Lit musical composition on ecology. Literary and musical composition “The Earth is our home. The song “Forgive me, Earth” is playing

Lyudmila Dolgova
A decade dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia. Scenario of a literary and musical festival

« Decade of Ecology,


The years of childhood are, first of all, the education of the heart.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Classes began not as usual on March 1, the first day of spring, at school No. 935 in the city Moscow: instead of the usual calls to and from class - music by P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons", instead of the usual hubbub of children at recess after a difficult lesson, there is the singing of forest birds. And during breaks, the school radio station operates, and poems and excerpts from works of art about the nature of our native land, which are read by all interested, pre-prepared students.

Of course, everyone was waiting for this day - March 1st - the beginning decade of ecology, dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia because the work is done considerable: We were preparing for a reading competition, a competition of drawings, propaganda posters and wall newspapers, selecting photographs for photo reports. High school students led research papers and wrote reports about ecology of our district, middle and junior students participated in the raid "Help our smaller brothers"(we hung bird feeders, picked up trash near the school, near our homes, in our arboretum).

First day decades An exhibition of student artwork was organized schools: drawings, propaganda and wall newspapers. I was pleasantly surprised by the variety of topics and artistic imagination, color and mood. There were works done with talent, and others not so much. But all these works were united not just by the desire to take part and show their skills, but to invite reflection and call to action. Of particular interest was the section of the exhibition “Photo Reports” "We and Nature": photographs of students with the class, with family, with friends in the forest or on the river bank, on a hike or on a walk; There were a lot of photographs of guys with animals. This interest prompted the idea of ​​creating a permanent exhibition of thematic photographs, and we have even already come up with the theme for the next exhibition “We and the history of our country”, dedicated 72nd anniversary of the Great Patriotic War.

The intellectual team quiz game turned out to be very interesting. “We have been given reason and strength...” between students of grades 6-7, which took place on the third day decades. Participants were offered competitions and tasks not only for testing environmental knowledge, but also the ability to work in a team. Team mottos and fan chants sounded cheerfully, homework was prepared with humor and ingenuity. I would like to say a big thank you to the librarian of the city children's library No. 140, Marina Valerievna Buzovkina, for organizing and conducting this game, and to express gratitude for the many years of cooperation with the school and the meaningful library lessons.

The baton for the children in grades 6-7 was taken over by high school students, since the next event in the plan was there was a conference for decades« Ecology of nature - ecology of the soul» with the participation of students from grades 8 to 10. In order not to let thoughts run wild, the organizers of the conference, teachers of biology and geography, identified a fairly narrow topic concerning ecology our Tsaritsyno district. The topic is narrow, but there is more material than plenty: Biryulyovo arboretum, nature reserve "Tsaritsyno", Apple orchard in Zagorye, Herzen Pond, cherry trees in Tsaritsyno Park.

Don’t think that children in 5th and primary grades were left out. Yes, there were no competitions for them, but they took part in an entertainment event - they were spectators of a performance at the theater-studio of the children's library branch No. 140. Although not just spectators. The characters of the fairy-tale action actively attracted participation Guys: they made them worry, worry and even defend the heroes of the fairy tale; for this, the audience had to correctly answer quiz questions and guess riddles.

But perhaps the most striking event in decade there was a literary and musical celebration-appeal"We are responsible.", in which the school choir, the best readers, and a dance group took part, and the results were summed up here Decades of ecology.

Scenario of a literary and musical holiday - conscription

"We are responsible."

1. A poem is played against the background of a video sequence of paintings nature:

And suddenly he sighed as if alive,

And the continents whisper to me:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The groves and forests are in alarm,

Dew on the grass is like a tear!

And the springs quietly ask:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deep river is sad

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deer stopped run:

“Be a man, man!

We believe in you - don't lie,

Take care of us, take care of us!”

I look at the globe - the globe,

So beautiful and dear!

And lips whisper in the wind:

“I will save you, I will save you!”

2. Presenter. Good afternoon, friends, inhabitants of planet Earth! 2017 in Russia declared the Year of Ecology. And not only because the problem ecology in our country, as well as throughout the world, is the most relevant. This is another opportunity to remind us people that we are part of nature, we are its children. Therefore, the state of our nature directly affects us, our health, not only physical, but also mental.

3. Dance group performance "Balloons"

4. Literary composition.

1 reader “Happiness is being with nature, seeing it, talking to it”- this is what L.N. Tolstoy wrote more than two hundred years ago. Look around, see what unique beauty surrounds us! Huge majestic rivers, calmly carrying their clear water into the seas and oceans; forests, dense and impenetrable, such that fairy tales were entangled in their branches. The vast blue sky, in which bird songs are heard in various modes and voices. And how the summer meadows delight with their velvety greenery, how much delight the flowers evoke, enchanting us with their uniqueness.

2 reader May the sun always shine,

The meadows are turning green,

May the river always be clean

Let the flowers bloom

Leaves are blooming

And clouds are floating across the sky.

