What is the perimeter of a right triangle? Finding the perimeter of a triangle in various ways. Right triangle in reality

One of the basic geometric shapes is a triangle. It is formed at the intersection of three straight segments. These line segments form the sides of the figure, and their intersection points are called vertices. Every student studying a geometry course must be able to find the perimeter of this figure. The acquired skill will be useful for many in adult life, for example, it will be useful to a student, engineer, builder,

Exist different ways find the perimeter of the triangle. The choice of the formula you need depends on the available source data. To write this value in mathematical terminology, a special notation is used - P. Let's consider what the perimeter is, the main methods of calculating it for triangular figures of different types.

The most in a simple way Find the perimeter of a figure if all sides are available. In this case, the following formula is used:

The letter “P” denotes the perimeter itself. In turn, “a”, “b” and “c” are the lengths of the sides.

Knowing the size of the three quantities, it will be enough to obtain their sum, which is the perimeter.

Alternative option

In mathematical problems, all given lengths are rarely known. In such cases, it is recommended to use alternative way searching for the required value. When the conditions indicate the length of two straight lines, as well as the angle between them, the calculation is made by searching for the third. To find this number you need to find the square root using the formula:


Perimeter on both sides

To calculate the perimeter, it is not necessary to know all the data of a geometric figure. Let's consider methods of calculation on both sides.

Isosceles triangle

An isosceles triangle is one in which at least two sides have the same length. They are called lateral, and the third side is called the base. Equal straight lines form a vertex angle. A special feature of an isosceles triangle is the presence of one axis of symmetry. The axis is a vertical line extending from the apical angle and ending in the middle of the base. At its core, the axis of symmetry includes the following concepts:

  • bisector of the vertex angle;
  • median to base;
  • height of triangle;
  • median perpendicular.

To determine the perimeter of an isosceles triangular figure, use the formula.

In this case, you only need to know two quantities: the base and the length of one side. The designation “2a” implies multiplying the length of the side by 2. To the resulting figure you need to add the value of the base - “b”.

In the exceptional case, when the length of the base of an isosceles triangle is equal to its lateral line, you can use a simpler method. It is expressed in the following formula:

To get the result, just multiply this number by three. This formula is used to find the perimeter of an equilateral triangle.

Useful video: problems on the perimeter of a triangle

Right triangle

The main difference between a right triangle and other geometric shapes in this category is the presence of an angle of 90°. Based on this feature, the type of figure is determined. Before determining how to find the perimeter of a right triangle, it is worth noting that this value for any flat geometric figure is the sum of all sides. So in this case, the easiest way to find out the result is to sum the three quantities.

In scientific terminology, those sides that are adjacent to the right angle are called “legs,” and those opposite to the 90º angle are called the hypotenuse. The features of this figure were studied by the ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras. According to the Pythagorean theorem, the square of the hypotenuse equal to the sum squares of legs.


Based on this theorem, another formula is derived that explains how to find the perimeter of a triangle using two known sides. Calculate perimeter at specified length legs can be done using the following method.


To find out the perimeter, having information about the size of one leg and the hypotenuse, you need to determine the length of the second hypotenuse. For this purpose, the following formulas are used:


Also, the perimeter of the described type of figure is determined without data on the dimensions of the legs.

You will need to know the length of the hypotenuse as well as the angle adjacent to it. Knowing the length of one of the legs, if there is an angle adjacent to it, the perimeter of the figure is calculated using the formula:


Calculation via height

You can calculate the perimeter of categories such as isosceles and right triangles using their midline indicator. As you know, the height of a triangle divides its base in half. Thus, it forms two rectangular shapes. Next, the desired indicator is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem. The formula will look like this:


If you know the height and half of the base, using this method you will get the number you need without searching for the rest of the data about the figure.

