Outline of direct educational activities with preschoolers in the preparatory group. Topic: “What is money? Summary of GCD in mathematics in the preparatory group on the topic: Orientation Lesson in the preparatory group money

Summary of GCD in preparatory group on financial literacy “Money. Coin. Banknote. A plastic card"

Municipal government preschool educational institution“Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic development of pupils No. 1 “Teremok””

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group

on financial literacy

Topic: “Money. Coin. Banknote. A plastic card"

Compiled by: teacher of the highest qualification category

Rein Svetlana Ivanovna

Target: reveal the essence of the concept of “money”, “coin”, “banknote”, “plastic card”; cash and non-cash money; consolidate children's knowledge about appearance modern money.


Educational: introduce money.

Developmental: expand the understanding of the elements of the economy (money and its history); develop skills in research activities (draw conclusions)

pay attention to the effectiveness of information sources; (find the source of information independently); form an idea of ​​the weight of objects by weighing them on the palms.

Educational: to cultivate friendly relationships in team work, the ability to distribute responsibilities in accordance with the general plan, without interfering with each other; cultivate respect for work and careful handling of money.

Form of implementation: direct educational activity.

Pedagogical means: conversation, didactic game, visual activity, watching a cartoon, presentation.


Wallet with a set of different coins and banknotes;

Image of a plastic card;

Paper and colored pencils;

Laptop, projector.

Preliminary work: children should be asked to examine banknotes and coins before class, so that in the future children can freely name the distinctive and similar features between a coin and a banknote.

Organization of children's activities.

1. Organizational moment

Educator: Guys, our cat Belobok found an interesting object and brought it to us.

The teacher shows the wallet.

Educator: What is this?

Educator: What is this wallet for?

Educator: That's right, to add money. But I’m very interested to know, why do people need money?

2. Game “Why do we need money?”

Educator: Let's play the game “Why do we need money?” I throw the ball to the child and tell him what we need the money for, and you continue. Children answer.

Educator: So, we need money:

for purchasing food;

to pay for household services;

to pay for entertainment (the teacher asks the children what entertainment we need money for);

to pay for services (specify which ones);

to pay for transport fares;

for buying gifts;

to help the poor (the teacher clarifies that such activities are called charity), etc.

The teacher interviews all children in turn. If children do not indicate all the meanings of money, you can offer a solution to this issue in the form of problem situations.

Educator: If we go by bus, do we pay?

Educator: If we wanted to eat and went to the store, what do we pay for? Etc.

3. Conversation about money (viewing the presentation)

Educator: What's in the wallet?

Children: money, money.

Educator: We need to check. I open it. And really money.

Educator: What kind of money do we have here? And there is still a shell.

Children: Five rubles, 10 rubles. 5 kopecks.

Educator: Guys, why was there a shell among the money?

Educator: Think about it. Maybe because it's almost round? You are interested?

Educator: I’m interested too. Why is the shell here?

Let's go back in time to money and find out where money came from. How can you go back in time?

Children: plane, rocket, time machine.

Educator: That's right, on a time machine. I'll tell you a secret, the time machine is in front of you. Children go into the time machine (music sounds). Here is a “moving stick”, pass it to each other. Here we are in the past.

Educator: The past of money began with ancient world. (presentation 2 slide).

U primitive man there was no money, he didn’t need it, and everything he needed was given by nature. Some of the ancient people were good at fishing, and some were the best at growing wheat (presentation 3 slide).

So people started exchanging. They traded fish for grain, skins for vegetables, or other goods. With money ancient man served: animal fur. Grains, salt, nuts, shells (presentation 4 and 5 slides).

Then metallic money appeared - it was not the kind of money that we have now. And rings, bars, beads (presentation 6 slide).

Then money similar to modern ones appeared (presentation 7, 8 slide).

After metal money, paper money appeared (presentation 9 slide).

Educator: So did ancient people have money?

Educator: What were they like?

Children: Bones, blocks, shells.

Educator: Can we answer the question now? Why was there a shell in the wallet?

Children: This is ancient money.

Educator: Absolutely right. The shell was used as a medium of exchange.

4. Watching a cartoon

Educator: Absolutely right. And now, using our time machine, we go to visit Aunt Owl. (Watching the cartoon “Lessons from Aunt Owl” “What is money episode 1”)

5. Looking at money

Educator: We go into the time machine and go to the present. Here we are in the present. We sit down at the tables. There are wallets on the tables for you, let's see what's in them. What is this?

