The most profitable topics on the Internet. Choose a topic with minimal competition

Today we will look at the most popular topics on Instagram. What should a profile be like to be subscribed to and liked a lot? How to develop it correctly so that people like it and advertisers want to order advertising from you?

Hashtag: blogger

There is an opinion among many that “there are too many of these bloggers” or “every second blogger today.” Such phrases are just limitations and fears in people’s heads. Why not? If a person has a strong sense of beauty, he will perfectly compose the frame, edit the photo and create a harmonious composition.

If you think that you are unique, and most likely you are, otherwise you would not have asked such a question and would not have ended up here, then you need to first find out what the most popular topics are in demand on Instagram. This is necessary in order to develop your profile, attract an audience and share useful content with them.

Aesthetically beautiful

Become a Muse for your subscribers: inspire them to new endeavors. Help me see the beauty in the little things.

How to create similar photos:

  • correctly placed light;
  • perfectly constructed composition;
  • harmonious combination of colors in the frame;
  • take into account the axes and points at which objects should be located (detailed tips can be read in the article about layout).

A post shared by (@kasegasanov) on Apr 29, 2018 at 3:32am PDT

More information

Popular topics on Instagram can be informational. Do you like movies? Write about them. Do you like games? Make reviews and announcements. Do you have a menu? proper nutrition or exercises for weight loss? How to create a new business from scratch, etc. Tell us about it. Fortune tellers, astrologers, runologists are also here.


Each of us needs some kind of impulse that will help motivate him. An Instagram profile with beautiful pictures is the best platform for this. Example topics:

  • beautiful figures;
  • divine girls and magnificent men;
  • motivational sports videos;
  • trips;
  • happy families;
  • luxury life.

I will also increase my income by creating such sites for myself.

Selecting a topic– one of the key points in creating a website. Almost all webmasters are faced with the question of choosing a topic.

Many people advise creating a website on a topic that is closest to the author, a topic in which he is knowledgeable or interested. Maybe in some cases this is correct. A site that is made with love (quality articles written by the author himself, good design, etc.) can safely be called SDL. But in our case, we are interested in the profit brought by the site, and since non-profit topics are most often closer to us, the site does not bring in as much money as we would like...

Imagine that you love parkour and have created a website about parkour. It turned out to be a good SDL with high-quality and interesting information about parkour. But the problem is, when you decide to run contextual advertising, you get a low CTR. Because there are almost no advertisers in the selected topic, and irrelevant contextual ads are shown on the site.

Naturally, a visitor interested in parkour will not click on ads like “ How to lose weight over the summer" or " Who were you in your last life?“Since we create sites not only for context, but also for selling eternal links, we need to think about which sites on which topics advertisers will be more willing to buy links. This means that the first step in choosing a website topic will be to analyze the top topics.

View top topics

Some services and exchanges conduct research in which they highlight the top topics. For example, Runner allows you to see top 25 sections in which the highest activity among advertisers was noticed. Here are the most active market segments in the contextual advertising service “Begun” (for the 1st quarter of 2010)

As we can see from the analysis, the most popular sections are:
Auto, Real estate, Medicine, Financial services, Industrial goods,
Housing, Beauty and Health, Personal Items, Communications, Furniture.

Looking at the list, I would like to have sites on the following topics: auto, medicine, beauty and health, tourism. I'll probably start with beauty and health . I’ve been wanting to make a women’s website for a long time - a lot of traffic, a lot of advertisers and affiliate programs. Plus, it has been noticed that women click on contextual ads more actively. There are thousands of such sites, but mine will be more competent and better than most of them...^^

When you have decided on a section (or topic), you need to select site theme. It is not advisable to create a portal whose topic will cover the entire section (for example, a car portal). It is better to choose a narrower topic from the section. In narrow topics there is less competition, and therefore it is easier to promote such a site.

Select a site theme

If choosing a section is not a problem, then coming up with a theme for the site is a more difficult task. Yandex.Catalogue will help us in choosing a narrower topic. Here we can go through the sections, evaluate competitors from each section, estimate the approximate amount of traffic and choose “our topic” based on all the data.

For example, we selected the section “ Medicine" In YAK, medical sites are in the category Home/Health/

Here, select one of the subsections, for example:
/ Home / Health / Traditional and alternative medicine/ Herbal medicine

/ Home / Health / Specialized medical care/ Heart disease
And so on.

