Geographic game based on stations "across continents and oceans". Quiz "Continents and oceans" presentation for a geography lesson (7th grade) on the topic Quiz on the topic oceans and continents

Geography game

"Across continents and countries"

For 7th grade

Development of a geography teacher

Kumpin Elena Georgievna

Game by stations “Across continents and oceans”

Goals of the game:

Forming students' interest in geography

Expanding your horizons

Development and consolidation of the ability to work in a team

Consolidation of general geographical knowledge

Development of observation, attention and other skills

Game time 40-45 minutes

Form of organization - game by stations (4 stations)

High school students provide assistance in conducting the game.

Stages of the game:

Stage 1 . General line-up (teams receive route sheets. See Appendix 1)

Stage 2 Station game.

Stage 3. Final line. (Summing up and awarding the winners.)

Station "Island of Erudites"

At this station, the team must answer the proposed questions.

(Sahara, in Africa)

2.What are the largest monkeys in the world and where are they found?

(gorillas, in Africa)

3.What hinders navigation on African rivers?


4.The strongest wind in the Sahara Desert, carrying clouds of sand.



6.The shortest inhabitants on the planet?


7.The most big Island?


8.The largest relative of the pig?


9. Thickets of evergreen dry shrubs in Australia?


10.Animal with the longest neck?


11.What is the largest ocean in the world?


12.The river on which Victoria Falls is located?


13. What is the deepest river in Africa?


14.The southernmost continent on Earth?


15.The largest tree in Africa?


16. African country where the main export crop is coffee?


17.The driest continent?



19.What is the name of a tree without a shadow and on what continent does it grow?

(eucalyptus, Australia)

20.What trees are called “dinosaurs of the plant world”, where do they grow?

(redwoods, in North America)

21.Which lake is the longest in Africa?


22.What is the name of the most powerful current in the ocean?

(Western wind current)

Station "In the Club of Captain Vrungel"

The children are offered a story in which geographical errors were deliberately made. The team's task is not only to find these errors, but also to give the correct answer.

The story of Captain Vrungel.

“...After a long wandering across the ocean, we were carried out during a storm to the shores of some island or continent at 20 east. and 35.S. Apparently it was Africa.

Our ships, made from a giant Welwitschia tree, were destroyed. At dawn, we decided to go inland in search of water and food. The area was a savannah, which was teeming with various animals... In the distance a herd of antelopes could be seen, long necks giraffes..One day, when thick-skinned hippopotamuses crossed our path, we heard a tiger roar. In terms of vegetation, we encountered umbrella acacias with lush crowns and massive baobab trees, striking in their size.

At the end of the third day of travel, we reached a river that carried its muddy waters into the ocean. Local Arab residents helped us cross this river in kayaks. After saying goodbye to them, we continued on our way. Soon the savanna gradually turned into a dense equatorial forest. And we met a new tribe - the pygmies. This tribe consisted of hardy and strong people and engaged in hunting and gathering.

It became hot and we wanted to swim in the river. The pygmies forbade us to do this. “The evil spirit is a piranha! It’s impossible!” they said. And the elder of the tribe explained that this gigantic fish is distinguished by its extraordinary bloodthirstiness. She pounces on any living creature that gets into the river and gnaws it to the bone.

In the evening we sat for a long time by the fire and had a long conversation with the good-natured pygmies. Suddenly it became stuffy and the sky, sparkling with stars, suddenly darkened, the air temperature noticeably increased. “This is samum,” the natives shouted and began to take refuge in their huts. An angry and dry wind was approaching, which so often happens in this natural area. We had to wait out the bad weather."


1. Velvichia is not a giant tree, but a small plant

2. There are no tigers in Africa

3. Arabs are inhabitants of the desert, not the savannah

4. kayaks - boats of northern peoples

5. Pygmies are short

6.piranha is not found in African rivers

7.piranha is a small fish.

8. Samum is the wind in the desert, not in the equatorial forest.

Station “Land of Geographical Mysteries”

Each correct answer is worth 5 points.

1 riddle

“This river is full of water all year round. It crosses the equator twice. It flows along ledges and plateaus and has many rapids and waterfalls. In contrast to the Nile, it does not form a delta, and its muddy and fresh waters flow into the Atlantic Ocean in a wide stream.

What river are we talking about and what continent is it located on?

