Now let's talk about additional missions in Dragon Age: Origins - Tower of Mages. Circle of magicians Dragon age walkthrough shadow

  • Primordial Shadow- mouse. The mouse is physically weak and cannot fight the enemy, but it is good at hiding and is able to climb into small holes and holes. A character in mouse form suffers penalties to Strength, Constitution, Damage, Health, Defense, and Physical Resistance, but can use the Stealth skill.
  • Darkspawn Invasion- spirit of the templar. The spirit form allows one to interact with intangible objects and see what is normally invisible. A character in spirit form receives a large bonus to fire resistance, as well as bonuses to magical power, magic and armor. The Spirit has access to the skills Mind Blast, Crushing Prison, and Restoration.
  • burning tower- sleeping templar. Form fiery creature grants invulnerability to fire. A character in the form of a fire creature suffers a large penalty to cold resistance, but becomes immune to fire damage and can use the Flame Burst and Fireball abilities.
  • Scattered Mages- damned sleeper. The golem form increases strength and allows you to break down steel doors. It also gives good resistance to physical attacks, but vulnerability to magical ones. A character in the guise of a stone golem receives bonuses to armor, defense, strength, physical resistance and resistance to electricity, and the available skills are “Mighty Strike”, “Concussion” and “Throwing”.

Minions of the Demon of Idleness in the Shadow in the Broken Circle quest in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Primordial Shadow- demon of desire Ieven (requires ghost form).
  • Darkspawn Invasion- ogre Utkiel the Crusher (golem form required).
  • burning tower- demon of anger Ragos (you need a golem form and a fire creature form).
  • Scattered Mages- hunger demon Slavren (golem form required).
  • Templar's Nightmare- the demon of pride Verevil (a form of a fiery creature is needed).

At the beginning you will find yourself in a kind of fortress of the gray guards. There you will meet Duncan, who will try to convince you that the creatures of darkness have been defeated. Naturally, this is not Duncan, but a demon in his guise. Having figured out the scoundrel, we kill him. Let's go to the portal. Now you will see the shadow pattern for the first time. It vaguely resembles an amulet made of several sections. The slats leading from one part of the amulet to the other open as you pass one of them. Having killed the demon in the guise of Duncan, the second shadow area will open to us. There we will meet Niall. He will tell us that he has no idea how to get out of this trap, but will give a hint. In this shadow area, go to the nearest portal and kill the demon. As a reward, you will receive the ability to turn into a mouse. This is a very useful skill, with the help of it you will be able to penetrate rooms, the other way to which will be blocked by insurmountable obstacles. Return to Niall, talk to him and go back to the portal between the shadow locations. Now you have opened 4 new locations around the amulet circle:
-templar's nightmare
-burning tower
-invasion of the creatures of darkness
-broken circle
To begin with, let's go to burning tower. There you will be confronted by the fiery dead. Avoid passages blocked by flames, as... falling into them is certain death. At the end of the location, fight the fire demon. Defeating him will give you the ability to transform into a fire man. