Making the blade of Michael the Archangel for rituals. Archangel Michael - what helps, Orthodox prayers to Archangel Michael. Skiba gets hit by a train

Why does Archangel Michael need a sword? Just to distinguish his icon from the icons of other Angels? Or are there moments in the life of mankind when the Archangel of God uses his formidable weapon?

He really looked like a brother like a distant thunder…

Those who enter the church of the city of Romny in the Sumy region have always been impressed by the image (now moved to the newly opened Ascension Church near the Post Office), standing in the porch with a fiery sword turned upwards.

The face is strict, exacting, formidable. Not the same as they draw angels near European Madonnas with wings, pink, puffy cheeks, smiling sweetly.

But it's not like that here. Here the archangel is a formidable governor, punishing for crimes against the Church. He stood in the vestibule among other similar plank icons, which testified that he appeared here, in the city church, from one of the many closed rural churches. Rural churches were closed, and the surviving icons were demolished in urban, not closed churches.

The peeling paint, the exposed chipped wood of the board along the edges, on which the annual stripes of the old perennial tree are visible, is a clear confirmation of this. What can tell, what can tell this past series of gloomy decades or even centuries, this unskillfully written folk image? And icons, keep in mind, are read, like books ...

On Sunday, November 4, 2012, His Grace Bishop Evlogy, Bishop of Sumy and Akhtyrka, performed the Great consecration of the restored Archangel Michael Church in the village of Andriyashevka, Romny District. After the consecration, the archpastor led the Divine Liturgy, at the end of which he awarded the builders and benefactors of the temple with church awards.

Here are the mean lines of the official, but joyful chronicle of the site of the Sumy Diocese. But how many passions boiled around this temple, destroyed in the past and restored today! My God! My God! What happened!

I stood and prayed in this beautifully built new temple, in this beautiful new time, with the same wonderful new people, mostly women, but my thoughts were in the past.

(The real sad, what's gone will be cute!)

I am haunted by the shadows of the past… What I remember, what I heard from the stories of eyewitnesses who survived the pogroms. And memory, this restless, restless memory, flashing, illuminates the space of historical night, resurrecting beautiful and terrible images of the past ... and I was taken to crying about how many people did not wait for this joyful day - the resurrected temple ...

Beginning of the closing of the Andriyashevskaya Church

In the Andriyashevsky village club, still old, in the evening the lights are brightly lit in the windows - electricity has already been installed. The director of the Andriyashevskaya secondary school, Skiba, makes an announcement that in the evening country club pensioners have gathered, and he, the director of the school, will give an interesting speech to them.

Evening came, the hall was full of women gathered, several grandfathers came too. A muffled murmur of many voices is heard. Skiba makes the following speech: “Since the church is a harmful relic of the past, it must be closed, and in order for you not to get bored, we will draw up a cultural program for you - schoolgirls and schoolchildren will perform in front of us every Sunday, read poems to you, sing songs and dance…

The women are sitting, silent, afraid to object to anything. Omnipotence time Soviet power. They look at each other cowardly and obsequiously, as if they already agree. But then a voice rises in the middle rows, a noise, a din, a murmur. Chu! What's happened? This is Matrona Gnatova (grandfather Gnat's wife), that's what they called her at our kutka (corner of the village - ed.), dispersed. “We were given your dances and your poems? We old people need a church! We don't need your dancers!!!"

It was the voice of the prophetess Deborah from. Behind her, the whole hall buzzed and rose in protest, all the women and grandfathers ... Oh, what was there, what had begun! Screams, indignation, tears, requests not to touch, to leave the temple; everything merged into one continuous noise. The voice of one, but a brave woman, failed the director's intent to peacefully resolve the difficult issue of liquidating the community.

September 1962 Church closing

But still the forces were unequal. In the end, Skiba traveled and traveled to Sumy and achieved his goal - to close the temple. He spoke in the region: the temple stands, you see, near the school itself. The students go to classes, and on the pediment of the church there is a large icon of the archangel painted on tin. Dissimilarity! Finally, permission to liquidate the temple at the top was received, and the "bottom" became more active.

