We use google. How to use Google SketchUp. Creating a disk on your phone

This article provides tips to help you quickly and easily find the information you need in Google.

No matter what you're looking for, start with simple queries like where is the nearest airport. If necessary, you can always add a few clarifying words.

If you are looking for a place or product in a specific region, please enter the location. For example: bakery Moscow .

If you are uncomfortable typing your query, use voice search. Just say "Hey Google" or click on the microphone icon.

When creating a search query, choose words that are most likely to be present on the site you need. For example, instead of I have a headache enter headache, since this term is more likely to be used on medical websites.

  • Spelling. Google recognizes a word even if it is misspelled.
  • Use capital letters. Search query New Newspaper identical to request New Newspaper.

Google can quickly show answers to almost any question you have in results. Some information, such as sports teams, is not available in all countries.

  • Weather. Search for your query weather to find out the forecast in your region, or add the name of the desired city yourself, for example weather Sevastopol .
  • Dictionary. Enter a word definition before any word to find out its meaning.
  • Computing. Enter a mathematical expression, for example 3*9123 to calculate the result, or find the solution to a complex equation by plotting a graph.
  • Conversion of units of measurement. Enter any unit of measure you want to convert, for example 300 rubles to euros.
  • Sport. Search your favorite team to find schedules, scores and more.
  • Interesting Facts . Search by celebrity name, place, movie or song to find interesting information about them.

Hello, my regular readers and blog guests. Ekaterina Kalmykova is with you. Have you ever wondered how much information is around us that we use willy-nilly? IN modern world Billions of terabytes of information are consumed. Just think about this value - billions, or even more.

The size of RAM in new computers is growing every year, but users still don’t have enough. The advent of external storage media, such as flash cards or removable hard drives, seemed to ease the situation. But even among high-quality storage media, many products appeared that broke a month after use and blocked access to the necessary data.

The latest trend in the world of information storage is cloud storage. One of the most popular virtual drives is Google Drive. The advent of cloud storage in the famous search engine has made the issue of lack of storage space less pressing.

What kind of beast is this, Google Drive? How to use it? Let's figure it out together, friends!

We will find out how to use Google Drive a little later. First, you need to figure out why you need a virtual disk to store information.

Google Drive lets computer users save money cash on flash cards and external hard drives by storing personal files on the Internet, saving time and simplifying work with information data.

Do you have any idea how Excel Google works? It allows you to create tables online and store them in the cloud. If you wish, you can give access to the table to certain users, or you can hide it from everyone. Google Drive works on the same principle.

At the same time, the information on the disk is synchronized with other devices, including tablets and smartphones. The synchronization function eliminates the need to take removable media with you on the road, because all documents are on the computer, but do not take up space on it.

So, what can you store on Google Drive:

  • documents in doc, pdf, ODF format, etc.;
  • Excel tables;
  • photos;
  • video;
  • audio.

Google cloud storage can replace you HDD and get rid of the problem of eternal loss and breakdown of flash drives. This method of storing information can also be used by those who suffer from a constant lack of memory on their computer, those who like to download movies in high quality, and music lovers who download hundreds of songs every month.

Google Drive has undeniable advantages and minor disadvantages, like everything else in the world. Among the advantages is that cloud storage cannot be lost, forgotten, or broken. It's a stable place to store information that very little can happen to. The virtual disk does not need to be carried with you; it is located in your computer or tablet, even in your phone.

In my opinion, it has only one drawback: the amount of free space for storing files is limited. You can only take up 15 GB of space for free. But the surcharge for additional quantities is small.

If you think about it, one minus is not worth a lot of pluses. You agree with me?

What you need to know about using Google Drive

How to use cloud storage so that it brings joy? First you need to decide on what device you plan to create the disk. There is an option to work with the disk through the browser you are using, and there is another option - download Google Drive to your tablet or smartphone. Let's look at both options.

Creating a disk on a computer

Please note: to create cloud storage with Google, you must register on the Google website and have a mailbox in this system.

Typically it ends at gmail.com.

Owners of Google-based mail should log into their account, click on the square next to their avatar and you will see the “Disk” icon.

When you click on the icon called “Disk”, a page will open in a new tab or window, where in the lower left corner it will be written that the disk can be downloaded to your computer.

After this, a window will open where you will need to click the icon that says “Forward”, then the storage will open on your computer and you can transfer the necessary files there. Once the installation is complete, the Google Drive icon will appear in the taskbar and on your desktop. To open the drive, you will need to click on any of these icons.

As you can see, the process of creating a disk on cloud storage is very simple and does not take much time. Even a computer novice, let alone professionals, can cope with this. You will feel the benefits of using cloud storage instead of removable storage media in the first hours of use.

Creating a disk on your phone

Want to create a drive on your phone? Please, this can be done both on iOS and operating system Android.

As I wrote above, you can log into cloud storage via a computer, phone or tablet. To access your storage via your phone or tablet, you need to download the Google Drive app. You can download it either from Play Market, or from the Google site itself.