Children: coins, banknotes.

Educator: Correct. Let's look at coins. What are they?

If children do not name all the signs of coins, then the teacher helps them.

Educator: Round, metal, rings (you can pick up a few coins and jingle them, after which the children will be able to name this sign).

Educator: What coins do you know? (children name coins of different denominations).

Educator: Let's look at paper money - banknotes. What are they?

Children: Paper, rectangular, rustling.

(you can demonstrate the rustling of a banknote).

Educator: What banknotes do you know?

Children name banknotes, the teacher shows them to the children, then pronounce them in chorus.

5. Game “Complete”

Educator: So, guys, now we are going to play a game called “Complement.” I name the feature of a coin, and you name the opposite feature of a banknote and vice versa.

The coin is round, but the banknote...

The banknote is paper, and the coin...

The coin rings, and the banknote...

The coin is metal, but the banknote...

Educator: Where do we carry money, coins and banknotes? (in the wallet). We have them in stock and they are called “cash”. There are also non-cash payments. We don’t have them in our wallet, but they are stored on a plastic card (show plastic cards). Have you seen such cards from your parents? Tell us about them. ( plastic card you need to insert it into the ATM and know the password)

6. Phys. just a minute

7. Making money.

Educator: Guys, let's make money for fairy forest, in which Belobok and his friends live. You will need to color the banknotes and come up with the denomination (value) of coins and banknotes that you can use to pay for purchases in the fairytale forest.

After completing the task, the children present (present) the results of the work, talking about it.

Educator: What did you come up with: a coin or a banknote?

What shape is it?

What is it called?

What and why is it depicted?

8. Final part.

What did we talk about today?

What kind of money is there?

What is the difference between a coin and a banknote?

How can you call coins and banknotes in one word? (Cash).

Where are non-cash money stored? (on plastic cards).

Publications on the topic:

All-Russian Financial Literacy Week for Children and Youth is a series of awareness-raising events for schoolchildren and...

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School 2057 hosted a quest for preschoolers in honor of Financial Literacy Day. Below is a brief description of how it happened. Move.

Summary of the lesson on FEMP in the preparatory group

Topic: “Adult secrets about money”

Target: introducing children to the economic concept of “money”


  • educational:give a definition of the concept of “money”, what is it for, what denominations of money are there and what kind (bills, coins), fix the composition of the number 7, generalize the concepts of flat and geometric figures,introducing a new term “charity”, teaching children to reason and draw conclusions
  • correctional: develop the tracking function of the eye and gaze fixation,visual perception, teach children to navigate in space, develop logical thinking, imagination
  • educational: increase interest in the activity,cultivate independence in completing tasks, activity in answering questions,the ability to sympathize and help others.


Demo material:map, path diagram, “encrypted” and realistic animals (hedgehog, squirrel, fox, hare, bear), volumetric and flat geometric shapes, presentation “What is money”, real bills and coins, money tray, CD with music for physical exercises , chest, seller costume, toys: dolls 6 pcs., cars 6 pcs., bear, ball, cubes

Handout:cards - diagrams for each child, chips

Conducting GCD:

Teacher: Guys, today we will go on a journey and look for treasure. What do you call people who look for treasures?

Children: treasure hunters

Teacher: So I suggest you play treasure hunters. To find the treasure, we need a map. And we have it. Our treasure is located in a dense forest; forest animals and a map of our route will help us find it. So, let's go in search of treasure.

(on the board the map is a rectangle divided into 24 cells: 4 horizontally and 6 vertically; on the map there are geometric shapes, and under them there are pictures of animals; on the diagram, the geometric shapes are arranged in the order in which you need to go)

Teacher: The one who buried this treasure hid the animals - assistants behind geometric figures. Having found all the forest animals, we will be able to find the treasure. Look, you have a black arrow on your maps - this is the beginning of the path, it is located in the lower left corner. Place a chip on this arrow. Look at the diagram to see which first geometric figure we will go to.

Children: to the blue triangle.

Teacher: How to get to the blue triangle?

Children: 2 squares up

Teacher: Place your chip on the blue triangle. What three-dimensional figures correspond to a triangle?

Children: cone and pyramid

Teacher: Guess what kind of animal is hiding behind the triangle.(by shadow)

Children: hedgehog

Children: orange circle

Teacher: How to get to it?