Useful video: finding the perimeter of a triangle

Perimeter of a triangle, as with any figure, is called the sum of the lengths of all sides. Quite often this value helps to find the area or is used to calculate other parameters of the figure.
The formula for the perimeter of a triangle looks like this:

An example of calculating the perimeter of a triangle. Let a triangle be given with sides a = 4 cm, b = 6 cm, c = 7 cm. Substitute the data into the formula: cm

Formula for calculating perimeter isosceles triangle will look like this:

Formula for calculating perimeter equilateral triangle:

An example of calculating the perimeter of an equilateral triangle. When all sides of a figure are equal, they can simply be multiplied by three. Suppose we are given a regular triangle with a side of 5 cm in this case: cm

In general, once all the sides are given, finding the perimeter is quite simple. In other situations, you need to find the size of the missing side. In a right triangle you can find the third side by Pythagorean theorem. For example, if the lengths of the legs are known, then you can find the hypotenuse using the formula:

Let's consider an example of calculating the perimeter of an isosceles triangle, provided that we know the length of the legs in a right isosceles triangle.
Given a triangle with legs a =b =5 cm. Find the perimeter. First, let's find the missing side c. cm
Now let's calculate the perimeter: cm
The perimeter of a right isosceles triangle will be 17 cm.

In the case when the hypotenuse and the length of one leg are known, you can find the missing one using the formula:
If the hypotenuse and one of the acute angles are known in a right triangle, then the missing side is found using the formula.

The right triangle is a simple but extremely important figure for mathematics. Knowledge of its properties and the ability to operate with the basic parameters of a right triangle will allow you to cope with both school and real-life problems.

Geometry of a right triangle

Geometrically, a triangle is three points that do not lie on the same line, which are connected by segments. A right triangle is a figure whose two sides form a right angle. These sides are called the legs of the triangle, and the third, longest side is called the hypotenuse. The relationship between the squares of the legs and the hypotenuse is established by the Pythagorean theorem - one of the fundamental theorems of Euclidean geometry.

The relationships between the hypotenuse and legs also laid the basis for an entire branch of mathematics - trigonometry. Originally, sines and cosines were defined as functions of the angles of a right triangle, but in their modern meaning, trigonometric functions have been extended to the entire number line. Today, trigonometry is used in many areas of human activity: from astronomy and oceanography to financial market analysis and computer game development.

Right triangle in reality

The right triangle itself is found in reality at every corner, both literally and figuratively. The faces of tetrahedrons and prisms have the shape of a right triangle, which in reality turn into machine parts, ceramic tiles or roof slopes. A square is a drawing tool that a person first encounters in a geometry lesson; it has the shape of a right triangle and is used in design, construction and carpentry.

Perimeter of a triangle

Perimeter is a numerical estimate of the lengths of all sides of a flat geometric figure. The perimeter of an n-gon is found as the sum of the lengths of n sides. To determine the perimeter of a right triangle, use a simple formula:

a and b – legs, c – hypotenuse.

To calculate the perimeter of a triangle by hand, you would have to measure all three sides, perform additional trigonometric operations, or perform calculations using the Pythagorean theorem. Using an online calculator you just need to find out the following pairs of variables:

  • two legs;
  • leg and angle;
  • hypotenuse and angle.

In school problems or in practice, you will be given initial data, so the calculator allows you to find the perimeter, knowing different pairs of parameters. In addition, the tool automatically calculates all other attributes of a right triangle, that is, the lengths of all sides and the magnitudes of all angles. Let's look at a couple of examples.

Examples from life

School task

Let's say in a school problem you are given a right triangle with a side length of 5 cm and an adjacent angle of 60 degrees. You need to find the perimeter of a geometric figure. The online calculator is accompanied by a drawing showing the sides and angles of a right triangle. We see that if leg a = 5 cm, then its adjacent angle is angle beta. This important point, because if you use the alpha angle for calculations, the result will be incorrect. We enter this data into the form and get a response in the form:

In addition to the perimeter itself, our program also determined the value of the opposite angle, as well as the length of the second leg and hypotenuse.

Flowerbed arrangement

Let's say you want to make a fence for a flower bed that has the shape of a right triangle. To do this, you need to know the perimeter of the figure. Of course, in reality you can simply measure all three sides, but it is easy to simplify your task and measure only two legs. Let them be 8 and 15 meters long. We enter this data into the calculator form and get the answer:

So, you will need to purchase materials to build 40 meters of fencing. Our calculator also calculated the length of the hypotenuse - 17 meters. The numbers 8, 15 and 17 form a Pythagorean triple - natural numbers that satisfy the conditions of the Pythagorean theorem.