To open the My Page or My Drive tab, click on the application icon. You will see a login form where you will need to write your Gmail username and password. After logging in, your page with files will open.

Please note that all files can be changed in real time. Synchronization with other devices occurs instantly. Using the drive on your tablet or smartphone makes your work much easier.

The only condition for changing documents in real time and synchronizing them with other devices is a working Internet.

If you don't have mobile device on Android OS, then you can use mobile version of this resource. Working in the program on a phone or on a computer is no different.

Overall, using the drive on your smartphone or tablet is safe and effective, and you can now leave your heavy laptop at home.

Basic functions of Google Drive

After we open Drive, the first thing we can see is the search bar.

In order to find the document you need, simply enter its name into the search bar and the service will quickly find it for you.

Select the function you need and get to work.

The screenshot shows that we have the opportunity to work with different files, documents, tables, presentations.

Let me briefly tell you about all the tabs of the main menu of the service:

  • Available to me - here are those files that are available to you by other users;
  • Recent - shows the documents you worked with most recently;
  • Google Photos - contains all photos and pictures;
  • Marked - files that you marked while working;
  • Recycle Bin – stores all deleted data.

In general, all the tools for efficient work available to us.

Please note that on the right, directly below the avatar, there is an icon with settings. You might find them useful, so I advise you to take a look at them.

On my own behalf, I can say that the service interface is quite simple and, as it is fashionable to say now, “intuitive” :)

How to create a folder on Google Drive

Let me show you how to use Google Drive using the example of creating a folder, and you will see for yourself that everything is quite easy.

So, to create a folder, you need to click on the “Create” button you already know and select “Folder” in the window that opens.

After that, enter the name of the folder and click on “Create”.

As we can see, our “Test Folder” has already appeared in the work area. If necessary, you can add different files, documents, etc. to it during the work process.

It is worth noting that simultaneously with the appearance of the new folder, a new panel with tools also appeared.

Friends, let me briefly explain each of them.

  1. by clicking on it you can show the link to anyone you want;
  2. Using this button we can provide access to whomever we deem necessary, with different rights (reading, editing);
  3. the well-known basket;
  4. another submenu with some functionality, which I won’t dwell on now. If you are interested, take a look when working on your own :)

How to upload a file to Google Drive

Probably the most popular operation when working with Disk is downloading any files. Now I will show you how this can be done.

That's all - our file is loaded into the workspace. That’s how you can say it, with one movement of the hand :)

One thing I can say for sure: don’t be afraid to try to master Google Drive and, I’m sure, it will become your indispensable assistant.

How safe is it to use Google Drive?

When we are about to download any program, the question arises: “Is it safe?” It is so important that confidential information remains hidden from prying eyes.

How often do we hear about hackers breaking into celebrities' cloud storages and posting private photos for everyone to see? Yes, all the time. How can you not worry about your own files?

Fortunately, cloud storage on Google Drive is completely secure.

There are practically no cases when virtual disks of this system were hacked. You can safely upload any photos, videos and documents there without fear that your account will be hacked. Of course, to prevent hacking, we advise you to create the most complex password possible so that hackers don’t have a single chance.

Only you have access to your documents. If necessary, a function is available in the Google Drive system that allows you to provide access to a certain number of users. If you wish, you can open access to at least the entire Internet. This can be done, for example, if you are a photographer and want your photos to become public.

The same applies to other documents, tables, and videos. For example, I have access to information from my partner on a joint project. Let me tell you - it is very convenient to use and significantly saves time when interacting with a partner.

Since using Google Drive is absolutely safe, you can create any documents, presentations, or drawings on it. Many large organizations are replacing using disk email and other methods of information exchange.

Currently, Google Drive includes a complete package of programs similar to Microsoft Office. Cool, isn't it?

Plus, you can use it to conduct surveys, create charts, and more. For example, in the article I conducted a survey of readers in exactly this way.

If you want to expand the range of Drive capabilities, visit the online store Google Chrome. There are a sufficient number of paid and free applications that will make its possibilities almost limitless.

Friends, in order to appreciate all the benefits of working with Google cloud storage, you just need to try it!

So, friends, let me summarize.

In order to use Google Drive you need to do three simple steps:

You can and should use Google Drive. This frees us from nerves about the loss of removable storage, from possible worries due to lack of space, etc. With a virtual disk, all our files are at hand, wherever we are, and for this there is absolutely no need to carry a laptop with us everywhere . Don't forget that you can use the drive on your tablet or smartphone, in addition to your laptop and PC.

Agree that this is very convenient.

In fact, I have come across a lot of courses on a similar topic, but this particular one is distinguished by the author’s professionalism and accessibility of presentation. All the features of working at a computer are presented by the author in a simple form, so applying the information in practice will not be difficult. After studying the material, “both old and young” will be able to use a PC, as they say, “on familiar terms.”

Our dear reader, we are very interested to know your opinion about virtual disks. Write, do you use cloud storage at work? If so, which one exactly?

Stay up to date with all the news, and we have the latest!

