Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on physical standards. On approval of the Manual on the organization of physical training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (does not require state registration). Physiological parameters and diseases preventing admission

Control strategies in the doctor-patient relationship

According to M. Morgan, such strategies can be grouped into four categories:



Functional uncertainty

Nonverbal behavior.

  1. Patients try to convince the doctor that a certain type of treatment is more appropriate by presenting information about it (type) in a form that they believe will convince the doctor to agree with their method of treatment. The doctor, in turn, tries to convince the patient that his method of treatment is the most effective by overwhelming him with evidence of laboratory tests or examples of his past practice
  2. Negotiation refers to the process by which doctors and patients reach compromises, such as those regarding the duration of treatment
  3. This strategy is used when the doctor, being confident in the evolution of the disease or the result of some kind of therapy, can deliberately prolong the patient's uncertainty, including for managerial purposes. In this way, he saves time, avoids emotional scenes between patients and their families, and can maintain his authority in front of patients, since an unsure patient can more easily leave the doctor to make a decision than in the case of a confident patient.

Physical training of employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is an integral part of personnel training for filling positions in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. This training is regulated by Order No. 663 of July 3, 2012 “On approval of the procedure for organizing training for filling positions in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.”

This document states that physical training is carried out at the place of service of employees in order to improve their professional knowledge and skills necessary to perform official duties, including in conditions associated with the possible use of physical force, special means and firearms.

In physical training classes, motor qualities and skills necessary in everyday activities and in extreme situations, practical skills in personal safety and the use of combat techniques (including in personal armor, summer (winter) uniforms, against the background of physical and mental stress) in conditions as close as possible to real situations of forceful combat with actively resisting offenders using special means and service weapons.

The organization and conduct of classes, a list of control standards and exercises, and assessment of the level of physical fitness of employees are determined by instructions on the organization of physical training in the internal affairs bodies.

Guiding documents regulating the content and organization of physical training in internal affairs bodies also include sports classification, rules of sports competitions, planning documents for professional and physical training and sports events.

For classes and compliance with physical training standards, employees are divided into age groups (Table 1).

Table 1. Age categories of police officers

Age group Men Women
I Up to 25
II 25-29
III 30-34
IV 35-39
V 40-44
VI 45-49 45 and older
VII 50-54 -
VIII 55 and older -

Employees are required to undergo an annual medical examination, according to which they are allowed to participate in physical training classes.

Based on health status, employees are divided into three medical groups:

Group I - healthy (completely healthy or having some deviations in health, without a tendency to progress and not having any effect on performance);

Group II - practically healthy (those with chronic diseases, without impairment or with minor impairment of the functions of organs and systems that do not reduce performance);

Group III - those with chronic diseases with moderate or severe disorders of organs and systems.

Department of Internal Affairs employees of health groups I and II are assigned to physical training in accordance with age groups, and group III employees are engaged in physical therapy under the guidance of exercise therapy specialists, medical workers or employees who have undergone appropriate training in special courses.

Figure 1. Forms of physical training content for police officers

Physical training of employees is organized weekly during official time (within the normal duration of official time). In departments of bodies, organizations and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, whose employees carry out shift duty, training in the physical training system can be organized outside the normal duration of service time with the provision of appropriate compensation in the prescribed manner.

Employees arrive for physical training classes in casual clothing according to the season (with the exception of employees of special technical events units and operational search units). The dress code is determined by the persons conducting the classes.

Physical training classes begin in departments of bodies, organizations and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in February, and in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - simultaneously with the beginning of the academic year. Physical training classes continue throughout the year.

The volume of physical training is planned at a rate of at least 100 hours per year.

The academic year ends with final classes to determine the level of physical fitness of employees.

Final classes are held in the fourth quarter of each year (in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - at the end of the academic year) and are mandatory. 100% of employees who have completed initial training are subject to testing during final training.

Final classes to determine the level of physical fitness of employees are a test of their professional suitability to act in conditions associated with the use of physical force and special means. The results of the final classes are taken into account when assigning qualification titles.

The level of professional knowledge, abilities and skills in physical training for each category of employees is determined by the level of proficiency in combat techniques, as well as the results of meeting control standards.

An individual assessment of a physical training officer is determined based on the requirements of the manuals on the organization of physical training in the internal affairs bodies.

To organize and conduct physical training classes, training groups are created taking into account the job categories and specialization of employees. Heads of training groups are appointed from among the heads (chiefs) of departments of bodies, organizations and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

During the period of service in the bodies, organizations and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, physical training of employees is carried out throughout the entire period of service in the internal affairs bodies using various forms of classroom and extracurricular activities. Its goals and objectives are basically achieved within the framework of relatively large forms of classes, which are structurally ordered (structured) in the way that is necessary for effective learning of motor actions and (or) sufficiently massive effects that develop or support increased fitness on the functional properties of the body, its physical qualities and related abilities. These are primarily lesson forms of classes.

Lesson forms of physical training classes include ( Figure 2):

· training sessions during which educational material is mastered and physical training is carried out;

· educational and training sessions, in which, simultaneously with the development of educational material, tasks to improve it are solved;

· training sessions where educational material is consolidated and improved;

· comprehensive classes in which the tasks of improving educational material and developing physical qualities are simultaneously solved;

· control classes are designed to determine the level of preparedness of students, checking their acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Figure 2. Lesson forms of physical training classes in the internal affairs bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Non-school forms of physical training include (Figure 3):

· training sessions before joining the patrol service, road patrol service, private security, as well as employees included in immediate response groups, which reinforce the skills of performing combat fighting techniques and quickly preparing for shooting;

· educational and methodological classes;

· demonstration classes;

· individual or group additional classes for employees who have not met physical fitness standards or have poor knowledge of combat techniques;

· physical exercises during the day (morning physical exercises, exercise breaks lasting 5-10 minutes);

· independent exercise, as well as sports, tourism in various sections or clubs.

· mass recreational, physical education and sports events.

Figure 3. After-hours forms of physical training classes in the internal affairs bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

The main form of physical training classes is practical training. It is important that with all the variety of forms of classes, their structure has certain common features. They are expressed more fully, naturally, in the basic (lesson) forms of classes. By “structure” here we mean a relatively constant order of construction of each individual lesson, which is expressed in the natural sequence, interconnectedness and subordination of its components: parts, components, sections.

Organization of mass physical education and sports activities with employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is carried out in accordance with the Charter of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Society (VFSO) “Dynamo”.

Physical education, recreation and sports events are organically included in the process of physical training of personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the form of independent physical exercises during the day, competitions, weekend hikes, classes in sports clubs and sports and recreation groups. To purposefully prepare employees for competitions, sections by sport are created. The work in the sections is usually carried out by public trainers.

Sports work is organized in accordance with the Charter of the VFSO "Dynamo", the standard regulations on the sports festival and is carried out by the council of the physical education team.

The center of all physical education, health and sports work at VFSO "Dynamo" is the physical culture team. This is the primary physical education organization that unites Dynamo players who are actively involved in physical education and sports. The physical education team (CPC) is being created in the bodies, institutions, and educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Physorgs are the most active assistants to the KFK council, therefore they are elected from among highly qualified and proactive athletes with good organizational skills. He is obliged to carry out work on preparing mass athletes and organize training sessions for teams in sports. Also, he must conduct competitions provided for in the plan of physical education, recreation, sports and mass work and provide assistance in organizing physical training classes and conducting control classes to pass standards. At the same time, he draws up protocols and summary statements, takes care of the creation and maintenance of existing sports facilities in good condition. He is entrusted with collecting Dynamo membership fees in a timely manner and submitting them to the KFK council. He must also keep a journal of planning and accounting for organizational, physical culture and sports work, bring to the attention of Dynamo members the decisions of the KFK council and implement them in a timely manner, report on his activities at least once a year at the general meeting of the KFK council.

The following planning documents are developed and maintained by the KFK Council:

· a long-term plan drawn up on the basis of a comprehensive program for the development of the main indicators of physical culture and sports;

· work plan of the collective council for the current year or six months;

· plan for holding mass physical education, health and sports events;

· work plans for the bureau of sports sections, coaching councils, and referee groups;

· plans and curricula for seminars on training and advanced training of public physical education personnel.

§2. Structure and content of physical training classes.

In the most general form, the design of the main (primarily lesson) forms of training, typical for the practice of physical training, consists of more or less pronounced three parts. Most often they are called: the first part “preparatory” (“introductory” or “introductory-preparatory”, or simply “warm-up”), the second - “main” and the third - “final”. This allows us to present the structure of the lesson only in the most general terms (Figure 4). In detail, it is, of course, not so simple - it is also characterized by a consistent arrangement of lesson fragments within the framework (within) the named parts.

Figure 4. Structure of a physical training lesson. The size of the sectors of the pie chart expresses the relative duration of the parts of the lesson.

The first part of the lesson is preparatory in the sense that the exercises and actions carried out within its framework are subject to the laws of direct preparation of students to perform the main tasks of the lesson, which are solved in the main part of the lesson that follows. The content and parameters of the preparatory part of the lesson depend, on the one hand, on the characteristics of the initial functional state of those involved, and on the other hand, on the extent and in what direction it needs to be changed in specific conditions so that it becomes as favorable as possible for the performance of basic motor activity.

Preparation of students is aimed, first of all, at adjusting the emotional and volitional spheres of the psyche of students, ensuring the gradual development and best readiness of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and other body systems for the activity that will constitute the main content of the lesson. In addition, in the preparatory part of the lesson, the tasks of preparing material and technical means of training, establishing coordinated actions between students, which are necessary prerequisites for the effectiveness and productivity of the entire lesson as a whole, are solved.

This part of the lesson is of greater importance, the higher the complexity, intensity and risk of injury of the upcoming basic motor activity.

Despite the diversity and peculiarities of the content of the preparatory part of the lesson, the order of its construction remains fundamentally the same. Holistically, this should be expressed primarily in a relatively constant sequence of such key components of preparation as introductory-organizing and orientation actions, general and special warm-ups, as well as in a relatively constant tendency to increase the functional readiness of the body for the upcoming motor activity (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Increasing the load in the preparatory part of the lesson

As such, the boundary between the preparatory part and the main part of the lesson that follows is very arbitrary. The preparatory part of the lesson is at the stage of a special warm-up and flows into the main one.

The main part of the lesson is what constitutes the defining part of its content and occupies the predominant share in relation to other parts of the lesson in the total amount of time spent on the lesson (Figure 4).

Depending on the characteristics of the content of the lesson, the structure of the main part can be homogeneous or heterogeneous - complex, combined. A homogeneous structure is characterized by the fact that the main part of the lesson is built without division into sections that are dissimilar to each other, and is built, according to the logic of the sequential deployment carried out in it, of any one motor activity. This structure is typical for classes in which a complex motor action is just being learned or just being improved; exercises are performed aimed at developing one motor quality, for example, endurance (cross).

In classes with complex content, several tasks are solved as the main ones, for example, learning a new motor action and increasing the general level of fitness of the students. In this case, within the main part, sections are distinguished that differ from each other both in content and structure. As a rule, these sections, subject to certain patterns, follow each other in a relatively constant order.

The duration of the main part of the lesson is limited, on the one hand, by the physical capabilities of the students. More precisely, the extent to which it allows you to continue the work necessary to implement the main tasks in the lesson, despite increasing fatigue, without deteriorating its quality and efficiency. On the other hand, the time allocated for the lesson. However, in practice, lesson time in many cases is standardized by the duration of a lesson type lesson of 45 or 90 minutes. With such a duration of the lesson, it is sometimes necessary to complete it earlier than factors of fatigue force. In this case, for full use of it in the main part, reasonable minimization of time spent in the preparatory and final parts of the lesson becomes important.

The final part of a rationally structured lesson is short in duration compared to the preparatory and main parts - usually no more than a few minutes. The main task solved in this part is to ensure a directed switching of the body to recovery processes. This is achieved by a more or less gradual decrease in the intensity of the actions performed, switching to actions that give the effect of active rest, and the use of breathing, relaxation and other exercises. These exercises also have a preventive value, since they prevent functional disorders that can occur, especially in poorly trained students, in the event of a sudden cessation of intense physical activity.

The noted features of physical training classes are characteristic of the structure of all their main forms. Their structural similarity lies not so much in their decomposition into three (four, if the introductory part is separated from the preparatory part of the lesson as an independent) parts, but in the need to observe, when constructing a lesson, the general laws of its development, which do not allow doing in any part what is not corresponds to its role and place in the overall structure of the lesson, and is obliged to build it in a certain sequence corresponding to the objective logic of filling the named parts. Only in this aspect, the selection of parts of the lesson acquires not a formal, but a constructive meaning.

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Lecture course


Barnaul - 2008

1. General characteristics of physical training in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

1.1 Regulatory and legal basis of physical training in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

physical motor force speed

Physical training in the internal affairs bodies and educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is carried out as part of the professional training of employees in accordance with the documents regulating the organization of work on physical training in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. These include orders, instructions, directions, programs for the training of various units of internal affairs bodies. Let's look at the main ones.

The Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” was adopted by the State Duma on January 13, 1999 and approved by the Federation Council on January 27, 1999. This law establishes the legal, organizational, economic and social basis for the activities of physical culture and sports organizations, defines the principles of state policy in the field of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation. The law considers physical culture and sports as one of the means of preventing diseases, promoting health, maintaining high human performance, instilling patriotism in citizens, preparing them to defend the Motherland, developing and strengthening friendship between peoples, and guarantees the rights of citizens to equal access to physical exercise and sports. .

Article 14 of this law defines the main provisions for organizing the process of physical education in educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Article 17 of this law defines the main positions of physical training in the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.

The Law “On the Police” was adopted by the Supreme Council of the RSFSR on April 18, 1991. It reflects the organization of the police, the duties and rights of the police, the procedure for the use of physical force, special means and firearms by the police, as well as other issues of organizing service in the police.

The Regulations on Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation (approved by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on December 23, 1992 No. 4202-1) regulates the procedure and conditions for performing public service by employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 29, 1996 No. 412 “On approval of the Manual on physical training (NFP-96) for employees of internal affairs bodies.” This document approves the Manual on physical training of employees of internal affairs bodies in order to improve the quality of physical training and defines the system of physical training of personnel of internal affairs bodies. This document reveals the general provisions of physical training in internal affairs bodies, general and special tasks of physical training of employees, the main provisions of planning, accounting and reporting, forms of physical training, features of physical culture and sports work, and proposed organizational and methodological instructions. The goal and objectives for the following types of physical training are outlined in detail: applied gymnastics; Athletics; accelerated movement (forced march); overcoming obstacles; fighting techniques; ski training; swimming and swimming crossings. The sections “Assessment of physical fitness” and “Organization of entrance exams in physical fitness in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” are highlighted separately. The appendix to NFP-96 contains samples of curricula, protocols, and physical training standards for various groups of internal affairs officers and applicants entering educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated May 15, 2001 No. 510 “On introducing changes and additions to the Manual on Physical Training (NFP-96) of Internal Affairs Officers, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 29, 1996 No. 412.” This order excludes a number of sections and subsections from NFP-96. It provides for three levels of physical fitness, for each of which control exercises and standards have been introduced. Changes have been made to the content of the discipline in the section “Combat techniques”, to the procedure for checking and assessing the physical fitness of employees of departments of internal affairs bodies.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 6, 2003 No. 829 “On announcing the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated October 22, 2003 No. 5 KM/2 On improving professional training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.” This order approves the Concept for improving professional training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as the plan for implementing this Concept. This document defines the professional requirements for employees of internal affairs bodies, indicates ways to improve the service-combat training of employees of internal affairs bodies, one of which is to increase the role and place of physical culture and sports in the service-combat training of employees, the development and promotion of service-applied sports .

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated October 28, 2006 No. 860 “On approval of the Manual on the organization of professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies.” This order approves and regulates the implementation of the Manual on the organization of professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies, incl. physical. The Manual notes that physical training is one of the main types of training in the system of continuous professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies, characterizes the training of employees of internal affairs bodies, specifies the features of organizing and conducting classes, recording and monitoring the level of physical fitness.

Directive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 31, 1994 No. 1/1284 “On measures to ensure the safety of weapons, increasing the level of fire and physical training.” In this document, in order to increase the fire and physical training of personnel, it is proposed to introduce in all departments of the internal affairs bodies a system of periodic tests for suitability for action in conditions associated with the use of physical force, special means and firearms; organize monthly passing of standards for physical training and combat techniques by employees of internal affairs bodies. For educational institutions, fire and physical training are identified as core disciplines and the weekly volume of classes for these types of training is determined (at least 2 and 4 hours, respectively). The appendix to this document contains organizational and methodological instructions on physical training and training in combat techniques for ordinary and commanding personnel of internal affairs bodies and educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

1.2 Physical training in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:essence, purpose, objectives, basic concepts

The basic concepts of physical culture, physical training and sports are reflected in the federal law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”, adopted by the State Duma on January 13, 1999.

Physical culture is part of the general culture of society; it is a set of material and spiritual values ​​used by a person in the process of physical culture and sports activities for his physical improvement.

Sport is a part of physical culture, which is a set of material and spiritual values ​​that are created and used by society for the gaming activities of people, aimed at intensive specialized morphofunctional and psychological preparation for the subsequent maximum manifestation of abilities through competition in predetermined motor actions.

Physical education is a type of education, the specific content of which is teaching movements, developing physical qualities, mastering special physical education knowledge and forming a conscious need for physical exercise.

Physical education is the process and result of mastering specialized knowledge, physical exercises, as well as ways to independently study and use them in life.

Physical training is a purposeful process of improving physical development and functional state, increasing the level of physical fitness, carried out in the conditions of service and professional activity.

Physical condition is a qualitative characteristic that reflects a person’s level of vital activity and includes indicators of physical development, functional state and physical fitness.

Physical development is determined by a set of morphological and functional characteristics (properties) of the body (for example, a person’s physique).

The functional state is manifested in an integral complex of various indicators of the functioning of organs and systems of the human body: cardiovascular, respiratory, etc. They are the ones who undergo changes to the most significant extent in the process of active physical exercise.

Physical fitness is the main result of the physical training process. This is a qualitatively new state of the human body. Physical fitness is characterized by the level of development of physical qualities and the degree of formation of motor skills.

Physical qualities are properties of the body that ensure human motor activity. The main physical qualities include: endurance, strength, speed and agility, flexibility.

Motor skills are practical actions brought to automaticity, performed in accordance with the task. Motor skills are divided into general (walking, running, jumping, etc.) and professionally applied (overcoming obstacles, fighting techniques, etc.).

Physical exercise is the main means of physical training, motor actions used to improve a person’s physical condition in general and increase his physical fitness in particular. Physical exercises are characterized by content and form.

Physical training as a pedagogical process is an integral part of the professional training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The purpose of physical training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is to form the physical and psychological readiness of employees to successfully perform operational and official tasks, skillfully use physical force, combat techniques and special means in suppressing illegal actions, as well as ensuring their high performance in the process of official activities. Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:

· preparation for actions related to the use of special means, service weapons, and combat techniques;

· preparation for the pursuit of offenders and long-term accelerated movement on the ground;

· mastery of a system of practical skills in self-defense and personal safety in extreme situations of employees’ work activities;

· formation of the necessary intellectual and professional-psychological qualities of the individual (courage, determination, humanity, self-discipline, vigilance, attention, self-control, perseverance, etc.).

The successful solution of the listed tasks, both in the divisions of internal affairs bodies and educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, is ensured by:

· selection of optimal means, methods and forms of training;

· high level of practical and methodological preparedness of instructors and teachers;

· high quality of training sessions;

· reproduction in physical training classes of various tasks, situations and conditions that are as close as possible to real ones;

· solving various introductory instructions on tactics for ensuring personal professional safety and the lawful use of special means and combat techniques;

· creation and improvement of the necessary educational and material base;

· ensuring proper control over the implementation of the curriculum.

Educational, educational and developmental functions of physical training are implemented in the conditions of a specialized training system, which provides for the organization of classes in relation to the official and professional activities of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. This organization of classes involves the formation of applied motor skills and abilities, training employees in the effective and lawful solution of practical problems of law enforcement activities (long-term search or quick pursuit of an offender on the ground; detention of offenders who show disobedience or resistance; forceful combat with an armed or unarmed offender, etc. .).

1.3 Service-applied focusphysical training in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

The physical training system in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is a set of ideological, scientific, pedagogical, organizational and managerial foundations, specific means and methods, and material and economic conditions.

Among the areas exposed to the influence of physical training, the following are distinguished: educational, educational, biological development, health, preventive, recreational (rest and recovery), communicative, entertainment, etc. Physical training has an overall positive effect on mental abilities, mental state, and performance.

Important areas for the use of physical training means in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are:

· use of physical exercises for the purpose of professional selection;

· use of means and methods of physical training in order to adapt to the conditions of professional and professional activity, climatic and geographical environmental factors, etc.

· special physical training in order to prepare for actions in difficult conditions of practical activity;

· use of physical training means to reduce the impact of negative environmental factors;

· use of physical exercises to restore performance in case of illnesses, injuries and wounds.

With repeated performance of various physical exercises, a person develops a system of movements. Moreover, the greater the motor experience, the more often components formed earlier are used when developing new motor skills.

The degree of influence of physical training on physical fitness depends on the main components:

· current (basic) level of physical fitness;

· structures of physical fitness;

· the level of physical fitness required by the profession.

Pedagogically appropriate organization of physical training classes contributes to the formation of the necessary positive service and professional qualities in students, such as: organization and discipline; desire for self-improvement; hard work and perseverance in achieving goals, etc.

Physical training effectively influences the psychological training of specialists:

· promotes the formation of moral-volitional qualities and emotional stability;

· forms and develops mental and psychomotor processes (reaction speed, selectivity of attention, memory, etc.);

· increases mental performance against the background of fatigue;

· relieves mental stress after neuro-emotional and physical stress.

The use of various physical exercises and sports events contributes to the formation of such mental qualities as perseverance, determination, courage, self-confidence, intelligence, emotional stability, self-control, distribution and switching of attention, speed in action, memory efficiency, perception of spatial features, coordination and accuracy of movements, proportionality of efforts, etc.

The entire complex of physical training means, including hardening and hygienic measures, achieves the required level of physical development and functional state, which ensures a high level of health and contributes to the optimal psychophysical state of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The process of physical training is objectively inherent in educational, educational, developmental, health-improving and coordinating functions. They arise from the specifics of the pedagogical and managerial impacts of this process on employees.

The educational function is to form and improve professional knowledge, motor skills and abilities.

The educational function includes the formation of conviction in the high importance of physical training for professional activity, the development of emotional stability, strong-willed qualities, discipline, diligence, etc.

The developmental function is to optimize anthropometric indicators and improve basic physical qualities.

The health function is to improve the functional state of the body, strengthen health, harden, restore performance after illnesses and injuries.

The coordinating function includes uniting the personnel of the unit, forming and improving the skills of collective action.

1.4 Practice of lawful use by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russiaforceful influence on offenders

The Law of the Russian Federation “On the Police” defines the grounds, procedure and legality of the use of physical force, special equipment and firearms (Articles 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 24). The main purpose of combat techniques is self-defense and protection of citizens from criminal attacks associated with violence or an immediate threat of violence, suppression of offenses and detention (capture) of persons who have committed an offense, i.e. coercion to comply with the legal demands of an internal affairs officer.

The main methods of defense are: protection from blows, release from grips, grips and other dangerous positions, protection using a rubber stick (RU), improvised means and firearms.

Suppression of resistance and detention (capturing) can be carried out with the use of punches and kicks, blows and improvised means, painful and choking techniques, using bladed weapons and firearms.

The use of combat fighting techniques allows for injury and even defeat of the detainee, however, if this is carried out without exceeding the limits of necessary defense (Article 24 of the Law “On the Police”).

Thus, the use of force using self-defense techniques is one of the exceptional measures used to suppress or prevent illegal actions of persons who threaten public order and personal safety of citizens who refuse to obey the legal demands of a government representative.

It must be remembered that the use of self-defense techniques when detaining a criminal is possible, as a rule, under extreme necessity. Causing harm to a detainee that is not caused by extreme necessity or is clearly inconsistent with the danger of assault and the situation of detention is classified as an excess of necessary defense (Articles 108, 114 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The criminal law considers the state of necessary defense as a circumstance that completely excludes the punishability of an act, if the limits of necessary defense were not exceeded, i.e. the encroachment must be:

· objectively socially dangerous;

· cash, i.e. has already begun and has not yet ended;

· real, not imaginary.

The application and use of combat fighting techniques as an argument in protecting public order and ensuring public safety places increased demands on the physical fitness of employees, which is especially emphasized by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia determined the procedure for the use of physical force by employees of internal affairs bodies. Thus, when using physical force, police units are obliged to:

· warn offenders of their intention to use physical force, while providing them with sufficient time to comply with its requirements, except in cases where delay in the use of physical force creates an immediate danger to the life and health of citizens and police officers, may entail other grave consequences, or when such a warning in the current situation is inappropriate or impossible;

· strive, depending on the nature and degree of danger of the offense and the persons who committed it, and the strength of the counteraction provided, to ensure that any damage caused in this case is minimal;

· ensure that persons who have received bodily injuries are provided with pre-hospital medical care and that their relatives are notified as soon as possible;

· report a report to the police officer on duty, indicating when, where, against whom and under what circumstances combat techniques were used.

Combat methods of struggle are used only in cases where measures of persuasion did not lead to the cessation of the offense. Without warning, they can only be used in the event of an attack by a criminal.

Combat techniques are used in the following cases:

· protection from attacks by hooligans and other persons threatening the life and health of citizens or police officers;

· detaining criminals who resist;

· physical resistance of a person suspected of committing an offense or crime;

· physical resistance during a lawful search, seizure, or administrative eviction.

It is prohibited to use combat techniques to combat the use of bodily harm (except in cases of armed attack) in relation to:

· pregnant women;

· persons under 16 years of age;

· disabled people with obvious signs of disability;

· persons brought to the police for an action entailing administrative liability;

· persons with diplomatic immunity.

For the illegal use of fighting techniques, exceeding the limits of necessary defense or extreme necessity, a police officer is responsible in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Police officers are required to report each case of the use of combat techniques to the operational duty officer of the internal affairs department.

Thus, when using physical force in any conflict situation, a police officer is required to have restraint and the ability to act clearly, competently and lawfully.

Summarizing the above, it should be noted that in modern, difficult crime conditions in the country, the physical fitness of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is one of the key factors in ensuring the success of solving official and professional tasks. Physical training in the internal affairs bodies is a complex, multifaceted, purposeful process of improving physical development and functional state, increasing the level of physical fitness of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, carried out in the conditions of service-professional or educational-service activities. The process of physical training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is strictly regulated by the norms of the federal legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as internal departmental regulatory documents.

2. Physical training of cadets and studentseducational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

2.1 Organization and structure of physical trainingin educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Physical training in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is presented as an independent academic discipline and the most important component of the professional preparedness of an employee of internal affairs bodies. Being an integral part of the combat training of cadets and students, it belongs to the cycle of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, performs health-improving, educational and educational functions. Physical training is designed to facilitate the training of highly qualified specialists for internal affairs bodies in terms of ensuring readiness for the successful performance of official duties in the protection of law and order .

Physical training most fully carries out its educational, educational and developmental functions within the framework of a specialized training system, which provides for profiling of classes in relation to the official and professional activities of employees of internal affairs bodies. Such profiling involves not only the formation of applied motor skills and abilities, but also training in the effective and lawful solution of practical problems of law enforcement.

The purpose of physical training of cadets and students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is the formation of healthy, physically developed specialists who possess the necessary amount of special knowledge, applied skills, skills in combat techniques and other service-applied exercises, as well as physical, psychological and moral-volitional qualities that ensure successful implementation of service and professional tasks.

The main objectives of physical training in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are:

· fostering a conscious attitude towards systematic physical exercise and sports as an important element of a healthy lifestyle and professional improvement;

· formation of knowledge of the fundamentals of theory, methodology, organization of physical training in departments of internal affairs bodies and skills in its implementation;

· strengthening the health and physical development of cadets and students, maintaining their high performance throughout the entire period of training;

· formation of professionally important physical qualities, necessary intellectual, psychological and professional and moral qualities of the individual;

· formation of skills in combat techniques of wrestling and other service-applied exercises, motor abilities that ensure the successful completion of tasks of service and professional activity in typical conditions of work of employees of internal affairs bodies, as well as in extreme and dangerous situations;

· improving the sports skills of cadets (listeners) - athletes.

The successful solution of the listed tasks is possible by providing in the educational process the context of the goals and content of the future professional activities of employees of internal affairs bodies, i.e. performing various tasks in conditions close to real ones, implementing personal significance for cadets and students of tasks and content of training in physical training (solving various introductory tactics on the tactics of the legitimate use of special means and physical strength and tactics of personal safety), didactically appropriate selection of means, methods and forms of training, a high level of methodological training of teachers and the quality of conducting training sessions, proper preparation of educational and material resources, ensuring proper control over the implementation of the working curriculum.

Physical training in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, along with the already reviewed documents regulating the process of physical training in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, is organized on the basis of the state educational standard, the working curriculum and the working curriculum of the discipline “Physical Training” in the relevant specialties.

The working curriculum includes a schedule and plan of the educational process, containing: a list of academic disciplines; time, period and logical sequence of their study; types of classes, forms and terms of intermediate and final certification.

The working physical training curriculum determines the content, sequence and time for studying sections and topics. The working curriculum includes:

· explanatory note;

· thematic plan of the discipline “Physical training”;

· pedagogical control;

· list of basic and additional literature.

The thematic plan for studying the discipline “Physical Training” is developed for the full course of study and is adjusted annually. It defines:

· list of sections and topics;

· connection of physical training with other disciplines of the working curriculum;

· types of classes and time allocated for studying educational material.

In educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, physical training is organized and conducted throughout the entire period of study and is carried out in the following forms:

Training sessions:

· training sessions provided for by the curriculum (lectures, seminars, practical classes) are included in the institute’s training schedule, to the extent that ensures that cadets and students master the materials of the training program at a high level;

· optional classes in special physical training are included in the institute’s academic schedule in an amount of no more than two hours per week.

Extracurricular forms:

· morning physical exercises;

· physical exercises during the school day (physical education breaks);

· educational and training sessions in sports improvement groups representing national teams in service-applied and Olympic sports included in the competition calendars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the educational institution;

· independent classes in physical exercises and sports are organized in free time on the instructions of teachers, as well as consultations and additional individual and group classes with cadets and students who are lagging behind in mastering the educational material and have missed classes, are carried out in accordance with the consultation schedule of the department of physical training;

· mass physical education and sports events held in accordance with the approved calendar, plans for mass sports and educational work of the institute.

2.2 Organization of the educational process in physical sciencetraining at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Lectures and seminars are organized for the purpose of theoretical training of cadets in physical training. Lectures are held in lecture halls with a flow of course students. Seminar classes are held in group classrooms and are designed to ensure control over the cadets' assimilation of theoretical material.

During practical classes, the actual physical training of cadets and students is carried out. These classes are organized at specialized facilities or in the premises of the institute’s sports complex, depending on the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Optional classes are conducted in accordance with the schedule, are mandatory planned, independent under the guidance of a teacher.

Classes in sports improvement groups are organized with the aim of increasing the level of sports skills of cadets (listeners) - members of national teams. Sports improvement groups are staffed from among cadets and students of the institute who have a preparedness of at least 1 sports category. The educational and training process in sports improvement groups is carried out in accordance with the programs for sports of the State Sports Committee of Russia.

Independent physical exercises and sports are carried out during independent training hours, as well as outside school hours on instructions from teachers. These classes are designed to improve the general and special physical training of cadets and students, improve sportsmanship, and expand the knowledge of cadets and students in the theory and methods of physical training. Cadets and students who perform poorly and have missed more than 50% of classes for good reasons, for optimal organization of independent physical training, keep a self-control diary, with a mandatory report on its keeping to the teacher leading the classes in the study group. With cadets and students who are lagging behind in mastering the educational material and have missed classes, who have an insufficient level of physical fitness, consultations and additional individual lessons are conducted.

Morning physical exercise is a mandatory element of the daily routine of cadets and students; it is carried out in order to increase the functional capabilities of the body and harden it.

Mass physical education, health and sports events are held during free time from classroom training, in accordance with the calendar plan approved by the head of the institute. The calendar includes competitions among departments of the institute, sports events and competitions that are predominantly of a service-applied nature, the timing of which is coordinated with the schedule of the educational process.

In order to optimally combine academic studies and sports activities for individual cadets and listeners (candidates for the national teams of Russia, the Siberian Federal District, Altai Territory, AKOO VFSO "Dynamo"), in accordance with the Charter of the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, at the request of the department of physical training, a transfer is provided to an individual training schedule.

The form for physical training classes is determined by the teachers of the physical training department on the basis of NFP-96 in accordance with weather conditions, locations of classes, topics, goals and objectives of specific classes.