Children: 3 cells to the right.

Teacher: Place the chip on the orange circle. What volumetric figure corresponds to a circle?

Children: ball

Teacher: What kind of animal is hiding behind the circle?(shaded outline)

Children: hare

Children: green square

Teacher: How to get to it?

Children: 2 cells down.

Teacher: Place the chip on the square. What volumetric figure corresponds to a square?

Children: cube

Teacher: Who's hiding here?(part of the image is the fox's tail)

Children: fox

Children: yellow oval

Teacher: How to get to it?

Children: 1 square to the left

Teacher: Place the chip on the oval. What volumetric figure corresponds to an oval?

Children: ellipsoid

Teacher: Who do we have here? (overlaying contours - bear in leaves)

Children: bear

Children: red rectangle

Teacher: How to get there?

Children: 4 squares up

Teacher: Place the chip on the rectangle. What volumetric figures correspond to a rectangle?

Children: parallelepiped and cylinder

Teacher: Who's hiding here?(cutaway image)

Children: squirrel

Teacher: It was she who hid the treasure. To dig up the treasure, we will need strength. Let's warm up.

Physical education break

We worked together, now we need to rest.
Stand up quietly, smile, everyone will turn into dancers.
Dance more joyfully, everyone, don’t be shy!

Teacher: Squirrel looked at how well done you were and decided to dig the treasure for us herself. Let's see what's in our chest.

Children: Money

Teacher: Today in class I will tell you adult secrets about money.

Presentation “Adult secrets about money”

Teacher: Look, there's mmetal money - coins. They differ in color and size.(the show is accompanied by looking at real money)There are kopecks and rubles. Coins in denominations of 1 and 5 kopecks are made of steel and coated with a thin layer of cupronickel, so they are silvery. What other coins are silver?

Children: 1, 2 and 5 rubles

Teacher: Which coins are golden in color?

Children: 10 and 50 kopecks, 10 rubles

Teacher: Coins of 10 and 50 kopecks were made of brass. 10-ruble coins are made of galvanized steel.

Teacher: There is paper money. They also differ in color and size. They depict historical places of various Russian cities.

10 rubles . Krasnoyarsk

(On the front side of 10 rubles there is a picture of the bridge over the Yenisei and the chapel of Krasnoyarsk. And on the reverse side there is a view of the dam of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station. The city of Krasnoyarsk is written on the money.)

50 rubles . Saint Petersburg

(On the front side of 50 rubles there is a sculpture depicted against the backdrop of the Peter and Paul Fortress, and this sculpture is located on Exchange Square in the city of St. Petersburg at the base of the Rostral Column. On the other side of the money is a general view of the Rostral Column and the Exchange building. The city is written on the money - St. Petersburg.)

100 rubles . Moscow

(On the front side of 100 rubles there is an image of the quadriga of Apollo, which adorns the portico of the building of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater. And on the reverse side of the 100 ruble bill there is an image of a general view of the building of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater. The city of Moscow is written on the money.)

500 rubles. Arkhangelsk

(On the front side of 500 rubles there is a monument to Peter the Great, which is located in the city of Arkhangelsk. And on the other side there is a view of the Solovetsky Monastery. The city of Arkhangelsk is written on the money.)

1000 rubles. Yaroslavl

(On the front side of 1000 rubles, a monument to Yaroslav the Wise is depicted against the backdrop of the Yaroslavl Kremlin. On the reverse side of the bill is the Church of John the Baptist in Yaroslavl and a view of the bell tower. The city of Yaroslavl is written on the money.)

5000 rubles. Khabarovsk

(On the front side of 5,000 rubles there is a monument to the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia N. M. Muravyov-Amursky, which was erected in Khabarovsk at the end of the 19th century. And on the other side of the bill there is a picture of a bridge over the Amur River in Khabarovsk. The city is written on the money - Khabarovsk .)

For convenience, people came up with electronic money - plastic cards.

Teacher: What is money needed for?

Children: Money is needed to buy something: clothes, food, electrical appliances..., pay for services: vacation, consumption of electricity at home, water... Money serves as a means of accumulation.

Teacher: Where does your parents' money come from?

Children: They earn it.

Teacher: Money can come from various sources:

  • money received for labor, work - wages;
  • income from assets (bank deposit, renting out an apartment...)
  • social income (money paid by the state: pension, benefits)

Teacher: What can't money buy?