3 reader This world was given as a gift

We ask all the guys! Together

4 reader On a beautiful planet

The children will be happy

Admire the forest and fields.

We'll save it for ourselves

For friends and for mom

Home is what we call Earth! Together

5 reader “Man himself can only see his real face in the mirror of nature”, - M. Prishvin will say. We must learn to look into this mirror, learn to see ourselves and others in it. Attitudes towards nature divide people into two camps. To those who understand and love her, and others: cruel, greedy, who thoughtlessly destroy the world. There is so much horror and hopelessness in Robert’s words Rozhdestvensky: “Less and less of the surrounding nature, more and more environment» .

6 reader An immoral attitude towards nature leads to the destruction of man himself. Therefore, a person’s inner beauty should include feelings of love for his native nature.

1 reader Don’t think down on nature,

The day will come, and you yourself will probably understand

Mother nature is close to us,

And every moment, and every moment.

How hard it is for us to live without flocks of birds

And without rain during the summer heat,

Therefore, let's save our native land,

Let us save our souls for this splendor!

Reader 2 We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse with the great treasures of life. Fish need clean water, birds need clean air, animals need forests and mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.

3 reader We live in one family,

We should sing in the same circle,

Walk in the same line

Fly in one flight.

4 reader Let's save

Chamomile in the meadow

Water lily on the river

And cranberries in the swamp.

5 reader Kohl is destined to breathe

We have only air,

Let's all go

Let's unite forever.

All together let's give our souls

Together we will save

Then and on Earth

We will save ourselves!

5. Choir performance with a song "Round dance"

6. Presenter. Nature gave us life, nature gives us food, water. But why don’t we remember that nature is also a source of inspiration for the great and infinitely dear Russian writers and poets: A. S. Pushkina, N. A. Nekrasova, F. I. Tyutcheva, I. S. Turgeneva, M. Prishvina. Seasons are a different story. I know for sure that there is not a person in this room who does not love summer! And for Pushkin his favorite time of year was autumn:

Autumn time, the charm of the eyes!

Your sad beauty is beautiful to me.

But Joseph Brodsky was inspired by - winter:

Everything fell silent. Winter itself

does not unclench his cold lips.

She is silent. Suddenly, suddenly

persistence will not break her.

That's why every sound

in winter you fish so greedily.

Well, everyone knows the lines of F. Tyutcheva: "I love the storm in early May."

How can one not recall the famous words of B. Okudzhava: "There is no bad weather."!

7. Presenter. An integral part of nature is made up of animals - our smaller brothers. Our pets warm our souls, give us love, and share our loneliness. Poem "To Kachalov's Dog" S. Yesenin is read by a participant of the Second Moscow Competition "Artistic word" uch. eleven "B" class Verdin Alexander.

8. Reading a poem "To Kachalov's Dog"

9. Presenter. But we must not forget that nature also needs our love and care. By how a person treats animals, domestic or stray, one can fully judge his morality, his soul.

10. Speech by student 7 "D" class with skit"About a kitten"

Girl I found a kitten in the garden...

He meowed subtly, subtly,

He meowed and trembled.

Maybe he was beaten

Or they forgot to let you into the house,

Or did he run away himself? Mother!

Mom Better not ask,

Where you got it, take it there!

Girl I wouldn't ask in the summer

But now it's dark and damp! Mother!

Mom I have worries without a kitten -

Mouth full!

Girl Where do forest animals live?

In a hole... in a lair... in a cave...

Or in some hollow,

Stay warm with your mother!

And this animal

No feeder, no coddle...

Mom Stop this bagpipes!

Grandfather What is all the noise, but there is no fight?

Why is the girl in tears?

Girl, I found a kitten in the garden,

Only mom...

Grandfather Stop, stop, stop,

Where is this foundling? Oh!

What a terrible beast!

Here's what we'll do now:

Go to your room and wash yourself

And calm down a little.

Yes, splash the one found

Don't forget the milk...

Grandfather to mother Have you forgotten?

How is it in our family? was:

Two dogs, two cats,

Chickens, geese. Beauty!

I can't believe that...

Mom Cats have germs in their fur!

Both dogs and cats are all contagious!

Grandfather Are you saying these words?

No love for animals

Children grow up angry... Daughter!

Cast your doubts away

Let the cat stay...

Well, where should he go?

Do we leave it?

Grandfather Granddaughter, come here!

Everything worked out perfectly!

Girl He's cute terrible:

Mother! Grandfather!

Grandfather Well, everything is going like clockwork.

If every child

For a puppy or a kitten,

There would be no animal left

Without a feeder and a coddle!

11. Presenter: Guys, don’t forget about your four-legged friends, listen to what advice they give you Guys:

1 reader Take care of your cats and dogs,

Wear a leash when you go for a walk!

Don't forget to feed and drink on time,

Vaccinate them and just love them!

2 reader Let's love all living things,

This is wonderful, guys!

