Once upon a time there were two generals. Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, a story about how one man fed two generals

In this lesson you will become familiar with the concepts of “irony”, “hyperbole”, “grotesque”, “antithesis”, and analyze and analyze the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals.”

“The generals cried for the first time after they closed the registry.” “They began to look for where the east is and where the west is. We remembered how the boss once said: “If you want to find the east, then turn your eyes to the north, and in your right hand you will receive what you are looking for.” Since the generals served in the registry all their lives (Fig. 2), Saltykov-Shchedrin once again emphasizes, they found nothing, simply because they didn’t know how to do anything. One of them had previously served as a calligraphy teacher, therefore, the author notes, he was smarter. And calligraphy is just the art of writing beautifully and clearly. Judge for yourself how much smarter one of the generals was.

Rice. 2. Generals in service, fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. “The story of how one man fed two generals” ()

And again the fairytale element: “No sooner said than done.” An acute feeling of hunger forced the generals to go in search of food. “One general went to the right and saw trees growing, and all sorts of fruits on the trees. The general wants to get at least one apple, but they all hang so high that you have to climb. I tried to climb, but nothing happened, I just tore my shirt. The general came to the stream and saw: the fish there, as if in a fishpond on the Fontanka, were teeming and teeming.” Pay attention to the illustration created by the artists Kukryniksy (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Kukryniksy. Illustration for the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. “The story of how one man fed two generals” ()

“The general went into the forest - and there hazel grouse were whistling, black grouse were talking, hares were running.

God! Some food! Some food! - said the general, feeling that he was already starting to feel sick.” The generals seem to find themselves in a lost earthly paradise. But this paradise cannot help them in any way, despite the abundance that surrounds them: living creatures and fruits.

A conversation ensues between the generals: “Who would have thought, Your Excellency, that human food, in its original form, flies, swims and grows on trees? - said one general.

Yes,” answered another general, “I must admit, and I still thought that the rolls would be born in the same form as they are served with coffee in the morning!”

Therefore, if, for example, someone wants to eat a partridge, he must first catch it, kill it, pluck it, fry it... But how to do all this?” (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. The generals are trying to get food. Illustration for the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. “The story of how one man fed two generals” ()

Objects from the world of civilization, details of clothing that distinguish a person from an animal, turn into coveted dishes in the minds of the generals. For example, one of them says: “Now, it seems, I would eat my own boot!” And the second one begins to seriously talk about what wonderful nutritional properties gloves have: “Gloves are also good when they are worn for a long time!”

Finally, hunger drives the generals to the point of brutality. “Suddenly both generals looked at each other: an ominous fire shone in their eyes, their teeth chattered, a dull growl came out of their chests. They began to slowly crawl towards each other and in the blink of an eye they became frantic. Shreds flew, squeals and groans were heard; the general, who was a teacher of calligraphy, took a bite of the order from his comrade and immediately swallowed it. But the sight of flowing blood seemed to bring them to their senses.” What is surprising is the violation of semantic compatibility that the writer offers us: the association between the award and a part of the body - the order became, as it were, an accessory, a part of the general; one can understand it in such a way that blood flowed from the wound left in the place of the bitten off order. But in the natural world on a desert island, insignia and indications of hierarchy do not make any sense, and you will not be satisfied with the bitten order.

No matter what the generals started talking about, each time the conversation boiled down to the fact that they returned to food. And here the heroes remembered the found issue of Moskovskie Vedomosti. Interesting Facts Saltykov-Shchedrin states in the newspaper. Fact one: “Yesterday... the venerable chief of our ancient capital had a ceremonial dinner. The table was set for a hundred people with amazing luxury. The gifts of all countries set themselves a kind of rendezvous at this magical holiday. There was “Shekspinskaya golden sterlet”, and... pheasant, and... strawberries...” Fact two: “They write from Tula: yesterday, on the occasion of the capture of a sturgeon in the Upa River, there was a festival in the local club. The hero of the occasion was brought in on a huge wooden platter, lined with cucumbers and holding a piece of greenery in his mouth. Doctor P., who was the foreman on duty that same day, carefully watched so that all the guests received a piece. The gravy was very varied and even almost whimsical...” Fact three: “They write from Vyatka: one of the local old-timers invented the following original method of preparing fish soup: taking a live burbot, first carving it; when, out of grief, his liver enlarges...” The generals bowed their heads.”

The fact that Saltykov-Shchedrin addressed the Moskovskie Vedomosti newspaper is very important. The author is talking about a reactionary newspaper, which was known for its vacuity, official enthusiasm, therefore, except for facts about food, the generals find nothing. Yes, they, in fact, don’t need anything else.