Everyone understands that it is most profitable to choose commercial topics– they have more advertisers and high bids (cost per click), and therefore earnings from advertising will be higher. Although, if you focus only on selling perpetual links, you can create a website with a non-commercial theme. For example, you can create an entertainment website...

In general, almost all commercial topics have advertisers. In some places there are a lot of them, in others not so much. To see if there are advertisers, you can use or simply enter one of the high-frequency queries or the name of the topic in PS (Google or Yandex) into the Yandex search bar and look at the contextual ads. Also enter this query into Google search.

I entered “Alternative medicine” into the search and currently received 16 advertisements. I entered the same thing in a Google search and saw ads on the topic on the right. So everything is fine with the context. Something like this… .

I hope after this post, you will not have the question “how to choose a website theme?” Take the choice of the topic and theme of the site seriously. The life and fate of the site, as well as the amount of work and funds that will need to be invested in promoting the site, depend on this to some extent.

Previously, I always couldn’t figure out what topic to make a website on. The biggest obstacles were the fear of being uncompetitive and the problem of a lack of topics for content. Now I'm making it simpler. In YAK or by chance I find a site that I really liked in terms of theme, idea and content, based on it ideas appear on how to make the same site, only better.

In general, look at what others are doing and think what you can do and whether you can do it better... well, and of course do it - the main thing is to start.

Who is with me, wait for the continuation of the marathon. And also ask questions and you can even subscribe to RSS for free.

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Updated – 2017-01-25

And on the Internet there is always an audience for any interests and any topic. For many people, the Internet has simply become an outlet where they can show themselves from all sides. Tell me honestly, do you know your colleagues well, with whom you have worked side by side for decades? That's it!

Some people dance, others sing well, knit, draw, write books for themselves or their children. Someone is an excellent cook, a jewelry repairman, etc. and so on. And we don’t even suspect that this person is so bright and interesting in his personal circle. That’s why many people started creating websites and sharing their interests on the Internet.

And some began to make money from their knowledge and interests. And this is not at all a shame, as they tried to convince us all previous years. Why should a person share his experience for free? Doesn't he need to eat like we do? Or interesting person has everything in life and he doesn’t need anything? Of course this is not true! He is the same person as we are, and for his creativity he also needs food, his own home, and communication.

And the best thing for this purpose is your own website, where you can show yourself and make money on your talent, or your knowledge, and life experience. It is knowledge with life experience that has always been and will be valued above all else.

Creating your own website is not at all difficult, if you have the desire. The main thing is to immediately decide correctly which one to create and for what purposes you need it. So that it doesn’t turn out, like most beginners (including me), that they created a website on one service for free, but it was necessary to use a completely different one and pay for it.

From the very beginning of creating a site, it is necessary to provide for everything, it,

And most importantly, the theme of the future site. Your online presence will depend on the topic. If you intend to study, then you need to immediately decide which ones. And if, in addition to all the earnings, you will also be engaged in contextual advertising on your website, then the more the theme of your future website must be thought out.

Otherwise, not only will you not earn anything, but you will also get a nervous breakdown and complete disappointment.

The fact is that many beginners place advertising blocks on their sites that do not at all fit with the theme of their sites, and then they wonder why their earnings are so meager.

Well, think for yourself, who will click on an advertising block about the sale of bricks from a culinary site? People come to this site for tasty or just useful recipes, and not for a brick laying recipe. And this must be taken into account before advertising on your blog.

Therefore, if you decide to make money on your website with the help of advertising, then first study it, and find out which sites, which topics should be used for advertising, and which ones should not.

But no! A site can have a traffic of 10 thousand people per day, but its earnings will be much less than a site with a traffic of 500 people per day. But the thing is that there are very few advertisers on the topic of a very visited site, or the advertising units themselves cost little, because... The topic is not interesting for the advertiser.

For example, sites about flowers and growing vegetables are very popular among people, but advertising units for them are very cheap.

So we come to the main question: what advertising stands on.

