What to hang above the door. We hang a horseshoe in the house. How to increase the protective powers of a horseshoe

Most people are convinced that a horseshoe can bring happiness. This belief arose in the distant past. After all, horse shoes were made from expensive material that was inaccessible to many people. If a person found such an expensive thing, it brought luck and security. After this, this belief became a custom. People brought the horseshoe they found into the house and hung it above the door. Today many people have such amulets. But few people know how to hang a horseshoe correctly.

It is better to choose metal types of horseshoes, but it is not recommended to choose plastic ones

Which horseshoe to choose?

The amulet itself plays an important role. Of course, horseshoes are sold as souvenirs in the store. In this case, you should pay attention to metal types, but it is not recommended to choose plastic ones. The purchased horseshoes are quite weak. The strongest horseshoes are those that were once worn by a horse. It’s very good if they are old and rusty.

In order for such an item to bring as much luck as possible, it must be found. The horseshoe is washed, cleaned and oiled. Only after this can it be hung. Such a symbol can protect against evil spirits, bring luck and security. Indeed, in most countries the horse was considered a sacred animal, and it was believed that it accumulated all its energy in horseshoes. But how to hang a horseshoe correctly so that it brings good fortune.

Install the horseshoe with the horns facing up

The most common installation method is with the horns at the top. A horseshoe for luck can be made with your own hands, the main thing is to do it with soul. Placing the symbol “horns up” means a full cup of well-being and accumulation of positive energy. A souvenir placed in this way will accumulate luck, success and wealth.

Installing the symbol “horns up” means a full cup of well-being and accumulation of positive energy

If you want fortune and prosperity to be present in the house, then the souvenir is hung with its horns up. So the horseshoe symbol, like a magnet, will attract only good events and material success to the family. Such souvenirs are good to use above the door of a store or office space. This will attract greater profits for the enterprise.

The souvenir should be placed in exactly the same way, according to Feng Shui experts. After all, it should be a symbol of a full cup. Only this location above the door allows positive energy to accumulate.

Install the horseshoe with the horns down

Next, we’ll look at how to properly hang a horseshoe with its horns facing down. In the first case, as already mentioned, a horseshoe is used for happiness and good luck. And with the horns down such a symbol able to protect against evil eyes and envious people. It should hang outside the house. But most people want to hang such a talisman in a city apartment. In this case, it is allowed to install a horseshoe inside.

It is assumed that a talisman hung in this way protects the family from evil forces and helps reduce quarrels and scandalous situations in the house. If there is a judgment that there is a negative environment in the living room and a lot of bad energy, then it is recommended to install the horseshoe with the horns down. In ancient times they said that all the secret plans of enemies would not be able to get into the house. They will be directed under the “dome” that the horseshoe forms, and all the negative energy, flowing down the horns, will go into the ground.

According to Feng Shui, this symbol cannot be installed this way, otherwise all the luck will leave the house. But in ancient times, these talismans were hung like this in forges, stables and other rooms where animals lived.

In Tajikistan, this souvenir is installed only this way. They don't even consider other options. The country believes that such a symbol can protect against all witchcraft. They protect not only the family, but also the pets.

The amulet protects the family from evil forces, helps reduce quarrels and scandalous situations in the house

We secure the amulet

There is a belief that such a souvenir cannot be nailed down. They say that when a horse loses its heel, it doesn't want to be pinned anymore. It is very good if you hang this souvenir inside or outside the front door on a string that can be attached with a hook. In this way, the Slavic people installed a symbol in their homes.

They also say that a horseshoe should be nailed with one nail, so the owner proves his strength to the symbol. And the amulet will last for many years.

There is another judgment that a horseshoe should be attached above the front door with as many nails as there are holes on it. Thus, all the spirits in the talisman will not be able to go anywhere and will fulfill the wishes of their owners.

Such a talisman is fixed not only above the front door. Where else can you nail a horseshoe?

  • At the head of the bed. This arrangement allows you to get rid of insomnia.
  • Can be placed near flower pots. This will affect the development of plants.
  • If you place a horseshoe on the windowsill during the full moon, it will bring you luck in the lottery. But the horns should be located inside the room.

Activate the magical power of the talisman

Any magical amulet requires the activation of its powers. In order for the horseshoe to begin to operate in full force, it is necessary:

  • Give the amulet to the entire household to hold.
  • After this, the head of the family walks around all the housing three times in a clockwise direction. During the walk, the talisman is asked for support and well-being.
  • To fill with energy, the amulet is kept in direct sunlight all day long.
  • If the amulet will be used to protect enemies, then it should be charged with lunar energy. There must be a full moon.

Horseshoe nailed to the wall

Strengthening the influence of the amulet

So that the talisman does not lose its magical characteristics, it is necessary to sometimes pick it up and, wiping it from dust, say words of gratitude. This amulet also needs to be cleansed of negative energy. To do this, during the waning moon, the talisman is placed under running water for 3-5 minutes. After this, it is placed on the windowsill overnight.

If the talisman is nailed down, then it is cleaned with a candle. The candle flame is passed along the outline of the horseshoe for several minutes.

To enhance the effect of the amulet, house keys are hung on it. Well enhance the properties of the ribbon amulet. Red color allows you to preserve love in a living space, green – health.

If the amulet suddenly falls from its place, then there is no need to attach it back. This means that the horseshoe has completely spent its energy. It is better to buy a new talisman and bury the old one in the ground with gratitude.

Nowadays such a souvenir amulet is used in many things. A horseshoe can be made as a decoration in the form of a neck pendant or bracelet. A horseshoe for good luck is usually made in the form of a keychain. Such a thing can be hung in the car, it will become a good talisman against accidents.

How to hang a horseshoe over the door is up to each person to decide for themselves. After all, this will be influenced by his beliefs and desired goals.

Since ancient times, the horseshoe was considered a talisman for good luck. By hanging it above the front door, it was possible to protect the house from negativity, and it brings happiness and health to the residents. But it is important to place the amulet correctly, choosing the best place for it, so as not to get the opposite effect. It also matters where and how the product was purchased, what it was made of, and how it was secured.

Why do they hang a horseshoe over the door?

The belief that a horseshoe brings happiness originated in Ancient Egypt. In those days, the pharaohs shod their horses with gold shoes inlaid with precious stones, which were often simply lost. Therefore, such a find was truly a great success for the poor Egyptian. He immediately became a wealthy man.

Horseshoes from the hind legs of a horse were considered the most valuable. The find was hung above the front door. It was believed that she protects the house. The probable reason for this belief was that people have always treated horses with respect and love.

The horseshoe talisman can be hung in two ways:

  1. Ends up. This placement method is suitable for the interior of the house. The talisman will attract a flow of positive energy from space into the home, which promises the household good luck, happiness, peace and material well-being.
  2. Ends down. By placing the iron product in this way, you can protect the house from evil spirits and negative influences from the outside - the evil eye, damage. But in this case, you need to hang the talisman outside above the top frame of the front door. It is believed that evil spirits are afraid of iron and will avoid the home. A horseshoe with its ends down symbolizes a vessel that absorbs all the negativity coming from outside, for example, unkind views and thoughts of people passing by the house. Black energy does not enter the home, but will flow down.

The owner of the house must think about what is more important and make his choice.

Types of horseshoes

In order to get the best results, it is recommended to choose a horseshoe that the horse has worn for a long period of time.

You can find one in the following places:

  • horse farms;
  • stud farms;
  • racetracks;
  • riding schools.

A horseshoe will be a reliable magical amulet and talisman in the following cases:

  1. Ideally, a horseshoe should be found somewhere.
  2. The horseshoe that was given to the owners of the house will bring good luck. When receiving such a gift, you must give something in return, for example, a coin.

The easiest way would be to buy or make a horseshoe yourself. But this must be done with the best intentions, as if putting positive emotions and energy into the product. Such a horseshoe, just like a real one, will bring good luck and prosperity to its owner.