In accordance with the discipline schedule, cadets and students pass standards for general physical training, service combat techniques and the theoretical section. At the end of each semester they are given a test, at the end of each academic year - a differentiated test, and at the end of their studies - an examination grade.

Cadets and students who regularly attend training sessions (at least 80%) and have completed all missed classes are allowed to meet the standards and regulatory requirements.

Members of the national teams of Russia, the Siberian Federal District, the Altai Territory, the Institute of Professional Applied Sports, as well as athletes of the highest sports categories in Olympic sports, by decision of the department, may be exempt from passing control standards in the section of general physical training.

Exemption of cadets and students from practical classes, tests and exams is made for health reasons and is carried out only with a doctor’s conclusion. After recovery, missed classes are made up. Test (examination) standards and requirements are accepted within the deadlines established by the department of physical training, agreed with the educational department.

2.3 Safety measures during physical training classes

Compliance with personal safety measures during physical training classes by cadets and students is ensured by:

Regular attendance at classes and compliance with the teacher’s requirements for organizing classes;

· fulfillment of educational and training tasks in full and with a given intensity, incl. assignments for independent work;

· the beginning and end of tasks only at the command of the teacher;

· mastering self-insurance and belay techniques and using them when performing educational and training tasks;

· maintaining discipline, showing composure and caution when performing tasks, especially complex and dangerous exercises;

· choosing clothes taking into account the location of classes and weather conditions.

Violation of these personal safety measures leads to injury and poor health. For violation of personal safety measures, responsibility rests with the students themselves.

2.4 Rights and obligations of cadets and listenerson physical self-improvement

Cadets and students are required to:

· systematically attend physical training classes on the days and times prescribed by the training schedule and make up missed classes;

· increase physical fitness and improve your sportsmanship;

· regularly perform morning physical exercises, independently engage in physical exercises and sports, using the necessary consultations from teachers;

· observe personal safety measures during physical training classes;

· maintain personal and public hygiene, a rational regime of study, rest and nutrition, and lead a healthy lifestyle;

· show up to classes in the prescribed dress code;

· undergo a medical examination in a timely manner, exercise self-monitoring of health and physical development;

· actively participate in mass physical culture and sports events of the educational group, course, institute;

· consider and use physical training and sports as a means of active recreation and restoration of the body after intense mental work;

· perform control exercises and standards, take tests and exams on time.

Cadets and students have the right:

· use, in the prescribed manner, public sports equipment, sports facilities and bases belonging to the institute and JSCO OGO VFSO "Dynamo" for personal sports improvement, physical education and recreation, and recreation;

· participate in competitions, Spartakiads and physical culture festivals organized by the department of physical training of the institute and the AKOO OGO VFSO "Dynamo";

· attend special courses and seminars on physical training, organized by the department of physical training of the institute and the ACOO OGO VFSO "Dynamo".

Summarizing the above, it should be noted that the process of physical training in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is an integral part of the combat training of employees in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The organization of the educational process in physical training in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia ensures the training of cadets and students at the level necessary for solving service and professional tasks.

3. Mass sports work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Mass sports work in the system of internal affairs bodies and in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is carried out on the basis of federal legislation in the field of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation within the framework of the functioning of the NGO VFSO "Dynamo".

3.1 Public-state associationAll-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Society "Dynamo"

In 1922, on the initiative and under the leadership of F.E. Dzerzhinsky developed a project for organizing a sports society, and on April 18, 1923, the Moscow Proletarian Society “Dynamo” was established. A year later, the Dynamo Central Council was created.

Soon after the creation of the Dynamo society in Moscow, its organizations appeared in Leningrad, Penza, Ryazan, Voronezh and in many other cities of our country.

In the history of the Dynamo Society there are many bright pages telling about unprecedented feats, transitions, relay races, victories in the international arena. For exemplary performance of combat missions, over twenty Dynamo players were awarded the titles of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Russia, and over six hundred were awarded orders and medals. Dynamo won many glorious victories at the Championships of the USSR, Russia, Europe, the World, and the Olympic Games.

Currently, the functioning of the Dynamo society is carried out in accordance with the Charter of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Society "Dynamo", adopted by the X Extraordinary Conference of the Dynamo Society on May 29, 1996 with amendments and additions adopted by the XP Extraordinary Conference of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Society " Dynamo" April 21, 2001

In their activities, the Dynamo Society and its structural divisions located on the territory of the Russian Federation are guided by the Constitution, legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter.

The main goal of the Dynamo Society is to create for members of the Dynamo Society all the necessary conditions for the development of their physical culture, active sports, high-quality professional training, physically active recreation and effective medical and rehabilitation services.

To achieve the goal, the activities of the Dynamo Society provide for the implementation of socially and nationally significant tasks, such as the development of Russian sports and physical culture in society, active participation in the implementation of the system of government measures for the socio-economic development of society, participation in the state system of ensuring law and order, security individuals, society and state.

The Dynamo Society was created and operates on the basis of voluntariness, equality of its members, self-government, legality and transparency, actively cooperates with state and public formations and movements, enterprises and associations.

The Dynamo Society contributes to the improvement of combat and physical training, increasing the professional skills of law enforcement personnel, military personnel of units, formations and troops. Develops Olympic, military and service-applied (technical) sports, trains high-class athletes. Participates in the expansion of interethnic and international relations in the field of physical culture and sports, in strengthening friendship between peoples. In accordance with the legislation, it carries out foreign economic activities.

Members of the Dynamo Society are individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation and legal entities - public associations interested in the joint implementation of goals and objectives. All members of the Dynamo Society have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities.

The Dynamo Society builds and organizes its activities based on the principles:

· voluntariness, equality of members, transparency, legality and self-government;

· election of all governing bodies of the Dynamo Society from bottom to top and their accountability to the relevant governing body (conference, meeting, council, presidium);

· collegiality, openness and freedom of discussion when making decisions, combined with personal responsibility for making decisions in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Dynamo Society;

· obligatory execution of decisions and instructions of higher governing bodies and officials of the Dynamo Society for subordinates, provided that these decisions are made within their competence and in accordance with the current Charter of the Dynamo Society;

· self-financing of the activities of the Dynamo Society in combination with state support;

· objective and timely informing higher organizations and bodies about their activities and the state of affairs on the ground.

The structure of the Dynamo Society is made up of its central bodies and primary, local, regional, interregional organizations that operate in accordance with the Charter. Primary, local, regional and interregional organizations are created on a territorial basis.

The basis of the structure of the Dynamo Society is primary organizations (physical education groups, sports clubs, etc.) created by members of the Dynamo Society at the place of service, work, study or sports and operating in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on public associations and guided by this Charter. Primary organizations are formed if there are at least three members.

Primary organizations, as a rule, are part of the Dynamo Society on a territorial basis through local organizations.

The Dynamo Society has its own flag, pennant, emblem, membership card and trademark, approved in accordance with the established procedure.

The symbols of the Dynamo Society contain two colors: white and blue-blue (electric).

The flag of the Dynamo Society consists of a white panel in the shape of a rectangle with an electric blue stripe bordering the edges on three sides. On the front side of the flag, in the middle, there is a capital letter “D” in electric blue.

3.2 Physical culture team No. 5. Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Physical culture team No. 5 of the Altai regional public organization of the public-state association “All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Society “Dynamo” is a structural subdivision of the AKOO OGO VFSO “Dynamo”, the primary organization of the public-state association “All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Society “Dynamo”.

KFK-5 is a voluntary community of cadets, listeners, students and employees, veterans of the State educational institution of higher professional education "Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation", members of their families and operates on the basis of the principles of voluntariness, equality of its members, self-government, collegiality, legality and transparency, freedom of discussion when making decisions, combined with personal responsibility for decision-making in accordance with the purpose and objectives of KFK-5.

In its activities, KFK-5 is guided by the Constitution, the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Altai Territory, the Charter of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Charter of the All-Russian Federation VFSO "Dynamo", Regulations on the Physical Culture Collective No. 5.

KFK-5 uses the property owned by the JSC OGO VFSO "Dynamo" and the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in accordance with the purpose of its activities.

KFK-5 operates and carries out activities independently, within the limits of its powers, in accordance with the goals and objectives of the VFSO "Dynamo" NGO, maintains personal records and accepts new members - cadets, students, adjuncts, students, employees, employees, members of their families, veterans GOU VPO BUYI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and also decides on the termination of membership in the CSO VFSO "Dynamo", participates in events of other organizations of the CSO VFSO "Dynamo", makes proposals for improving the activities of the CSO VFSO "Dynamo" to any governing and executive bodies of the CSO VFSO "Dynamo" Dynamo".

Relations between KFK-5 and other KFKs, public organizations and associations are built on the principles of equality and mutual respect.

The main goal of KFK-5 is to create for members of KFK-5 all the necessary conditions for the development of their physical culture, active sports, high-quality professional training, and physically active recreation.

To achieve the goal, KFK-5 solves the following tasks:

· participation together with state, physical culture, sports, and public organizations of Russia, the Siberian Federal District, Altai Territory in the development and implementation of programs for the development of professional applied sports for law enforcement officers;

· attracting new members to KFK-5;

· attracting resources to achieve the goal of KFK-5;

· carrying out activities in the field of physical culture, sports, education, science, spiritual development of citizens, especially youth;

· promotion and development of physical culture and sports as an effective means of a healthy lifestyle for children, adolescents and young people;

· organization of physical education, health and sports work for members of KFK-5;

· improving the system of communication and information exchange between organizations and specialists in the field of physical culture and sports;

· establishing partnerships with specialists from the Altai Territory and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to study the activities of organizations involved in the development of physical culture and sports;

· development and strengthening of the material and sports base of the JSCO OGO VFSO "Dynamo";

· facilitating the participation of law enforcement officers involved in professional applied sports in city, regional, interregional and international festivals and other sports events;

· assistance to other sports associations and clubs in holding sports competitions, physical education and recreation activities, improving the organizational and methodological foundations of physical culture and sports, developing and strengthening sports ties, including interregional and international ones.

To achieve the goals and objectives of KFK-5, in accordance with current legislation, carries out the following activities:

· interacts with state authorities and local governments on the development of regulatory documents on the organization of physical education, health and sports work with the population of the Altai Territory;

· organizes and conducts sports competitions;

· organizes and conducts sporting events (exhibitions, conferences), other events directly related to the development of physical culture, professional and applied sports for law enforcement officers;

· determines, in the prescribed manner, mandatory criteria (parameters, requirements and conditions) for sports teams of KFK-5;

· develops cooperation with regional, Russian and foreign organizations that have similar goals and objectives;

· holds meetings, consultations, seminars with specialists in the field of physical education and sports.

· carries out research activities and conducts scientific and practical activities in accordance with the goals and objectives of KFK-5;

· carries out other activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of KFK-5 and corresponding to them.

To achieve the goals and objectives, KFK-5, in accordance with current legislation, has the right to:

· freely disseminate information about your activities;

· participate in the development of decisions of the State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education Byui of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Joint-Stock Public Educational Institution VFSO "Dynamo" concerning the activities of KFK-5 in the manner and volume provided for by current legislation;

· take initiatives on various issues of public life, make proposals to the VFSO Dynamo NGO, state authorities and local governments on the activities of the club sports movement in Russia;

· receive support from the ACOO OGO VFSO "Dynamo", the State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the state and local governments in accordance with the decisions of these bodies and from other sources in the form of financing socially useful programs for the development of professionally applied sports for employees of law enforcement agencies of Russia, sports highest achievements, children's and youth sports, as well as the operation of sports facilities of the ACOO OGO VFSO "Dynamo" and the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education BYUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

· assign members of KFK-5 mass sports categories in professional applied sports of employees of law enforcement agencies of Russia, as well as in Olympic sports cultivated in KFK-5, based on the results shown in competitions, in accordance with the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification;

· conduct sports competitions, festivals, competitions and other public events in accordance with the goals and objectives of KFK-5;

· to achieve the goals and objectives, carry out other activities that do not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

KFK-5 is obliged:

· comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Altai Territory, the requirements of the Charter of the NGO VFSO "Dynamo", the Charter of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, these Regulations;


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EMPLOYEE TRAINING……………………………….…..5


PHYSICAL TRAINING……………………………………………………10




It is traditionally believed that the purpose of physical education is to develop physical qualities and promote health. This is absolutely fair from a pedagogical and medical point of view, so let’s look at physical education from a psychological point of view. Physical culture and sport are not only an effective means of a person’s physical development, strengthening and protecting his health, a sphere of communication and manifestation of social activity of people, a reasonable form of organizing and spending their leisure time, but undoubtedly influence other aspects of human life: authority and position in society , labor activity, on the structure of moral and intellectual characteristics, aesthetic ideals and value orientations.

Physical education provides every member of society with the broadest opportunities for development, affirmation and expression of one’s own “I”, for empathy and participation in sports action as a creative process, makes one rejoice in victory, saddened by defeat, reflecting the whole gamut of human emotions, and evokes a feeling of pride in the infinity of human potential. . In this work I want to consider the psychological approach to the physical training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


The development of physical qualities is an external result of physical culture. However, there is also an equally important internal - psychological result, the existence of which in practice is not yet fully realized. When training employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as in the course of their work, physical culture and sports are considered as one of the most important means of their education, harmoniously combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. Therefore, the influence of such training on the development of personality is not clear.

Physical training of employees is aimed at acquiring skills, physical and mental qualities that contribute to the successful implementation of operational and official tasks, maintaining high performance and includes general physical exercises (strength, speed, endurance) and service-applied exercises (combat techniques, overcoming the obstacle course).

Sport, without a doubt, is one of the main means of cultivating movements, improving their subtle and precise coordination, and developing the motor physical qualities necessary for a person. In the process of playing sports, will and character are strengthened, the ability to manage oneself is improved, quickly and correctly navigate in a variety of difficult situations, make timely decisions, take reasonable risks or refrain from risks.

Among these components, I would especially like to highlight the culture of performing movements and mastering any new motor action. The formation and development of the psychological mechanisms of this component should constitute one of the main psychological tasks of physical education.


Let us dwell on two psychological aspects of physical training; the first reflects the activating influence of physical education on the course of various human mental processes, the second is associated with the formation of the psychological foundations of motor development. Let's take a closer look at the first psychological aspect of physical education. It is well known what an important role physical activity plays in creating favorable conditions for the implementation of human mental activity. It acts as a means of relieving negative emotional influences and mental fatigue and, therefore, as a factor in stimulating intellectual activity. As a result of physical exercise, cerebral circulation improves, and mental processes that ensure the perception, processing and reproduction of information are activated. Thus, there is numerous evidence that under the influence of physical exercise, memory capacity increases, stability of attention increases, the solution of intellectual problems accelerates, and visual-motor reactions accelerate, which is important in the specifics of professional activity. As a result of psychological examinations conducted before and after physical training classes, it was established that under the influence of physical exercises, mental processes are activated, which has a positive effect on the implementation of mental activity in general.

The objectives of physical training for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are:

    formation of their physical and psychological readiness for the successful implementation of operational and official activities, skillful use of physical force, combat techniques and special means in suppressing illegal actions, as well as ensuring their high performance in the process of official activities;

    preparation for the pursuit of offenders for long, accelerated movement on the ground;

    mastering a system of practical skills in self-defense and personal safety in extreme situations of professional activity;

    formation of the necessary intellectual and professional-psychological qualities of the individual (courage, determination, humanity, self-discipline, vigilance, attention, self-control, perseverance and others);

    formation in them of a conscious need for physical exercises and all applied sports;

    strengthening health, developing their physical and volitional qualities;

    their practical participation in the work of sports sections, sports competitions and public sports events.

To prepare well-physically developed, coordinated, possessing a high degree of mental stability, courageous, decisive, self-confident and proactive employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, capable of successfully operating in a complex, rapidly changing environment, saturated with dangerous and critical situations when detaining and neutralizing armed criminals - This is the main task of physical training.

Physical training classes for personnel of special forces units are conducted by trained instructors at the standard and specially equipped training facilities.

It is important to instill in soldiers psychological stability, the ability to withstand danger, to act successfully when capturing armed criminals, while showing self-control and restraint, courage and determination, courage and bravery. To this end, it is necessary to introduce into the training process elements of tension and surprise, danger and risk inherent in a real combat situation, and repeatedly train personnel in performing the learned techniques and actions. This is achieved:

    performing acrobatic exercises and exercises on a trampoline, complex dismounts from apparatus, exercises at height and limited support, on a metal rectangular structure and an uneven-high beam, deep jumps from a height of 4–5 meters, as well as diving;

    overcoming various complex obstacles in conditions of immediate physical danger, areas of destruction and obstacles, collectors, high horizontal cables; obstacles engulfed in fire or filled with water;

    training in storming a building and operating on its upper floors and on the roof;

    practicing hand-to-hand combat techniques with military weapons, conducting training fights with one or several partners, in a complex and rapidly changing environment, after great physical and nervous stress, in a limited space (in underground communications, narrow passages, on stairs, in the back of a car, etc.) .d.);

    performing techniques and actions that require mutual assistance and mutual assistance;

    the use of simulation means, light and sound stimuli (explosive packages, smoke bombs, blank shots, fire barriers and fires, flashes of light, broadcast of sound recordings of battle, music, etc.);

    training in crawling under cover of small arms fire;

    performing cross-country runs and forced marches on difficult terrain, long ski treks in adverse weather conditions;

    regular participation in competitions in military applied sports.

