Military awards of World War II 1941 1945. The main awards of the Great Patriotic War. Order of the Red Star

There is a claim that Stalin loved to read and could easily read 500 pages in one day. The main literature that the leader of the USSR preferred was historical works. He read almost all the works of ancient Greek and Roman chroniclers, read Stalin and the book written by Hitler - Mein Kampf.

Stalin's passion for historical works was also reflected in Soviet literature. So, famous work Alexei Tolstoy "Peter the Great" was written on the orders of Stalin. While writing the novel, at the direction of Stalin, the author gained access to state archives, and it was thanks to the data obtained that the book turned out to be truly historical. Stalin understood perfectly well that without knowledge of the past it is impossible to build the future, and therefore, at the height of the Great Patriotic War, he made an attempt to show his people how the formation of a great state took place.

It is obvious that it was the Russian Army of Peter I that prompted Stalin to introduce guards units into the Soviet Army. Many viewed the decision to rename four rifle divisions - 100, 127, 153 and 161 as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Guards - with ambiguity and even some hostility. First of all, this was due to the emerging associations with the White Guard, but it was not for nothing that Stalin was a competent strategist and tactician, because it was at this time that Alexei Tolstoy’s work “Peter the Great” appeared, in which the guards are shown as real heroes who do not retreat from the battlefield , but showing heroism in confrontation with prevailing enemy forces. This is exactly what Stalin was counting on.

Guards units became models of heroism for other military units, and each of these units sought to prove that it was also ready to bear the valiant name - Guards. In May 1942, the insignia of the Guards was introduced; in appearance it resembled the Order of the Red Banner, and every soldier considered it the highest award to wear this insignia on his chest.

The guardsmen were Alexander Matrosov, who covered an enemy bunker with his body, Alexey Maresyev participated in air battles with prosthetic legs instead of legs, Ivan Kozhedub, who, according to official statistics alone, shot down 62 fascist planes. Indeed, Soviet soldiers valued the honor of bearing the proud title of guardsman and in every battle they proved that it was not in vain that they were awarded such an honor.

During the Great Patriotic War, other state awards were introduced for courage, valor and bravery.

In May 1942, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st and 2nd degrees was adopted. There is no family in the cities and villages of our Motherland where the military awards of soldiers that they earned during the Second World War are kept. One of these awards is the Order of the Patriotic War.

The badge of the order shines with golden rays that emanate from a five-pointed star, and the star itself lies on a cavalry saber and rifle. The first Soviet soldier to receive the award was Captain Ivan Ilyich Krykliy. Under his command, the artillery division of the 13th Guards Rifle Division destroyed 32 German tanks in the battles near Kharkov. For this feat, on July 2, 1942, the hero was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.

On July 29, 1942, the Order of Suvorov of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees was adopted. There is no peace without victories. “Victory is the enemy of war,” said the great commander Alexander Suvorov. The commander always taught his soldiers that they should never fold, even in front of strong enemy, and you always need to be prepared for battles and campaigns. It was Suvorov who wrote the words: “Nothing but an attack.” During the Great Patriotic War, the Order of Suvorov became the highest award for Soviet commanders. The first person to be awarded the highest award of military leaders was Georgy Zhukov. He was awarded for the victory at Stalingrad. Stalin also had the Order of Suvorov No. 112. Zhukov spoke beautifully about the significance of the award: “Receiving the first Order of Suvorov was not only an honor for me, but also an incentive for further victories. I could not disgrace the honor of the greatest commander Alexander Suvorov, whose order was awarded to me by my state.”

On July 29, 1942, another of the orders was adopted, which recognized the merits of Soviet commanders - the Order of Kutuzov, 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree. One of the main mottos of Mikhail Kutuzov were the words: “One of the main goals of all our actions is to destroy the enemy to the last possible opportunity.” This motto inspired Soviet commanders during the Great Patriotic War, and many of them were awarded the Order of Kutuzov for their courage. The first recipient of the order was General Ivan Fedyuninsky, who distinguished himself during the breakthrough of the siege of Leningrad. Fedyuninsky received his award in the hospital where he was treated after being wounded.

