Courage is the beginning of a matter, and chance is the master of the end. Great people about courage Courage is the beginning of victory

Courage is the beginning of victory

? With which keywords we are working

? Which person will be the winner?

? What will be the beginning of victory, how to bring it closer

? What is courage called in war?

? What was the feat of Liza Brichkina, who was unable to complete her combat mission?

Synonymous associations:

COURAGE - courage, heroism

VICTORY - achieving the goal,become the strongestthe result of efforts,feat

The great ancient Greek writer and philosopher Plutarch said: “Courage is the beginning of victory.” I cannot but agree with his words, because the one who strives towards the goal with all the strength of his soul wins, that is, the one whose will is stronger will win. Not everyone becomes a winner: you can come up with a brilliant strategy, but not achieve the desired result. In my opinion, victory also requires courage: when a person, in a moment of danger, forgets about his personal fear and thinks about the people close to him, about the ultimate goal, then he is able to defeat even the most powerful opponent. In war, courage is called heroism. People become capable of solving the most complex combat missions. What motivates them becomes the first step on the path to victory. Showing courage in battle means bringing the long-awaited victory closer. We will find confirmation of our thoughts in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” and Boris Vasiliev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet.”

YOUR REFLECTIONS – this isARGUMENTS. You give examples from literary works.

Let's turn to the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The Tushin battery comes under fire from the French, but the captain does not flee from the battlefield, but holds the line, sets fire to the village of Shengraben, thereby distracting the enemy from the main forces of the Russian army. Tushin's battery is left without cover, but even now he does not give up and, armed with courage, continues to fire at the enemies.The path to victory begins with such courage. Another example is the brave act of Andrei Bolkonsky during the Battle of Austerlitz: the prince picked up the regiment’s banner and, shouting “hurray,” ran towards the enemy, dragging the soldiers with him. It is known that in the end Austerlitz did not bring victory to Russian weapons, butThe brave act of this hero became the beginning of his personal victory over fears, over his own ambitions.

And who hasn’t admired the exploits of the five young girls from B. Vasiliev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”? Anti-aircraft gunner Liza Brichkina demonstrates incomparable courage. She runs through the swamp for help. And, despite the fact that she failed to complete the combat mission, her fearless act inspired the other anti-aircraft gunners and served as an example. It’s as if they vowed to avenge Lisa, and each of the girls became even more fearless and responsible. A real heroic act is performed by Zhenya Komelkova when she goes out to swim in the lake right in front of her enemies, distracting them. And then, under machine gun fire, she runs into the forest, dragging fascist soldiers with her, in order to protect her fighting friend, Rita Osyanina, from death. Thus, the boundless courage of five anti-aircraft gunners brought the overall victory closer. Without such courage, the last surviving foreman Vaskov would not have been able to complete the task of neutralizing 16 German soldiers making their way onto the railway.

So where do all victories begin? Of course, with courage. Courage is the engine on the path to great achievements. Courage displaces fear from a person’s soul. Therefore, Plutarch was right in his statement: “Courage is the beginning of victory.”

Every child has different dreams: some want to become an astronaut, some want to become a ship captain, and some dream of a cool sports car without a roof that you can drive very fast. With age, dreams acquire more or less specific forms, some kind of plan for moving towards a dream.

But at some point, the dream may forever remain just a dream, when the young man decides to move “like everyone else.”

He lacks courage. But courage, as the ancient Greek writer and philosopher Plutarch said, is the beginning of victory. And this very dream is victory. Victory over yourself, over the whole world. Courage helped commanders win hopeless battles, athletes reach incredible heights, and an entire generation of people overcome Nazism in the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. Would there be victory without courage?

