherwise the administration may send your profile to the spammers blacklist.

If you forgot to caption a photo on Instagram, or an original thought came to you, but late, write it in the comments, you can also put suitable hashtags there.

What to write under the photo in your personal profile

On such a page, photos and videos are usually published for friends, and not for business and promotion. And I want to please my subscribers with bright and apt phrases, to beautifully describe an image or my mood. How to do it:

  • look at the photo and come up with 5 - 10 expressions of any kind - whatever comes to mind on the topic of the publication. Write down the best ones;
  • use quotes from famous films or books. When you quote famous person, sign his name, and if he is a popular blogger or artist, then you can put a link to his Instagram account;
  • if you posted a photo of a beautiful and delicious dish, write a recipe;
  • under family photographs you can talk about why everyone gathered and how the meeting went;
  • write about your emotions and impressions;
  • while on a trip, share not only beautiful views, but also useful information for other travelers: where to go on an excursion, where to stay and walk in overseas countries, how much it costs to eat;
  • Under the photo with a friend or loved one, you can write their nickname on a social network and leave a personal message: gratitude for a gift, a surprise, a good evening;
  • You can tag any person in the photo, for example, your manicurist who pleased you with beautiful nails, and in the caption tell about him and the salon you visit.

Remember, the caption should match the image or footage to complement it and attract more attention. Here is my short description of the photo.

How to increase the number of comments

To encourage subscribers to communicate, be sure to add questions at the end, for example:

Here's an example post with a question and a call to action.

Idea: If you haven't come up with an interesting caption, ask your friends to do it. Ask how they would describe the photo. This great way go to dialogue.

Don’t try to make a cool signature under each entry, just write your thoughts, emotions, impressions. Write a lot, often and with pleasure, without looking back every time at what your subscribers will say and think (but adhering to the rules of Instagram). They will appreciate some recordings, but may not understand others. Over time, the more experience you gain, the easier it will be to come up with an apt saying to caption.

Keep a small notebook or document where you write down good thoughts, ideas and jokes. When you post another photo and find it difficult to write a caption, look at your entries.

Pay attention to those people who make signatures that are meaningful, interesting and beautiful. Read them and get inspired.

What to write under a photo in a thematic blog and on a company page

If in the caption to personal photos you can get by with 1–2 sentences, then those who promote their brand or company need to master writing longreads (long texts). They provide a lot of value to readers and build trust in the author as an expert on a particular subject.

Advice: to attract and hold the attention of your audience, you need to know its characteristics: gender, age, problems, joys, hobbies. Then you will be able to express your thoughts in a way that is clear and interesting to them.

What to write about:

  • about the product you are selling, its usefulness;
  • about who your product or service is and is not suitable for;
  • reviews from clients and customers;
  • tips for use;
  • jokes and anecdotes on the topic of the blog;
  • private questions and answers to them;
  • about related useful topics.

Make varied content, expand the range of topics if it is interesting to your followers and benefits you.

To engage readers in dialogue, you need to ask them questions, you can even arrange small provocations. The main thing is not to overdo it and not cause a storm of negativity. Don't forget to reply to comments. This will show people that they are important and interesting to you. If you don’t know what to write, just like it by clicking on the heart to the right of the comment.

Try not to use abstruse phrases, write as simply as possible so that subscribers clearly understand what you want to say.

And one more important tip: monitor your literacy, check the text before publishing and be sure to re-read it. Typos, mistakes, ambiguous phrases - all this can alienate the target audience.

How to write text on the photo itself

If you add a photo to your profile from a computer, you can use any graphic editor or online service, for example, Canva, Fotor, Avatan.

If you are preparing a publication on your phone, then there are 2 options:

  1. Using a special application.
  2. Preparing an entry for History and its further placement in the profile.

The editor in Stories allows you to add different effects and text to images and videos. To sign the picture, click on the letters in the upper right corner.

If you want to use a special application, you must first install it on your phone. Good and multifunctional products: Snapseed, Meitu, PicsArt and partially paid AppForType. They have interesting and beautiful styles for decorating text on photos.

I’ll show you using Snapseed as an example. Open the application, upload a photo into it and find “Text” in the tools.

By clicking on the rectangle in the panel, you can change the style.

The “droplet” controls the degree of transparency, and by clicking on the palette drawing, you can change the color of the inscription.

I signed the child's drawing.

Once you're done editing, click "Export" and save the new image. Now you can add photos to Instagram.


Photos can perfectly convey the mood without text. But this rarely happens. Therefore, try to sign your publications, and if desired and necessary, write in detail, express thoughts and emotions, and share them with friends and subscribers. To learn to write well, you only need one thing - constant practice.

Good luck to you! Interesting posts on Instagram and active subscribers! Tell us in the comments which of your posts on the social network aroused the greatest interest among readers.

See you again, friends.

The modern rhythm of life does not allow us to meet often, but thanks to social networks we can share beautiful and interesting moments of life using photos. Comments on photos are very popular and can convey the mood of those in the frame or lift it up for those looking at the photo.
A good comment is better than any compliment and the most wonderful assessment of the photographer and those caught in the lens. We will help you choose the right words for the most impressive shots!