Today, the most popular themes for a site with contextual advertising are:

  • The most profitable theme - make money on the Internet. But a newcomer will have to work hard to break into the front ranks. This niche has long been occupied by seasoned Internet businessmen.
  • Repair and construction. An excellent, growing topic. Everything related to the construction of houses, baths and apartment renovation will always be in demand. Advertisers won't miss this.
  • Women's sites on any topic, from cosmetics and makeup to birth and raising children. Women, unlike men, do not skimp on either recipes or physical products for beauty and health.
  • Automobile, a grown man's favorite toy. This is his status. The cooler the car, the better and more comfortable he feels. He can play with it all his life, so buying spare parts and repairing the car is the lever that a man will not skimp on.
  • Medicine, has always been and will be in demand until we become immortal. Health for a person is everything! It’s not for nothing that the biggest money is made there.

There are exceptions to everything, and it’s not so easy to predict that tomorrow will be more in demand than today. Try it, go for it!

Hi all Oleg Lyutov is in touch. In the last article I told you, today I will reveal a few secrets on what topic is best to create a website so that it pays for itself in the future.

Before creating a website, ask yourself the question: why do you need it? And if at least one of the answers is: to make money, then this article will be useful to you and you will learn a couple of secrets why not all topics of websites on the Internet are as popular as certain categories.

There are two ways to create a website.

The first is to have a certain idea that just needs to be implemented.

The second is to have only the goal of creating a website, without specific ideas and methods for its implementation.

The last option is most often used in cases where the main purpose of creating a website is to make money. Let's consider how to act in this case, and which theme is better to choose so that the site generates income.

What you need to know before creating a website

The main thing to create a website is to accurately determine its topic. Based on this choice, it will be possible to decide on the design, nature of the content and other nuances of the implementation of the site project. Use as many sources of information as possible - the more data you get, the more reliable the result you can achieve.

But do not forget to filter out unnecessary information and rely only on reliable and well-tested data.

What is the difference between useful and unhelpful sites?

To do right choice, it is necessary to distinguish useful sites from unhelpful ones. Profit can only be generated by a site that will bring certain benefits to users.

Useless sites are usually purely for entertainment purposes. Although some resources achieve great popularity, high competition in this area casts doubt on the possibility of making a profit from a site that is not useful.

Useful sites can be divided into two categories: commercial and non-commercial.

Commercial sites can be dedicated to issues such as construction, finance, tourism or real estate.

Commercial websites have the following features:

  • A large number of analogues.
  • The average degree of competition for a position in the top search results for informational queries, but high for transactional ones.
  • A large number of advertisers, bringing high value to each site visitor.
  • Higher profits with less traffic.

Non-commercial website topics include diets, horoscopes, beauty, health, hobbies, sports, etc.

Non-profit websites have the following features:

  • The basis of the search results are information sites.
  • Low competition for keywords.
  • Fewer advertisers.
  • Low price of advertising platforms.

It is easier to achieve success with insufficient experience in non-commercial topics, however, the profit will be much higher if you create a website of a commercial nature. So what topic should you create a website on?

What topic should I create a website on to earn more?

Regardless of which topic you are leaning towards, the specific theme for the site should be chosen very carefully and carefully. The success of the entire project depends on it. Therefore, next we will consider the procedure for specifying the topic and its approval.

Important; The topic you choose for the site should be something you like and be familiar with. You can, of course, hire copywriters, but it is very expensive.

We draw up a project development plan

You should never create a website without a detailed and well-thought-out plan. To create this plan, answer the following questions consistently and thoughtfully:

  • What content do you intend to include on the future site?
  • What will serve as a source of content - write it yourself, hire permanent employees or collaborate with freelancers?
  • What exactly in the operation of the site will bring you profit?
  • What will be the costs of operating the site - its maintenance, content, advertising, etc.?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What kind of traffic do you plan to achieve over a certain period of time - month, quarter, year, etc.?

How to check whether a site’s topic is profitable or not?

To decide whether the chosen topic will bring the desired income, check it according to three main criteria:

  • The size of the audience that can be attracted through search engine optimization.
  • The availability of advertising channels for the site and the cost of a click, that is, of each visitor who goes to the site.
  • Level of competition in the chosen niche.

To do this, you need to accurately formulate the theme of the site, using one or two words. The first step to check it can be the service. Enter the site's theme into the form and view the results. Study groups of requests that can lead to a site on this topic. Select topics on which you can write articles for this site. After this, you need to analyze how many advertisements are being served. So, you can find out which advertising on this topic is most relevant.

Using contextual advertising services, Yandex. Direct or Google AdWords, determine the cost of a click on such ads. This price will be valid for the advertiser. By placing advertisements on your website, you will receive from 25 to 50% of this amount.

After this, you can move on to studying the competition. Determine whether there are competitors in the search results and what indicators their domains have. It is better to start from the average information request, and not from the top one. Using the SeoQuake plugin, you can determine the SEO indicators of competitors' websites. You can also use plugins such as site statistics and an RDS bar or a site visitor counter.

Thus, it is necessary to study all the subject options under consideration. The one that seems most successful to you will be the right choice. For greater clarity, you can always use the help of the video lesson “The secret on what topic to create a website so that it brings in money.”

Conclusion: what topic to create a website on?

The main thing to remember is that there are no win-win options for creating a website. The success and profitability of the project depend not only on the chosen topic, but also on how it will be implemented, what the advertising campaign will be like, and what mistakes will be made in the work. It is impossible to avoid mistakes, and you need to be prepared for them.

But the more effort you put into choosing the right theme for your site, the more likely it is that your experience will be successful. Even the first website created can bring huge income - there are examples of this. The main thing is not to rush into making a choice, but to make it thoughtfully, reasoned and with maximum foresight.

After you have decided on the topic of the future site, I advise you to read the article on my blog. That's all for me. If you have any questions, write them in the comments. Bye everyone!

In this article we will look at most popular website topics. To be honest, I didn’t want to post this note, because it diverges from the general concept of this mini-cycle of lessons, the beginning of which you will find in the note Idea for creating a website. The essence of the concept is that every webmaster can find his own topic that is suitable only for him, and not stagnate among those who want to cover the most popular topics of sites. But be that as it may, one cannot but agree that there are areas of human activity that are always in demand and interesting to people. Accordingly, the Internet, as a mirror of our life, spontaneously responds to public interests and provides more or less information on this or another thematic niche.

I think that’s why the minicycle would be incomplete without a report on .

Review of the most popular website themes

Let me say right away that I have not conducted any research, such as checking the cost of contextual advertising in Yandex Direct or Google Adwords on various topics. To be honest, it's a waste of time. The review is based on internet news research and common sense. You won’t find any ratings - topic A is cooler than topic B, either. I don’t think anyone knows this for sure. And any rating can be increased - what do you think about the Forex topic? In addition, my review is probably not complete, some very popular topics may have been missed - I will be happy to read your corrections in the comments to this article. In any case, you will get some general idea of ​​the popular thematic niches on the Internet.

Let's get started!

Cars and everything connected with them. Car brands, spare parts, insurance, motorcycles, etc.

Travel - essays about distant countries, travel agencies, last minute tours, descriptions of hotels, excursions and much more on the topic of travel.

Health is a very broad thematic niche. Everything that is somehow related to people’s health, from practical recommendations to medicinal herbs, from psychologist's advice to therapeutic exercises.

Next to the topic of health - Family relationships . There is love, betrayal, raising children and much more. Extensive topic.

Finance. People are interested in how they can get a loan from a bank, investments, mortgages, forex in the end.

Construction . There is no shame in putting this niche in first place. Everything from home renovation tips to building materials and tools. A giant thematic niche of the Internet.

I’ll call the theme this way: Cozy life. Here you can find furniture for your apartment, shopping, clothes, cosmetics and much more.

What else? God forgive me! I almost forgot about cooking. Where would a modern housewife be without a fresh recipe spotted on the Internet?

Cell Phones, Computers , various Gadgets , Internet technologies, Entertainment - here is a partial list of some other popular topics.

Don’t forget this thematic niche - Earn money online, a sort of thing in itself.

With this, I think I’ll finish the list of the most popular website topics. I look forward to your additions and thoughts on this topic.

The question remains open: should everyone seek happiness in the most popular thematic niches on the Internet? After all, they already have enough players and their number will grow. This is human nature. That is, the competition in them is expected to be serious.

Maybe it's worth looking for something of your own? As my colleagues have already written in the comments to the articles of the mini-cycle Ideas for creating a website - choose the theme of the site for the soul. At a minimum, start detailing the most popular topic of the site; more about this in the lesson Choosing a niche for the site based on the popularity of the topic. In truth, there is no clear answer to questions about the most popular website topics I have no. I'm waiting for them from you.