Along with the Orders of Kutuzov and Suvorov, another order was adopted, which was awarded to Soviet officers for their courage and heroism - the Order of Alexander Nevsky. The order depicts the image of Alexander Nevsky. His words: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword. On this the Russian land stood and will stand,” were like a motto for everyone Soviet people. The first order was awarded to senior lieutenant Ivan Ruban on November 5, 1942. The commander of the Marine Corps battalion, Senior Lieutenant Ivan Ruban, received an award for the courage, ingenuity and military art that the young officer showed during the defense of Stalingrad. The battalion under the command of Ruban defeated the enemy regiment, which was supported by a huge number of tanks.

In 1943, there were bloody battles for the liberation of Ukrainian cities and villages from fascist occupation. On October 10, 1943, four days before the liberation of Zaporozhye, the Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees was adopted. The first holder of the order was the commander of the 12th Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, Major General Alexei Danilov. This is how his merit in the liberation of the Ukrainian city was noted.

Soldiers' roads are shrouded in gunpowder smoke, soldiers' banners are burned with flame, perhaps that is why the ribbon on which the soldier's Order of Glory is worn is made in the color of gunpowder and fire. During the Great Patriotic War, the Order of Glory was awarded to soldiers and sergeants for their courage in battles with the enemy. The first holder of the Order of Glory was the deputy commander of the sapper platoon of the 140th regiment of the 182nd Infantry Division, Georgy Israelyan. During all the years of the war, 2,456 soldiers of the Soviet army became holders of the order. Not only individual military personnel, but also entire units were awarded the order. Thus, for breaking through impregnable enemy shelters, which was carried out by soldiers of the 1st battalion of the 215th regiment of the 77th Guards Rifle Division, the military unit was awarded the honorary title “Battalion of Glory”.

An order that no one has ever been awarded is the Order of Stalin. The reason why the order, fully developed and adopted by the Presidium of the Supreme Council, never became a state award lies in the person after whom it was named. It was Joseph Vissarionovich who refused to approve the order as a state award in 1949; as a result, the order remained just a development.

Before the Great Patriotic War USSR award system included a fairly small number of orders and medals, and the awards themselves were rare, so there was no problem of placing them on the chest. All orders and medals were worn on the left side of the chest.

Victor Talalikhin before the war

Vasily Konstantinovich Blucher

First three years Soviet power They made do with the only reward - the Red Banner Order for participation in battles. Only in 1920 did it become necessary to recognize citizens for hard work and another Order of the Red Banner of Labor was established. After that, for 10 long years, there was no reason to increase the list of awards.

Order of the Red Banner

The only change in the military order was the replacement in 1925 of the inscription “RSFSR” with “USSR”. Moreover, a complete replacement of the badge was initially planned, and at the end of 1924 a competition was announced to create a draft of the order badge. However, the commission, having examined 683 sketches from 393 authors, did not approve any of them, since all of them were inferior to the drawing of the Order of the Red Banner of the RSFSR. Therefore, it was decided to leave it as the starting point for creating a new sign.

Change of the Order of the Red Banner in 1925

The first labor award of the USSR

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor had a few more changes. Initially, the republics had their own republican varieties of the order, but after the creation in 1922 USSR, the need arose to develop a single award and in 1928 it appeared new sign, the so-called “Triangle”, and in 1936 the form of the order was once again radically redesigned. The sign existed in this form until 1991.

Changes to the Order of the Red Banner of Labor

Order of the Red Star

In 1929 there was a conflict in the Chinese-Eastern railway. During the fighting, the Red Army defeated parts of the Kuomintang, restoring the status of the road. It is possible that in connection with this event, the Soviet leadership thought about increasing the number of military awards, after which, in 1930, the Order of the Red Star appeared. The first holder of the Order of the Red Star was the commander of the Special Red Banner Far Eastern Army V.K. Blucher.

The order of Lenin

In the same year, the country celebrated the 60th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin. To commemorate the anniversary, on April 6, 1930, simultaneously with the Order of the Red Star, the Order of Lenin was established. With a few changes appearance, it was the highest award Soviet Union up to 1991.

Change of the Order of Lenin in 1934

Hero of the Soviet Union, Senior Lieutenant Anatoly Vasilyevich Samochkin

There is a misconception that the highest award of the USSR is the Hero medal, however, this is not so. Hero of the Soviet Union is not an award, it is a title. First established on April 16, 1934, the title of Hero did not have any insignia at all and the cavalier was awarded only a diploma from the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. Each Hero was awarded the Order of Lenin. Only four years later, on August 1, 1939, the insignia of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the Gold Star medal, was established.

Another order for rewarding labor achievements was established by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on November 25, 1935 - “Badge of Honor”. It became the most widespread of the orders and was awarded not only for peaceful achievements. In December 1941, the Order of the Badge of Honor was awarded to a group of Red Army commanders, state security officials and civilians who distinguished themselves during the defense of Odessa. And in 1942, this order was awarded to 170 partisans, among whom was the commissar of the Kovpak partisan unit S.V. Rudnev.

The Order of the Badge of Honor was also awarded to children for success in work and study. Thus, a student of school No. 3 in Tbilisi, Eteri Gvantseladze, received the Order of the Badge of Honor for excellent studies and active social work.

Establishment of the first medals of the USSR

As we see, in the new award system of the Soviet country there were only five orders and until 1938 not a single medal existed. The first reason for the mass awarding of military personnel was the 20th anniversary of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and the Navy. The orders were not entirely suitable for such purposes, and on January 24, 1938, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the first medal in the history of the Soviet country, “XX Years of the Red Army.”

1938 was a year full of new medals. In the fall, on October 17, the Presidium of the Supreme Council established two more military medals - “For Courage” and “For Military Merit”. They were worn on a small rectangular block, the same type as other medals, and even the same scarlet ribbon was used for all.

And on December 27, 1938, two labor medals were established: “For Valiant Labor” and “For Labor Distinction.” New triangular shaped pads were developed for them.

Medical instructor of the 369th separate marine battalion of the Danube military flotilla, chief petty officer Ekaterina Illarionovna Mikhailova (Demina)

This completed the formation of the pre-war Soviet award system and until 1942 not a single new award appeared.

The Great Patriotic War.

The first year of the war was so difficult for the Soviet Union, involving a long retreat, countless local defeats and huge losses, that awards were a very rare event. The situation was aggravated by the confusion that was happening in the retreating units. Nevertheless, the massive feat of the Soviet soldier could not go unnoticed, and already in the spring of 1942, the Presidium of the Supreme Council established the Order of the Patriotic War, which became the first award in modern history, which has two degrees. Also, this order differed from the previous ones in that its statute detailed the feats for which military personnel were nominated for an award (For example: Whoever shot down 3 aircraft in an air battle while being part of the crew of a fighter aircraft).

Order of the Patriotic War

Orders for commanders

The summer of 1942 did not bring significant successes, but the Red Army was no longer the same as a year ago - brilliant military operations were carried out in certain sectors of the front, and partisan detachments became more active in the rear. Even in winter, a radical turning point in the war was outlined after the first major offensive of Soviet troops near Moscow, the advance of German troops was stopped, in Stalingrad the vaunted Nazi army was bogged down in urban battles and could not even reach the Volga. There was a need to encourage the senior command staff who developed these operations, and the Supreme Council decided to establish three so-called “commander” orders at once, bearing the names of the great Russian military leaders: the Order of Suvorov, the Order of Kutuzov and the Order of Alexander Nevsky. The Decree of the PVS of the USSR dated July 29, 1942 established three degrees for the orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov. If these two orders were awarded only to senior command personnel, then the Order of Alexander Nevsky was more democratic - it was awarded starting from platoon and squadron commanders in aviation.

Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky until 1943

Squadron commander of the 6th Separate Guards Attack Aviation Regiment, Captain Ivan Aleksandrovich Musienko

Medals for the defense of cities

In November 1942, the largest military operation “Uranus” began, developed by G.K. Zhukov. In just four days, from November 19 to 23, having crushed the fascist defenses, the Red Army surrounded 22 German divisions and defended Stalingrad. In commemoration of this grandiose event, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decided to celebrate the exploits of the defenders of cities and, by Decree of December 22, 1942, established four medals at once: “For the Defense of Leningrad”, “For the Defense of Odessa”, “For the Defense of Sevastopol” and “For the Defense of Stalingrad” .

This Decree has enormous historical significance because it was thanks to it that Soviet awards acquired a pentagonal block, ribbons of individual colors and took on a finished form that was preserved throughout the existence of the Soviet Union, which then passed into the award system of the new Russia.

Changes to the reward system

On June 19, 1943, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On approval of samples and descriptions of ribbons for orders and medals of the USSR and rules for wearing orders, medals, ribbons and insignia” was issued, which radically changed the appearance of all awards and streamlined the rules for wearing orders and medals.

The red moire ribbon completely disappeared from the blocks of orders and medals, remaining only on the highest insignia - the Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Almost all orders that had a screw fastening received pentagonal blocks, ribbons of individual colors and, according to paragraph 2 of the Rules for Wearing Orders and Medals, were worn on the left side, along with the medals.

It was decided not to make star-shaped orders on blocks. For this reason, the Order of the Red Star was the only one left unchanged. An exception, subsequently, was made only for the Order of Glory. All awards without a block should be worn on the right side of the chest.

For all pre-war medals, rectangular blocks were replaced with pentagonal ones, similar to the order and blocks of the “For Defense” medals with ribbons of different colors.

This ended the reform and the USSR award system took on the form in which it has remained to this day. All modern awards are placed on the chest in accordance with the expanded Rules, the basis of which was laid on June 19, 1943.

However, one should not think that after the release of this Decree, the awards were immediately replaced with samples of a new type. Front-line soldiers freely, without any problems, wore awards received before 1943 along with new ones; there were no strict orders for replacement.

Amet-Khan Sultan - Soviet military ace pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union

Vasily Filippovich Margelov, founder of the Airborne Forces

The only case when every single award was replaced with new ones was the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 on Red Square. All participants received new orders and medals, straight from the Mint.

Tankers, participants in the Victory Parade in 1945

They were considered the highest state award. This position has been preserved in modern Russia. However, many are interested in the distribution of orders and medals of the USSR by importance. Let's present the list by adding to it interesting facts about the highest Soviet award.

What is this order?

In the USSR, an order was a state award that rewarded a citizen for special merits and achievements before society and the state: defense of the Fatherland, success in communist labor, etc.

When distributing the orders of the USSR by significance, it is important to remember that 20 such awards were approved. Only the highest degrees of distinction are more significant than them:

  • Hero of the USSR.
  • Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • "Hero City" (for populated areas).
  • "Hero-Fortress" (for defensive points).
  • “Heroine Mother” is a title given to women with many children.

In addition to all of the above, 55 significant medals were approved, as well as 19 honorary titles of the Soviet state.

Before sorting out the orders of the USSR by significance, let’s get acquainted with a number of important and interesting provisions about them:

  • Both orders and medals were approved only by
  • Requests for awards could only come from government agencies (departments, committees, ministries), public and party associations, commanders of military units and heads of enterprises.
  • The decision on the award was made only by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. It itself was carried out on his instructions and on his (the Presidium’s) behalf. During the Great Patriotic War, such an honorable duty was delegated to officers - from the brigade commander to the front commander.
  • The regulations for wearing orders were established by Decrees of the Presidium.
  • For a number of acts, the Presidium could deprive a person of the state award assigned to him.
  • Orders were awarded not only to people, but also to republics, cities, and regions. But the medal could only be awarded to a person.
  • If the order had several degrees, then the awarding necessarily proceeded gradually - from the lowest to the more significant.
  • If the order was not divided into degrees, then it could be used to mark the same person, city, military unit, etc. repeatedly.
  • Orders can be worn both on a block and without it. Also, instead of the award itself, only its bar was allowed to be attached.

