Elton desert steppe marathon results. Elton Marathon Elton Ultra-Trail determined the winners. New Year's wishes for runners

Running is a great opportunity to see cities or nature from an unusual perspective. Vladivostok and Altai, Suzdal and Sochi, Pskov and Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg - all of Russia in our New Year's survey! Today we go to the steppes near Lake Elton.

May 27-28, 2017. Elton Ultra-Trail

Distances: 160 km, 38 km

Vyacheslav Glukhov, organizer of the Elton Ultra-Trail ultramarathon

Why you should run: see the Elton salt lake, test yourself with distance and steppe heat, and recharge.

How do you assess the outgoing season? What did you manage to do and what didn’t work?

New emotions for our project were brought by a new coverage of participants, Elton’s partners, and fans of extreme running. The year was quite interesting. At the fourth marathon, a wonderful team was formed. The main thing in organizing such events is, of course, people. Moreover, when the event is not held within the city, but far from civilization. So the main success of the past season, first of all, was our trail team. Happy New Year to everyone, I wish you health, success, health and continued cooperation.

What's new at your race in 2017?

We have radically changed the distance of the next race. We made the first official 100-mile ultratrail in Russia – “Ultimate 100 miles”. ( 160 kilometers – noteBegaem.com). Let me remind you that the ultramarathon distance is laid in a semi-desert zone. The temperature record recorded on the track in Russia and Europe was + 50 degrees. We also changed the accompanying distance to 38 kilometers. It will be a difficult start. More difficult, but more interesting. There will be several innovations in the starting town, in terms of organization, food, and accommodation.

What changes will there be to the calendar?

The start, as in previous months, will take place at the end of May, on the 27th-28th. Now we will conduct it not in one day, but in two days. This is the main change. And so everything is still the same. We are not going to postpone the start to cooler April, since the intense heat is the highlight of the trail. We strive to select the very best, to create an elite closed club to exclude running adventurers. We can say that the scorching heat indirectly helps us in this.

What difficulties do you face when organizing competitions?

The biggest difficulty is to find partners in our difficult times, to unite the team, to run a race high level. This task is complicated by the fact that the race takes place far from civilization, roads and tourist centers. This is the main difficulty and beauty of our ultramarathon.

New Year's wishes for runners.

I wish everyone willpower, intelligence, fewer injuries - sports and mental, successful starts in the new year!

It is no coincidence that the imperial eagle is the symbol of the most extreme ultra-trail in Russia. There is no place for a weak spirit and body on Elton.

A unique trail running race, the first official 100-mile race in Russia, the Elton Desert Steppe Marathon is gathering participants for the fifth time. The event will traditionally take place in the Volgograd region in one of the hottest spots in the country on the semi-desert shores of the salt lake Elton on May 27-28. Experienced marathon runners and runners, professional athletes and those wishing to test their strength, all those who want to get away from the bustle of the city and get closer to wild nature are invited to participate.

Race program

The Elton desert steppe marathon is tens and even hundreds of kilometers under the scorching sun, semi-desert and a complete absence of civilization. The Elton Volgabus Ultra-Trail 2017 program consists of two races, a short and a long distance to choose from:

  • Master 38 km. The 38 km distance is an excellent alternative for beginners and the best route for those who decide to test themselves in the semi-desert zone. Participants must be at least 18 years old. The distance limit is 7 hours;
  • Ultimate 100 miles. 100 km is an excellent route for ultramarathon runners, all those who are strong in body and spirit. Participants must be at least 21 years old. The distance limit is 24 hours.

The marathon program also includes official opening, closing and awarding ceremonies, watching films in the open air, soft drinks, Kazakh cuisine and all the delights of life in a tent camp.


The semi-desert steppes of Elton are a unique park. There is no such nature anywhere else in Russia. The salt lake is located far below sea level in the Caspian lowland; its water area and coastal zone are considered one of the hottest spots in the country. At the bottom of Elton there are salty springs, deposits of salts and mineral muds, medicinal properties which are known all over the world. Very often this lake is compared to the Dead Sea. Elton is an untouched nature that enchants: herds of horses, sheep, eagles, owls, foxes, lizards and snow-white salt crystals on the coast. On the route of the marathon runners there are descents and ascents of endless semi-desert, where on the horizon the sky merges with the earth.

The terms of participation

Anyone from any country can take part in the race, subject to the above age restrictions. One of the few necessary conditions for participation is the presence medical certificate, issued at least six months in advance and medical life and health insurance against accidents, a small starting fee. The acceptable arsenal of a marathon runner’s toolkit includes only the essentials – a backpack, water, sunglasses and cream, a cap or baseball cap, and a phone. For Ultimate 100 miles athletes, this list is somewhat broader.