The closure of the church was planned in the village of Andriyashivka differently than in many villages: people were not allowed in, locks were hung, and that's all. It's not like that here! The analysis of the interior decoration of the temple was carried out thoughtfully, on a grand scale, in accordance with all the rules and canons of scientific-atheistic propaganda. On a deliberate day, a deliberate hour closer to dinner, a few rural women gathered to defend - or rather, mourn - the church, schoolchildren lined up.

The then head of the collective farm, Kirilo Spiridonovich, who helped the director of the school close the church, drove the carts. They began to enter the church with horses, but the horses do not want to, they harass, they snore, they coo (they are scared - ed. note), rest against ... But, Skiba drives them by force.

Oh what was there! In the end, Skiba defiantly rode into the temple with a pair of horses, the Komsomol members climbed the stairs to the height of the iconostasis cross and hooked the pommel with reins and ropes. A sign was given, a command sounded, the horses were driven to the exit, and a small rural iconostasis was thrown to the ground. Large iconic standing icon cases were pulled out in a similar way.

The women prophesied, wiping away tears, in an undertone: “Look how he dragged the iconostasis, so he will be dragged on the Day of Wrath. Look, they already turned to him, “God does not beat with pitchforks, but with heavenly forces!” But who listened to them, old, backward old women, then?

A team of high school students, Komsomol members and pioneers, drunk on the sweet hops of destruction and permissiveness, began to drop icons on the carts - so that glass and frames were sure to break. People contrived to take away small icons.

Baba Maria Sholudchikha and her Saved Protection

In the Andriyashevskaya church there was a very beautiful Ukrainian Intercession, in a large icon case, all delicately decorated inside with foil. Baba Maria Sholudchikha looks with a sharp eye at the already dismantled church. Suddenly, the engine-jump grabbed the image, and - run away with him from the church. As she later recalled: “At that moment I was a pond, like a wild mountain goat (fast as a goat - ed.)».

Skiba chased after her. She jumped into the street that leads to Shinguri (village street) and ran. The director is behind her. She sees that the chase is not far behind, and he is young, he will catch up, around the corner she jumped into the thickets of wolfberry and weeds and hid there.

Skiba ran past, ran on, all the way to Shinguri. After a couple of minutes, he returns with a gloomy look - a failure. Baba Maria sat in the weeds for an hour, afraid that she would not return back for control, and only then she brought the icon home, to her hut on Gorby, where she lived.

Four years have passed since the closing of the church. And it would seem, nothing, there is no God, since the atheist lived, triumphed and was healthy, and there was no one to punish him.

Skiba gets hit by a train

An, no! Terrible, terrible face of the archangel. Here is the headmaster of the school, Skiba, driving to Perekopovka, a neighboring village, in his brand new Volga car. At that time, this was the last squeak and whistle of the height of the Soviet automotive industry. Beautiful, with a racing deer on the hood, a clock on the control panel. At the entrances to Perekopovka, he had to cross a deaf railway crossing. And it is necessary for this to happen, having entered the crossing, the car suddenly stalled. And the train is coming. Gives alarm beeps.

He jumped out of the car and started pushing it out of the way. Grandfather was grazing goats under the tracks, ran up and began to help him. They push together. Useless. Not amenable. In desperation, Skiba jumped into the cabin, began to re-start through the ignition. Doesn't go. He jumped out, became the winding key to revive the engine. Again it didn't work. The train driver honks frantically and incessantly. Not knowing what to do, Skiba darted into the middle. Grandfather shouts to him: “Where are you going, run away, it’s already close!” Didn't listen. The third time he jumped into the car, as he took up the gas, his train was already there and covered him.

Hit!!! The air seemed to explode. And in all the mirrors the archangel was reflected - he did not appear, only a fiery sword flashed. And the sky looked into fragments of empty broken mirrors, and in heaps the atheist lay stabbed to death! (This beautiful folk legend has conveyed to this day the detail that the locomotive driver saw the reflection of the fire-like archangel in all the mirrors during the impact. But, I repeat, this is just a beautiful legend, nothing more. If he appeared there, then it was impossible to see him After all, angels are spirits).