“And suddenly the general, who was a calligraphy teacher, was struck by inspiration...” What saves the situation, at first glance, is the general’s stupid idea to find a man on a desert island so that he can feed them. Surprisingly, the man is actually being found on the island. The man's comedy and parody are obvious. Saltykov-Shchedrin seems to be reinterpreting the image of a wonderful helper, characteristic of folk tales. A man discovered on the island is endowed with supernatural powers. “The generals jumped up as if disheveled and set off to look for the man. Under a tree, with his belly up and his fist under his head, a huge man was sleeping and was shirking work in the most impudent manner. There was no limit to the generals' indignation.

Sleep, couch potato! - they attacked him, - probably you wouldn’t even know that two generals here have been dying of hunger for two days! Now go to work!” (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Generals and the man. Illustration for the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. “The story of how one man fed two generals” ()

It is interesting that the man does not try to contradict the generals, but immediately responsively fulfills their demands.

“...picked the generals ten of the ripest apples, and took one sour one for myself. Then he dug into the ground and pulled out potatoes from there; then he took two pieces of wood, rubbed them together, and brought out fire. Then he made a snare from his own hair and caught the hazel grouse. Finally, he lit a fire and baked so many different provisions that the generals even thought: “Shouldn’t we give the parasite a piece?” (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. A man is preparing lunch for the generals. Illustration for the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. “The story of how one man fed two generals” ()

The man had just appeared in the fairy tale, and the generals had already called him both a parasite and a couch potato. A parasite is a person who lives at someone else's expense, a slacker. Can a man be considered a parasite? The generals believe that a man, a healthy fellow, shirks from work and tries to run away, they scold him for laziness. But despite this, he is happy with his life. Look for yourself: I picked ten of the ripest apples for the generals, and took one sour apple for myself, and eats chaff bread. While the generals are looking for a man, they are put on the trail by the pungent smell of chaff bread and sour sheepskin. Chaff bread was made from the remains of ears of corn, bran and other waste. And this is on an island where abundance reigns! Saltykov-Shchedrin in every possible way exposes both the stupidity of the generals, on the one hand, and the slavish subordination of the peasant, on the other.

“Get some rest, my friend...” the generals allow the peasant, “just remove the rope first. The man now collected wild hemp, soaked it in water, beat it, crushed it - and by evening the rope was ready. With this rope, the generals tied the man to a tree so that he would not run away, and they themselves went to bed. A day passed, another passed; The man became so adept that he even began to cook soup in a handful.” The generals had a good life on the island, they just got bored (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Generals on the island. Illustration for the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. “The story of how one man fed two generals” ()

The Moskovskie Vedomosti is re-read every day. “...they will sit under the shade, read from board to board, as they ate in Moscow, ate in Tula, ate in Penza, ate in Ryazan - and nothing, they don’t feel sick!”

They wanted to go to St. Petersburg. “And they began to pester the man: imagine, present them to Podyacheskaya!” And again Saltykov-Shchedrin uses the characteristic folk tale turn: “And the man began to cheat on beans,” that is, to guess, “how he could please his generals for the fact that they favored him, a parasite, and did not disdain his peasant work! And he built a ship - not a ship, but such a vessel that it would be possible to sail across the ocean-sea all the way to Podyacheskaya.”

The man looks after the generals with trepidation. “The man collected soft swan fluff and covered the bottom of the boat with it. Having settled down, he laid the generals on the bottom and, crossing himself, swam. How much fear the generals gained during the journey from storms and from various winds, how much they scolded the man for his parasitism - this cannot be described with a pen, nor in a fairy tale” (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. The generals are sailing in a boat. Illustration for the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. “The story of how one man fed two generals” ()

And again the author uses a characteristic fairy-tale phrase “neither to describe with a pen, nor to say in a fairy tale.” “Here, finally, is Mother Neva, here is the glorious Catherine Canal, here is Bolshaya Podyacheskaya! The cooks clasped their hands when they saw how well-fed, white and cheerful their generals were! The generals drank coffee, ate buns and put on their uniforms. They went to the treasury, and how much money they raked in here is something that cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen!” After all, the pension that was accrued to the generals was collected while the generals were on the island.

Saltykov-Shchedrin ends his tale like this: “However, they didn’t forget about the peasant; They sent him a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver: have fun, man!”

In fact, the author is outraged not only by the behavior of the generals, their lives at the expense of others, but also by the slavish obedience of the peasant. Laughter evokes passivity and resignation in a man, but this laughter is bitter, mixed with pity. The generals are physically weaker than the peasant, but he obeys meekly: he twists a rope for himself, ties himself, he could run away, but he will never do it. The generals are completely dependent on the peasant, he does not depend on them, but completely submits, and the gentlemen dominate - even on a desert island, the generals remain generals for the peasant. The author laughs at the long-suffering of the peasant, and in the image of the peasant, of course, at the long-suffering of the Russian people, who slavishly serve their masters.

