Is it possible to pray for prosperity? Prayers for well-being. Prayer for financial well-being to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

There is probably not a single person who does not constantly think about his financial situation. Most of us spend every day working to adequately provide for ourselves and our loved ones. However, the unstable economic situation in the world leads to the fact that even the most hardworking and previously successful person may find themselves without a livelihood. At such moments, a cold, sticky fear for their future creeps into everyone’s soul and covers them with despair. What to do in such a situation? How to deal with the problem and get back on your feet? Believers say that prayer for financial well-being can help get out of a difficult situation. For some reason, people resort to it as the last resort, not suspecting that the Lord will not leave a Christian without help and support, and therefore it is to him that they need to take their troubles and aspirations.

Is it possible to pray to God for money?

Many consider prayers for financial well-being to be a sinful act, because somehow it is not customary to ask for material things in a place where everything is permeated with spirituality. However, no one can deny that it is impossible to live without money in the modern world, and in ancient times, financial well-being was also an important component of the life of any person. Therefore, if you still doubt whether you can ask the Almighty for help in solving material problems, then leave your fears - our Creator is kind and always ready to give us what we ask him for.

However, we should not forget about some nuances that should be observed by everyone who turns to higher powers with the hope of improving their financial condition. We will tell you about them now.

The main rule of prayer for money

Before praying for financial well-being, clergy advise to think carefully about why you need money. You should not make a request to higher powers if finance is an end in itself for you. Money cannot be loved on its own, because such an attitude leads to the awakening of self-interest, and this is already considered a sin.

Therefore, when saying a prayer, think about the benefits you need that the financial support you receive will bring. Money should be a vital necessity and a means to achieve one or another good goal.

It's even better if you're asking for money not just for yourself. In Orthodoxy, one who prays for loved ones and simply acquaintances not only helps them, but also receives a blessing from God for his prayer work.

Features of prayer for financial well-being

Orthodox Christians know well that, first of all, turning to God about money is a grateful prayer. No matter how contradictory this statement may seem to you, it is undoubtedly true.

If you are in a cramped situation, work on yourself. Perhaps this is why you are given problems. After all, some people are able to conduct some kind of analysis only when they find themselves in a difficult situation. Therefore, eradicate greed, envy, and stinginess in yourself. Try to provide all possible help to someone who is in even more distress. Such actions will make your soul purer and prepare you for real, sincere prayer.

However, before pronouncing it, do not forget to thank God for what you already have. Gratitude for small things is a sure way to get what you ask for.

Who should you pray to for financial well-being?

Prayers for financial well-being can be said not only to Jesus Christ, but also to the saints. Every believer understands that a certain saint is responsible for a specific area of ​​life. Some pray for healing and health, others ask for well-being in the family, and still others ask for money. Don’t be surprised, in Orthodoxy there are even several saints whom you can ask for material well-being.

The prayers to St. Spyridon of Trimythous for financial well-being and to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are considered the most powerful. During their lifetime, these helped many people in need of money. Saint Spyridon not only provided help, but also completely distributed his fortune to the poor, never regretting it in the future.

It is believed that Matrona of Moscow also helps well in times of need. The blind old woman became famous for her miracles; she performed them during her lifetime and did not leave those in need after her death.

Therefore, if you are interested in strong prayers for financial well-being, then contact the saints listed above. They are the ones who can solve any problems related to money.

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky: the acts of the saint

The prayer to Spiridon for financial well-being is considered one of the most effective. Therefore, Orthodox Christians all over the world turn to him for help in the most critical and hopeless situations related to money.

Surprisingly, a lot is known about this saint, who lived for almost two thousand years. There are a lot of records left about the life of Spiridon, so believers can familiarize themselves in detail with the miracles that he performed.

The future saint was born into a noble family in Cyprus. From early childhood he was modest, quiet and distinguished by great fear of God. He was always very generous to all those in need, very often Spiridon narrowed the money without even stipulating the terms of its return. In his youth, he fell in love with a modest girl, whom he made his wife. He was very happy with her and soon became a father. But the Creator had completely different plans for Spiridon, so he led the young man along the roads of sorrow. His wife died after a serious illness, which forced the young man to leave his home and go on a journey. Before leaving, the saint gave all his money to the poor and walked around the world light.

During his life, Spiridon performed many miracles. He is credited with the ability to control natural elements, resurrect the dead, heal serious illnesses, and also heal wounded souls.