A year and a half after the official release of Google+, its impact on search results became absolutely clear. From now on, the amount of traffic from the famous Google search engine depends not only on traditional SEO techniques.

Now another aspect has begun to influence search results - personalization. Last months Small businesses are trying to solve this problem: how to use the new aspect of search and, at the same time, continue to deliver quality content.

Below you can find some tips to help you improve your search traffic with Google+.

First, you need to stop thinking of Google as a search engine. Brave claim! Let's try to figure it out.

Before Google+, search results were generated according to the following rule: winner = keywords+ links + content quality + competition

With the advent of Google+, this formula no longer works. Now your activity on Google+ is important to attract traffic from Google search.

Previously, Google tracked the emergence of new sites and gave preference to them for a while, supplying traffic.

Today it's the other way around. The more influence you have on your audience and the more attention you attract, the better your search results will be.

To get additional traffic, you need to connect to Google+. The more you participate in social network Google Plus, the more likely you are to increase traffic from Google's search engine.

So, how can you start getting active on Google Plus right away?

3 Ways to Increase Traffic Using Google+

First of all, try to attract your customers to Google+. Add them to the circles. Leverage the public circles that your clients and followers have. Among the users of this system there are many who provide access to their circles absolutely free of charge.

All you have to do is add someone's circle to your list. To do this, you can use lists of public circles.

Secondly, join the Google+ community if you want to expand your business's impact prospects. To do this, it is enough to participate in various types of discussions on the forum or on the Google+ group page on Facebook.

Third, add your name to Google Authorship. This resource is used by Google mainly for bloggers. If your company has a blog, then it's worth joining Google Authorship.

This is just the beginning for now. Soon you will hear about these measures more and more often. So it’s better not to waste time and start taking action.

microdistrict Chernaya Rechka, 15 Russia, Saint-Petersburg 8 812 497 19 87

Google+ from A to Z. Usage Guide


The new Google Plus allows you to unite people not only in common circles, as it was before, but also based on common hobbies and interests.

This guide covers All What you need to know about using the new version of Google+.

How to check out the new version of Google+

During the week, an invitation to try the new version pops up on Google+. A pop-up window appears in the lower left corner of the home page “Try the updated version of Google Plus.”


If you're excited to try out the updated version, then head over to your Google+ page plus.google.com/apps/activities, click on the search field and, voila!, the page will refresh and reveal the new version of Google+.

If you are using the Google Plus app on mobile phone, the new interface will appear after updating the application.

If you tried the new version of Google+ on the website and want to return to the classic version, click the "Return to standard experience" link in the lower left corner.

IMPORTANT NOTE regarding this Google+ guide:

According to Google, you can only see and change settings on certain platforms. If you can't find what you're looking for, try using a different device.

How to use the new version of Google+

The new version of Google Plus aims to share links, videos, images and other materials with people who share your interests.

  • Use your feed to see the posts you are interested in and the posts of those you follow.
  • Take advantage Collections to see and categorize messages by topics that interest you.
  • Take advantage Communities to communicate with other people who share your interests.

A little education on how to use Google+

    Click on the button 'Ribbon' to view the posts you are interested in and the posts of those you are interested in signed.

    Click on the button "Selections" to see and categorize posts by topics that interest you.

    Press "Communities" to connect with other people who share your interests.

    Press "Profile" to see only your own posts.

    Press "People" to find people, follow them, see who you're currently following (that's where you can now manage your circles), or who's following you.

    Press ‘Circles’ to see the circles (lists) of specific people you've created. (NOTE: if you don't see this option, go to "Settings", scroll down to "Additional settings" and press "Show circles in navigation menu" ).

    IN ‘Settings’ you can adjust some profile features as well as your notifications.

  • Click on the button "Return to standard interface" to revert to the old version of Google+. I don't know how long this feature will be available.

Getting started with Google+: Feed

You can see your Google+ news feed by selecting "Ribbon" in the Google+ menu.

This is where you see posts that other people are sharing.

To fill your feed with content that's most interesting to you, follow other people in Collections or join Communities that interest you.

When you see a post in your Google+ feed, you can:

You can use the +1 button to show that you like a post that someone else has shared.

To add +1 to a post:

  • Find the post you want to +1.
  • Click on the +1 icon.

To cancel +1, click on the +1 icon again. You can also remove +1 in "Activity Log".

NOTE:To access your Activity Log, go to Settings => Apps & Entertainment => Manage Google+ Activity

To see this page now, just click on this link(This will take you directly to your Activity Log. You must be logged into Google+.)

Who can see your +1:

  • People in your circles can see posts that you have +1ed in their feed and may receive a notification that you +1ed their post.
  • Anyone who can view the post can see who +1ed this post.
  • Your settings Social Recommendation affect how your name and photo may be used when you +1 a post.

Once again, you can go back and look at posts and comments that you have +1ed, as well as remove your +1, by checking your Activity Log.

Here's what the Google Plus Activity Log looks like:

How do +1s make your posts more visible?

People who see your posts and comments can +1 them.