So that the birds are friends with you and me,

So that the hamster doesn’t hide his curious nose,

The puppy ran along the path without interference,

And the cats were trusting

Together We need to always be responsible for those

Whom have we tamed!

12. Presenter (coming from behind the scenes): What is planet Earth to you?

3 reader (on the other side of the curtains): The Earth is a clear blue sky...

4 reader: The earth is a bright sun...

5 reader: Green forest and birdsong

6 reader: The earth is crystal water in the river, which you just want to scoop up to drink...

13. Performance by a dance group "Waltz of the Flowers"

14. The melody of the song becomes alarming music:

1 reader: But with each new day the sky gets darker - the factories are smoking,

2 reader: The sun is getting dimmer - the smoke does not allow its rays to break through.

3 reader: Forests are aging and dying - the soils are contaminated.

4 reader: And long gone are the days when you could drink from the river.

Together: Attention people! The planet is in danger! Environmental hazard!

15. Presenter: We all understand how important it is to preserve clean water, forests. And it’s not very difficult to do basic things - don’t litter rivers and lakes, don’t dump dirt and sewage into them, don’t leave garbage in the forest, don’t break trees.

It depends on you and me what kind of world we will be in. live: among the rubbish heaps or on the green and blue happy planet Earth.

16. Choir performance with a song "Sunny Circle"

Of course, this event is only a small part great job formation schools ecological culture of students, raising children's awareness of nature as the highest value, understanding its beauty, developing the ability to feel nature, cherish it, take care of it.

Whatever a child becomes in the future, he must understand well his role in the world around him, be aware of the consequences of his actions, and have an understanding of the laws of nature.

Today, more than ever, humanity is faced with the question of the need to change its attitude towards nature. Everyone must understand that only in harmonious coexistence with nature is the further development of our society possible. That's why for us ecological Education of schoolchildren is a necessary form of work both in class and outside of class time.

Article based on the results decade of Ecology and the scenario of a literary and musical celebration-appeal"We are responsible..."

prepared by a Russian language teacher and literature GBOU"School No. 935"

Dolgova Lyudmila Viktorovna

“We are inhabitants of planet earth!”

Target: create conditions for the formation of environmental culture among students.


1. Formation of environmental culture in children.
2. Raising a humane, creative, socially active personality who is careful about the riches of nature and society.
3. Contribute to the formation in children of a conviction about the need to protect nature, both in their region and on the entire planet.

Progress of the event:

The music sounds. Earthlings “The Earth is our home.” Slides of beautiful nature appear on the screen.

Leading: Nature is the home we live in

And forests rustle in it, rivers flow and splash.

Under the blue sky, under the golden sun,

We want to live in that house forever.

Loud music is playing. Tourists run out. Everyone says out loud:

We are tourists,

We are tourists, we have fun

We love clean air

And we drink water.

We are tourists,

We are tourists, we have been on the road since the morning

We are not afraid of bad weather

The heat is not scary

1st: How do you like this clearing?

2nd: Will do! Land!

1st: Beauty!

2nd: We're sitting well!

1st: Hey, what did you forget there?

2nd: You must leave a memory of yourself!

1st: Well?

2nd : Well, I carved it on that oak tree: Petrukha was here. Class!

All in chorus: Class!

They dance, throwing garbage.

3rd: Let's go to the river.

4th: Where's the trash?

1st: Stop messing around, leave it where it is?

2nd: We ate wonderfully

And we managed to drink tea

We won’t put out the fire,

Let's leave it like that!

Dance of a girl in a red dress, with red scarves, imitating a fire in the forest.

Leading: Trouble, trouble, trouble in the forest

Friends, everyone should come here soon

The fire has already reached the sky,

Everything died, our forest will burn.

Baba Yaga runs out and disperses the “Fire”, i.e. extinguishes. The forester comes out.

Lesovichok: Who's making noise in my forest?

I don't understand anything

I'll drive everyone out of the forest

I'll teach you a good lesson.

Even though I'm a good woodsman

I'm not used to being a grumbler

Still, I will show severity,

I love my forest so much.

Baba Yaga: Tourists have come to the forest today

And our forest was almost set on fire.

Shots are heard, a poacher is coming.

Poacher: ABOUT! There is something to enjoy here,

What a cute bird

The fox will have a collar

I'm not used to joking in the forest

The little bunny will go for soup

I will make a sheepskin coat from the bear.

The poacher leaves, shooting as he goes.

1 presenter: Everything fell silent. Trouble has come

Frozen in horror of the forest

The whole earth was writhing in pain

Only silence, sadness and grief.

Footage of polluted nature, the music of the song of the gr. Earthlings “Forgive, Earth” sounds

Disturbing music sounds against the background of the words:

Leading: Come to your senses, tremble, man!

You are indebted to nature

And may your age be glorious.

Fragrant grass in the meadow,

And the trill of birds, cheerful and ringing

And the noisy splash of the spring

And clusters of thin rowan,

And the blue eye of a cornflower

And the fresh aroma of herbs,

And the groves are noisy, and the oak forests.