Children: Money cannot buy the sky, sea, sun, friendship, happiness, family well-being, health, respect of people...

Teacher: And the most important task for you and me is to preserve our vision, let’s do visual gymnastics.

Visual gymnastics “Be healthy!”

To have sharper eyes, and to wear glasses so as not to walk,

I suggest repeating these necessary movements.

Let's look at the distance and under the feet.

Left, right quickly.

Let's be surprised - what is it? And we will close them quickly.

Now rotate in a circle, like a clock hand.

Open your eyes. And back to work. Be healthy!

(Eye movements according to the text of the poem)

Teacher: And now it’s time to count the money in our chest.

Counting coins:

1r.+ 1r.+ 1r.+ 1r.+ 1r.+ 1r.+ 1r.+ 1r.+ 1r.+ 1r.= 10 rubles

2 rub. + 2 rub. + 2 rub. + 2 rub. + 2 rub. = 10 rubles

5 rub. + 5 rub. + 5 rub. + 5 rub. = 20 rubles

10 rub.+ 10 rub.+ 10 rub.+ 10 rub.+ 10 rub.+ 10 rub.+ 10 rub.+ 10 rub.+ 10 rub.+ 10 rub.= 100 rub.

Teacher: How many coins did you get?

Children: 140 rubles

Teacher: Counting bills:

100r.+ 100r.+ 100r.+ 100r.+ 100r.+ 100r.+ 100r.+ 100r.+ 100r.+ 100r.= 1000r.

1000 rub. + 5000 rub. = 6000r.

How much in total?

Children: 7000 rub.

Teacher: How rich we are!

Teacher: I suggest spending our money on charity!

What is for charity?

Children: Providing assistance to those who need it.

Teacher: What 2 words are hidden in the word “charity” - to do good, that is, to do good. ABOUThuge amountchildren is in orphanages orshelter Oh. They have no parents, no one to hug or kiss them, no one buys them personal toys.It is impossible to be indifferent to such children. Let us do good and buy them toys.

Teacher: You and I have 7t. rubles The store sells dolls and cars. The price of one doll is 1t. rubles, the price of one machine is also 1t. rubles How many dolls and cars can we buy with our money?

Teacher: Let's buy 3 dolls and 4 cars, since there are usually more boys in orphanages.

Game "Shop"

Buyer: Please give us 3 dolls and 4 cars.

Seller: Here, take it.

Salesman: Here, take it. There is a promotion going on in our store. Once you solve the problems, you can get toys for free. Will you participate?

Buyer: Yes

Salesman: Then listen carefully.

  • There are three thick branches on the birch tree. There are two apples on each branch. How many apples are there in total?(Not at all - apples don’t grow on birch trees.)
  • Two friends played chess for 2 hours. How long did each of them play?(each played for 2 hours)
  • A horse is darker than a cow, a cow is darker than a dog. Who is darker than everyone?(horse)

Teacher: And with the remaining coins, we will buy balls. Help us adults. The ball costs 7 rubles, and ours costs 140 rubles. How many balloons can we buy?

Adults: 20 balls

Teacher: You and I have done a very good deed. The children will be happy.

Teacher: Concluding our lesson, I would like to say this.

There are many proverbs about money. Here is one of them: Time is money.

Wasting time is wasting money. It would be possible to earn them. Time must be protected and spent wisely, because it is also money. And don’t forget to do good on this earth. Now our lesson time has come to an end.

What new things have you learned? Did you enjoy the lesson? Why?

We weren’t bored during the lesson; we studied the value of money.

We know how to save them in order to buy something.

We all thoughtfully calculated how much it cost and found out.

To make life easier, we will be friends with mathematics.

Teacher: And now I suggest you relax and spend your time usefully. Take coin blanks and try to come up with your own money.

"What is money?"

Educational area - Cognitive development.

Preparatory group.

Target: promoting financial education for preschoolers.


  • expand children's knowledge about the origin of money
  • consolidate the concept of “banknote” and “coins” and their denominations
  • develop the ability to select objects for the game;

Material and equipment:money of different denominations (coins: 10, 50 kopecks; 1, 2, 5 and 10 rubles; paper: 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 rubles), cards, wallets, cartoon, presentation “The Origin of Money” multimedia equipment, box in the form of an ATM, hairdresser and store

Progress of educational activities.

There is a song about money from the cartoon “The Adventure of Buratino”

Educator : Guys, while you were away, Pinocchio came into our group and left us a big bag. Look guys, here's a note. And what is written here?

Children: Money for group No. 10

Educator: Do you know what money is?

Children: Money is...

Educator: Correct.

Do you know how money appeared?

Let's watch the presentation “The Origin of Money” and find out everything.

Educator (after watching the presentation): Now we have learned the history of the appearance of money.

We completely forgot about Pinocchio's bag. (The teacher opens the bag, takes out wallets and money. Each child takes a wallet containing money)

Educator : Masha, do you have paper money or coins in your wallet?

Masha: Coin. 1 ruble.

Educator : What other money do you know?

Children (open their wallets, look at their money and answer): 2, 5, 10 rubles...

Educator : And I have paper money in my wallet. Look at this: 50 rubles, 100 rubles, 500 rubles. And a few years ago, a 200-ruble bill appeared in our country. (Gives them to children)

Educator : How about we draw our money?

Children in the artist's studio.

Children decorate paper with stamps and draw the denomination of their banknote.

Educator : You and I have worked hard, now let's rest. (Physical education minute).

Pinocchio stretched -

Bent over once, bend over twice,

He spread his arms to the sides -

Apparently I didn’t find the money:

To get us a coin -

You need to stand on your toes.

Educator : What can you do with money?

Children : Buy, spend...

Educator : Right. What can we buy with our money?

Children : Candies, toys...

Educator : Right. Money can buy goods and services.

The teacher and the children approach the hairdresser's corner.

Girl Dasha – hairdresser:

The hairdresser is a miracle!

It's a nice quirk.

These are stylish hairstyles

Varnishes, paints and combs.

The hairdresser combs the hair of girls and boys and puts in hairpins.

Educator : The hairdresser should receive money for his work.

(Children pay the hairdresser for the service and, together with the teacher, approach the store).

Boy Sasha – seller:

I'm a salesman today

In a children's store.
I've got plenty of goods
Come in quickly.

Children buy goods (toy vegetables and fruits) and pay the seller.

Educator : What do you guys think, where do moms and dads get their money? (Children answer). Right. For their work, your parents receive wages. And many of them receive their salary on a card. How do they withdraw money from their cards?

Children : At the bank, through an ATM.

The teacher and the children approach the ATM (box) and learn to use it.

Educator : We are great today. We played and learned a lot. Continue the phrase: “Today I learned...”. I really enjoyed playing with you. Let's put our palms on top of each other again and say:

“We guys are just great,

Knowledge was given at once!”

Lesson summary in the preparatory group on the topic"Getting to Know Money"

Baikalova Nadezhda Krasnoyarsk MBDOU No. 63

Target: Reinforce with children the role of money in everyday life. Teaching children to solve arithmetic problems. Teaching children to compare numbers (using coins).

Tasks: Introduce children to money and its purpose.

Solve and leave problems using coins.

Practice orientation on a sheet of paper.

Expand lexicon: money, ruble, coin, bill, etc.

Activities: Communicative, playful, motor.

Materials: Money – coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5 rubles; banknotes in denominations of 10 and 50 rubles, kopecks.

1 part

Educator: Come to us kindergarten, Pinocchio came today. He's very upset. Because he lost one thing he really needed. And now we’ll find out which one. Let's open the notebooks, put a dot at the intersection of the lines (graphic dictation)

Educator: Let's see what we got? Children: Key.

Educator: That's right, the key, but let's think about which door this key can go to. (Children's answers) This key is to the door that is in Papa Carlo's closet.


We are the eyes of a moment, a moment (blink your eyes)

We shoulders chick, chick (shoulder movement up)

One there, two here (hands on the belt, turns to the right, left)

Turn around yourself

They sat down and stood up, they sat down and stood up

Everyone raised their hands to the top

One, two, one, two

It's time for us to get busy.

Part 2.

Conversation with children:

Which adults in your family work?

What do they do?

What do adults get for their work?

What is money?

Why do we need money?

Let's look at coins and paper bills. Let's compare them and say how they are similar and how they differ? On one side of the banknote its value is indicated (there are numbers), and on the other side - the coat of arms of our country. What is on the sides of both bills and coins (children's answers).

