Saint Theodosius of Chernigov. Relics of saints Icon of Theodosius of Chernigov

Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov, was born in the early 30s of the 17th century. in Podolsk region. He came from an ancient noble family of Polonitsky-Uglitsky. His parents were priest Nikita and Maria. The name given to Saint Theodosius at Baptism remains unknown.

The piety of his parents contributed to the spiritual development and good inclinations of the boy: from childhood he was diligent in prayer and was distinguished by a meek character.

As a young man, he entered the theological school, the so-called Kiev Brotherhood College, at the Kiev Epiphany Monastery. The end of the 40s of the 17th century. was the heyday of the College. The Kiev-Brotherly College was at that time the main center of the struggle of Orthodoxy against the pressure and attacks of the Catholic clergy - the Jesuits and Uniates.

During his years of study, the saint’s calling to monastic feat was finally determined. He devoted his free time from studies to prayer, reading the Holy Scriptures and contemplating God.

It can be assumed that Saint Theodosius did not have to complete the full course of the College, since during the destruction of Kyiv by the Poles the College ceased its activities for several years.

After receiving his education, the future saint took monastic vows at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and was named Theodosius in honor of the Monk Theodosius of Pechersk (May 3).

The young monk's outstanding abilities and high spiritual disposition were immediately noted by Metropolitan Dionysius Balaban, who appointed him archdeacon of the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral, and then appointed him vicar of the metropolitan cathedral.

However, Saint Theodosius asked for blessing to settle in the remote Krutitsky monastery of the Chernigov diocese, near Baturin, famous for the severity of its charter. There he was ordained a hieromonk, and in 1662 he was appointed abbot of the Korsun monastery of the Kyiv diocese.

In 1664 he was appointed rector of the famous Kiev-Vydubitsky Monastery. This monastery had recently been in the hands of the Uniates, who led it to complete ruin. Saint Theodosius set to work with zeal, and, thanks to his energy and hard work, quickly restored monastic life in the Vydubitsky Monastery. Taking care of the church's splendor, he organized a wonderful choir, which was famous not only in Little Russia, but also in Moscow, where Saint Theodosius sent his singers in 1685.

For the successful growth of monks in the spiritual life, the holy abbot founded a small monastery near the monastery, on the island of St. Michael's, where the monks could retire for feats of silence. He appointed one of the most strict and zealous monks of the monastery, Hieromonk Job (Opalinsky), as the governor and builder of the monastery.

In those years, Saint Theodosius had to endure a difficult ordeal: together with other abbots, he was accused by Methodius, Bishop of Mstislav and Orsha, of treason against the Russian government and imaginary correspondence with traitors. On September 20, 1668, he was summoned to give explanations on this case. However, on November 17 of the same year, the slander was discovered, and Saint Theodosius, along with others, was acquitted.

The Right Reverend Lazar (Baranovich) especially appreciated the spiritual gifts of Saint Theodosius and brought him closer to himself, calling him “a sheep of the flock of Christ who has learned obedience.”

When Bishop Lazar was appointed locum tenens of the Kyiv Metropolis, he appointed Saint Theodosius as his vicar in Kyiv, while he himself remained in Chernigov. In this title, Saint Theodosius took an active part in many church events.

In 1685, he participated with the right of a decisive vote in the election of Bishop Gideon (Chetvertinsky) as Metropolitan of Kiev and, together with Abbot Jerome (Dubina) of Pereyaslavl, was sent to Moscow with news of the election. In Moscow they were received with honor. The result of this embassy was the reunification of the Kyiv Metropolis with the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 1688, Saint Theodosius was appointed archimandrite of the Chernigov Yelets Monastery in place of the deceased Archimandrite Ioannikis (Golyatovsky). There he had to work hard to improve the monastery, which was also destroyed by the Jesuits and Dominicans.

From that time on, the saint’s activities moved to Chernigov, where he became the closest assistant to His Grace Lazar (Baranovich), helping him in all his work on the management and improvement of the diocese.

In 1692, on September 11, Saint Theodosius was solemnly consecrated in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin to the rank of Archbishop of Chernigov.

While ruling the Chernigov diocese, Saint Theodosius was especially concerned about the spiritual enlightenment of his flock. He supported old and created new monastic monasteries, among them: the Pecheniksky convent, where he himself consecrated the temple. In 1694 he founded the Lyubetsk monastery, in the same year the saint consecrated a temple in the Domnitsky Monastery, and in 1695 - a majestic temple in honor of Holy Mother of God, built on the top of Boldinskaya Mountain, near the Ilyinsky Monastery.

Saint Theodosius supported the existence of a printing house in Chernigov, which produced many printed editions of liturgical books.

Under Saint Theodosius, a special rise and strengthening of monasticism was noticed in the Chernigov diocese. The saint paid great attention to the clergy and was strictly selective in choosing candidates. He patronized theological schools, inviting learned monks from Kyiv, among whom was St. John (Maximovich), the future Metropolitan of Tobolsk. The latter became an active assistant and successor to Saint Theodosius in the organization of Theological schools.

Distinctive features The personalities of Saint Theodosius were forbearance, peacefulness, strict justice, deep compassion for everyone who turned to him for help and advice, not only Orthodox, but also people of other confessions.

Feeling the approach of death and preparing a successor for himself, the saint summoned Saint John (Maximovich), who was at that time the abbot of the Bryansk Svensky Monastery, elevated him to the rank of archimandrite and appointed him rector of the Yeletsky Monastery in Chernigov.

In 1696, on February 5, Saint Theodosius died and was buried in the Chernigov Boris and Gleb Cathedral, behind the right choir, in a crypt built for that purpose.

Saint John Maksimovich built a brick vault over his tomb with a laudatory inscription in verse, in gratitude for the miraculous deliverance through the prayers of Saint Theodosius from a serious illness.

WITH Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov, by origin, belonged to the Trans-Dnieper noble family of the Uglitskys. Theodosius's father, named Nikita, was a priest in Little Russia, his mother was called Maria. The parents raised their son in the fear of God and Christian piety; under the influence of their instructions, from a very young age he received the makings of that piety with which his entire subsequent life was adorned. By nature meek, obedient and impressionable, Theodosius from a young age burned with fiery love for God and zeal for the temple of God. Having received his initial education at home and learned to read and write there, Theodosius was then sent by his father to the Kiev-Brotherly Epiphany School for further education. Here, under the influence and guidance of pious mentors, practicing in the study of the Holy Scriptures and patristic works, the saint sought to organize his life according to them; here he grew and became strengthened in spirit in the knowledge of the truths of the Orthodox faith and in the exploits of piety. And here, while studying at school, in young Theodosius there arose a desire to imitate, to the best of his ability, the equal-angelic life of the Monks Anthony and Theodosius and other ascetics of the Pechersk - these great prayer books and heavenly patrons of the ancient throne of Kiev, under whose blessed shadow he lived and was brought up , and the incorruptible, glorified relics of which he constantly saw before him. In his free hours, Theodosius’s favorite pastimes were prayer, contemplation of God, and reading the word of God. Here Saint Theodosius became well acquainted with church partes singing, at the singing school established by the Right Reverend Lazar Baranovich. In general, the Kiev-Brotherly Epiphany School, founded to maintain and defend the Orthodox faith against the attacks of the Polish Catholic clergy and Jesuits, conducted all teaching in a strictly Orthodox Christian spirit, which also imbued the young souls of its pupils; had among her mentors the true luminaries of Orthodox spiritual enlightenment. There is no doubt that Saint Theodosius received there the highest and best education for that time, which should have contributed to the full development of all the richly gifted abilities of his soul.

Soon after completing his education at the Kiev-Brotherly Epiphany School, Theodosius accepted monasticism, something his soul, ardently thirsty for spiritual exploits, aspired to even at school. And so, in his young years, this true ascetic of Christ regards all the blessings of this world as nothing, leaves the rebellious, vain world and takes monastic vows in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra with the name Theodosius, in honor of the great ascetic of the Kiev-Pechersk and the founder of the communal monastic life in Russia - St. Theodosius, whom he revered so reverently and to whose prayerful intercession he so often turned during his studies in Kiev. From this time on, Theodosius’ strictly ascetic life began, which soon gained him fame not only in the monastic world, but also among the laity.

The humility and exemplary life of the young ascetic attracted the attention of the then Metropolitan of Kiev Dionysius (Valaban), who appointed him archdeacon of the Kiev-Sophia Cathedral, where he worked hard until Metropolitan Dionysius was removed from Kiev, after which he was appointed vicar of the metropolitan cathedral. But, disturbed by worldly vanity, life in Kyiv could not satisfy the humble monk’s inner desire for silence and his desire to remain in constant prayerful communion with God. Therefore, Saint Theodosius, drawn by his love for deeds of piety and monastic silence, soon left Kiev and settled in the remote, small Krupitsky Baturinsky monastery, which had long been famous for the severity of monastic life, where he was ordained to the rank of hieromonk. But no matter how much the educated, pious and active monk hid from the world, he still could not go unnoticed by the highest spiritual authorities. Saint Theodosius labored in the Krupitsky monastery for a short time; He stood out sharply from the rest of the brethren with his spiritual wisdom and strictly ascetic, virtuous life, which is why after a short time he was appointed abbot of the Korsun monastery, Kyiv diocese. The new assignment of Saint Theodosius satisfied his inner desires. The Korsun monastery, located on an island in the Rosi River, far from worldly dwellings, in a picturesque area, fully corresponded to the saint’s desire for solitude and deeds of piety far from the bustle of the world. And here he himself served as a high example for the monastic brethren through his pious, truly ascetic life and showed a wise ability to manage the monastery. Therefore, soon afterwards he was transferred to the abbot of the famous Kyiv Vydubitsky Monastery. This ancient monastery had recently been in the hands of Uniates and Catholic Poles and was ruined by them. Most of the monks dispersed, because no one wanted to go to live in a ruined monastery; the monastery buildings were in decline, some monastic lands were unjustly seized from the monastery. In general, the monastery needed both internal and external improvements, and it took a lot of effort and skill to restore it to its previous form. But Theodosius did not lose heart and, with the help of God, successfully completed his task and brought the famous ancient monastery to its former splendor and improvement. He petitioned the Hetman of Little Russia to strengthen the land in various tracts and permission from the Tsar to send his monks to Moscow every five years to collect alms and ask for royal favor, which they received in generous amounts. At the same time, he restored the monastery buildings and churches, and generally restored the external amenities of the monastery; He was especially concerned about the decorum and splendor of divine services in the monastery: being well acquainted with church singing, Saint Theodosius formed such a wonderful choir in his monastery that it was famous not only in Kiev and throughout Little Russia, but also became famous in Moscow, which is why Theodosius, according to upon request from Moscow, he sent singers there as organizers of singing there. But even more worthy of attention are the works of this true ascetic of Christ to restore monastic order and streamline the internal life of the Vydubitsky monastery. Zealously fulfilling the duties of his monastic rank, he served as a high example of strict ascetic life for the monks, attracting many people seeking salvation to his monastery. At the same time, wishing to further inculcate the spirit of true asceticism in the monks of the Vydubitsky monastery, the saint built a small monastery on the monastery land, in the Mozyr district, for those of the brethren who sought complete solitude and severe ascetic deeds.

Although after that, according to the word of the Savior: " In the world you will have tribulation; but take heart: I have overcome the world"(John 16:33), Saint Theodosius, this faithful worker of the helicity of Christ, because of slander and human envy, endured many unjust griefs and sorrows - but his ascetic life and wise leadership of the monks earned him the universal respect of the people of Kiev. In particular Saint Theodosius was distinguished by his favor and attention by the then locum tenens of the Kiev metropolis, Archbishop of Chernigov Lazar Baranovich, who had previously been his teacher and rector of the Kiev Epiphany Brotherhood School. In one of the letters dating back to this time, the Right Reverend Lazar prophetically expresses his desire that " his name (Theodosius) was written in heaven." As locum tenens of the Kiev metropolitanate, Saint Lazar appointed Theodosius, who was then still Archimandrite of Vydubitsky, as his vicar for the metropolitanate. Then, when Little Russia elected Bishop of Lutsk Gideon as metropolitan of Kiev, then Lazar Baranovich with a request for To confirm the choice, Theodosius was sent, together with another venerable abbot, as a man who had served the Little Russian Church a lot. By this, Saint Lazarus and other spiritual and secular officials of Little Russia clearly wanted to present Theodosius as a person especially worthy and capable of the highest position. At the same time, in Moscow, Saint Theodosius requested a royal letter granting permission for the Vydubitsky Monastery to be sent to Moscow to collect alms. From that time on, at every opportunity that presented itself, they turned to Theodosius of Uglitsky as worthy to take the highest place. Thus, after the death of Metropolitan Gideon of Kyiv, Theodosius was one of the candidates for the see of the Kyiv metropolitanate. Even earlier, by the will and desire of the Right Reverend Lazar Baranovich, who returned from Kiev to Chernigov to the affairs of his diocese, he was summoned to Chernigov and appointed archimandrite of the Chernigov Eletsky Monastery in place of the deceased abbot of this monastery, the famous Ioannikiy Golyatovsky.

The Yeletsky Monastery at that time was very poor and meager. There were few estates and spiritual economic items, and in general the monks suffered a great need for maintenance. The new abbot actively set about organizing the monastery entrusted to him. Immediately upon assuming his duties, he went to the Hetman of Little Russia Mazepa with the idea that “the Yelets monastery is meager in grain supplies and especially firewood, so it is difficult to live with the brethren, and there is nothing to help, since there are few subjects in the possession of the archimandry,” and Mazepa, who was generally not distinguished by generosity towards clergy and monasteries, fulfilled the request of Saint Theodosius, out of special respect for him, and gave the village of Moshchonka into the possession of the monastery. Also, others who had wealth were encouraged by respect for Theodosius to do good to the Yeletsky monastery. Thus, under Saint Theodosius, over the course of two or three years, the Yelets monastery achieved prosperity that completely ensured its existence. While caring for the external improvement of the monastery, Saint Theodosius was no less concerned about its internal well-being, about the establishment and maintenance of truly monastic life in it. In this regard, his most personal exploits served as a highly instructive example for the Yelets brethren in their monastic life.

Among these and other monastic works, Theodosius was at the same time an active assistant to Archbishop Lazar in the work of preaching and, at the request of the archpastor, he was also in charge of the economic and partly diocesan affairs of his episcopal house. Over time, the Right Reverend Lazar saw that Archimandrite Theodosius of Uglitsky was prudently and wisely conducting the work entrusted to him, and was fully convinced that he could be his best assistant in managing the Chernigov diocese, and therefore, with the consent of the Hetman of Little Russia, he invited him to go to Moscow to the Patriarch Adrian with a request to appoint him as his assistant. This was in 1691. In Moscow they had long heard about the virtuous life and spiritual wisdom of Theodosius, and therefore the patriarch willingly fulfilled the desire of the elderly saint of Chernigov, respected by all, and notified the hetman of Little Russia about this with his holy letter, in which he spoke with praise about Saint Theodosius.

But this help was not sufficient for the elder saint, who was ending his days. Filled with gratitude to Theodosius for his zealous participation in the management of his flock, the Right Reverend Lazar wished, during his lifetime, to see Theodosius in the rank of hierarch, in order to prepare for him a worthy successor.

In 1692, he and the hetman turned to Moscow with written petitions to Tsars John and Peter Alekseevich and to Patriarch Adrian for the elevation of Archimandrite Feodosius of Uglitsky to the rank of archbishop, and both of them testified on their own behalf that “the most honorable archimandrite is a good man, adorned with the virtues of monastic life, which he leads from a young age; experienced in the management of monasteries, filled with the fear of God and spiritual wisdom, enlightened, very zealous for church splendor, capable of managing the cathedral house and the Chernigov diocese." The petition of the respected elder saint was respected, and in the same year Theodosius went to Moscow for consecration. Here on September 11th he was named bishop, and on the 18th of the same month he was consecrated archbishop. The newly consecrated archbishop stayed in Moscow for about two months, at the request of the patriarch, who treated Saint Theodosius with respect and took advantage of the opportunity to keep him in Moscow for conversations and joint celebration of Divine services.

Great was the joy of the elderly archpastor of Chernigov Lazar Baranovich when he saw his beloved assistant in the priesthood. The flock, who reverently loved and respected Saint Theodosius, was deeply delighted by this. Thus, the Chernigov Church was blessed by the leadership of two famous hierarchs - the pillars of Orthodoxy, who implored God's mercy for the peace of the whole world and for the well-being of their God-saved flock. Meanwhile, Theodosius, even in the priesthood, helping the Right Reverend Lazarus, and often completely replacing him, retained his son’s boundless love and devotion for him, showing complete obedience to his benefactor, undertaking nothing without the consent of the High Hierarch of Chernigov, trying in matters of managing the flock to act according to his instructions and permission.

But the Lord did not decree for long that the two great, famous pillars of Orthodoxy should stand together to guard the Chernigov flock. On September 3, 1693, the great elder-archpastor died quietly and peacefully after 36 years of ruling the Chernigov diocese. Saint Theodosius solemnly buried him, together with all the clergy from Chernigov and from other places, in the Chernigov Boris and Gleb Cathedral, behind the left choir.

Before notifying the tsar and patriarch about the death of His Grace Lazarus, Saint Theodosius went to the hetman of Little Russia to inform him of the sad event. Together with him, he sent Hieromonk Pachomius and some other persons to Moscow with a report to the Tsar and Patriarch about the death and burial of the Right Reverend Lazarus, and the hetman wrote that he had lamentation and sadness about the death of Lazarus, and now finds consolation and joy that, according to After his death, in the immediate future, that episcopal throne was taken over by the Most Reverend Theodosius of Uglitsky, with whom she can decorate the church with her virtues and arrange the affairs of church government with skillful consideration.

In response, the king wrote that he would show Theodosius the same royal mercy that the Right Reverend Lazarus enjoyed; The patriarch wrote to the hetman that he attributed the ordination of Archbishop Theodosius during the life of Archbishop Lazar to the special Providence of God that benefited the Chernigov flock, and asked the hetman, as a son of the Church, to help the Right Reverend Theodosius in his concerns for the Holy Church. At the same time, the patriarch sent an altar letter for the final approval of Saint Theodosius at the Chernigov see as an independent archpastor, where, among other things, he speaks of him as a virtuous man, from a young age adorned with monastic life in virtues and skillful in managing honest monasteries, full of the fear of God and spiritual understanding, a lover of wisdom, the most zealous guardian of church splendor, who quite rightly deserved to rule the house and diocese of Chernigov.

Having remained the sole archpastor of Chernigov, Saint Theodosius, with paternal zeal, cared for the welfare of his flock, and even more than before, he showed, before everyone’s eyes, the holiness of life, sincere love for asceticism, Christian mercy and love for everyone who turned to him. With his good deeds and Christian virtues, he shone not only for the Chernigov flock, but also far beyond its borders.

In Moscow itself, his name had long been pronounced with special respect, since with his spiritual wisdom and moral virtues he stood out from among all the Russian hierarchs of that time. By improving the affairs of the Chernigov church, Saint Theodosius himself showed for his flock an example of deep faith in God’s providence, zeal for prayer and church services, meek condescension to the infirmities of his neighbors and compassion for their needs, which is why he acquired the unanimous, unfeigned love and respect of his flock. Before last minutes of his life, he, as a true warrior and ascetic of Christ, labored for the glory of the holy Orthodox faith and for the good of his neighbors. According to the Apostle, he " fiery in spirit; Lord"(Rom.12:11) he served; and he was for all those around him" lamp burning and shining" (John 6:35).