Types of orders

In addition to dividing the orders of the USSR by importance, they were gradated into the following groups:

  • Awards for labor, revolutionary merits, defense of the Fatherland, development of international friendship, and other services to the Soviet country.
  • Orders of Military Merit.
  • Awards for heroine mothers - for giving birth and raising children.

Orders of the USSR by degree of importance

Let's look at the most current seniority scheme for these awards in history - given for 1988. So, the orders of the USSR in order of importance (photos on the topic are also given in this article) - from the most honorable to the more junior awards:

  • Them. Lenin.
  • Red October revolution.
  • Suvorov 1st degree.
  • Ushakova 1st Art.
  • Kutuzov 1st Art.
  • Nakhimov 1st Art.
  • B. Khmelnitsky 1st Art.
  • Next - Suvorov, Ushakov, Kutuzov, Nakhimov, B. Khmelnitsky 2nd Art.
  • Then - Suvorov, Kutuzov, B. Khmelnitsky 3rd Art.
  • A. Nevsky.
  • Great Patriotic War 1st Art.
  • Great Patriotic War, 2nd Art.
  • Labor Red Banner.
  • Friendship between nations.
  • Red star.
  • For service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, 1st Art.
  • For service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, 2nd Art.
  • For service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, 3rd Art.
  • Honor.
  • For personal courage.
  • Glory 1st Art.
  • Glory 2nd Art.
  • Glory 3rd Art.
  • Labor Glory 1st class.
  • Labor Glory 2nd Art.
  • Labor glory 3rd Art.

We now know the distribution of USSR orders by degree of importance. Next, we suggest you contact chronological order their institutions.


During this period the following awards were introduced:

  • Red Banner (1924) - more than 581 thousand awarded. The first of such Soviet awards. The order was awarded for special courage and bravery of a defender of the state.
  • Red Banner of Labor (1928) - more than 1,224 thousand awarded. Order for outstanding labor merits in production, agriculture, science, culture, etc.
  • Lenin (1930) - more than 431 thousand awarded. For revolutionary merits, defense of the Fatherland, development of international friendship, labor feats.
  • Red Star (1930) - more than 3,876 thousand awarded. Order for military merit, ensuring state security.
  • Honor (1935) - more than 1,580 awarded. For excellent achievements in production, sports, cultural and social activities.


Battle awards
Great Patriotic War

On this page you will see photographs of military awards of the Soviet Union and information about them. A detailed description of each award contains information about the date of establishment, conditions for awarding, and data on the number of recipients during the war years. Also presented detailed description appearance and order of wearing the award.
Some of the orders and medals presented here were established even before the start of the Great Patriotic War, and in the first years of the war there were only three orders and three types of medals for awarding soldiers and officers. On May 20, 1942, the establishment of new types of orders and medals began; in total, ten orders and twenty-one medals were established during the war years.

Order of Suvorov

Short description awards.
The Order of Suvorov was awarded to military leaders for the excellent organization of military operations and their determination and perseverance, which resulted in victory in battle. The Order of the 1st degree could be awarded to the commanders of fronts and armies, their deputies, chiefs of staff, operational departments and branches of troops of fronts and armies for an excellently organized and carried out operation on the scale of an army or front, as a result of which the enemy was defeated or destroyed. One circumstance was particularly stipulated - the order named after the great commander was awarded for a victory won over numerically superior enemy forces.
The Order of the 2nd degree was awarded to: commanders of corps, divisions or brigades, as well as their deputies and chiefs of staff for organizing the defeat of a corps or division, for breaking through the enemy’s defensive line with its subsequent pursuit and destruction, as well as for organizing a battle in an encirclement, breaking out of an encirclement with maintaining the combat effectiveness of their units, their weapons and equipment. Operations must be carried out with fewer forces than the enemy. The II degree badge could be received by commanders of armored formations for a deep raid behind enemy lines, “as a result of which a sensitive blow was dealt to the enemy, ensuring the successful completion of an army operation.”
The Order of the III degree was intended to reward commanders of regiments, battalions and companies for skillfully organizing and carrying out a victorious battle with forces smaller than those of the enemy.
During the Great Patriotic War, 391 people were awarded the Order of Suvorov I degree (of which more than 20 were awarded three times), the Order III degree - 4,012 people, the Order of Suvorov of all degrees - more than 7,000 people.