What problems should you address to a saint?

A prayer for financial well-being to Saint Spyridon can be said in different situations. However, remember that in any case your request must be justified, and the need for funds is very strong. Most often people turn to the saint with the following problems:

  • the need to increase income;
  • prosperity in business;
  • need for assistance with real estate transactions;
  • job search.

If you are tormented by at least one of the listed problems, then feel free to start praying. Spiridon will definitely help you solve the problem and get rid of the heavy burden on your heart.

How to pray to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky?

Keep in mind that it is best to say the prayer in church. In this case, your energy is accumulated and then sent to higher powers in a multiplied form. But if you cannot go to church every day, then buy an icon with the face of a saint.

You need to pray in front of her every day until you get what you want. It is quite difficult to determine the time interval, so do not expect a quick result, but simply contact the saint with all sincerity.

Quite often, clergy advise reading a prayer for at least forty days. Such prayerful work will show your humility and faith in God, because not every believer can perform this ritual every day.

The text of the prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is as follows:

What should you bring to see St. Nicholas the Wonderworker?

Nicholas the Pleasant is revered very much in our country; he is known for his miracles, including many deeds related to increasing material well-being. Prayers to Nicholas for financial well-being will definitely bring results if they are sincere and your intentions are pure.

You can contact this saint in the following situations:

  • the need for money and a new job;
  • in cases where luck is required in the implementation of plans;
  • the need to ask for well-being for your family.

You can also pray to St. Nicholas the Pleasant in almost any case. He is known as an intercessor and protector of people, therefore he helps them cope with life problems of any nature. The clergy say that this is the saint you should turn to when your family is on the verge of bankruptcy.

Features of the prayer to Nicholas the Ugodnik

If you are planning to say a prayer to the miracle worker for financial well-being, then do not forget to follow certain rules. Initially, tune in to prayer, mentally imagine what you are asking for. Focus on your appeal and the result that will allow you to get the amount of money you need. The prayer must be said before the face of the saint, in this way it will be more effective. Place a candle in front of the icon; it is believed that this helps to tune in to the right mood.

Even if your financial situation is extremely poor, try to make a donation to good causes. You can transfer money for the treatment of a sick child, give it to a beggar, or leave a couple of bills in the temple. Keep in mind that the amount doesn't really matter here, what matters is your good intentions and desire to help others.

The prayer for financial well-being to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is quite simple, and you can easily learn it by heart. We provide the text below.

Frequency of appeals to the saint

Many believe that after a couple of days of prayer, their streak of bad luck should end and a time of unlimited prosperity should begin. Unfortunately, this simply cannot happen. Keep in mind that higher powers only help those who work hard to achieve their goals. If you pray, but don’t even lift a finger to correct the situation, then you should not expect success.

Sometimes it takes months to achieve a goal, so get ready to pray to St. Nicholas the Pleasant for more than one day. Be sure that the Lord hears you and will definitely help you at that very opportune moment.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

You can pray to Matrona at home or anywhere else.

The old woman often helps people solve financial issues, so don’t be lazy to come to her to bow to her once again and miracles will not take long to arrive.

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Finding themselves in the difficult situation of complete lack of money, believers often wonder: can higher powers help them overcome material adversity and return to a state of prosperity and security? Although churches always encourage their parishioners to care more about the spiritual than to be burdened by mortal thoughts about finances, Orthodox prayers for money still exist.

In Orthodox Christianity, every area of ​​a person’s life is under the protection of its own saint. The one who is turned to in poverty, in case of material instability, failures in work and other worldly deprivations, is Saint Spyridon of Trimythous.

Saint Spyridon, or Bishop of Salamis, lived on earth almost eighteen centuries ago, but, despite this, history has preserved many facts about the personal life and good deeds of the miracle worker. He was born around 270 on the island of Cyprus into a wealthy shepherd family.

From childhood, he led a lifestyle similar to the biblical righteous: he was quiet and meek, hardworking, often gave shelter to strangers, the homeless and the hungry, and lent money to the poor. He never refused anyone who asked and did not demand the repayment of the debt on time. “You will return it when you can,” Saint Spyridon addressed these words to everyone who came to him for help and support.