It is very important to become a courageous person as early as possible in order to create a big adult goal from a childhood dream, despite all the bickering of others about its failure to achieve it. A goal differs from a dream in that it has a clear action plan and mandatory implementation. Courage will accompany you throughout life path, one of the points of which will contain the completed goal - victory. Victory, the beginning of which was courage.(180)

Courage is the beginning of victory (Plutarch)

Courage is a moral-volitional personality trait, the ability to overcome the fear of something unknown, difficult and achieve success. It is not for nothing that this quality is highly revered among the people: “The city takes courage.” But it is also revered as the ability to tell the truth. Courage provides a person with a sense of self-worth. Cowardice is an expression of cowardice at a moment when another person needs help, but you cannot help him because of your fear.

Cowardice is also a manifestation of calculating selfishness, because a person is afraid of losing existing social benefits. Many heroes works of art We often found ourselves in situations where we had to make difficult decisions. For examples, let us turn to works of Russian literature.

In the epic novel L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Andrei Bolkonsky never retreats from difficulties: be it the battlefield or family problems. One can only admire his courage and courage, because he is not afraid to admit his mistakes. Prince Andrei is waiting for the battle of Austerlitz, dreaming of becoming famous by accomplishing a feat. Andrei picks up the fallen banner and rushes forward with a scream. Following him, the soldiers moved into battle.

This moment was the most heroic in the life of Prince Andrei. But the opening “endless sky” overturned all previous ideas. And on the Borodino field we see a completely different Bolkonsky: he is still infinitely brave, but this is a different heroism. Prince Andrey defends his Motherland, takes care of his soldiers, thinking not about his own glory, but about the fate of Russia. Andrei Bolkonsky is an example of a man who is honest, courageous and worthy of boundless respect.

And so, to summarize what has been said, I would like to say that it is very important that people do brave things, be it saving someone’s life or simply admitting their guilt.

In a country where there is order, be bold in both actions and speeches. In a country where there is no order, be bold in your actions, but careful in your speech.

When you are afraid, act boldly, and you will avoid the worst troubles.
Sachs Hans

There is no need to confuse courage with arrogance and rudeness: there is nothing more dissimilar both in its source and in its result.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Until you have made a final decision, you will be tormented by doubts, you will always remember that there is a chance to turn back, and this will not allow you to work effectively. But the moment you decide to devote yourself completely to your business, Providence is on your side. Things begin to happen that could not happen under other circumstances... Whatever you are capable of, whatever you dream of, start making it happen. Courage gives a person strength and even magical power. Make up your mind!
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Have the clarity to admit the things you can't change, the courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Mark Levy

Excessive courage is the same vice as excessive timidity.
Benjamin Johnson

With courage you can do anything, but not everything can be done.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Courage, bordering on recklessness, contains more madness than fortitude.
Miguel de Cervantes

In battle those most exposed to danger are those who are most possessed by fear; courage is like a wall.
Guy Sallust Crispus

To be completely devoid of courage, one must be completely devoid of desires.
Claude Adrian Helvetius

Courage replaces fortress walls.
Guy Sallust Crispus

Courage, which is based on prudence, is not called recklessness, but the exploits of a reckless person should rather be attributed to simple luck than to his courage.
Miguel de Cervantes

Courage is often the result of a feeling that life is worthless, while cowardice is always the result of a false exaggeration of its value.
Artyom Michurin

What courage is really needed for is sincerity.
Michael Jackson

Courage has a curious quality that gives it a special value. This trait lies in the fact that it is much easier to be brave when you need to help someone else than in those cases when you need to save yourself.
Gregory David Roberts

Venus and good fortune help the brave.

He who is confident in himself is alien to the feeling of fear. And since one who indulges in sadness also experiences fear, it follows that courage is incompatible with sadness.

Here you all are looking at my pendant. What did you like about him? - suddenly asked me elderly woman, compartment neighbor.
We didn't travel long. I learned about her appearance in the compartment this morning. She sat by the window and was silent.
Traveling on a train always gives me the opportunity to think and observe people. In addition, it is on the road that people willingly share their thoughts, I would even say ideas.
I was still watching the woman. But - he gave himself away!
- Indeed, I was staring at it - and it’s not surprising. He's not ordinary. What's on it? - I asked.
The woman smiled strangely. I realized that there was a story behind the pendant. And this grin is just a pause before a long conversation.
At that moment the conductor came in and I ordered tea. The woman looked at me gratefully and began.
Here is her story.

