Theodosius of Chernigov. Venerable Theodosius the Great (†529) Theodosius Archbishop of Chernigov

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Theodosius of Chernigov is included in the list of those who adorn and glorify the Russian Church. He is also known for his prophecies, which came true more than once and made him think about the existence of the Lord. With his diligence and zealous devotion to God, he did no less for society than the mighty of this world.

His birth dates back to the 30s of the 17th century in a family of nobles on the territory of Little Russia. Initially, development took place at home, and then he was sent to the Kyiv Brotherhood Epiphany School. At that time, it was led by Lazar Baranovich. He was greatly revered, and he treated all his novices as sons. After its completion, he firmly decided to devote his life to serving the Lord.

This is how the God-fearing life of Saint Theodosius of Chernigov began. For the most part, his choice was based on the example of his parents, teacher, and the sanctity of his place of residence. The political vicissitudes that occurred between the ruling authorities and their attitude towards the church prompted him to put on the clothes of a soldier of Christ and speak out in defense of the church.

ABOUT exact date The adoption of monasticism is not known, but it is clear that this happened before 1651. After accepting this rank, he worked for some time as an archdeacon of the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral. During the period when the land suffered from problems caused by opponents of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, he already held the position of hieromonk of the Krupitsky Baturinsky Monastery. After some time, he was appointed abbot of the Korsun monastery.

Next came his ascent up the career ladder. He died in 1696 and was buried in the Chernigov Boris and Gleb Cathedral. Only 2 centuries later they began to glorify him. Today the relics do not leave the Trinity Cathedral.

What do they pray to Theodosius of Chernigov?

Like other saints, crowds of believers come to him with their petitions. There is information that he healed people more than once from many terrible ailments. But in addition they ask him:

  • help in healing from cancer;
  • about strengthening the minds of both children and adults;
  • remove from problems and slander;
  • resolve difficult situations in the family and with children.

There are three days a year to honor the saint:

  • 18th of Febuary;
  • September 22nd;
  • October 3.

Face of a saint

Often, pilgrims march to the temple to pray before the icon of St. Theodosius of Chernigov and venerate his relics. It is believed that in this way the power of prayer will increase several times. You can read special texts or say what worries you in your own words.

“O sacred head, our strong prayer book and intercessor, Saint Theodosius, hear us, calling you with faith and diligently falling before the race of your honest and multi-healing relics (or: your icon). Remember us at the Throne of the Almighty and do not stop praying for us. We know that our sins separate us between you and us, and we are unworthy of such a father and intercessor. But you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, do not stop crying out to the Lord for us, ask through your intercession from our Most Merciful God the peace of His Church, on the militant land, as its shepherd, the strength to zealously strive for the salvation of people. Beg the Heavenly Father to give us all a gift that is beneficial to everyone, true faith, firm hope and unfailing love, the establishment of our cities, peace, deliverance from famine and destruction, preservation from the invasion of foreigners, good growth in faith for the young and infants, consolation for the old and infirm and reinforcement, healing for the sick, mercy and intercession for the orphans and widows, correction for the erring, timely help for the needy. Do not disgrace us in our hope, make haste, as a loving father, for us to bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience, and guide us all in peace and repentance, shamelessly end your life and be the heir of the Kingdom of God, where you now live with the Angels and all the saints, glorifying God, glorifying in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The prayer to Theodosius of Chernigov should be said with faith in the Lord and pure thoughts. Only such basic characteristics will help achieve a positive result. And you shouldn’t treat prayer requests consumeristly. This does not mean that your wish will be fulfilled immediately.

Remember that the saint only asks the Lord for help on our behalf, and everything is in our hands. You can also attend the service and read the akathist to Theodosius of Chernigov.

Kontakion 1

Chosen wonderworker, great saint of Christ, Holy Hierarch Father Theodosius, glorified by the incorruption of your relics and many miracles from God, in joyful songs we please you, our intercessor. But you, who have boldness towards the Lord, free us from all troubles, so we call to you:

Ikos 1

An angel appeared in the flesh, God-wise Theodosius, adorning yourself with angelic morals from childhood; Likewise, the Angel of the Chernigov Church was worthily appointed by God, guiding everyone to salvation and demonstrating to everyone the rule of faith and the image of meekness, abstinence and love. For this reason, your child, we cry out to you in love:

Rejoice, earthly angel and heavenly man; Rejoice, interlocutor and co-server of heavenly powers.

Rejoice, jealous of the incorporeal in your life; Rejoice, and after death you will be with them.

Rejoice, having loved Christ with all your heart from your youth; Rejoice, from the morning of your life you have worked for the only one.

Rejoice, having kept all the commandments of the Lord faithfully and immaculately; Rejoice, you have created much spiritual fruit in Christ.

Rejoice, thy spirit awakened by fervent prayer; Rejoice, you who protect your memory from troubles with love.

Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the vanity of this world quickly perishing, you desired with all your heart, Father Theodosius, to leave this world and serve God in monasticism. Having accepted the good yoke of Christ and easy zeal, the monk of the holy monastery of Kiev-Pechersk was humble and obedient, singing the angelic song of all to the Creator: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having seen your God-enlightened mind, Saint Dionysius of Kiev installed you, Theodosius, as archdeacon of the cathedral Church of Sophia of the Wisdom of God, so that you may serve at the altar of the Lord during the celebration of the Mysteries of God. We, the chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit in you, leading, with tenderness we call to you:

Rejoice, under the roof of the wonderworkers of Pechersk you laid the beginning of your exploits; Rejoice, thou who from youth hath beautifully adorned oneself with the virtues of monastic life.

Rejoice, most radiant beauty of monks; Rejoice, glorious praise of fasters.

Rejoice, beloved interlocutor of the reverent saints; Rejoice, obedience to the unhypocritical zealot.

Rejoice, humble ascetic, having placed all your trust in the Lord; Rejoice, kind zealot of solitary life.

Rejoice, blessed chosen one of Christ; Rejoice, invincible intercessor given to us by God.

Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 3

The power of God's autumn, Father Theodosius, when you were ordained a priest by Saint Dionysius and appointed abbot of the Korsun monastery by him, you shepherded the flock of Christ and led the monks to salvation, singing together with them a song of praise in the Trinity to the glorified God: Allipuia.

Ikos 3

Having unfeigned humility, you called dust and ashes for yourself, blessed Theodosius, and the prohibition from the bishop, innocent, you bore without complaint; In the same way, we, pleasingly such, truly Christ-like, your kindness, sing to you:

Rejoice, gentle lamb, repaying evil for evil to no one; Rejoice, for while bearing the bishop’s prohibition, you showed great obedience.

Rejoice, for at that time you did not even dare to touch the epitrachelion; Rejoice, having conquered the enemy by humility and surrender to the will of God.

Rejoice, otherwise God-loving, adorned with reverence and meekness; Rejoice, thou who through fasting life was crowned with bloodless martyrdom.

Rejoice, God-wise father and mentor to monastics; Rejoice, highly experienced leader of monastic monasteries.

Rejoice, faithful and reverent servant of the Throne of God; Rejoice, I warmly intercede for us before God.

Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 4

The storm of persecution against the Church of God in the city of Kyiv was raised by Latin wisdom; But you, God-wise Theodosius, were then appointed abbot of the Vydubetsky monastery, and you protected this from false teaching, affirming your brethren in the Orthodox faith to immaculately sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard your godly life, Father Theodosius, Saint Lazarus of God, called you from Kyiv to Chernigov and, having installed you as archimandrite of the most honorable monastery of Yeletsky, created an assistant for yourself in the management of the church; But you served him with filial love and you were truly worthy, so let us sing to you:

Rejoice, you who served the elder saint with love; Rejoice, for the son was obedient to his father in everything.

Rejoice, you who put his old age to rest; Rejoice, you have made the labors of the saint easier for him.

Rejoice, zealous stewards of the splendor of the church; Rejoice, faithful guardian of the apostolic traditions.

Rejoice, zealous guardian of truth; Rejoice, unwavering performer of pastoral duty.

Rejoice, immaculate servant of the Altar of the Lord; Rejoice, bright image of shepherd.

Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 5

The godly star, guiding you to the heavenly Jerusalem and shining brightly with virtues, seeing you, wonderful Theodosius, the monks and the worldly followers followed you with love, listening to your soul-helping teaching and looking at the image of your pure life, I learned to cry out to you to God, wondrous in His saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing Saint Lazarus overworked with old age and exhausted in her bodily strength, she desired to have you, Theodosius, as a successor in her own sanctuary and asked His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow to consecrate you as archbishop. In this we are God’s title, which is upon you, knowingly, with love we glorify you:

Rejoice, O bishop of God, wondrously chosen from the Eternal Bishop; Rejoice, worthy successor of the Apostles and zealous zealot.

Rejoice, Saint of Christ, consecrated by the Council of Russian Saints; Rejoice, good and poor-loving hierarch.

Rejoice, merciful and compassionate archpastor; Rejoice, Saint Mitrofan and Demetrius, interlocutor and co-throne.

Rejoice, beauty of Orthodox bishops; Rejoice, good shepherd, ready to lay down your soul for the sheep.

Rejoice, teacher of golden words; Rejoice, God-bright lamp of the Church of Christ, who shone forth in the darkness of this age.

Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 6

The preacher, not just in word, but also in deed, appeared to Saint Theodosius of Christ's teaching, as a good shepherd, in the image of the Chief Shepherd Christ, lovingly instructing everyone towards salvation, giving everyone a way of life according to the commandments of Christ and teaching everyone to cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone like a radiant morning in the land of Chernigov, Saint Theodosius of God, and you illuminated the flock entrusted to you with the light of your virtues, acquiring high humility and observing monastic poverty; Everything you had, you diligently distributed to the poor. Marveling at this, as if we were a perfect lover of the poor, we please you, calling:

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of mercy; Rejoice, safe haven for the orphans.

Rejoice, merciful patron of widows; Rejoice, you who hunger for the endless nourisher.

Rejoice, quick intercessor to the offended; Rejoice, trustworthy comforter to those who mourn.

Rejoice, ready helper to those in trouble; Rejoice, kind child teacher.

Rejoice, teacher of chastity to young men and virgins; Rejoice, firm strength for the old and the weak.

Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 7

Although with all your heart you were to please the only Lord, you fought a good deed to the end, Theodosius, applying labor after labor in humility, mortifying your flesh with fasting and vigil with prayer and warming everyone with love. In the same way, you were honored while still on earth to worthily and righteously sing the angelic song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

May the Lord reveal you as a new prayer book and wonderful miracle worker in the Russian country, to Saint Father Theodosius; In the same way and brightly the Orthodox Church flaunts you, for you have great boldness in Christ, praying to Him, the saint, for us sinners, crying out to you for love:

Rejoice, most luminous lamp of the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, everlasting guardian of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, zealous champion of piety; Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the Church of God.

Rejoice, embellished temple of virtues; Rejoice, great zealot of dispassion and purity.

Rejoice, prayer is an inexhaustible treasure; Rejoice, faithful builder of the mysteries of God.

Rejoice, keeping your flock in faith and piety; Rejoice, thou vouchsafed to join the saints in the Heavenly Kingdom.

Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 8

Having completed your earthly journey pleasing to God, Holy Hierarch Father Theodosius, holy and righteously, you rested in the Lord in the sleep of death, even as you passed from labor to eternal rest; For you have received from Christ God the crown of glory, imperishable, and you have settled down with the saints to sing a song of praise to Him forever: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You are all unfailing love, Saint Theodosius of God; Just as in this life, even after you have reposed to God, you do not abandon your children; You look mercifully on everyone who flows to you by faith, giving healing to the sick, comforting the sorrowing, delivering them from troubles. For this reason, thank God, we sing to you:

Rejoice, thou who has loved spiritual poverty from youth; Rejoice, thou who faithfully served Christ among His lesser brethren.

Rejoice, thou who openest the doors of God's mercy to us; Rejoice, O wrath of God, moving righteously upon us and turning it into mercy.

Rejoice, you who remain with us after your departure to God; Rejoice, you who revive souls killed by sins through the grace of Christ.

Rejoice, ever-flowing source of compassion for people; Rejoice, blessed enlightener of those darkened by delusions.

Rejoice, looking down on our sorrows from heavenly heights; Rejoice, thou who embracest us all with thy love.

Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 9

All the people of Chernigov glorified God, when they heard about your glorious appearance, to Saint Theodosius, your successor Archbishop John, whom you healed from a serious illness, showing your boldness to the Lord. For this reason, I strive to decorate your tomb and place the likeness of your face over it, calling to God, wondrous in His saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The multi-proclamation will not be able to praise you according to your heritage, worthy of eternal glory, Holy Hierarch Father Theodosius; and who can tell your many and glorious miracles, which you have wrought from the incorruptible relics and icons of your saints; For this reason, rejoicing and glorifying God, glorifying His saints, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, you who dwell in the bright heavens of heaven; Rejoice, you who foretell to us the dawn of the general resurrection through the incorruption of your relics.

Rejoice, who appears in visions for the good of believers; Rejoice, you who call them to prayer for your intercession.

Rejoice, quenching the tears and sighs of the mourning with love; Rejoice, you who quickly fulfill the requests of the weary and burdened.

Rejoice, thou who deliverest the faithful from sudden death; Rejoice, you who encourage us to fulfill our vows to God.

Rejoice, you who give sight to the blind and give hearing to the deaf; Rejoice, loving father, like the cocosh under the wing, gathering your spiritual children at your tomb.

Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 10

You have inherited eternal salvation, Saint Theodosius, and now you rejoice brightly with the Angels and all the saints, ever contemplating the radiant face of Christ our God, Who do not cease to pray for us sinners, so that through your intercession we may be worthy to sing together with you: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall of enclosure in the Orthodox Church appears to the saint of God, affirming the faithful with many wondrous miracles and reflecting all heretical wisdom with the manifestation of the power of God; You greatly surprised the mentors of the schism by the incorruption of your relics and you aroused them to confess the truth of Orthodoxy. Also with fear and reverence, coupled with the faithful cry to you:

Rejoice, having filled us all with joy through the glorification of your relics; Rejoice, through the incorruptibility of your body you transformed the unbelief of the spoken Old Believers into faith.