In his youth, the future clergyman met an intelligent, modest girl and married her. A child appeared in the family, but their calm and serene life did not last long - Spiridon’s wife soon died. This event completely changed the life of the young shepherd. He forgave the debts of all his debtors, distributed what he had acquired over the years of continuous work to the poor and set off to wander around the world. Legends say that during his wanderings the saint performed many amazing miracles.

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Even before he left his earthly monastery, the Bishop of Salamis was famous for the divine power bestowed upon him by heaven. He raised those broken by illness to their feet, drove out possessed demons, knew how to heal the soul and body of a person, dominated the natural elements and even revived the dead. Without knowing science or education, from birth he had a subtle mind, foresaw the hidden vices of people and always encouraged them to repent of their offenses before the Holy Scriptures and cleanse themselves of sin.

What troubles to deal with, and how will prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky help for money, for well-being

  • You can ask the saint for financial well-being, business prosperity, increased income
  • Reading a prayer will help you profitably buy, sell or exchange an apartment, car or other property
  • Helps resolve legal issues
  • Support in finding employment and finding a better place to work

A prayer for material well-being is read primarily to attract money to the house, so it should be remembered that only a justified request for material benefits will be heard by higher powers and will bring the desired result.

Prayer for luck and money to Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky:

« O blessed Saint Spyridon!
Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander.
Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

How to pray for work and well-being

The prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for money can be read both in church and at home at any time of the day or night, although it is best to bow before the image of the saint in the evening. The reading ritual must be repeated daily until financial problems leave you.

When sending your petition to Spyridon, we must not forget that an icon is just an image, the face of a miracle worker, therefore it is necessary to try in your thoughts to get closer to him and present your complaints and appeals to heaven.

Days of veneration of Saint Spyridon

In the Orthodox Church, the Day of Remembrance of this saint and wonderworker is considered December 12 according to the old style, December 25 according to the new style. In the Catholic Church - December 14.

Monuments to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

In the Russian Church, Saint Spyridon has long been a revered spiritual minister. The greatest respect was shown to him in Moscow and old Novgorod.

  • The temple named after the saint in Moscow appeared in 1663.
  • Also in the capital of Russia, in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word, part of the relics and two icons of the bishop are kept.
  • And in the Church of the Intercession of the Danilov Monastery there is his shoe, presented as a gift to the Russian Orthodox Church by Metropolitan Nektarios of the Greek Church on April 17, 2007.
  • Statues of St. Spyridon of Trimythous were erected in Yalta (near the temple) and Donetsk.

God bless you!

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28 thoughts on “ Prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous for financial well-being and money



O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and To the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.



O glorious servant of God, Hieromartyr Hilarion, our Father, in the days of your short earthly life, in the midst of persecutions and many sorrows, you preserved your faith, you did not quench your spirit and taught the faithful how to live in the house of God, which is the living Church of God, the pillar and foundation of the truth. . For this reason, we earnestly pray to you: help us through your prayers to firmly preserve the dogmas and canons of the church, to gain the sight of our sins with a humble spirit, to love every person as the incorruptible image of Christ, according to the verb of the Gospel, despising or rejecting only one, but serving everyone according to our strength, and so Working as the Lord, may we be worthy with you and with all the new Russian martyrs to sing the Holy Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

A different prayer, compiled in the Solovetsky Monastery

O great servant of God and glorious miracle worker, Saint Hilarion! From distant and near cities and villages, having come together to pray in the place of your deeds and kiss your many-healing relics, from the depths of our hearts we cry to you: with a rod of goodness, like a good shepherd, protect the lost sheep of the flock of Christ, into these courts of the Lord, protect us from temptation, heresies and schisms, teach us to philosophize on our dry mountain journeys: enlighten our scattered minds and direct them to the path of truth, warm our cold hearts with love for our neighbors and zeal for fulfilling the commandments of God, revive our weakened will by sin and negligence with the grace of the All-Holy Spirit: yes to yours Following the pastoral voice, let us preserve our souls in purity and truth, and thus, helping God, we will achieve the Kingdom of Heaven, where together with you we will glorify the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.