The introduction of various kinds of difficulties and dangerous situations into the training environment should be carried out against a certain tactical background in relation to specific conditions that may arise during the capture of armed criminals and should be gradually increased as military personnel acquire experience and emotional-volitional skills in suppressing fear.

It is necessary to begin performing exercises, techniques and actions that require high coordination of movements and are associated with risk and danger only after solid mastery of belay and self-insurance techniques, as well as the corresponding preparatory and lead-in exercises. In this case, special attention should be paid to preparing the body of the trainees, warming up the muscles and ligaments to perform intensive work in the main part of the lesson. Loads in classes and training should be increased gradually, taking into account the level of physical development of the trainees. It is prohibited to force the physical training of young soldiers newly arrived in the unit. It is recommended to assign to each of them one of the well-trained specialists who have completed a full course of training.

The active introduction of elements of danger and risk into training practice presupposes a clear organization of classes, and strict adherence by all fighters to the established rules and safety measures. At the same time, strict adherence to safety measures in the classroom should not be aimed at avoiding dangerous and risky situations, but at preventing and eliminating accidents and incidents associated with injury and death.

Exercises, techniques and actions mastered in training sessions must be improved during morning physical exercises, during physical training, and during mass sports work hours. During all classes, military personnel prepare to pass the standards of the Military Sports Complex.

To increase the level of physical fitness, improve applied skills, special and mental qualities, unit personnel are systematically involved in competitions in curriculum exercises and military-applied sports.


For the best physical training of employees at the St. Petersburg Higher Police School, the Department of Physical Culture developed a special technology for organizing special physical training for cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs university to perform service and combat missions. This technology consists of 4 stages: functional, speed-strength, psychological and emotional-volitional preparation. At each of the listed stages, appropriate means and methods of training were purposefully used.

Stage 1. “Functional training”: Expanding the functional capabilities of the cardio-respiratory system in fighters, includes running over medium and short distances; swimming using segments up to 100 m; sports and outdoor games; hand-to-hand combat; overcoming obstacles; strength exercises on gymnastic apparatus; exercises with weights and on machines. The training is aimed at developing speed-strength qualities, agility, and speed of action;

Stage 2. “Speed-strength training”: the formation of mechanisms of long-term adaptation to physical activity, includes overcoming obstacles using imitation means; in full equipment; conducting hand-to-hand combat against a background of fatigue; outdoor and sports games; strength exercises on gymnastic apparatus; exercises with a barbell and on machines. The training is aimed at developing courage, determination, perseverance, perseverance, speed of distribution and switching of attention; agility and speed; developing skills in overcoming obstacles and hand-to-hand combat.

Stage 3. “Psychological readiness”: the formation of psychological and physical readiness for action in extreme situations.

Stage 4. “Emotional-volitional training”: the formation of emotional-volitional stability and the development of physical and psychological readiness to perform service and combat missions in extreme conditions. The training is aimed at developing the emotional, volitional and psychological qualities necessary for the successful performance of service and combat missions in extreme conditions, speed, agility; improving hand-to-hand combat skills against a numerically superior enemy.

The developed technology showed high efficiency, which was proven in the analysis of the experiments. As a result of its use, the indicators of strength, agility, speed and endurance in the fighters of the experimental group significantly improved, and also strong-willed qualities developed.


The development of vital physical and motor qualities in a person, the improvement of mental processes, ranging from relatively simple ones, at the psychomotor level, to the most complex, intellectual ones, at the level of thinking and imagination, is caring for a person, about his health and performance. Thus, physical culture can form in a person the self-confidence and self-confidence that is so necessary in life, the prevailing positive and sthenic emotional background, and optimism as a character trait. Most forms of classes accepted in the system of physical education and self-education can be used to one degree or another for the purposes of professional activity.

The effectiveness of many types of professional work significantly depends, among other things, on special physical fitness, previously acquired through systematic physical exercise, adequate in a certain respect to the requirements for the functional capabilities of the body by professional activity and its conditions. This dependence receives a scientific explanation in the light of deepening ideas about the patterns of interaction between various aspects of the physical and general development of an individual in the process of life.

The search for ways to increase the efficiency of the physical training process in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system should lie within the existing organizational and time frames for specialist training. In this case, it is necessary to pay special attention to the initial stage of professional development (special initial training,

training at an educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) and the professional selection procedure, including means of physical education. The level of physical fitness of candidates for study in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and service in internal affairs bodies should be considered from the position of physical abilities as a type of general human abilities. It should act as a specific criterion for professional selection, which has its own characteristics of the formation and development of physical abilities.


    Anisimov, E.A. The problem of development and improvement of general professional and professionally important functions among students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation by means of physical culture and sports in multi-level training

    Barkalov, S.N. On the issue of psychological training of cadets of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. – Orel, 1996.

    Kramskoy S.I., Zaitsev V.P. Teacher of physical education in the system of modern scientific knowledge

Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

We all know well that a state is considered reliable and strong if it has well-trained security forces on guard. The security forces of our country are the FSB, where there is a special unit Alpha, riot police in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, special forces of the GRU, Airborne Forces, etc.. The preparedness of these units is technical equipment and excellent physical shape of the fighters.

Physical standards in the FSB and other law enforcement agencies of Russia

To enter the ranks of these elite units, you must pass a number of standards. Today you will be presented with the sports standards of our country’s special forces for candidates, and you can compare them with. And most importantly, you can test yourself and check your physical fitness. At the beginning, you already managed to watch a story about the training of recruits who were examined for the right to wear a maroon beret. Next, we will consider what physical training requirements are imposed on citizens entering the military service under contract to the FSB.

for men: A- under the age of 35, B- 35 years and older.

for women: A- under the age of 30; B- 30 years and older.

100m sprint
or shuttle
run 10×10 m
3 km runmin. sec.12.00 12.45 13.30
Pull-up on the barNumber of times11 9 7
100m sprint
or shuttle
run 10×10 m
1 km runmin.sec4.30 4.45 5.10
Raising and lowering the body from a supine position, hands behind the head, legs securedNumber of times
per minute
40 38 34

Cross 3 km – 11.4 min;
Pull-ups – 18 times;
Bench press (body weight) – 10 times;
Jumping up – 60 times;
Push-ups – 60 times;
Press lying on the floor – 60 times
“Army spring” (flexion and extension of the legs from a position lying face to the floor to a crouching position) – 60 times.
Note: sometimes, as if behind the scenes, sparrings are held in units according to free rules (or according to boxing rules) to test a candidate when hiring.

Internal troops of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - maroon berets, green berets, special forces units of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation

First you need to pass tests for admission

Run 3 km-12 min.

Pull-ups - 15 times.

Test 4X10. This complex includes seven repetitions (push-ups, squatting, lying down, abdominal exercise, jumping from a squatting position).

After this, the candidate is allowed directly to the test. If you have not fully understood the standards from the video, I suggest you read them in writing.

12 kilometer forced march
-Passing a special obstacle course - overcome on the move after completing the march. After passing through the fire-assault zone, in order to check the condition of the weapon during the forced march and overcoming obstacles, one blank shot is fired from a service weapon.
-Testing speed shooting skills against a background of fatigue. Trainees immediately after checking the functionality of the weapon move to the firing line to perform 1 Special training exercise of firing a SUUS from a machine gun. The exercise time is 20 s.
-Testing skills in storming high-rise buildings using special descent equipment is carried out on a five-story building. The exercise time at this stage is 45 seconds. Those who do not meet this deadline will not be allowed to participate in subsequent tests.
-Performing acrobatic exercises: lifting up from a supine position; kicking a silhouette followed by a somersault; forward somersault from an acrobatic springboard or swing bridge.
-Performing 4 complexes of hand-to-hand combat.
-Training fights (of special importance) - the fight is conducted for 12 minutes without a break with a change of three partners, one of whom is the same examinee, the others are military personnel who already have a maroon beret. In the case of a passive duel between subjects, they are “broken” for one minute, and the duel with each of them is conducted by inspectors who will participate in the tests of the next subjects. If the subjects continue to show passivity, the “breaking” is repeated.

Note: the subject is allowed to provide medical assistance on the site for no more than 1 minute. during the battle.

Not everyone, even those who are prepared, can pass such a complex the first time.

Physical fitness standards in the FSB

Special units of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, GRU special forces, FSB of the Russian Federation (Alpha, Vympel, FSO special forces, SBP)

Pull-ups on the bar – 25 times;
- Push-ups from the floor – 90 times;
- Press lying on your back, flexion-extension of the torso – 100 times;
-Running 100 meters – 12.7 seconds;
-Shuttle run 10 x 10 – 25 seconds;
-Cross 3 km – 11 minutes;
- Bench press (your own weight, but not more than 100 kg) – 10 times;
-Demonstration of punching and kicking techniques – 2 minutes (on a boxing bag);
-Sparring according to free rules – 3 fights of 3 minutes each (with three different partners);
- Jumping up with changing legs - 90 times;
-KSU - 8 times in succession (10 push-ups, 10 presses, 10 times crouching - lying down, 10 jumping up from crouching). Repeat 8 times without a break.

Note: All exercises are performed one after another without rest.

Airborne troops of the Ministry of Defense

3 km run – 12.3 min;
-Cross 5 km – 24 minutes;
-Complex strength exercise (for 30 seconds, swing the press while lying on your back until your hands touch your toes, then turn into an emphasis while lying down and, without a pause for rest, perform within 30 seconds the maximum number of push-ups until your chest touches the floor) – 48;
-100 m run – 14.1 sec;
-Jumping legs apart (jumping over a goat with a running start and from a bridge) – assessed by a point;

-Special complex of hand-to-hand combat (RB-2) – assessed by a point.

Special purpose units (SpN) airborne reconnaissance

3 km run – 12.3 min;
-5 km cross-country skiing – 28 minutes;
-Cross 5 km – 24 minutes;
- Pull-ups on the bar – 13;
-Complex strength exercise – 48;
-100 m run – 14.1 sec;
-Jumping legs apart (jumping over a goat) – assessed by a point;
-March on skis for 10 km as part of a unit - 1 hour 15 minutes;
- Forced march as part of a unit for 10 km - 56 minutes;
-Overcoming the obstacle course – 2 minutes 25 seconds;
-Special control exercise (SCU) on obstacle courses – 3 min 25 sec;
-Overcoming an obstacle course as part of a unit – 3 minutes 50 seconds;
-Swimming in uniform with a weapon (model of a machine gun) – 100 m;
-Special complex of hand-to-hand combat (RB-2) – assessed by a point;
-Special complex of hand-to-hand combat (RB-3) – assessed by a point.

As you can see, well-trained people will be able to fulfill the standards of specialists, it is possible to fulfill these standards, including the Alpha group of the FSB of Russia, but for this you need to train intensively for 6-8 months. But the situation with hand-to-hand combat is not much more difficult. Not every professional sports fighter, after passing such an obstacle course, will be able to go into sparring with two or three fresh special forces soldiers. In this situation, your willpower and spirit are manifested. Tired and exhausted, you must, most importantly, endure and not give up. Even if you are not like that strong, but in these programs it is your inner core, your character that is tested. There is a reason to test yourself. Familiarize yourself with the physical standards of different security forces. Develop physically, play sports, subscribe to interesting news. Sincerely, Sergey.

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On approval of the Manual on the organization of physical training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

The document does not require state registration
Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. -

Letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 08/03/2017 N 01/93074-YuL


In order to further improve the physical training of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, including for actions in conditions associated with the use of physical force" -

I order:

1. Approve the attached Manual on the organization of physical training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

2. Heads (chiefs) of divisions of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, educational, scientific, medical (including sanatorium and resort) organizations of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, district departments of logistics of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as other organizations and units created to carry out the tasks and exercise powers assigned to the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, organize a study of the requirements of the Manual approved by this order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and ensure the implementation of its provisions.

3. I reserve control over the implementation of this order.

police general
Russian Federation
V. Kolokoltsev

Application. Manual on the organization of physical training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1. This Manual defines the basics of organizing physical training for employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in divisions of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, educational, scientific, medical (including sanatorium-resort) organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, district departments of material and technical supply system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as other organizations and divisions created to perform the tasks and exercise powers assigned to the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.
Next - “employees”.

Next - “bodies, organizations, divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.”

2. The purpose of physical training is to develop the physical readiness of employees to successfully perform operational and official tasks, skillfully use physical force, including combat techniques, as well as ensure high performance in the process of official activities.

3. The objectives of physical training of employees are:

3.1. Development and maintenance of professionally important physical qualities at the level necessary for the successful performance of operational and service tasks.

3.2. Formation of motor skills and abilities of effective and lawful use of physical force, including combat techniques.

3.3. Maintaining and strengthening health, maintaining a productive level of general performance, increasing the body’s resistance to the effects of adverse factors in work activities.

4. The main means of physical training are general physical training exercises (for strength, speed and agility, endurance) and service-applied exercises (combat techniques).

6. Bringing physical qualities to the required level, the formation of the necessary motor skills and abilities are carried out as part of training in basic and additional educational programs in organizations that carry out educational activities and are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Next - “organizations engaged in educational activities.”

7. Maintenance and improvement of physical qualities, as well as motor skills and abilities of employees are carried out in classes for professional service and physical training.

8. Physical training classes within the framework of professional service and physical training are conducted by the heads of training groups. To conduct classes, employees who have an education in the field of physical culture and sports or sports titles, have (had) sports categories and have been trained at training camps on physical training may be involved. In organizations carrying out educational activities - employees from among the teaching staff of the relevant departments (cycles).
Clause 111 of the Procedure for organizing training for filling positions in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 31, 2015 N 385 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 12, 2015, registration N 37228), as amended by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 26, 2016 N 419 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 19, 2016, registration N 43320).

II. Applied gymnastics and athletic training

9. Classes in applied gymnastics and athletic training are conducted with the aim of developing agility, strength and strength endurance, instilling courage and determination, developing correct posture and developing the habit of being fit.

10. Classes are held at gymnastics grounds, sports camps, gyms or sports halls, as well as in other places suitable for conducting classes.

11. The content of the classes includes pull-ups on the bar, flexion and extension of the arms while lying down, bending forward from a supine position, kettlebell press, complex strength exercises, as well as, if necessary, other exercises on the bar, parallel bars, rings, wall bars, floor (mat), exercise equipment, exercises in rope climbing, pole climbing, lifting and carrying exercisers, exercises using a gymnastic bench, barbell, weights, dumbbells and acrobatic exercises (stands, somersaults, flips), performed taking into account the requirements of this Manual.

12. Pull-ups on the bar. From hanging with an overhand grip with straightened arms, torso and legs, at the command “Start”, bending your arms, pull yourself up, raising your chin above the bar of the bar, then lower yourself into a hanging position, fix for 0.5 seconds. remain in a stationary position and continue the exercise. Slight bending and spreading of the legs, slight deviation of the body from the vertical position are allowed. Touching the floor (ground) with your feet, jerking and swinging movements are prohibited. The recipient of the exercise announces the count of each completed movement. The announcement of the score is also permission to continue the exercise. In case of violation of the rules of the exercise, the command “Do not count” is given instead of the next count. If this command is given three times in a row, the exercise is terminated.

13.1. Learning how to do pull-ups on a bar involves acquiring the motor skill of maintaining the correct body position (hanging) at all moments of flexion and extension of the arms. The following preparatory exercises are used for this:

13.1.1. Hanging with straight arms. The task is to hang on the bar with straight arms for as long as possible, observing all the requirements.

13.1.2. Hanging on bent arms. The task is to hang on the bar with bent arms, maintaining the correct body position, for 3-5 seconds.