Lesovichok and Baba Yaga appear again.

Baba Yaga: The poachers came running

Animals tied with ropes

And they shot all the birds

Save the forest quickly!

Lesovichok: Who dared to rule here?

Who managed to offend the animals?

Now I'll teach the villains a lesson

I'll kill all the bandits

Makes circular movements with his hands and music sounds, simulating a strong wind. The tourists and the poacher run out and circle around the stage. They then fall to their knees and beg for mercy.

Baba Yaga: Yes, there are still pests

Nature's plunderers

Such, let's be honest with you

We will punish you properly.

Lesovichok :

Firstly, tourists will remove all garbage after themselves.

And the poacher will release all the caught animals and birds.

And now I’ll conduct a re-education session.

Lesovichok extends his hand over the heads of the tourists and the poacher and reads the following words aloud.

I won't touch the ant

Anthill housing,

I won't scare away the nightingale

The sorcerer's singer.

I'll plant a bush

White lilac bush,

May the weary traveler

Relax in the shade.

I won't break the branches

From a viburnum bush,

And you kids will

Kind like that.

The tourists and the poacher say in unison:


Tourists: We love the forest at any time of the year

We hear the rivers speaking slowly

It's all called nature

Let's always take care of her!

Poacher : Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

Leading: There is just a temple
There is a temple of science.
And there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding reaching out
Towards the sun and winds.

Let's people love the planet
There is nothing like it in the entire Universe.
In the entire Universe there is one for everyone,
What will she do without us?

The song “There is nothing better in the world...”

Literary musical composition on ecology.
*music plays* A traveler comes onto the stage and turns the map in his hands. Traveler: Oh, where did I end up? Maybe I took a wrong turn? No, it seems... everything is correct: the planet “Earth” is located at the address “Milky Way...*mumbling*”, yes, yes, yeah... everything is right! But what happened to this planet? There is garbage and dirt all around... Has she always been like this?.. And there is no one nearby, I’ll go look! * leaves the stage * music and dance
Resident 1: Through the smoke of factories and factories, it is difficult for us to see All the suffering that the Earth has to endure.
Resident 2: How long will we have enough water, since there is poison dissolved in it?
Resident 3: How long will those forests, where the axes knock, last?
Resident 4: Only you, a reasonable person, can save fields, meadows, forests and the clear expanse of rivers - the whole earth.
A traveler comes out
Traveler: Who are you? Where did they come from here?
Resident 1: We are all inhabitants of the planet We lived on this planet. Resident 4: We lived peacefully, did not grieve, Because everyone was friends Resident 3: And we valued nature. Traveler: What happened, tell us?
Resident 2: We will give you the answer. Man ruined everything! Resident 1: There are many miracles in the world,
The man is the most wonderful of them all!
Resident 3: But he only loved himself
And he destroyed nature.
Resident 4: He couldn’t understand
That nature is our mother!
Resident 2: Forests are being cut down, rivers are being polluted,
And we don’t like the water in our river anymore
Resident 3: There are no animals in the forests now,
Man is the most important of all!
Resident 1: He couldn’t resist
This was his vice.
Resident 4: Why can't he
Live calmly and wisely?
Protect, love, appreciate,
Treasure all nature!Anya and Nastya sing the song “Stork on the Roof”Where was it,
When it was,
In childhood or maybe in a dream.
There was no room
More beautiful and cleaner
Than on earth. Clean rivers,
Flowers and trees
Birds and animals in the forest.
People, please don’t accidentally destroy
Peace to beauty!
Factories, waste and garbage are everywhere, the sky is not visible in the darkness.
Save people, save people
Life on earth!*music fades out**A girl comes out with a globe in her hands*Spinning in Space, captivated by her orbit
Not a year, not two, but billions of years,
I'm so tired... My chest is covered
There are no wounds with scars - there is no living space.
Steel torments my earthly body,
And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers,
All that I had and have,
A person considers his good.
Why are people so afraid of each other?
Have you forgotten about the Earth itself?
After all, I can die and stay
A charred grain of sand in the smoky haze.
Is it not because, burning with vengeance,
I rebel against the forces of madness,
And, shaking the firmament with an earthquake,
I give my answer to all grievances.
And it’s no coincidence that the formidable volcanoes
They pour out the pain of the Earth with lava...
Wake up people! Call on the countries
So that they save me from death! *walks away**with the music of a noisy city in the background*A man comes out, looking around: It’s become good here... Cars all around, asphalt and no nature! Isn't it a miracle? It’s not like before - the forest is everywhere, you can’t walk through it, you can’t drive through it. Who actually needs this forest anyway? It just takes up space in vain. And now: wherever you look, there is not a blade of grass, not a bush, not a tree of any kind. Beauty! We recently built a new plant here. Big...Not even big - HUGE! Ask: where does the waste go? Where? Where? Of course - into the river! And what? There are so many of these rivers: one more, one less...What will happen? What's important now? The main thing now is industry! And you can take care of nature later...*The traveler and the residents come out*Traveler: You think wrong, man! You need to start taking care of nature now, because your “later” may not even come. Every year, “children of nature” dump millions of tons of garbage into the Pacific Ocean, whales wash ashore, and icebergs are blackened with mud...
Resident 3: The rivers are polluted with oil products and phenol.
Resident 2: Every week we lose one plant species forever.
Resident4: Five billion tons of carbon dioxide are released into the Earth's atmosphere every day.
Resident 1: Two hundred million square kilometers, an area twice the size of Canada, is on the verge of becoming a desert. What's next?
Resident 4: We once joked: “In a dispute with nature, man has not yet said his last word.” Now there is no time for jokes. Traveler: The word “ECOLOGY” sounds like an alarm bell today.
Humanity must stop being touched and delighted by the rapid development of science and technology. Man: The time has come to ask ourselves, aren’t we paying too high a price for these successes, turning the world into a huge dump? Song “Tell me, birds”
Resident 1: Bernard Shaw, the famous playwright, wrote: “Now that we have already learned to fly through the air like birds, to swim under water like fish, we lack only one thing: to learn to live on earth like people.”