The satirical sound of the fairy tale is emphasized by such means of artistic expression as irony, hyperbole, grotesque, and antithesis. Let's get acquainted with these terms and find them in the text.

The author's irony is important for understanding the meaning of the fairy tale. Irony- this is a figure of speech that pretends to assert the opposite of what is thought about the subject. Shchedrin writes about generals with caustic irony: “Generals served all their lives in some kind of registry; they were born there, raised and grew old, and therefore did not understand anything. They didn’t even know any words..."

Saltykov-Shchedrin actively uses hyperbole. Hyperbola- this is an excessive exaggeration of the properties of an object or phenomenon. For example, both the dexterity of the peasant and the ignorance of the generals are extremely exaggerated. It is unlikely that the generals did not know where the buns came from and thought that they grew on trees, and a skillful man cooked soup in a handful.

The general swallows his friend's order, not realizing that orders are not eaten. The order that one general snatched from another is a grotesque detail. You can bite off part of the body, but here’s the order... Grotesque- a combination of the real and the fantastic with the aim of depicting an object or phenomenon in an ugly-comic form.

And of course, many of Saltykov-Shchedrin’s tales, including “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals,” are based on antithesis, that is, in opposition. The ending is especially characteristic: the generals “how much money they raked in here - it’s impossible to say in a fairy tale, not to describe it with a pen!”, and the man received “a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver.”


  1. Korovina V.Ya. and others. Literature. 8th grade. Textbook in 2 hours - 8th ed. - M.: Education, 2009.
  2. Merkin G.S. Literature. 8th grade. Textbook in 2 parts. - 9th ed. - M.: 2013.
  3. Kritarova Zh.N. Analysis of works of Russian literature. 8th grade. - 2nd ed., rev. - M.: 2014.
  1. Internet portal “Moitvoru.ru” ()
  2. Internet portal “Ilibrary.ru” ()
  3. Internet portal “Reshebnik5-11.ru” ()


  1. Name the features and techniques characteristic of the fairy tale genre that were used by the author in “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals.”
  2. Reveal the image of a man from the fairy tale “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals”
  3. Write a miniature essay on the topic “The Irony of Saltykov-Shchedrin.”

A fairy tale with elements of satire by Saltykov-Shchedrin “How a man fed two generals” makes fun of the problems of society and describes the basics of life in Russia. The author uses techniques characteristic of the satirical genre. It is allegory and sarcasm that help the writer convey the comedy of the current situation.

The main characters are two generals and a simple man who find themselves on an island. In such a difficult situation, the whole essence of the heroes is revealed. It becomes a novelty for officials that food needs to be obtained and prepared. She “flies, swims and grows on trees.” But the generals are not adapted to this and turn to the peasant for help. The author portrayed him as hardworking, savvy, caring, but Shchedrin cannot agree with peasant humility and the habit of servitude. Helping two generals, in gratitude he receives a glass of vodka and a nickel, and is content with that. Literature knows a lot of examples where different classes of society are compared. But it was Mikhail Evgrafovich who was able to very accurately describe, using allegory, the relationship between gentlemen and ordinary people.

The story “How One Man Fed Two Generals” can be read in class and downloaded in full on our website

Once upon a time there were two generals, and since both were frivolous, they soon, at the behest of a pike, at my will, found themselves on a desert island.

Generals served all their lives in some kind of registry; they were born there, raised and grew old, and therefore did not understand anything. They didn’t even know any words except: “Accept the assurance of my complete respect and devotion.”

The registry was abolished as unnecessary and the generals were released. Left behind the staff, they settled in St. Petersburg, on Podyacheskaya Street in different apartments; Each had their own cook and received a pension. Only suddenly they found themselves on a desert island, woke up and saw: both were lying under the same blanket. Of course, at first they didn’t understand anything and began to talk as if nothing had happened to them.

“It’s strange, Your Excellency, I had a dream today,” said one general, “I see that I live on a desert island...

He said this, but suddenly he jumped up! Another general also jumped up.

- God! Yes, what is this! Where are we! - both cried out in voices that were not their own.

And they began to feel each other, as if not in a dream, but in reality such an opportunity happened to them. However, no matter how hard they tried to convince themselves that all this was nothing more than a dream, they had to be convinced of the sad reality.

In front of them, on one side, lay the sea, on the other side lay a small piece of land, behind which lay the same boundless sea. The generals cried for the first time after they closed the registry.

They began to look at each other and saw that they were in nightgowns and had an order hanging around their necks.

- Now let’s have a good drink of coffee! - said one general, but he remembered what an unheard of thing happened to him, and he cried for the second time.

- What are we going to do, though? - he continued through tears, - if you write a report now, what good will come of it?

“That’s it,” answered the other general, “you, Your Excellency, go to the east, and I will go to the west, and by evening we will meet again at this place; maybe we'll find something.