Money differs in the material from which it is made. Banknotes are printed and coins are stamped from metal. Coins are made from different metals, and bills are printed in different colors.

Educator: And now we will go to the store. We need to do some shopping. In front of us on the display are products: bread, yogurt, cucumber, cabbage, etc.

Part 3. Drawing up tasks.

1. Vanya’s mother gave ten rubles and asked to buy bread for 2 rubles and yogurt for 7 rubles. How much money did Vanya spend? And how much does he have left? (children's answers) Children compose problems independently. Answers are on the board.

2. A bun costs 3 rubles, and a gingerbread costs 5 rubles. How much does a bun and gingerbread cost together?

Part 4 Game "Answer"

How to play: Throw the ball and askthe child has different questions, and let him answer. Then switch roles.

Note . Choose simple and funny questions, for example: “Does the cat have five tails? How many ears do two mice have?.. Can dogs fly? Does Santa Claus have a green fur coat? How many wings do birds have? How many wheels does the car have?…..


What did we do today? What new did you learn?(children's answers)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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music director Kamyshnikova Irina Gennadievna

MADO kindergarten No. 39 in Tyumen

Program content:

Cognitive development:

ü Arouse interest in the activity by creating a game situation.

ü To consolidate children’s knowledge about the role of money in human life, the ability to use coins of 1 ruble denomination to count to 10 or more.

ü Improve quantitative and ordinal counting skills within 10.

ü To develop children’s initial measuring skills, to measure the length of an object using various conventional measures.

ü Strengthen children’s knowledge in the ability to navigate the sequence of days of the week.

ü Continue to develop the ability to solve logical problems by ear.

ü Continue to improve computational skills when adding two numbers, using numbers and mathematical signs "+", "-" and "=". And also to develop the ability to solve simple solutions based on clarity within 10 when solving an arithmetic problem, use the action signs “more than,” “less than.”

ü Continue to develop skills of orientation on a sheet of paper and develop logical qualities and concentration.

Social and communicative development:

ü Develop the ability to understand the task at hand and solve it independently. Show a desire to actively participate in the lesson, answer, listen to the opinions of others, and prove the correct answer.

Speech development

ü Develop free communication with adults and children, be friendly and correct interlocutors, and cultivate a culture of verbal communication.

ü Continue to meaningfully and emotionally tell children about interesting facts and events.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

ü Maintain interest in activities through musical games and competitions, develop children’s musical taste, love and interest in music.

ü Encourage children to perform children's folklore, expressively perform movements according to the text of ditties. Intonate cleanly within an octave.

ü To cultivate children’s emotional responsiveness to music, to perform movements to the music.

Methods and techniques:

Surprise moment:“the appearance of money in the group”, “The buffoon meets at the fair”, “a treat in the inside of a nesting doll”.

Verbal: conversation, report by masters of mathematics with explanation, questions, encouragement, physical education minutes, finger gymnastics.

Game: game tasks “Numbers Got Lost”, “Live Week”, “Math Problems - Guess It”. The chant “Hello”, the musical game “We can all count”, the outdoor game “Pots”, the merchants’ dramatization “At Uncle Jacob’s”, performance "Piece fights."

Practical: compiling examples of mathematical signs and numbers on a magnetic easel, measuring the length of objects with different measures, completing a task on tablets “Find your twin brother,” purchasing goods at a fair.

Vocabulary work: Encourage interest in the meaning of the word “Ruble, chop, paper bill, receipt.” Activation of the dictionary: money, ruble, coin, bill, minted, stamped, metal.

Preliminary work

Reading the fairy tale “The Golden Key,” looking at banknotes, going to a toy store, “creating a mini museum, an exhibition of various types of money.” Photo presentation on the topic “The history of the minting of silver coins in the city of Nevyansk, Sverdlovsk region in the Demidov estate in the inclined Nevyansk tower.


Headgear for masters, attributes for displaying masters on the topic of the report; a bag of millet, an axe, a jug, sheepskin, shells, coins, a paper receipt in a box, paper bills from Soviet times, electronic cards. Presentation at the story of mathematical masters. Envelope with tasks, 2 easels, envelopes with signs and numbers. Bags sewn for each child. Buffoon's leather bag for coins worth 1 ruble in the amount of 100 coins. Tablets and pencils according to the number of children.

The course of educational and gaming activities.

(Children enter the group, and paper money is scattered on the floor.)