Event title:

Literary and musical composition

"Let's save the nature of the Earth"


ecological holiday

Purpose: to generalize, consolidate and

deepen the environmental knowledge of students acquired in biology lessons.

Participants: students in grades 3-9

Venue: assembly hall


Goals: generalize, consolidate and deepen the environmental knowledge of students acquired in biology lessons and in the environmental circle.

Tasks: contribute to the formation of knowledge about nature, its patterns; continue to develop in students a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment; develop the emotional and sensory sphere of schoolchildren’s personality; promote the development of thinking, attention, observation.

Equipment: screen, multimedia projector; presentation on nature conservation accompanying the program “Obvious and Probable.”

Librarian: Hello! We welcome everyone gathered in this room. We are starting our holiday dedicated to nature conservation, the protection of our native land.

If you are suddenly stopped by a piercing blue light and your heart freezes, as it used to with surprise and delight. If, like autumn leaves, small anxieties fall from the soul, all the vanity of vanities and the soul is filled with light and silence... If suddenly a word that is ready to be spoken numbs, and you feel that an ordinary earthly miracle has entered your life, and you feel that you are part of nature...

(To music) In my Russia

Hills, copses, meadows and fields -
Our native, green land.
The land where I took my first step
Where I once came to a fork in the road.
And I realized that this was an expanse of fields -
A piece of my homeland.

So that the joy of tomorrow

You managed to feel it.

The Earth must be clean

And the sky will be clear.

And this Earth, without sparing.

Tormented by century after century,

And he took everything just for himself

"Man of sense.

Now they rushed to save

"Natural environment"

But why are we so late?

Did you sense trouble?

I Presenter: Today the most pressing topic is nature conservation. Environmental problems have become the most serious since the nuclear war.

II HOST: These are not just words. Behind these words is a bitter truth. We are accustomed to believing that nature is omnipotent, while forgetting that it is vulnerable and fragile. That's what the facts say.

I Presenter“Humanity takes, or rather takes away, tens of billions of tons of matter and materials from nature every year for its needs, and what in return?”

II HOST: “The planet’s vegetation is no longer able to process the carbon dioxide released when burning fuel.”

I Presenter“Forests on earth are disappearing at a tremendous rate: the Earth’s green cover is decreasing by 1% every year.”

II HOST: “Every year the planet irreversibly loses dozens of species of animals and plants. The Red Book is “swelling” with more and more new tasks being added to it to the sounds of funeral marches of environmental disaster.”

I Presenter: “Reservoirs become polluted and become lifeless, soil fertility is lost, flora and fauna are depleted, the air in cities and workers’ settlements is sometimes far from sanitary standards.”

Presenter 1. Every year, our planet celebrates two special calendar holidays: Earth Day and Environment Day.

From the Presidential Decree of August 10, 2012: “In order to ensure the right of every person to a favorable environment, I decide: to carry out Russian Federation Year of environmental protection.

These are not just another “red dates”, which are usually accompanied by solemn speeches, carefree fun and joy. This day is a reminder of the problems of nature conservation. Slide number 9.

Librarian: “That’s why talking about ecology today means talking about saving lives.”

(2 girls come on stage with a globe in their hands and read the poem “The Moan of the Earth.”)

1. Rotating in space, captivated by its orbit

Not a year, not two, but billions of years,

I am so tired. My flesh is covered

Scars of wounds - there is no living place.

Steel torments my earthly body

And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers

Everything that I had and have

A person considers his good.

2. Isn’t it because, burning with vengeance

I rebel against the forces of the insane

And, shaking the firmament with an earthquake,

I give an answer to all grievances.

And it’s no coincidence that the formidable volcanoes

They splash out the pain of the Earth with lava.

Wake up, people!

Call on countries to save me from death


We came to show how to help save nature.