First prayer

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Most Blessed Mother of Christ God our Savior, Joy to all the sorrowing, visiting the sick, protection and intercessor of the weak, widows and orphans, patroness of the sad, all-reliable comforter of sad mothers, strength of weak infants, and always ready help and faithful refuge for all the helpless! You, O All-Merciful One, have been given grace from the Almighty to intercede for everyone and deliver them from sorrow and illness, for you yourself have endured fierce sorrow and illness, looking at the free suffering of Your beloved Son and Him crucified on the cross in sight, when Simeon’s weapon was predicted by Your heart let's pass. Moreover, O beloved Mother of children, heed the voice of our prayer, comfort us in the sorrow of those who exist, as a faithful intercessor of joy: standing before the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, you can, if you wish, ask for everything useful to us. For this reason, with heartfelt faith and love from the soul, we fall to You as the Queen and Lady and we dare to cry out to You in psalms: hearing, Daughters, and see, and incline Your ear, hear our prayer, and deliver us from current troubles and sorrows; You fulfill the requests of all the faithful, as joy to those who mourn, and give peace and consolation to their souls. Behold our misfortune and sorrow: show us Thy mercy, send comfort to our hearts wounded by sorrow, show and surprise us sinners with the riches of Thy mercy, give us tears of repentance to cleanse our sins and quench the wrath of God, and with a pure heart, good conscience and With undoubted hope we resort to Your intercession and intercession: accept, our all-merciful Lady Theotokos, our earnest prayer offered to You, and do not reject us, unworthy, from Your mercy, but grant us deliverance from sorrow and illness, protect us from all slander of the enemy and slander human, be our constant helper all the days of our life, so that under Your maternal protection we will always achieve our goals and be preserved by Your intercession and prayers to Your Son and God our Savior, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His beginningless Father and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer

Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin, Lady Theotokos! Look with Your merciful eye on us, standing before Your holy icon and praying to You with tenderness: raise us from the depths of sin, enlighten our minds, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies. There are no imams of other help, no imams of other hope, except for You, the Lady. You weigh all our weaknesses and sins, we run to You and cry out: do not abandon us with Your heavenly help, but appear to us ever and with Your ineffable mercy and bounty, save and have mercy on us who are perishing. Grant us correction of our sinful life and deliver us from sorrows, troubles and illnesses, from sudden death, hell and eternal torment. You, Queen and Lady, are the quick Helper and Intercessor of all who flow to You and the strong Refuge of repentant sinners. Grant us, O Most Blessed and All-Immaculate Virgin, the Christian end of our life to be peaceful and unashamed, and grant us, through Your intercession, to dwell in the heavenly abodes, where the unceasing voice of those celebrating with joy glorifies the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.



O Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin Mary! We fall down and bow to Thee before Thy holy Three-handed icon, remembering Thy glorious miracle of the healing of the truncated right hand of St. John of Damascus, which was revealed from this icon, whose sign is still visible on it in the form of a third hand attached to Thy image. We pray to You and ask You, the All-merciful and All-generous Intercessor of our race: hear us, praying to You, and like Blessed John, who cried out to You in sorrow and illness, you heard us, so do not despise us, who grieve and suffer from the wounds of many different passions and to To you from the heart of the contrite and humble those who diligently come running. You see, O all-merciful Lady, our infirmities, our embitterment, our need, I will demand our help and intercession, as if we are surrounded by enemies from everywhere and there is no one who helps, less than one who intercedes, unless You have mercy on us, the Lady. To her, we pray to You, listen to our painful voice and help us to preserve the patristic Orthodox faith immaculately until the end of our days, to walk unswervingly in all the commandments of the Lord, to always bring true repentance for our sins to God and to be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer at the Last Judgment of the Son Thy and our God, Whom we begged for us with Thy motherly prayer, may He not condemn us according to our iniquity, but may He have mercy on us according to His great and ineffable mercy. O All-Good One! Hear us and do not deprive us of Your sovereign help, yes, having received salvation through You, let us sing and glorify You on the land of the living and our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was born of You, to whom befits glory and power, honor and worship, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit always , now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The prayer for prosperity and prosperity is considered the most necessary prayer in any family. Every person knows that abundance and prosperity allow you to preserve your energy and family happiness for a long time. But what to do if problems arise with income? In this case, prayer will be needed. But not everyone knows which saints to contact with her.

Who is Nicholas the Wonderworker, and how can he help with well-being?

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints in Orthodoxy, so they pray to him for various reasons:

  • Among the people, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was also called St. Nicholas the Pleasant. And he became famous for treating people. There are even stories of cases where a dead person was revived with the help of St. Nicholas, hence the name Wonderworker.
  • When this man died, he was immediately canonized. After that, families who found themselves in difficult life situations began to turn to him for help.
  • We must remember that you can turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker only with faith in him. In addition, a praying person must strictly follow God's commandments.
  • A prayer for prosperity and well-being to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can help resolve some financial problems. You can also pray for health.
  • Students who hope to successfully pass their exams also pray to this saint.