Perekopovtsy one by one began to converge to look at the accident. A terrible scene unfolded before their eyes. The car's motor lay separately under the tracks, the wheels also rolled out at random. The body of the salon itself - crumpled, mangled - was closer under the tracks. The locomotive, having hooked it, dragged it, dragged another ten or fifteen meters.

Traffic was suspended for several hours until the police and all the services and commissions appropriate for such accidents arrived from the area. They began to collect the remains. They said that pieces of the body had to be picked out from the wheels of a steam locomotive (then, in 1967, diesel locomotives were not yet in use, but steam locomotives were in use). The prophecy of believing rural women came true literally: as you dragged the iconostasis, so you will be dragged ... and really dragged.

Then there was a magnificent, solemn funeral. I have already seen them and was, so to speak, a participant in them, or rather, a witness. I was in second grade when it all happened. We, the students, were collected and taken to look at the director. Only the whole head was visible, but with hematomas, otherwise everything else was in trouble (in the coffin - ed. note) lay folded in a bag and was almost invisible ... They began to take it out through the doors, but the string got stuck - they would not take it out. They began to take it out through the window of the house. The whole crowd of villagers gasped: an unkind sign to carry the dead out the window.

Skiba's wife, also a teacher, was already on the street, when they were already putting the trunk with the body in the back of the car, she kept screaming, wailing: “Oh, God! Oh, God!..” Baba Andriyashivsky, remembering the closing of the temple, joked: “Why is she calling on God? Here it is necessary to call on the party and, lamenting, shout: oh, Lenin, oh, the party! .. so, so ... whoever you served, call on those in difficult times, maybe they will help! Why are they calling on God now?

Philosophical Afterword

Why do temples, monasteries, shrines and sanctuaries exist in the world? No one knows! Apparently, they are in the plan of the Higher Mind - God.

If you are not afraid of God, because in your opinion He does not exist, then be afraid of the Collective Consciousness of humanity. Let this anticipatory anxiety and fear of not touching the sacred be in you. It is real! It is it, the Collective Consciousness, through the materializing "clots" of times, legends and circumstances that are not subject to our understanding, will always find a way to punish the blasphemers and protect or revive their shrines.

It's Prestoroga (warning - ed. note) for the future to all totalitarian regimes and their zealous extremist atheists who uproot sacred things, starting from French revolution with their Jacobins, freethinkers, Russia of the 20th century with its terrible experiences of theomachic temple destruction and until today - do not touch life! You will still lose the fight with her!

And in the motley hustle and bustle of people, everything suddenly changed,
But it was not an urban, and not a rural sound,
He really looked like a brother to a distant thunder,
But there is moisture in the thunder, high blue clouds and lust for meadows, news of spring showers ...
Anna Akhmatova


NOVEMBER 21 - Feast of Archangel Michael and other incorporeal Heavenly Forces - Archangel Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Barahiel, Jeremiah. Archangel Michael (Who is like God) is the leader of the heavenly host. This is the most powerful Archangel. Controls other archangels. It has a huge number of angels-helpers at its disposal. Its colors are white and blue, blue and gold.
The holiday is especially close to Ukrainians, since the Great Archangel is the patron of Ukraine and its capital - Kyiv. Especially now I advise the people of Ukraine to pray more to the Lord, the Mother of God and Archangel Michael for help.
Michael should be called upon if you want to get rid of diseases (eye diseases, for example), fears, negative energy (damage, evil eye, etc.), troubles, sorrows, as well as get protection from physical, energetic and mental attacks. If you want to restore justice, strengthen faith, get support in serving others.
Under November 21 (that is, at 12 o'clock at night between the 20th and 21st) they pray to Michael, first saying the "Prayer for Protection" (an ancient prayer, written on the porch of the Chudov Monastery in Moscow in the Church of the Archangel Michael), and then they ask for different needs or do a rite and a conspiracy, which I will introduce you to below. You can easily find a prayer for protection to Michael on the Internet and therefore I do not bring it here so as not to repeat myself.
Remember relatives, friends, loved ones who have left you, calling their names (preferably in the temple).
It is believed that a person born on this day is endowed with good health and is always ready to defend the weak. Maybe a doctor. Will be happy.
They pray to Michael when starting the construction of a new house or at the entrance to a new house.
On this day, it is worth PROCESSING the brownie: put a bowl of food (porridge, milk, beer) and he will not annoy the owners and will always come to the rescue.