Scene 1.
Glade in a mixed forest.
How many times have they told the world
Why don't cut a branch if you're sitting on it,
But everything is not for the future,
And in the mind self-interest will find a corner
God sent a lot of money to these two rich men.
They drove into the spruce forest in jeeps
And the conversation started like this...
Russian: Oh, Russian forest, how many fairy tales and miracles there are in it...
Russian 2: Yes, yes, and profits. The same money that so caresses the eyes and ears.
Darling, how filthy rich you are, how well your business is going.
Russian: Accounts are growing. Out of nothing! From these chips, from this wood.
I'll cut everything down here! And I'll cut it into pieces!
Here, among the oak trees, I will set up a chemical plant.
(Slaps himself in the face.) I will remove the damned midges, all the flies and mosquitoes,
And the money will flow like a river.
We will start saving money by burying the pipes from the plant into the ground.
I'll dump the waste into this wonderful pond.
Let the frogs die in it, they interfere with listening...
Clink of coins
Russian: Buddy, I'm tired, let's go have a snack.
Scene 2.
Author: Three butterflies, having heard the conversation,
They can’t recover from horror
1. Butterfly
The two-legged man never set foot in my forest.
Look at what a pile of rubbish!
And this was done by a reasonable person!
2. Butterfly: Now, if I were the queen of all nature,
I fenced the forest with ditches and thorns,
So that a person does not dare to mock the forest
3. Butterfly: Now, if I were the queen of all nature,
Forced people to return to where life began.
So they remembered that the forest is their home,
He feeds and gives life to the planet
Come on, let's go to the forest of people! All of them in Les-Likbez"
Bark beetle: What are you talking about, brothers?
Have you heard what's happening in the world?
I, the bark beetle, am afraid:
They want to cut down our forest and they want to kill us all
Butterfly: How dare they!
Scene 3. (Mycelium and Algae appear)
Look, under the wise oak tree
A family is born. Our forest is good and clean,
That wedding is a sign of purity
Mycelium. Girlfriends, I'm getting married, this is my fiance!
Seaweed. My beauty! My mycelium,
In front of everyone I ask for your hand,
Become my wife. Like rivers, I need you.
Mushroom: I am water myself, I am glad of our union, and I will
To serve you forever.
Oak: And I need your water, mycelium too,
You are our keeper of the water resource,
I am your humble oak.
I will give you a house with green leaves,
And you pay me - water.
We are all happy about this symbiosis (Lichen Family)

1.Butterfly: I'll roar!
2.Butterfly: And I'll pay! (Flapping its wings)
3. Butterfly: What peace! Bliss itself!
What a paradise this is!
Author. And I just managed to say,
The spruce tree creaked with a groan...
Hammers clattered and saws sounded
Scene 4. (construction of a chemical plant)
A year has passed like a bad dream...
You can't hear the birds singing, nature is dying out
Mycelium: What's wrong with you, mighty oak?
Oak: I am sick. My foliage until the first snow
Will not turn green:
The factory smokes, throwing out poisons,
Can't hear the forest music
Seaweed: The air of the earth is heavy for me,
The lashes dry up.
Mycelium. The water is poisoned and I'm sick.
Seaweed: Goodbye, my love, I'm drying up.
Oak. Everyone is deaf, or maybe everyone is blind.
The bark beetle ate your hearts
Don't be ashamed, king of nature,
Why are you making laws?
For us? Yes, we are without them, and without you
We lived wonderfully!
We were, are and will be the beginning of all beginnings!
Crow. I would croak at the top of my lungs,
Yes, the breath has gone into my goiter.
You spat in the pond and drank from it. Not ashamed?
Yes, with that kind of money you ruined nature
You saved. But on what? Your son is asthmatic,
And your daughter suffers from allergies.
Author: Another six months have passed

Scene 5
1. Russian: Oh Russian forest, how many fairy tales and miracles there are in it!
Yes, I’m rich, I’ve made a lot of mistakes.
I'll leave the plant.
I'll install filters. I will clean the pond, and I will breed trout in it,
And I will build a house here. Let your friends come.
Let's plant a new forest!
Forgive me, O Mother Nature,
Forgive me, my forest!
You are more important than all riches!
I will live wisely in community, and not with self-interest!
I will return everything that I took from you!!!
The moral of the whole fable is: “If you know how to ruin it, know how to restore it.”
We will have to pay for everything in life.
Scene 6.(All heroes come out)
All: I’ve known this truth since I was born.
And I never hide it.
Who doesn't love native nature,
He does not love his Fatherland.

Librarian:The children of our school love their native nature and their Fatherland. In the spring they plant beautiful flowers near the school and take care of them. In every office there is a lot growing various types beautiful flowers. Slide number 7.

Presenter 2. In autumn we don't forget about our little bird friends. Among primary school Bird KVN was held. One of the tasks was to make a birdhouse. The guys completed this task with pleasure and at the end of KVN we went to hang birdhouses on the territory of our school. There are also “Clean Paths” campaigns and a competition program “This is a motley, magical, mysterious world.” In May, students of our school hold a “Clean Village” event (photo 1), where they remove garbage and plant maple and pine seedlings. Slide number 8.