They began to look for where the east is and where the west is. We remembered how the boss once said: “If you want to find the east, then turn your eyes to the north, and in your right hand you will receive what you are looking for.” We started looking for the north, went this way and that, tried all the countries of the world, but since we had served in the registry all our lives, we found nothing.

- Here's what, Your Excellency: you go to the right, and I'll go to the left; it will be better this way! - said one general, who, in addition to being a receptionist, also served as a calligraphy teacher at the school of military cantonists and, therefore, was smarter.

No sooner said than done. One general went to the right and saw trees growing, and all sorts of fruits on the trees. The general wants to get at least one apple, but they all hang so high that you have to climb. I tried to climb, but nothing happened, I just tore my shirt. The general came to the stream and saw: the fish there, as if in a fishpond on the Fontanka, were teeming and teeming.

“If only there were some fish like that on Podyacheskaya!” - thought the general and even his face changed from appetite.

The general went into the forest - and there hazel grouse were whistling, black grouse were talking, hares were running.

- God! some food! some food! - said the general, feeling that he was already starting to feel sick.

There was nothing to do, I had to return to the appointed place empty-handed. He arrives, and the other general is already waiting.

- Well, Your Excellency, have you thought of anything?

- Yes, I found an old issue of Moskovskie Vedomosti, and nothing more!

The generals went to bed again, but they couldn’t sleep on an empty stomach. Either they are worried about who will receive their pension for them, or they remember the fruits they saw during the day, fish, hazel grouse, black grouse, hares.

- Who would have thought, Your Excellency, that human food, in its original form, flies, swims and grows on trees? - said one general.

“Yes,” answered the other general, “I must admit, and I still thought that the rolls would be born in the same form as they are served with coffee in the morning!”

- Therefore, if, for example, someone wants to eat a partridge, he must first catch it, kill it, pluck it, fry it... But how to do all this?

- How to do all this? - Like an echo, another general repeated.

They fell silent and began to try to sleep; but hunger decisively drove away sleep. Hazel grouse, turkeys, piglets flashed before our eyes, juicy, slightly browned, with cucumbers, pickles and other salad.

“Now I think I could eat my own boot!” - said one general.

- Gloves are also good when they are worn for a long time! - the other general sighed.

Suddenly both generals looked at each other: an ominous fire shone in their eyes, their teeth chattered, and a dull growl came out of their chests. They began to slowly crawl towards each other and in the blink of an eye they became frantic. Shreds flew, squeals and groans were heard; the general, who was a teacher of calligraphy, took a bite of the order from his comrade and immediately swallowed it. But the sight of flowing blood seemed to bring them to their senses.

- The power of the cross is with us! - they both said at once, “we’ll eat each other this way!” And how did we get here! who is the villain who played such a trick on us!

“Your Excellency, we need to have some fun with some conversation, otherwise we’ll have a murder here!” - said one general.

- Start! - answered the other general.

- For example, why do you think the sun rises first and then sets, and not vice versa?

- You are a strange person, Your Excellency: but you also get up first, go to the department, write there, and then go to bed?

- But why not allow such a rearrangement; first I go to bed, see various dreams, and then get up?

- Hm... yes... And I must admit, when I served in the department, I always thought like this: “Now it’s morning, and then it will be day, and then they’ll serve dinner - and it’s time to sleep!”

But the mention of dinner plunged both of them into despondency and stopped the conversation at the very beginning.

“I heard from one doctor that a person can feed on his own juices for a long time,” one general began again.

- How so?

- Yes, sir. It is as if their own juices produce other juices, these, in turn, still produce juices, and so on, until, finally, the juices stop altogether...

- Then what?

“Then you need to take some food...

In a word, no matter what the generals started talking about, it always came down to the memory of food, and this irritated the appetite even more. They decided to stop talking, and, remembering the found issue of Moskovskie Vedomosti, eagerly began to read it.

“Yesterday,” one general read in an excited voice, “the venerable chief of our ancient capital had a ceremonial dinner. The table was set for a hundred people with amazing luxury. The gifts of all countries set themselves a kind of rendezvous at this magical holiday. There was “Sheksna golden sterlet” [from G.R. Derzhavin’s poem “Invitation to Dinner”], and a pet of the Caucasian forests, the pheasant, and, so rare in our north in February, strawberries...”

- Ugh, Lord! Is it really possible, Your Excellency, that you can’t find another item? - another general exclaimed in despair and, taking a newspaper from a comrade, read the following:

“They write from Tula: yesterday, on the occasion of the capture of a sturgeon in the Upa River (an incident that even old-timers will not remember, especially since the sturgeon was identified as a private bailiff B.), there was a festival at the local club. The hero of the occasion was brought in on a huge wooden platter, lined with cucumbers and holding a piece of greenery in his mouth. Doctor P., who was the foreman on duty that same day, carefully watched so that all the guests received a piece. The gravy was very varied and even almost whimsical...”