Ideal place

The most popular place for a good luck talisman is the door frame on the street side. In this case, the horseshoe will perform a protective function. This location is especially important for owners of private houses. For those who live in an apartment, the option of hanging the product on the door itself is suitable. You can just nail him down.

A talisman nailed above the door from the inside will help to attract wealth and happiness into the house and at the same time protect its residents from evil words, glances and uninvited guests.

A great option is to attach two horseshoes. One of them is placed inside the house, and the other on the outside.

There are also specific places for placing the amulet:

  1. A horseshoe is hung closer to the place where funds are stored to increase wealth. If the main amount is contained on a bank card, then you should also carry a talisman with you.
  2. A horseshoe-shaped magnet on the refrigerator will help stop, as if to “freeze,” quarrels in the family.
  3. Store owners should hang a horseshoe above the front door from the inside. This will help owners improve trading and increase profits.
  4. A horseshoe placed above the newlyweds’ bed will help them conceive an heir faster. In this case, the baby will be born healthy, and his life will be happy.
  5. A horseshoe nailed to the head of the bed of a seriously ill person will contribute to his speedy recovery.

Everyone must choose the optimal place for the talisman themselves.

How to hang it correctly

The horseshoe can be hung above the front door of the house, or inside anywhere in the home. People who have recently purchased an apartment or private house should prefer the first option. Then the amulet will not only attract good luck, but will also help neutralize possible bad energy that remains in the house from previous residents. To establish balance, you need to hang the talisman with the ends down.

There are also certain rules for placing a horseshoe over the door of a residential building:

  • The talisman must be wiped before hanging. A special ritual involves exchanging the energy of a horseshoe with each member of the household. To do this, everyone who lives in the apartment must take turns holding it in their hands. Then the amulet will help all family members and bring them good luck in business and personal life.
  • Setting up the talisman and introducing it to the room takes place at night. To do this, you need to go around the whole house with it in your hands, while your thoughts should be kind and bright.
  • An old horseshoe will be a stronger amulet and talisman. She has accumulated more positive energy from her previous owner, the horse.
  • In order to get additional protection from damage and the evil eye, you should choose a black product.
  • If you hang two horseshoes, nesting them one inside the other, then together they will create a kind of balance, simultaneously protecting the house from evil and attracting good.
  • You can hang keys next to the amulet, but under no circumstances should you hang artificial flowers.
  • Inside the home, the product should be placed with the ends up. This way it will accumulate positive energy in the house, symbolizing a full cup and prosperity.
  • Inside the house it is not necessary to hang the product above the door. It can be placed in the hall or living room above the fireplace. The location is selected individually.

There is a sign - if a horseshoe constantly changes its position and turns over, then misfortune will come to the house. It is a very bad sign if the amulet falls. This spells trouble. Under no circumstances should a horseshoe be left on the floor or upside down.

Mounting methods

Both real and souvenir horseshoes are usually equipped with holes that allow you to securely attach it not only to the horse's hoof, but also to a wall or door frame. You can fix the talisman in the right place in the following ways:

  1. In order to get the maximum benefit from the talisman, you need to nail it with seven nails, that is, use all the available holes.
  2. You can hang the product on 1 nail. This is what they do if the wall cannot be broken through. Drill a hole into which the dowel is inserted, and attach the horseshoe to the self-tapping screw.
  3. According to the Old Believers, it is best not to nail a horseshoe, but to tie it with a rope of the desired shade.

A horseshoe placed correctly above the front door will protect the house from evil people and negative events, and will also contribute to a favorable environment in the family, and will protect against quarrels and conflicts. It will serve as a kind of magnet to attract goodness and happiness into your home. But the effect of the amulet largely depends on the people who use it. You must definitely believe in its positive properties.

People have long believed that if you hang a horseshoe over the door, then misfortunes, hardships, poverty will pass by, and the found object will bring happiness. It is believed that the amulet will protect the one found on the road or while digging in the ground.

Horseshoe over the door in the apartment interior

It is known about shoeing a horse that it began to be done in 1730 near Moscow on the Khoroshevo farm. It was there that the first Kuznetsk school was opened.