Right triangles are widely used in everyday life, so determining the area or perimeter of a geometric figure will certainly be useful to you when solving school problems or everyday issues.

1) y = 2x + 5 2) y = 4 – 3x 3) y = 8x – 2 4) y = 5x 5) y = 0.1x + 8 6) X = 2 7) Y = x – 3, y = 2x + 3 y = -3x + 1 y = 4x – 2 y = 5x + 2 y = 3 y = -x y = -3 + x, 1) 0 2) 0 3) 1 4) 0 5) 1 6) 1 7) Infinite set. with flashcard tests. Card No. 1. A10. Correlate the functions given by the formulas with their graphs (Fig. 1).


Right triangle is a special type arbitrary triangle. Like any other triangle, it has three sides, but one of its angles must be 90 degrees. Once you have determined that a given triangle is a right triangle, you can begin to find its basic dimensions. One of the characteristics of a right triangle is its perimeter. Many geometry problems are devoted to finding the perimeter of a right triangle.

Where P is the perimeter of the triangle;

A, b, c - sides of the triangle.

Based on the Pythagorean theorem, it became possible to determine the perimeter of a right triangle by its two sides of known length. If the lengths of the legs are known, then the perimeter of the triangle is determined by finding the value of the hypotenuse using the formula:

If only one of the legs and the length of the hypotenuse are known, then the perimeter of the triangle is determined by finding the value of the missing leg using the formula:

If in a right triangle only the length of the hypotenuse c and one of the acute angles α adjacent to it are known, then the perimeter of the triangle in this case can be determined by the formula:

In the case when the conditions of the problem specify the length of the leg a and the value of the acute angle α opposite it, then the perimeter of a right triangle in this case is calculated by the formula:

If a side a with an adjacent angle β is given, then the perimeter of the triangle can be calculated based on the expression:

How to find the perimeter of a right triangle

P = a + b + c, where, let's say,

P = v(a2 + b2) + a + b, or

P = v(c2 – b2) + b + c.

P = (1 + sin? + cos?)*s.

P = a*(1/tg? + 1/sin? + 1)

P = a*(1/сtg? + 1/cos? + 1)

Other news on the topic:

Area and perimeter are the main numerical characteristics of any geometric shapes. Finding these quantities is simplified thanks to generally accepted formulas, according to which one can also calculate one through the other with a minimum or complete absence of additional initial data. Placement Sponsor P&G

An equilateral triangle, along with a square, is perhaps the simplest and most symmetrical figure in planimetry. Of course, all relations that are valid for an ordinary triangle are also true for an equilateral triangle. However, for a regular triangle, all formulas become much simpler. To you

The perimeter of a triangle, like any other flat geometric figure, is the sum of the lengths of the segments limiting it. Therefore, to calculate the length of the perimeter, you need to know the lengths of its sides. But due to the fact that the lengths of the sides in geometric figures are connected by certain relationships with

A triangle is considered to be right-angled if one of its angles is right. The side of the triangle opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse, and the other two sides are called the legs. To find the lengths of the sides of a right triangle, you can use several methods. Sponsor

The perimeter of any geometric figure, including a triangle, is equal to the total length of the boundaries of this figure. It is denoted by the capital Latin letter P and is easily found by adding the lengths of all sides of a given figure. Sponsored by P&G Articles on the topic “How to calculate the perimeter of a triangle”

A triangle is a polygon that has three sides and three angles. How to calculate its perimeter? Posting sponsor P&G Articles on the topic “How to find the perimeter of a triangle” How to find the perimeter of a triangle given by the coordinates of its vertices How to find the area of ​​a triangle How to find the length and width

The hypotenuse is the longest side of a right triangle. It is located opposite the right angle. The method for finding the hypotenuse of a right triangle depends on what initial data you have. Sponsored by P&G Articles on the topic “How to find the hypotenuse of a triangle” How