The Chernigov flock realized that its archpastor, Saint Theodosius, was a true servant of God, a faithful builder in the house of God, a vigilant guardian of the church, a tireless worker, a man of prayer and a trustworthy intercessor for all before the Lord. The saint especially attracted the hearts of all his judges - just and merciful, and was compassionate towards the helpless and orphans, for whom he carefully sought what was required by truth, as well as generous, in the spirit of the Gospel, charity and Christian mercy.

In general, he was one of those public figures that exist only in the Kingdom of Christ, who manage to do much more for the common good than the great and powerful of this world. " Be of the same mind among yourselves; do not be arrogant, but follow the humble; don't dream about yourself" (Rom. 12:16).

With the most careful zeal, Saint Theodosius took care of strengthening in his flock the love for the ascetic life, which he loved so much from his youngest years, and of which he showed everyone in himself a high example. To this end, he diligently tried not only to support the monasteries that previously existed in his diocese, but also to found new monastic monasteries. So, he founded the so-called Pecheniksky monastery for girls. The best monument to the paternal care of Saint Theodosius for the improvement of monastic monasteries is his blessed charter given to the nuns of the Pecheniki monastery. Blessing the newly created monastery with the love of his father, the saint commands the nuns “the virtue of humility and complete obedience” to his abbess, as a source of peace and a guarantee of his, the saint’s, and God’s blessing.

Then, with the blessing of the saint, another monastery was founded, two miles from the city of Lyubech. At the same time, along with concerns about the development of asceticism and the establishment of monastic monasteries in the Chernigov diocese, Saint Theodosius zealously cared for the creation and beautification of the churches of God. Concerned about the moral well-being of his diocese, he paid his main attention to the clergy, trying to choose worthy and capable persons for priestly positions and by all means to strengthen the pastoral and educational activities of the parish clergy.

Saint Theodosius also worked a lot during his administration of the Chernigov diocese for the cause of Orthodoxy in Little Russia, to repulse the harmful Polish Uniate-Catholic influence there and to strengthen the Russian people here. He also brought a lot of benefit to the Russian state in that he was always able, thanks to his moral influence, eloquence and Christian peacefulness, to calm the outbursts of hot-headed, headstrong Ukrainians and thereby protect the state from harmful and dangerous unrest.

But Saint Theodosius did not shine for long at the see of Chernigov. He lived only about 8 years in Chernigov: up to 5 years as Archimandrite Yeletsky, 3 years 4 months as archbishop, and independently ruled the flock, after the death of the Right Reverend Lazar Baranovich, for about two years. Anticipating his imminent death, the saint summoned the abbot of the Bryansk Svensky Monastery, Hieromonk John Maksimovich, to Chernigov, and in the middle of 1695 ordained him as an archimandrite of the Eletsky Monastery, which until that time he had not ceased to govern himself, preparing in the new archimandrite a worthy successor to himself in the department . Soon after this, the great lamp of the Russian Church went out. The death of Saint Theodosius followed on February 5, 1696. Bitterly mourned by his orphaned flock, Saint Theodosius was buried in the Chernigov Cathedral Boris and Gleb Monastery behind the right choir.

Having completed the course of his earthly ministry, Saint Theodosius did not leave his flock, lying down with his incorrupt body in the cathedral church, and from the very first days after his repose he did not leave with his blessing all who resorted to his help, bringing down the grace of God in abundant miraculous healings to those who sought his prayer intercession before God. A number of miraculous manifestations of God's grace, revealed through the prayerful intercession of Saint Theodosius, were revealed soon after his blessed death by the grace-filled healing of his successor in the Chernigov see, the Right Reverend Archbishop John Maksimovich, from a serious illness. The Reverend John fell seriously ill with fever; the illness quickly intensified and delirium set in. Suddenly, in the midst of his illness, the Right Reverend calls his cell attendant and gives orders to immediately conduct vespers in his chambers and read the service rule for him, and in the morning to prepare everything for his service in the church. Those around the sick archpastor thought that he was delirious, but were forced to yield to his urgent demand and fulfill his desire. The next day, to the surprise of everyone, the Reverend, completely healthy, served the Divine Liturgy. Then he announced to those around him that the day before Saint Theodosius had appeared to him and said: “Serve tomorrow and you will be healthy.” In gratitude for his instant, miraculous healing from a serious illness, His Grace Archbishop John Maksimovich then composed a “praise” in verse in honor of the saint of God, written in verse according to the then custom, in which he calls him “an earthly angel and a saint residing in the Seraphim flock.” By his order, a stone cave was built above the tomb of St. Theodosius in the foundation of the Boris and Gleb Cathedral Church with an entrance to it along a twisted staircase.

The amazing miracle of healing of the Right Reverend John Maksimovich served as the beginning of the honoring of Saint Theodosius as a gracious miracle worker and saint of God. Over time, this honor spread far beyond the borders of the Chernigov province, due to new abundant manifestations of God's grace from the healing relics of St. Theodosius. These miracles were all the more obvious and striking because they were often accompanied by the appearance of Saint Theodosius to the sick in their sleep, and he ordered them to pray, fast, serve a prayer service, etc., promising healing; sometimes he instructed, admonished and fatherly reproached those who turned to him who had sinned in something. So, the saint appears to one mute in a dream vision and says: “go to the cathedral and say a prayer service, and you will be healthy.” The next day, to his amazement, the mute began to speak, and then, seeing a portrait of the saint in the cathedral, he recognized in him the saint of God who had appeared to him in a dream. “I bless and forgive,” says the saint to the priest, who confessed his sins to him in a dream and prayed for the healing of his son, and promises to heal the baby, who recovered the next day. To a woman who, in grave suffering, called on the saint for help and prayed to him with tears on Holy Pentecost, he says, meekly reproaching and admonishing: “You did not fast, this is not good. You will not be worthy to taste Easter. Try to receive communion on Holy Saturday.” To another woman, who was praying to God with tears and calling on the saint to pray for the recovery of her husband, the miracle worker affectionately says, comforting her and encouraging her: “Don’t cry, I will pray to God, and your husband will be healthy.” And soon after this her husband, who had suffered from a painful illness for about a year, completely recovered. The saint appears to one sick woman who called him, and says only one word to her: “calm down,” and her moral suffering finally ceases. It is difficult to list all the wonderful healings accomplished through the prayerful intercession of Saint Theodosius: suffice it to say. that from all over the Russian land they began to attract numerous crowds of pilgrims to his coffin.

For the first time, the body of Saint Theodosius was found incorrupt 76 years after his blessed repose on February 14, 1772, when, with the blessing of the local bishop Theophilus, it was transferred to a new wooden coffin, and the first cypress coffin of the saint of God was distributed in parts to the pilgrims. Since the beginning of the last century, the reverent honoring of Saint Theodosius of Uglitsky as a gracious miracle worker has especially intensified. The rumor about him and about the miracles flowing from his relics at this time was already spreading far beyond the borders of the Chernigov province, among Orthodox Christians of various ranks and status. In 1824, at the tomb of Saint Theodosius, the Chernigov merchant-schismatic Gorbunov was healed from a serious illness, after which he converted to Orthodoxy and, in memory of his miraculous healing, built at his own expense a new coffin for the incorruptible relics of the saint. Over time, at the cathedral, little by little, more or less correct and permanent records began to be kept about the healings that occurred from the relics of St. Theodosius, which were sufficiently verified and certified. Since 1850, at the Chernigov Cathedral, a constantly detailed chronicle has been kept about miracles through prayers to St. Theodosius, as well as in some other places.

Meanwhile, the constant abundant flow of pilgrims to the grave with the relics of St. Theodosius, given the cramped and inconvenient entrance to it, forced in 1856 to attach a semicircular chapel with a convenient staircase on the south side to the front of the porch of the Boris and Gleb Cathedral, and to expand the cave itself and make it bright.

By the end of the last century, the name of Saint Theodosius, as a great saint of God, a protector from troubles and misfortunes, a deliverer from every evil situation and a warm prayer book before God, was known throughout Russia, and although only requiem services were performed at the saint’s tomb, among the people he veneration was given, as if to an already glorified saint. The veneration of St. Theodosius by the people as a saint, numerous cases of miraculous healing from his incorruptible relics attracted the attention of the civil authorities, which was expressed in the most submissive report of the Chernigov governor for 1889, and this report, in turn, attracted the attention of the late Sovereign in God Emperor Alexander Alexandrovich. In view of this, the Holy Synod found it timely to begin to certify the incorruption of the body of the deceased saint and the miraculous phenomena that took place at his tomb. The body of the saint, despite its almost 200-year stay in the cave, which was not particularly dry, turned out to be incorrupt; At the same time, many cases of miraculous healings through the prayerful invocation of Saint Theodosius were duly examined, testified under oath by the healed themselves, their relatives and eyewitnesses. In view of this, the Holy Synod determined - “in the blessed memory of the late Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov, to be canonized, by the grace of God, his glorified and incorruptible body should be recognized as holy relics” and to make their solemn opening, to which the consent of the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas was immediately followed Alexandrovich.

The ceremonial opening of the relics of St. Theodosius followed on September 9, 1896. It was performed by the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Kyiv Ioannikiy, in the concelebration of six bishops and a host of archimandrites and abbots and other clergy. The relics of the saint of God were transferred from the Boris and Gleb Cathedral to the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral and transferred to a new cypress coffin and a new precious silver shrine; here, under the canopy with many lamps, they were placed on the right side of the cathedral, where they now rest. All the days of the celebration of the glorification of the newly-minted saint of God, a huge crowd of one and a half hundred people filled the city, turning with fervent prayers to Saint Theodosius, asking for his prayers before God and hastening to venerate his holy, incorruptible relics. The celebration of glorification was marked by numerous miraculous healings and made a deep impression not only on the Orthodox, but also on schismatics. Glory to God, marvelous in His saints!

Troparion, tone 4:

Preferred to be a bishop, Saint Theodosius, you were the luminary of your flock, you also reposed in the eternal abode: beg at the throne of the King of glory to deliver us from the evils that befall us and to save our souls, holy one, through your prayers.

Kontakion, tone 4:

You worked as a shepherd to the chief of Christ, Saint Theodosius, in the spiritual pasture, feeding your verbal sheep, and you received from Christ the Savior the healing gift of healing from the weakness of body and soul of everyone who comes with faith to your healing power. Pray, holy one, for those who call on your name from the slander of the enemy to save our souls.

Yeletsky Chernigov Church of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary

Several years ago, a group of Kharkov residents went on a long trip around Ukraine and covered 3,500 km. On the way, one of the first cities filled with Russian ancient shrines was the beautiful Chernigov.

First, the road itself led us to the Yeletsky (Yelsky) Assumption Monastery, located on Boldinaya Mountain. The monastery was founded in the 11th century by the Grand Duke of Chernigov Svyatoslav Yaroslavich on the advice of someone who labored here in 1069-1072. the founder of Russian monasticism, Venerable. Anthony of Pechersk. In ancient times, the monastery was large, rich and well-maintained, but later it was destroyed by the Tatars and Poles. In 1240 it was burned by Batu along with the city, restored in 1445. In 1579 and 1611 it was destroyed by Polish troops. The monastery began to be restored in 1657 under the Chernigov archpastor Lazar Baranovich. The abbots of the monastery at different times were persons very famous in the history of the Russian Church: Ioannikiy Golyatovsky, Demetrius of Rostov and Theodosius of Chernigov (also called Uglichsky).

The cathedral monastery church in the name of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1060, was renovated in the 15th century. and the beginning of the 17th century.

Here in the iconostasis was the Yelets Chernigov Icon of the Mother of God “The Unfading Flower,” which appeared in 1060 near Chernigov on a spruce tree, which is why it got its name. In the history of the Russian Church, the appearance of an icon on a tree was the first such miracle.

After the destruction of the monastery at the beginning of the 17th century. the icon was lost. In 1676, the brothers Matvey and Nikita, named Kozel (Kozel), brought here from Vladimir an exact copy of the Yeletsky image, which was purchased from them by the prince. K. Ostrogsky and donated to the monastery. The ancient Yeletsk Chernigov icon was considered to be the one that in 1579 by the descendants of Svyatoslav of Chernigov, Prince. The Baryatinskys were taken to Moscow, and in 1687 on the Crimean campaign. On the way back (in the same year), the dying Daniil Baryatinsky gave the icon to the Kharkov Assumption Cathedral.

The celebration in honor of the Yelets Chernigov Icon took place on February 5, that is, the 18th according to the new style. Years later, on the same day, the memory of St. Theodosius of Chernigov began to be venerated.

Icon Mother of God Yeletskaya Chernigovskaya

Under the monastery church in honor of St. App. Peter and Paul and the bishop's chambers were the Yelets caves, excavated under the Venerable. Anthony of Pechersk. The location and structure of these caves is similar to those in Kyiv. To the west of the monastery bell tower there was a wooden house, where under the ceiling there was a beam with a carved inscription: “St. Theodosius of Uglitsky, archimandrite 1688.” This beam was in the cell of St. Feodosia.

On the Boldin Mountains we climbed the 58-meter bell tower of the Trinity Cathedral, built in 1775 according to Rastrelli’s design. Rastrelli is memorable, in particular, for being the architect of the project for the Assumption Cathedral in Kharkov.

Trinity Cathedral of Chernigov

The Trinity Cathedral itself was founded in 1679 according to the design of the German John Baptist from Vilna. In the right nave of the cathedral there is now a shrine of the holy wonderworker Theodosius of Uglitsky and Chernigov. And the wooden house, which is more than three hundred years old, where the great Theodosius lived, remains to this day on the territory of the Yeletsky Monastery.

In the Trinity Cathedral we also venerated the icon of the Chernigov Mother of God - the second miraculous icon of Chernigov, universally revered along with the icon of the Yelsk Mother of God.

* * *

Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov, was born in the early 1630s in the Podolsk province. He came from the ancient noble family of Polonitsky-Uglitsky. His parents were priest Nikita and Maria.

Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov. Icon

Theodosius, who was distinguished from childhood by his meekness and diligence in prayer, discovered his natural abilities at the Kiev Brotherhood College at the Kiev Epiphany Monastery. This was the heyday of the college, when its rectors were Archimandrite Innocent (Gisel), and then the abbot and subsequently the Archbishop of Chernigov - Lazar (Baranovich). Among his mentors were Hieromonk Epiphanius (Slavinetsky), Hieromonk Arseny (Satanovsky), Bishop of Belarus Theodosius (Baevsky), Abbot Theodosius (Safonovich) and Meletius (Dzik). Saint Theodosius's comrades in the college were future outstanding shepherds: Simeon of Polotsk, Ioannikiy Golyatovsky, Anthony of Radziwill, Varlaam Yasinsky.

At that time, the Kiev-Brotherly Epiphany School was the main center of the struggle of Orthodoxy against the attacks of the Catholic clergy, Jesuits and Uniates.

The future saint took monastic vows at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra with the name Theodosius, in honor of the Venerable Theodosius of Pechersk. By the Kyiv Metropolitan Dionysius (Balaban) he was appointed archdeacon of the Kiev-Sophia Cathedral, but soon left for the Krutitsky monastery of the Chernigov diocese near Baturin, expecting a strict monastic life. There he accepted the rank of hieromonk.

In 1662, Theodosius was appointed abbot of the Korsun monastery of the Kyiv diocese, and in 1664 - rector of the ancient Kiev-Vydubitsky monastery. This monastery had previously been in the hands of the Uniates and was completely ruined. But Saint Theodosius, thanks to his energy and perseverance, managed to quickly revive the monastery. He created a wonderful choir, which was famous not only in Little Russia, but also in Moscow, where Saint Theodosius sent his singers in 1685.

When you look at the history of this monastery, you think that it is destined for some special stoic role. When St. Feodosia she had to go through a difficult period. Nowadays, it has been captured by self-sanctified schismatics of the “Kyiv Patriarchate”.

The Right Reverend Lazar (Baranovich) called Abbot Theodosius “a sheep of the flock of Christ who has learned obedience.” Having become the locum tenens of the Kyiv Metropolis in 1679, remaining in Chernigov, he appointed Theodosius as his Kyiv governor. In this capacity, St. Theodosius was sent to Moscow in 1685. As a result, it happened most important event: reunification of the Kyiv Metropolis with the Russian Church.

In 1688 St. Theodosius was appointed to the Yeletsky Monastery in place of the deceased Archimandrite Ioannikis (Golyatovsky). It was from then on that the saint became constantly associated with Chernigov.

The saint had to work hard in the Yelets monastery, which was devastated by the Jesuits and Dominicans. Over the course of several years, the monastery restored its prosperity. Yelets Archimandrite provided significant assistance to His Eminence Lazar. For example, he participated in the drafting of a conciliar response to Moscow Patriarch Joachim to his question letters about the attitude of the Kyiv Metropolis to the Florence Council. When the patriarch was not satisfied with these answers, the abbot of Baturin, Saint Demetrius (Tuptalo), the future Metropolitan of Rostov, was sent to Moscow at the beginning of 1689. St. Theodosius traveled with him as a representative from the Right Reverend Lazarus. He was instructed to convey a response letter to His Holiness and verbally clarify all the misunderstandings between Moscow and Kiev. At the same time, the order given to Archimandrite Theodosius was supposed to indicate him as a trusted person who deserves special attention from the patriarch and the Moscow government.

In a petition to Emperor Peter I and the Patriarch, sent on behalf of the people by His Grace Lazar and the Hetman, the high merits of the future saint were pointed out: “The Most Honorable Archimandrite, a good man, adorned with the virtues of the monastic life, which he has led from a young age, experienced in the management of monasteries, filled with fear God and spiritual experience, enlightened, very zealous for church splendor, capable of managing the house of the pulpit and the diocese of Chernigov.”

September 11, 1692 St. Theodosius, having presented a personally signed oath to the “Archbishop of Moscow and all Russia and all northern countries, Patriarch” Adrian, was named Archbishop of Chernigov and Novgorod (Novgorod-Seversk). And on September 13 he was consecrated archbishop in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. In the issued St. Theodosius, at his own request, received a royal charter confirming his rights Chernigov archbishops, indicated dependence not on the Kyiv Metropolitan, but on the Moscow Patriarch.

To St. Not only Orthodox Christians, but also people of other confessions turned to Theodosius for help and advice. He especially patronized Chernigov theological schools and invited learned monks from Kyiv, among whom was Hieromonk John (Maksimovich). It was he, then the abbot of the Bryansk Svensky Monastery, who was called by St. Theodosius, feeling the approach of his death, appointed the Yelets Monastery as archimandrite of Chernigov.

Subsequently, the future Metropolitan of Tobolsk and All Siberia John (Maksimovich) built a brick vault with a laudatory inscription in verse over his coffin in the Chernigov Boris and Gleb Cathedral behind the right choir in gratitude for his miraculous healing from a serious illness.

Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov. Tree. Thread. End of the 19th century

The glorification of Saint Theodosius took place on September 9, 1896, on the eve of the 200th anniversary of his death. The great veneration of the Chernigov saint is evidenced by the fact that about 150 thousand pilgrims arrived for the celebrations in Chernigov, a city of thirty thousand. The definition of the Holy Synod read: “In the blessed memory of the late Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov, be canonized as saints, Orthodox by the grace of God, and recognize his incorruptible body as holy relics. The memory of the saint is celebrated on February 5 and on the day of the opening of the relics of the saint, and for the celebration of the opening of the relics of the saint, in fulfillment of the HIGHEST will of the Sovereign Emperor NICHOLAS II, set the 9th day of September of the current 1896.” (February 18 and September 22, respectively, according to the new style. -Auto.)

Sugar manufacturer N.A. Tereshchenko, the same one who, like V. Tretyakov, collected a collection of Russian paintings (now the Kiev National Museum of Russian Art), donated a silver and gilded sarcophagus for the relics of the saint. The reliquary with the relics of Theodosius was solemnly transferred from Borisoglebsky to the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior and placed in a sarcophagus. A year later, Fr. arrived from St. Petersburg to venerate the relics of St. Theodosius. John Sergiev (holy righteous John of Kronstadt) and spent two days in Chernigov.

After the October Revolution of 1917, the incorruptible relics of the saint served as a reason for “debunking the priest’s miracles.” But it misfired. “Military urgent telegram. To the head of the police department Right Bank Ukraine. Kyiv. By resolution of the Provincial Congress of Soviets 18/2 (1921), the relics of St. Theodosius were uncovered in Chernigov. The autopsy turned out to be extremely unsuccessful. The body was intact and hardened. The mood of the masses is tense. The medical expert commission issued a biased decision. The provincial executive committee asked Kharkov to expel archaeological professors - the latter needed to establish the soil composition of the Chernihiv region. If there are the required people (in) Kyiv, inform them and send them (to) Chernigov. We are conducting a successful campaign, an anti-religious week has been declared. I will personally send you the details of the autopsy report. Secretary of the State Council (Sokolov).”

However, the mockery continued: the relics of St. Feodosia (unclothed!) were exhibited first in Ukraine, then in Moscow and, finally, by the end of the 1920s in Leningrad, where a museum of religion and atheism began operating in the Kazan Cathedral. Here, decades later, in the early 1990s, the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov and St. Joasaph of Belgorod.

By the end of the 1930s, there was no longer a single functioning church in the ancient saint of Chernigov.

Let us note that Chernigov was liberated from the Nazi invaders on September 21, 1943, on the day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, on the eve of the feast of the glorification of St. Feodosia.

They tell an amazing story. During the defense of Leningrad, participants in a meeting of the military council heard a voice: “Ask (pray) Saint Theodosius, he will help you.” They tried to find out who Theodosius was. The search led them to Metropolitan Alexy (Simansky) of Leningrad, who continued serving in the besieged city, later Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. The relics of the saint were transferred to St. Nicholas Cathedral, where the service began.

They say that that same night, severe frost shackled Ladoga, making it possible to deliver food, ammunition, manpower and equipment to the depleted city, as well as to evacuate those in need of urgent removal.

From history we remember the phrase “Road of Life,” but few people know that the Orthodox called it “the road of St. Theodosius.”

They also say that immediately after the war, thanks to the personal participation of the new Patriarch Alexy I (Simansky) and I. Stalin, the power of St. Theodosius were returned to Chernigov, where vigilant akathists were already being served. A majestic, uplifting picture: on September 15, 1946, the Orthodox came out to meet St. Theodosius, who was returning to his hometown, and his incorruptible relics. Rev. who predicted the return. Lavrentiy of Chernigov (Proskura, +1950) walked with a candle, like all the monastics, like all the people, of whom there were not very many. The service in the Trinity Cathedral was Easter, they sang “Christ is Risen!” A participant in the celebrations excitedly said: “Father Lavrenty led the choir and the entire parade, Vladyka served... Saint Theodosius served, and Vladyka was a colleague. The relics were carried out to the pulpit, to the salt, and placed in a high place. We all had big candles. It was an extraordinary service, an extraordinary celebration!”

The Trinity Monastery was closed in 1962, the relics of St. Theodosius were lowered into the basement of the Trinity Cathedral in the tomb of the Chernigov bishops. It was only in 1984 that they again became available to believers.

The radioactive cloud formed on April 26, 1986 as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant bypassed the city. Chernigov residents are confident that they were saved by the patron saint of the city, St. Theodosius. The liquidators of the Chernobyl accident also consider the saint their patron. In 2009, the construction of a temple in Kyiv in honor of the saint was completed.

Temple in honor of St. Theodosius of Chernigov in Kyiv

A new temple complex of St. Theodosius of Chernigov and in Kyiv Darnitsa, together with the temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.”

Temple complex of St. Theodosius of Chernigov in Darnitsa

A temple is being built in honor of St. Theodosius of Chernigov and in the village. Petrishki in Minsk region is the first in Belarus.

Thus, for many centuries, the Chernigov Saint Theodosius continues his loving unifying ministry among the Orthodox people, which must be remembered in the year of the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus'.

His Beatitude Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine Vladimir at the relics of St. Theodosius of Chernigov

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Any icon is the strongest amulet for every believer. The Church honors the prayerful and myrrh-streaming images of saints who have become famous for their righteous lives and who intercede before the Lord for deliverance from our sorrow and sins.

The shrine is dedicated to the martyr Theodosius of Chernigov, who is on the same level with the most revered and famous saints of the Orthodox Church. The story of his life shows us how humble, uncomplaining, and completely faithful to the Lord a person can be, despite his noble origins.

History of the icon

Theodosius came from a noble family. He lived in the 17th century. From childhood, his parents instilled in him a love for Jesus and set him on the spiritual path. He was a member of the college that was located at the monastery, and studied with the most righteous and wise bishops of that time. In his free time from studying, the saint indulged in prayers and read the Holy Scriptures. He strictly observed fasts and enlightened Orthodox people, helping the poor and needy.

The saint took monastic vows at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, where he took the name Theodosius. He became famous for his tenacity and struggle to preserve numerous monasteries and churches throughout Russia. The monk founded many schools at monasteries, where they discovered spirituality and faith in the Lord in people. He also initiated the creation of a church choir.

Saint Theodosius was kind to all people and respected people of other faiths. For many, his life and the legacy he left behind is an example to follow. All Christians came to him with requests for deliverance from various diseases. Through joint prayers, people received healing and were even more drawn to the archimandrite.

Where is the icon of Theodosius of Chernigov located?

The image of Theodosius of Chernigov is highly valued among Christians. It can be found in many churches and monasteries in the capital of our country, as well as in numerous temples throughout the cities of Russia. The most famous and earliest icon is kept in the Kiev Chernigov Monastery. Pilgrims from all over the world come to pray before the icon of the holy martyr Theodosius.

Description of the icon

Sometimes on the holy image you can see the hieromonk depicted from the waist up. He is also dressed in the vestments of a clergyman, but instead of a Bible he holds a cross in his hands.

What does an icon help with?

It is known that in front of the icon of St. Theodosius, Orthodox Christians pray for healing from various kinds of diseases. The main thing the Saint helps with is getting rid of cancerous tumors. Many people with cancer, after numerous sincere prayers, received healing thanks to the help and support of the saint.

Also, Theodosius of Chernigov becomes the intercessor and patron of Orthodox people, protecting them from lies, deceit and hatred from envious people and slanderers. The personal life of every person who has at least once called upon the saint’s help is also under the patronage of the saint. The saint protects the family union and helps raise children in righteousness.

Days of celebration

The church sets aside three days a year for the veneration of Theodosius of Chernigov, one of the main Orthodox saints.

  • The first day is February 18. This is directly the day of remembrance of the saint.
  • The second festival falls on September 22. This is the day when the relics of St. Theodosius were found.
  • October 3 is the day when Orthodox Christians celebrate the so-called Synaxis of Bryansk Saints. This is a holiday dedicated to the clergy who once lived in the lands of Bryansk. Theodosius also belongs to them.

Prayer before the icon of Theodosius of Chernigov

“Oh, His Holiness Theodosius, father of the Russian churches, mentor of the Orthodox people! We turn to you in prayer, asking for the healing of our souls. Deliver us from sin, guide us on the true path and be our intercessor. Heal our bodies from diseases and drive out vice from our souls. Show us the righteous path, for at the end of the path we will give our souls to the Lord. Forgive us sinners, give us your enlightenment and blessing! Pray for us before the Lord, His Son Jesus Christ and before the Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Savior, for you stand next to them in the Kingdom of the Lord. Do not leave our prayers unattended and become our support. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Forever and ever. Amen".