(Congo River in Africa)

2nd riddle

“This tree is one of the sacred symbols. It lives up to 4-5 thousand years. This is almost the fattest tree on the planet. There are specimens of fantastic stature. Some specimens reach 20 and 40 meters in diameter. In cool weather the tree turns green, and in warm weather it sheds its leaves to retain more moisture in a well-fed body. This tree does not burn in fire, and its fruits are called “monkey bread” .What kind of tree is this and on what continent does it grow?

(baobab in Africa)

3rd riddle

She is located below us

They're obviously walking upside down

It's a year turned inside out.

The gardens there bloom in October.

It's summer there in December, not July.

Rivers flow there without water.

They flow somewhere in the desert.

There are traces of wingless birds in the thickets,

There cats get snakes for food.

Animals are born from eggs.

And there dogs don’t know how to bark.

What continent are we talking about in Galina Usova's poem?


4th riddle

They are eaten raw, fried and dried. Animals also readily eat them. In many remote areas they replace money. In many tribes, their affectionate name is awarded to beloved girls. Fish in oases are sometimes caught on them. Cut from a tree in one day, they can be stored in limbo for years.

What tree are we talking about and what fruits?

(dates and date palm)

5th riddle

This traveler devoted his entire life to the study of Africa. Neither before him nor after him has anyone made so many geographical discoveries on this continent. For one of them, the discovery of Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River, the Royal Geographical Society awarded him a gold medal. Who is this traveler?

(David Livingston)

Station "Labyrinth of numbers"

At this station, the children are offered cards with various numbers; they must choose the ones they know and explain to which geographical feature they belong.

1620 6 54

4 17 -89

11022 8848 1492

1620 - depth of Lake Baikal

6 – continents

54 million sq. km – area of ​​Eurasia

4- ocean

17 million sq. km - area of ​​Russia

11022 – depth of the Mariana Trench

8848 – height of Chomolungma

1492 - year of discovery of America

Annex 1

Route sheet


Sum of points

Best answers



Lesson summary

Pedagogy and didactics

Then, having sailed to the extreme western point of Australia, Cape York, we almost came across the Small Great Barrier Reef, but our captain, rounding it along the Coral Bay sea, successfully brought us to the capital of Australia, Sydney Canberra...


Geography the science of travel and discovery.

In front of you high mountains are worth

They invite inquisitive guys to visit

It’s not difficult for us to get ready for the trip

And now you are ready for the hike.

1) “Valley of Doubts”

I have a note in the hands of the sailor Ivan

He considers himself an expert

The Australian world is familiar to him

Try when reading

Choose something that will raise doubts.

“...before visiting the country of Australia itself, we decided to explore its shores. To do this, we boarded a ship north of the islandMadagascar (Tasmania), which is located in the south of the mainland and sailed west along the BolshoiIndian (Australian)bay. Then, having sailed to the extreme western point of Australiam. Byron (m. Steep Point), we sailed past large desert expanses of waterAtlantic (Indian)ocean. Further, before reaching the northernmost point of the York mainland, we sailed through the waters of the Arafura Sea. Having rounded York City, we almost ran into Small (Large) A barrier reef, but our captain, having rounded it along the Coral Bay (sea), successfully took us to the capital of Australia.Sydney (Canberra), sailing past the easternmost point of the continentm. Steep Point (m. Byron). So, having circled Australia and examined its shores, we began to study all the most interesting things on the motherland itself...”

What did the sailor get wrong?

2) “Mount Erudite”

And now our path lies

Through Mount Erudite

If you read a lot,

So you will guess everything.

1. Who discovered America? (Columbus)

2. The water shell of the Earth is... (hydrosphere)

3. What is Sahara? (desert)

4. Australia's Chief Investigator (Cook)

5. Victoria in Africa is... (lake)

6. Pampa is... (steppe in South America)

7. Zambezi is... (river)

8. Kilimanjaro is an extinct... (volcano)

9. Who was the first to reach India? (Vasco da Gama)

10. Who discovered Australia? (V. Janszon)

11. Where is Queen Maud Land? (Antarctica)

12. What is Aconcagua? (Highest peak in South America)

13. Who discovered the Congo River for Europeans? (D. Livingston)

14. How many states are there in Australia? (1)

15. Which climate zone crosses most of Africa? (tropical)

16. A large cluster of islands is... (archipelago)

17. Continue the proverb: “In the Sahara, the wind rises and goes down with... (the Sun)

18. What is the Namib? (desert)

19. What is the Gulf Stream? (current off the coast of North America)

20. New Zealand belongs to the region Australia and... (Oceania)

3) "Geography Ridge"

And now a dictionary on the topic

Take care of lesson time

Each set has an extra word

Get ready to name it now!

