Samples for games with clothespins for children. Lesson “Didactic games with clothespins. A clothespin is an indispensable item in the household and necessary in the game.

Kids will love new, bright and unusual educational games or “table theater” with colorful clothespins. These manuals for developing fine motor skills are easy to make with your own hands.

Many excellent examples of this can be found on the pages of this section. In principle, the clothespin itself is a ready-made, self-sufficient toy. You just have to play with the opening and closing of a clothespin (a dog barks, a duck quacks, etc.) And in combination with cardboard silhouettes-blanks, you can systematically work with children on the development of all aspects of speech, at the same time developing memory, attention, imagination, fine motor skills. . Look what your colleagues came up with for this.

A clothespin is an indispensable item in the household and necessary in the game!

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All sections | Clothespins. Educational games with clothespins

Didactic game with clothespins in preschool educational institutions for senior preschool age "Cifroteka" Target: development visual perception, motor skills, familiarity with numbers, consolidation of animal names, consolidation of ideas about animal nutrition Age students: 5-7 years Quantity participants:...

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Educational game with clothespins “Who eats what?” Through play, a child develops and learns the world. An unusual version of the game with clothespins “Who eats what?”, during which children not only gain knowledge about animal nutrition, but also develop fine motor skills of their fingers. This game...

The didactic game is aimed at developing fine motor skills in younger preschoolers, as well as fantasy and imagination; fixing colors, spatial relationships. Such games will provide the required number of repetitions while saving Have a good mood and positive...

Clothespins. Educational games with clothespins - Educational game “Alphabet on clothespins, or ABC in pictures”

In his preparatory group"Cherry" MADOU kindergarten No. 14 “Berry” for the children I created a corner for the development of fine motor skills of the hands “Sumeyka”. Various educational and developmental games were created for them. One of these games was the manual “Alphabet on clothespins or “ABC in ...

Didactic game “Colorful clothespins” Do it yourself manual. Completed by: teachers of MBDOU “TsRR-kindergarten No. 168” Velgoretskaya E.N. Smolovaya E.V. Didactic game “Multi-colored clothespins” Purpose: to teach the child to independently attach clothespins. Objectives: - Enrich the sensory experience of children 2-3 years old - Develop fine...

Valentina Shulga

Games with clothespins for children are a fun and interesting activity, as well as an extremely useful activity. It is the training of the fingers and the child’s performance of precise hand movements that make an invaluable contribution to the full development of the baby’s brain.

It has long been scientifically proven that the quality of a person’s speech directly depends on how well and developed a person’s fingers and hand are.

You need to train your baby’s hand from the very beginning. early age, give a massage, ask to take and give certain objects, use toys with different textures for games. Games with clothespins are ideal for such “hand training”; grasping skills are developed, and the hand is strengthened and developed.

Target: Develop fine motor skills of the hands and higher mental functions.


Teach children to correctly pick up and open clothespins; study of primary colors.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of hand movements, visual perception, attention, imagination, speech activity.

Cultivate interest and perseverance.

Children take cardboard blanks and, using clothespins, make rays for the sun, rain for a cloud, legs for a horse, tops for a carrot, ears for a bunny, and needles for a hedgehog.

At the same time, you can pronounce various poems, nursery rhymes, and sayings. For example:


The fish swims through the waves,

And he invites his friends over!

The fish is not simple,

The fish is golden!



Here's some water for you,

Here's some crumbs for you

On my palm.


The kitten has smooth fur,

And she's probably sweet

Because Vaska is red

He licks the fur often.


Rain, drop more merrily,

Don't skimp on the water.

For the grass to grow,

so that the birds sing.

You can play with ready-made crafts.

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It is very important for preschool children to develop fine motor skills. This is necessary to prepare the hand for writing, for the development of speech, etc.

Playing with clothespins is a great exercise for your fingers. After all, you need to make a lot of effort to attach the clothespin. But they develop not only fine motor skills. However, more on this below.

There are a huge number of games with clothespins. I'll tell you about our favorite games.

These are the simplest games with clothespins, they are suitable for children from 1.5 to 2 years old and up to school age.

Games with clothespins: benefits and types

The benefits of playing with clothespins. In addition to developing fine motor skills, with the help of clothespins you can learn colors, counting, mathematical concepts, develop logical thinking, and creative imagination. And with older children you can learn the alphabet and numbers.

How to play with clothespins. First, we teach the child to remove clothespins; one-and-a-half-year-old babies can do this. But closer to two years, the child can attach them himself. From the beginning with your help, and then on your own.

What kinds of games are there with clothespins? In order to interest your baby in this useful activity, there are a lot of games. I divide educational games with clothespins into 3 types:

  • simple, not requiring special training;
  • games with cardboard blanks;
  • games with printed templates.

Simple educational games with clothespins

For these games you don't need anything other than the clothespins themselves. Well, or almost nothing.

Remove the bug from your clothes. Attach clothespins different colors on yourself or your child and invite him to remove the bug. This is a fun game with which you can consolidate your knowledge of basic colors, body parts, clothing, and learn the concepts of “right” and “left” (right hand, left leg).

You can also run after dad together and save him from annoying bugs. Or run away from them yourself.

Find the bug. Ask your child to wait for you in another room, and you yourself attach clothespins to various objects - curtains, toys, furniture, etc. Tell your child that while he was away, bugs arrived and now they need to be caught and put in a box or bucket.

The game perfectly develops attention and is ideal for the first games, when the child’s fingers cannot yet attach clothespins.

This is very fun game. Antoshka adores her. You can run, train your arms, and show off your catch. You can also count the caught bugs. This is how we play - we are looking for 7 bugs.

When the child’s fingers get stronger, invite him to plant bugs, and you will look for them. But my experience shows that children like the first version of the game more.

Your child has probably seen you hanging out laundry after washing more than once. Children love to repeat after adults! If you tie a rope between the legs of the table or even the handles of the basin, with what joy the baby will hang out his socks or clothes for the dolls!

Beads from clothespins. Clothespins can be strung on a cord to make beautiful beads for mom. When the child can easily cope with the task, complicate the task and invite him to alternate clothespins of different colors.

Build a robot, an airplane, or a deer from clothespins. I’m currently assembling, and Antoshka is taking it apart.

Attached to everything. Attach clothespins with your child to everything that comes to hand. Make earrings for a bear, decorate a hanger, plastic cups, a car, and designer parts.

Antoshka loves to hang clothespins on box perimeter, in which we store them. And if you cover the box with colored paper (each side has a different color), then this is another reason to repeat the primary colors.

For the same purposes you can use designer details.

For these games you will need colored cardboard and a minimum of time. It takes a couple of minutes to cut the blank, but it will last a long time.

Using clothespins we attach rays of sunshine, rain on a cloud, we plant grass in the garden.

Let's do Christmas tree branches, carrot tops And turnip, spines for a hedgehog. Since I'm not much of an artist, I chose to print the hedgehog.

Let's do bunny ears.

This is what we do. There are more than enough such games. But you can come up with many other options: attach legs and arms to little people, fingers to palms, paws to bugs, petals to flowers, legs to animals, wings to an airplane, leaves to a tree, etc.

And you can create three-dimensional objects by attaching, for example, table legs.

Multicolored circle. Another of our favorite games. Its creation will take a little more time, but the results will please you.

I cut a circle out of cardboard, divided it into 6 parts, and colored each part to match the colors of the clothespins I had. I drew circles along the outer edge: from two to five. Antoshka attaches clothespins of the corresponding color according to the number of circles. The game is well suited for children learning to count.

Meet Gosha, the eternally hungry chick. Mommy clothespin feeds him worms. And Antoshka helps her.

It’s easy to make such a chick; in the future it can be used not only for playing with clothespins. We cut out a beak in the lid of the jar, glued the eyes, crest and wings to double-sided tape. We use hair bands, cut laces, etc. as bugs and worms.

The simpler it is to prepare material for the game, the better. That's why I prefer to make blanks from cardboard. However, there are many beautiful ready-made templates, which you can download for free.

They are great if you are having trouble getting your child interested in clothespins, as attaching clothespins to a cartoon airplane or bunny is more interesting. Antoshka has no problems with interest, so we make do with cardboard templates for games with clothespins.

However, I still printed out one game.

The game is a circle divided into 12 parts. Each sector of the circle depicts typical food for animals, the faces of which you first cut out and glue to clothespins.

I used wooden clothespins and double sided tape. It is advisable to laminate the whole thing, but I got by by printing it on photo paper and gluing a layer of cardboard onto a sheet of food.

Invite your child to feed the animals. This is a wonderful didactic game that will not only introduce your child to the favorite foods of an elephant or a panda, but will also interest him in clothespins.

I also saw versions of this game made from felt.

You can download templates for games with clothespins in one file.

I talked about those games with clothespins, most of which we started playing around the age of two. It was at this time that Antoshka learned to attach clothespins on his own. These games Suitable for both 2 and 5 year olds.

There are many other games that are too early for our age. They allow you to study the alphabet and correlate numbers with quantities. But this is a completely different story, because... We haven't matured enough to play games like this yet.

Hello, dear readers!

How to entertain your one-year-old toddler so that it is fun for him, and also useful. From the age of one year onwards, we persistently train the fine motor skills of children’s hands and develop small fingers. And we select appropriate activities for him to move with these same fingers, develop imagination, logic, and thinking. We also invite the child to dialogue through play, as we constantly ask him about something, for example, is this the sun? and these are the rays of the sun! - look at the rays!

All this can be developed by playing with clothespins.

I honestly admit that I had long ago decided to do similar creativity with my child, but I couldn’t get around to it, the clothespins had been bought a long time ago and were aimlessly attached to one of the children’s boxes, and Danya had already played half of them somewhere. The child did not play with them, was not taught how to use them, clothespins were constantly lying around somewhere, in general...

In general, the muse visited me and I finally took up this matter. I found some more wooden clothespins and the work began to boil, especially since there was such an active and creative assistant nearby! So, first things first:

Educational games with clothespins - you will need ordinary plastic clothespins of different colors, preferably. Ordinary wooden ones, not colored ones, will also work; we will decorate them ourselves.

A good mood is a must, and of course, do everything with your child, let him help you and take part. Instill in him a sense of importance, that he is needed, without him you won’t be able to cope! This is how the child grows responsible for his actions and, as he gets older, will always be your support and support.

Choose clothespins that are not too tight so that they are easy to open and close.

These games can be played by ages one year and older. First, introduce your baby to clothespins, tell him how they can open and close their mouths.

Take the child's hand in yours and show him how to operate the clothespin. Show how you can grab small objects with the mouth of a clothespin.

During the introductory stage, you can play the following mini-games:

1. Attach clothespins to the edge of the box and ask the child to remove the clothespins and put them in another container. This way, the baby will gradually learn to manipulate the clothespin, just make sure that he squeezes and unclenches the clothespin correctly, and does not pull it off, which they like to do at first.

4. It's time to help mom hang the laundry on the line. Stretch the string and invite the baby to hang his clothes or doll clothes on this string and pin it with clothespins.

I didn’t look for easy ways and immediately suggested that my son hang his clothes from the high chair on the clothes dryer. We didn’t like it, and my son refuses to complete this task at all.

5. We also develop memory and thinking: we stick a circle with food on a piece of cardboard, and stick a face on each clothespin. Who eats what from us, let's figure it out. I hope the idea is clear.

6. Also, this option: the mouth of the clothespin opens, and there is a chicken, or a frog and a fly, for example.

7. Draw or print big hedgehog, and stick his supplies on the clothespins. Let the baby collect crops for the hedgehog: a flower, a mushroom, an apple, berries, which are glued to clothespins and fastened on the hedgehog.

If you play such simple games from time to time, your baby will learn a lot of new things and quickly learn how to click a clothespin, then you can complicate the tasks.

I hope the game options will be interesting to you and you will play them with your baby. Train your little fingers, and I'm waiting for you at , where I'll tell you about games with clothespins based on patterns and more! Goodbye!

Games with clothespins for preschoolers.

"Catch a bug."

Pick up several colorful clothespins, and then attach them in different places in the room - on the curtains, on the sofa, tablecloth, etc. Tell your child that little bugs have come to visit you and decided to play hide and seek with him. Invite your child to walk around the room together and collect the “bugs” in a box.

"We decorate the Christmas tree".

Invite your child to become a Christmas tree for a while. Like any holiday tree, it will need toys. Let the mother “dress up” the Christmas tree, and the baby remove all the clothespins.

"Merry Men"

You can create a variety of figures from clothespins - turrets, a flower, a snake, a sun, a Christmas tree, a house, a man. You can play with them, treat them, feed them. This game will develop not only fine motor skills, but also creative thinking.


If you string clothespins on a string, you can make beautiful beads. You can complicate the task if you invite the baby to alternate the “beads” by color.


Attach a rope tail to each child. If the driver catches one of the children, he attaches a clothespin to their tail. At the end of the game, you can count the “catch”

Didactic games with clothespins

"Words with Clothespins"

Say any word to your child. He must count the number of syllables in them and attach the corresponding number of clothespins to a piece of cardboard, tablecloth or curtain. If the syllable structure of a word is still difficult for a child, then the syllables can be “slammed” first.
And here's another game with clothespins:

"Geometric figures"

Clothes pins are a great resource for learning the concept of angle. Cut out several geometric shapes from cardboard, count the number of corners with your child, and attach clothespins in their place. Then you can count the number of angles for each figure, compare which one has more and which one has fewer angles.

Templates for playing with clothespins.

"Games with numbers"

Using clothespins, you can quickly teach your child to correlate numbers with quantities. Take several strips of cardboard, draw a number on them and invite the baby to attach the corresponding number of clothespins to them

Game "Who eats what"

This game is quite simple to make, but its benefits are simply invaluable. Make a circle with types of animal food and attach pictures of the corresponding animal to it. The names of the animals should be written on the back of the circle - the child can also practice reading. Print out the animal faces, glue them onto cardboard and attach them to clothespins.

"The concept of magnitude."

Cut out several identical strips of cardboard and invite your child to attach clothespins to them. You need to attach 3 clothespins to the longest one, 2 to the middle one and 1 to the smallest one.