A group of students sings a song to the tune of “There is nothing better in the world...”

1. There is nothing better in the world

How to protect your planet, friends

Those who are friendly are not afraid of worries,

After all, friends are always, always on the road.

2. We will not forget our calling

We will keep water clean for people.

We will save air, forests and rivers,

Librarian:We appeal to everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of our area, who wants it to be clean and green. Let's not be indifferent, let's ring all the bells. Who will do this if not us. We will start with the smallest things to make our native land well-groomed and beautiful.

For birds - the sky, for animals - forests, for fish - water, and for people - the Motherland. Slide number 10.

Hymn to Nature. Melody of the song “Sunny Circle”

1. Against shooting, against trouble.

Let's stand up for our planet.

Animals forever, Happiness forever,

The man commanded so!

Chorus: May there always be groves,

May there always be birds

Let there be animals in the taiga,

And there are flowers near the house!

May there always be people

May there always be children

May you always be in clear skies

The sun will shine.

2.Nature for us is our second home,
The joy of victories and discoveries!
Nature is a holiday for us forever!
So that a healthy man grows up!



Developed by:

Chemistry teacher Chemistry teacher

“There is less and less of the surrounding nature,

more and more for the environment"

R. Rozhdestvensky

Talking about ecology today is

This means that we are not talking about changing life

as before, but about her salvation

V. Rasputin

Target: - lead students to think that the attitude towards nature of each of us is a measure of human value;

To make you think about the fact that an immoral attitude towards nature leads not only to loss of health, but also to the moral destruction of a person.

Tasks:- show general problems of the topic: “Man and earth, man and nature”; the sound of this theme in life, in literature, in journalism, in music;

- answer the question: “Does humanity perceive the problem of the relationship between man and nature as the main problem of the modern world?”;

- to form in students responsibility for the future of the country according to the principle: I am a person, you are a person, we are people;

- highlight the environmental problems of our region;

- develop a sense of patriotism and spirituality;

- cultivate the ability to be compassionate and not indifferent to what is happening around us.

Equipment, visibility:

1. Book exhibition “Wounded Earth”.

2. Stand “Plants and animals listed in the Red Book”.

3. Album with reproductions of paintings about nature.

4. Demonstration of slides about the pollution of recreation areas in our city.

5. Musical scenes from the work “Seasons”, songs about the Earth.

6. Drawings by students on the topic: “Save Planet Earth.”

Presenter 1:“Happiness is being with nature, seeing it, talking with it,” he wrote more than a hundred years ago. Look around, see what unique beauty surrounds us! Huge majestic rivers, calmly carrying their clear water into the seas and oceans; forests, dense and impenetrable, such that fairy tales were entangled in their branches. Imagine an immense blue sky, in which bird songs are heard in various modes and voices. And how the summer meadows delight with their velvety greenery, how much delight the flowers evoke, enchanting us with their uniqueness. V. Soloukhin once wrote: “... he who has flowers in his hands cannot do anything bad.” For every person, nature was not only a landscape that formed aesthetic taste and fostered an idea of ​​beauty, but also ideas about the naturalness of human existence were associated with thoughts about nature.

The harmony of the social and natural in life is the harmony of mind and heart, reason and feeling.

Music is playing.

1 reader: Flies - Earth

From sunrise to sunrise

Year after year

At the speed of moments

Great –

At the feet of a pedestrian

And the drip point -

In the Universe.

Reader 2: United!

With five continents

And with broods of different islands

Swaddled softly by clouds

Fanned by a thousand winds.

The song “Earth in the Porthole” is performed by the group “Earthlings”

Reader 3: I am Earth

Rotating in Space, in captivity of its orbit,

Not a year, not two, but billions of years

I'm so tired... my flesh is covered

Scars of wounds - there is no living place.

Steel torments my earthly body,

And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers,

All that I had and have,

A person considers his good.

Reader 4: Why are people so afraid of each other?

Have you forgotten about the Earth itself?

After all, I can die and stay

A charred grain of sand in the smoky haze.

Is it because, burning with vengeance

I rebel against the forces of thoughtlessness,

And, shaking Tver with an earthquake,

I give my answer to all grievances.

And it is no coincidence that they threaten the volcano

They pour out the pain of the Earth with glory...

Wake up, people!

Call on the countries

To save me from death!

Presenter 2: How many charming lines have been created by writers and poets about nature. “Man himself can only see his real face in the mirror of nature,” says M. Prishvin. You must learn to look into this mirror, learn to see yourself and others in it. Attitudes towards nature divide people into two camps. On those who understand and love her, and others: cruel, greedy, who thoughtlessly destroy the world around them. There is so much horror of hopelessness in Rozhdestvensky’s words: “There is less and less of the surrounding nature, more and more of the environment.”