The photo doesn't convey how amazing you look in real life! But thanks to her I can see you more often))

Your photo lifts my spirits and gives me the opportunity to admire you whenever I want.

You don't change, but you change every photo of yourself for the better! Simply great!

A combination of charm and photogenicity! This shot is fantastically cool!

You know how to surprise! Each frame amazes with its love of life and charm. Your appearance is a magnet for any lens.

Stop for a moment, you are wonderful! Thank you for the pleasure of the eyes with such a shot!

Such a great moment captured! Well done for trying to capture the best memories.

Glad to see you. You are changing for the better. Are you getting younger? Will you share a secret?

This photo can be used to decorate exhibitions. Very emotional and impressive.

Here you are all so interesting and real - a shot taken from life for of blessed memory about the best moments!

It's nice to see that you live well) The photo managed to convey your wonderful mood and lift it for me.

Oh, what a photo! Athletes will envy your figure, and the best fashion designers will envy your suit!

We don’t know you personally, but in those beautiful eyes I was able to see a crystal clear soul and true charm!

Your smile is like a magnet. I want to look at her without stopping all day long!

This photo is a work of art... Beautiful background, beautiful surroundings, and you are a real miracle!

What a look! You will charm everyone, starting with me!

The more I look at this photo, the more I fall in love... with your beautiful watch!

Take photos more often, because it’s so nice to look at your profile and full face!

What a sweet face of an intelligent man! The sparkle in the eyes is visible even in the photo. The nobility of the devil is amazing! You're probably acting in a movie?

Your photo evokes in me a real storm of emotions, the main one of which is sincere admiration!

When I look at your photo, I remember everything beautiful that is in the world - the shining sun and the restless sea, the shine of the stars and stormy waterfalls. So you inspire me with your attractive image!

Beautiful comments for photos

Post photos and receive beautiful comments to strive to be photographed more often and remain unforgettable

Bravo, photographer! Captured and saved a wonderful shot. I love how everything turned out.

This photo just glows, you can see your energy is as good as your appearance.

A contented appearance is the product of a prosperous life. I rejoice and smile with you)

I look at you and enjoy what I see. You are awesome!

Take photos more often, you look great in photos. I would like to see you in real life as soon as possible))

You don't have a single boring photo. You are just a godsend for a good shot!

You are the most beautiful of all, without exaggeration or filters!

Your photo radiates warmth and looks like it was taken by the best photographer at the best moment.

When you look at this photo, you want to be there immediately. To experience life's wonderful moments together.

You radiate light and success. It's impossible to take your eyes off!

This is the frame! Simply a masterpiece of photography! You pose cooler than all the models and look on point.

Super. Such moments should not just be photographed, but framed and hung on the wall for everyone to see!

There is nothing more valuable than memories. Your shots are the main contribution to them!

I can look at your photo for hours without stopping. It’s so good that there is an opportunity to see your life at least through the prism of a lens.

A handsome man, radiating success and kindness.

It's nice to see you happy and satisfied. You are wonderful together and separately!

The camera definitely loves you)) You always look great in photos!

You look great in this look. Very impressive and unusual!

You clearly have the makings of a fashion model)) You look natural and gorgeous in any setting!

Of course, photos often speak louder than words. But carefully chosen texts can enhance any image, adding an element of storytelling or even creating an aura of mystery.

Instagram photo captions help make posts more interesting and effective. You can add a call to action or provide important information to the text. Meaningful quotes will look great under a selfie, and a product photo is worthless without a detailed description.

As you already know, Instagram captions play just as important a role as your photos and visuals.

Today we're sharing tips for writing your profile copy and offering a list of the most popular caption phrases and quotes that your followers will love.

What is an Instagram caption?

Instagram caption– text that describes, explains or complements the content of the photo. Emojis and hashtags are often added to it.

How to write effective texts for Instagram

1. Ask for something

For example, Lately Calls to evaluate a photo, a new style of processing or design of images work well. This is especially true if you actually decide to try using to add variety to your feed. You can ask to leave emoticons, which will be instead of “like” or “dislike” answers, or write your opinion and recommendations.

2. Use the platform's capabilities

3. Use emojis

A distinctive feature of Instagram texts is that they cannot contain emojis, take it for granted. Even if you don’t like all this “fun”, pick a couple of serious pictures that fit into the style of your brand.

Emoji can not only convey emotions, but also hint at events or upcoming product releases. For example, for several weeks Britney Spears used the apple emoji in her signatures, fueling fans' interest in the new single.

4. Brainstorm

To always have a good caption for a photo at your fingertips, swipe brainstorm and write down the wittiest and most touching texts, then you will have plenty to choose from.

Write down all the quotes you like, puns, interesting hashtags, and your ideas. This piggy bank will come in handy more than once.

However, before you start generating ideas, decide what tone will perfectly complement your branding. Do you want to inspire or make people laugh? Motivate or evoke a strong emotional reaction?

Selected Captions for Instagram Photos

So that you don't have to start from scratch, we suggest you pay attention to the following examples and ideas.