How should one pray to Saint Nicholas for well-being?

If you want to pray to a saint for money to appear in the house, you should do it correctly. In no case should you hope that as soon as the words of prayer are said, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will immediately drop a lot of money on his head. Nothing comes for free, so you have to work hard, and the saint will help you in your endeavor and point out a suitable source of income that will make it possible to live comfortably. During prayer, you don’t need to think about anything other than what is asked. It is advisable that the goal be set clearly.

Prayer for prosperity and well-being should be said only with bright thoughts, otherwise Nicholas will not help if harm can be done to someone through the money given to the saint. In order for Nikolai Ugodnik to hear the prayer, it must be said at least forty times a day. The saint was kind and sympathetic during his lifetime, so it is advisable to donate something to the poor who really need it. It doesn’t have to be money, you can give clothes or food. There is no need to hope that money will appear in your wallet on its own; the saint loves and encourages those who try. It is advisable to pray in front of the icon, which every Orthodox Christian should have in his home.

The words of the prayer could be:

“Oh, Wonderworker Nicholas, fulfill my prayer and give me more money to raise my children and provide everything I need. I don’t want them to need anything and suffer from hunger. I want to give them a decent education and ensure a happy future. Do not refuse help, and I will not forget your good deed. I will lead a righteous life and will not do harm to anyone. I will share with the poor and will not refuse to help my neighbor. Forever and ever, amen!”

What prayer will help you achieve well-being?

There are many prayers that will help you achieve well-being. Few people can say what the most powerful prayer for material well-being and prosperity is, because any words that are spoken with faith in the soul become powerful. To ensure well-being in the family, you can seek help not only from various saints, but also from God himself, who will definitely hear your prayer and help those in need. A praying person can appeal to the Almighty not only with the help of a special prayer. You can apply on your own. The main thing is that every word of prayer comes from the very depths of the soul.

Prayer for prosperity and abundance:

“Beloved archangels and angelic hosts, ascended masters!
Thank you for the abundance in my life, for the opportunity to express divine light so that all people can benefit from it. Thank you for the peace, happiness, love that you give me. Thank you for the time and strength you gave me so that I could realize my dreams and desires. Thank you for your financial support of my life. I reverently accept all your gifts and ask that you not leave me throughout my life. Amen".

What role does prayer for prosperity and prosperity play?

Every person should remember God and constantly turn to him in prayer. If an Orthodox Christian forgets about such a simple rule, then there may be serious problems in family life.

Prayer for well-being and prosperity in the family plays an important role and will help achieve the following goals:

  • Every family dreams of having prosperity in their home, so it is worth asking God for help every day, while humbly bowing your head.
  • Prosperity lies not only in money, but also in the fact that spouses are faithful to each other, so a special prayer for fidelity should be said.
  • You can pray for well-being, prosperity, as well as for the health of all relatives and friends, then a person will not be afraid of any problems and adversities, and even envious people will not be able to resist.

Which icon can bring prosperity to the family?

An icon should be present in the life of every Orthodox Christian. When a person prays in front of it, it is filled with prayerful power, which is why any icon can be considered miraculous. It is important that a person himself believes that God will hear him. If a couple has a misfortune and they feel that their marriage is under threat, they should turn to the icon for help and pray to it. You can pray to any patron saint, then he can become an intercessor and give wisdom in order to overcome everything.

What icons can you pray to for family happiness?

In fact, like prayers, there are many icons that you can pray to for happiness and prosperity. Therefore, we will focus on the most important ones:

  • A prayer for prosperity and prosperity is said in front of the “Unfading Color” icon. They pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for happiness with the hope that she will be able to take care of prosperity and understanding in the family. She will also protect the family from betrayal.
  • The icon of the Holy Trinity is powerful, in front of which they pray for improvement in the relationship between husband and wife, especially if quarrels have begun between them.
  • Peter and Fevronia are considered the patrons of strong family ties. When saying a prayer, it is necessary to ask the saints that the marriage be strong, and that the spouses be faithful to each other and be able to overcome any grief.
  • A strong prayer for prosperity and prosperity is said in front of the icon of the Matrona of Moscow, who has always been a protector from serious illnesses and trials. If you turn to Saint Matrona with a request for the well-being of your family, the saint will perform a real miracle.
  • You should also pray in front of the icon called “Kazan”. It depicts the Mother of God, who has always been considered the patroness of small children and, of course, the guardian of the family hearth.
  • You can pray to the Mother of God for well-being in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon. Especially wives who have a drinking husband pray before her.
  • The family icon is considered to be the “Burning Bush”. It protects against various natural disasters and quarrels. With the help of prayer in front of the icon, you can return understanding and happiness to your family.