Rejoice, disgracing heresy and glorious miracles; Rejoice, having taught the Orthodox Christian to make the sign of the cross from the Luthorian heresy.

Rejoice, thou who suddenly granted sight to the blind child at thy relics; Rejoice, you who have solved the speechless tongue by the anointing of the oil from your lamp.

Rejoice, with the same oil you heal incurable scabs; Rejoice, near death bring the sick back to life.

Rejoice, for the deprivation of reason in your relics is healed by the grace of Christ; Rejoice, for even the linens from your tomb work miracles.

Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 11

The singing of prayer did not cease at your relics, Saint Theodosius, from the day of your burial even until the day of your glorification with the saints, when the Cathedral of Saints of the Russian Church carried your relics with glory from the cave and honestly placed them in the cathedral church of the city of Chernigov for general worship. Accept, therefore, our humble singing of praise and help us to purify ourselves through repentance, so that we may be successfully taught by you in fulfilling the commandments of Christ, and with you we cry out to God in gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The grace-filled lamp was in your life, Saint Theodosius, a shining quiet light of humility and love on the candlestick of the Church of Christ, and after your repose you shone like the sun, with wondrous miracles, dispelling the darkness of schism and heresies and turning the faithful’s hearts to God. Moreover, lovingly celebrating your holy memory, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, radiant star, shining above the land of Chernigov; Rejoice, having illuminated the entire Russian country with your light.

Rejoice, glory and protection of the city of Chernigov; Rejoice, vigilant guardian of our entire earth and warm prayer book.

Rejoice, at the Throne of the King of those who reign, you intercede for our king; Rejoice, for your name is glorified throughout our country from end to end.

Rejoice, for by your appearance you converted the infidels to the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, for through your heterodox miracles you teach Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, for with the heavenly powers you sing praises to God evermore; Rejoice, for in heaven you will behold His glory.

Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 12

You were a chosen vessel of God’s grace, O Saint Theodosius; ask the Lord for the grace of God and to help our weakness, so that by this grace we may be saved, we will overcome our ever-struggling passions, and by this we will strengthen, we always glorify the Giver of all good things, the Lord Jesus, with you, calling to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your many and glorious miracles and glorifying your great deeds, our holy father Theodosius, with tenderness of heart we glorify, praise and magnify the Lord who magnified you, in you he showed us a new sign of His favor towards the Orthodox Church, as an eternal pillar and affirmation of the truth; to you, as our warm representative before God, we proclaim:

Rejoice, you have labored well in the city of the Lord from morning to evening of your life; Rejoice in the joy of your Lord, for you are a good and faithful servant who has entered.

Rejoice, for through your life you have shown us the way to the heavenly abode; Rejoice, crowned with the crown of immortality and heavenly glory.

Rejoice, brightest star of the church sky; Rejoice, wonderful praise for the Russian land.

Rejoice, for you dwell with all the saints on high; Rejoice, for you visit us sinners on earth with love.

Rejoice, in whom Christ was glorified; Rejoice, put Satan to shame.

Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 13

O great saint of God and wonderworker, our holy father Theodosius! Accept this little prayer of ours, in praise of you, even if it is unworthy, but offered with filial love, and beg the Lord God to deliver us from all troubles, sorrows and misfortunes, from internecine warfare and sudden death, and from eternal torment in the future, and be honored in eternal life sing with you to Him: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “Angel in the flesh...” and the 1st kontakion “The chosen miracle worker...”.

Before the revolutionary period, several of his faces were painted. Their presence is considered a real rarity. In most cases, they decorate the private collections of the rich.

Temples in his honor

Some sources mention that several rare images of the saint disappeared from the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Finding holy monasteries is quite simple. So for example it is in:

  • village of Aleksandrovka, Dnepropetrovsk region;
  • in Kyiv on Kiyanovsky Lane;
  • as well as on Chernobyl street 2.

The last church of St. Theodosius of Chernigov in Kyiv was built for the patron saint of the liquidators of the Chernigov accident.

In the pre-revolutionary period, many shrines bore his name, but after that only a few remained. Previously, it was in Tula, but now only its limit remains there, and the entire temple has been renamed the Intercession of the Virgin.

Remember that it is not important to look for his relics, temples or faces, it is important to try to convey your request through sincere prayer. It is advisable to first thank the saint for the grace previously shown by the Lord and for everything that you already have.

God bless you!

You will also be interested in watching a video story about the holy Archbishop of Chernigov:

Commemoration: February 5 / February 18, September 9 / September 22 (Discovery and transfer of relics)

The name of Saint Theodosius stands among those persons and names that are the adornment and glory of the entire Russian Church. Saint Theodosius was one of those figures who, “not wisely, but guided by the humble” (Rom. 12:16), manage to do no less for the public good than the great and powerful of this world.

Theodosius was born in the late 30s of the 17th century in Little Russia, into a pious noble family. The youth is raised first at home by his parents in the fear of God and Christian piety, and then at the Kyiv Brotherhood Epiphany School (within the walls of the Kyiv Brotherhood Monastery on Podol, later the Kiev Theological Academy). The head and leader of the Kyiv Brotherhood School at that time was the “great pillar of the church,” Archbishop of Chernigov Lazar Baranovich (1650–1657), to whom St. Theodosius retained feelings of filial piety. Throughout his life, the saint retained deep gratitude to the school that educated him, which he expressed through his benefactors to the Kyiv Brotherhood Monastery. The memory of such charity was preserved for us by the Synodik of the Kyiv Vydubitsky Monastery, where it is said about St. Theodosius that he was a husband “prudent and charitable to the Kyiv Brotherhood Monastery.”

At the end of the teaching of St. Theodosius decided to devote his entire life to God. And the pious example of the parents, and the edifying guidance of the famous teacher, and the holiness of the very place of upbringing - all this contributed to strengthening the future saint in the desire for a good life. There were other events that did not pass without a trace in his life and determined, by the will of God, his lot on earth. The disagreements and discord that he saw at that time among the authorities of his homeland, and even among their spiritual leaders, prompted him to take upon himself the good yoke of monastic feat; to stand in the garb of a warrior of Christ on guard of the Church of Christ and fight against its visible and invisible enemies.

When and where did St. accept monasticism? Theodosius, it is not known exactly. What is certain is that this happened before 1651, when Dionysius (Balaban) was Metropolitan of Kyiv, and took place under the influence of Lazar Baranovich. The Right Reverend Lazarus, in one of his letters, calls Saint Theodosius “a sheep of Christ’s flock, who learned obedience from a submissive ram,” that is, Lazarus himself. St. Theodosius takes the highest vow of obedience in the monastic order.

Soon after he accepted monasticism, he worked honorably for some time in the rank of archdeacon of the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral and vicar of the metropolitan cathedral.

Kyiv and Little Russia at that time were experiencing great disasters from the unrest that was caused by the opponents of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, opponents of the union of Little Russia with Moscow. Unfortunately, the highest clergy of that time also took an active part in these troubles. Metropolitan Dionysius Balaban himself went over to the side of the Poles, and Chernigov Archbishop Lazar Baranovich was appointed temporary guardian of the Kyiv Metropolis (in October 1659 - hereinafter the dates are indicated according to the Art. Art.).