On this day, I am often asked to PUT PROTECTION ON THE HOUSE, PROPERTY, BUSINESS (of course, having previously done the rites of PURIFICATION on the same day).

For those who are in a quarrel (i.e., disagreements arose for any reason) it is worth doing the RITE FOR RECONCILIATION on this day, it will work especially hard on this day, since the support of the Archangel Michael and all the Archangels is strong.

RITUALS FOR RECONCILIATION work positively not only for the SPOUSES, but also for PARTNERS and FRIENDS.

If for any reason you cannot use my services in solving such problems, then try to do it yourself
1. Buy 12 large church candles (they must be in candlesticks during the ritual).
2. Put 2 icons on the table: "Theotokos" (any icon) and "Archangel Michael". And light all 12 candles at once (in candlesticks).
3. You can read in the morning and in the evening (6 times) or once a day (12 times). That is, you must read 12 times a day - 12 days in a row.
4. When reading, light the same 12 candles and extinguish them with your fingers after reading.
5. When the candles burn out on the 12th day, then all the remnants (ends) if they are collected and set aside for the icon of the Mother of God.

6. Before calling a name in a conspiracy, it is required to say the words every time: "God's grace"

"God bless!
From the throne to the temple, to the very royal gates, an angel walked.
Standing at the gate mother of God and Michael the Archangel.
The Mother of God holds a sword and a saber.
He kills malice with a sword, cuts a quarrel with a saber.
Put, Lord, the world in its place in the hearts of God's servants (names).
Strengthen peace, peace, close the gates more tightly,
And the key, Lord, throw it into the swamp.
Ae, Esm, Azhe, An, Abu, Ali!
Mother of God, bless.
Lord Jesus Christ, command
They led the world to live and the world between (names) to be.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

If you cannot visit a professional parapsychologist, then try to take advantage of such a strong day and do
(Take the icon of the Archangel Michael and put it on the table, and take documents with the company logo (business cards, for example) or an agreement between partners, or founding documents, or the title page (1 page) of your website in your hands. Light a candle (at 12 pm 20 th or 12 o'clock in the morning on November 21), read the Protective Prayer to the Archangel Michael, and then this conspiracy:

In the open field Mikhailo the Archangel,
He stabs with pitchforks, he stabs with knives,
All my words, all my deeds speak,
Deal with desire fastens,
To be fulfilled, he blesses him,
Hour is my talented, it's arguable
From Michael the Archangel of my conspiracy.
I have, servants (a) of God (his) (name) a holy magician,
Everything that she said (l) will be So.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Then say the request in your own words)
(Read 3 or 9 times. The candle should burn out to the end. It is better to put the icon in your office or in the room in which you work at home, and keep documents (business cards or others) in a separate folder on your desktop or desk).

Pray to Michael the Archangel any day. Ask him in your own words. In a temple or at home, a candle should burn in front of his icon at the time of prayer.
After any ceremony or prayer, do not forget to donate (to the temple or to the needy). Don't skimp on donations!!!

The ritual for making a talisman is held at midnight (12 a.m.) on 13 lunar day. At the same time, you need to look at lunar calendar, does midnight really fall on the 13th lunar day.
This day is called "The Wheel" and is good for making round talismans and amulets.

The ritual will require icons: Christ the Savior and Archangel Michael. And you will also need holy water, a red tablecloth, 2 church candles, a bowl, preferably a crystal or vase, a silver object: a coin, a ring, a pendant, etc. which will play the role of a protective talisman for you.