Order of Alexander Nevsky

Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky

Brief description of the award.
The Order of Victory was awarded to the highest command staff of the Red Army for the successful conduct of military operations on the scale of several or one front, as a result of which the front-line situation changed in favor of the Red Army.
Over the entire existence of the order, 20 copies of it were awarded to 17 military leaders.

Medal "XX Years of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army"

Medal of Honor"

Medal "For Military Merit"

Medal "Gold Star"

Ushakov Medal

Nakhimov Medal

Medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War"

An award is a form of encouragement that is evidence of recognition of merit. Its main types in Russia are titles of Russia, various other honorary titles, medals and orders, diplomas, certificates of honor, badges, prizes, inclusion on the Board of Honor or in the Book of Honor, as well as declarations of gratitude, etc. Military awards (orders and medals) occupy a very important place among them.

The role of our country in the Great Patriotic War

The Great Patriotic War was the greatest test for all the people of our country. The armed forces of the USSR provided assistance not only to compatriots, but also to other peoples living in Europe in liberating them from fascist slavery. For this many people received military orders and medals. The Soviet Armed Forces also fulfilled their duty towards the peoples of Asia, enslaved primarily in Vietnam, Korea, and China.

How many medals and orders were awarded at this time?

For their exploits at the front, 11,603 soldiers were awarded the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Of these, 104 people received it twice, and A.I. Pokryshkin, I.N. Kozhedub and G.K. Zhukov - three times.

10,900 orders were awarded to ships, units and formations of the Armed Forces. A well-coordinated military economy was also created in the USSR, and the unity of the rear and the front was observed. During the war, 12 orders were established, in addition to 25 medals. They were awarded to participants in the partisan movement, war, home front workers, underground workers, as well as people's militias. In total, more than 7 million people received military orders and medals.

Established medals

The medals that were established for participation in the war are as follows:

8 “For Defense”: Leningrad, Stalingrad, Kyiv, Odessa, Sevastopol, the Soviet Arctic, Moscow, the Caucasus;

3 "For liberation": Belgrade, Warsaw, Prague;

4 "For the taking": Budapest, Vienna, Koenigsberg and Berlin;

2 “For victory”: over Japan, over Germany;

- "Partisan of the Patriotic War";

- “For valiant work in the Second World War”;

- "Golden Star";

- "For military merits";

- “For courage”;

Nakhimov Medal;

- "Guard".

Ushakov Medal.

A medal is a less honorable award compared to an order.

Orders for participation in World War II

Unlike a medal, a military order can have several degrees. For participation in the Second World War they were the following: Patriotic War, Lenin, Red Star, Red Banner, Nakhimov, Ushakov, “Victory”, Slava, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Kutuzov, Alexander Nevsky, Suvorov. We will tell you more about all these awards.

Order of the Patriotic War

In 1942, on May 20, a Decree establishing this order of 1st and 2nd degrees was signed. For the first time in the history of the USSR award system, specific feats for which this award was given to representatives of the main military branches in our country were listed.

The Military Order of the 1st and 2nd degrees could be received by commanding and enlisted personnel of the Navy, the Red Army, and the NKVD troops. In addition, partisans were awarded who showed courage, perseverance and bravery in battles with the Nazis or who through their actions contributed in one way or another to the success of military operations of the USSR troops. The right to receive this order for civilians was separately stipulated. They were awarded it for their contribution to the victory over the enemy.

The Military Order of the 1st degree could be received by someone who personally destroyed 2 medium or heavy, or 3 light enemy tanks, or 3 medium or heavy, or 5 light ones as part of a gun crew; II degree - 1 medium or heavy tank, or 2 light, or 2 medium heavy, or 3 light as part of a gun crew.