At this time St. Theodosius was already in the rank of hieromonk of the Krupitsky Baturinsky Monastery, in the diocese of Lazarus. Obviously, the first feats of the monastic life of St. Theodosius are performed under the supervision and guidance of the Right Reverend Lazarus. St. Theodosius does not follow Dionysius to the enemies of the Orthodox faith and nation, but follows his teacher, who well understood that Little Russia could only be happy under the protection of the Orthodox Russian Tsar.

Soon Saint Theodosius was given the highest responsibility - to lead others in the exploits of monasticism. In 1662, as evidenced by the local Chernigov chronicle, he already held the title of abbot of the Korsun monastery. The following year, 1663, after the death of Metropolitan Dionysius, in May Bishop Joseph (Nelyubovich-Tukalsky) was elected by the clergy of Polish Ukraine to the Kyiv metropolitanate. The election took place in Korsun (now the city of Korsun-Shevchenkovsky, Cherkasy region); it is very likely that the Korsun monastery, then ruled by Theodosius, was the place where the new metropolitan was elected.

How did St. feel about this election? Theodosius?

The newly elected metropolitan, “a glorious zealot of Orthodoxy, an unshakable pillar of the holy eastern faith” (as he is called famous writer At that time, Pechersk Archimandrite Innocent Gisel) with his initial activities in defense of Orthodoxy in Lithuania, won the general sympathy of Orthodox Little Russians. But his political convictions did not agree with those of Lazar, and the Moscow government did not agree to recognize him as a metropolitan. St. Theodosius foresaw this and, knowing that his election would give rise to new unrest and discord, did not express his consent, which could be expressed by signing the electoral act.

Somewhat later, already being the abbot of the Vydubitsky monastery, in his justification regarding the denunciation made against him by Bishop Methodius (Filimonovich), who was seeking the metropolitan title, he wrote to the Kyiv governor: “although I wrote to Tukalsky, (but) as if to a bishop, but I didn’t (as) write to the Metropolitan, I didn’t call him my shepherd and I didn’t ask for his blessing on anything.”

In 1664 St. Theodosius is appointed abbot of the Kyiv Vydubitsky Monastery. Several information has been preserved about the activities of St. Theodosius as abbot of Vydubitsky, testifying to his care and zeal for organizing the affairs of the monastery. The Vydubitsky Monastery was repeatedly in the hands of the Uniates. Naturally, this caused various kinds of disorder, a disorder in the internal order of monastic life and the external material well-being of the monastery. Having organized the internal life of the monastery in the spirit of strict Orthodoxy, St. Theodosius, with great zeal and zeal, took up the task of organizing her external well-being. And thanks to the care of St. Theodosius becomes the hetman's general, who approves significant estates for the monastery.

Zealous concern for the needs of the monastery armed the monks of the neighboring Kiev-Pechersk Lavra against him. Pechersk Archimandrite Innocent (Gisel), as a result of the slander of some monastery administrators, even complained about him to the locum tenens of the metropolis, Lazar, who wrote admonishing letters to his former student on this matter. Not without sorrow, the saint sees the displeasure of his teacher and meekly endures the test sent to him by God, faithfully fulfilling his duty. But God's Providence arranges everything for the better. Having justified himself in the opinion of his teacher, St. Theodosius became even closer to him. Lazarus himself now pays special attention to the high qualities of his soul and in his letter to him in a prophetic spirit expresses to Theodosius his desire that his name be written in heaven.

Love and trust in St. Theodosius, the rulers of Chernigov are becoming increasingly stronger and are expressed in the fact that St. Theodosius is appointed as his deputy for managing the affairs of the Kyiv Metropolis. At the same time, on St. Theodosius draws everyone's attention as a person of high perfection. From now on, eminent people, spiritual and secular, entrusted him with the most serious assignments in the conviction that he will fulfill them with honor and glory for himself and for the benefit of the cause itself. From that time on, there was a general desire to see him at one of the best places, where he would be a true lamp, burning and shining (John 5:35).

Since 1685, his name has become famous in distant Moscow. He, as the “honored of the Little Russian Church,” is entrusted with the responsibility (together with the Pereyaslavsky abbot Jerome) to present in Moscow to the sovereigns (John and Peter Alekseevich) and the patriarch petitions from the hetman, the Little Russian clergy and the military foreman for the confirmation of Bishop Gideon of the Kyiv Metropolitan of Lutsk -Svyatopolk, Prince Chetvertinsky. The embassy was a success. St. Theodosius, as a caring abbot, fulfilling the assignment entrusted to him, petitions in Moscow to satisfy the needs of his monastery.

In 1687, Eletsky dies (Holy Dormition Eletsky Monastery in Chernigov; the throne of the Holy Assumption Cathedral of the monastery is located at the site of the appearance in 1060 (February 18, of Eletsky miraculous icon Holy Mother of God. - V.) Archimandrite Ioannikiy Golyatovsky, and at the request of the Right Reverend Lazar, St. Feodosius. Appointing St. Theodosius as Archimandrite Yeletsky, the Right Reverend Lazar wants to have his disciple closer to him and makes him his assistant, entrusting him with various matters related to the management of the diocese. From this time on, St. Theodosius becomes, so to speak, the right hand of his archbishop and takes part in all the outstanding church events of that time.

By this time, relations between representatives of the Great Russian Moscow and South Russian and Kyiv churches became especially strained. In Moscow they look suspiciously at Kyiv and all of Southern Rus', they are ready to accuse its spiritual leaders of adherence to Catholicism and all sorts of heresies.

Since the beginning of the 17th century, especially since the annexation of Little Russia to Moscow, many immigrants have entered Moscow from Kyiv and generally from Western and Southern Russia to occupy various spiritual and civil positions. Some of them are even teachers of youth and educational leaders. The highest clergy in Moscow looked at such immigrants with rather hostility. Since the first quarter of the 17th century, the famous historical figure, cellarer Abraham Palitsyn wrote: “the newcomers from the Seversk and Polish cities learned from many heretics living in Ukraine, their evil disposition and customs and their heretical faith, the multitude came from ignorance and in everything with them the law is holding" (The Legend of the Siege of the Trinity Monastery, 45 p.). Many church rites and customs in Kyiv seemed strange and heretical to Moscow. Admirers of Moscow antiquity were embarrassed by the difference in the structure of Moscow and Little Russian life and the strong Polish coloring of the latter. It was also confusing that the Orthodox South Russian archpastors received their education in Western Jesuit schools. And some of the hierarchs sometimes actually expressed private opinions not in a strictly Orthodox spirit.

And soon after St. Theodosius became the archimandrite of the Eletsky monastery, in Chernigov a charter was issued from Patriarch Joachim (March 29, 1688) in the name of the Right Reverend Lazar. The purpose of the letter was “to let you know if (the Orthodox of southern Russia) agree on everything about the essence of the holy eastern churches.” The letter touched upon one question that was important at that time: what was the opinion of the Right Reverend Lazarus about the Council of Florence, “for the sake of which this council came into existence and with what custom it began,” it was written in the letter. In the same sense, there was a patriarchal letter to Metropolitan Gideon of Kyiv.