Darling, Congo, Murray.

Atlantic, Indian, Caspian.

Tropical, Subtropical, Atlantic, Temperate.

McKinley, Central Australian,Kilimanjaro, Kosciuszko.

Baobab, Eucalyptus, Tuareg, Acacia.

Marabou, Orchid, Lyrebird, Parrot.

Deserts, Taiga, Savannahs, Sahara.

Velvichia, Kangaroos, Monkeys, Platypus.

Bass, Mozambique, Torres, Drake, Mexican.

4) "Abyss"

Brothers, there is an abyss before us

Try not to break down

To build a bridge

You answer the question:

21. Cape Agulhas is the southernmost point... (Africa)

22. The similarity between Africa and Australia is that most of the territory of both is occupied by... (desert)

23. Who called the Indian Ocean the Indian Ocean? (Vasco da Gama)

24. Who called the Pacific Ocean the Pacific? (Magellan)

25. From the name of which scientist does the name America come? (Amerigo Vespucci)

26. How is the word “monsoon” translated from Arabic? (season)

27. Which ocean received its name from a non-existent continent? (Atlantic)

28. Who discovered Antarctica? (Bellingshauschen and Lazarev)

29. What do you call giant floating ice mountains? (icebergs)

30. Which continent of the Earth has no rivers? (Antarctica)

31. Where in the world is it warmer the farther north you go? (Australia)

32. The smallest ocean on Earth? (Arctic)

33. Name the continent that was discovered later than others? (Antarctica)

34. The largest continent on Earth? (Eurasia)

35. An ocean that washes all continents except Africa? (Quiet)

36. The continent that is washed by all the oceans of the Earth? (Eurasia)

37. The continent that the equator intersects in the middle? (Africa)

38. A continent that crosses all meridians? (Antarctica)

39. On what continent was the word Youth found? (station in Antarctica)

40. How many countries are there in Antarctica? (no one)

5) “Peak of Success”

And all that's left for us guys

Rise to the “peak of success”

And for this we need

"Blitz tournament" to be held.

In which sea do residents of three parts of the world fish?(Mediterranean)

Which state occupies an entire continent?(Union of Australia)

On what continent is Death Valley located?(North America)

What is selva?(Equatorial rainforests in South America)

The largest state in South America?(Brazil) . On what continent was the word Youth found? Ida)
ika? The tory of both is busy...on the mainland itself...trailing the city of Sydney (

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Physical map of the world, physical maps of Africa, North and South America, Australia, Antarctica, Eurasia, atlases on students’ desks, plates with the inscriptions of continents, fish tokens.

The class is divided into two teams. On the board there are signs with the names of the continents and the serial numbers of questions from one to ten are written. The team that will be the first to go on geographic fishing will be determined by lot. The members of this team name the continent and a serial number from one to ten, and the leader, depending on this, asks a question about this continent. The questions raised are not voiced again. The team needs to not only answer the question, but also show (if it is a geographical object) this place on the map. For the correct answer, the team receives a token in the form of a fish. If a team finds it difficult to answer a question, the turn passes to the other team. The winner of the competition is determined by the number of fish tokens. You can also determine the most active fisherman in the class.

Experience shows that the game goes quickly, students are highly active throughout the competition.

Sample questions:


  1. Mountains in northwest Africa. (Atlas).
  2. A family of snakes whose members do not have poisonous teeth. (Boa constrictors).
  3. Desert in the south of the mainland. (Namib).
  4. A plant with thick, fleshy leaves, widely used in medicine. (Aloe).
  5. Capital of Kenya. (Nairobi).
  6. One of the deepest lakes in the world. (Nyasa).
  7. Sweet potato. (Sweet potato).
  8. Nomads of North Africa. (Berbers).
  9. Cape, western tip of Africa. (Almadi).
  10. A river that crosses the equator twice. (Congo).
  11. Strong wind in the Sahara desert. (simoom).
  12. The largest extinct volcano in Africa. (Kilimanjaro).