13.1.3. Pull-ups on the bar with external assistance, as well as with outside control of the correct body position.

13.1.4. Pull-up on the crossbar from a jump.

13.2. Training in performing the control exercise consists of repeating pull-ups on the bar in a volume depending on the current maximum number of repetitions, and is planned according to the following method: with the maximum number of repetitions in pull-ups on the bar - 1 time, 7 approaches of 1 repetition are performed (1 - 7x1) , respectively, at 2 - 8x1, 3 - 6x2, 4 - 7x2, 5 - 6x3, 6 - 7x3, 7 - 7x4, 8 - 6x5, 9 - 7x5, 10 - 6x6, 11 - 7x6, 12 - 6x7, 13 - 7x7 , 14 - 7x8, 15 - 7x9, 16 - 7x10.

14. Flexion and extension of the arms while lying down. From the prone position (the distance between the arms is shoulder-width apart, the torso is straight), at the command “Start”, bend your arms until your chest touches the floor, straightening your arms, take the prone position, fix for 0.5 seconds. remain in a stationary position and continue the exercise. Touching the floor with the knee(s), thighs and stomach is prohibited. The recipient of the exercise announces the count of each completed movement. The announcement of the score is also permission to continue the exercise. In case of violation of the rules of the exercise, the command “Do not count” is given instead of the next count. If this command is given three times in a row, the exercise is terminated.

15.1. Learning how to perform flexion and extension of the arms in a lying position involves acquiring the motor skill of maintaining the correct body position in all phases of flexion and extension of the arms. To do this, it is necessary to perform this exercise in easier conditions - in the position of support with your hands above the level of support with your legs, which is feasible for 5-7 repetitions.

15.2. Training in performing a control exercise in flexion and extension of the arms in a lying position is performed by repeating this exercise 3-5 times in a resting position in lighter conditions, feasible for flexing and extending the arms in a lying position in the amount of 85% of the required amount. Rest between sets 2-2.5 minutes. For example, to perform a control exercise, an employee must perform 16 repetitions of flexion and extension of the arms in a prone position. 85% of 16 repetitions are 13-14 times.

16. Bend forward from a supine position for 1 minute. From a lying position on your back (arms behind your head, legs not fixed, heels touching the floor), at the command “Start”, tilt your torso forward until your elbows touch your knees, return to the starting position (scapulas must touch the floor) and continue performing the exercise. Slight bending of the legs is allowed. The recipient of the exercise announces the count of each completed movement. In case of violation of the rules of the exercise, the command “Do not count” is given instead of the next count. If this command is given three times in a row, the exercise is terminated. After the time allotted for completing the exercise has expired, the command “Stop” is given.

17. Recommendations for training: training in performing a control exercise in bending forward from a supine position is performed by repeating this exercise 3-5 times in easier conditions (lying on an inclined board with your head up, performing bends with fixed legs) 85% of times from the required quantity. Rest between sets 2-2.5 minutes.

18. Press a 24 kg kettlebell. From a standing position (legs apart), on the command “Start”, grab the handle of the weight from above, lift it to your chest so that the weight lies on the forearm (shoulder), and the hand is pressed to the body, squeeze the weight up and fix it on your straight arm at 0 .5 seconds, then lower it to the chest, fixing it for 0.5 seconds, and continue the exercise. After lifting the weight, at the moment of fixing the weight above your head, the torso, legs and arms should be straightened. The recipient of the exercise announces the count of each completed movement. The announcement of the score is also permission to continue the exercise. In case of violation of the rules of the exercise, the command “Do not count” is given instead of the next count. If this command is given three times in a row, the exercise is terminated. Having completed the exercise with one hand, lower the weight down without touching the floor, transfer it to the other hand and continue performing the exercise with the other hand. It is prohibited to remain in a position without moving for more than 5 seconds. In this case, the exercise is stopped. When determining the number of lifts, the counted presses performed by each hand are summed up.

19. Recommendations for training: training in the kettlebell press is performed by repeating this exercise 3-5 times in lighter conditions, that is, with weights that are feasible for the number of presses in the amount of 85% of the required number. Rest between sets 2-2.5 minutes.

20. Strength complex exercise for men (SKU). At the command “Start”, without pauses for rest, perform 10: flexion and extension of the arms in a lying position; jumping from point-blank position to crouched position (knees between hands) and back; bending forward from a position lying on your back (hands on the belt, legs not fixed) until your toes touch your hands (slight bending of the legs at the knee joints is allowed, when returning to the starting position it is necessary to touch the floor with your shoulder blades); jumping up (arms behind your head) from a half-squat (hips parallel to the floor), fully straightening your legs. The recipient of the exercise announces the count of each completed movement. In case of violation of the rules of performing the exercise, instead of the next count, the command “Do not count” is given, and if there is a long pause (more than 2 seconds) - “Stop performing the exercise”. When determining the final result, the counted cycles of the indicated exercises are summed up by the number of times.

21. Strength complex exercise for women (SKU). Executed by the command “Start” for 1 minute: the first 30 seconds. - from a position lying on your back (legs are not fixed, heels touch the floor), arms along the body, palms parallel to the floor, bend forward as much as possible until your toes touch your hands (slight bending of the legs at the knee joints is allowed, touching is necessary when returning to the starting position floor with shoulder blades), then, without a pause for rest, on the command “Change”, the next 30 seconds. - from a lying position, perform the maximum number of flexions and extensions of the arms (the torso is straight, bend the arms until the chest touches the floor). The recipient of the exercise announces the count of each completed movement. In case of violation of the rules of the exercise, the command “Do not count” is given instead of the next count. After the time allotted for completing the exercise has expired, the command “Stop” is given. When determining the final result, the counted repetitions of forward bends and arm flexions and extensions are summed up. If there are no counted movements in bending forward and (or) bending and straightening the arms, the person being tested is given a mark of “0 points” for the exercise as a whole.

22. Bring straight legs to the bar. From a hanging position with an overhand grip, on the command “Begin”, raise your straight legs to the bar until they touch the bar and return to the starting position. Fix a stationary hanging position for 0.5 seconds. and continue with the exercise. Touching the floor (ground) with your feet, bending your legs at the knee joints, and performing swinging movements is prohibited. The recipient of the exercise announces the count of each completed movement. The announcement of the score is also permission to continue the exercise. In case of violation of the rules of the exercise, the command “Do not count” is given instead of the next count. If this command is given three times in a row, the exercise is terminated.

23. Bending and extension of the arms in support on the uneven bars. From support on the uneven bars (arms are straightened), at the command “Start”, bending your arms, lower yourself into support on bent arms (arms must be completely bent), straightening your arms, go to emphasis on straightened arms, fix a motionless position for 0.5 seconds. and continue with the exercise. The recipient of the exercise announces the count of each completed movement. The announcement of the score is also permission to continue the exercise. In case of violation of the rules of the exercise, the command “Do not count” is given instead of the next count. If this command is given three times in a row, the exercise is terminated.

III. Athletics and Accelerated Movement

24. Athletics and accelerated movement classes are aimed at developing speed, speed-strength qualities and endurance.

25. Classes are held at a stadium, on a flat area (in a gym) or on rough terrain.

27. Shuttle run 10x10, 4x20 m. Performed in a gym, stadium or flat area with marked start and turn lines. The width of the start and turn lines is included in the segment of 10 (20) m. The result is determined with an accuracy of 0.1 seconds. From a low or high start, following the commands: “To start”, “Attention”, “March”, run 10 (20) m, touch the surface behind the start or turn line with any part of the body (if this rule is violated, the exercise is considered not completed), turning in a circle , run 10 (20) m in the opposite direction and so on - a total of 10 (4) times. Timing stops when the runner crosses the finish line with any part of the body. It is prohibited to use any natural or artificial objects or uneven surfaces protruding above the floor surface as support when turning.

28. Recommendations for training: the effectiveness of shuttle running is determined by three factors: speed and strength qualities of the leg muscles, efficiency of energy generation, distance running technique and turning technique:

28.1. To develop the speed and strength qualities of the leg muscles, running and jumping exercises are used, performed at maximum speed on segments of 20-40 m 5-8 times: smooth (without turns) running 20-40 m from a high start at a signal, trying to go as fast as possible perform starting acceleration and running (3-5 times); jumping from foot to foot (5 steps 3-5 times); jumping from foot to foot (10 steps 3-4 times); jumping up from a squat (10-15 jumps 3 times); jumping over a gymnastic bench with simultaneous push-off with both legs (6-8 jumps 3 times).

28.2. Distance running training involves performing repeated running work on segments of 10-15 m at a speed and duration close, respectively, to the speed of covering the distance and the duration of the control exercise, as well as running and jumping exercises performed on relief terrain.

28.3. The main method is to perform running exercises 3-6 times with rest intervals, the duration of which will allow you to complete the next repetition without a significant loss in the speed of the exercise: shuttle run 6x6 m 3-4 times at maximum speed; shuttle run 10x10 m 3 times at a speed of 85-90% of the maximum; shuttle run 16x6 m 2-3 times at a speed of 85-90% of the maximum; shuttle run 8x15 m 3 times at a speed of 85-90% of the maximum; running uphill 15-20 degrees 6x10 m at maximum speed; running uphill 15-20 degrees 2-4x25-30 m at a speed of 85-90% of the maximum; jumping from foot to foot in a lift of 15-20 degrees 5 jumps 6 times or 10 jumps 3 times; sprint running 2 times 200 m.

28.4. To learn and train the body position in a turn, it is recommended to start by performing a lunge to the right (left) with bent arms. Then, from the starting position, run at a slow pace for 5-6 steps and slowly turn around and stop in this position. At the first stage, it is necessary to perform a turn while touching the support with your hand. This promotes spontaneous lowering of the shoulders.

28.5. At the next stage of learning after the turn, without stopping, continue moving in the opposite direction (2-3 steps) in order to train acceleration after the turn.

29. Running (cross) for 1, 3 and 5 km. Performed on level ground or over rough terrain. From a high start according to the commands: “To the start”, “March”. Timing stops when the runner crosses the finish line with any part of the body. The result is determined with an accuracy of 1 second.

30. Recommendations for training: training in cross-country is carried out in two stages: at the first (basic) - the tasks of developing general endurance are solved, at the second (special preparatory) - the tasks of special preparation for control classes and tests are solved:

30.1. At the basic stage (2-4 weeks, 2-3 sessions per week), it is necessary, by first alternating walking and running, and then running alone, to achieve the ability to overcome the distance (1-2 km for female employees and 3-5 km for male employees gender), while the heart rate should not exceed 140-155 beats per minute.
Next - “HR”.

30.2. The essence of the special preparatory stage is to train the ability for a long time to maintain 90% of the speed required to perform the control exercise. For example, to complete a control exercise, an employee needs to cover a distance of 5 km in 25 minutes. If you run at the speed required to complete the control exercise, then each kilometer must be covered in 5 minutes. During the training process, it is enough to maintain speed, running each kilometer in 5 minutes. 30 sec.

31. 100 m race. Conducted in a stadium or a straight section of asphalt road using the commands: “To the start”, “Attention”, “March”. If possible, starting blocks are installed. Timing stops when the runner crosses the finish line with any part of the body. The result is determined with an accuracy of 0.1 seconds.

VI. Overcoming obstacles

32. Obstacle overcoming classes are aimed at developing endurance, agility, speed, strength, and developing and improving employees’ skills in overcoming artificial and natural obstacles.

33. Classes are conducted on equipped obstacle courses and on terrain with natural obstacles and barriers.

35.1. When teaching and training in overcoming obstacles, the main focus is on developing the ability to overcome obstacles, taking into account the possible entry into fire contact.

35.2. During training, the order of overcoming obstacles constantly changes; individual sections of the obstacle course are overcome both in the direction from its beginning to the end, and in the opposite direction.

35.3. Overcoming obstacles is carried out by employees one by one, in groups of 2-3 people or as part of a unit, without or with a load. When overcoming obstacles in a group, participants learn mutual assistance and the use of available means.

35.4. In order to prevent injuries to those involved when overcoming obstacles:

35.4.1. The stability of obstacles is checked, the absence of protruding nails and splintered places on them, and the landing site for jumping from a height is loosened.

35.4.2. At the beginning of training, as well as when training on a wet (icy) obstacle course, students are insured against falling; if necessary, the take-off and landing areas are sprinkled with sand (slag).

35.4.3. Students learn self-insurance: jumping from a narrow support in case of loss of balance, holding a weapon correctly when overcoming obstacles, holding on to an obstacle when jumping from it.

35.5. The main part of the classes involves learning individual techniques for overcoming obstacles (unsupported jumps over an obstacle, jumping with support on an obstacle, climbing over, deep jumps, jumping into and out of a trench, climbing, moving along a narrow support, etc.) and training in their implementation, including completing an obstacle course.

36. A special obstacle course (appendix to this Manual) consists of standard equipment and is equipped in a games gym or on a sports ground.

37. The procedure for overcoming a special obstacle course:

37.1. Overcoming a gymnastics horse with a height of 135 cm, standing across, with a run of 20 m.

37.2. Throwing a medicine ball weighing 4 kg from a standing position from a front stand with both hands from below to a distance of 10 m; when throwing, you are allowed to fall forward beyond the boundary line (if not, you are allowed to make a second throw at a distance of at least 9 m and a third throw at a distance of at least 8 m. If these requirements are not met, the employee is suspended from further passage of the special obstacle course).

37.3. Carrying a “box” or boxing bag weighing 30 kg (weights weighing 32 kg or two weights weighing 16 kg) in any way over a distance of 20 m, lowering the weight to the floor and raising it every 5 m.

37.4. Climbing a rope (pole) to a height of 4 m in any way.

37.5. Crawling on your bellies at a distance of 9 m under movement height limiters (45 cm).

37.6. Repeated climbing on a rope (pole) to a height of 4 m in any way.

37.7. Three somersaults forward.

37.8. Movement in support on hands on gymnastic bars 160 cm high (if you fall, the obstacle is overcome again).

37.9. Moving along a gymnastic beam (if you fall, the obstacle is overcome again).

37.10. Climbing a 2 m high fence using any method.

37.11. Six throws of a wrestling stuffed animal weighing 30 kg (punching bag) over oneself (lift the stuffed animal, put it on the collarbone, throw it back).

38. The time for overcoming a special obstacle course is recorded from the team to the beginning of the run-up until the last fall of the wrestling dummy (punching bag) onto the carpet.

39. After passing a special obstacle course, the employee is given time to rest (no more than 2 minutes). He then solves five problems that involve restricting the assistant's freedom of movement.

40. For each incorrectly solved problem, the employee’s time to complete a special obstacle course is increased by 5 seconds.

V. Ski training

41. Ski training classes are aimed at developing endurance, cultivating strong-willed qualities, hardening the body, and developing and improving motor skills in skiing.

42. Classes are held at stadiums, parks, forest belts with or without specially prepared ski tracks.

44. 5 km cross-country skiing. It is carried out on a section of terrain with a specially prepared ski track from a general or separate start using the commands: “To start”, “10 seconds left”, “5 seconds left”, “March”. Timing stops when the walker crosses the finish line with the ski binding. The result is determined with an accuracy of 1 second.

45.1. In the summer-autumn period, by means of cross-country training, it is necessary to increase the ability of female employees to overcome the distance to 4-4.5 km, and for male employees to 7-7.5 km.

45.2. Starting in the fall, cross-country runs are alternated with exercises that imitate movements when moving on skis, jumping with ski poles on the plain and uphill. It is preferable to carry out imitation training according to the following scheme: 1 km of running - 200 m of imitation exercises on the plain - 1 km of running - 100-150 m of imitation lifting exercises - 1 km of running - flexion-extension of the arms in a lying position.

45.3. With the snow falling, the stage of “rolling in on skis” begins - the basic stage of ski training. To improve the technique of skiing, they use skiing without poles on rough terrain and on gentle slopes, while simultaneously walking stepless for a long time downhill at speed, alternately walking without steps.

45.4. When improving your technique, you should alternate the use of two ski moves and their combinations within one lesson, and then various combinations of ski moves. It is advisable to use some kind of ski move for a long time, and then switch to a combination of ski moves. The contrast of tasks will allow you to better feel the need to use transitions from one method to another. The training effect comes from skiing in deep snow and then on a prepared ski track.

45.5. Training loads are developmental, supporting and restorative in nature.

45.6. The nature of the load is determined by its relation to the control speed of movement, which is taken as 100%. Control speed is the speed at which the skier covers the distance, trying to go from start to finish in less time. When preparing to perform a control exercise in cross-country skiing, the speed with which it is necessary to cover the distance can be taken as 100%.

45.7. Developmental loads (when moving at a speed of 85-95% of the maximum) cause large functional changes in the body. This mode occupies a leading place in the autumn-winter stage of the preparatory period. Heart rate in this mode should be within 170±10 beats per minute.

45.8. Supporting loads (when moving at a speed of 80-85% of the maximum) increase the functionality of the employee’s body. This regime occupies a leading place in the summer-autumn stage of the preparatory period. Heart rate in this mode should be within 160±10 beats per minute.