Horseshoe from ancient Egypt

At that time there lived pharaohs who rode horses. These animals had horseshoes made of pure gold. That is why such a find brought prosperity and happiness to the poor man’s house.

The second belief is that a horseshoe is similar to a crescent, so the horseshoe became magical, endowed with magical powers - to scare away evil and evil spirits from the house.

Horseshoe from England

One day a cunning little devil came to a bishop. Since the bishop was a blacksmith, the little imp asked to be shoed so that it would be easier to move on the ground and do nasty things. But the priest was not at a loss and drove the nails into the unclean one.

Mounting a horseshoe on the front door

The devil felt pain and he begged the bishop. He said that the little devil should never enter a house where there are horseshoes. So this attribute became a talisman against evil spirits. It was installed almost everywhere.

Horseshoe in Russia

In Rus', only the richest people shoed horses. The item was made of iron, which was valued at that time. Knives and nails were made from the found horseshoe and sold profitably. Hence the belief that “a found horseshoe will bring prosperity to the house.”

Option for mounting a horseshoe above the door

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Magic and horseshoe in the house

If there is a horseshoe in a house, then all the residents believe that:

  • the home will be protected from evil spirits;
  • constant wealth and financial well-being;
  • getting rid of illness and blues;
  • fulfillment of all desires.

An example of attaching a horseshoe to a door frame

If you believe in the amulet hanging above the door, then grace really comes to the house, the person strives for the realization of his wishes and for peace in the house and in the family.

Where to hang a found horseshoe

There is a belief - where the horseshoe is, miracles happen.

An example of installing a horseshoe over a door frame

There were such cases that during the robbery of one rich man, everything was taken out of the house except a box with expensive jewelry. This casket contained a horseshoe.

On the street

There is a lot of controversy about how to hang a talisman on the street. One option is to place the amulet above the doorway. But, before this, you should perform a ritual: make a wish - think about something strongly desired, holding the attribute of well-being and protection in your hand. After this, you need to spit on this talisman and throw it over your left shoulder. And only then attach it above the door.

Option for mounting a horseshoe outside the house

You should write about neatness if there are windows nearby or the ritual takes place in the entrance, and the neighbor has an expensive, beautiful door. This makes a big difference.

The amulet is fixed above the doorway, looking down with its “horns”. In this position, the talisman protects the house from the entry of evil spirits into the house.

He will walk around, but will not get inside. And also, all the anger and envy with which the guest comes to visit will be collected in the horseshoe.

Decorating a house door with a horseshoe

All the “bad thoughts” of the people living in the house are collected there. But this does not accumulate in the amulet, but flows down along the lowered horns.

How to properly hang a horseshoe over a door

You can hang a symbol of good luck and happiness both above the doorway and in other rooms of the house or apartment. If the owners have just moved into the house, then the amulet is hung above the door from the street. This is also done to cleanse the aura of the house from old owners. A horseshoe suspended down will collect all the old energy and will not allow new negative energy to develop.

Option for attaching a horseshoe to a rope

Before hanging a horseshoe, you should take it into the house and go around all the corners with it in your hands, while thinking only about the good. Why is a found old horseshoe considered a strong amulet? She is endowed with the strength of a horse - a beautiful, freedom-loving, proud animal. The horse senses bad people, so the horseshoe drives out negativity. If you purchase a talisman, then you should choose “black color” - this will protect the residents of the house from illness, disease, and the evil eye.

Black horseshoe on the door

In some houses you can see 2 amulets above the door of different colors - a created balance of protection from the “evil” and attracting good luck to the house. At the same time, you should not hang artificial or dried flowers in the house near the entrance. This will scare away wealth, luck and bring illness. How to hang a horseshoe, with its horns up or down? If the amulet is hung up, then this means constant wealth in the house “no money, no water.”

Design options for “money” horseshoes for the home

If the “horns” are downward, then this is protection from evil energy, negativity, the evil eye and envy.

Methods for attaching a horseshoe

If the amulet is hung from the inside of the house above the door, then the “horns” should be placed upward. This talisman does not waste the owner’s profitability; it preserves positive energy, prosperity, good health, “family” warmth and comfort. In this case, the saying goes: “The house is full.”

You can additionally protect your apartment and decorate it with a special amulet using a special beautiful horseshoe A horse's horseshoe has long been considered a kind of amulet, a talisman that brings happiness, health, and good luck to its owner. But all these undoubtedly good wishes could not come true if this item was stored incorrectly or hung in the wrong place. Also, a lot depends on the method of acquisition, material of manufacture, fastening of the horseshoe and other nuances.

What does the horseshoe above the door mean and its purpose?

According to traditions, a horseshoe was often hung above the front door to attract happiness and wealth to one's home. Moreover, depending on its location, this talisman could “work” in completely different ways. Somewhere to protect from evil spirits, and somewhere to “give” love and good luck.

In ancient times, the horse was considered an irreplaceable worker, an excellent means of transport and the breadwinner of the family. If people could afford to keep a horse, they were automatically considered wealthy. It also mattered that horseshoes for these noble animals cost a lot of money.

As a rule, horseshoes are hung on the door by those people who dream of attracting wealth and happiness to their home.

In addition, people believed that the horse transferred its strength, energy and power into the horseshoe, and when it became full, the animal threw it away. Therefore, the accidental discovery of this device was considered an unprecedented success. This is where the tradition of preserving the horseshoe came from, as well as attributing miraculous properties to it.

It is believed that the best effect comes from a talisman found somewhere on the road. It can be placed not only above the front door, but also in some other places, which ultimately affects the operation of the artifact.

So, what can a horseshoe bring into the house, depending on its location:

  • Happiness and good luck;
  • Health;
  • Wealth;
  • Protection from evil spirits.

In addition to its mystical purpose, a horseshoe can simply be a decorative element. True, in this case it is better to purchase a stylized version of this amulet, otherwise it will not look good.

Saving horseshoe over the door as a talisman

In different countries, the horseshoe was treated differently. For example, the ancient Egyptians shouted with delight when they found a golden horseshoe on the road, and kept it like the apple of their eye. But in the eastern regions, people buried this item near the threshold of their home to provide protection from evil spirits.

It is best to hang a life-saving horseshoe that is made of iron

Our traditions require hanging a found or purchased amulet above the door. This is due to the fact that horseshoes are mainly made of iron, which, as you know, is afraid of all evil spirits. That is why it is considered a kind of amulet that blocks the entrance of bad forces to the house.

How else can you use a horseshoe:

  1. Put it in the money box.
  2. Buy a horseshoe in the form of a magnet and hang it on the refrigerator to “freeze” all the scandals and quarrels in the house.
  3. A young girl wishing to get married could attach two horseshoes at the head of her bed.
  4. For those spouses who wanted to have a child, a wooden talisman could hang above the bed.

People also carefully monitored the condition of their amulet. If the horseshoe darkened, this meant the effect of some strong spell on the house and its owners. The presence of this talisman helped in such cases to protect people from the negative influence of external forces.

If a horseshoe fell, it was not hung back, but buried. It was believed that the amulet had fulfilled its purpose and now it should be gratefully buried.

In order for the amulet to work as it should, you need to understand how to hang it correctly in the apartment. By the way, there is still no consensus on this matter. But there are moments that many interpret in the same way.

There are two options for placing a horseshoe on the door, which you can choose yourself

There are two main horseshoe positions:

  • Horns up;
  • Horns down.

What does each of these provisions mean?

If you nail a horseshoe with its horns up, you can hope that well-being, financial stability and only positive, positive energy will become constant companions in your home. This position is also perfect for office spaces or shops where the emphasis is on profit. Feng Shui experts also agree with this. The horseshoe should hang so as to resemble a full bowl. Only then will she work to attract wealth.

The horns down position works a little differently. If the owners of a home or other premises are not interested in material well-being, but rather in protection from negative energy, envy, the evil eye, damage and unclean spirits, then the talisman should be attached with the horns down. This will protect the family and the people there from quarrels, scandals and illnesses.