Selfie captions

Defiant signatures

  1. Don't be ordinary, be wild
  2. The truth hurts, buy a bandage
  3. They don't write books about good girls
  4. People say I pretend I don't care. But I'm not pretending.

Funny captions

View this post on Instagram

  1. When I'm told to follow my dreams I go to bed
  2. The best workout is sprinting, from the refrigerator to the TV and back.
  3. If I had a sense of humor, I would come up with a funnier caption
  4. We're all born a little crazy, some just decide not to change.
  5. Everyone has such a friend...
  6. Mirror: You look amazing today. Camera: nope
  7. Maybe it's natural beauty, or maybe it's the Clarendon filter
  8. I'm better in real life than on Instagram
  9. Suddenly you forgot what I look like
  10. I came, I saw, I forgot what I wanted
  11. Looks like I'm allergic to mornings
  12. If everything in this life were as simple as getting fat

Cute captions

  1. So grateful for everything
  2. Nothing shines brighter than a heart of gold
  3. Traveling is always the best part
  4. I radiate goodness and positivity
  5. I love your smiles so much
  6. Keep your chin up so the crown doesn't slip off
  7. Don't regret what you didn't do. Just go and do it!
  8. Always listen to your heart
  9. Don't wait for the storm to pass, come out and dance in the rain
  10. All my smiles start with you

Thoughtful captions

Nursery rhymes for each photo.

Subject of the photo: baby in a car, driving

I love sitting in the car.
The car runs on gasoline.
But the main thing in the car is the steering wheel.
I got behind the wheel - beep, mommy!
Plot: baby in the apartment
I don't get bored in the apartment:
Then I'll rock the swing,
Then I'll turn on the computer,
I'll teach dad how to gamble.
I'll lie down and read a book,
I turn on the TV
I’ll hide in the house and shut up:
I'm tired, I want to sleep!
Plot: walk outside
We walked in the yard
We went for a ride on the mountain
We fed the birds
And I made a little Easter cake.
Plot: child at the table
If there is a mouth and teeth,
This means you have to eat them.
Hands will help -
Shove food into your mouth and teeth.
Plot: baby in the bath
Water, toothbrush, soap -
I find this very, very nice.
I won’t upset my parents:
I don't want to be dirty!
Plot: baby on the street with flowers
I study nature
Without regard to the weather.
Autumn and summer
I'll collect bouquets.
Plot: child draws with hands
Brushes and pencils
For arts without soul
To draw with soul
You need to take paints in your hands.
Plot: baby doing housework
I'm not without work:
Then I push the stroller,
Then I'll pick up the vacuum cleaner,
Then I'll powder my nose with flour.
I'll just do the work
Lo and behold, they are still caring:
A whole bowl of crucian carp -
Our dad's trophy.
Plot: child with balls and balls
And recently I found out
What best figure- ball.
I also want to be the best
And I will study all the balls.
Plot: baby in the village
Relaxing in the countryside in the summer is good.
You can climb up the stairs there - high.
Sit on the porch with a woman,
And wear sunglasses.
Flick the switch and turn on the light.
And look at the neighbors' rabbits.

I composed the above poems for my poster, for specific photographs. Therefore, they may not be suitable for you. But I have other poems, I call them “universal”. These can definitely be included in any holiday poster, and choosing suitable photographs for them will not be difficult.

"Universal" poems for a baby's birthday poster

Plot: going for a walk
One two three four five -
I'm going for a walk again!
One two three four -
It's cramped in my apartment!
Plot: grandmothers
I have grandmothers -
We play "okay"
We lead round dances,
We go out for a walk.
If it weren't for grandmothers,
Who should I play “okay” with?
Plot: walk
I'm ready to walk all day
I'm not too lazy to go for a walk.
There is no more serious matter
Rather than walking around doing nothing.
Plot: car game
I have a lot of cars
But they stand in the corner.
I'll build a road for them
I'll help them travel!
Plot: grandfather
He is a man - no matter where,
Despite the years.
Strong and beautiful
My grandfather's favorite.
Plot: in dad's arms
I'm in my dad's arms:
High that just "Ah!"
And how is he not scared?
He's just brave!
Plot: at the TV
TV is your best friend!
Everyone around falls silent,
If the screen lights up, -
It's like there are no dads or moms...
I'll turn off the TV:
I want to be with mom and dad!
I also have ordinary poems. They can also be used to design posters by selecting suitable photographs or making a collage.

Children's poems for kids and parents


I have grandmothers -
We play okay.
Grandfathers are reading a book
My brother sings songs to me,
Dad is building a tower
Mom is making a cake...
I'll go to the boss -
I’ll find something for everyone!
There is a lot to do at home.
I wanted to help my mother.
I washed the floor with okroshka,
And he swept it a little.
I hid toys under the sofa,
Took the feathers out of the pillow
I fed the doll porridge,
I watered the flowers with milk,
I washed my socks in kefir,
And hung it around the apartment.
I darned my dress with tape
I knocked the dust out of the bed
I put honey on plates...
Let mommy rest!
About the walk
I really like to walk!..
What a pity that you can't have a bed
Take it with you for a walk.
I would love more
Walks in your crib.
I wouldn't get off of it all day:
I would walk, walk, walk!