A right triangle is characterized by certain relationships between the angles and sides. Knowing the values ​​of some of them, you can calculate others. For this purpose, formulas are used, based, in turn, on the axioms and theorems of geometry. Sponsor of P&G placement Articles on the topic “How to determine

It would seem that it could be simpler than calculating the area and perimeter of a triangle - measure the sides, put the numbers in the formula - and that’s it. If you think so, then you have forgotten that for these purposes there are not two simple formulas, but much more - for each type of triangle there is its own. To you

The perimeter of a triangle is the sum of the lengths of its sides. Finding the perimeter of a triangle is often required both in elementary geometry problems and in more difficult tasks. When solving them, the missing quantities are found from other data. The main dependences of the perimeter of a triangle on its other dimensions are reflected in

Perimeter of a right triangle formula

How to find the perimeter of a right triangle

A right triangle is one in which one of the angles is 90 degrees and the other two are acute angles. The calculation of the perimeter of such a triangle will depend on the amount of data known about it.

Depending on the case, knowledge of two of the three sides of a triangle, as well as one of its acute angles.

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Method 1. If all three sides of the triangle are known, then, regardless of whether the triangle is right-angled or not, its perimeter will be calculated as follows:

P = a + b + c, where, let's say,

Method 2. If only 2 sides are known in a rectangle, then, using the Pythagorean theorem, the perimeter of this triangle can be calculated using the formula:

P = v(a2 + b2) + a + b, or

P = v(c2 – b2) + b + c.

Method 3. Let a hypotenuse c and an acute angle ? be given in a right triangle, then the perimeter can be found in this way:

P = (1 + sin? + cos?)*s.

Method 4. It is given that in a right triangle the length of one of the legs is equal to a, and opposite it lies an acute angle?. Then the calculation of the perimeter of this triangle will be carried out according to the formula:

P = a*(1/tg? + 1/sin? + 1)

Method 5. Let us know the side a and the angle adjacent to it?, then the perimeter will be calculated as follows:

P = a*(1/сtg? + 1/cos? + 1)

A right triangle is a special type of arbitrary triangle. Like any other triangle, it has three sides, but one of its angles must be 90 degrees. Once you have determined that a given triangle is a right triangle, you can begin to find its basic dimensions. One of the characteristics of a right triangle is its perimeter. Many geometry problems are devoted to finding the perimeter of a right triangle. Before we look at the main ways to find the perimeter of a right triangle, I would like to remind you that the perimeter of any geometric figure on a plane is equal to the sum of the lengths of all its sides. For all types of triangles, this statement can be written as the following expression:

where P is the perimeter of the triangle;
a, b, c - sides of the triangle.

In a right triangle, as mentioned above, there is distinctive feature in the form of one of the angles of 90 degrees. The two sides of a triangle adjacent to a given angle are called legs. The side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse.

The unusual properties of the right triangle were discovered by Pythagoras, who discovered that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of its legs, which can be written as the expression:

A right triangle is a special type of arbitrary triangle. Like any other triangle, it has three sides, but one of its angles must be 90 degrees. Once you have determined that a given triangle is a right triangle, you can begin to find its basic dimensions. One of the characteristics of a right triangle is its perimeter. Many geometry problems are devoted to finding the perimeter of a right triangle.

Where P is the perimeter of the triangle;

A, b, c - sides of the triangle.

Based on the Pythagorean theorem, it became possible to determine the perimeter of a right triangle by its two sides of known length. If the lengths of the legs are known, then the perimeter of the triangle is determined by finding the value of the hypotenuse using the formula:

If only one of the legs and the length of the hypotenuse are known, then the perimeter of the triangle is determined by finding the value of the missing leg using the formula:

If in a right triangle only the length of the hypotenuse c and one of the acute angles α adjacent to it are known, then the perimeter of the triangle in this case can be determined by the formula:

In the case when the conditions of the problem specify the length of the leg a and the value of the acute angle α opposite it, then the perimeter of a right triangle in this case is calculated by the formula:

If a side a with an adjacent angle β is given, then the perimeter of the triangle can be calculated based on the expression:

P = a + b + c, where, let's say,

P = v(a2 + b2) + a + b, or

P = v(c2 – b2) + b + c.