Not only runners, but also support groups are invited to participate in the event. Each Ultimate 100 miles participant is entitled to an individual team, which may consist of a vehicle crew and volunteers at stationary camps. Throughout the entire distance, mobile and stationary points nutrition.

Winners and runners-up are identified among two categories: “men” and “women”. Who will become the conqueror of Elton and the winner over himself will become known very soon.

The conqueror of the Desert Steppe Marathon, the titled Anton Golovin, set a course record, covering 100 miles 1 hour 42 minutes faster than his closest pursuer.

Magical and stern, wise and eternal, gray-haired and fair, “flat like a table and hot like an oven” - exciting the minds of many, Elton encourages people to think creatively, the atmosphere of the race and the color of places inspires discovery - of oneself and the whole world. “Elton is a great dialogue between an ultrafar racer and himself,” this is how project director Vyacheslav Glukhov described the spirit of the race.

On May 26, 2018, in the Volgograd region, it was held for the 6th time ultramarathonElton Volgabus Ultra Trail- the first hundred-mile trail in Russia and the only one in the semi-desert zone with the maximum difficulty coefficient in the international classification of trail running. This year there are three distances to start (164 km, 82 km, 42 km) ultramarathon on Elton 460 runners came from all over Russia, as well as from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ireland, Belarus, Ukraine and Poland. Of course, there were more people willing, but it was necessary to take into account the restrictions of the reserve. Together with fans, artists and volunteers, there were about two thousand people on the site.

The first to start, on May 26 at 20.00, were 100 participants in the 100-mile race and more than 150 athletes who decided to conquer the 84-kilometer distance.

The overall winner of the Elton Volgabus Ultra Trail 100 Miles - 2018 was Anton Golovin, winner of the 2015 Elton Volgabus Ultra-Trail (100 km), three-time winner of the Golden Ring Ultra Trail (100 km), winner of Transural and Markoth. The athlete set a new track record, running 164 km in 13 hours 12 minutes 02 seconds.

Results of “Ultimate 100 miles” - 164 km (men):

  1. Golovin Anton (Sverdlovsk region) 13:12:02
  2. Erofeev Ilya (Samara) 14:54:05
  3. Almaz Evgeniy (Krasnodar) 16:05:26

Among women, the winner in the 100-mile distance was Irina Masanova, who finished with a result of 16:36:38. “And to the question of how I feel after 100 miles. Great! Like a bruja who managed to come to an agreement with Elton. I know what his voice is, we talked along the way, on the second lap there was a lot of time for this,” Irina shared her impressions. In 2017, she gained the status of Russian champion in daily running.

Results of “Ultimate 100 miles” - 164 km (women):

  1. Masanova Irina (Nizhny Novgorod region) 16:36:38
  2. Sapelnikova Irina (Yaroslavl) 22:41:07
  3. Grishina Yulia 23:12:40

Yuri Tarasov became the winner of the night race, his time was 05:55:44. Dmitry Bregeda finished second, just 2.5 minutes behind the leader.

NightRace results - 82 km (men):

  1. Tarasov Yuri (Novosibirsk) 05:55:44
  2. Bregeda Dmitry (Saratov) 05:58:11
  3. Stonozhenko Artem (Moscow region) 06:34:28

NightRace results - 82 km (women):

  1. Elena Petrova (Lebedeva) (Saratov) 7:11:23
  2. Elena Nechaeva (Odintsovo) 7:13:29
  3. Alena Dyatlova (St. Petersburg) 7:36:21

Evgeniy Pishchalov finished first at the Master 42 km distance, his time was 02:38:20. The gap between Evgeniy and his closest pursuer, Anton Bykov, is more than 20 minutes. A confident victory among women was won by Sofia Emelianenko, who covered the distance in 03:22:47. Evgenia Rumyantseva, the silver medalist of the race, finished almost 23 minutes later.

For the first time this year, the Eagle Feather fan race was held over an ultra-short distance of 2 kilometers, which, as the organizers announced, “participants could even walk, with an ice cream in one hand and a phone to take a selfie at the start and finish.” - to another."

“Elton in the form in which he appeared to followers of trail running in previous years will no longer exist,” announced ultramarathon director Vyacheslav Glukhov. The organizers plan to leave one distance (200–250 km), which can be overcome personally or in a relay race. In addition, options are being discussed to expand the geography of desert races (Astrakhan region, Dagestan, Chechnya, Kazakhstan), as well as organizing an entire tourist festival with a space for radical self-expression, similar to the eight-day Burning Man in the USA.

Official website of Elton Volgabus Ultra Trail: www.elton-ultra-trail.com

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  5. Full name: Gazizov Sergey Marsovich

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    Full name: Gazizov Sergey Marsovich