In Kyiv, a council of representatives of the highest clergy is convened to answer the patriarch, and one of its participants, the abbot of the Kirillov Monastery, is given instructions to correspond with the Chernigov Archimandrite Theodosius (Uglitsky) in order to find out the opinion of the Chernigov archpastor, the pillar of the church, on this issue.

St. Theodosius, in his answer, fulfills the request addressed to him and at the same time, on the instructions and requests of the Orthodox participants in the gathering, draws up a letter in response to the Patriarch “conclusively showing (that) this council (Floren.) does not have to be a legitimate canonical council" and so on . The strictly Orthodox view of the Chernigov archbishop and his closest collaborator was supposed to serve as a justification for the entire South Russian Church. But in Moscow they are not yet satisfied with either the metropolitan’s response letter (drafted by Theodosius) or the response letter from the Right Reverend Lazar. In September 1688 and March 1689, two more letters were issued in which Patriarch Joachim invited Orthodox Little Russians to express their opinion about the time of the transubstantiation of the Holy Gifts.

His Eminence Lazarus sends a response to the first of them (February 4, 1689) with his archimandrite Theodosius of Uglitsky. Here the Right Reverend Lazar, expressing his Orthodox view on this issue, at the same time expresses his complete readiness to “learn from the Most Holy Patriarch” and promises “obedience to the Church of God and the Holy Faith.” The importance of the assignment entrusted to St. Feodosia, obviously. He had to verbally clarify in Moscow those ambiguities that were the cause of the misunderstanding between Moscow and Kiev. At the same time, the order given to St. Theodosius, should have pointed to him as a particularly trusted person, deserving special attention from the patriarch and the Moscow government. His Eminence Lazar deliberately nominates his worthy collaborator so that he becomes known in Moscow as the most worthy to occupy the highest spiritual position.

In 1690, Metropolitan Gideon died, and Archimandrite Theodosius presented himself, among other persons, as worthy of the high title of Metropolitan of Kyiv. Upon the election to this high post of Pechersk Archimandrite Varlaam (Yasinsky), St. Theodosius also introduces himself in his place. But God's Providence judged differently. The Lord is preparing St. Theodosius for a high position in Chernigov. Here, by the will of God, he had to shine the light of his virtues and intercede for the flock entrusted to him by God, and not only during his life, in a bloodless sacrifice to the Lord, but also after death, as the chosen servant of God, who entered into joy His Lord.

When St. Theodosius was appointed archimandrite of Yelets, Lazar at that time was already about 70 years old - advanced years, especially for a person of such a working life and varied activities as the Right Reverend Lazar led. Dejected over the years, the elderly hierarch turns to the Moscow Patriarch with a request to approve Archimandrite Theodosius as his assistant in managing the diocese.

Theodosius was already known in Moscow as a highly revered and caring collaborator of his archbishop; the fame of his virtuous life also reached Moscow, and the patriarch, agreeing to fulfill Lazarus’ request, in a letter of response to him, expressed this opinion about the virtues of St. Theodosius: “We heard about the virtuous life of Archimandrite Theodosius and that, according to the management of the diocese of Chernigov, he is a capable and obedient assistant to the Right Reverend Archbishop Lazar, already full of days, experienced in business and in relation to our fidelity, a beloved son. Therefore, our fidelity blesses him , archimandrite, has the care to carry out all the affairs entrusted to him by the archbishop piously, in the name of the Lord and to please the archbishop, as an elder, in the spirit of obedience to Christ. If, while doing good, he turns out to be patient in enduring occasional sorrows and in fulfilling his office. appears blameless, then, when God pleases, he will receive the highest dignity after archbishop.” Needless to say, the saint fully justified the expectations expressed in the patriarch’s letter.

But St. Theodosius, being an employee and assistant of the Right Reverend Lazarus, did not abandon his previous duties. He diligently cares about the welfare of his monastery, which is enriched by the significant gift of the hetman, who donated the village of Moshchonka to the monastery as a special exception, made out of respect for the high merits of the Yelets archimandrite.

In 1692, the Right Reverend Lazar wished, during his lifetime, to see his assistant in the highest priestly rank, so that he could fully help him during his life and be a worthy successor to him after his death. At that time, there was a custom in Little Russia to ordain a well-known person to the rank of hierarch only with the consent of representatives of the clergy and eminent people who were part of his future flock. At the hetman's suggestion, everyone unanimously expressed their desire to see Theodosius in the rank of hierarch.

On behalf of the people, His Grace Lazar and the Hetman sent a petition about him to the Tsar (Peter I) and the Patriarch. In this petition they pointed out the high merits of the future saint. “The venerable archimandrite,” they wrote, “is a good man, adorned with the virtues of monastic life, which he leads from a young age, experienced in the management of monasteries, filled with the fear of God and spiritual experience, enlightened, very zealous for church splendor, capable of managing the house of the cathedral and the diocese of Chernigov ".

September 11, 1692 St. Theodosius, having presented an oath, signed with his own hand, “to the Most Holy Lord Adrian, Archbishop of Moscow and all Russia and all northern countries, Patriarch,” was named Archbishop of Chernigov and Novgorod (Novgorod-Seversk), and on September 13 he was ordained.

Upon his ordination, Saint Theodosius asked the king, in confirmation of his hierarchal rights, to give him a royal altar letter, which was issued to him on September 28, signed by the Duma clerk. In this charter, confirming the rights of the Chernigov archbishops, St. Theodosius the right of primacy among the Russian hierarchs, according to the oath promise given at the naming, is indicated to him by dependence not on the Kyiv Metropolitan, but on the Moscow Patriarch. As the leader among the Russian hierarchs, the new Chernigov saint receives the right to perform divine services in the sakkos.

Saint Theodosius spent about three months in Moscow.

Returning to Chernigov, he manages the affairs of the diocese, without leaving the management of the Yelets monastery: he is the “coadjutor” of the Chernigov archbishop and at the same time the archimandrite of the Yelets monastery.

As before, and until the end of the days of His Grace Lazarus, St. Theodosius retains filial respect for his patron and teacher.

But the Chernigov flock was not consoled for long with the spiritual joy of seeing two saints standing before the Throne of God. On September 3, 1693, the 73-year-old elder, the Right Reverend Lazar, peacefully reposed in the Lord, this, in the words of Tsar Alexy Mikhailovich, “a shepherd caring for the good of the Holy Church.” His death caused deep sorrow in the entire crowded flock and especially in Saint Theodosius, who loved him like the son of his father. Everyone was in a hurry to pay their last respects to the deceased with prayers at his coffin. Saint Theodosius performed a touching burial ceremony over him with a host of clergy from Chernigov and those who arrived from other places. Saint Theodosius sent Hieromonk Pachomius to the Tsar and Patriarch in Moscow with news of the sad event that befell the Chernigov diocese. The hetman also sent a report to the tsar. In it, he expressed to the Tsar his grief over the loss that befell Chernigov, and at the same time expressed consolation that the deceased Lazarus would be inherited by a worthy archpastor, who “can adorn the Church with his kindnesses.”