As a child, I was a coward. I was afraid of the dark, heights, ghosts, spiders, dogs and even cats... basically, almost everything. The adults tried to somehow cope with this. But it seems to me that all their efforts only aggravated the fear. I was already starting to be afraid of them. I spoke little, quietly. It was very difficult to get an answer from me to a simple question. In the end they left me behind.
I really loved one of my toys. They don't do things like that now. It was a real teddy bear - soft and shiny. The bear's head was hard and its body was soft. I hugged him, and fed him porridge, and talked to him. Nothing could separate me from him. I held on to him tightly and was not so scared. I fell asleep only with him.
In the morning, when I woke up, the first thing I did was check to see if my bear was still there...
One day my mother and I went for a walk. I held the bear with one hand and held on to her with the other.
My mother was a kind woman, only at times an incomprehensible irritation came over her, and she became extremely harsh.
She was so irritated on that walk. We walked very quickly. Mother was talking to herself, not complaining about unknown people who had offended her. And it had to happen that I got confused, distracted by another bug or fly. And my mother was angry with me for this - apparently we were in a hurry to somewhere very important.
As a result, the bear fell out of my hand and remained lying on the road.
I didn’t dare stop and anger my mother even more. And at the same time I was left without the protection of my bear.
And then I saw a dog approach the bear.
It was a huge shaggy black dog.
She grabbed the bear and dragged him into the gateway.
In the evening we returned home. Mother finally noticed that I didn’t have a bear, and she was very upset.
She looked into my eyes with concern. Such indifference came over me, as if the bear really contained my soul, and I was left without it like an empty shell.
Mother sat next to me in the bedroom until she decided that I had fallen asleep.
Having made sure that she had left, I began to get dressed.
I was determined to find my bear.
It was dark outside the window. It was autumn then.
I remember this night for the rest of my life - darkness, rain and wind. I expected danger around every corner and shuddered at the creaking of doors and trees. God! I was so scared!
But I walked to that gateway.
And so I got there.
And I saw it.
Your own bear. He sat leaning against the wall. So dear and familiar - my bear. Just a few steps away.
But I didn’t dare to do them. That huge shaggy dog ​​was sitting next to the bear.
Just a few steps, and I stood and was afraid to move.
In the end, I decided this - even if she eats me, this dog, but I won’t abandon my bear!
And she went. She went up to the bear, took him in her arms and went home.
And the dog walked alongside. Like a shadow of me and the bear. She didn’t bark or fawn over me - she just walked next to me.
I remembered that I had a bun in my pocket. I took it out and gave it to the dog. And she even let her pet her.
And then I fumbled with my hand for the chain. The dog was wearing a medallion. I opened it - there was paper in the locket.
Then I realized that the dog is not a stray, it has owners!
I came home in the morning. My family were very surprised by my appearance, and also by the dog accompanying me.
But this time I decided to explain everything and told my mother the whole story in detail.
My father was a serious man. He decided to take the dog to its owners.
He soon returned and said that the owners had been found and that they wanted to see me.
Everyone at home took part in putting me in order, simultaneously teaching me the rules of behavior in polite society. Where I was brought soon.
I found myself in a large hall. Those around me looked at me with a smile and repeated, “How lovely!”
I don't remember anything else. And I came home with this pendant.

The woman took off the pendant and let me look at it.
The pendant had the shape of a circle, on which the figure of a dog was engraved, and on the reverse side were the words “Courage is the beginning of victory.”

Empty glasses, the warmth of the carriage and an interesting interlocutor with her pendant drove away.
And I still stood on the platform and looked after the departing train.