- Excuse me, Your Excellency, and you seem not to be too careful in your choice of reading! - interrupted the first general and, in turn, taking the newspaper, read:

“They write from Vyatka: one of the local old-timers invented the following original method of preparing fish soup: taking a live burbot, first carving it; when, out of grief, his liver enlarges..."

The generals bowed their heads. Everything they looked at was evidence of food. Their own thoughts plotted against them, for no matter how hard they tried to drive away ideas about steaks, these ideas forced their way in in a violent manner.

And suddenly the general, who was a calligraphy teacher, was struck by inspiration...

“What, Your Excellency,” he said joyfully, “if we could find a man?”

- That is, how about... a man?

- Well, yes, a simple man... what men usually are! He would now serve us some buns, and catch hazel grouse, and fish!

- Hm... a man... but where can I get him, this man, when he’s not there?

- Just as there is no man, there is a man everywhere, you just have to look for him! He's probably hidden somewhere, shirking work!

This thought encouraged the generals so much that they jumped up as if disheveled and set off to look for the man.

They wandered around the island for a long time without any success, but finally the pungent smell of chaff bread and sour sheepskin led them to the trail. Under a tree, with his belly up and his fist under his head, a huge man was sleeping and was shirking work in the most impudent manner. There was no limit to the generals' indignation.

- Sleep, couch potato! - they attacked him, - probably you wouldn’t even realize that two generals here have been dying of hunger for two days! Now go to work!

The man stood up: he saw that the generals were strict. I wanted to give them a scolding, but they were frozen, clinging to him.

And he began to act in front of them.

First, he climbed the tree and picked the generals ten of the ripest apples, and took one sour one for himself. Then he dug into the ground and pulled out potatoes; then he took two pieces of wood, rubbed them together, and brought out fire. Then he made a snare from his own hair and caught the hazel grouse. Finally, he lit a fire and baked so many different provisions that the generals even thought: “Shouldn’t we give the parasite a piece?”

The generals looked at these peasant efforts, and their hearts played merrily. They had already forgotten that yesterday they almost died of hunger, and they thought: “That’s how good it is to be generals - you won’t get lost anywhere!”

—Are you satisfied, gentlemen generals? - the man-lounger asked meanwhile.

- We are satisfied, dear friend, we see your zeal! - answered the generals.

-Will you allow me to rest now?

- Rest, my friend, just make a rope first.

The man now collected wild hemp, soaked it in water, beat it, crushed it - and by evening the rope was ready. With this rope, the generals tied the man to a tree so that he would not run away, and they themselves went to bed.

A day passed, another passed; The man became so adept that he even began to cook soup in a handful. Our generals became cheerful, loose, well-fed, and white. They began to say that here they live on everything ready, but in St. Petersburg, meanwhile, their pensions keep accumulating and accumulating.

- What do you think, Your Excellency, was it really Babel Or is it just that, just an allegory? - one general used to say to another after having breakfast.

- I think, Your Excellency, that it really happened, because otherwise how can one explain that there are different languages ​​in the world!

- So there was a flood?

- And there was a flood, because, otherwise, how could the existence of antediluvian animals be explained? Moreover, the Moskovskie Vedomosti tells...

They will find a number, sit under the shade, read from board to board, how they ate in Moscow, ate in Tula, ate in Penza, ate in Ryazan - and nothing, they don’t feel sick!

Whether it's long or short, the generals are bored. More and more often they began to remember the cooks they had left in St. Petersburg and secretly even cried.

- Is something going on in Podyachesk now, your Excellency? - one general asked the other.

- Don’t say anything, Your Excellency! my whole heart sank! - answered the other general.

- It’s good, it’s good here - there’s no word! and everyone, you know, it’s somehow awkward for a lamb without a bright spot! and it’s a pity for the uniform too!

- What a pity! Especially as a fourth grader, just looking at the sewing will make your head spin!

And they began to pester the man: imagine, introduce them to Podyacheskaya! So what! It turned out that the man even knew Podyacheskaya, that he was there, drank honey and beer, it was running down his mustache, but it didn’t get into his mouth!

- But Podyacheskaya and I are generals! - the generals were delighted.

- And if you saw a man hanging outside the house, in a box on a rope, smearing paint on the wall, or walking on the roof like a fly - that’s me! - the man answered,

And the man began to make fools of how he could please his generals because they favored him, a parasite, and did not disdain his peasant labor! And he built a ship - not a ship, but such a vessel that it was possible to sail across the ocean-sea all the way to Podyacheskaya.

- Look, however, rascals, don’t drown us! - said the generals, seeing the boat rocking on the waves.

- Rest assured, gentlemen generals, this is not the first time! - the man answered and began to prepare to leave.

The man collected soft swan fluff and covered the bottom of the boat with it. Having settled down, he laid the generals on the bottom and, crossing himself, swam. How much fear the generals gained during the journey from storms and from various winds, how much they scolded the man for his parasitism - this cannot be described with a pen, nor in a fairy tale. And the man rows and rows and feeds the generals with herrings.

Here, finally, is the Mother Neva, here is the glorious Catherine Canal, here is Bolshaya Podyacheskaya! The cooks clasped their hands when they saw how well-fed, white and cheerful their generals were! The generals drank coffee, ate buns and put on their uniforms. They went to the treasury, and how much money they raked in - it’s impossible to tell in a fairy tale or describe with a pen!

However, they didn’t forget about the peasant; They sent him a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver: have fun, man!


He wrote the fairy tale “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals” in 1869.

First published in OZ, 1869, No. 2 (published on February 10), pp. 591-598, under the title “The Tale of How a Man Fed Two Generals.” (Written from the words of collegiate adviser Rudomazin)", with the number "I", referring to the cycle "For Children", along with the fairy tale "Conscience Lost" and the story "Anniversary". Without a signature; in the table of contents: M. E. Saltykov (N. Shchedrin).

Published by: M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Collected works in 20 volumes. M.: Fiction, 1974. T. 16, book. 1.

Once upon a time there were two generals, and since both were frivolous, they soon, at the behest of a pike, at my will, found themselves on a desert island.

Generals served all their lives in some kind of registry (1); they were born there, raised and grew old, and therefore did not understand anything. They didn’t even know any words except: “Accept the assurance of my complete respect and devotion.”

The registry was abolished as unnecessary and the generals were released. Left behind the staff, they settled in St. Petersburg, on Podyacheskaya Street, in different apartments; Each had their own cook and received a pension. Only suddenly they found themselves on a desert island, woke up and saw: both were lying under the same blanket. Of course, at first they didn’t understand anything and began to talk as if nothing had happened to them.

“It’s strange, Your Excellency, I had a dream today,” said one general, “I see that I live on a desert island...

He said this, but suddenly he jumped up! Another general also jumped up.

- God! Yes, what is this! Where are we! - both cried out in voices that were not their own.

And they began to feel each other, as if not in a dream, but in reality such an opportunity happened to them. However, no matter how hard they tried to convince themselves that all this was nothing more than a dream, they had to be convinced of the sad reality.

In front of them, on one side, lay the sea, on the other side lay a small piece of land, behind which lay the same boundless sea. The generals cried for the first time after they closed the registry.

They began to look at each other and saw that they were in nightgowns and had an order hanging around their necks.

- Now let’s have a good drink of coffee! - said one general, but he remembered what an unheard of thing happened to him, and he cried for the second time.

- What? What will we do, however? - he continued through tears, - if you write a report now, what good will come of it?

“That’s it,” answered the other general, “you, Your Excellency, go to the east, and I will go to the west, and in the evening we will meet again at this place; maybe we'll find something.

They began to look for where the east is and where the west is. We remembered how the boss once said: “If you want to find the east, then turn your eyes to the north, and in your right hand you will receive what you are looking for.” We started looking for the north, went this way and that, tried all the countries of the world, but since we had served in the registry all our lives, we found nothing.

- That's it, Your Excellency, you go to the right, and I'll go to the left; it will be better this way! - said one general, who, in addition to being a registrar, also served as a calligraphy teacher at the school of military cantonists (2) and, therefore, was smarter.

No sooner said than done. One general went to the right and saw trees growing, and all sorts of fruits on the trees. The general wants to get at least one apple, but they all hang so high that you have to climb. I tried to climb, but nothing happened, I just tore my shirt. The general came to the stream and saw: the fish there, as if in a fishpond on the Fontanka, were teeming and teeming.

“If only there were some fish like that on Podyacheskaya!” - thought the general and even his face changed from appetite.

The general went into the forest - and there hazel grouse were whistling, black grouse were talking, hares were running.

- God! some food! some food! - said the general, feeling that he was already starting to feel sick.

There was nothing to do, I had to return to the appointed place empty-handed. He arrives, and the other general is already waiting.

- Well, Your Excellency, have you thought of anything?

- Yes, I found an old issue of Moskovskie Vedomosti, and nothing more!

The generals went to bed again, but they couldn’t sleep on an empty stomach. Either they are worried about who will receive their pension for them, or they remember the fruits they saw during the day, fish, hazel grouse, black grouse, hares.

- Who would have thought, Your Excellency, that human food, in its original form, flies, swims and grows on trees? - said one general.

“Yes,” answered the other general, “I must admit, and I still thought that the rolls would be born in the same form as they are served with coffee in the morning!”

- Therefore, if, for example, someone wants to eat a partridge, he must first catch it, kill it, pluck it, fry it... But how to do all this?

- How to do all this? - Like an echo, another general repeated.

They fell silent and began to try to sleep; but hunger decisively drove away sleep. Hazel grouse, turkeys, piglets flashed before our eyes, juicy, slightly browned, with cucumbers, pickles and other salad.

“Now I think I could eat my own boot!” - said one general.

- Gloves are also good when they are worn for a long time! - the other general sighed.

Suddenly both generals looked at each other: an ominous fire shone in their eyes, their teeth chattered, and a dull growl came out of their chests. They began to slowly crawl towards each other and in the blink of an eye they became frantic. Shreds flew, squeals and groans were heard; the general, who was a teacher of calligraphy, took a bite of the order from his comrade and immediately swallowed it. But the sight of flowing blood seemed to bring them to their senses.

- The power of the cross is with us! - they both said at once, “we’ll eat each other this way!” And how did we get here! who is the villain who played such a trick on us!

“Your Excellency, we need to have some fun with some conversation, otherwise we’ll have a murder here!” - said one general.

- Start! - answered the other general.

- For example, why do you think the sun rises first and then sets, and not vice versa?

- You are a strange person, Your Excellency: but you also get up first, go to the department, write there, and then go to bed?

- But why not allow such a rearrangement: first I go to bed, see various dreams, and then get up?

- Hm... yes... And I must admit, when I served in the department, I always thought like this: “Now it’s morning, and then it will be day, and then they’ll serve dinner - and it’s time to sleep!”

But the mention of dinner plunged both of them into despondency and stopped the conversation at the very beginning.

“I heard from one doctor that a person can feed on his own juices for a long time,” one general began again.

- How so?

- Yes, sir. It is as if their own juices produce other juices, these, in turn, still produce juices, and so on, until, finally, the juices stop altogether...

- Then what?

“Then you need to take some food...

In a word, no matter what the generals started talking about, it always came down to the memory of food, and this irritated the appetite even more. They decided to stop talking, and, remembering the found issue of Moskovskie Vedomosti, eagerly began to read it.

“Yesterday,” one general read in an excited voice, “the venerable chief of our ancient capital had a ceremonial dinner. The table was set for a hundred people with amazing luxury. The gifts of all countries set themselves a kind of rendezvous at this magical holiday. There was “Sheksna golden sterlet” (3), and a pet of the Caucasian forests - pheasant, and, so rare in our north in February, strawberries ... "

- Ugh, Lord! Is it really possible, Your Excellency, that you can’t find another item? - another general exclaimed in despair and, taking a newspaper from a comrade, read the following:

“They write from Tula: yesterday, on the occasion of the capture of a sturgeon in the Upa River (an incident that even old-timers will not remember, especially since the sturgeon was identified as a private bailiff B.), there was a festival at the local club. The hero of the occasion was brought in on a huge wooden platter, lined with cucumbers and holding a piece of greenery in his mouth. Doctor P., who was the foreman on duty that same day, carefully watched so that all the guests received a piece. The gravy was very varied and even almost whimsical...”

- Excuse me, Your Excellency, and you seem not to be too careful in your choice of reading! - interrupted the first general and, in turn, taking the newspaper, read:

“They write from Vyatka: one of the local old-timers invented the following original method of preparing fish soup: taking a live burbot, first carving it; when, out of grief, his liver enlarges..."

The generals bowed their heads. Everything they looked at was evidence of food (4). Their own thoughts plotted against them, for no matter how hard they tried to drive away ideas about steaks, these ideas forced their way in in a violent manner.

And suddenly the general, who was a calligraphy teacher, was struck by inspiration...

“What, Your Excellency,” he said joyfully, “if we could find a man?”

- That is, how about... a man?

- Well, yes, a simple man... what men usually are! He would now serve us some buns, and catch hazel grouse, and fish!

- Hm... a man... but where can I get him, this man, when he’s not there?

- Just as there is no man, there is a man everywhere, you just have to look for him! He's probably hidden somewhere, shirking work!

This thought encouraged the generals so much that they jumped up as if disheveled and set off to look for the man.

They wandered around the island for a long time without any success, but finally the pungent smell of chaff bread and sour sheepskin led them to the trail. Under a tree, with his belly up and his fist under his head, a huge man was sleeping and was shirking work in the most impudent manner. There was no limit to the generals' indignation.

- Sleep, couch potato! - they attacked him, - probably you wouldn’t even realize that two generals here have been dying of hunger for two days! Now go to work!

The man stood up: he saw that the generals were strict. I wanted to give them a scolding, but they were frozen, clinging to him.

And he began to act in front of them.