Educator: Oh, why is it a mess here, with papers scattered everywhere? Perhaps the wind brought this garbage from the street to our group. What should we do with it? (children's answers, they begin to collect) Guys, what do these paper rectangles look like? (This is money). Do you know what money is and what it is needed for? (with money you can purchase necessary goods and services). How and where do we use money in everyday life?

And who knows how the money came about? ? Do you want to know about it?

Children: We want!

Educator: To find out about this, today we invited Tyumen “Masters of Mathematics” to visit us, who will introduce us to the origin of money.

(Children participate in the role of masters).

1 child: Master of Mathematics, 1st degree. In ancient times, people did not know what money was. They simply exchanged various items. The potters were changing pots. Blacksmiths - axes. Farmers - grain. Cattle breeders – sheep, wool, leather.

It was not very convenient to exchange different things, and people began to think about what item could be used for exchange. Since the livestock had to be fed, the food could spoil, and this was inconvenient.

2nd child. 2nd Master of Mathematics: Gradually people realized that money should not be temporary, but permanent. They should not deteriorate during storage or when passing from hand to hand. At different times, sea shells and animal skins served as money. The most convenient money turned out to be metal coins. They could be minted, coins of any value: copper was cheaper, silver was more expensive, and gold was the most expensive. But metal money also has a drawback: it is very heavy and takes up a lot of space. For rich merchants who traveled to trade in distant countries, it was dangerous and inconvenient to carry such cargo with them: during a trip to the market, robbers immediately found a bag of money.

It's time to get some rest. (Child leads)

Physical education minute.

Once - bend over, straighten up,

Two – bend over, stretch.

Three – clap your hands three times.

Three nods of the head.

By four – your arms are wider.

Five, six - sit down quietly.

3rd child 3rd Master of Mathematics: And that’s why people came up with the idea of ​​storing gold in banks, and instead of coins, they took paper receipts with them on the road. Later, paper money appeared, which was used to pay for various goods and services.

On paper bills, on one side of the banknote there is a number that determines the value of this bill, and on the other side the coat of arms of our country is depicted. Money can be paper or metal. (Looking at a paper bill.)

Physical education minute.

On Monday I did the laundry

I swept the floor on Tuesday

On Wednesday I baked a loaf of bread,

All Thursday I was looking for the ball,

I washed the cups on Friday

And on Saturday I bought a cake.

I am Sunday to all my friends

Invited to a birthday party.

4 child4th Master of Mathematics: The historical concept of “ruble” arose in the 13th century in Novgorod. The word "ruble" has a very ancient history. This word comes from the word “to chop”, since coins were not minted at that time. They were simply chopped from a long piece of metal into small pieces that had different sizes and weights. Now there are no such rubles, but there are other round coins with the same name. Which now do not need to be chopped, they are minted on machines, in Moscow and St. Petersburg Mint. Coins differ from one another in size and value even today. (Shows coins).

Educator: The ruble is the name given to the currency that is used in Russia and some other countries. In our time, electronic money was invented for convenience. In order for us to use electronic money, bank cards were invented on which electronic money is stored. . And therefore, instead of cash that we hold in our hands, we more often use bank cards. (Show).

Their main advantage is that they take up little space in your wallet. And with their help you can pay in stores, minibuses, pharmacies and other institutions.

Educator: Well, now you know everything about money, how it arose, let's thank our scientists. Guys, today Irina Gennadievna is hosting a fair in the music hall. Do you want to go see it? Grab your bags quickly and let’s go visit her at the fair.

We go down to the music hall for the fair.

(Several boys accompany the guests to the music room and offer them to sit on chairs.)

(The children are greeted by a buffoon in the hall)

Buffoon: Come in, honest people! The fair is waiting for you to visit!

Hello, beautiful maidens and good fellows!

"Hello" chant

Conducted with rhythmic clapping, the buffoon shows, and the children repeat after him.

(The buffoon invites the children to buy the goods.)

Don’t be shy, come and buy something! Admire the goods: here we have samovars, pretzels and buns, tueski and pipes, gilded spoons, twisted patterns. There are a lot of products, I can’t show them all alone. Can any of you help me?

Children: Yes.