But there is another opinion on this matter. For example, Feng Shui experts warn that if the horseshoe is inverted, there is a risk that luck and luck may leave the house. Therefore, when placing the amulet in this way, you need to be extremely careful and prepared for possible consequences.

When hanging this talisman at home, you need to know that an old, already used horseshoe will be much more effective than a new one.

The location where the horseshoe will be placed also plays a role: from the street or indoors. If the first option is used, then it is preferable to install the amulet with the horns facing down, focusing specifically on its protective properties.

So, when choosing a method for attaching a talisman, consider, first of all, your desires and the effect you want to achieve.

In addition to debates about where and how to hang a horseshoe, there are also discussions about methods of attaching this talisman.

You can attach a horseshoe quite simply and easily using just one nail

You can hang the amulet in the following ways:

  • Hammer a nail into each hole.
  • Use only two nails nailed on opposite sides.
  • Attach the horseshoe with one nail.
  • Hang the talisman on a rope suspended from a hook.

It is advisable to hang the talisman directly above the upper entrance frame. If the horseshoe is purchased and is quite light in weight, you can attach it using a suction cup.

There is also an interesting custom. Before you begin to attach the horseshoe in its place, you need all household members to hold it in their hands. Thus, the magical effect of the amulet will spread to all inhabitants of the house.

From time to time, the artifact needs to be cleaned, dust removed from it, and sincere thanks for the help. You can clear a nailed talisman of negative energy by moving a lighted candle along its contour for several minutes.

In addition, you can hang ribbons of different colors on the horseshoe. Red will symbolize love, and green will symbolize health.

A horseshoe is a very powerful magical instrument that can bring wealth, love, prosperity to a house, and also protect its inhabitants from the influence of evil forces. Of particular importance is how and where this talisman hangs. There is no consensus on this matter, so everyone must rely on their own desires and the customs of the country or region. And, of course, you need to believe in the effect of the amulet. This is the main condition for the amulet to work well.

Even children know that a horseshoe brings happiness. But why is this so? How to hang it correctly in the house, how to enhance its magical effect? Any horseshoe can become a talisman and amulet, or only one that meets certain criteria? Let's look into these issues together.

Why is a horseshoe considered a symbol of happiness?

First of all, this is due to the special attitude towards people who are engaged in blacksmithing. In myths, blacksmiths are often gods, so it is believed that a person who is able to subjugate metal and fire is endowed with special, magical abilities that are transferred to things made by his hands. What blacksmiths do not forge in fairy tales, sayings and legends: happiness, voice, magic sword, fate...

Then the symbolism of iron matters. It is believed that evil spirits are afraid of it, it can burn it. Therefore, a real horseshoe for good luck must be forged from iron. Wooden, plastic, and precious metal items are considered simply jewelry that does not have protective properties.

The symbolism of fire is also important. This is an element that can cleanse and strengthen. The horseshoe was born in fire from iron, made by a man who has magical powers and managed to harness the elements. How can a most powerful talisman not be born in such a community?

The image of a horse in myths and legends

The figure of the horse is also of great importance. The horse was a breadwinner, a worker, a friend, a guide. For the Slavs, the horse symbolized the sun. All the supreme gods were sure to be on horseback. Echoes of this worldview can be found in fairy tales, when the horse becomes the main character’s adviser and assistant, and often also a savior. Remember the fairy tale about the Little Humpbacked Horse or about Sivka-Burka, for example. It was believed that it was better to lose your head than to lose your horse.

The horse is also considered a talisman in itself. The huts in the villages were decorated with the image of a horse, and the roof was often crowned with a horse's head carved from wood. People believed that this could drive away evil spirits from the house.

Where should you hang a horseshoe?

It is believed that the best place to place a horseshoe is above the front door. There is a reason for this. The front door is associated with the idea that it is a special place in the house. Through it there is interaction with the outside world, and therefore various evil spirits can penetrate. Therefore, the front door to the house must be protected with the most powerful talismans and amulets.