45.9. Restorative loads (when moving at a speed of 70-75% of the maximum) help restore the functions of the employee’s body during his transition from developmental loads to supporting ones. This workout mode is active recreation. Heart rate in this mode should be within 150±10 beats per minute.

45.10. To prepare for the control exercise in cross-country skiing, the following lesson structure is recommended:

45.10.1. Preparatory part - 15-20% of the distance of the control exercise in the recovery load mode; the main part is movement at speed in a developing load mode to the point of fatigue; the final part is 10-15% of the distance of the control exercise in the recovery load mode.

45.10.2. Preparatory part - 15-20% of the distance of the control exercise in the recovery load mode; the main part is interval training to the limit according to the scheme: 200-300 m in the development load mode - 100-200 m in the recovery load mode; the final part is 10-15% of the distance of the control exercise in the recovery load mode.

VI. Swimming

46. ​​Swimming classes are aimed at developing swimming skills, developing general endurance and hardening the body.

47. Classes are held in specially equipped reservoirs and water stations at a water temperature of at least 18 degrees Celsius, as well as in indoor and outdoor pools with heated water.

49. Swimming 100 m. Conducted in a 25 or 50-meter pool using the commands: “To the start”, “March”. Timing stops when the swimmer touches the wall of the pool with any part of the body. The result is determined with an accuracy of 1 second.

50.1. Swimming training is carried out in the following sequence:

50.1.1. Familiarization with the method of swimming in general and its elements.

50.1.2. Learning the movements of swimming on land.

50.1.3. Learning how to swim in water.

50.2. When becoming familiar with the method of swimming, the most prepared swimmer demonstrates it in the water, and the leader of the lesson explains the swimming technique in the following sequence: body position in the water, leg movements, arm movements and coordination of movements with legs, arms and breathing. To observe the display, a group of students line up along the shore (side) in one line.

50.3. To perform exercises on land, a group of students breaks up into intervals and distances of 2-3 steps. Individual movements of the swimming method being studied are learned in the following sequence:

50.3.1. Leg movements.

50.3.2. Hand movements.

50.3.3. Coordination of hand movements with breathing.

50.3.4. Coordination of movements of arms, legs and breathing.

50.4. When teaching swimming techniques on land, the leader must ensure that the students understand and perform the exercises well, and when teaching in water, give only brief instructions on correcting mistakes.

50.5. Learning how to swim in water is carried out in the same sequence as on land. In the first classes, the main focus is on practicing leg movements and proper breathing. Leg movements are studied in a lying position with your hands supporting the bottom and when swimming with a board in your hands or with other available means. Along the way, they learn how to breathe, move with one hand, and then coordinate all movements with breathing.

50.6. When training with a group of employees who cannot swim, the group leader is in the water and helps the students perform the exercises. Beginners' swims are first carried out towards the shore, and then along the shore (in the absence of specialized pools).

VII. Combat wrestling techniques

51. Classes on combat fighting techniques are conducted with the aim of developing skills in the use of combat fighting techniques and ensuring the personal safety of employees, cultivating courage, determination, initiative and resourcefulness.

52. Classes are conducted in a hall equipped with wrestling and boxing equipment, in a specially prepared pit with sand and sawdust or on the ground, as well as in conditions simulating an operational environment specific to the unit’s official activities (street, apartment, train car, etc.).

53. Instructions for conducting classes:

53.1. Belaying and self-belaying techniques are learned in the first lessons, and subsequently they are constantly improved.

53.2. The special warm-up includes: somersaults forward, backward, over the shoulder, somersault flight; self-insurance when falling forward, backward, on the side, forward on the side, back on the side by rolling, somersaulting, jumping; exercises using wrestling elements: tugs, falls, lifting the assistant off the mat and exercises in pairs: carrying the assistant on his back, riding on his shoulders, in front of him on his arms, in the “chair” way.

53.3. In order to avoid injuries during classes, special attention is paid to preparing the training areas and the body of employees to perform exercises, techniques and actions that require high coordination and speed of execution. Painful techniques during training are performed smoothly, without jerking, and at the assistant’s signal (by clapping on the body (carpet) or by voice - “Yes!”) they immediately stop. Throws are carried out from the middle to the edges of the carpet.

53.4. Training in combat techniques.

53.4.1. The structure of a combat fighting technique consists of five operations: imposing a grip and preparing to unbalance and (or) deliver a relaxing blow; unbalancing and (or) delivering a relaxing blow; implementation of its technical basis; preparation (transition) to actions of physical control, restraint, accompaniment; fettering (holding), support under the influence of a painful technique.

53.4.2. Training in combat techniques is carried out in three stages: creating an initial idea of ​​its motor composition; learning a rational way of doing it; improving application in operational and service situations.

53.4.3. The creation of an initial representation - the holistic execution of a technique (action) is basically ensured by: showing the method of its implementation; a story and explanation of its technical basis and technical details; performing exercises leading to the formation of its basis, according to the following scheme: 3rd operation; 1st operation; 2nd, 5th operations, 1st/2nd operations in general; 4th operation, 4th/5th operations in general, 1st/2nd/3rd operations in general; execution of the procedure as a whole.

53.4.4. Unlearning - achieving the correct conscious execution of a technique (action) as a whole under standard conditions, is carried out through: the formation of inseparable motor ideas about the direction, shape, trajectory, amplitude of its constituent movements, their tempo and frequency, rhythm, the nature of the efforts applied. ; elimination of accompanying (extra) movements; exercises, achieving stable performance of techniques and actions in the 2nd, 3rd and 5th operations, with the subsequent expansion of the capabilities of performing the 1st and 4th operations.

53.4.5. Improving the use of combat fighting techniques in operational situations is achieved by exercising their application: in increasingly complex conditions by selecting assistants of different height, weight, strength, with increasing resistance of the assistant; after physical activity; from various positions, after overcoming the simplest obstacles; according to the scheme: preempting the threat of an attack or neutralizing opposition - overcoming resistance - a decisive blow or combat technique of struggle - restriction of freedom of movement by escort during a painful hold, including after handcuffing, tying up, or conducting an external search.

53.5. Training in combat fighting techniques is organized in pairs frontally. When learning its technical basis, assistants are selected approximately equal in height and weight. Techniques are studied in both directions, starting with a grip on the right and left hand, first at a slow and then at a fast pace. When practicing combat techniques against an assistant, blows are indicated, and if he has protective equipment, they are applied without significant force to contact. When teaching disarming techniques, mock-ups of knives, pistols, machine guns and other objects are used in classes. When learning how to tie, ropes 2-3 m long, 0.7-1.2 cm in diameter, and trouser belts are used.

53.6. When teaching the technique of performing combat techniques, the following commands are given:

53.6.1. To prepare for performing a technique - “Get ready”.

53.6.2. To perform a reception - "Reception".

53.6.3. To fix the reception at a certain phase - “Stop”.

53.6.4. To release the grip - “Release the grip”.

53.7. To perform combinations of techniques and actions, tasks are given, and then the executive command “Forward” (for example: “Approach the assistant from behind, bend your arm behind your back, bring it to the wall and tie it. Forward”).

54. The content of the classes includes the study of combat stances, strikes and defensive actions from strikes, painful holds, throws, chokeholds, releases from grips and grips, suppression of actions with firearms, handcuffing, tying up, conducting external searches, providing assistance and mutual assistance , actions using special means and a machine gun, as well as training in their implementation.

55. Training in fighting stances:

55.1. Frontal stance: legs slightly wider than shoulders and slightly bent, shoulders and head slightly tilted forward, stomach tucked in (back rounded), chin lowered to the chest, gaze from under the brows; arms are bent at the elbows and relaxed, fists are at the chin, elbows are lowered and cover the hypochondrium.

55.2. Right-sided (left-sided) stance: stand half-turned in relation to the assistant; feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent, weight distributed evenly on both feet; the shoulders and head are slightly tilted forward, the stomach is pulled in (the back is rounded), the chin is lowered and covered by the shoulder of the front arm, the gaze is from under the brows; arms are bent at the elbows and relaxed; the fist of the front hand at shoulder level is turned with the back surface outward and upward, the elbow is lowered and covers the hypochondrium, the fist of the other hand is at the chin, the elbow is also lowered and covers the hypochondrium on the other side.

56. Training in strikes and defenses against strikes:

56.1. Hand strikes can be delivered with the fist, the heel and edge of the palm, or the elbow:

56.1.1. When striking with the front or lower surface of the fist, it is necessary, at the moment of contact with the struck surface, to bend and squeeze the fingers so that the thumb is pressed to the second phalanx of the middle finger, while the metacarpus of the index finger and the forearm form a straight line.

56.1.2. When striking with the heel of the palm, it is necessary to bend the fingers at the phalangeal joints and straighten the hand at the wrist joint.

56.1.3. When striking with the edge of the palm, it is necessary to bend the fingers at the phalangeal joints and press the fingers tightly against each other.

56.1.4. When striking with the elbow, the fist is clenched tightly.

56.2. Straight, side and bottom hand strikes are performed by sequentially performing explosive efforts of the muscles of the legs, torso and arms. The blows begin with a pushing movement of the same leg with the pelvis moving forward relative to the shoulder girdle (the muscles of the torso are, as it were, “charged” for explosive force). Then an explosive force of the torso muscles and a final force of the arm are performed along the corresponding trajectory.

56.3. A direct blow with a fist is mainly delivered to the head, the “solar plexus”, in the area of ​​the liver and spleen. The strike is performed from a right-sided (left-sided) stance by pushing off with the back foot, transferring the body weight to the front foot, turning the body in the direction of the strike and moving the fist in a straight line towards the target. In the final position, the fist and forearm should be on the same line.

56.4. A punch from the side is predominantly applied to the side of the head or neck, in the area of ​​the liver and spleen. The strike is performed with the arm half bent at the elbow joint from a right-sided (left-sided) stance with the body turned inward and the body weight transferred to the front leg.

56.5. A punch from below is mainly delivered to the chin or stomach. The strike is performed by first tilting the torso forward with a slight bending of the legs at the knee joints, followed by a sharp extension of the legs, straightening and turning the torso inward to the central axis of the body with a final striking movement of the arm from the bottom up.

56.6. A blow from above with a fist (with the edge of the palm) is mainly applied to the collarbone, chin or bridge of the nose. To perform an overhead strike, a swing is made, in which the legs are slightly straightened, and the torso is slightly turned in the direction opposite to the target, and the arm, strongly bent at the elbow joint, is pulled back and up. The blow is made with a chopping motion. With an explosive force, the legs bend slightly, the torso turns in the direction of the target, the movement of the arm begins with the elbow moving forward and the final force is due to the extension of the arm at the elbow joint.

56.7. A backhand blow (with a fist, with the edge of the palm) (from the inside out) is mainly applied to the side surface of the head or neck and is performed with a sharp turn (rotation) of the body outward and simultaneous extension of the arm at the elbow joint.

56.8. A strike with the heel of the palm from below, directly, is predominantly applied to the head and is performed by sharply extending the arm in the direction from below, directly.

56.9. A side elbow strike is predominantly applied to the lateral surface of the head and neck with the body rotated inward with the arm bent at the elbow joint from a right-sided (left-sided) stance with the body weight transferred to the front leg.

56.10. An outward elbow strike is predominantly applied to the side surface of the head or neck and is performed with the arm bent at the elbow joint with a sharp turn (rotation) of the body outward.

56.11. An elbow strike from below is mainly applied to the stomach or chin and is performed with the arm bent at the elbow joint with a striking movement from the bottom up.

56.12. An overhead elbow strike is predominantly applied to the back and is performed with the arm bent at the elbow joint with a sharp tilt of the torso forward.

56.13. The back elbow strike is predominantly delivered to the stomach and is performed by sharply bending and pulling the arm back.

56.14. Kicks can be delivered with the foot (toe), plantar, instep, outer (rib) arch, heel and knee:

56.14.1. When striking with the foot, it is first of all fixed relative to the shin due to muscle tension.

56.14.2. When striking with the instep of the foot, the toe must be pulled back.

56.14.3. When striking with the heel, the toe must be “taken” towards you.

56.15. A direct blow with the plantar part of the foot is predominantly applied to the abdomen, the solar plexus, the liver area and is performed after preliminary flexion and subsequent sharp extension of the leg at the hip and knee joints.

56.16. A direct blow to the side with the plantar part of the foot is predominantly applied to the abdomen “solar plexus”, liver area and is performed after preliminary flexion, abduction to the side and subsequent sharp extension of the leg at the hip and knee joints.

56.17. A kick with the instep of the foot from the side is predominantly applied to the torso or thigh, to the knee and is performed through sequential active flexion of the leg at the hip (extension of the hip to the side) and extension at the knee joint (extension of the shin).

56.18. A blow from the toe (with the instep of the foot) from below is mainly applied to the stomach, crotch or lower leg and is performed through sequential active flexion of the leg at the hip (bringing the hip forward) and extension at the knee joints (extending the shin).

56.19. A knee strike from below is predominantly applied to the abdomen, perineum, and lower leg and is performed through sequential active flexion of the leg at the hip (bringing the hip forward) and knee joints.

56.20. The heel strike from above is predominantly applied to the foot and is performed by bending and then sharply extending the leg at the hip and knee joints.

56.21. A backward kick with the foot (heel) is predominantly applied to the shin or perineum and is performed by bending and then sharply extending the leg at the hip and knee joints.

56.22. Strikes can be carried out in the form of combinations (series) of two or more strikes, from a place or with a sub-step (jump) and include the following combinations: hand-hand, hand-foot, foot-hand, foot-foot.

56.23. Defense against blows (with hands, feet, a knife or an object) is carried out using movements, dodging, dives of supports, and rebounds.

56.24. Defense by movement is necessary for timely departure from the line of attack by increasing (shortening) the distance. Movements can be performed:

56.24.1. Jumping forward-to-side, back, to side, back-to-side.

56.24.2. Sliding steps forward-to-side, back, to side, back-to-side.

56.25. Defense by slope consists of timely deflection of the body or parts of the body from the line of attack. Slopes are performed to the side, backwards.

56.26. Defense by turning consists of timely deflection of the body and movement from the line of attack.

56.27. Diving defense consists of moving forward to meet the blow and tilting the body down to the side.

56.28. Defense with a stand is performed to stop and block the striking arm or leg. Stands are performed using the forearm(s), lower leg, and foot.

56.29. The parry defense is used to repel (retract) the attacking limb to the side. The chops are performed with the forearm(s), shin.

56.30. After performing protection from blows, the employee acts according to the situation (performs retaliatory actions: strikes (a series of blows) to a vulnerable spot with a hand or foot, performs a painful hold on the arm or a throw, breaks the distance, uses a special or improvised means and strikes or removes a weapon and restricts the assistant’s freedom of movement with the threat of using it or using it to kill).

56.31. Defense against knife strikes is carried out according to the following scheme: moving away from the direction of movement of the attacking limb to the side with a stand or beating it off with the forearm - grabbing the assistant's armed hand, excluding the possibility of free movement of the hand with the weapon - designating a relaxing kick - disarming - restricting the assistant's freedom of movement.

56.32. Disarming is carried out by pressing the hand, pinning the attacker by twisting the arm inward or after twisting the arm outward, pressing the shoulder of this arm from above with the shin.

56.33. Restriction of freedom of movement is carried out by moving to bending the arm behind the back: after twisting the arm inward - with a push, after twisting the arm outward and running behind the head - with a jerk or push.

56.34. Selection of a knife (item). Bend your arm behind your back, fixing the knife with your foot, force the assistant to kneel, press his torso against the support with your torso, pick up the knife (object), while grasping the knife by the handle (blade down). Having raised the assistant, move to accompaniment by bending your arm behind your back.

57. Training in painful techniques:
This Manual describes the technique of performing painful techniques relative to the assistant’s right hand; in the opposite direction, techniques are performed in a mirror manner.

57.1. Restriction of freedom of movement by bending the arm behind the back with a “push”. From behind, grab the assistant’s right forearm with your right hand (thumb facing the elbow) and move it back to the right. Stepping forward and left with your left leg, apply a relaxing blow to the popliteal bend of his right leg with your left shin or with your left elbow to the back. Push the assistant's shoulder forward and upward with the palm of your left hand, closer to the elbow, and quickly move his forearm over your forearm, grasping the elbow with your palm. Pressing the forearm and elbow of your hand against the assistant’s back, press down on the elbow, and with the other hand grab the shoulder (clothing on his shoulder, collar) or chin from below, stand sideways to him. Accompany, restricting mobility by bending your arm behind your back.

57.2. Restriction of freedom of movement by bending the arm behind the back in a “dive.” Grab the assistant’s right forearm with both hands (right hand below) and apply a relaxing blow with the right shin or knee to the inside of his right thigh. Raising the assistant's hand forward and upward, bend it at the elbow and, twisting the forearm inward, turn in a circle under the captured hand. Letting go of his forearm with your left hand, push your shoulder closer to the elbow forward and upward with your palm and quickly move the assistant’s forearm over your forearm, grabbing the elbow with your palm. Pressing the forearm and elbow of your hand to his back, press down on the elbow, and with the other hand grab the shoulder (clothes on his shoulder, collar) or chin from below, stand sideways to him. Accompany, restricting mobility by bending your arm behind your back.

57.3. Restriction of freedom of movement by bending the arm behind the back in a “jerk”. Grab the assistant's right forearm from above with your left hand (thumb towards the hand). Apply a relaxing blow with your right shin to the inner side of the right thigh or with the elbow of your right hand to the chest. With your right hand, grab his arm by the shoulder (closer to the elbow, above or below) and sharply pull him towards you (“pull”). Letting go of your forearm, quickly move your left hand under it and, bending the assistant’s hand behind your back, grab your elbow with your palm. Pressing the forearm and elbow of your hand to his back, press down on the elbow, and with the other hand grab the shoulder (clothes on his shoulder, collar) or chin from below, stand sideways to him. Accompany, restricting mobility by bending your arm behind your back.

57.4. Restriction of freedom of movement by bending the arm behind the back with a “lock” (the assistant holds his right hand in his trouser pocket). Place your left forearm between his right arm and thigh and place your hand in the pocket. Apply a relaxing blow with your right leg (foot to the shin or knee down to the abdomen). Connect your hands (the left one is below the assistant’s elbow, the right one is above) with the fingers “locked”. Turning back and forth to the right, sharply pull the assistant’s hand under the elbow from the pocket upward. Next, proceed in the same way as bending your arm behind your back with a jerk.

57.5. Accompaniment, restricting mobility by bending the arm behind the back. Use a command to force the assistant to place his free (left) hand behind his head. Moving the weight of his body onto the leg of the same name as the one grasped by the hand, pressing the assistant to himself, lead, forcing him to move with painful influence.

57.6. Restriction of freedom of movement by the lever of the hand through the forearm. Grab the assistant's right hand by the shoulder (with your left hand) and forearm (with your right hand). Apply a relaxing blow to his face with the heel of your left hand. Grasping the assistant’s right hand from above, quickly place your left forearm under his shoulder from below, and grab your right forearm or clothing on your chest with it. Simultaneously bending the assistant's hand over the forearm and twisting the forearm outward, force him to stand up and then move on his toes.

57.7. Restriction of freedom of movement by pressing the hand (“under the arm”). From behind, grab the assistant’s right wrist with your right hand (thumb on top) and move it slightly back to the right. Stepping forward to the left, apply a relaxing blow to the popliteal bend of his right leg with his left shin or with his left elbow to the back. Grab the assistant's shoulder from the inside with your left hand, closer to the elbow. With a jerk back, bend this arm at the elbow joint and quickly grab (with your left hand from the inside, with your right hand from the outside) his hand with both hands. By squeezing the hand and limiting the movement of the bent arm back by focusing on the shoulder, force the assistant to stand up and then move on his toes.

57.8. Restriction of freedom of movement by twisting the arm outward (“arm lever outward”). Grab the assistant's right hand with both hands, apply pressure to the wrist with your thumbs, and apply a relaxing kick to the inside of his thigh with the right foot. Twisting your arm outward and downward, throw the assistant onto his back. Stepping over the assistant’s body with your right foot, bend your arm behind your back and push him over to a position lying on his stomach. Immediately, kneeling on your right knee, place your thigh under the shoulder of the assistant’s grasped hand. Restricting mobility by bending your arm behind your back, force the assistant to turn on his side and press his knees to his chest. Holding the chin from below with your right hand, raise it to your knees, and then force the assistant to stand up. Accompany, restricting mobility by bending your arm behind your back.

57.9. Restriction of freedom of movement by twisting the arm inward (“arm lever inward”). Grab the assistant's right forearm with your left hand from above (thumb to hand). Apply a relaxing blow with your left shin to the assistant’s left thigh from the inside and grab the forearm with both hands (with your right hand from below). Twisting your forearm inward, place the captured hand under your shoulder. Squatting and leaning forward, press the assistant’s shoulder with the torso to the left thigh from above. Bending your arm at the elbow joint and pressing on your wrist, squeeze and twist your hand inward. Next, proceed in the same way as bending your arm behind your back with a push.

58. Throwing training:
This Manual describes the technique of performing throws to the right side relative to the assistant; throws to the opposite side are performed in a mirror manner.

58.1. Rear step. With your left hand, grab the assistant’s right hand, and with your right hand, mark a relaxing blow, and then grab his neck or clothing in the neck or chest area. Step your left foot forward and to the left and place your left foot outside the assistant’s right foot, while simultaneously pulling him back towards you. Bring your slightly bent right leg behind his supporting leg and place it behind his right leg so that the hamstrings of the legs touch. Straightening your right leg, bending over and turning your torso to the left, kick up the assistant’s near leg, while simultaneously jerking him to the left and down, throw him towards your left sock.

58.2. Rear footrest with leg grip. Indicate a relaxing blow to the assistant. Grab his neck or clothing in the neck or chest area with your right hand, and grab the popliteal bend of the assistant’s right leg from the outside with your left hand, while simultaneously stepping with your left leg forward and to the left. Lift his captured leg up and to the right, press it to your left side. Bring your slightly bent right leg behind the assistant’s supporting leg and place it behind his left leg so that the hamstrings of the legs touch. Straightening your right leg, bending over and turning your torso to the left, kick up the assistant’s left leg, while simultaneously jerking him to the left and down, throw him towards your left toe.

58.3. Front step. With your left hand, grab the assistant’s right hand, and with your right hand, his neck or clothing in the neck or chest area, and at the same time mark a relaxing kick to the leg or lower torso. With both hands, pull the assistant towards you, up and to the left so that he stands on his toes. Turning your torso to the left in a circle, move your left leg in an arc back to the right and place your left foot near the assistant’s left foot. Bending your right leg, bend it at the knee, move it to the left and up and place it so that its popliteal fold rests against his right knee, and the toe is in the same direction as his right toe. Transfer your body weight to your left leg bent at the knee. Pull the assistant’s hands to the left and down, while simultaneously straightening your right leg, throw it towards your left toe.

58.4. Hip throw. With your left hand, grab the assistant’s right hand, and with your right hand, mark a relaxing blow to the torso, and then perform a grab on his lower back. With a jerk to the left and up, force him to transfer his body weight to his toes. At the same time, step your right foot forward and place it between the assistant’s legs, turn to the left in a circle on the right leg so that the left buttock is near the inside of the assistant’s right thigh. Simultaneously with the end of the turn, place your left foot next to your right and, spreading your knees, squat on both legs. With a sharp movement, knock the inside of his right thigh back and slightly up, at the same time make a strong jerk with your hands upward, and a little later to the left and down and throw the assistant to your left sock.

58.5. Throw over the back. With your left hand, grab the assistant’s right arm, and with your right hand, mark a relaxing blow to the torso, and then perform a grab under his right armpit. With a jerk to the left and up, force him to transfer his body weight to his toes. At the same time, step your right foot forward and place it between the assistant’s legs, turn to the left in a circle on the right leg so that the left buttock is near the inside of the assistant’s right thigh. Simultaneously with the end of the turn, place your left foot next to your right and, spreading your knees, squat on both legs. With a sharp movement, knock the inside of his right thigh back and slightly up, at the same time make a strong jerk with your hands upward, and a little later to the left and down and throw the assistant to your left sock.

58.6. Throw with a leg grab from behind. While in a half-squat (right leg in front), grab the assistant’s legs from the outside with your hands just above the knees. Pushing him with his right shoulder under the buttocks, pull the assistant’s legs upward and spread them apart.

58.7. Front leg grab throw. As you step forward with your right foot, mark a relaxing blow with the same hand on the assistant’s head. While squatting, grab the assistant’s legs by the popliteal folds with your hands from the outside and rest your right shoulder on his stomach. When pushing the assistant, make a strong pull on his legs towards you and up, while simultaneously spreading them to the sides. If the assistant falls, put one leg back and grab his shins under your armpits.

59. Choke training:
This Manual describes the technique of performing choking techniques to the right side relative to the assistant; throws to the opposite side are performed in a mirror manner.

59.1. Seated shoulder and forearm choke. From behind, sit on the back of the assistant lying on his stomach, pull his head back with your left hand, and with your right hand clasp his neck with your shoulder and forearm, fixing the hand in the elbow bend of your left hand, place the palm of your left hand on the back of the assistant’s head. Use two hands to squeeze his throat. When the assistant tries to throw the employee off, roll onto his back, clasp his torso with his legs at waist level, connect them, straightening his legs and bending at the waist, continue suffocating.

59.2. Standing rear shoulder and forearm choke. From behind, grab the assistant's shoulders with your hands. Turning sideways to him, mark a relaxing blow with your right foot into the popliteal bend of his leg of the same name, while simultaneously pulling the assistant towards you. With your right hand, clasp the assistant’s neck with your shoulder and forearm, fixing the hand in the elbow bend of your left hand, and place the palm of your left hand on the back of his head. Use two hands to squeeze the assistant’s throat.

60. Training in releasing grips and grips:

60.1. Releases from grips and clasps are carried out according to the following scheme: designation of a relaxing blow - release from a grip or clasp - restriction of the assistant's freedom of movement.

60.2. It is advisable to release the grip of the forearms (sleeves) from the front by jerking the captured hands towards the assistant’s thumbs.

60.3. It is advisable to release the grip of the forearm (sleeve) from the front with two hands by jerking the captured hands towards the assistant’s thumbs using the free hand.

60.4. It is advisable to release the grip of the neck (clothing on the chest) from the front by twisting the arm outward or inward, depending on the grip.

60.5. It is advisable to release the grip of the torso from the front under the arms by moving the legs and back back, focusing on the face or throat with the hands.

60.6. It is advisable to release the body from the front above the arms by moving the legs and body back, indicating a groin grab or a punch from below to the lower part of the body and spreading the arms to the sides, bending them at the elbows.

60.7. It is advisable to release the legs from the front by moving the leg back with the hands resting on the shoulders or head, followed by a relaxing blow.

60.8. It is advisable to free yourself from a grab by the hair on the front of the head by strongly pressing the hand of the person who grabbed it with both hands to the head, applying a relaxing blow to the shin with the foot, bending the torso forward and stepping back and to the side.

60.9. It is advisable to free yourself from a grab by the hair on the head from behind by strongly pressing the hand of the person who grabbed it with both hands to the head with a half-squat and turning inward, tilting the torso forward and stepping back.

60.10. It is advisable to release the grip from the back of the body under the arms by applying pain to the hand (fingers) by turning to face the assistant.

60.11. It is advisable to release the grip of the torso from behind above the arms by pressing one of the assistant’s hands to the chest, squatting while simultaneously bending the torso forward and moving backwards under the grabbed arm.

60.12. It is advisable to release the neck from the shoulder and forearm from behind by pressing one of the assistant’s hands to the chest, squatting while simultaneously bending the body forward and diving under the grabbed arm.

61. Training to suppress actions with firearms:

61.1. Protection when threatened with a pistol is carried out according to the following scheme: leaving the line of direction of the weapon's barrel with approaching - capturing the armed hand, excluding the possibility of free movement of the hand with the weapon, and moving it away from oneself - designation of a relaxing blow - disarming - restricting the freedom of movement of the assistant.

61.2. When threatened with a pistol from the front at point-blank range, it is advisable to defend yourself by moving away from the line of direction of the firearm's barrel outward and twisting your arm outward or inward.

61.3. It is advisable to defend yourself when threatened with a pistol from behind at point-blank range by turning in a circle and twisting your arm outward or inward.

61.4. Protection when threatened by a long-barreled weapon is carried out according to the following scheme: leaving the line of direction of the weapon's barrel with approaching - grabbing the weapon - designating a relaxing blow - disarming by snatching (twisting) the weapon from the assistant's hands - restricting the assistant's freedom of movement.

61.5. When facing a threat from a long-barreled weapon from the front at point-blank range, it is advisable to protect yourself by leaving the affected area to the outside.

61.6. When facing a threat from behind with a long-barreled weapon at point-blank range, it is advisable to perform defense by turning towards the assistant.

61.7. Release from the grip of a long-barreled weapon is carried out by snatching the weapon, indicating a kick to the knee (torso).

61.8. Suppression of actions when trying to get a weapon is carried out according to the following scheme: fixation (capture) of the assistant’s armed hand - designation of a relaxing blow - restriction of the assistant’s freedom of movement - selection or selection of weapons.

61.9. It is advisable to prevent actions when trying to get a weapon from a breast pocket by twisting the arm outward.

61.10. It is advisable to suppress actions when trying to get a weapon from a trouser pocket (holster) by bending your hand behind your back with a lock.

61.11. Suppression of actions when trying to disarm (remove a weapon from a holster) is carried out according to the following scheme: fixing (grabbing) the attacking hand (hands) of the assistant - designation of a relaxing blow - restricting the freedom of movement of the assistant.

61.12. When approaching from the front, it is advisable to suppress the assistant’s actions when attempting to disarm (remove the weapon from the holster) by twisting the arm outward or inward.

61.13. It is advisable to suppress the actions of an assistant when trying to disarm (remove a weapon from a holster) when approaching from behind by twisting the arm inward or bending the arm behind the back with a jerk.

61.14. Suppression of actions when trying to lift a weapon is carried out according to the following scheme: fixing (throwing away) the weapon with the simultaneous designation of a relaxing blow, or designating a relaxing blow with subsequent fixation (throwing away) of the weapon - restricting the freedom of movement of the assistant - picking up the weapon.

62. Training in handcuffing, tying with rope, trouser belt:

62.1. When studying the procedure for handcuffing, tying with a rope, or a trouser belt, the following requirements must be observed:

62.1.1. Before starting handcuffing, tying with a rope, or a trouser belt, it is necessary to fix the assistant’s controlled position.

62.1.2. To transfer the assistant to a controlled position, the commands “Stop, police”, “I will shoot”, “Hands up”, “Circle”, “Hands on the back of the head (behind the head)”, “Close your fingers (“lock”)”, “ Towards the wall”, “Hands on the wall (rest your hands against the wall)”, “Turn your palms towards me”, “Legs to the sides (wider)”, “Kneel”, “Lean on your elbows”, “Lie down”, “Cross legs left (right) on top”, “Hands on the ground”, “Palms up”, “Spread your fingers”, “Right (left) hand behind your back”, “Head to the right (left)”, combat fighting techniques are used or a service weapon is used (special tool).

62.1.3. When carrying out handcuffing, tying with a rope, or a trouser belt, the assistant’s face should be turned in the direction opposite to the employee.

62.2. Handcuffing while standing against a wall. When giving commands, bring the assistant to the wall, place him so that he rests on it with the backs of his palms, his arms spread wide apart, spread his fingers, spread his legs as wide as possible, move them as far as possible from the wall, bend at the waist, turn his head to the right. Place your right foot between his legs from behind to his left leg (foot to foot) so that, if necessary, you can knock it out. With your left hand, grab the thumb of the assistant’s left hand and place it behind your back, and with your right hand, take out the handcuffs. Turn the handcuff with the keyhole towards the elbow and attach it with the movable arm to the wrist joint of his left hand from the top of the wrist. Press down on the bracelet and place it tightly on your hand. Grab the free bracelet with your left hand. With your right hand, place the assistant's right hand behind your back and grab the thumb on top. Change the position of your legs, make him turn his head to the left. Place the handcuff with the movable arm on the wrist joint of the assistant’s captured hand from the top of the wrist and tightly put the handcuff on it. Lock the lock of each bracelet.

62.3. Handcuffing while kneeling against a wall. When giving commands, bring the assistant to the wall, put him on his knees so that he rests on it with the backs of his palms with his arms spread wide apart, spread his fingers, spread his legs as wide as possible, move them as far as possible from the wall, bend at the waist, turn his head to the right. Place your left leg between his legs from behind, resting your knee on his back. With your left hand, grab the thumb of the assistant’s left hand and place it behind your back, and with your right hand, take out the handcuffs. Turn the handcuff with the keyhole towards the elbow and attach it with the movable arm to the wrist joint of his left hand from the top of the wrist. Press down on the bracelet and place the handcuff tightly on your hand. Grab the free bracelet with your left hand. With your right hand, place the assistant's right hand behind your back and grab the thumb on top. Place the handcuff with the movable arm on the wrist joint of the captured hand from the wrist side on top and tightly put the handcuff on it. Lock the lock of each bracelet.

62.4. Handcuffing while lying down. Limit the assistant’s freedom of movement by bending his arm behind his back. Transfer him first to a kneeling position, then to a lying position. Sit astride the assistant's back and, raising yourself on your knees, twist your shoulders back with your hips. Grab the thumb of his left hand with your left hand, and take out the handcuffs with your right hand. Turn the handcuff with the keyhole towards the elbow and attach it with the movable arm to the wrist joint of the assistant’s left hand from the top of the wrist. Press down on the bracelet and place the handcuff tightly on your hand. Grab the free bracelet with your left hand, and grab his right hand by the thumb on top with your right hand. Place the handcuff with the movable arm on the wrist joint of the captured hand from the wrist side on top and tightly put the handcuff on it. Lock the lock of each bracelet.

62.5. Binding with a rope in a prone position. Limit the assistant’s freedom of movement by bending his arm behind his back. Transfer him first to a kneeling position, then to a lying position. Sit astride his back and, rising on your knees, twist your shoulders back with your hips. Taking out the rope, make a tightening loop at its end. Place the loop on the assistant's left forearm and tighten it. Throw the rope over your right shoulder and pass it under the elbow of your left arm. Having pulled it tight, bend your left arm as much as possible and make a control loop on the forearm of your right hand, securing this position with a knot. Wrap the rope in a figure eight around your wrists several times and tie.

62.6. Tying with a trouser belt in a lying position. Limit the assistant’s freedom of movement by bending his arm behind his back. Transfer him first to a kneeling position, then to a lying position. Sit astride his back and, rising on your knees, twist your shoulders back with your hips. Take the belt and bend the third part of it from the free end with the inside side up, pass the bend into the hole of the buckle from above and expand the resulting double loop. Pass your hands through the loop and tighten it around your wrists by pulling the end of the strap. To remove the belt, squeeze the assistant’s hands tightly and pass the belt through the buckle hole in the opposite direction, loosen the loop.

62.7. Handcuffing two people while standing against a wall. The first officer holds the assistant by bending his right arm behind his back and takes a position for conducting an external search under the influence of bending his arm behind his back in a standing position against the wall, stopping his attempts to escape or resist. The second employee approaches the assistant from the left side, places his right foot close to his left leg from the inside. With his right hand he presses the assistant’s left (free) hand against the wall. With his left hand he takes the thumb (from below), puts it behind his back and turns the hand outward. With his right hand he takes out the handcuffs and cuffs his left hand. Takes the free handcuff with his left hand, and with his right hand the thumb of the assistant’s hand, held by the partner, and fetters the assistant’s right hand. Then he bends his left hand.

63. External inspection training:

63.1. When studying the procedure for conducting an external inspection, the following requirements must be observed:

63.1.1. Before starting the external search, it is necessary to fix the assistant’s controlled position.

63.1.2. When conducting an external search, the assistant’s face should be turned in the direction opposite to that of the employee.

63.1.3. If you find objects in your pockets, you must remove them by turning the pocket inside out.

63.1.4. When studying the procedure for conducting an external search under the threat of using a weapon, after fixing the assistant’s controlled position, it is necessary to keep your index finger on the trigger guard of the weapon, without shifting it to the other hand or pointing it towards the assistant after fixing his controlled position.

63.1.5. To transfer the assistant to a controlled position, the commands specified in subclause 62.1.2 of this Manual are given, combat techniques are used, or a service weapon (special means) is used.

63.2. External search in a standing position against a wall. When giving commands, bring the assistant to the wall, place him so that he rests on it with the backs of his palms, his arms spread wide apart, spread his fingers, spread his legs as wide as possible, move them as far as possible from the wall, bend at the waist, turn his head to the right. Place your right leg between his legs from behind to his left leg (foot to foot) so that, if necessary, you can knock it out, rest your right hand on his back. Inspect the assistant's clothing, including sleeves, headdress, trousers, and shoes on the left side. Turn to him on the other side, changing the position of your arms and legs. Turn the assistant's head in the opposite direction. In a similar way, examine the assistant’s clothes from the other side.

63.3. External inspection under the influence of bending the arm behind the back while standing against the wall. Limit the assistant’s freedom of movement by bending his right arm behind his back and bring him to the wall, stopping him a step away from it. Place your left foot close to his right foot from the inside and press the assistant against the wall with your thigh. Commands force you to place your left hand on the wall, turn your hand with your palm outward and spread your fingers, and turn your head to the left. If necessary, turn the assistant’s head to the left with your right hand and, moving it back, force him to bend. Inspect the headdress, hair, clothing on the chest, stomach, back, trouser pockets, legs, shoes from the side of the captured hand from top to bottom. Use a command to force the assistant to place his left hand behind his back and grab his thumb with your right hand. Without releasing the grip, turn the other side to him, changing the position of your legs. Release your left hand from the bend of the arm and grab the thumb of the assistant’s left hand; with your right hand, take this hand to the bend. Working in a similar manner (to the right side), bring the assistant into the inspection position and inspect from the left side. Accompany, restricting mobility by bending your arm behind your back.

63.4. External inspection under the influence of bending the arm behind the back in a lying position. Limit the assistant’s freedom of movement by bending his right arm behind his back. Holding your arms behind your back, first move him to a kneeling position, then, lying down, sit astride his back. Using commands, force him to put his left hand on the ground, turn his hand with his palm outward and spread his fingers. Turn the assistant’s head to the left with your right hand and, moving it back, force him to bend. Inspect the headdress, hair, clothes on the chest, stomach, back. Use a command to force the assistant to bend his right leg and inspect his trouser pockets, legs, and shoes. Use a command to force the assistant to place his left hand behind his back and grab his thumb with your right hand. Release your left hand from the bend of the arm and grab the thumb of the assistant’s left hand; with your right hand, take this hand to the bend. Working in a similar manner (to the right side), bring the assistant into the inspection position and inspect from the left side. Restricting the assistant’s mobility by bending his arm behind his back, force him to turn on his side and press his knees to his chest. Helping with your left hand under your chin, lift it to your knees, and then to a standing position. Accompany, restricting mobility by bending your arm behind your back.

63.5. External search after handcuffing while standing against a wall. Handcuff the assistant while standing against a wall. Without changing the position of the assistant, take his right arm and examine it, acting similarly when conducting an external search under the influence of bending his arm behind his back in a standing position against the wall.

63.6. External search after handcuffing in a prone position. Handcuff the assistant in a prone position. Without changing the position of the assistant, take his right arm and examine it, acting similarly when conducting an external search under the influence of bending his arm behind his back in a lying position.

63.7. External search under the threat of using a weapon (special means) while standing against a wall. From a distance of 5-7 m, point the weapon at the assistant and, giving commands, bring him into the inspection position: he rested the backs of his hands with his arms wide apart to the sides against the wall, spread his fingers, spread his legs as wide as possible, moved them as far as possible from the wall, bent over in the lower back, turned his head to the right. Approach the assistant from the left side and place your right foot close to his left foot from the inside (if necessary, kick the leg to the side). Use your free hand to rest on his lower back, forcing him to bend over. If necessary, move your head to the right with this hand and tilt it back. With your left hand, examine the headdress, hair, clothes on the chest, stomach, back, trouser pockets, legs, shoes on the left side. Move a safe distance (3-5 m) back. Acting in a similar manner (on the left side), bring the assistant into the inspection position and inspect from the right side.

63.8. External search under the threat of using a weapon in a prone position. From a distance of 5-7 m, point the weapon at the assistant and, giving commands, bring him into the inspection position: lie on his stomach, cross his legs (left leg on top), bend at the waist, moving his elbows back, and turn his head to the right. Approach the assistant from the left side. Place your left foot next to his pelvis, with your right foot press down on the top leg (the heel rests on the ground, and the foot presses on the leg). With your left hand, examine the headdress, hair, and clothing on the left side. Press your right foot onto your left heel and inspect your trouser pockets, legs, and shoes. Move a safe distance (3-5 m) back. Acting in a similar manner (on the left side), bring the assistant into the inspection position and inspect from the right side. Move back a safe distance.

63.9. When studying the procedure for conducting an external search together under the threat of using a firearm, the following requirements must be observed:

63.9.1. Employees should be positioned in such a way that they can observe in all directions.

63.9.2. The actions are led by the group leader.

63.9.3. Employees and assistants should not be on the same imaginary line.

63.9.4. When conducting an external inspection, you must not cross the direction of the gun barrel.

63.9.5. If the assistant has an object in his hands, it is necessary to force him to throw it away and force him to move away from it.

63.10. External search by two people under the influence of bending the arm behind the back while standing against the wall. The first employee holds the assistant on his right side in the position for conducting an external search under the influence of bending his right arm behind his back while standing against the wall, stopping his attempts to break out or resist the external search. The second employee approaches the assistant from the left side, places his right foot close to his left leg from the inside. With his left hand he presses the assistant’s left (free) hand against the wall, pressing on the forearm, with his right hand he rests against the back. The first employee examines the assistant from his side (from the side of the captured hand). At the end of his inspection, the second officer bends his left arm behind his back and inspects him from his side.

63.11. External search by two people under the threat of using a firearm in a prone position. From a distance of 5-7 m, the group leader gives the assistant the command: “Don’t move! Police! I’ll shoot!” and both officers point their guns at the assistant. The head of the group makes the assistant lie on his stomach, cross his legs (left leg on top), bend at the waist, moving his elbows back, and turn his head to the right. The second officer holsters the weapon and approaches the assistant on the left side. Places your left foot next to his thigh, with your right foot presses on the top leg (heel rests on the ground and foot presses on the legs). Conducts external inspection from the left side. After this, he moves back to a safe distance. The group leader forces the assistant to turn his head to the left and change the position of his legs. The second employee, walking behind the group leader, approaches the assistant from the right side. In a similar way, he conducts an external search on the right side.

64. Assistance training:

64.1. Providing assistance in an unarmed attack must begin with the designation of a relaxing blow.

64.2. Providing assistance during an attack with a bladed weapon must begin with grabbing the armed hand while simultaneously marking a relaxing blow.

64.3. Providing assistance in an attack with a firearm must begin with grabbing the armed hand and moving it to the side while simultaneously marking a relaxing blow.

65. Training in interaction when using physical force, including combat fighting techniques, as part of a unit (group):

65.1. Carry out combat techniques to combat preliminary distraction.

65.2. Determine in advance who should perform the technique first, and who should create favorable conditions for its successful implementation, using restraining grips, clasps, choking techniques, and more.

65.3. The employee who created favorable conditions for the partner performs a painful technique after it has been performed by him.

66. Training in actions using a special stick:

66.1. Basic grips of a special stick:

66.1.1. With one hand, the loop of the holder covers the wrist.

66.1.2. With two hands - both ends of the stick are grabbed with a special straight grip.

66.2. Basic stands with a special stick:

66.2.1. Front stand.

66.2.2. Left-handed or right-handed stand.

66.3. Basic blows with a special stick are studied both with and without a shield:

66.3.1. A blow with a special stick from above is applied from top to bottom simultaneously with the left (right) leg stepping forward and pulling the other leg forward.

66.3.2. A blow with a special stick from the side is applied inward with a rotation of the body (the shield is moved to the side) with the left (right) leg stepping forward and pulling the other leg forward.

66.3.3. A backhand blow with a special stick is applied with a step of the right (left) leg (the shield is lowered) with a preliminary turn of the body to the left (right) by turning the body back by moving the special stick in the direction of the blow.

66.3.4. A blow with a special stick forward (poke) is applied after bending the arm at the elbow and holding the special stick with the end forward (the shield is moved to the side) by sharply straightening the arm in the direction of the blow, followed by pulling the arm back.

66.4. Protective actions with a special stick against blows:

66.4.1. Protecting the middle part of the stick with a special stand up is performed one step forward from a blow from above with a hand, knife, or object.

66.4.2. Protecting the middle part of a special stick down with a stand is performed with a step back from a blow from below to the groin, stomach with a hand, foot, knife, or object.

66.4.3. Protecting the middle part of a special stick to the side with a stand is performed with a step forward or backward from blows from the side, backhand to the head, neck, torso, to the legs with a hand, foot, knife, or object.

66.4.4. Defense by beating with the middle part of a special stick inward is performed with a step forward or backward from blows directly (forward) with a hand, foot, knife, object to the face, throat, torso, groin.

66.5. After defensive actions, a retaliatory strike with a special stick is indicated.

66.6. When grabbing a special stick, retaliatory strikes with a foot or hand are indicated.

66.7. Choking techniques using a special stick when approaching from behind:

66.7.1. A choke hold with a direct grip of a special stick is performed with the assistant unbalanced, pressing the back of his head and back to his body.

66.7.2. A choke hold with a cross grip of a special stick is performed with the assistant unbalanced, pressing the back of his head and back to his body.

66.8. Restriction of freedom of movement using a special stick. Holding the special stick with one hand, insert it between the assistant’s arm and body, pointing the free end up, grab it with the other hand, and at the same time give him a relaxing kick. Bend your arm behind your back with a jerk, using a special stick as a lever.

67. Training in defensive and retaliatory actions using a shield and a special stick against blows with a stick:

67.1. Defensive and retaliatory actions using a shield and a special stick against blows with a stick from above, from the side, or backhand are performed by placing the shield under the blow, protecting the head and torso with it, after which a retaliatory blow is indicated with a special stick from the side.

67.2. Protective and retaliatory actions using a shield and a special stick against blows with a stick directly (poke) are performed by placing the shield under the blow at an angle of 45 degrees, protecting the head and torso, after which a retaliatory blow is indicated with a special stick from the side.

68. Training in combat techniques using a machine gun:

68.1. A blow with the barrel forward (poke) is performed from a place, with a step forward, with a lunge forward by sharply moving the machine gun with the barrel towards the target and then returning it to its original position.

68.2. The strike with the magazine of the machine gun is performed from a place, with a step forward, moving the arms away from you.

68.3. A strike from the side with the butt of a machine gun is performed from a place, with a step forward, by sharply moving the machine gun with the butt towards the target in an arc from right to left, followed by returning it to its original position.

68.4. A backhand strike with the butt of a machine gun is performed from a place, with a step forward, by sharply moving the machine gun with the butt towards the target in an arc from left to right, followed by returning it to its original position.

68.5. Barrel hits are performed with a short blow with the barrel outward, inward, outward-downward, inward-downward. They are practiced against direct blows (jabs) from a machine gun, a gun, a stick, or an object.

68.6. Protection with a machine gun stand is carried out by moving the middle part of the weapon up, down, out, in. It is practiced against blows with a hand, foot, knife, object from above, below, from the side, backhand, forward (straight).

VIII. Prevention of injuries in physical training classes

69. Physical training classes are conducted in compliance with the necessary measures to prevent injury, including:

69.1. Careful fitting of uniforms, sportswear and shoes, checking the serviceability and safety of sports facilities, exercise areas, inventory and equipment.

69.2. Correct organization and methodology of conducting classes, maintaining discipline during classes.

69.3. Advance preparation and use of means of insurance and assistance when performing exercises (techniques) associated with risk and danger, especially when performing tasks in combat fighting techniques and swimming.

69.4. Taking into account the health status and level of physical fitness of employees, especially those with health problems or illnesses.

69.5. Constantly monitoring external signs of employee fatigue.

69.6. Explanatory work to prevent injuries.

69.7. Compliance with measures to exclude the possibility of heatstroke and sunstroke and other fainting conditions, as well as frostbite (practical physical training exercises in the open air are carried out at air temperatures no higher than plus 30 and no lower than minus 20 degrees with a wind speed of up to 10 m/s, and in poorly ventilated and unheated rooms - when the air temperature in them is not higher than plus 25 and not lower than plus 15 degrees).

69.8. Presence at control classes of a medical worker from a medical organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
In the text of this Manual, medical organizations of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are understood as the federal government health care institution "Central Clinic No. 1 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation", the federal government health care institution "Central Clinic No. 2 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" and the medical units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia according to subjects of the Russian Federation.

Appendix to the Manual. Special obstacle course

to the Organization Manual
physical training in organs
internal affairs
Russian Federation

Legend: 1 - gymnastic pommel horse with a height of 135 cm; 2 - three medicine balls weighing 4 kg; 3 - “box” or bag weighing 30 kg; 4 - vertical pole; 5 - three benches 45 cm high; 6 - gymnastic bars 160 cm high; 7 - gymnastic beam 120 cm high; 8 - fence 2 m high; 9 - a boxing bag or a wrestling dummy weighing 30 kg.

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