Both the Tsar and the Patriarch honored St. Theodosius with his letters, promising him his favors. At the same time, through Hieromonk Pachomius, he was sent a written letter and patriarchal instructions to arrange matters for the salvation of his flock.

Saint Theodosius imprinted in his heart the pious instructions of his holy patriarch and throughout his life he strove to put them into practice. Even in the rank of abbot and archimandrite, he showed the special kindness of his soul, thereby attracting universal love and favor. Even in the rank of abbot, he took special care to save the children entrusted to him, taking care of the construction of holy monasteries (for example, in 1680, on land that belonged to the Vydubitsky monastery, near the city of Mozyr, he built a monastery). Now his range of activities has expanded even more. He especially cared in the flock entrusted to him to develop ardent love for God and zeal for the salvation of souls, with which his holy soul burned. Guiding everyone to salvation and appearing for everyone before the Throne of the Most High, he is especially concerned about the development of ascetic life. He not only supports existing monasteries and improves them, but also tries to establish new monasteries.

So, on October 11, 1693, he gave one noble widow, Maria Sulimova, his pastoral letter, which blessed the establishment of the Pechenitsky monastery. Next year, with the blessing of St. Feodosia founded another monastery two miles from Lyubech, the birthplace of St. Anthony, the founder of monastic life in Rus'.

It also remains from the time of St. Theodosius of the Chernigov diocese has several written news, from which one can see his concern for the well-being of his flock. From this news it is clear that St. Theodosius was a zealous shepherd, extremely fair and peace-loving, loving and gentle among his family, and extremely attentive to the needs of others. His fame spread far beyond the borders of his flock. In Moscow itself, his name was pronounced with special respect. The patriarch himself in the service of St. Theodosius in the Chernigov church saw a special Providence of God benefiting the Chernigov flock. Even during his lifetime, people came to him from distant places, destitute by fate, exhausted from the struggle with everyday adversities, and the saint of God showed them his patronage and protection.

So, in 1694, a certain Dominic Polubensky (Catholic) addressed him in writing with a request to help him become a citizen of the Moscow kings, in order to then be able to turn to the grandfather’s Orthodox faith of his ancestors. The saint gave him his full assistance, and Polubensky became Orthodox and a subject of the Russian state. That is all, or almost all, that contemporaries have left for us about Saint Theodosius.

The year was 1696 last year earthly life of the saint. Having peacefully rested in the Lord, the saint lay down with his incorrupt body at the entrance of his cathedral church (Note: at that time - Boris and Gleb Cathedral - V.), guarding the eternal salvation of his flock.

Saint Theodosius, a shepherd during his life, after his blessed repose not only did not abandon his flock, but, as a true saint of God, became its heavenly patron in abundant miraculous healings, bringing down the grace of God on everyone who flowed to him with faith.

For two hundred years the incorruptible relics of the saint rested in the cave of the Boris and Gleb Cathedral in Chernigov. The general conviction of his Orthodox flock has long seen in them a great shrine not only of Chernigov, but of the entire Russian land, and in the saint himself, from the first days after his repose, they saw a saint of God, a blessed bishop, like an Angel raptured into heaven, abiding in the Seraphim flock. From various very distant places, pilgrims flocked to him with hope in his prayerful intercession before God.

The two-hundred-year period since the blessed death of the saint is rich in many-part and varied signs and wonders, with which the Lord himself testified to the holiness of the relics of his saint: healings of the paralytic, the deaf, the dumb, the blind, there are those regarding which even non-Orthodox and non-Orthodox people, who treat everything Orthodox with contempt, They said directly: this is a true miracle.

Numerous manifestations of God's mercy in miraculous healings through the prayerful invocation of the gracious help of St. Theodosius, many of which took place in a time close to us, were carefully examined, on behalf of the Holy Synod, as well as the preservation of his incorruptible body, served as the basis for the ardently desired and long-awaited definition of the Holy Synod: “In the blessed memory of the deceased Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov, canonize the saints, Orthodox by the grace of God, and recognize his incorruptible body as holy relics. The memory of the saint is celebrated on February 5 and on the day of the opening of the relics of the saint (Note: i.e. . respectively on February 18 and September 22, Art. - V.), and for the celebration of the opening of the relics of the saint, in fulfillment of the HIGHEST will of the Sovereign Emperor NICHOLAS II, to appoint the 9th day of September of the current year 1896." (Note: St. Theodosius of Chernigov was the first saint glorified during the reign of the passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas II. - V.)

This wondrous celebration took place, and it was marked by new miracles from the relics of St. saint of God. And now the Lord God, marvelous in His saints, endlessly and abundantly works miracles and shows blessings through the intercession of St. Theodosius with faith flowing to his holy relics in serious and incurable illnesses, in difficult circumstances life, in mental sorrows and the needs of everyday life.

From different parts of the world Holy Rus' sends its children to our ancient Chernigov. From now on, it is famous not only for its glorious antiquity, but also for its great shrine for Holy Rus' - the relics of St. Theodosius, the Wonderworker of Chernigov.

Quoted from:

"Pictures of church life in the Chernigov Diocese

from the 9th century of its history", FLG "S. V. Kulzhenko." - Kyiv, 1911.


Prayer to Saint Theodosius of Chernigov:

  • Prayer to Saint Theodosius of Chernigov- Pravoslavie.Ru

The piety of his parents contributed to the spiritual development and good inclinations of the boy: from childhood he was diligent in prayer and was distinguished by a meek character.

As a young man, he entered the theological school, the so-called Kiev Brotherhood College, at the Kiev Epiphany Monastery. The end of the 40s of the 17th century was the heyday of the college.

During his years of study, the saint’s calling to monastic feat was finally determined. He devoted his free time from studies to prayer, reading the Holy Scriptures and contemplation of God.

After receiving his education, the future saint took monastic vows at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and was named Theodosius in honor of the Monk Theodosius of Pechersk (May 3).

In 1664 he was appointed rector of the famous Kiev-Vydubitsky Monastery. This monastery had recently been in the hands of the Uniates, who led it to complete ruin. Saint Theodosius set to work with zeal, and, thanks to his energy and hard work, quickly restored monastic life in the Vydubitsky Monastery. Taking care of the church's splendor, he organized a wonderful choir, which was famous not only in Little Russia, but also in Moscow, where Saint Theodosius sent his singers in 1685.

In those years, Saint Theodosius had to endure a difficult ordeal: together with other abbots, he was accused by Methodius, Bishop of Mstislav and Orsha, of treason against the Russian government and imaginary correspondence with traitors. On September 20, 1668, he was summoned to give explanations on this case. However, on November 17 of the same year, the slander was discovered, and Saint Theodosius, along with others, was acquitted.

When Bishop Lazar was appointed locum tenens of the Kyiv Metropolis, he appointed Saint Theodosius as his vicar in Kyiv, while he himself remained in Chernigov. In this title, Saint Theodosius took an active part in many church events.

In 1688, Saint Theodosius was appointed archimandrite of the Chernigov Yelets Monastery in place of the deceased Archimandrite Ioannikis (Golyatovsky). There he had to work hard to improve the monastery, which was also destroyed by the Jesuits and Dominicans.