Their subscribers can see that they +1 your post or comment, and you may receive an additional +1 on your post or comment.

How to comment on Google+ posts?

You can leave a comment under posts that other people post.

Anyone who can see a post you commented on can see your comment, reply to it, and give it a +1 unless you blocked it or they blocked you.

To comment on a post:

Once you leave a comment, you can edit or delete it:

NOTE:If you don't see a comment icon on a Google+ post, it means you don't have permission to comment on that post.

People can turn off comments on their posts after other people have left them, so you'll be able to see comments left on a post, but you won't be able to comment yourself.

How to publish a post on Google Plus?

How to ignore a post on Google+?

Sometimes a post you've shown interest in (commented or +1ed) becomes very popular.

This way, you'll see the post appear at the top of your Google+ feed and/or you'll receive notifications about that post—over and over and over again.

If you no longer want to see or receive notifications about specific Google+ posts in your feed, you can ignore this post.

To ignore an entry:

What's the difference between the two?

If you ignore a post on Google+, you will no longer see the post in your feed or receive notifications about it.

When you Ignore person...

How (and why) to ignore someone on Google+?

If you don't want to see messages or notifications from someone on Google+, you can ignore that person.

To ignore:

How to report to Google+?

If you see that someone is violating “Rules of publications and user conduct”, you can complain.

To report Google+ posts, comments, people, Collections, or Communities:

How to report a photo:

You can also block someone who posts something you don't want to see.

How to block a user on Google+?

If you don't want someone to be able to contact you on Google+, you can block them.

If you block a user:

  • He will not be able to see your messages after blocking, or the comments that you left under other people's posts.
  • He won't be able to tag you in posts or comments on Google+, or comment when you post something on Google+.
  • You will be removed from friend of friend circles. He will also not be able to add you to circles.
  • If the person you blocked is the owner or moderator of the community you joined, they will still be able to see and edit your comments and posts.
  • He will not be able to write or call you Google Hangouts. Google+ blocks affecting Hangouts may also affect Google Voice.
  • You can see the people you have blocked and unblock them using Activity Log.

IMPORTANT: Blocking only works if the blocked user is signed into their Google account. For example, if a blocked user is not registered, he will be able to see your public posts. Likewise, if the user is not logged in, they will be able to see public posts.

To block a user:

ADVICE: If you don't want to see someone's posts in your Google+ feed, but you don't want to block them, you can simply unfollow them.

How to Connect with People on Google+

When you follow someone:

  • They will be added to the “Subscriptions” circle. ( we'll talk more about Google+ circles below)
  • They will be able to receive a notification that you have subscribed to it.
  • They will be able to see that you follow them.
  • They will be able to choose what you see from them.
  • They will be able to see what you share and have previously shared with your “Following” circle.
  • Open the profile of the person you want to follow. You can find them by name, or by clicking on their photo next to a comment or post they made.
  • Click Subscribe.

To unfollow someone:

  • Open the profile of the person you want to unfollow. You can find them by name, or by clicking on their photo next to a comment or post they made.
  • Click on the icon Subscribe(or the name of the Circle in which he is a member).
  • Deselect “Subscribe”.
  • Click Ready or OK.

Other great ways to connect with people on Google+:

  • Comment on posts;
  • Rate posts and comments +1.

How to use circles on Google+?

You can use Google Plus Circles to control who you share posts with.

A few quick notes about Google+ Circles:

  • You can add someone to your circle even if they don't follow you.
  • People in your Google+ Circles can see posts you share with that circle, including posts you posted in the circle before you added them.
  • This does not mean that these people will necessarily see these posts in their feed ( so don't spam by adding them to your circle using @!)
  • They might receive a notification that you've added them to one of your Google+ circles.
  • People you add to your circles will be able to communicate with you using Hangouts.

You can change settings, choosing whether or not to show people in your circles on your Google+ profile.

You can see the people who are in your circles by selecting People in your navigation menu.

You can add or remove someone from your circles at any time.

How to create a circle in Google Plus?

  • In the navigation menu, click on the icon People.
  • Click Subscriptions.
  • Click Create a circle.
  • Enter your circle's name, then click Create.

How to add or remove someone from a circle on Google Plus?

When you follow someone, they are placed in your “Following” circle by default.

To add someone to your “Following” circle, follow them.

To add someone to another Google+ circle:

  • Open the profile of the person you want to add to another circle.
  • Click the name of the circle he is in or the checkbox next to his name.
  • Use the menu to add it to another circle.
  • Click Ready.

To remove someone from your Google Plus circle:

  • Open the profile of the person you want to remove from your circle.
  • Click on the name of the circle it belongs to.
  • In the menu that appears, uncheck the circle to remove them from it.
  • Click Ready.

How to see your circles on Google Plus:

you can use Circles to see posts from certain circles.

Your Google+ Circles are disabled by default. They can be included in the menu Settings: go to Settings => Additional settings => Show circles in navigation menu.

Once you enable Circles, you can see them in the navigation menu.