Holy saints all their earthly life They served the Lord faithfully and truthfully, constantly turning to God in prayer requests for help in healing people and delivering every soul from the suffering. The saints repeatedly strengthen each of our prayers with their intercession. Pray with faith for a bright future. We wish you peace in your soul, take care of yourselfand don't forget to press the buttons and

Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov, by origin, belonged to the Trans-Dnieper noble family of the Uglitskys1. Theodosius's father, named Nikita, was a priest in Little Russia, his mother was called Maria. The parents raised their son in the fear of God and Christian piety; under the influence of their instructions, from a very young age he received the makings of that piety with which his entire subsequent life was adorned. By nature, meek, obedient and impressionable, Theodosius from a young age burned with ardent love for God and zeal for the temple of God. Having received his initial education at home and learned to read and write there, Theodosius was then sent by his father for further education to the Kiev-Brotherly Epiphany School2. Here, under the influence and guidance of pious mentors, practicing in the study of the Holy Scriptures and patristic works, the saint sought to organize his life according to them; here he grew and became strengthened in spirit in the knowledge of the truths of the Orthodox faith and in the exploits of piety. And here, while studying at school, in young Theodosius there arose a desire to imitate, to the best of his ability, the equal-angelic life of the Monks Anthony and Theodosius and other ascetics of the Pechersk - these great prayer books and heavenly patrons of the ancient throne of Kiev, under whose blessed shadow he lived and was brought up , and the incorruptible, glorified relics of which he constantly saw before him. In his free hours, Theodosius’s favorite pastimes were prayer, contemplation of God, and reading the word of God. Here Saint Theodosius became well acquainted with church partes singing, at the singing school established by the Right Reverend Lazar Baranovich. In general, the Kiev-Brotherly Epiphany School, founded to maintain and defend the Orthodox faith against the attacks of the Polish Catholic clergy and Jesuits,3 conducted all teaching in a strictly Orthodox Christian spirit, which also imbued the young souls of its pupils; had among her mentors the true luminaries of Orthodox spiritual enlightenment. There is no doubt that Saint Theodosius received there the highest and best education for that time, which should have contributed to the full development of all the richly gifted abilities of his soul.
Soon after completing his education at the Kiev-Brotherly Epiphany School, Theodosius accepted monasticism, something that his soul, which was ardently thirsty for spiritual exploits, aspired to even at school. And so, in his young years, this true ascetic of Christ regards all the blessings of this world as nothing, leaves the rebellious, vain world and takes monastic vows in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra with the name Theodosius, in honor of the great ascetic of the Kiev-Pechersk and the founder of the communal monastic life in Russia - St. Theodosius, whom he revered so reverently and to whose prayerful intercession he so often turned during his studies in Kiev. From this time on, Theodosius’ strictly ascetic life began, which soon gained him fame not only in the monastic world, but also among the laity.
The humility and exemplary life of the young ascetic attracted the attention of the then Kiev Metropolitan Dionysius4 (Valaban), who appointed him archdeacon of the Kiev-Sophia Cathedral, where he worked with great honesty until Metropolitan Dionysius was removed from Kiev, after which he was appointed vicar of the metropolitan cathedral. But, disturbed by worldly vanity, life in Kyiv could not satisfy the humble monk’s inner desire for silence and his desire to remain in constant prayerful communion with God. Therefore, Saint Theodosius, drawn by his love for deeds of piety and monastic silence, soon left Kiev and settled in the remote, small Krupitsky Baturinsky monastery,5 which had long been famous for the severity of monastic life, where he was ordained to the rank of hieromonk. But no matter how much the educated, pious and active monk hid from the world, he still could not go unnoticed by the highest spiritual authorities. Saint Theodosius labored in the Krupitsky monastery for a short time; He stood out sharply from the rest of the brethren with his spiritual wisdom and strictly ascetic, virtuous life, which is why after a short time he was appointed abbot of the Korsun monastery, Kyiv diocese. The new assignment of Saint Theodosius satisfied his inner desires. The Korsun monastery,6 located on an island in the Rosi River, far from worldly dwellings, in a picturesque area, fully corresponded to the saint’s desire for solitude and deeds of piety far from the bustle of the world. And here he himself served as a high example for the monastic brethren through his pious, truly ascetic life and showed a wise ability to manage the monastery. Therefore, soon afterwards he was transferred to the abbot of the famous Kyiv Vydubitsky Monastery7. This ancient monastery had recently been in the hands of Uniates and Catholic Poles and was ruined by them. Most of the monks dispersed, because no one wanted to go to live in a ruined monastery; the monastery buildings were in decline, some monastic lands were unjustly seized from the monastery. In general, the monastery needed both internal and external improvements, and it took a lot of effort and skill to restore it to its previous form. But Theodosius did not lose heart and, with the help of God, successfully completed his task and brought the famous ancient monastery to its former splendor and improvement. He petitioned the Hetman of Little Russia to strengthen the land in various tracts and permission from the Tsar to send his monks to Moscow every five years to collect alms and ask for royal favor, which they received in generous amounts. At the same time, he restored the monastery buildings and churches, and generally restored the external amenities of the monastery; He was especially concerned about the decorum and splendor of divine services in the monastery: being well acquainted with church singing, Saint Theodosius formed such a wonderful choir in his monastery that it was famous not only in Kiev and throughout Little Russia, but also became famous in Moscow, which is why Theodosius, according to upon request from Moscow, he sent singers there as organizers of singing there. But even more worthy of attention are the works of this true ascetic of Christ to restore monastic order and streamline the internal life of the Vydubitsky monastery. Zealously fulfilling the duties of his monastic rank, he served as a high example of strict ascetic life for the monks, attracting many people seeking salvation to his monastery. At the same time, wishing to further instill in the monks of the Vydubitsky monastery the spirit of true asceticism, the saint built on the monastery land, in the Mozyr district,8 a small monastery for those of the brethren who sought complete solitude and severe ascetic deeds.
Although, after that, according to the word of the Savior: “In the world you will have tribulation; but take heart: I have overcome the world” (John 16:33), Saint Theodosius, this faithful worker of the heirloom of Christ, suffered a lot because of slander and human envy. unfair griefs and sorrows9 - but his ascetic life and wise leadership of the monks earned him the universal respect of the people of Kiev. In particular, St. Theodosius was distinguished by his favor and attention by the then locum tenens of the Kyiv metropolis, Archbishop of Chernigov Lazar Baranovich,10 who had previously been his teacher and rector of the Kiev-Epiphany Brotherhood School. In one of the letters dating back to this time, the Right Reverend Lazarus prophetically expresses his desire that “his name (Theodosius) be written in heaven.” As the locum tenens of the Sheva metropolis, Saint Lazar appointed Theodosius, who was then still the Vydubitsky archimandrite, as his vicar for the metropolis11. Then, when Little Russia elected Bishop Gideon of Lutsk12 as Metropolitan of Kiev, Lazar Baranovich sent Theodosius, together with another venerable abbot, with a request to confirm the choice, as a man who had served the Little Russian Church a lot.13 By this, Saint Lazarus and other spiritual and secular officials of Little Russia clearly wanted to present Theodosius as a person especially worthy and capable of the highest position. At the same time, in Moscow, Saint Theodosius petitioned for a royal charter to allow the Vydubitsky monastery to be sent to Moscow to collect alms. From that time on, at every opportunity that presented itself, they turned to Theodosius of Uglitsky as worthy to take the highest place. Thus, after the death of Metropolitan Gideon of Kyiv, Theodosius was one of the candidates for the see of the Kyiv metropolitanate. Even earlier, by the will and desire of the Right Reverend Lazar Baranovich, who returned from Kiev to Chernigov to the affairs of his diocese, he was summoned to Chernigov and appointed archimandrite of the Chernigov Eletsky Monastery14 to replace the deceased rector of this monastery, the famous Ioannikiy Golyatovsky15.
The Yeletsky Monastery at that time was very poor and meager. There were few estates and spiritual economic items, and in general the monks suffered a great need for maintenance. The new abbot actively set about organizing the monastery entrusted to him. Immediately upon assuming his duties, he went to the Hetman of Little Russia Mazepa16 with the idea that “the Yelets monastery is meager in grain supplies and especially firewood, so it is difficult to live with the brethren, and there is nothing to help, since there are few subjects in the possession of the archimandry,” and Mazepa, who was generally not distinguished by generosity towards clergy and monasteries, fulfilled the request of Saint Theodosius, out of special respect for him, and gave the village of Moshchonka into the possession of the monastery. Also, others who had wealth were encouraged by respect for Theodosius to do good to the Yeletsky monastery. Thus, under Saint Theodosius, over the course of two or three years, the Yelets monastery achieved prosperity that completely ensured its existence. While caring for the external improvement of the monastery, Saint Theodosius was no less concerned about its internal well-being, about the establishment and maintenance of truly monastic life in it. In this regard, his most personal exploits served as a highly instructive example for the Yelets brethren in their monastic life.
Among these and other monastic works, Theodosius was at the same time an active assistant to Archbishop Lazar in the work of preaching and, at the request of the archpastor, he was also in charge of the economic and partly diocesan affairs of his episcopal house. Over time, His Eminence Lazar saw that Archimandrite Theodosius of Uglitsky was prudently and wisely conducting the work entrusted to him, and was fully convinced that he could be his best assistant in managing the Chernigov diocese, and therefore, with the consent of the Hetman of Little Russia, he invited him to go to Moscow to the Patriarch Adrian17 with a request to appoint him as his assistant. This was in 1691. In Moscow they had long heard about the virtuous life and spiritual wisdom of Theodosius, and therefore the patriarch willingly fulfilled the desire of the elderly saint of Chernigov, respected by all, and notified the hetman of Little Russia about this with his holy charter, in which he spoke with praise about Saint Theodosius.
But this help was not sufficient for the elder saint, who was ending his days. Filled with gratitude to Theodosius for his zealous participation in the management of his flock, the Right Reverend Lazar wished, during his lifetime, to see Theodosius in the rank of hierarch, in order to prepare for him a worthy successor.
In 1692, he and the hetman turned to Moscow with written petitions to Tsars John and Peter Alekseevich and to Patriarch Adrian for the elevation of Archimandrite Feodosius of Uglitsky to the rank of archbishop18, and both of them testified on their own behalf that “the most honorable archimandrite is a good man, adorned with the virtues of a monastic life, which he leads from a young age; experienced in the management of monasteries, filled with the fear of God and spiritual wisdom, enlightened, very zealous for church splendor, capable of managing the cathedral house and the Chernigov diocese." The petition of the respected elder saint was respected, and in the same year Theodosius went to Moscow for consecration. Here on September 11th he was named bishop, and on the 18th of the same month he was consecrated archbishop. The newly consecrated archbishop stayed in Moscow for about two months, at the request of the patriarch, who treated Saint Theodosius with respect and took advantage of the opportunity to keep him in Moscow for conversations and joint celebration of Divine services.
Great was the joy of the elderly archpastor of Chernigov Lazar Baranovich when he saw his beloved assistant in the priesthood. The flock, who reverently loved and respected Saint Theodosius, was deeply delighted by this. Thus, the Chernigov Church was blessed by the leadership of two famous hierarchs - the pillars of Orthodoxy, who implored God's mercy for the peace of the whole world and for the well-being of their God-saved flock. Meanwhile, Theodosius, even in the priesthood, helping the Right Reverend Lazarus, and often completely replacing him, retained his son’s boundless love and devotion for him, showing complete obedience to his benefactor, undertaking nothing without the consent of the High Hierarch of Chernigov, trying in matters of managing the flock to act according to his instructions and permission.
But the Lord did not decree for long that the two great, famous pillars of Orthodoxy should stand together to guard the Chernigov flock. On September 3, 1693, the great elder-archpastor died quietly and peacefully after 36 years of ruling the Chernigov diocese. Saint Theodosius solemnly buried him, together with all the clergy from Chernigov and from other places, in the Chernigov Boris and Gleb Cathedral, behind the left choir.
Before notifying the tsar and patriarch about the death of His Grace Lazarus, Saint Theodosius went to the hetman of Little Russia to inform him of the sad event. Together with him, he sent Hieromonk Pachomius and some other persons to Moscow with a report to the Tsar and Patriarch about the death and burial of the Right Reverend Lazarus, and the hetman wrote that he had lamentation and sadness about the death of Lazarus, and now finds consolation and joy that, according to After his death, in the immediate future, that episcopal throne was taken over by the Most Reverend Theodosius of Uglitsky, with whom she can decorate the church with her virtues and arrange the affairs of church government with skillful consideration.
In response, the king wrote that he would show Theodosius the same royal mercy that was enjoyed by the Right Reverend Lazarus; The patriarch wrote to the hetman that he attributed the ordination of Archbishop Theodosius during the life of Archbishop Lazar to the special Providence of God that benefited the Chernigov flock, and asked the hetman, as a son of the Church, to help the Right Reverend Theodosius in his concerns for the Holy Church. At the same time, the patriarch sent an altar letter for the final approval of Saint Theodosius at the Chernigov see as an independent archpastor, where, among other things, he speaks of him as a virtuous man, from a young age adorned with monastic life in virtues and skillful in managing honest monasteries, full of the fear of God and spiritual understanding, a lover of wisdom, the most zealous guardian of church splendor, who quite rightly deserved to rule the house and diocese of Chernigov.
Having remained the sole archpastor of Chernigov, Saint Theodosius, with paternal zeal, cared for the welfare of his flock, and even more than before, he showed, before everyone’s eyes, the holiness of life, sincere love for asceticism, Christian mercy and love for everyone who turned to him. With his good deeds and Christian virtues, he shone not only for the Chernigov flock, but also far beyond its borders.
In Moscow itself, his name had long been pronounced with special respect, since with his spiritual wisdom and moral virtues he stood out from among all the Russian hierarchs of that time. By improving the affairs of the Chernigov church, Saint Theodosius himself showed for his flock an example of deep faith in God’s providence, zeal for prayer and church services, meek condescension to the infirmities of his neighbors and compassion for their needs, which is why he acquired the unanimous, unfeigned love and respect of his flock. Until the last minutes of his life, he, as a true warrior and ascetic of Christ, labored for the glory of the holy Orthodox faith and for the good of his neighbors. According to the words of the Apostle, he “served the Lord with a fervent spirit” (Rom. 12:11); and for all those around him there was “a lamp, burning and giving light” (John 6:35).
The Chernigov flock realized that its archpastor, Saint Theodosius, was a true servant of God, a faithful builder in the house of God, a vigilant guardian of the church, a tireless worker, a man of prayer and a trustworthy intercessor for all before the Lord. The saint especially attracted the hearts of all his judges - just and merciful, and was compassionate towards the helpless and orphans, for whom he carefully sought what was required by truth, as well as generous, in the spirit of the Gospel, charity and Christian mercy.
In general, he was one of those public figures that exist only in the Kingdom of Christ, who manage to do much more for the common good than the great and powerful of this world. “Be of the same mind among yourselves; do not be arrogant, but follow the humble; do not dream about yourselves” (Rom. 12:16).
With the most careful zeal, Saint Theodosius took care of strengthening in his flock the love for the ascetic life, which he loved so much from his youngest years, and of which he showed everyone in himself a high example. To this end, he diligently tried not only to support the monasteries that previously existed in his diocese, but also to found new monastic monasteries. Thus, he founded the so-called Pecheniksky monastery for girls19. The best monument to the paternal care of Saint Theodosius for the improvement of monastic monasteries is his blessed charter given to the nuns of the Pecheniki monastery. Blessing the newly created monastery with the love of his father, the saint commands the nuns “the virtue of humility and complete obedience” to his abbess, as a source of peace and a guarantee of his, the saint’s, and God’s blessing.
Then, with the blessing of the saint, another monastery was founded, two miles from the city of Lyubech20. At the same time, along with concerns about the development of asceticism and the establishment of monastic monasteries in the Chernigov diocese, Saint Theodosius zealously cared for the creation and beautification of the churches of God21. Concerned about the moral well-being of his diocese, he paid his main attention to the clergy, trying to choose worthy and capable persons for priestly positions and by all means to strengthen the pastoral and educational activities of the parish clergy.
Saint Theodosius also worked a lot during his administration of the Chernigov diocese for the cause of Orthodoxy in Little Russia, to repulse the harmful Polish Uniate-Catholic influence there and to strengthen the Russian people here. He also brought a lot of benefit to the Russian state in that he was always able, thanks to his moral influence, eloquence and Christian peacefulness, to calm the outbursts of hot-headed, headstrong Ukrainians and thereby protect the state from harmful and dangerous unrest.
But Saint Theodosius did not shine for long at the see of Chernigov. He lived only about 8 years in Chernigov: up to 5 years as Archimandrite Yeletsky, 3 years 4 months as archbishop, and independently ruled the flock, after the death of the Right Reverend Lazar Baranovich, for about two years. Anticipating his imminent death, the saint summoned to Chernigov the abbot of the Bryansk Svensky Monastery, Hieromonk John Maksimovich22, and in the middle of 1695 ordained him as an archimandrite of the Eletsky Monastery, which until that time he had not ceased to govern himself, preparing in the new archimandrite a worthy successor to himself in the department . Soon after this, the great lamp of the Russian Church went out. The death of Saint Theodosius followed on February 5, 1696. Bitterly mourned by his orphaned flock, Saint Theodosius was buried in the Chernigov Cathedral Boris and Gleb Monastery behind the right choir.
Having completed the course of his earthly ministry, Saint Theodosius did not leave his flock, lying down with his incorrupt body in the cathedral church, and from the very first days after his repose he did not leave with his blessing all who resorted to his help, bringing down the grace of God in abundant miraculous healings to those who sought his prayer intercession before God. A number of miraculous manifestations of God's grace, revealed through the prayerful intercession of Saint Theodosius, were revealed soon after his blessed death by the grace-filled healing of his successor in the Chernigov see, the Right Reverend Archbishop John Maksimovich, from a serious illness. The Reverend John fell seriously ill with a fever; the illness quickly intensified and delirium set in. Suddenly, in the midst of her illness, the Eminence calls the cell attendant to her and gives orders to immediately send vespers to his chambers and read the service rule for him, and in the morning to prepare everything for his service in the church. Those around the sick archpastor thought that he was delirious, but were forced to yield to his urgent demand and fulfill his desire. The next day, to the surprise of everyone, the Eminence, completely healthy, served the Divine Liturgy. Then he announced to those around him that the day before Saint Theodosius had appeared to him and said: “Serve tomorrow and you will be healthy.” In gratitude for his instant, miraculous healing from a serious illness, Archbishop John Maksimovich then composed a “praise” in verse in honor of the saint of God, written in verse according to the then custom, 23 in which he calls him “an earthly angel and a saint residing in the Seraphim flock.” By his order, a stone cave was built above the tomb of St. Theodosius in the foundation of the Boris and Gleb Cathedral Church with an entrance to it along a twisted staircase.
The amazing miracle of healing of the Right Reverend John Maksimovich served as the beginning of the honoring of Saint Theodosius as a gracious miracle worker and saint of God. Over time, this honor spread far beyond the borders of the Chernigov province, due to new abundant manifestations of God's grace from the healing relics of St. Theodosius. These miracles were all the more obvious and striking because they were often accompanied by the appearance of Saint Theodosius to the sick in their sleep, and he ordered them to pray, fast, serve a prayer service, etc., promising healing; sometimes he instructed, admonished and fatherly reproached those who turned to him who had sinned in something. So, the saint appears to one mute in a dream vision and says: “go to the cathedral and say a prayer service, and you will be healthy.” The next day, to his amazement, the mute began to speak, and then, seeing a portrait of the saint in the cathedral, he recognized in him the saint of God who had appeared to him in a dream. “I bless and forgive,” says the saint to the priest, who confessed his sins to him in a dream and prayed for the healing of his son, and promises to heal the baby, who recovered the next day. To a woman who, in grave suffering, called on the saint for help and prayed to him with tears on Holy Pentecost, he says, meekly reproaching and admonishing: “You did not fast, this is not good. You will not be worthy to taste Easter. Try to receive communion on Holy Saturday.” To another woman, who was praying to God with tears and calling on the saint to pray for the recovery of her husband, the miracle worker affectionately says, comforting her and encouraging her: “Don’t cry, I will pray to God, and your husband will be healthy.” And soon after this her husband, who had suffered from a painful illness for about a year, completely recovered. The saint appears to one sick woman who called him, and says only one word to her: “calm down,” and her moral suffering finally ceases. It is difficult to list all the wonderful healings accomplished through the prayerful intercession of Saint Theodosius: suffice it to say. that from all over the Russian land they began to attract numerous crowds of pilgrims to his coffin.
For the first time, the body of Saint Theodosius was found incorrupt 76 years after his blessed repose on February 14, 1772, when, with the blessing of the local bishop Theophilos, it was transferred to a new wooden coffin, and the first cypress coffin of the saint of God was distributed in parts to the pilgrims. Since the beginning of the last century, the reverent honoring of Saint Theodosius of Uglitsky as a gracious miracle worker has especially intensified. The rumor about him and about the miracles flowing from his relics at this time was already spreading far beyond the borders of the Chernigov province, among Orthodox Christians of various ranks and status. In 1824, at the tomb of Saint Theodosius, the Chernigov merchant-schismatic Gorbunov was healed from a serious illness, after which he converted to Orthodoxy and, in memory of his miraculous healing, built at his own expense a new coffin for the incorruptible relics of the saint. Over time, at the cathedral, little by little, more or less correct and permanent records began to be kept about the healings that occurred from the relics of St. Theodosius, which were sufficiently verified and certified. Since 1850, at the Chernigov Cathedral, a constantly detailed chronicle has been kept about miracles through prayers to St. Theodosius, as well as in some other places.
Meanwhile, the constant abundant flow of pilgrims to the tomb with the relics of St. Theodosius, given the cramped and inconvenient entrance to it, forced in 1856 to attach a semicircular chapel with a convenient staircase on the south side to the front of the porch of the Boris and Gleb Cathedral, and to expand the cave itself and make it bright.
By the end of the last century, the name of Saint Theodosius, as a great saint of God, a protector from troubles and misfortunes, a deliverer from every evil situation and a warm prayer book before God, was known throughout Russia, and although only requiem services were performed at the saint’s tomb, among the people he veneration was given, as if to an already glorified saint. The veneration of St. Theodosius by the people as a saint, numerous cases of miraculous healing from his incorruptible relics attracted the attention of the civil authorities, which was expressed in the most submissive report of the Chernigov governor for 1889, and this report, in turn, attracted the attention of the late Sovereign in God Emperor Alexander Alexandrovich. In view of this, the Holy Synod found it timely to begin to certify the incorruption of the body of the deceased saint and the miraculous phenomena that took place at his tomb24. The body of the saint, despite its almost 200-year stay in the cave, which was not particularly dry, turned out to be incorrupt; At the same time, many cases of miraculous healings through the prayerful invocation of Saint Theodosius were duly examined, testified under oath by the healed themselves, their relatives and eyewitnesses25. In view of this, the Holy Synod determined - “in the blessed memory of the late Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov, to be canonized, by the grace of God, his glorified and incorruptible body should be recognized as holy relics” and to make their solemn opening, to which the consent of the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas was immediately followed Alexandrovich.
The ceremonial opening of the relics of St. Theodosius followed on September 9, 1896. It was performed by the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Kyiv Ioannikiy, in the concelebration of six bishops and a host of archimandrites and abbots and other clergy. The relics of the saint of God were transferred from the Boris and Gleb Cathedral to the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral and placed in a new cypress coffin and a new precious silver shrine; here, under the canopy with many lamps, they were placed on the right side of the cathedral, where they now rest. All the days of the celebration of the glorification of the newly-minted saint of God, a huge crowd of one and a half hundred people filled the city, turning with fervent prayers to Saint Theodosius, asking for his prayers before God and hastening to venerate his holy, incorruptible relics. The celebration of glorification was marked by numerous miraculous healings and made a deep impression not only on the Orthodox, but also on schismatics. Glory to God, marvelous in His saints!
Troparion, tone 4:
Preferred to be a bishop, Saint Theodosius, you were the luminary of your flock, you also reposed in the eternal abode: beg at the throne of the King of glory to deliver us from the evils that befall us and to save our souls, holy one, through your prayers.
Kontakion, tone 4:
You worked as a shepherd for the chief of Christ, Saint Theodosius, to live a spiritual life, feeding your verbal sheep, and you received from Christ the Savior the healing gift of healing from the weakness of the body and soul of everyone who comes with faith to your healing power. Pray, holy one, for those who call on your name from the slander of the enemy to save our souls.