Before starting work, read a prayer:
"Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal Heavenly Father, You said with Your pure lips that nothing can be done without You. I ask Your help! To begin every business with You, for Your glory and the salvation of my soul. forever and ever. Amen."

Take any object made of silver (for example, a coin, a ring, but only without a stone, a pendant, etc.). If it's a coin, drill a hole in it so you can wear it around your neck or use it as a keychain. The main thing here is that a person would never part with him.
To do this, a coin, or any other object, must be heated as much as possible in urban conditions: put the object on the burner and turn it on for the most strong fire for 25 - 30 minutes.
This is necessary in order to weaken the structural lattice of the metal, to remove the primary information. This mechanism is based on the property of the metal structural lattice to remember the information embedded in it. While the object is heating up, it is necessary to prepare everything for work: cover the table with a red tablecloth, put the icons of Christ the Savior and the Archangel Michael, light two church candles, put a bowl of holy water in front of the icons.
Now you need to sit down at the table and read a prayer to Jesus against witchcraft and sorcery over a bowl of water, read the prayer 3 times:
"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect me with Your holy angels, the prayers of Our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, the power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross, through the prayers of Thy holy archangel Michael and other incorporeal heavenly powers, the holy prophet John the Forerunner and Baptist, the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian, the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the martyr Justinia, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. Joasaph of Belgorod, St. Mitrofan of Voronezh, St. Sergius, Abbot of Radonezh, St. Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky, St. Seraphim of Sarov, miracle worker, Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, Holy Martyr Tryphon, St. John the Wonderworker of Shanghai, Holy Blessed Mother Xenia, Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt the Wonderworker, Holy and Righteous Fathers of God Joachim and Anna and all Your Saints - help me, unworthy (noy), deliver me from all the slander of the enemy and from all evil - envy, witchcraft, magic, sorcery and from crafty people, so that they cannot do me any harm.
Lord, with the light of Your radiance, save me in the morning, at noon, in the evening and during the coming sleep. By the power of Your grace, turn away and remove from me all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. If any evil is planned or done against me, return it to hell. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Now read over the bowl of water a prayer to the Archangel Michael also 3 times:

"Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send, Lord, Your Archangel Michael to help Your servants (name). Protect us, Archangel, from all enemies, visible and invisible.

Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Demon crusher, forbid all enemies fighting with me, and create them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them, like dust in the face of the wind. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! The six-winged first Prince and Governor of the Heavenly forces of the Cherubim and Seraphim, wake us an assistant in all troubles, sorrows, sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet haven. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the delusions of the devil, whenever you hear us, sinners, praying to You, and calling on Your Holy Name. Hasten to help us and overcome all those who oppose us, with the power of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, with prayers Holy Mother of God, by the prayers of the holy Apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, for Christ's sake, the holy fool, the holy prophet Elijah and all the holy great martyrs: the holy martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, and all our venerable fathers, who have pleased God from time immemorial, and all the holy powers of heaven.

Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Help us sinners (name) and deliver us from a coward, flood, fire, sword and vain death, from great evil, from a flattering enemy, from a storm that is reproached, from the evil one, deliver us always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Archangel Michael of God, with Your lightning sword, banish from me the evil spirit that tempts and torments me. Amen."

So you have coded the water for protection. Now, with the help of two knives, you cling to a hot object and throw it into a bowl of water, information about protection through water is transmitted to silver, and its structural grid remembers this information, and your talisman object is coded for protection.

The work is completed, while the coin is cooling in a bowl of water, we read a prayer of thanks:
"Lord Jesus Christ our God, God of all mercy and bounty, whose mercy is immeasurable and philanthropy - an immeasurable abyss! We, falling to Your majesty, with fear and trembling, like unworthy slaves, offer thanks to You for the mercies shown to us. As the Lord, Lord and benefactor, we glorify you, praise, sing and magnify and, bowing down, thank you again! We humbly pray for your unspeakable mercy: just as now you have accepted our prayers and fulfilled them, so in the future, let us succeed in love for you, for our neighbors. and in all virtues. And make us always give thanks and praise You, together with Your Father without beginning, and Your all-holy, and good, and consubstantial Spirit. Amen."