Orthodox prayers for well-being and prosperity must be said in worship before God, because only saints can preserve peace and tranquility in the souls of believers.

How to pray to Matrona of Moscow?

Saint Matrona lived not so long ago, and there are even witnesses who saw her with their own eyes. The Lord endowed her with great power, so Matrona can heal a person and fulfill any cherished desires. When saying a prayer, you need to ask the saint to help resolve the issue that was difficult. A prayer for material well-being and prosperity is said when trouble occurs in the house or problems arise. It is necessary to pray in front of the icon and ask that Saint Matrona herself ask before the Lord God for the one praying, and then a miracle will happen.

When should you pray to Saints Peter and Fevronia?

Before the saints they pray that love, mutual understanding and patience towards each other reign in the family. The spouses were faithful during their lifetime and became the standard of a real married couple. If you pray in front of the icon every day, you can protect your marriage from divorce and prevent spouses from committing adultery.

How to correctly say a prayer in front of the icon of Peter and Fevronia?

The prayer should be said calmly, preferably as a miraculous verse. The prayer asks that the hearts of the spouses become softer, so that the young family always has prosperity and well-being, and also has little children. You can ask for satiety, mercy and kindness. Such a prayer for prosperity and well-being will certainly help young people get on their feet and not need anything. It is worth saying a prayer every evening, only then the saints will help.

Is it possible to pray to the Mother of God for well-being?

The Mother of God is the great heavenly queen who has always stood for the protection of the family. She especially patronizes women and children. A prayer is said to the Mother of God for well-being and prosperity, so in front of the icon you should ask for the well-being of the family, pray for mercy for your children and husband, and also pray that the Lord will not abandon you in difficult times and that there will always be something to eat on the table in the family.

If you turn to the Mother of God in prayer every day, this will be a guarantee that the family will be able to live long and happily, and its days will not be darkened. It is worth praying to the icon humbly, then there will always be peace and tranquility in the house. A correctly pronounced prayer in front of an icon and with a candle will enable spouses to be faithful until the end of their days, and their home will always be filled with prosperity and children's laughter.

How to correctly pronounce the prayer to the Virgin Mary

The prayer to the Mother of God for well-being and prosperity is especially strong, so it must be said according to all the rules:

  • You should turn to the saint not only when there is a need to ask for something, but you should constantly visit the temple on holidays that are dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos. It is at these moments that her spirit operates most powerfully.
  • Intercession is considered a particularly important holiday. On this day, any request addressed to God and the Mother of God will be crowned with success, but one must humbly ask the Blessed Virgin.
  • A girl who comes to a holiday dedicated to the Mother of God and defends the service will be able to receive in return everything she asks for.
  • You need to read the prayer in the morning, so that later the whole day will be a success and will please you only with pleasant events. The most holy patroness will be able to give happy years of family life.

Prayer to the Mother of God:

“Blessed Lady, take my family under your protection. Instill in the hearts of my husband and our children peace, love and non-questioning of all that is good. Do not allow anyone from my family to experience separation and difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance.And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves' attacks, any evil situation, various types of insurance and devilish obsession.Yes, and we, collectively and separately, openly and secretly, will glorify your holy name always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen».

As you can see, there are a huge variety of prayers for well-being and prosperity, and it doesn’t matter at all which saint you choose. You can pray in front of the icon to any saint, so that he asks God to condescend and fulfill the request. It is important to set goals correctly and not wait in the end for everything to come true on its own, since you will have to put in a lot of effort yourself. After all, only for perseverance and diligence will a person be rewarded according to his deserts. Under no circumstances should you pray and think about your problems, because God will not be able to hear such requests, but, on the contrary, will refuse to help, because it is important that the prayer comes from a pure heart.