Order of Suvorov

Military orders, which were named after Alexander Nevsky, Kutuzov and Suvorov, were established in the USSR in June 1942. These awards could be received by officers and generals of the Red Army for skillful leadership of various military operations, as well as for excellence in battles with the enemy.

The Order of Suvorov, 1st degree, was awarded to commanders of armies and fronts, as well as their deputies, heads of operational departments and headquarters, branches of armies and fronts for a successfully organized and carried out military operation on the scale of a front or army, as a result of which the enemy was destroyed or defeated. One circumstance was specially stipulated: victory must certainly be won by smaller forces over an enemy who was numerically superior, since Suvorov’s principle was in effect, which stated that the enemy is beaten with skill, and not with numbers.

The Order of the 2nd degree could be received by the commander of a brigade, division or corps, as well as his deputy or chief of staff for organizing the defeat of a division or corps, breaking through the enemy’s defensive line with subsequent pursuit and defeat, as well as for organizing a battle carried out surrounded, leaving it while maintaining the combat effectiveness of one’s unit, its equipment and weapons. The commander of an armored formation could also be noted for the fact that he carried out a deep raid behind enemy lines, inflicting a sensitive blow on him, which ensured the successful completion of the operation by the army.

The Order of the III degree was intended to reward various commanders (companies, battalions, regiments). It was awarded for skillfully organizing and conducting a battle that brought victory with fewer forces than the enemy.

Order of Kutuzov

This military order of the 1st degree, created according to the design of the artist Moskalev, could be issued to the commander of the army, front, as well as his deputy or chief of staff for the fact that they had well organized the forced withdrawal of some large formations, along with inflicting counterattacks on the enemy, withdrawing to new the lines of their troops with small losses in their composition; as well as for the good organization and conduct of an operation to combat enemy forces superior to the large formations at its disposal, and for maintaining constant readiness of troops for a decisive attack on the enemy.

Fighting qualities that distinguish the activities of M.I. Kutuzov, were the basis of the statute. This is a skillful defense, as well as tactical exhaustion of the enemy followed by a decisive counter-offensive.

One of the first to receive this order of the 2nd degree was K.S. Melnik was a major general who commanded the 58th Army, which defended a section of the Caucasian Front from Malgobek to Mozdok. Having exhausted the main forces of the enemy, in difficult defensive battles his army launched a counter-offensive and entered the Yeisk region with battles, breaking the German defense line.

The Order of Kutuzov, III degree, was awarded to the officer who skillfully developed a battle plan, which ensured good interaction between various types of weapons and a successful outcome of the operation.

Order of Alexander Nevsky

Architect Telyatnikov won the competition for the design of this order. He used in his work a still from a film called "Alexander Nevsky", which was released shortly before. Nikolai Cherkasov starred in the title role. His profile was depicted on this order. There is a medallion with a portrait in the center of a red star, five-pointed, from which silver rays extend. Ancient Russian attributes of a warrior (quiver with arrows, bow, sword, crossed reeds) are located at the edges.

According to the statute, the military order is awarded to an officer who fought in the ranks of the Red Army for the initiative shown in choosing a good moment for a bold, sudden and successful attack on the enemy and inflicting a major defeat on him. Moreover, it was necessary to preserve significant forces of their troops. This award was given for the successful completion of a certain task in conditions of superior enemy forces. At the same time, it was necessary to destroy most of his forces or completely defeat him. Also, a person could hear the words “a military order is awarded” for commanding an aviation, tank, or artillery unit that inflicted heavy damage on the enemy.

In total, more than 42 thousand soldiers, as well as approximately 70 foreign officers and generals, received this award.

Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky

In the summer of 1943, the Soviet army was preparing for a responsible operation - the liberation of Ukraine. The poet Bazhan, as well as the film director Dovzhenko, came up with the idea of ​​this award, named in honor of the great Ukrainian commander and statesman. The material for this order of the first degree is gold, the second and third - silver. The statute was approved in 1943, on October 10. This order was awarded to commanders and soldiers of the Red Army, as well as to partisans who showed distinction in battles during the liberation of Soviet land from the fascist invaders. In total, approximately 8.5 thousand people were awarded it. The order of the first degree was awarded to 323 soldiers, the second - approximately 2,400, and the third - more than 57. Many military formations and units (over a thousand) received it as a collective award.