In 1692, on September 11, Saint Theodosius was solemnly consecrated in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin to the rank of Archbishop of Chernigov.

While ruling the Chernigov diocese, Saint Theodosius was especially concerned about the spiritual enlightenment of his flock. He supported old and created new monastic monasteries, among them: the Pecheniksky convent, where he himself consecrated the temple. In 1694 he founded the Lyubetsk monastery, in the same year the saint consecrated a temple in the Domnitsky Monastery, and in 1695 - a majestic temple in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, built on the top of Boldinskaya Mountain, near the Ilyinsky Monastery.

Saint Theodosius supported the existence of a printing house in Chernigov, which produced many printed editions of liturgical books.

Under Saint Theodosius, a special rise and strengthening of monasticism was noticed in the Chernigov Diocese. The saint paid great attention to the clergy and was strictly selective in choosing candidates.

The distinctive personality traits of Saint Theodosius were forbearance, peacefulness, strict justice, deep compassion for everyone who turned to him for help and advice, not only Orthodox, but also people of other confessions.

In 1696, on February 5, Saint Theodosius died and was buried in the Chernigov Boris and Gleb Cathedral, behind the right choir, in a crypt built for that purpose.


In September 2004, I was lucky enough to visit Chernigov with a small group of pilgrims returning from Mount Athos. Having venerated the relics of St. Theodosius of Chernigov and St. Lavrentiy, we headed to the Chernigov Yeletsky Assumption Monastery. The future great saint once lived here. The abbess of the monastery, Abbess Ambrosia, received us with love and told us about how the monastery was being restored. She also showed the house in which Saint Theodosius lived. During the conversation, mother told us the now practically unknown story of the return of the relics of St. Theodosius to Chernigov. I will give my mother’s story in writing.


I was 20 years old when the relics of the saint were brought to Chernigov. From that time on, my entire life passed under the prayerful protection of the heavenly intercessor and patron of our ancient city. However, only recently I was able to find out how his relics returned to his hometown. The first time I was able to touch on this topic was during a trip to the Valaam Monastery. We were sailing on a ship on Lake Ladoga, there were many pilgrims and tourists around. Everyone was expecting a meeting with the ancient monastery, which Orthodox people call our Northern Athos. And suddenly I heard a conversation of people standing next to me. One of them said: “Do you know that the path through Ladoga leads not only to the holy island of Valaam.” Once upon a time, the “road of life” for besieged Leningrad passed through the waters of the lake and on the ice. It was also called “the road of St. Theodosius.” I was surprised by these words, but then the temples of Valaam appeared, everyone began to gather, and I was not able to find out in more detail what relation Saint Theodosius had to the blockade “road of life.”

A few years later, another meeting took place, of course, sent by the providence of God, after which it was revealed to me why the “path of life” was forever associated with Saint Theodosius and how his relics returned to the believers. On May 9, 2004, many veterans of the Great Patriotic War came to Chernigov Patriotic War to celebrate Victory Day. On a holiday, I was walking down the street and suddenly I heard several veterans asking an ice cream saleswoman where the relics of St. Theodosius were located. She couldn’t really answer. I turned to the veterans and said that I could take them to the cathedral to the relics of the saint. That’s how I heard from one of these veterans the story of the return of the relics. I'll tell you what I remember.


In the late autumn of 1942, at one of the meetings, a group of military officials in a besieged city discussed what could be done in the current situation. The situation seemed completely hopeless. And suddenly everyone present heard a voice: “Pray to Theodosius of Chernigov, he will help you.” Everyone was surprised and amazed. The senior officer asked if others had heard this voice, and received an affirmative answer. Of course, none of them knew who Theodosius of Chernigov was.

They reported the incident to the highest authorities, after which they turned to Leningrad Metropolitan Alexy (Simansky), the future His Holiness Patriarch. Metropolitan Alexy replied that Saint Theodosius is a great saint and intercessor of our land, and if he gave such an instruction, then in order to save the city we need to pray to him. And for this it is necessary to return his holy relics to the church, which at that time were in the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism, in the former Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. After short negotiations, Stalin's permission was obtained, and the relics of St. Theodosius were transferred to the St. Nicholas Cathedral.


After this, our troops began and completed the victorious Tikhvin operation, driving back the enemy, and thus a railway connection was opened with the shore of Lake Ladoga, from where weapons, ammunition, food and other cargo arrived in besieged Leningrad along the “road of life”. The residents of Leningrad who were dying of hunger were taken back along the same road. That is why believers called the Ladoga highway (water and ice) “the road of St. Theodosius,” and the saint himself began to be especially revered in Leningrad. And today a constant stream of Orthodox people comes to the remaining shrine with the image of the saint, people stand and pray to the saint who saved their city from destruction, there are many candles.


In 1946, Vladyka Alexei, who became His Holiness the Patriarch, summoned Bishop Boris of Chernigov to Moscow and instructed him to cook Required documents for the transfer of the relics of the saint from Leningrad to Chernigov. The consent of the authorities was obtained, all necessary documents were prepared. The relics of the saint were brought to Chernigov on September 15, 1946. I remember this day very well. Our elder and spiritual father Lavrenty of Chernigov met the relics. My sisters and I sang and cried with joy and tenderness. It was a national celebration. The people were visible and invisible. Three liturgies were served that day.


Since then, the relics of the saint have been constantly in our city. How many miracles are performed through his prayers. And recently the relics were carried throughout the city in a procession of the cross - how could you have ever thought that such a thing could happen! But gradually people began to forget about the great joyful day of the return of the relics of our beloved saint.

I want to tell you how the Lord miraculously reminded me of this date. On September 14 of this year, they called me with a request to allow two buses with pilgrims who wanted to pray at the relics of St. Theodosius to come to the monastery. At this time, the relics were in our monastery, in the lower church. I said let them come. When the pilgrims arrived, it turned out that there was a priest and a deacon with them. Prayer began: an akathist was read and sung, prayer services were served. I thought that I would stand for a while and leave, because I felt unwell and very tired. Minutes passed, hours passed, the prayers continued, all the weakness disappeared somewhere. Easter was in my heart, I wanted to sing Easter chants. Such joy shone on people's faces. We stood praying at the relics all night. There was an amazing spiritual uplift. With one mouth and one heart they turned to the saint. Nobody wanted to leave. I could not understand why such grace visited us sinners on such an unmarked day. And suddenly I remembered: today is 25 years since the day when the relics of the saint returned to Chernigov. So the Lord arranged for us the holiday of the return of the relics, reminded us that this is the day of our common triumph and it should be celebrated especially by including church calendars as the day of remembrance of the saint.


Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov, born in the early thirties of the seventeenth century in the Podolsk province. He came from the ancient noble family of Polonitsky-Uglitsky; His parents were priest Nikita and Maria. The piety that reigned in the family of the future saint beneficially contributed to the spiritual development of the boy. From childhood he was distinguished by meekness and diligence in prayer. The young man’s natural abilities were revealed at the Kiev Brotherhood College at the Kiev Epiphany Monastery. This was the time of the very heyday of the college (the end of the forties of the 17th century), when its rectors were Archimandrite Innocent (Gisel), and then the hegumen, later Archbishop of Chernigov, Lazar (Baranovich), and among the mentors were Hieromonk Epiphanius (Slavinetsky), Hieromonk Arseny ( Satanovsky), Bishop of Belarus Theodosius (Baevsky), Abbot Theodosius (Safonovich) and Meletiy Dzik, who were the most enlightened people of that time. Saint Theodosius's comrades in the college were future outstanding shepherds: Ioannikiy Golyatovsky, Anthony Radivilovsky, Varlaam Yasinsky. The Kiev-Brotherly Epiphany School was at that time the main center of the struggle of Orthodoxy against the attacks of the Catholic clergy, Jesuits and Uniates. During his years of study, Saint Theodosius’s calling to monastic feat was finally confirmed: he devoted all his free time from studies to prayer, contemplation of God and reading the Holy Scriptures.

It can be assumed that the saint did not complete the full course of the college, since after the destruction of Podol by the Poles, it ceased its activities for several years. Throughout his life, the saint retained deep gratitude to the Kiev-Brotherly Monastery that raised him. In the synodikon of the Kiev-Vydubitsky Monastery the following remark was made about Saint Theodosius: “He was a prudent man and benefactor to the Kyiv Brotherhood Monastery.”

After receiving his education, the future saint took monastic vows at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra with the name Theodosius, in honor (May 3) (his worldly name is unknown).

By the Kyiv Metropolitan Dionysius (Balaban), he was made archdeacon of the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral, and then appointed vicar of the metropolitan cathedral. But soon he left Kyiv and settled in the remote Krutitsky monastery (Chernigov diocese), near the town of Baturin, famous for its strict monastic life. There he was ordained to the rank of hieromonk. In 1662, Saint Theodosius was appointed abbot of the Korsun monastery of the Kyiv diocese, and in 1664 - abbot of the ancient Kiev-Vydubitsky monastery. This monastery had recently been in the hands of the Uniates and was completely ruined. But Saint Theodosius, thanks to his energy and perseverance, managed to quickly revive the Vydubitsky St. Michael’s Monastery. He took special care to ensure the splendor of the church. He created a wonderful choir, which was famous not only in Little Russia, but also in Moscow, where Saint Theodosius sent his singers in 1685. Caring for the spiritual growth of the inhabitants of the monastery, the holy abbot, himself a strict ascetic, built in 1680 not far from the monastery, on the island of Mikhailovshchina, a small monastery for the brethren who desired solitude. He appointed one of the most zealous monks of the monastery - Hieromonk Job (Opalinsky) there as organizer and viceroy.

When Saint Theodosius was hegumen of the Kiev-Vydubitsky Monastery, he had to go through difficult days. Together with other abbots, he was accused by Methodius, Bishop of Mstislav and Orsha, of treason against the Russian government and in imaginary correspondence with traitors to Russia. On September 20, 1668, Saint Theodosius had to give explanations on this matter. On November 17, 1668, the slander was discovered, and Saint Theodosius, along with other abbots, received forgiveness.

The Right Reverend Lazar (Baranovich) appreciated the high spiritual qualities of Saint Theodosius and brought him closer to himself. He called him “a sheep of the flock of Christ who has learned obedience,” and prophetically wished that the name of Saint Theodosius would be written in Heaven. When in 1679 the Right Reverend Lazar became locum tenens of the Kyiv Metropolis, he appointed Saint Theodosius as his vicar in Kyiv, while he himself remained in Chernigov. As the vicar of the locum tenens of the Kyiv Metropolis, Saint Theodosius took an active part in many church events. In 1685, he participated with the right of a decisive vote in the election of Bishop Gideon (Chetvertinsky) as Metropolitan of Kyiv and, together with Jerome (Dubina), abbot of Pereyaslavl, was sent to Moscow with notification of the election. In Moscow, both representatives were received with honor and respect. The result of this embassy was the reunification of the Kyiv Metropolis with the Russian Orthodox Church. In 1688, Saint Theodosius was appointed archimandrite of the Chernigov Yelets Monastery in place of the deceased Archimandrite Ioannikis (Golyatovsky). From that time on, all the activities of the saint were transferred from Kyiv to Chernigov. This appointment took place mainly at the request of His Eminence Lazar. Saint Theodosius had to work hard to improve the Yelets monastery, since this monastery, which had not yet recovered from the devastation by the Jesuits and Dominicans, was very poor and unsettled. Through the labors of Saint Theodosius, it was possible to achieve prosperity for the Yelets monastery over the course of two or three years, which completely ensured its existence. The saint, even in his new position, provided every possible assistance to His Grace Lazarus in all important matters. He participated in the drafting of a conciliar response to Moscow Patriarch Joachim to his question letters about the attitude of the Kyiv Metropolis to the Florence Council and in discussing the question of the time of the transubstantiation of the Holy Gifts, raised at this Council. When the Patriarch was not satisfied with these answers and the Baturinsky abbot (Tuptalo) (the future Metropolitan of Rostov) was sent to Moscow at the beginning of 1689, Saint Theodosius traveled with him as a representative from the Most Reverend Lazar. He was instructed to deliver a response letter to the Patriarch and clarify any misunderstandings. On September 11, 1692, Saint Theodosius was solemnly consecrated archbishop in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Little information has been preserved about the administration of the Chernigov diocese by Saint Theodosius. The saint paid special attention to awakening and maintaining in his flock the spirit of true Christian piety. To this end, he took care of maintaining old and establishing new monasteries and churches. At the very beginning of his priesthood, with his blessing, the Pecheniksky nunnery was created, and he himself consecrated the temple of this monastery in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In 1694, with his blessing, the Lyubetsk monastery was founded 2 versts from Lyubech; in 1694, the saint consecrated a temple in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Domnitsky Monastery, and in the summer of 1695 - a majestic temple in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built on the top of Mount Boldinskaya, near the ancient Ilyinsky Monastery. Under Saint Theodosius, a special rise and strengthening of monasticism was noticed in the Chernigov diocese. The saint also paid great attention to the clergy and was strictly selective when choosing candidates for the priesthood. He especially patronized the Chernigov theological schools, invited learned monks from Kyiv to them, among whom was (Maksimovich), the future Metropolitan of Tobolsk, who later became the assistant and successor of the saint and the organizer of the Chernigov theological schools. Strict justice in relation to the clergy and flock, deep compassion, forbearance and Christian peacefulness were distinctive features activities of Saint Theodosius. Not only Orthodox Christians, but also people of other faiths often turned to him for help and advice. But Saint Theodosius did not care for the Chernigov flock for long. Feeling the approach of death, he summoned the abbot of the Bryansk Svensky Monastery, St. John (Maximovich) to Chernigov and elevated him from hieromonk to archimandrite of the Chernigov Eletsky Monastery. As a new archimandrite, he prepared his successor in advance. On February 5, 1696, Saint Theodosius died and was buried in the Chernigov Cathedral of Boris and Gleb, behind the right choir, in a specially made crypt. Subsequently, his successor, Saint John (Maksimovich), built a brick vault over his tomb with a laudatory inscription in verse in gratitude for his miraculous healing from a serious illness. The special gift of grace that Saint Theodosius acquired is attested to by his ascetic life and intimate help to everyone who offered him prayers.