Candles must burn out to the end, only then it will be possible to get the object out of the bowl. Always carry the item with you, and pour the water from the bowl somewhere on the ground on the street, it cannot be poured into the toilet or sink.

The object will darken from exposure to high temperature, but this dark coating is peeled off baking soda or special pastes for cleaning silverware.

Now your talisman will become an excellent indicator for you, as soon as the skin on the finger under the ring turns black, or the ring itself turns black, then a negative stream was directed at you. In such cases, you need to clean with salt and clean the item itself with special pastes for cleaning silver or toothpaste with a brush, which also cleans silver items perfectly.
With severe damage induced, the ring, or some other talisman object, can even crack, taking on a stream of negativity. Such a talisman can no longer be used, it must be thanked and buried in the ground, and a new one made.

The talisman needs to be charged from time to time by reading prayers to Jesus and the Archangel Michael, which were read during the manufacture of the talisman.

is the Archangel of the First Ray - the ray of protection, faith and the will of God. He is the Prince of the Archangels and the Angelic Hosts, the Defender of the Faith, the Angel of Liberation. In the "Book of the Prophet Daniel" his name is "Michael, the great prince, who stands for the sons of your people."314 The divine complement of Michael is Archeia Vera.

Archangel Michael is considered the greatest and most revered angel in Jewish, Christian and Islamic traditions and scriptures. According to Muslim beliefs, he is an angel of nature, endowing a person with both food and knowledge. In Jewish mystical tradition, the Archangel Michael is identified with the angel with whom Jacob wrestled. He also defeated the armies of Sennacherib, he saved three Jewish boys thrown into a fiery furnace. Archangel Michael was also the angel who appeared to Joshua as he prepared to lead the Israelites into the battle of Jericho.

The Apostle John also speaks of the Archangel Michael in the Book of Revelation, saying that it was Michael who cast the devil and his angels from Heaven to earth.315 From this we know that fallen angels have taken incarnation, and that the enemies of Christ live in the world of form. It is Archangel Michael and the legions of blue lightning who serve with him that protect the children of God from the enemy - the Antichrist.

Archangel Michael and his legions, clad in mighty blue armor, with shields and swords of blue flame, descend daily into the astral plane. There they free those who have left the screen of life and are not able to rise to higher octaves of service and the abodes of the Masters. Michael and his delivering angels work on these levels twenty-four hours a day, freeing souls from the conglomeration of their own human creation that has accumulated over the centuries, and from projections dark forces. They have been serving on the astral plane for many centuries, and Michael says he is determined to continue this work until the moment when all the children of light on this planet ascend to the God Source in the ascension ritual.

In liberating the light-bearers from astral nets, Archangel Michael is assisted by a sword of blue flame made of pure light substance. This sword of blue flame represents the rod of blue fire power that Michael has used to protect mankind since the descent of the backward evolutions and the Luciferians to the earth plane. Michael tells us that this sword is the sword of God. It was created in the Great Central Sun and is a gift from the very heart of God given to Michael by the mighty Elohim Hercules. When this sword of blue flame plunges into negative manifestation, nothing can resist it.

You can also call on the blue flame sword of Archangel Michael. Imagine it sparkling, the color of an electrician, as seen in the blue flame of a burner. gas stove. Take this sword in your right hand. As you work it daily, purify yourself while giving the dynamic decrees to release everything that binds you and prevents you from winning. Then expand your decrees as much as possible to include calls for the liberation of all people on earth and even for the salvation of the planet as a whole. Daily calls to Archangel Michael for protection and his momentum of faith and devotion to the will of God will provide everyone with the protection they need.

In a dictation on July 2, 1988, Archangel Michael said: “The hour has come when every Keeper of the Flame must wield my blue-flame sword… Blessed ones, this sword must be physical so that through you I can come to the physical plane and work with my blue-flame sword superimposed on your physical sword. On September 29, 1989, she said: "Beloved ones, don't forget the sword work... Realize that when you draw it, my hand is placed on your hand and my Electronic Presence overshadows you... Beloved, the unused sword is a lost opportunity."