First, he climbed the tree and picked the generals ten of the ripest apples, and took one sour one for himself. Then he dug into the ground and pulled out potatoes; then he took two pieces of wood, rubbed them together, and brought out fire. Then he made a snare from his own hair and caught the hazel grouse. Finally, he lit a fire and baked so many different provisions that the generals even came up with the idea - . “Shouldn’t I give the parasite a piece too?”

The generals looked at these peasant efforts, and their hearts played merrily. They had already forgotten that yesterday they almost died of hunger, and they thought: “That’s how good it is to be generals - you won’t get lost anywhere!”

—Are you satisfied, gentlemen generals? — the man-lounger asked meanwhile.

- We are satisfied, dear friend, we see your zeal! - answered the generals.

-Will you allow me to rest now?

- Rest, my friend, just make a rope first.

The man now collected wild hemp, soaked it in water, beat it, crushed it - and by evening the rope was ready. With this rope, the generals tied the man to a tree so that he would not run away, and they themselves went to bed.

A day passed, another passed; The man became so adept that he even began to cook soup in a handful. Our generals became cheerful, loose, well-fed, and white. They began to say that here they live on everything ready, but in St. Petersburg, meanwhile, their pensions keep accumulating and accumulating.

- What do you think, Your Excellency, was there really a Babylonian pandemonium, or is it just that, just an allegory? - one general used to say to another after having breakfast.

- I think, Your Excellency, that it really happened, because otherwise how can one explain that there are different languages ​​in the world!

- So there was a flood?

- And there was a flood, because, otherwise, how could the existence of antediluvian animals be explained? Moreover, the Moskovskie Vedomosti tells...

They will find a number, sit under the shade, read from board to board, how they ate in Moscow, ate in Tula, ate in Penza, ate in Ryazan - and nothing, they don’t feel sick!

Whether it's long or short, the generals are bored. More and more often they began to remember the cooks they had left in St. Petersburg and secretly even cried.

- Is something going on in Podyachesk now, your Excellency? - one general asked the other.

- Don’t say anything, Your Excellency! my whole heart sank! - answered the other general.

- It’s good, it’s good here - there’s no word! and everyone, you know, it’s somehow awkward for a lamb without a bright spot! and it’s a pity for the uniform too!

- What a pity! Especially as a fourth grader, just looking at the sewing will make your head spin!

And they began to pester the man: imagine, introduce them to Podyacheskaya! So what! It turned out that the man even knew Podyacheskaya, that he was there, drank honey and beer, it was running down his mustache, but it didn’t get into his mouth!

- But Podyacheskaya and I are generals! - the generals were delighted.

- And if you saw a man hanging outside the house, in a box on a rope, smearing paint on the wall, or walking on the roof like a fly - that’s me! - the man answered.

And the man began to make fools of how he could please his generals because they favored him, a parasite, and did not disdain his peasant labor! And he built a ship - not a ship, but such a vessel that it was possible to sail across the ocean-sea all the way to Podyacheskaya.

- Look, however, rascals, don’t drown us! - said the generals, seeing the boat rocking on the waves.

- Rest assured, gentlemen generals, this is not the first time! - the man answered and began to prepare to leave.

The man collected soft swan fluff and covered the bottom of the boat with it. Having settled down, he laid the generals on the bottom and, crossing himself, swam. How much fear the generals gained during the journey from storms and from various winds, how much they scolded the man for his parasitism - this cannot be described with a pen, nor in a fairy tale. And the man rows and rows and feeds the generals with herrings.

Here, finally, is the Mother Neva, here is the glorious Catherine Canal, here is Bolshaya Podyacheskaya! The cooks clasped their hands when they saw how well-fed, white and cheerful their generals were! The generals drank coffee, ate buns and put on their uniforms. They went to the treasury, and how much money they raked in - it’s impossible to tell in a fairy tale or describe with a pen!

However, they didn’t forget about the man; They sent him a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver: have fun, man!


1) Generals served all their lives in some kind of registry...— We are talking about civilian “generals” (actual civil councilors). In the manuscript of the tale there is the “Inspector Department,” the appearance of which was inspired by the introduction on January 1, 1869 of the “Regulations on the War Ministry,” which abolished the Inspector Department of this ministry. By lowering the rank of the institution, removing the government decree and making his generals retired, Saltykov secured the freedom to satirically depict them.

2) ...served as a calligraphy teacher at the school of military cantonists... - These schools existed until 1856. The teaching of calligraphy, like service in the cavalry, in Saltykov's satire usually serves as a sign of the primitiveness and spiritual poverty of the character.

3) "Sheksniska golden sterlet"- from “Invitation to Dinner” by Derzhavin.

4) Everything they looked at was evidence of food. — The parodied correspondence refers, by the way, not only to Moscow, but also to those cities where Saltykov once had to serve (Vyatka, Tula, Penza, Ryazan).