Clean rivers and lakes, wild forests, unplowed fields, animals and birds are becoming fewer and fewer. Therefore, scientists, writers, reserve workers - everyone who is constantly connected with nature, ring all the bells so that all people on earth think and worry. “There is no man who is like an island on his own; every person is part of the land, part of the continent, and if a wave carries a coastal cliff into the sea, Europe will become smaller...And therefore, never ask for whom the bell tolls: it rings for you,” wrote J. John.

Today we understand that nature is not limitless, because in relations with it man has crossed a moral line. Pollution of the natural environment is the biggest disaster in the life of not only humans, but all living things. This tragedy is generated by man and directed against man.

Presenter 1: ecology is the science of the relationship between plant and animal organisms and the environment. In the mid-20th century, due to the increasing human impact on nature, ecology acquired particular importance.

Presenter 2: An immoral attitude towards nature leads to the destruction of man himself. “The most dangerous poacher is in the soul of each of us,” wrote V. Astafiev. Therefore, a person’s inner beauty should include feelings of love for his native nature.

Song based on the song “Moments”

Don't think about nature from above,

The day will come, and you yourself will probably understand

Mother nature is close to us,

And every moment, and every moment.

How hard it is for us to live without flocks of birds

And without rain during the summer heat,

Perhaps we will save our native land,

Probably, probably, probably...

1 reader: I love you big time

But please, listen to me

Don't kill the last taimen,

Let him walk in the dark depths.

Don't destroy the last swamp

Spare the hunted wolf

So that something remains on Earth

What makes my chest ache.

Reader 2: Our scientists have determined that more than 200 billion CO2 and more than 700 million tons of dust gaseous compounds have already been released into the atmosphere. Sulfur emissions amounted to 231 million tons, resulting in acid rain that poisoned the water in many reservoirs. Forests, the “lungs of the planet” in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Mediterranean, have perished.

The increased use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides has led to soil erosion. Every year 7 million hectares of arable land are lost. Dry areas of the Earth are subject to devastation. Every year, an average of 6 million hectares of cultivated land in Africa, in the Aral Sea region, are devastated.

Presenter 1:“For example, the land and people. Mutual dependence is undeniable: man gives his labor to the earth, and he gives the fruits. This is everywhere on the globe. I want to understand my land not in general terms, but specifically, does it give a special character to a person? Perhaps it is not the wide sky being obscured by either mountains or forests, the bright, spacious distances that a person sees from the cradle to the churchyard give him a special openness of soul and generosity of nature. Perhaps it is the calmly majestic rivers and sun-drenched forests that give rise to a special kindness and gentleness in him. Perhaps my statement will be controversial, but many years of observation have led me to the conclusion: a person most likely breaks away from his moral anchors when he leaves the source that feeds him.” After the problems of peace and war, the problem of man and earth, man and nature is the most important in our time.

Reader 2: The gray ocean is humming alarm bells,

He harbors a grudge deep down,

Black rocking spots

On a steep, angry wave.

People became strong like gods

And the fate of the Earth is in their hands,

But terrible burns darken

U globe on the sides.

We have long “mastered” the planet,

The new century is sweeping ahead

There are no more white spots on Earth

Will you erase the black ones, man?

Presenter 1: What are the environmental problems of our region?

Is the Nizhnevartovsk region sometimes called a wounded land? Why? And here is the answer:

100 grams of soil in the Gulf of Ob contain 10 grams of oil

In the Ob itself, oil exceeds the permissible limit hundreds of times

For more than ten years now, Lake Samotlor has been dead; there is nothing in it except oil.

It will take at least 500 years to restore the normal ecology of our region.

Presenter 2: Yuri Valla, a hereditary reindeer herder, hunter, wonderful writer, a native inhabitant of our region lives according to the laws of nature. He tries to preserve those crumbs of culture that still remain in the memory of the northern peoples. Yuri Vella created a whole series of works dedicated to the ecological conversations of his homeland; the poet called them “forest pains”, and it’s probably impossible to be more precise.

1 reader: Oil, oil, oil floats along Varegan.

The boat, nets and oar were soaked in oil.

You'll cut a pike,

Knife in oil.

There is nowhere to go for water for the kettle.

The neighbors came running with disastrous news:

Even the crow's belly grew fat,

The cloud in the sky also turned black.

There are oil blots on the black hem,

My forest is crossed out with a black stripe.

Little fawn of childhood, why are you crying bitterly?

I will wash your grimy nose with dew.

Reader 3: I appeal to all living

Different countries and different dialects,

For the sake of the life of the centuries to come

Declare a universal holiday:

"An environmentally friendly day on Earth."

Reader 4: If the holiday is successful

You can arrange your strength

Conspire reliably for people

And arrange for the joy of people

A year without a shot, days of calm,

A year without torture, careful nights

Then, forgetting about wars,

"An ecologically clean year on Earth."

1 reader: And the Earth will bloom perfectly

Out of the bloody circle will come out

You will gradually unlearn

On earth, kill each other.

People! It's up to you!

The song “Forgive me, Earth” is playing