North America:

  1. The river on which the largest waterfall is located. (Niagara).
  2. The largest state in the United States by population. (California).
  3. The highest peak in North America. (McKinley).
  4. The lake on the shore of which stands the city of Chicago. (Michigan).
  5. The deepest depression in America? (Death Valley in California).
  6. The capital of USA. (Washington).
  7. Wild American pigs. (Bakers).
  8. The Indians called this place “the land of ice, fire, water, tar and swirling smoke?” (Yellowstone national park, 1872)
  9. A river flowing at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. (Colorado).
  10. US Congress building in Washington. (Capitol).
  11. Ice house of the indigenous people of the northern part of the continent. (Igloo).
  12. This island was discovered by the Normans and Vikings in the 10th century, in Danish “green country”. (Greenland Island).

South America:

  1. The largest state in South America. (Brazil).
  2. Strait between South America and Antarctica? (Drake Passage).
  3. Wild camel in the Andes. (Lama).
  4. The largest lowland on Earth? (Amazonian).
  5. One of the largest lakes in South America, which is located at an altitude of 3812 m? (Titicaca).
  6. Northern tip of South America. (Cape Gallinas).
  7. The most common mineral in the Andes? (Copper).
  8. Desert in South America. (Atacama).
  9. Canal separating South America from North America? (Panamanian).
  10. The largest island in South America. (O. Tierra del Fuego).


  1. Australia's largest lake. (Air).
  2. What does the word “kangaroo” mean? (I don't understand).
  3. A bay off the northern coast of Australia? (Carpentaria).
  4. Australia's highest mountain? (Kosciushko).
  5. What animal is depicted on the Australian coat of arms? (Kangaroo).
  6. Coral “miracle” in northeastern Australia. (Great Barrier Reef).
  7. Northernmost point of Australia? (Cape York).
  8. Dutch navigator who was the first to circumnavigate Australia? (Tasman).
  9. Two largest cities Australia? (Sydney and Melbourne).
  10. What animals are featured on Australian coins? (Echidna, platypus, lyrebird).
  11. The capital of Australia? (Canberra).
  12. Australia's largest river? (Murray).


  1. The largest iron ore basin in Russia in terms of production? (Kursk magnetic anomaly).
  2. The largest island off the coast of Europe? (Great Britain).
  3. The largest peninsula in Eurasia? (Arabian).
  4. The highest peak in the Caucasus? (Elbrus).
  5. The sea into which the Yellow River flows? (Yellow).
  6. The strait separating North America and Eurasia? (Beringov).
  7. The largest tributary of the Ob? (Irtysh).
  8. A peninsula in southern Asia? (Hindustan).
  9. The highest mountains in the world. (Himalayas).
  10. The canal separating Eurasia from Africa. (Suez).
  11. The deepest lake in the world. (Baikal).
  12. The largest freshwater lake in Europe? (Ladozhskoe).


  1. Who was the first to reach the South Pole? (Amundsen).
  2. Strait between Antarctica and South America? (Drake).
  3. The first Antarctic station in Russia. (Peaceful).
  4. Volcano of Antarctica. (Erebus).
  5. Who discovered Antarctica? (Bellingshausen and Lazarev).


Attention! Attention!

The Queen of Geography invites you

On a geographical kaleidoscope.

Arrival is expected

geographical celebrities!

Interesting competitions await you!

The best of the best will be awarded

Commemorative medal "Expert of Geography".

Take your good mood with you,

sharp mind, dexterity!

The Queen of Geography is waiting for you!


At the entrance to the hall, guests are greeted by masters of geographical sciences (participants in regional Olympiads), who ask entertaining questions and take into account the correct answers.

Sample questions:

  1. From what points is the distance between cities measured? (from the main post office).
  2. What do the residents of the cities of Arkhangelsk and Kursk call themselves? (Arkhangelsk residents and Kursk residents).
  3. Which giraffe legs are longer - front or back? (The same).
  4. Where on Earth is the longest day? (everywhere 24 hours).
  5. in which year do people eat more than usual? (in leap days).
  6. name five days in a row without naming numbers or days of the week. (the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow).
  7. which city flies? (Eagle).
  8. Which peninsula speaks of its size? (Yamal).
  9. which gate can even an icebreaker pass through? (Kara Gate).
  10. largest island in indonesia? (Kalimantan).
  11. capital of Georgia? (Tbilisi).
  12. what strait separates o. Sakhalin from o. Hokkaido? (La Perouse Strait).
  13. India's calling card? (tea).
  14. how to find Persia on the map? (Persia is Iran).
  15. holy city for all Muslims of the world? (Mecca).
  16. a holy city containing the main shrines of the world's three major religions? (Jerusalem).
  17. streams of mud and stones? (Sit down).
  18. Mountain lake in Armenia? (Sevan).
  19. greatest river in india? (Ganges).
  20. which lake is located on the equator? (Victoria).
  21. world's tallest waterfall? (Angel).
  22. the shallowest sea in the world? (Azovskoe).
  23. traveler who was called the founder of the doctrine of the noosphere (V.I. Vernadsky).
  24. US state through which the Arctic Circle passes? (Alaska).
  25. Which country ends with three letters "I"? (Austria).
  26. the name of which river is in our mouth? (Gum).
  27. the river flowing in Turkey and Iraq is named after a predatory animal. (Tiger).
  28. the freshest sea in the world? (Baltic).
  29. the highest active volcano in Russia? (Klyuchevskaya Sopka).
  30. largest tributary of the Ob River? (Irtysh).
  31. the highest mountain in the Crimean Mountains? (Roman-Kosh).
  32. largest island off the coast of Ukraine? (Snake).
  33. Which chain cannot be lifted? (Mountain).
  34. Which sea has no water? (which is shown on the map).
  35. Which river in the world is named after the cardinal direction? (South).


The first one can be made from snow,

A piece of dirt could also be one.

Well, the second thing is passing the ball,

This is an important task in football.

Whole people take them on hikes,

After all, without him they will not find the way.

(Com + Pass = Compass.)

You will read the word from left to right,

Then you will find protection from the rain.

If you read it from the end,

You will find a mountain lake right there.

(Canopy - Sevan.)

The first two syllables are flower,

My third syllable got into the “tub”.

And if you read them together,

Then you will end up in the Volga city.

(Astra + Han = Astrakhan.)

Here's an easy charade for you:

You need to add “N” to the note.

The note no longer sings

And it flows like a river.

(Do + N = Don.)

The first is flying water,

You will always meet me in a Russian bathhouse.

And secondly, there are brands of cars

From the Russian fleet, guys.

Still, together - the capital of France,

This is the city that fashionistas dream about.

(Steam + “Izh” = Paris)

Take away the letter “C” from the elephant

And add the name of the river.

The capital should turn out to be

What is visible on the map of Europe.

(Lon + Don = London.)

With “K” - when you turn to the map -

This is the capital of Turkey.

With "G" - Siberian River,

Full of water, deep.

(Ankara - Angara.)

With the letter "S" - Russian city

Close to the north, where it's cold.

Without it, we take it in our hands,

To iron skirts and trousers.

(Iron - iron.)

With “H” - I walk in the sky

And I foretell a storm for you.

With "L" - I am a city on the river

Not far from Moscow.

My gingerbread and samovar

Everyone knows: both young and old.

(Cloud - Tula.)

If "C" accidentally falls into the Amur,

Where will the river flow then, guys?

(From the Far East, the river will go to Dagestan and flow not to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, but to the Caspian: Amur - Samur.

I have countries in my palms,
Rivers, mountains, oceans.
Can you guess what the trick is?
I hold with my hands... (Globe.)
It stands on a thin leg
In the office on the window,
And on it, believe it or not,
The whole world fits in! (Globe.)

In four barrels
Six Whales are salted. (Earth: Oceans and Continents.)

Round Barrel
333 bezels. (Earth and parallels.)

The globe is divided evenly
The line is conditional.
Above is north, below is south.
Name the border, friend. (Equator.)
It's always summer there -

In September, in April.

And this circle is longer

Other parallels.

All the guys will say in unison:

“This line is ...!” (Equator.)

Above is the pole, below is the pole.
There is a hot zone in the middle. (Equator.)

The whole globe is crossed,

Converge at the poles.

Gradually moving

Hands on any clock.

Across land, oceans

Lay down... (Meridians.)

The eldest among them is the equator.

And from north to south

These lines guys

Everything is parallel to each other.

You managed to guess

What is this? ... (Parallels.)

I've traveled to different countries
Sailed along rivers, oceans,
Walked bravely through the desert -
On one sheet of paper. (Geographic map.)

I keep it in my desk
The globe on a hundred pages! (Atlas.)
This device will tell you the right way,
The magnetic needle will point north. (Compass.)
Take it, my friend,
Me on a hike!
No one is with me
It won't go to waste!
Way to go
I'll tell you exactly!
Where to go, -
I'll always tell you! (Compass.)
The north is where there are a lot of blizzards.
Where it's hot -
It will be... (South.)

There are giant mountains here -

Tibet, Altai, Pamir,

Carpathians and Balkans.

The whole world knows them.

Here are the rivers Ob and Angara,

Don, Volga, Lena and Kura.

Forest diversity

In our native ... (Eurasia.)

We will find it on the globe
Two different poles!
And we’ll find it at Yuzhny
A continent covered in ice! (Antarctica.)

Here, among the polar ice floes,

The penguin is trampling importantly.

This continent is deserted

And the penguin is here as a guide.

He is ready to tell people

How beautiful... (Antarctica.)

There are sharks scurrying around and gorillas jumping.
Scary "big evil crocodiles"
They will bite you, beat you and offend you.”
Remember that place where you can’t walk? (Africa.)

Burnt with heat

Desert Sahara.

But among the savannah -

Elephants and monkeys

Lions, zebras and giraffes

Walking in hot ... (Africa.)

Competition "Geoerudite"

The first person to raise their hand and answer correctly will earn a point.

  1. Name the sea with the saltiest water. (Dead Sea);
  2. Which lake is the deepest? (Baikal);
  3. What gas prevents harmful radiation from the Sun from reaching the Earth? (Ozone);
  4. The longest river in Russia. (Volga);
  5. What are the hot underground waters that erupt from the ground called? (Geysers);
  6. What device can be used to determine the sides of the horizon? (compass);
  7. The place where the river originates. (Source);
  8. Which area of ​​our planet is the driest and hottest? (Sahara);
  9. Name the Native Americans. (Indians);
  10. What gas is most abundant in the earth's atmosphere? (Nitrogen);
  11. What volcano destroyed the city of Pompeii in ancient times? (Vesuvius);
  12. What is an electrical storm? (Thunderstorm);
  13. What is the name of the European city located on 118 islands? (Venice);
  14. Which country belongs to the island of Crete? (Greece);
  15. What is a pointed mountain peak called? (Peak);
  16. The most recently discovered continent. (Antarctica);
  17. Drawing of the Earth on paper. (Map);
  18. On what scale is the strength of an earthquake measured? (Richter).

Competition "Geoportrait"

Studying geography, we get acquainted with sailors and travelers. These were strong and brave people. What do you know about them? Shall we check?

  1. What was the name of the famous traveler Cook? (James);
  2. For what reason did Maggelan name the Cape Tierra del Fuego that he discovered? (I saw many fires on it);
  3. Which Russian traveler “went beyond three seas”? (Af. Nikitin)
  4. Who was the wild horse named after? (Przhevalsky);
  5. Columbus's name. (Christopher);
  6. Why did Magellan call the ocean he discovered the Pacific? (During Magellan’s voyage there was not a single storm);
  7. Which navigator was killed in a fight with the natives? (James Cook);
  8. Which brothers, participants in the northern expedition, is the sea in northern Russia named after? (Laptev Brothers);
  9. The name of the merchant and traveler Polo? (Marco);
  10. Which Cossack chieftain marked the beginning of the development of Siberia? (T. Ermak);
  11. Who was named by the US Congress as the discoverer of America? (Amerigo Vespucci);
  12. The surname of which Russian explorer was given the prefix Tian - Shansky for his services in the discovery and exploration of the mountainous country of Tian - Shan? (Peter Semyonov);

My own game

  1. What are the names of the indigenous people of any area? (Natives);
  2. Which 17th century Russian explorer was the city of Khabarovsk named after? (Erofeya Khabarova);
  3. A subspecies of red deer that lives in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. (Wizard);
  4. Which tree is called the queen of Ussuri honey plants? (Linden);
  5. A book containing rare or completely endangered species of plants and animals. (Red Book);
  6. Which plant is called the root of life? (Ginseng);
  7. It is difficult to imagine Antarctica without penguins, Africa without lions, the Arctic without polar bears, and the Ussuri forests (without tigers);
  8. In Kipling's Mowgli, the wolf pack adopted and raised a child. These were not ordinary gray wolves (red).
  1. The largest mammal on Earth? (Blue whale);
  2. What is the name of the floating ice mountain? (Iceberg);
  3. Where is the harshest climate on Earth? (Antarctica, up to –90);
  4. How long does the polar night last? (Half a year);
  5. What are the southernmost and northernmost regions of the Earth called? (Arctic and Antarctic);
  6. What are the names of specialists who study the composition of the population and its changes? (Demographers);
  7. What is the name of the layer of earth that does not have time to thaw during the summer months in the tundra. (Permafrost);
  8. What animal feeds, dresses, puts on shoes, and gets its own food? (Reindeer);
  9. What birds stay overnight in the tundra? (Ptarmigan);
  10. This tree is so small that it can hide under thick snow cover and spend the winter there quietly. (Dwarf birch);
  11. What is the name of the most common food for deer? (Reindeer moss);
  12. A collection of animal and plant organisms living in the water column and carried by the force of the current? (Plankton);
  13. An area where most of the plants are small bushes (shrub);

Who is faster?

Target: check knowledge of nomenclature in geography, provide additional information on nomenclature.

  1. Name Mountain peaks, bearing the names of Russian writers. Gorky Peak in the Tien Shan, Pushkin Peak in the Caucasus, Chekhov Peak on Sakhalin Island;
  2. What geographical name is the name of Thaddeus Faddeevich Bellingshausen immortalized in Russia? Cape Bellingshausen on South Sakhalin;
  3. Remember the name of the Russian navigator, a participant in the Great Northern Expedition, in whose honor the most extreme point of Russia is named. When was it opened? Chelyuskin Sem.Iv. Cape - in 1742
  4. Whose name is the strait that separates Asia and America? Bering;
  5. Name the Russian navigators who accomplished the first trip around the world. (Kruzenshtern, Lisyansky);
  6. Name the Russian researcher of the Far East who gave a description of this region in literary works. V.K. Arsenyev."Along the Ussuri region", "Dersu Uzala", "Through the taiga";
  7. Where is Cape Africa located in Russia? Why is it named like that? Cape Africa is located on the Eastern coast of Kamchatka. Named in honor of the Russian cruiser "Africa", whose sailors discovered and described this cape in 1882.
  8. What strait connects two seas, two oceans and separates two peninsulas, two parts of the world, two states.

Biological mosaic

Target: increase interest in biology and ecology

"Observation of Nature"

From all the available signs, choose those that portend clear weather.

  • In the evening, grasshoppers chirp loudly;
  • The frogs croaked;
  • Rainbow in the morning.
  • The spider is intensively weaving its web;
  • Heavy dew;
  • There are many bees on the acacia bushes;
  • Rainbow in the evening;
  • Rain through the sun.

"Identify the tree"

This tree is a people's favorite. Pollinated by insects. It blooms for only two weeks, but the bees manage to fill their honeycombs with white honey. It's delicious. Its seeds are also tasty - small dark nuts. This is the favorite food of mice. They eat almost the entire crop. Its wood is obedient to a knife and does not crack, which is why in the old days they made dishes and toys from it. Bast shoes were woven from bast, which all of Rus' wore. Its crown is thick and wide. This is why these trees are grown in parks. (Linden);

She is called the daughter of the Sun, and not by chance. It cannot live in the shadows. While other trees can grow at night, it falls asleep when the sun sets. This great craving for light helps her survive even in the Arctic Circle, where there are long days. It grows very quickly; ships were made from its tarred wood in the old days. Even nails hammered into it do not rust. Children collect its resin and chew it like chewing gum. Then the teeth will not deteriorate. (Larch).


by geography

for 7th grade

"Continents and Oceans"

geography teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 23", Abakan

Savina Daria Alexandrovna

Quiz goal: generalization of knowledge in the course “Continents and Oceans”
Quiz rules. From 2 to 4 teams of students take part in the game. Teams choose a category and question number in order of priority. For each correct answer, the team earns one point. In case of an incorrect answer or its absence, the right to answer this question passes to the opposing teams. After the quiz is completed, the scores are tallied and the winner is announced.
Category questions


    Where is the border between Europe and Asia (along the Ural mountains) Where is the pole of cold located in the Northern Hemisphere (Oymyakon) The most numerous people both in the world and in Eurasia (Chinese) What is Mekong (river in Asia) The highest mountains in Eurasia (Tibet and Himalayas)
    Why does the fauna of this continent consist mainly of predators (no plants) Is there a permanent population in Antarctica 9no) What is the thickness of the ice cover of Antarctica (2 – 4 km) Are there minerals on Antarctica (yes, but they are not developed) How can the ice of Antarctica be used (to supply the world's population with fresh water)
South America
    How is SA connected to North America (Isthmus of Panama) Name the largest river in SA (Amazon) Name the longest mountain range on Earth, located in SA (Andes) What is selva? (jungle, a tropical forest) What domestic rodent is native to the Andes? (chinchilla)
    What is the area of ​​Africa among other continents (2) name the largest desert in Africa (Sahara) The name of a very ancient country on the banks of the Nile (Egypt) The largest island off the coast of Africa (Madagascar) What is savannah (open woodland)

