The Brothers Grimm King Thrushbeard are the main characters. Emotional incest. King Thrushbeard's Revenge

An instructive story about an arrogant princess who was given in marriage to a beggar.

The princess was very beautiful, many suitors came to her to ask for her hand in marriage, but she insulted them in every possible way. And then one day a handsome prince came to woo her, but she called him the blackbird king and said: “I’d rather marry a beggar than marry the blackbird king.”

And the old king, the princess’s father, became terribly angry with his heartless daughter and swore that he would marry her to the first person he met who knocked on the city gates.

The next day a tramp came to the castle gates, and the king gave her in marriage to this beggar, as he had promised.

The girl will go through many humiliations and tests before turning from an arrogant princess into a kind and sympathetic queen. She will experience all the hardships of the poor, learn to work with her hands and ask for forgiveness for her arrogance.

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The main character of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “King Thrushbeard” is the daughter of a king. This princess had a terrible character, she was very proud and arrogant. Her father wanted to marry her off, but the princess rejected all the suitors, finding shortcomings in each and ridiculing them.

She gave one of the suitors, the king, the caustic nickname “Thrushbeard” because his chin resembled a blackbird’s beak. The princess's father was tired of watching his daughter being bullied by eminent suitors, and he promised that he would give her in marriage to the first beggar who appeared in front of the palace.

The next day, a wandering singer appeared under the windows of the palace. The king called him to his place and married him to his daughter. After this, he announced to the princess that she must now live with her husband and escorted the newlyweds out of the palace.

The princess had to follow her poor husband. On the way, she asked him who owned these or those meadows, forests and cities? To this the husband replied that the owner was King Thrushbeard, whom the princess rejected.

The princess and her husband settled in his miserable shack and began to live like ordinary people. The princess did not know how to do anything, and her husband sent her to sell pots at the market. At first, trade went well, because people willingly bought goods from the beautiful potter.

But one day some horseman broke all the pots, and her husband scolded her. After that, he got her a job in the kitchen at the palace of King Thrushbeard. The princess worked as a scullery maid and brought home leftover food from the royal table. This is what the family ate.

One day a holiday was announced in the palace - the wedding of the eldest prince. The princess decided to look at the holiday. When the elegant royal groom passed by her, he suddenly grabbed the princess and dragged her to dance. She suddenly recognized Thrushbeard in the prince. During the dance, the pots with leftover food that the princess kept with her fell and broke. The guests began to laugh. The princess felt ashamed.

And then Thrushbeard told her that it was he who pretended to be a wandering singer and took her in marriage, and that it was he who broke her pots. All this was done to pacify the princess’s pride. The princess began to cry and admitted that she had behaved unworthily. But King Thrushbeard told her that all the problems were in the past, and now they would celebrate the wedding. The princess was dressed in an elegant dress, and among the guests was her father. And the fun holiday began.

This is the summary of the tale.

The main idea of ​​the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “King Thrushbeard” is that you should not be arrogant and arrogant towards other people if you are in a privileged position. You can never tell how life circumstances will turn out in the future. The princess never dreamed that she might end up the wife of a beggar. But this happened to her, and then she realized that she had behaved incorrectly with worthy people.

The fairy tale “King Thrushbeard” teaches not to be arrogant, to be polite and friendly towards other people.

In the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, I liked King Thrushbeard. He was not offended by the princess for the nickname given to him, but decided to teach her a lesson in morality. Thrushbeard's plan turned out to be successful and the princess, having undergone many trials, began to look at life differently.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale “King Thrushbeard”?

The arrogant man builds himself high and lies low.
Where the husband is, there is the wife.
All is well that ends well.

Genre: literary fairy tale Theme of the work: person, relationship

Main characters: King Thrushbeard, the Queen and the King

In the kingdom there lived a princess who conquered the whole world with her beauty. Her face was beautiful, but her arrogance knew no bounds. Many suitors approached her, but they all received refusals, and even insults directed at them. Her father, who loves his daughter, forgave all her whims, but he was tired of it too.

The king ordered to organize a ball and invite all noble young people who would like to marry the princess. A huge number of suitors came from all the surrounding kingdoms, they were lined up, and the bride went to choose her future husband. But all the suitors received only ridicule. Among the suitors was a young prince, whom any girl would have married, but the princess was able to find a flaw in this young man too. She didn’t like the young man’s beard, and she immediately gave him the nickname “King Thrushbeard.”

The princess's father, seeing how his daughter mocked the invited guests, was angry with her behavior, and swore an oath that he would marry the princess to the first person who knocked on the gates of the kingdom, even if it was the very last beggar.

A few days later, singing was heard under the king’s windows; when he saw the beggar, the king let him into the palace. The musician performed songs, and the king said that he would give him his daughter as a reward. The wedding took place, and the father escorted his daughter out of the palace, sending her with her husband. The poor princess had to fulfill her father's will. On the way to the house of the beggar-musician, they came across huge forests, water meadows and a magnificent city.

Having learned from the musician that all this belonged to King Thrushbeard, the princess bitterly regretted that she had refused such a noble suitor. Finally, they came to a miserable shack in which the beautiful princess was now to live.

The beggar forced his wife to work; she weaved baskets and spun yarn, but nothing worked for her. Then he put her in the square to sell dishes, but even here misfortune befell her. Then her husband gave her a job as a dishwasher in the palace. She did all the menial work, collecting leftovers to eat at home. The palace was preparing for the king's wedding, and the princess wanted to take a look at the celebration. She hid behind the door, and then the king saw her and dragged her to dance. Shards of scraps fell out of her pockets, and everyone began to laugh loudly at her. Burning with shame, she started to run, but someone caught up with her and stopped her. It was King Thrushbeard. He admitted to her that he was a beggar musician, and did all this in order to show her how painfully humiliation and insults hurt. They changed the princess's clothes and began to celebrate the wedding.

What does it teach? You can't make fun of other people's shortcomings.

Picture or drawing of King Thrushbeard

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Literature lesson notes

Class 3 "D", "E"

Theme: brothers Grimm"King Thrushbeard."

Date of:______________

Goal: to introduce students to fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "King Thrushbeard."


1. Develop in students expressiveness when reading aloud, awareness when reading silently, teach them to highlight the main thing, analyze the text, draw conclusions, and continue to work on developing reading speed.

2. Broaden the horizons of students, develop thinking and speech.

3. Cultivate a positive attitude among students towards the subject.

Lesson type: learning new material

Teaching aids: textbook,

During the classes

Organization of the beginning of the lesson

Checking homework

Updating students' knowledge

What is a fairy tale?

What types are they divided into? fairy tales?

What does the composition of a fairy tale consist of?

Message of the topic, lesson objectives

Learning new material

Meeting the writers.

We will get acquainted with the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “King Thrushbeard” and try to understand why both children and adults have loved and read their fairy tales for 200 years.

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, or the Grimm brothers, were German scientists who wrote many scientific works. But they became more famous as writers, authors of wonderful fairy tales: “The Town Musicians of Bremen”, “The Brave Little Tailor”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, and many others.

Vocabulary work:

Getting caught in the nuts means getting punished.

A penny is a small copper coin.

Hussar is a lightly armed cavalry soldier.

Primary reading of a fairy tale by the teacher

Reading a fairy tale in a chain

Perception check:

Did you like the fairy tale?

Name the main characters?

What exactly did you like? What moment of the fairy tale caught your attention?

Secondary reading

A) Reading the first part of the fairy tale.

Describe the king's daughter at the beginning of the fairy tale? How did the princess behave?

What did the king do to find her a groom?

What words did she call the invited suitors?

Why did she name the young king “King Thrushbeard”?

How did the old king react to his daughter's ridicule? What did he decide?

B) Reading the second part of the fairy tale.

How many days passed after the king gathered the suitors to the palace?

Who knocked on the palace gates? Describe a beggar.

What did the beggar ask the king?

How did the king reward the beggar?

How did the king's daughter react?

B) Reading the third part of the fairy tale.

Where did the princess go after her wedding to the beggar?

What did she see when they sat down to rest under the old oak tree?

What did the princess see by the river?

What did she ask the beggar when they approached the gate? big city?

How did the capricious princess react to the fact that everything she saw belonged to King Thrushbeard?

What did she want?

What did the beggar say to her in response?

D) Reading the fourth part of the fairy tale.

What house did the king's daughter see?

What kind of dinner did the princess prepare?

What occupation did the beggar find for her?

Was the princess able to complete all the tasks that her husband gave her? Why?

What job did the princess agree to?

Tell us how she sold pots.

What happened in the market square?

What did her husband say to her?

Which new job were you waiting for her?

What event was supposed to happen in the castle?

Describe the king. What was he wearing?

What did King Thrushbeard do when he saw the young woman outside the door?

What happened when they danced?

How did the guests react to this?

How did the princess feel? What did she do?

Who was King Thrushbeard?

What lesson did King Thrushbeard teach the princess?

How did this fairy tale end?

*Drawing oral illustration.

    Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.

    Why is “King Thrushbeard” a literary fairy tale?

    What fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm have you read?

    Do you know fairy tales by other authors that are similar to the fairy tale “King Thrushbeard”?


    I learned a lot about literary fairy tales and authors.

Tell me, what does this fairy tale teach us? What lesson can we learn?

Homework: exponent read, draw a picture for this fairy tale.

The difference between a literary and folk tale is as follows:

    Literary fairy tale -copyright work in contrast to the folk tale, which arose as a small epic genre as a resultcollective creativity of the ethnic group.

    Literary fairy tale - genrefiction , while a folk tale is one offolklore genres , the peculiarity of which is oral retelling.

    A literary fairy tale can have a free plot invented by the author. IN folk tale story line strictly subordinated to a certain scheme that the narrator must adhere to in order to maintain the outline of the story.

    Image system in a literary fairy talearbitrary , in folk – determined by traditions and ideasabout good and evil forces.

    A folk tale in artistic form reflects a deep layer of collective consciousness and belongs to the oldest type of oral folk art. A literary fairy tale can continue national traditions, but is a figment of the author’s imagination and, in genre terms, is close to modern types of adventure and fantasy literature.

    as a subset of the results , connected by the unity of the theme;