Entering the battle with the forces of evil, students can also ask Archangel Michael for a cloak of invisibility, invincibility and invulnerability and powerful blue armor. Archangel Michael is part of a brotherhood of lightbearers known as The Shield, whose members serve twenty-four hours a day to protect the image of Christ in every man, woman, and child incarnate on this planet.

Archangel Michael is a very special angel for us. For millennia he, with his legions of light, has devoted himself to the security, preservation, protection, and perfection of our souls; he cared for us, patronized, chastised, instructed and taught the ways of God's holy will, helping us to understand that each of us has a divine plan, a blueprint in life. God loves us so dearly that he makes it known to us in a very personal way through his angels.

The Goddess of Liberty says, "Archangel Michael is always there for you and answers your call, but he does it best when you maintain the momentum" of daily prayers to him. "When you develop this momentum, your call will be answered instantly."

On July 5, 1992, Archangel Michael gave the following promise in his dictation: "I, Archangel Michael, assign to each of you a member of my legions - one mighty angel who will remain with you on the condition that you call me and give any of the decrees to Archangel Michael for twenty minutes every day As long as you fulfill this condition, which is an absolute minimum requirement of the great Law, this angel from my bands will not leave you until the hour of your ascension into the Light."

Archangel Michael also offers us his momentum of faith: "Give me your doubts. Give me your questioning. I will give you faith. And my faith is a power that can transform the world and send into it the great love of the blue lightning of the Father of all things. This power and this faith are real."

Sometimes all it takes to get through a difficult test successfully is knowing that we have friends of the light who support us and pray for our victory. However, when an Archangel offers humanity his faith, it is our responsibility to accept his gift, to call on his flame and intercession, to make that flame a part of our lives. He says: "When the ability to see is achieved, why do you need faith? Therefore, it is not I who need faith (except to give it), but you."

In most cases, the victory in the battle of life is won not by important decisions, but by small everyday deeds, when, turning your heart to God with trust and faith, you receive grace that frees you from the negative aspects of life in which your consciousness is momentarily involved. We can visualize the path of faith as "a powerful, shiny ribbon of light substance that will connect the individual to his God Presence."

Sometimes a simple thoughtform like this is all we need to free ourselves from the negative aspects of life.

Archangel Michael gave us another great gift from his loving heart, a dispensation given on April 22, 1961 in Boston: “Blessed and beloved, some of you are in old age, and the day is not far off when you will leave the temples of the body. Some of you will make this transition in the ritual of ascension, and not some of you will enter the kingdoms of our world in a different way, called death ... I give you a promise: if you secretly, in your heart, call me and ask me to come to you at that hour, then at the moment of your transition, I, Michael, will materialize before you, and you will see me as I AM, I promise you that I will help you free yourself from the remnants of karma and enter the realms of light with minimal pain that accompanies people due to the human fear of death.

This is a privilege and a gift from my heart. I give it to all people around the world who have the faith to accept this gift and realize that God communicates with people today as He did in ancient times. I AM Michael, Prince of the Archangels, rendering cosmic service to the Earth."

The monastery of the Archangel Michael is located in the Canadian Rockies, in Banff, near Lake Louise. It also has a focus of light over Central Europe. Its key note is "US Naval Anthem" by John Bacchus Dykes. The music of the "Wedding Choir" from the opera "Lohengrin" by Richard Wagner magnetizes the radiation of the Archangels and angelic hosts. Archangel Michael patronizes the police and others law enforcement Worldwide.

Protection on the go prayer for protection to Archangel Michael

"Mikhail ahead! Mikhail behind!
Michael is right! Michael on the left!
Michael is up! Michael down!
Michael, Michael - wherever I go!
I AM his Love protecting here!
I AM his Love protecting here!"
Travel Protection
Lord Michael before Lord Michael behind
Lord Michael to the right, Lord Michael to the left,
Lord Michael above Lord Michael below
Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go!
I AM his Love protecting here!
I AM his Love protecting here!

Hear how this decree is read on English language Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet.