What miracles are happening in the world. Orthodox miracles. Sometimes obvious sinners perform miracles

There is a place for miracles in the lives of each of us, and sometimes these miracles happen in reality. Sometimes we find information that in such and such a year, in such and such a place and with such and such a person, an unheard of miracle happened and often many of us do not believe in it, since we, as adults, believe that miracles It doesn’t happen, but it’s very in vain. It's logical that we don't believe in what we can't see with our own eyes, but you should believe in at least 10 truly amazing stories that await you further.

Saint Clelia Barbieri

Clelia Barbieri was born in Italy in 1874. She helped found the women's monastic congregation "Little Sisters of the Sorrowful Virgin Mary" and at 23 years old she was a very influential person. Unfortunately, she soon died of leukemia. However, before her death, Clelia told her followers: “Be brave, I am going to heaven, but I will always be with you, I will never leave you.” A year after her death, while the sisters were singing, a high voice filled the church, merging with their voices. Since then, her voice has always echoed them in prayers. They say that Clelia's voice can still be heard within the walls of her church.

Martin de Porres

Martin de Porres was a simple man who worked like all the other poor and sick people of Peru. During his lifetime, many miracles were attributed to him: levitation, magical healing and the ability to be in two places at the same time. For example, in 1956, a cobblestone fell on a man’s leg and crushed the bone. He developed gangrene and was diagnosed with hepatitis. Doctors were going to amputate the leg, but one woman prayed over it all night. The next day, when the bandages were removed, the leg was unrecognizable. Amputation was no longer necessary.

Michael Crow's Heart Failure

At 23, Michael Crow suffered from a condition called acute myocarditis. His heart was functioning at only 10 percent, and this was harming his entire body. A transplant was necessary, otherwise he would not survive. However, doctors categorically ruled out the possibility of a transplant, considering it too risky. An hour after the doctors’ decision, his blood pressure rose, and a little later the left chamber of his heart started working on its own. An MRI scan showed that there was not a single scar on the heart. Now the young man has already been discharged from the hospital and is completely healthy.

19 year coma

In 2007, Jan Grzebski woke up from a 19-year coma to find that Poland was no longer under communist rule and that everyone now had a mobile phone. But the most amazing thing is that he was able to survive such a long coma, because the doctors said that he would live no more than a few years. Ian credits his wife for caring for him all these years and moving his body for several hours a day, thanks to which he avoided bedsores.

Miracle in Lanciano

In the 7th century AD, a monk in the Italian town of Lanciano doubted the doctrine of transubstantiation (the Catholic teaching that the wine and bread of believers are the blood and body of the Lord). One day, when he was reading the words of transubstantiation, the wine and bread actually turned into blood and meat. He told other monks about this, then this blood and meat were placed in a special container and are still a relic among Catholics.

Mysterious voice

In 2005, Lynn Jennifer Groesbeck lost control and her car fell into the river, leaving the road. In the back seat was the young woman's one-and-a-half-year-old daughter. Lynn died instantly, and the girl hung upside down over the icy water, but was still alive. She spent 12 hours like this. Four police officers who arrived at the scene of the accident claim that they heard a distant voice asking for help. Finding the little girl, they rescued her. No one understands how she could survive such an accident.

Church cures cancer

At 57, Greg Thomas learned that he had terminal cancer. He lost his job and was ready to say goodbye to his family, with no hope of getting out. One day he was walking his dog and came across an abandoned church. Not knowing what to do with himself, he decided to restore this church and asked the city for financial assistance in exchange for the fact that he would restore the temple himself. After the church was restored, it turned out that the disease had subsided.

Virgin Mary of Guadalupe

Apparitions of the Virgin Mary have occurred throughout world history; in 1531, she appeared to the Mexican peasant Juan Diego. The Mother of God told him to ask the bishop to build a temple. Diego went to the bishop, but he did not believe him and demanded proof. Then the Virgin Mary told Diego to pick roses from a barren hill and put them in his cloak. Having done so, he took these roses to the bishop, and, unfolding his cloak, he saw there an image of the Virgin Mary. This portrait has survived to this day in excellent condition.

Saint Joseph of Copertino

Saint Joseph of Copertino liked to levitate. They say he defied gravity more than seventy times and had to restrain himself to stay on the ground. Today he is considered the patron saint of aviators.

Incorruptible bodies

Catholics and Greek Orthodox believe that the bodies of some saints do not decompose, or that their decomposition is slowed by divine intervention. Embalmed or mummified bodies cannot be considered incorruptible; those that achieve this status are often put on display.

A wedding ring saves lives

In 2007, the wedding ring of American Donnie Register from Jackson, Mississippi, took the blow of a gangster's bullet and saved his life. According to police Sergeant Jeffrey Scott, two men entered Register's antique store and asked to show them a collection of coins. When the Register brought the collection, one of the men pulled out a gun and demanded money. At that moment, the Register raised his left hand up, and then a shot sounded. By an incredible coincidence, the bullet hit the wedding ring on his hand and this changed the trajectory of the shot. The bullet somehow passed through two of his fingers without damaging the bone. Part of the bullet broke off and got stuck in the middle finger. The other part hit the neck, the muscles. According to Donnie's wife, it was God's providence.

Image of the Virgin Mary

In 1996, in the city of Clearwater, Florida, on Christmas Day, an image of the “Virgin Mary” appeared on the glass of an office building. A color image of the Virgin Mary appeared on the glass wall of the entrance to the building of the local bank of the Seminole Financial Corporation. Soon the image of the Virgin Mary in Clearwater attracted a crowd of people.

During the funeral the boy came to life

In 2012, 2-year-old Kelvin Santos died in hospital from pneumonia. During the funeral, the boy lay in an open coffin. An hour before his funeral the next day, the boy sat up in the coffin and said, “I’m thirsty.” At this time, in addition to the boy's father, Antonio Santos, there were several other family members in the room. They began to shout that a miracle had happened, and were shocked by what they saw. A few seconds later the child sank back into the coffin and showed no signs of life. Antonio rushed Kelvin to the hospital, but doctors declared the child dead for a second time. 20 hours passed between the time doctors first pronounced the child dead and the moment when, according to the child's father, Kelvin stood up and asked for water. The parents waited a few more hours for the burial, but then they buried their son.

Saint Rita of Cascia

The veneration of Rita began immediately after her death. Despite the fact that official beatification took place only in 1627, and canonization in 1900, Rita remains one of the most beloved saints not only in Italy and Europe, but throughout the world. The miracles performed through her intercession encourage believers to consider her the “saint of impossible cases,” to whose help they resort in intractable situations. From time to time her body actually moves.

Wounds at the locations of the wounds of the crucified Christ

Pio of Pietrelcina, commonly known as Padre Pio, is a priest and friar of Italian origin from the Capuchin Order, celebrated as a Catholic saint. Famous for stigmata and performing miracles. Canonized on June 16, 2002 by Pope John Paul II. In 1918, Padre Pio developed stigmata on his hands and body - wounds in the locations of the wounds of the crucified Christ. His stigmata did not disappear until his death. The wounds, especially on the hands, bled profusely, which caused Padre Pio great suffering - he wore special bandages. The stigmata were examined several times by independent doctors, who came to no definite conclusion as to the nature of these wounds. Some authors claim that the blood flowing from the stigmata had a pleasant floral smell. The most famous is the case of Gemma di Giorgi, a girl who is said to have been born without pupils and yet gained the ability to see after a visit to Padre Pio.

Teresa Neumann

Teresa Neumann is a German peasant woman known for her stigmata and mystical abilities, including 40 years of abstinence from food and drink, and the ability to speak ancient languages. During her mystical experiences, Teresa Neumann could see the events described in the Gospels, clarifying and supplementing them with details. So, for example, it could reproduce the dialectal features of the Aramaic language, which was spoken in Palestine at that time, and testing for scientific accuracy not only confirmed the authenticity, but also helped solve a number of hitherto unresolved linguistic problems. Other languages ​​available to Teresa Neumann were Latin, Greek, French and Hebrew. The main event in Neumann’s life was the appearance of stigmata and blood on her body. She could see not only the events described in the Gospel, but also episodes from the lives of the saints, as well as those people who visited her, amazing the greatest skeptics with her accuracy. In 2004, the famous biologist and criminologist Mark Beneke published an article in which he confirmed that the blood from the wounds belonged to Theresa Neumann, and not to animals, as skeptics assumed. Since 2005, the process of beatification of Neumann began.

Messages from Our Lady of Akita

Our Lady appeared to nun Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa in 1973 in the town of Yuzawadai in Akita Prefecture on the island of Honshu in Japan. The Mother of God gave three messages to Sister Agnes. The apparitions were recognized as true on April 22, 1984, by the ruling bishop of the Akita diocese of the Roman Catholic Church. On July 6, 1973, while praying in the monastery chapel, Agnes heard a voice coming from the statue of the Mother of God. Agnes heard the first of three messages from the Virgin Mary. On the same day, July 6, 1973, the sisters discovered bleeding from the right hand of the wooden statue of the Mother of God. The wound on the hand of the Mother of God disappeared only on September 29, 1973. On the same day, September 29, 1973, copious drops of sweat appeared on the forehead and neck of the statue. On August 3, 1973, Sister Agnes heard the second message.

On October 13, 1973, Agnes received the third and final message. The tears of the statue of Our Lady were shown on Japanese national television. It was accepted as true that in the Japanese town of Akita, a statue of Our Lady exuded blood, sweat and tears. These facts were witnessed by more than 500 Christians and non-Christians, including the Buddhist mayor of the city.

Children and the Virgin Mary

On May 13, 1917, the Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children in the city of Fatima. The children were grazing cows when they suddenly saw a bright light near the cave of St. Irene. This cave has long been considered a holy place. After a flash of light, the children saw the figure of a woman. The woman asked the children not to be afraid of her. Later, the children said that the woman was short and dressed in white clothes. The Virgin Mary warned the children that they would soon see new visions; she showed the shepherds a picture of hell, after which the children were terribly afraid. The Virgin Mary asked the children to convey her news to people. The place where the children saw the Virgin Mary became an object of pilgrimage. In October 1917, many people came hoping to see the Virgin Mary again. Several pilgrims claimed that the Virgin Mary appeared to them. Other people were able to see incredible light phenomena. The sun began to rotate and tilted towards the earth, incredibly heating the surrounding atmosphere.

"Happy" landing

Vesna Vulović is a former flight attendant and holder of the world altitude record for surviving a free fall without a parachute, according to the Guinness Book of Records. The McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32 (JAT flight 367) exploded at an altitude of 10 thousand meters. Vesna Vulović was the only survivor of 28 passengers and crew members after the debris fell to the ground. The cause of the disaster was identified as an explosion in the luggage compartment of the aircraft, located in the front part of the fuselage. The State Security Service of Czechoslovakia, 10 days after the tragedy, presented parts of an alarm clock, which, according to its data, was part of an explosive mechanism. The Croatian far-right terrorist organization Ustasha was considered a possible organizer of the attack. However, the crime remained officially unsolved, and the names of the perpetrators were not established. In the accident, Vesna Vulović suffered a fracture of the base of the skull, three vertebrae, both legs and the pelvis. In addition, for the first time after the incident, she was in a coma. According to Vesna Vulovich herself, the first thing she asked for when she returned to consciousness was to smoke. She got married in 1977 (divorced in 1992). Have no children. In 1985, 13 years after the plane crash, the name of Vesna Vulović was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Miracle, what is this? If this is “the result of the intervention of an extranatural intelligent force in the natural course of things,” then the concept of a miracle goes beyond the competence of science. And this, of course, is true, but only partly. After all, it is scientists who are able to find objectively correct arguments in favor of the fact that a certain event can be considered miraculous.

However, it should be remembered: not all knowledge in the world is obtained scientifically. Sometimes revelation is given to the chosen ones, and they convey it to others. There is knowledge about which we cannot say at all where it comes from. We simply know that it is so.

Miracles objectively exist, which means that our world is not structured exactly as positivist scientists say. It turns out that the scientific picture of the world is incomplete and even, probably, in some cases, incorrectly answers the most important questions for every person.

A miracle is not a collapse of the laws of nature. This is simply the result of an influence from the outside, the result of something that had an impact on nature and brought to life something that nature itself was not able to do.

Belief in a miracle is identical to the essence of faith in general. Religious faith is faith in a miracle; faith and miracles are completely inseparable.

It is known that with the help of physical vision we are not able to see everything that actually exists. Some things may indeed seem strange to us, but this is not a reason to deny them. For example, we cannot see radiation, but only its consequences, but this does not mean that such a phenomenon does not exist.

Art critic A. Saltykov (1900–1959) wrote in his work “On a Miracle”: “A true miracle is never accidental, but appears due to internal spiritual necessity, and its meaning is not at all in the forced mastery of a person’s will by influencing him by an external effect , but in revealing to him the inner, spiritual side of life... A miracle happens only where there is faith, that is, a free readiness to accept the inner meaning it reveals.”

The founders of world religions performed miracles and are demonstrated by modern psychics. Insights, predicting the future, diagnosing by “aura”, healing by laying hands and remotely, telepathic transmission of thoughts and feelings, moving objects “by force of will”, walking on fire, on water and, materialization and dematerialization of things and one’s own body...

Signs and wonders in man's spiritual world are as important as the greatest events in his outer life. There are true and false miracles, so it is important to know what the scientific interpretation of a miracle is, how science and religion define it.

The relationship between science and miracle is an eternal problem. More than a thousand years ago it was brilliantly resolved by St. Augustine. In his formulation - what are miracles and science and how are they related to each other? – it is stated:

“Miracles do not contradict the laws of nature. They only contradict our ideas about the laws of nature.”

Miracle of the Holy Fire

For the church, a miracle is something ordinary. Most often, icons are “renewed” or myrrh streams, or healing occurs with the help of icons. There is also a miracle that takes place every year, for more than one and a half thousand years, in front of thousands of pilgrims. This miracle of finding the Holy Fire in the Jerusalem Church of the Holy Sepulcher occurs on Holy Saturday on the eve of Orthodox Easter.

But this miracle also happens when certain objective conditions are present: after prolonged prayer, with strict observance of the ritual. The Holy Fire is received by the Patriarch of Jerusalem; The holy desert elders must also be present. Local boys (Orthodox Arabs) also have a role to play, bursting into the temple with a tambourine, singing and dancing to glorify Christ. From the outside it looks almost blasphemous, but without them the fire does not appear.

All the people present in the temple patiently and with trepidation wait for the patriarch to emerge with fire in his hands. It is believed that if the Holy Fire does not descend, it will come, and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher itself will be destroyed. In different years, the agonizing wait can last from five minutes to several hours. Before the fire descends, the temple begins to be illuminated with bright flashes of light: small lightning flashes here and there. In slow motion, which was taken many times by journalists and pilgrims, it is clearly visible that they come from different places of the temple: from the icon hanging above the Edicule, from the dome of the church, from windows and other places - and flood everything around with bright light. In addition, here and there, quite visible lightning flashes between the columns and walls of the temple, which often pass through standing people without causing them harm.

A moment later, the entire temple is surrounded by lightning and glare, which snake down its walls and columns, as if flowing down to the foot of the temple, the entire room is illuminated, and fire balls roll on the slab that covers the Holy Sepulcher. From them the patriarch lights the first candle. Lightning spreads across the square among the pilgrims. At the same time, the candles of those standing in the temple and in the square are lit, and the lamps located on the sides of the Edicule themselves are lit.

The first time - 3-10 minutes - the ignited fire has amazing properties - it does not burn at all, regardless of which candle it was lit from and where. The parishioners literally wash themselves with this fire - they pass it over their faces, over their hands, scoop up handfuls of it, and it does not cause them any harm, at first it does not even singe their hair.

At this moment other miracles occur. Western journalists even filmed the healings taking place. The film shows two cases: in a man with a mutilated, rotting ear, the wound, “smeared” by fire, healed right before our eyes, and the ear returned to normal. appearance, and also shows the insight of a blind man with an eyesore that instantly disappears.

Some scientists have suggested that the balls of fire that precede the appearance of the Holy Fire are nothing more than.

Shroud of Christ

The main and valuable Christian relic is equated to a miracle. The famous Christian relic remains the main point of contention between religion and science, but at the same time the link that unites these two spheres of knowledge of the world.

The shroud is kept in the Cathedral of San Giovanni, in the chapel, with all the holes, patches, traces of blood, fire and water (in 1532 it was extinguished by a fire that almost destroyed it). The relic is kept in a deep vacuum and will not be recovered until 2025. There is no longer any doubt that the imprint of the male body on the Shroud of Turin belongs to Jesus Christ.

There are different methods for studying the shroud. Some are so convincing that all doubt about its authenticity disappears.

Well, for example, the outline of a face, the negative of which is printed on fabric, is combined with the most ancient surviving icons depicting Christ. The lines of the lips, nose, and the location of the eyes on the Byzantine icon of the 6th century coincided to the millimeter with the imprint on the shroud. The texture of the shroud and canvas made in Palestine in the 1st century BC are compared. e. They are absolutely identical.

Palynologists - scientists who study plant pollen - analyzed the spores stuck in the fabric of the shroud. The spores and, for comparison, the spores of cereals growing in Palestine at the time of Jesus were magnified tens of thousands of times. No differences were found.

A chemical analysis was carried out of the brown spots that create a negative image of a man on the shroud. What kind of substance this is is unclear. But it has been definitely proven that it is not paint.

But here is a mystery that scientists have not solved. After a fire in the 16th century, the fabric of the shroud was patched. The patches were made from Dutch fabric of the time. The seam is also made from Dutch threads. But today the structure of the fabric of patches and threads is indistinguishable from the structure of “native” canvas and threads of the 1st century BC. e. No one undertakes to give an explanation for this strangeness.

The legendary crown of thorns that pricked the head of the martyr Christ - it was perhaps the same as this one, made from dried Palestinian thorns. But the small blood stains that remained above the eyebrows of the man resting in the shroud, their geometry corresponds to the geometry of thorns.

The imprint of the dead body, which was wrapped in a shroud, was photographed under polarized light. And then they found out that the eyes of the deceased were covered with coins (which is not visible from the print viewed in the rays of ordinary light).

Covering the eyes of the deceased with coins is a tradition in Jewish burial rituals. But when the researchers carefully examined one of the coins that appeared - the mite of Pilate with the inscription “Emperor Tiberius” - an error was found in the inscription. Moreover, collectors who have several exactly the same coins, with an identical error, responded.

And finally, the most amazing thing is something that certainly cannot happen. A sensation obtained during the latest, in the anniversary year 2000, studies of the shroud. The experts did a reasonable experiment: they processed the face print of the deceased on a computer in accordance with the different intensities of the shades of many dots. A three-dimensional image of an elongated dead face appeared on the display screen. But if you process an ordinary photograph or drawing in this way, the image will turn out to be flat, two-dimensional. This means that the imprint on the shroud is a kind of hologram: containing volume. How exactly - no one can understand.

Miraculous signs

Surely, everyone is familiar with the feeling of a miracle - an amazing moment when something happens that does not fit into the framework of the ordinary. Miracles are told in almost every life of an Orthodox saint, in the works of the Church Fathers and spiritual ascetics. And in our time, evidence of miracles in Orthodoxy - are they only a matter of faith?

God's special mercy has been shown even today. First of all, this is the multitude of miraculous signs, their incredible abundance. The most common reports are myrrh-streaming and lacrimation. There are also known facts of transferring an image onto the glass of an icon case (“doubling”), and sound signs.

Many miraculous signs are described. A large number of cases of updating icons have been collected - these are phenomena when an image on an icon, darkened over time, for no apparent reason, becomes bright and distinct, as if new.
And the icon, according to church tradition, is a “window” into the heavenly world, into the “supramundane world”...

When the Andrei Rublev Museum of Ancient Russian Art returned the miraculous icon of the Mother of God to the Church, the image suddenly “came to life” and the hall was filled with an incomparable fragrance. Anyone who deals with icons (not necessarily in a church, but in a museum) knows that in reality, at times, some icons emit such an aroma that has nothing in common with the smell of incense or church oil. Is it possible to analyze this?

From historical chronicles we know that in front of tens of thousands of townspeople, the icons and church domes of the temple were renewed, when the bells themselves rang without the participation of bell ringers.

From medieval Tibetan sources we know of numerous cases of the spontaneous emergence of sacred images and statues of Buddhas, deities and bodhisattvas that had truly miraculous properties. They can laugh or cry, sometimes with tears of blood, spontaneously move in space or refuse to leave their pedestal. They appear to admirers in a dream, in reality or during meditation and express to them their demands and wishes.

The memory remains of the unusual phenomenon of the Holy Fire, when sublime consciousness is illuminated by fiery tongues of emanating light. Ancient documents say: during the prayer of St. Francis, the monastery shone so brightly that travelers stood up, thinking: “Isn’t it dawn?” The radiance lit up over the monastery when St. prayed. Clara. One day the light became so brilliant that the surrounding peasants came running, thinking that “there had been a fire.”

Myrrh-streaming icons

Church tradition knows several icons from which holy myrrh exuded. Even in ancient times, in the 6th century, oil flowed from the hand of the Mother of God on the Pisidian icon. Myrrh-streaming or tearing of an icon is not an exceptional phenomenon. In the 20th century in Russia, these signs were widespread. Hundreds of cases have been recorded. Icons miraculously are found, renewed, myrrh-streaming - in churches, monasteries, in the homes of ordinary people. And above all, it is precisely the streaming of myrrh and the crying of icons.

The streaming of myrrh in itself was not an event, on the basis of which the icon was considered miraculous. As a rule, she revealed her healing power through prayers before her before or after the flow of myrrh, which only indicated the chosenness of the icon. Almost always, myrrh was collected and used specifically for the healing of mental and physical ailments.

Laboratory tests showed that this liquid organic origin, at times reminiscent olive oil. As a result of studying the moisture taken from one of the weeping icons, it was determined that “these are real tears.” Myrrh is not removed from the substance of the icon, but appears on it “out of nothing” (in in a broad sense words in modern literature Myrrh-streaming refers to any miraculous manifestation of moisture on icons and sacred objects).

The type, color and consistency of the resulting liquid are different: from thick, viscous resin to dew, which is why they sometimes talk about “oil flow” or “dew flow”. It may have a fragrant aroma, reminiscent of flowers (roses, jasmine) or incense. The shape and size of the droplets are also very different. Sometimes they cover the entire image, sometimes they seem to flow from certain points. There were cases when myrrh flowed from bottom to top, contrary to the law of gravity. Miro may disappear for a while and then appear again.

Some explain this phenomenon by the fact that many lamps burn in temples, the oil evaporates, and in a cold place it condenses in the form of drops. In some cases, the paint layer of icons can serve as the condensation surface.

However, it is known that lamp oil is a mineral raw material, it is a product of petroleum distillation, and the oil flowing from icons is of organic origin, similar to vegetable oil. These are two different classes chemical substances, which cannot be confused. And there is no way to turn one into the other - that would be a miracle, more incredible than the expiration of the world. Besides this, even if it is condensation, for what reason does it occur only on icons? Did we see drops of oil on the walls, ceiling, and temple floor? And what about “crying” icons in the homes of ordinary people, where only one lamp is lit?

An experiment was conducted in a house where massive myrrh-streaming was observed: several icons with wide spaces between them lay on the table. Not only the icons were covered with large drops of oil. It also appeared in between. The physics expert placed a simple cardboard icon on the table next to the hosts' already oiled icons. Just before his eyes, the clean, “non-miraculous” icon became covered with three oil stains. Within an hour, these spots increased in size. Large drops of oil rolled off it.

Science helps separate commonplace cases from unique and inexplicable ones, without involving extranatural intelligent forces. In particular, physics helps to evaluate the process of myrrh-streaming and the power of the myrrh-streaming icon, which is comparable to the power nuclear power plant. This phenomenon occurs in life only in the case of nuclear transformation, when, during the explosion of a nuclear bomb, matter is converted into energy. Theoretically, energy can be converted back into matter. No one has proven that science can describe all the phenomena of the material world.

Miracles with icons

Icons in temples or homes are sacred due to their spiritual content and meaning. But some are chosen by God's providence for special signs. The indescribable light, fragrance, and holy myrrh emanating from them are material manifestations of the heavenly world, the Kingdom of God.

The history of Orthodoxy includes about a thousand images, famous for their miracles. The main basis for venerating the image as miraculous was the certified gift of specific help to a person. Sometimes this help was preceded or accompanied by a certain supernatural event: the Mother of God Herself came in a dream or in a vision and told where and how to find Her image: icons walked through the air, descended or rose on their own; from them it was observed: a radiance upon their acquisition, a fragrance emanated, a voice sounded; the icon was updated by itself or the image on it came to life.

Some images miraculously shed blood and tears. The flow of blood usually occurred from a wound inflicted on the image - to admonish people who had insulted the shrine. Tears flowing from the eyes Holy Mother of God, were perceived both as a sign of the sorrow of the Mother of God for human sins, and as a sign of the mercy of the Lady, crying for Her children. In 1854, Bishop Melchizedek of Romania became one of the eyewitnesses of the flow of tears from the icon, which later received the name “Weeping” (in the Romanian Sokolsky Monastery).

Among the phenomena associated with icons, there is, although much less frequently, the doubling of imagery on the glass protecting the icon. It’s as if an invisible diamond cutter is applying the contours of an iconographic plot onto it. However, such a phenomenon has never been heard of in museums and art galleries where paintings are stored. It turns out that the phenomenon has a selective nature, it is connected with the meaning of what is depicted on the icon, and sometimes with ongoing events. This reality lies beyond what we used to call science.

Appearance of Angels

An extraordinary miracle is represented by ethereal forms of entities of enormous stature glowing with moonlight.

This kind of creature is found in space in our time. They were observed repeatedly by both our and American cosmonauts. Back in 1985, when the Soviet space program was on the rise and emergency situations in space it was not customary to speak space station“Sa-lyut-7” the unexpected happened. It was the 155th day of the flight. A crew of six people: three “old-timers” - Leonid Kizim, Oleg Atkov, Vladimir Solovyov - and “guests” - Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk, Vladimir Dzhanibekov - were engaged in the planned experiments.

Suddenly, a large cloud of orange gas of unknown origin appeared on the path of the Salyut station. While the cosmonauts were at a loss as to what it could be, and the Mission Control Center was analyzing messages received from the station, Salyut-7 entered the cloud. For a moment it seemed as if orange gas had penetrated inside orbital complex. An orange glow surrounded each astronaut, blinding them and making it impossible to see what was happening. Fortunately, my vision returned almost immediately. Rushing to the porthole, the astronauts were numb - on the other side of the heavy-duty glass, 7 figures of incredible size were clearly visible in the orange cloud of gas.

None of the crew doubted: creatures of light were floating in space in front of them - heavenly angels!

Almost like people, they were still different. And it's not about the huge wings or the dazzling halos around their heads. The main difference was the expression on their faces. As if feeling the gaze on them, the angels turned their faces to the people. “They smiled,” the cosmonauts later said. – It was not a smile of greeting, but a smile of delight and joy. We don’t smile like that.” The ship's clock counted down 10 minutes dispassionately. After this time, the angels accompanying the station disappeared. The orange cloud also disappeared, leaving in the souls of the astronauts a feeling of inexplicable loss.

When the flight directors got acquainted with the report of what happened, the report was immediately classified as “secret”.

Now that much has become public, it has become clear that American astronauts have met angels in space many times. They were even photographed using the Hubble orbital telescope. The appearance of angels was also noted by the equipment of research satellites.

Relatively not so long ago, the Hubble telescope again presented a surprise. While exploring the galaxy NGG-3532, Hubble sensors detected the appearance of seven bright objects in orbit of our planet. Some of the photographs taken later showed slightly blurry, but still distinguishable figures of luminous winged creatures reminiscent of biblical angels! “They were about 20 meters high,” said Hubble project engineer John Pratchers. “Their wingspan reached the length of the wings of modern Airbuses. These creatures emitted an incredible glow. We cannot yet say who or what they are. But it seemed to us that they wanted to be photographed.”

Imperishable relics

The relics of the saints remain incorrupt for many centuries. Is it possible to explain their miraculous power from a scientific point of view? Studies of the burial places of saints in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra have revealed powerful biological radiation that comes from the relics. An experiment was conducted: elite wheat seeds were irradiated in the laboratory with 13,000 roentgens, and then they were applied to shrines, as if “irradiated” with divine energy. The result exceeded all expectations: the seeds that visited the icons and relics sprouted happily. And the seeds that were not applied to the shrines dried out, despite good watering and fertilized soil.

Usually, miraculous healings from icons and relics are explained by self-hypnosis. But the experience with seeds proved that the psychological aspect has nothing to do with it. And how many babies are healed? One could consider all the examples a mere coincidence, but there are dissertations of doctors that describe cases of healing of hopeless patients. From a medical point of view, they cannot be explained.

Several years ago in Buryatia, a cedar sarcophagus was opened with the body of the khombo lama (supreme lama of Buryatia) Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov XII. In 1927, foreseeing the impending reprisal against the ministers of the Buddhist cult, the Hombo Lama sat in the lotus position and plunged into meditation. After some time he became quiet. According to the teacher's will, the students placed his lifeless body in a sarcophagus and placed fragrant herbs nearby. Having opened, almost according to the will of the deceased, the sarcophagus after 30 and 75 years, Buddhists were convinced of the incorruptibility of the body.

In 2002, the sitting Hombo Lama was moved to the Ivolginsky datsan, where believers can see him and specialists can study him. The latest analyzes of the body and organs, which were carried out relatively recently by a group of forensic experts, confirmed that the body has no signs of decay, the joints remain mobile, and the skin remains elastic; occasional small cuts reveal a red gelatinous liquid resembling blood.

Meditation can work wonders. The fantastic power of psychic energy has been demonstrated. Hombo Lama deliberately introduced himself into lethargy, in which his metabolism was reduced to almost zero. It is quite possible that the Buddhist priest is still alive, we simply have not encountered this form of existence before.

It also happens: a miracle remains a fact of consciousness, but does not affect the depths of the soul and does not have spiritual consequences. Indifference to the miracle probably prevents it from appearing again. The meaning of a miracle is to awaken a sense of faith. Only the manifestation of absolute faith stimulates the appearance of a miracle. Inner forces awaken the unknown and encourage the manifestation of unusual, miraculous phenomena.

Miracles performed through the prayers of the righteous are very often attributed to something supernatural. In fact, the Lord’s intervention in the lives of Orthodox believers in a miraculous way is a manifestation of His love and support, as exemplified by the miracles of Orthodox saints.

Miracles Given by Jesus

God's miracles in no way violate the laws of nature that the Creator Himself established. All unusual phenomena refer to special actions of God, which humanity cannot yet explain.

Recently Cell phones seemed fantastic, laser treatment was beyond the scope of the human mind, but now these are the most ordinary things.

The concept of miracles includes cases of healing, resurrection, curbing natural phenomena and many others that cannot be explained from the point of view of scientific research.

Read about miracles:

  • Lanchang Miracle

The Lord reveals the miracles of Jesus Christ to faithful people as they become church members and join the life of the Church.

Miracles as the power of God's grace

Jesus left examples of Christian miracles as a gift to his disciples:

  • turning water into wine;
  • walking on water;
  • stopping storms;
  • reviving the dead;
  • feeding thousands of people with a few loaves of bread.

Reading the New Testament, you can find more than one evidence of miracles performed through the prayers of Christ and His disciples from different angles. The first inexplicable action was the very birth of Jesus, both God and man, from the Holy Spirit.


A miraculous healing affected a woman who suffered from bleeding for 12 years, spent all her savings on doctors and was healed by one touch of the hem of the savior’s robe. Faith saved her. (Matthew 9:20)

The cleansing of the leper (Matthew 8:2), when a man suffering from leprosy said that if the Savior wanted, he could heal him. The sick man did not doubt the power of Jesus, he gave Him the right to this and submitted to the Divine will. Heal if you want.

Giving sight to a man born blind as evidence of God's glory (John 9:1-33)

Miracles of Jesus Christ's Healing

Restoring friends of the paralytic (Mark 2:1-12)

Jesus gave hearing to the deaf, freed them from demons, restored sick bones, no one who asked Christ for healing was refused. During sermons on the mountains and in the deserts, everyone who followed the Teacher was healed.

The New Testament describes miraculous healings performed by the apostles through the power of Jesus. (Mark 3:15)

Important! The miracles of healing have not lost their power even now, because the apostles left instructions on how to act in case of illness.

Through the prayers of Peter and John, the lame man began to walk. In the name of Jesus Paul, Philip and all the apostles healed.

If any of you suffers, let him pray. If anyone is happy, let him sing psalms. If any of you is sick, let him call the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will heal the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they will forgive him. Confess your faults to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed: the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (James 5:13-16)

Modern miracles performed in Orthodoxy

The Savior's grace did not exhaust itself after His return to the Father. By the feat of faith and fidelity in Christian life God has granted Orthodox people to see the miracles of Orthodox saints performed at the present time.

One of the famous miracles known throughout the world is the Descent of the Holy Fire on Orthodox Easter. There is a lot of debate on this issue, Orthodox Church they tried to accuse me of fraud, but facts are stubborn things. The fire continues to go down at the same time of year, and in the first minutes of its appearance it does not burn. There is a tradition of bringing candles from Jerusalem, blessed at the Holy Sepulcher.

The miracle of the appearance of the Holy Fire

The second inexplicable natural phenomenon, which is observed by thousands of pilgrims, is the change in the direction of the flow of rivers during Epiphany or Epiphany. This happens in many places on the planet, but the most famous was the water miracle on the Jordan River, where Jesus Himself was baptized.

Reversing the Jordan River for Epiphany

The prophet, seer, holy man Seraphim of Sarov is loved throughout Russia for the miracles that happen through the prayers of the hero of faith. A great gift for the monk who lived in hermitage and silence was a visit to his Mother of God, who commanded Seraphim to go to the people and bring them the Good News.

An unusual event happened to a girl named Zoya in the 20th century, in 1956 in Samara. A Komsomol member, an activist, took a portrait of Nikolai Ugodnik, began to dance with him, saying: “If God exists, let him punish” and became petrified, so much so that the strongest men could not move her. So the petrified Zoya stood in the former club from January to Easter, after which she came to life and became very devout.

The monks on Mount Athos managed to record the singing of angels, which are repeatedly shown in holy temples.

Singing Angels on Holy Mount Athos

There are numerous testimonies of parishioners receiving answers to their prayers from icons of the Mother of God and saints. Each temple keeps its own unique story of miracles revealed by the Lord, given by God to strengthen the faith of parishioners.

Help of the saints:

Miracles still happen in the life of a Christian.

The recent event surprised all the doctors. In 2018, when doctors called the mother of a five-year-old girl, Sofia, and informed her that treatment for a year for cancer and a tumor in the head had not produced results, and they were transferring the girl to palliative chemotherapy, the whole family was plunged into deep grief. It was said directly to the mother’s eyes: “We have done everything, your girl will soon die.”

There was no end to the mother’s grief, but her family and friends were nearby. In all corners globe a cry of “Pray!” flew up. Within a month, notes were given in churches, people fasted around the clock, and God showed his mercy. A month later, an MRI showed not a single tumor.

This happened in Ukraine in 2001, a huge tornado rushed at a speed of 350-1000 km/hour. Everything that came his way was torn into pieces, cars, people, animals. 5 human deaths have been officially confirmed. Before the tornado appeared, nature seemed to freeze, and only a rumble was heard, according to eyewitnesses, reminiscent of the roar of 100 tanks.

Christians of one village, standing in the path of the raging elements, gathered in the church and prayed intensely. The tornado seemed to stumble in front of the village, split into two pillars, which went around the village and united behind it. Not a single building in this village was destroyed when the neighboring villages were struck by a great disaster.

Many Christians read the story of the prophet Jonah as a legend, but the events of 1891 were recorded on film when a missing sailor was found alive in the stomach of a whale.

Incredible stories of survival

The Lord remains unchanged in His actions both thousands of years ago and today. By the great mercy of the Creator, people receive instant healing from incurable diseases, some grow back limbs, and the Lord miraculously solves financial problems.

Svetlana (Simferopol) took out a loan from a bank, but was unable to repay it on time and paid only interest, the amount of which already exceeded the debt itself. Svetlana constantly prayed and one day she was called to the bank.

With a heavy heart, the woman crossed the threshold of the financial institution, but the news reported by the office worker shocked her. The entire debt was written off, but there was still money left in her account as an overpayment. In tears, joy and surprise, Svetlana rushed to the temple, because she knew exactly who gave her such a gift.

Miracles Orthodox faith have not ended, they are available to everyone who gives their life to serve the Almighty and the Holy Church.