Share with all your circles or with specific circles:

On the computer:

In the Android application:

How do I get started with Google+ Collections?

With Google Plus Collections, you can create posts around a specific topic and let your followers choose what types of posts they want to see from you.

For example:

  • Create separate collections for photography, recipes, sports, or other interests. Your followers can choose the collections they want to see.
  • You can create a Featured List for personal photos and updates that only certain people will see.

When creating a Collection, you can:

  • Select those who can see and subscribe to your Collections.
  • Choose whether people who follow you will automatically subscribe to the Collection.
  • See who subscribed to your Collection.
  • Post in this Collection.
  • Change how your Collection appears on the page.
  • Delete your Collection.

When someone follows your Collections, they can:

  • See your posts in this collection in your feed.
  • Rate +1, comment, and share posts in your Collection.
  • Unsubscribe from your Collection at any time.

When you subscribe to Collections, you can:

  • View posts from this Collection in your feed.
  • Choose whether to receive notifications about this Collection.
  • Unsubscribe from the Collection at any time.

Google+ Collections or Communities

On Google Plus, you can subscribe to collections or join a community.

Once you create a Collection, you can change or delete it at any time.

How to see who is following your Collection?

Once you create a Google+ Collection, you can see who has followed it at any time:

How to move a post to Collection?

If you have already posted a post, you can move it to Featured.

You can only move one post at a time. Also, you can only move public posts.

How to edit or delete a Collection?

After creating a Collection, you will be able to:

  • Change the name of the Collection.
  • Add description.
  • Select background color.
  • Change cover.

You can also change the “Following” settings for your Collection, which will allow you to choose whether people who follow you automatically subscribe to that Collection.

However, you cannot change the visibility settings of your Collection after it has been created. If you share your Collection in a Circle, new people you add to that circle will also be able to see the Collection.

Editing a Collection

To change the cover or background color of a Collection:

On the computer:

On a mobile device:

To change the name and description for your Collection:

Pinning a post to the Collection

You can pin a post to your Collection by placing it at the top of the Collection page.

Removing a Collection

You can delete a Collection at any time, but you cannot undo the deletion. When deleting a Collection, all posts in this Collection will be deleted.

To delete a Collection:

How do I find and follow Google+ Collections?

When you follow someone's Collection on Google Plus, the posts they post in that Collection may appear in your feed.

Advice:You can follow Collections without following the person who created it.

To find Google+ Collections:

View Other Users' Collections

You can see other users' Collections by visiting their profile.

Some of these Collections will appear at the top of their profile. You can click More details to see all the Collections you have access to.

How do I unsubscribe from Google+ Collections?

When you unfollow a Collection, you will no longer see posts from that Collection in your feed.

To unsubscribe from Collections:

  • Open the Collection you want to unfollow
  • Click the icon Unsubscribe.

Getting started with Google+ Communities

In Google+ Communities, you can share information and connect with people who share your interests.

You can see posts from Communities in your feed.

By joining the community, you will be able to:

  • See what other people are posting in this Community on their feed.
  • Share posts in this Community with other members.
  • Comment on posts in this Community.
  • Unsubscribe from the Community at any time.

Once you create a Community, you can:

  • Choose who can see and join your Community.
  • Add other people as moderators and owners.
  • Remove people from your Community.
  • Edit posts and comments in your Community.
  • Edit the style of your Community page.
  • Delete your Community.

How to find and join a Community on Google+?

When you join a Community, you begin to see posts from that Community in your feed and you can share posts in that Community.

You can view posts on a community page even if you are not a member.

To find a Community on Google+ and join:

NOTE: If you join a “private” Community, only members will be able to see your posts in that Community. Members and people who have been invited to join a private Community can see who is currently in the Community.

If you join a public Community, anyone can see your posts in that Community and the list of members of that Community.

Unsubscribe from Google+ Community

When you leave the Community:

  • You won't see regular updates from the Community in your feed.
  • You will not be able to post to this Community.
  • You will not be able to see the Community page

To unfollow a Community on Google+:

View Other People's Communities

Some of their Communities may appear at the top of their profile. Click More details to see all their Communities that are available for you to view.

NOTE:You may not see the Communities you choose to post on your profile on all platforms.

How many posts to show from the Community?

You can choose how many posts from the Community will appear in your feed.

To change this setting:

Receive notifications from the Google+ community

You can choose whether to receive notifications from the community you joined.

NOTE:For some large communities, you may not be able to enable the notifications feature.

How to create and edit a Community on Google+?

You can create your own Community on Google Plus based on your interests.

Other people can join and post to this Community, depending on the permissions you set.

When creating a Community, you are its owner and moderator.

To create a Community:

  • In the navigation menu, click Communities.
  • Click on the tab My.
  • Click Create a community.
  • Select a name and visibility options for your community. Click the button Ready.

After creating a Community, you will be able to:

  • Change the cover photo.
  • Change the name of the Community.
  • Make it private.
  • Add categories, links, description and location.

To edit a Community:

To delete your community:

Pinning posts in your community

You can pin a post to your community so that the post appears at the top of the community page:

Privacy Settings for Communities

When you create a community, you can set your privacy settings, but you cannot change those settings once it's created.

  • Public Communities open to everyone. They appear in searches. Anyone can watch and Join (or leave a request to join) them. Anyone can see public records and a list of participants.
  • Private communities allows you to share posts only with its members. Only members can see community posts and the list of members. Communities may be displayed when searching, depending on their parameters.

If you make a community private, you can choose whether it appears in search.

If you make the community private but searchable, people can request to join it.

People who are not members of a closed community can only see its name and picture.

NOTE for private Communities that are not searchable and that people cannot ask to join: if someone has a link to your community, they will still see the name and photo.

Other pages and content (including websites, blogs, and Google products such as Picasa) that link to your community will still appear in Google and other search engine results.

How to moderate a Google+ Community?

When you create a new community on Google+, you become the owner and can make other people owners or moderators.

The community owner can:

  • Remove people from the community.
  • Edit community information.
  • Delete community.
  • Make other people community members, owners, or moderators.
  • Demote owners and moderators.
  • Post and comment in the community

You can also become the owner of a Community that you did not create.

A Community Moderator can:

  • Invite people to join the community.
  • Approve requests to join the community.
  • Ban or remove people from the community.
  • Post posts and comments in the community.
  • Downgrade and become just a member of the community.

Removing or BANing someone in the community

Deleting someone, you force them to leave the community, but they can join it again if they want.

Banning someone, you prohibit them from joining the community until you unban them.

When you delete or ban someone, the posts and comments they made in that community will not be deleted.

To remove or ban someone from a community, you must be an owner or moderator.

How to make someone a moderator or owner of a Google+ community

You can make someone a moderator or owner of your Google+ community.

Someone must be a moderator before you make them an owner:

If you no longer want to be a community owner or moderator, follow the steps above and select: Become a moderator, or Become a member.

Invite someone to join your Google Plus community

You can invite people to join the Google+ community.

Inviting someone to your community allows you to create and share posts from your community with that person:

In “private” or “request to join” communities, you can cancel existing invitations:

  • Open the community where you want to uninvite.
  • Click or tap a photo of your Community members
  • Filter the list by the “Invited” parameter.
  • Click the menu icon next to your username.
  • Click Cancel invitation.

Removing posts and comments from your Community

You can moderate posts and comments made by members in your Google+ community.

When deleting a post or comment from the Community:

To moderate a post or comment in your community:

Some messages may be automatically classified as potential spam.

These messages will only appear in the community of owners and moderators, who must decide whether to accept or reject the messages.

Publishing posts on Google+

When you post on Google+, people who follow you and have the ability to view your posts will see them in their feed. The posts you share also appear on your profile.

You can choose who will see what you shared - Communities, Collections, page visitors.

Public posting on Google Plus

When you publish a post publicly on Google+, everyone can see it, even if they are not registered on the network.

Repost a post on Google Plus

To repost someone's post:

Repost a post to other social networks

Editing a post in Google Plus

You edit a post after you've already published it.

To edit:

You can also delete the post.

Google+ allows you to share geolocation information along with your photos. By default, this setting is disabled.

If you turn it on, people will be able to see where the photo was taken when viewing or downloading it.

To enable geolocation:

  • Open the main menu and go to Settings.
  • Scroll to location Add information about the shooting location when publishing new albums
  • Enable or disable this option as you wish.

Prohibition on comments and reposts of your posts

You can set restrictions on these actions.

In order to prohibit commenting and reposting of a post:

You can delete comments left under a post by clicking on the menu button next to the comment, Delete comment.

You can also choose who can leave comments on your posts using Settings menu.

Google+ and Search

Content you post publicly is searchable, even if your profile is private.

Content you share with certain people will be searchable only by them.

How to Manage Your Google+ Activity

When you post, leave a comment, or +1 something, you can delete your actions later.

You can also edit your post or delete your Google+ profile.

Delete a post or comment:

To delete a post or comment you created:

Cancel rating +1

To cancel a +1 rating on a post or comment, press the +1 button again.

Delete a post, comment, poll, vote, or +1 using the Activity Log.

If you can't find a post you posted, comments you left, or a +1, but still want to delete your activity, you can use the Activity Log.

To delete activities via Activity log:

  • Select from the navigation menu Settings.
  • Press Activity log.
  • To see different kinds activities like posts and ratings+1, click on the pop-up menu at the top of the screen.
  • To delete an action, click X next to the event to delete.

Viewing and editing your profile

Your Google+ profile includes posts you've created, Collections you've created or joined, and Communities you've joined.

A few notes to know about your Google+ profile:

You can also add a profile photo, profile photo, and description that will be publicly visible.

To see your Google+ profile, select Profile in the navigation menu.

On your profile, people can also see more detailed information about you by clicking on the icon.

You can also edit the information About Me.

When you change your name, description, profile photo, or cover photo on Google+, those changes are reflected in your self information.

How to edit your Google+ profile?

You can edit your Google+ profile to:

  • Change Collections on your profile.
  • Choose whether to show Collections you follow.
  • Add or change description.
  • Change background and profile photo.

Please note that your own Collections will appear on your profile automatically to the people you share it with.

For example, public Collections you create will be visible to those who visit your profile.

NOTE:Profiles look different on the new Google+ and different information may appear on your old Google+ profile.

You can return to the standard interface to see and edit your old Google+ profile.

Profiles may also look different on other platforms.

To edit your profile:

  • Open the navigation menu, then tap Profile.
  • Click the button Edit profile.
  • Make your changes, then click the button Save.

Changing your information on Google Plus

Because people can view your information using Google+, you can edit information about yourself, including your name and nickname.

NOTE:When you make changes to your information on Google+, those changes appear in other Google apps where people can see your information.

To edit information about yourself:

About Google Plus pages

You can use Google Plus Pages to create business pages, groups, or communities.

You can create and edit Google+ pages, add and remove managers by visiting the page My business on Google.

You can use the tool Google My Business to manage your +Pages.

How do I change Google+ settings?

You can change your Google+ settings by opening the navigation menu and selecting Settings.

Google+ Profile Settings

You can choose what information appears on your Google Plus profile. You can also edit your Google+ profile by going to Profile.

Some parts of your profile are only visible to people who view your profile in the classic Google+ experience.

You can also choose whether your profile will appear in search results.

Notification settings

You can turn notifications on or off based on specific actions, such as when someone tags you in a post or invites you to a Community.

NOTE:Not all devices allow you to set notifications.

Ribbon Settings

You can choose whether your news feed will be shown in a single column or multi-column when your screen size is large enough.

Some special abilities things like header navigation look best as a single column.

You can view and change these settings only using a computer.

Photo and video settings

You can choose whether or not to include the location in the photo.

You can choose whether a person can download and share photos and videos.

You can also choose whether the photos you post on Google+ will be used as background images by Google.

If you change this setting, the photos you post may be hosted on Google services such as Google Chromecast and Google Fiber. You will receive an email from Google if your photo is displayed somewhere.

Sharing options

You can change the visibility settings for your+1 activity.

Location Settings

You can use Location in Settings in Google Plus. To change go to location settings in your Google account.

Contact settings

You can choose whether the person will be added to your contacts on Android.

You can also turn on the Hints & Suggestions feature, which allows Google to use data from your device to make Google+ content recommendations for you.

You can change these settings using the Android app only.

Login to Google+ apps

You can manage the applications that you have connected to your account Google+ in Page Settings.

Settings can be made using only the Android application.

General settings

You can choose who can comment on your public posts.

Activity log

Once again, you can use Page Settings to see and make changes to the Activity Log.

The Activity Log allows you to manage and delete your activities on Google+, such as comments, +1 ratings, or posts.

You can enable Social recommendations.

Circle settings

You can choose whether to show circles in your navigation menu.

Keyboard shortcuts in Google+

Another tip from Anna Hoffman(an adaptation of the article you see here):

To save time when working on Google+, you can use keyboard shortcuts. ( +CircleCountwill allow you to get to know Google Plus even better)

New version of Google+ or classic?

...Deep breath... This huge but extremely useful guide has almost come to an end. You have walked this path to the end!

It's time to mention a few differences between the old and new version Google+.

What happened to Google+ events?

In the new Google Plus interface, you can only create new events in the Android app.

To create an event on your computer, you'll need to switch back to classic Google+.

Google+ Polls

If you're using the new iOS app or the new Google+ on your computer, you can vote in a poll, but you won't be able to create your own poll.

You'll need to return to the standard Google+ interface, or use the Android apps, to create a new poll.


With the new Google Plus, you can:

  • See the places where people took posted photos.
  • See everyone who shares their location with you on the Map in the Android app.

Google+ Hangouts

Google+ Hangouts has been moved to its own page hangouts.google.com.

Also, for users of the Chrome browser, it was created special extension.


Some people say: Google Plus is useless. Some people use it very actively.

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    The web browser Google Chrome (Google Chrome) is becoming more and more popular every day. Its main advantage is the ability to surf the net really quickly. In addition, many users note its surprisingly simple intuitive interface as the main advantages of the browser. However, it still takes some time to master it. This material provides a brief excursion into the how to use Google Chrome.

    How to download and install Google Chrome?

    Of course, before answering the question of how to use Google Chrome, you need to understand where you can download this browser and how to install it. It is worth saying that this is very simple to do - you just need to go to official web browser page, click on the “Download Chrome” button, and then install the program automatically.

    However, if you have any problems with the installation, you can read our detailed article on this topic - “”.

    Google Chrome interface

    So, you have downloaded and installed the browser, now it’s time to figure out how to use Google Chrome.

    The first thing you must do is double-click on the browser icon with the left mouse button to launch it and, as they say, the program interface will open in front of you in all its glory. You can immediately notice that it is made in the now fashionable minimalist design, which is pleasing to the eye and accessible to the modern user.

    Conventionally, the interface can be divided into several areas:

    1 - Field for creating new tabs - you can create as many tabs as you like and work with them simultaneously, switching by clicking on the tab of interest with the left mouse button once.

    2 — Field for entering URLs - here you can enter a URL or directly a search query. If you enter a site URL, the site you are looking for will immediately open in front of you; if you enter a search query, a search results window for this request will appear in front of you.

    3 — Work area – the contents of the sites you work with or search results will appear in it. However, when you launch the browser here, the main page of the Google search engine will always open by default (unless you configure the browser otherwise, but more on that later) - this is understandable, because it is Google company developed the Google Chrome browser.

    Getting started with Google Chrome

    Having become a little familiar with the browser interface, you can start working with it. How? Just enter the desired address or search query in the field for entering URLs and click Enter - if you have access to the Internet, the page of interest or search query result will immediately appear in front of you - note that the browser will prompt you with the most popular queries .

    If you want to add a new tab, left-click once on the special button.

    If you want to download a link from the page you are working on, left-click on it - it will open in a new tab and you will be automatically redirected to it. You can also right-click on the link and select the desired action.

    In order to go back a step, you can click the special button located to the left of the URL input line, in the form of a back arrow. If you want to “go back” one step forward, click the forward arrow, and to refresh the page, click on the curled arrow.

    To close a tab, you just need to click on the cross.

    If you accidentally close a tab, press the key combination “Ctrl+Shift+T” and it will return.

    If you want to add a tab to your bookmarks, click on the “star” (see screenshot above), after you click on it, the bookmark will appear in the bookmarks bar.

    By default, the bookmarks bar is displayed only on the start page, but if you set the “Show taskbar” setting (to do this, right-click on the bookmarks bar and select the appropriate action), it will be displayed in all windows.

    Other tab actions are available by right-clicking on a tab.

    Setting up Google Chrome

    While talking about the Google Chrome interface, we did not mention one very important browser button - it looks like three horizontal stripes and is a very important point in answering the question of how to use Google Chrome. This is the browser settings button.

    The entire web browser settings menu is divided into several parts. A number of options presented in the menu are standard, that is, similar options can be found in any other program - find, exit, help, etc. However, some points are worth talking about in more detail.

    Firstly, this is the “History”, “Downloads” and “Bookmarks” group. If you click on “History”, you can see a list of previously visited sites.

    The “Downloads” item will show previously saved downloaded files.

    The “Bookmarks” item allows you to manage your bookmarks - you can create a new bookmark, go to one of the sites already saved in bookmarks, and also configure bookmarks using the bookmark manager.

    In particular, all bookmarks can be sorted into folders if you have a lot of them.

    It is also very important to dwell in detail on the “Settings” and “Additional tools” items.

    Settings item Google Chrome

    Using Google Chrome's "Settings" you can completely optimize the browser to suit your needs. There are a number of sections here:

    “Login” - in this section you need to log in to your Google account, in which case all your data will be synchronized, all account settings will be automatically remembered, that is, if you log into Google Chrome from any other PC through your account, you will automatically get a browser optimally configured for your needs.

    “Open on startup” - here you can set which page you want to see on startup, the default is “New Tab”, but you can set the “Previously opened tabs” option, then the browser will open and load those tabs that were opened at the time of the last work session. And finally, using the “Specified Pages” item, you can set a very specific desired page, and when you start the web browser, it will open exactly that page.

    Chapter " Appearance» allows you to make the browser visually optimal for the user by selecting the desired theme. Also in this section, you can activate the “Home Page” button (“Home Page” is the page specified in the “Open at startup” section) and set the “Always show bookmarks bar” setting.

    The "Search" section allows you to select search engine default.

    Using the Users menu, you can configure different user profiles and set extended or limited rights for each of them.

    To the left of the settings sections you can see a small submenu consisting of the items “History”, “Extensions” and “About the program”. Using the first, you can view recently visited sites, using the latter, you can find out basic information about the browser, and “Extensions” will help supplement the browser’s options. This section displays installed extensions, and to download more, you can click on the “More extensions” link.

    Extensions are special programs, performing certain functions that cannot be implemented through standard web browser settings. For example, you can download the extension "".

    And all your favorite pages will be displayed not on a standard narrow panel, but on a special convenient page.

    If you don't like the extension, you can always disable or remove it.

    Item "Additional tools"

    This item is generally intended more for advanced users, because with it you can activate the browser’s “Task Manager” and developer tools.

    Using the Task Manager, the user has the opportunity to evaluate, for example, which of the pages he is working with takes up more memory from the PC.

    Also, using the “Additional tools” section, you can quickly go to the menu for clearing browser history and view extensions.


    Of course, the topic of how to use Google Chrome is perhaps worthy of an entire book, and it is simply impossible to convey all the capabilities of the browser in one article. However, we tried to set out the basics of managing this web browser in this material. And if you are interested in the Google Chrome browser in more depth, you can study other articles about it on our IT blog. We hope you find the information you need!