1 According to legend, this surname was assigned to one of the ancestors of St. Theodosius for his distinction in repelling the enemy from the city of Uglich.
2 This is the famous oldest school in Russia, the foundation of which dates back to the end of the 16th century; now it is the Kiev Theological Academy, located in the Bratsk Monastery, on Podol, in Kyiv.
3 The Kiev-Brotherly Epiphany School, serving as the main hotbed of enlightenment for the entire southern Orthodox Russia, at the same time produced from its walls many famous fighters for Orthodox faith within the southern Russian Church, which was subjected to constant attacks by enemies - Catholics and like-minded Uniates, who, despising the Orthodox faith, recognized the supremacy of the pope over themselves, and even more insidious Jesuits, monks of the Catholic order, who set themselves the goal by any means assert Catholicism and the primacy of popes everywhere.
4 Metropolitan Dionysius ruled the Kiev metropolis for no more than six months. He was appointed to the metropolitanate in February 1658 and retired from Kyiv in July 1658, although nominally he continued to be listed as the Kyiv metropolitan.
5 Near the town of Baturina, now in the Chernigov province, 30 versts from the city of Konotop; founded in the 16th century.
6 In Konevsky district, Kyiv province. - St. Theodosius was appointed abbot of the Korsun monastery around 1661.
7 This was in 1664. The Kiev-Vydubitsky Monastery was one of the oldest and most important monasteries of the Kyiv diocese; founded at the end of the 11th century; at the beginning of the 17th century, during Polish rule, a union was established in it, but then it was again returned under the authority of the Kyiv Metropolitan; now it is a second-class monastery.
8 Minsk province. There was the island "Mikhailovshchina", which belonged to the Kiev-Vydubitsky Monastery, where in 1680 St. Theodosius a small hermitage, the vicar of which was appointed one of the strict ascetics of the Vydubitsky monastery, hieromonk Job Opalinsky.
9 St. suffered especially much. Theodosius, through the machinations of Methodius, bishop of Mstislav and Orsha, who laid claim to the Kiev metropolitan throne, and, because of his own goals, slandered the saint along with the abbots of other Kiev monasteries in political intrigues and treason against the Moscow government; but the truth immediately triumphed, and Theodosius’ innocence was then clearly proven.
10 Lazar Baranovich - rector of the Kiev Epiphany Fraternal School, since 1657 Archbishop of Chernigov, a prominent political and literary figure in southern Russia, preacher and polemicist against Catholics and Uniates; was highly respected by his contemporaries; St. Demetrius of Rostov calls him “the great pillar of the Church.”
11 At that time, the Metropolis of Kiev remained idle for quite a long time, due to political unrest, as a result of which its temporary management was entrusted to the most respected archpastor of southern Russia, which was Lazar Baranovich.
12 Gideon (Svyatopolk-Chetvertinsky) - Bishop of Lutsk, from 1686 - Metropolitan of Kiev, died in 1690, known for his letters and epistles to various clergy.
13 Saint Theodosius, as one of the most honorable clergy, was the representative of the embassy, ​​which the council that elected the metropolitan sent in 1685 to the newly elected one with notification of the election and with an invitation to accept the throne of the Kiev metropolitanate. In the same year, the “honorable” and “honorable in the Little Russian church” abbot Theodosius, together with the Pereyaslavl abbot Jerome Dubina, was sent to Tsars John and Peter Alekseevich and Patriarch Joachim with a request to confirm the metropolitan elected by Little Russia. It should be noted that at that time selected people from Little Russia were sent to Moscow not only so that they would deliver this or that petition there and appear on occasion as intercessors for these petitions, but also for the purpose of presenting them before the Tsar and the Patriarch, as persons capable and destined for higher positions. This is how they looked at it in Moscow, and there both representatives of the embassy, ​​abbots Vydubitsky and Pereyaslavsky, were received as “people honored by the Little Russian Church.” The result of this embassy was the great work of joining the South Russian Church to the Moscow Patriarchate.
14 Yeletsky Assumption Monastery of the first class in Chernigov was founded in 1060 by the Grand Duke of Chernigov Svyatoslav Yaroslavich.
15 Ioannikiy Golyatovsky is a famous southern Russian preacher and polemicist of the 17th century, first the rector of the Kiev-Mogila Collegium and then the archimandrite of the Chernigov Yelets Monastery.
16 Ivan Mazepa - Hetman of Little Russia from 1687 to 1709, when he betrayed Peter the Great and Russia, going over to the side of the Swedish king Charles XII; he died that same year.
17 Adrian - the last (10th) All-Russian Patriarch, ruled the Church from 1690-1700.
18 As for the fact that Theodosius was immediately elevated to the rank of archbishop, this is explained by the fact that the Great Moscow Council of 1667 established an archbishopric in Chernigov, and the Chernigov see was then placed first among the other archbishoprics of the Russian Church.
19 The monastery was built by the widow of the Starodubets colonel Maria Sulimova on the land she bought together with her late husband, called “Pecheniki”, from where the monastery received its name; does not exist now.
20 Lyubech is now a trading settlement in the Gorodnya district of the Chernigov province, 52 versts from Chernigov.
21 Thus, he consecrated a majestic temple in honor of the Holy Trinity near the Elias Monastery, and a temple in the name of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Domnitsky Monastery (35 versts from Chernigov).
22 John Maksimovich - later Metropolitan of Tobolsk and all Siberia, where he worked hard to spread Christianity among foreigners; died in 1716. His memory is locally revered as a saint of God.
23 This “praise” was written under the picturesque image of St. Theodosius in the Boris and Gleb Cathedral of Chernigov, above the entrance to the stone tent where the relics of the saint rested.
24 The examination was carried out by His Eminence Ioannikios, Metropolitan of Kiev, together with local bishop Anthony, with the rector of the Chernigov Seminary, an archpriest - a member of the Kyiv Spiritual Consistory and two archpriests from the local cathedral clergy.
25 49 such cases were examined.