When placing a horseshoe over a door, make sure it is high enough so that no one can touch it. It is believed that if a stranger touches your horseshoe, then luck will leave the house.

Horns up or down?

A horseshoe has fallen into your hands for good luck. How to hang it correctly? With the horns facing down, the horseshoe should be placed above the door on the street side. In this position, it symbolically represents an inverted bowl, therefore it blocks access to the house of negative energy, as if covering it from above, like a cap.

If you want a horseshoe to hang inside the house for luck, then you need to place it with the horns facing up. Then she becomes the personification of the unfilled cup, which will attract wealth, good luck and happiness into the house.

For greater reliability, some people use two horseshoes. One outside the house to protect it from the penetration of evil spirits, and the other inside the house to attract prosperity.

How to hang a horseshoe for good luck?

Several options are offered for consideration: nail it, hang it, or hide it away. If you have a horseshoe for luck, how to hang it correctly is no less important than finding a suitable place for it. It is believed that a horseshoe should be hung on one nail, and it is important that the nail is driven in by the owner of the house himself.

However, the talisman can not only be hung. According to popular belief, if you carry a horseshoe in your car, it will protect you from getting into traffic accidents. And if you need helpers in some matter, then the best way to attract them, according to popular superstitions, is to bury your symbol of good luck under the wall of the house, which is located in the southeast direction.

And if you keep a horseshoe at the head of the bed, it will keep your family strong for many years, no one will be able to destroy it.

How to strengthen a horseshoe?

A horseshoe for good luck and fortune will be an even more powerful talisman if you cast a spell. To do this, all family members take up a horseshoe and say the following words: “For happiness, for prosperity, for good luck, for love and health for all of our family!”

Consider the following way to enhance the magic of a horseshoe. On a sunny day, you take the amulet in your hand and walk around your house three times. Also on the first day of the full moon, you can charge your horseshoe to attract wealth. To do this, you need to put it on the windowsill, pointing its horns inside your house; it is believed that after such a ritual, money should simply flow in a stream.

Introduce the horseshoe to your home. Carry it through the rooms, tell them who lives where, ask them to protect each family member. Then leave it to lie outside under the moonlight so that it absorbs its energy, and only then place it above the front door.

You can periodically remove the horseshoe and give it the opportunity to recharge and clean itself in the rays of sunlight or moonlight. Talismans in general, not just horseshoes, love to be interacted with, picked up, cleaned of dust, and given the opportunity to bask in the sun or swim in running, clean water. This allows them to free themselves from accumulated negative energy, reboot and protect their owners with renewed vigor.

It is especially good to strengthen pendants and pendants that symbolically depict a horseshoe with spells. It is believed that since this is a symbol, and not a real talisman, it has little power.

What to do if the horseshoe falls?

The falling of a horseshoe is considered a bad sign. They believe that this happens due to the accumulation of too much negative energy. If this happens, then the horseshoe must be taken as far as possible from the house and buried deep in the ground. And hang a new talisman in the vacant place. It is still worth interpreting the falling of a horseshoe not as a bad sign, but as a good one. This means that the talisman fully copes with its functions, protecting your home from adversity.

Which talisman is right?

The horse's horseshoe for good luck is considered the most powerful amulet. The best option is to find it, accidentally lost by a horse on the road or in a field. It’s absolutely fine if it fell from the hind leg of a horse, which is also gray. You can also accept a talisman as a gift, but a horseshoe for good luck must be worn and not new.

Nowadays people don’t ride horses much anymore, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to find such a talisman lying along the road. You will have to put up with a horseshoe bought in a store, or jewelry that symbolically depicts it. There is no need to be upset about this.

A horseshoe for luck is a talisman, a collection of legends, myths and superstitions. Therefore, its strength largely depends on what capabilities you give it yourself. There is no need to strictly follow what you have learned about this amulet, believe in what you like most, listen to the voice of intuition, then the horseshoe, no matter what material it is made of and no matter how it gets to you, will bring prosperity, happiness and well-being. After all, what makes any thing an amulet is the owner’s sincere faith in its magical power.