P = (1 + sin? + cos?)*s.

P = a*(1/tg? + 1/sin? + 1)

P = a*(1/сtg? + 1/cos? + 1)

Other news on the topic:

How to find the perimeter of a right triangle

A right triangle is one in which one of the angles is 90 degrees and the other two are acute angles. The calculation of the perimeter of such a triangle will depend on the amount of data known about it.

Depending on the case, knowledge of two of the three sides of a triangle, as well as one of its acute angles.

Posting sponsor P&G Articles on the topic “How to find the perimeter of a right triangle” How to find the surface area of ​​a pyramid How to find the perimeter if the area is known How to find the perimeter of an equilateral triangle

Method 1. If all three sides of the triangle are known, then, regardless of whether the triangle is right-angled or not, its perimeter will be calculated as follows:

P = a + b + c, where, let's say,

Method 2. If only 2 sides are known in a rectangle, then, using the Pythagorean theorem, the perimeter of this triangle can be calculated using the formula:

P = v(a2 + b2) + a + b, or

P = v(c2 – b2) + b + c.

Method 3. Let a hypotenuse c and an acute angle ? be given in a right triangle, then the perimeter can be found in this way:

P = (1 + sin? + cos?)*s.

Method 4. It is given that in a right triangle the length of one of the legs is equal to a, and opposite it lies an acute angle?. Then the calculation of the perimeter of this triangle will be carried out according to the formula:

P = a*(1/tg? + 1/sin? + 1)

Method 5. Let us know the side a and the angle adjacent to it?, then the perimeter will be calculated as follows:

P = a*(1/сtg? + 1/cos? + 1)

Other news on the topic:

Area and perimeter are the main numerical characteristics of any geometric shapes. Finding these quantities is simplified thanks to generally accepted formulas, according to which one can also calculate one through the other with a minimum or complete absence of additional initial data. Placement Sponsor P&G

An equilateral triangle, along with a square, is perhaps the simplest and most symmetrical figure in planimetry. Of course, all relations that are valid for an ordinary triangle are also true for an equilateral triangle. However, for a regular triangle, all formulas become much simpler. To you

The perimeter of a triangle, like any other flat geometric figure, is the sum of the lengths of the segments limiting it. Therefore, to calculate the length of the perimeter, you need to know the lengths of its sides. But due to the fact that the lengths of the sides in geometric figures are connected by certain relationships with

A triangle is considered to be right-angled if one of its angles is right. The side of the triangle opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse, and the other two sides are called the legs. To find the lengths of the sides of a right triangle, you can use several methods. Sponsor

The perimeter of any geometric figure, including a triangle, is equal to the total length of the boundaries of this figure. It is denoted by the capital Latin letter P and is easily found by adding the lengths of all sides of a given figure. Sponsored by P&G Articles on the topic “How to calculate the perimeter of a triangle”

A triangle is a polygon that has three sides and three angles. How to calculate its perimeter? Posting sponsor P&G Articles on the topic “How to find the perimeter of a triangle” How to find the perimeter of a triangle given by the coordinates of its vertices How to find the area of ​​a triangle How to find the length and width

The hypotenuse is the longest side of a right triangle. It is located opposite the right angle. The method for finding the hypotenuse of a right triangle depends on what initial data you have. Sponsored by P&G Articles on the topic “How to find the hypotenuse of a triangle” How

A right triangle is characterized by certain relationships between the angles and sides. Knowing the values ​​of some of them, you can calculate others. For this purpose, formulas are used, based, in turn, on the axioms and theorems of geometry. Sponsor of P&G placement Articles on the topic “How to determine

It would seem that it could be simpler than calculating the area and perimeter of a triangle - measure the sides, put the numbers in the formula - and that’s it. If you think so, then you have forgotten that for these purposes there are not two simple formulas, but much more - for each type of triangle there is its own. To you

The perimeter of a triangle is the sum of the lengths of its sides. Finding the perimeter of a triangle is often required both in elementary geometry problems and in more difficult tasks. When solving them, the missing quantities are found from other data. The main dependences of the perimeter of a triangle on its other dimensions are reflected in