Buffoon: And here are the boxes for you, take them apart! (Several children come up to the boxes, put them on themselves and tell them about their product)

"At Uncle Yakov's"

Buffoon: Potters came and sold us pots! I’ll tell you how now. Stand in a circle, girls step forward, squat down, you are the “pots”, and the boys are the sellers. I will be the buyer. (tells how to “buy pots” and the rules of the game)

Outdoor game "Pots"

Buffoon: Our product is visible - invisible! Come, come! Can you buy everything you want if you have the money? (Yes, children show money). Your money is not real, you can’t buy anything from me with it! (children get upset) Don't be upset. You can earn real coins if you complete my tasks. Do you agree?

Children: We agree!

Buffoon:(Gives an envelope with tasks to the teacher)

Buffoon: And for a correctly completed task, I will give each player on the team one ruble! You can begin.

(The teacher reads out the tasks for each team)

Doing math tasks.

No. 1 “Determine the length.”

How to find out what is the length of the rope, and how can you measure the length of Zhorik? (Snake made of foam rubber.)

What measure can you use to measure the length? Children's options; using a ruler, string, stick, ribbon, step, using a jump, goose step (palm), giant step, gnome step, penguin step (additional step), parrot step (2 fingers), frog jump, kangaroo jump (with a ball) ).

No. 2. task “The numbers got lost”

Place the numbers in order from 1 to 10.

A team of children hold cards with numbers from 1-10 scattered in their hands.

The second team lines up the players with numbers in a number line in order.

No. 3. task for both teams “Live Week” - Musical game “We can all count” 2 times.

Buffoon: And the next task is for both teams. You will do it one by one. To the music, you will jump in a circle and sing: we can count everything, we can even show you, jump, jump, don’t yawn, choose your number! When the music ends, take any number, and then line up in order according to the number and days of the week.

Difficulty of the task: show days of the week from Tuesday etc. The buffoon invites the children to line up from “Tuesday” in order, naming the days of the week: numbers 2 – Tuesday, etc.

No. 4. Logic puzzles.

Guess it

  • Ø - What bird hatches from an egg, but does not lay eggs? (rooster).
  • Ø The chicken began to count the little chickens. There are five yellow ones and five black ones... Quickly count how many little chickens the hen had.
  • Ø Mom bought four red and blue balls. How many balloons of each color did mom buy?
  • Ø Zhenya will go to the theater in three days. Today is Sunday. What day of the week will the performance take place?
  • Ø A kind grandfather gave his grandson Shura seven pieces of sweets yesterday. The grandson ate one candy. How many pieces are left?
  • Ø There are exactly seven of these brothers, you all know them. Every week the brothers walk around each other. The last one says goodbye - the one in front appears.

No. 5. Make up a mathematical solution using the numbers of the signs “greater than”, “less than”, “exactly”. ( Task on easels).

1.Solution using signs.Pick up mathematical sign to the number of objects that are depicted on the cards.

2.Children make a mathematical notation using numbers and signs.

No. 6. "Find your twin brother" working with cards on tablets.

For the first team “Find the same Hedgehog”, and for the second team “Find the same Mouse”.

Buffoon: You guys are great, you completed all my math assignments and you probably have enough money for shopping! Everyone is in high spirits, but before you go buy the goods, do my last request, arrange some fun for me - little fights. You have two teams, let's see whose team sings more cheerfully and cheerfully!

"Piece fights"

Buffoon: Well done! Here's another coin for you. You’ve earned money, now you can buy goods. Come and choose what you like and buy!

Educator: Guys, look at how beautiful this nesting doll is, made by master craftsmen. Let's buy it for the group. (The teacher names the price tag, counts the coins out loud, but there is not enough money, gets upset and turns to the children). But there aren’t enough coins, what should I do? And I really want to buy a matryoshka doll. Children add their coins. The teacher thanks the children and hugs everyone. To sum it up: with our joint efforts, you and I managed to buy a nesting doll. It’s hard for one person, but by uniting together, we managed to solve this problem.

Buffoon: There is even a proverb: don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Educator: Guys, does this proverb apply to our friendly group?

Oh, and the nesting doll is heavy, I wonder how many little nesting dolls there are inside. He opens the nesting doll, and there is a sweet surprise. Children treat guests and themselves.

Buffoon: Goodbye! There will be money, come again and buy goods from me!


  1. N.G. Zelenova “We live in Russia”, Moscow 2015.
  2. Novikov “Mathematics 6-7 years old”.
  3. O.A. Solomennikov “The Joy of Creativity”, Moscow 2008.

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