Order of Glory

Military orders of the USSR also include the Order of Glory. His project, completed by Moskalev, in October 1943, was approved by the commander-in-chief. At the same time, the colors of the Order of Glory ribbon proposed by this artist were approved. It was orange and black. The ribbon of the Order of St. George had the same colors - the most honorable in pre-revolutionary Russia combat award.

The Order of Military Glory has three degrees. The first degree award is gold, and the second and third are silver (the central medallion was gilded for the second degree order). This badge could be received by a warrior for personal feat shown on the battlefield. These orders were issued strictly sequentially - from lowest to highest degree.

This award could be received by the one who was the first to break into the enemy’s position, saved the banner of his unit in battle, or captured the enemy’s; and also the one who saved the commander in battle, risking his life, shot down a fascist plane with a personal weapon (machine gun or rifle) or personally destroyed up to 50 enemy soldiers, etc.

In total, approximately a million badges of this order, III degree, were issued during the war years. More than 46 thousand people received the second degree award, and about 2,600 received the first degree.

Order "Victory"

This WWII (combat) order was established in 1943, by decree of November 8. The statute stated that it was awarded to senior commanders for the successful conduct of military operations (on one or several fronts), as a result of which the situation radically changes in favor of the USSR army.

A total of 19 people received this order. Twice it was Stalin, and also Zhukov. Timoshenko, Govorov, Tolbukhin, Malinovsky, Rokossovsky, Konev, Antonov received it once each. Meretskov was awarded this insignia for his participation in the war with Japan. In addition, five foreign military leaders are honored by him. These are Tito, Rolya-Žimerski, Eisenhower, Montgomery and Mihai.

Order of the Red Banner

This order was established in 1924, two years after the USSR was formed. Soldiers of the Soviet army, civilians and partisans who were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Battle (there are about a hundred thousand of them in total) received it for exploits performed during the Great Patriotic War. It was awarded for heroic deeds that were performed with obvious danger to life in a combat situation. Also, a person could earn the Order of the Battle Banner for outstanding leadership of the operations of various military formations, formations, units, displaying courage and bravery. It was awarded for special courage and bravery during a special task. It was also possible to receive the Order of the Red Banner of Battle for the courage and bravery shown in ensuring our country’s state security and the inviolability of the border under conditions of risk to life. The Order of the Red Banner was issued for successful military operations of warships, military units, associations and formations that defeated the enemy, despite losses or other conditions unfavorable for this. They also received a reward either for inflicting a major defeat on the enemy, or if their actions contributed to the success of the USSR troops in carrying out a major operation.

Order of Ushakov

The Order of Ushakov is superior to another order that was awarded to naval officers - Nakhimov. It has two degrees. The first class award is made of platinum and the second class award is made of gold. The colors are white and blue, which in pre-revolutionary Russia were the colors of the St. Andrew's flag (naval). This award was established in 1944, on March 3. The order was issued for a successful active operation, which resulted in victory over a numerically superior enemy. For example, in which significant enemy forces were destroyed; for a successful landing operation, which entailed the destruction of coastal fortifications and enemy bases; for bold actions carried out on the sea communications of enemy troops, as a result of which valuable transports and warships were sunk. The Order of Ushakov, II degree, was awarded 194 times. 13 ships and units of the Navy have this insignia on their banners.

Order of Nakhimov

Five anchors made up the star in the sketch of this order. They turned their stems towards the medallion depicting the admiral according to Timm's drawing. This order is divided into two degrees - first and second. The materials for production were gold and silver, respectively. The star rays of the first degree of this award were made from rubies. A combination of orange and black colors was chosen for the ribbon. This award was also established in 1944, on March 3.

and Red Star

More than 36 thousand people received the Order of Lenin for military distinction, and the Red Star - about 2900. Both of them were established in 1930, on April 6.