North America

    Off the coast of SA there is the largest island in the world - this is... (Greenland) What part of the SA belonged to Russia (Alaska) Name the main mountain system of the continent (Cordillera) On which river is Niagara Falls located? Which plant leaf is located on the Canadian flag (maple)
    Which country declared Australia a colony in the 18th century (Britain) Why there are never earthquakes and not a single volcano in Australia) What is Kosciuszko (mountain, highest point) What is a cry (a drying up river) How many countries are on this continent (1)
    Name the largest and smallest oceans (Pacific and Arctic Ocean) Where is the deepest depression in the World Ocean (in the Pacific Ocean) What is a shelf (ocean shallow water) Which ocean do scientists want to consider the fifth ocean (Southern) North Atlantic Current warm or cold (warm)


    Akimushkin I.I. Freaks of nature. Moscow "Rusich, 1999 Domogatskikh E.M. Alekseevsky N.I. Geography: continents and oceans. Moscow " Russian word, 2009 Small Atlas of the World. Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography of the USSR. Moscow, 1986 Tomilin A.A. How people inhabit the oceans of the earth. Leningrad "Children's literature", 1985

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Slide captions:

Continents and oceans

Geographical discoveries Oceans Southern continents Northern continents Islands Countries 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 3 4

Christopher Columbus Who discovered the New World? Geographical discoveries 1 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Pacific Ocean The largest in area, the deepest and the most ancient of the oceans? Oceans 1 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Africa Is this continent crossed by the equator almost in the middle? Southern continents 1 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Eurasia The largest and most complex continent on Earth? Northern continents 1 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Madagascar The largest island in Africa? Islands 1 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Mexico The name of the Gulf of Mexico is associated with this state? Countries 1 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Ferdinand Magellan Who made the first trip around the world? Geographical discoveries 2 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Indian Ocean The saltiest sea, the Red Sea, belongs to which ocean basin? Oceans 2 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Antarctica Is this continent almost entirely located within the Antarctic Circle? Southern continents 2 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

North America The indigenous inhabitants of this continent - Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts? Northern continents 2 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Cuba The name of this island, which is located in the Caribbean, is the same as the name of the country? Islands 2 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Australia A country that occupies an entire continent? Countries 2 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Marco Polo Which Venetian merchant made a long journey to Asian lands? Geographical discoveries 3 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Arctic Ocean The smallest in area and the shallowest of the oceans? O oceans 3 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

South America Is this continent home to the world's tallest Angel Falls? Southern continents 3 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Eurasia Is this continent home to the deepest lake in the world? Northern continents 3 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Greenland The largest island in the world? Islands 3 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Egypt Is there a canal in this country that connects the Mediterranean and Red Seas? Countries 3 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Vasco da Gama The ships of the Portuguese expedition under the leadership of this traveler reached India, circumnavigating Africa? Geographical discoveries 4 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Atlantic Ocean In which ocean is the Gulf Stream located? Oceans 4 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Africa Is this continent home to Lake Tanganyika, the longest freshwater lake in the world? Southern continents 4 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Eurasia Does this continent include two parts of the world? Northern continents 4 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Hawaiian Islands Are these Pacific Islands part of the United States as a separate state? Islands 4 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Vatican A country within a country within Italy? Countries 4 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

James Cook The famous English navigator who reached the Antarctic Circle with his ships? Geographical discoveries 5 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Southern Ocean Conventional name for the waters of the three oceans surrounding Antarctica? Oceans 5 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Australia Is this the only continent where the echidna and platypus live? Southern continents 5 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

North America Are tornadoes often observed on this continent? Northern continents 5 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Iceland On this island there is a country of ice with the same name? Islands 5 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Finland This country is located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, residents call it “The Land of Swamps” Countries 5 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

2-3 teams can take part in the game. By selecting the category and price of the question, you are taken to a slide with the task. Immediately press the “start” button to turn on the timer, by which you can time the thinking time (30-60 seconds). After 60 seconds, the correct answer appears automatically. If the answer was given by the command earlier, you can check the correctness of the answer by clicking on the “correct answer” button. Returning to the main menu, use the keyboard to type the number of points earned into the window corresponding to the team number. Don't forget to do this every time (sum and type). How to play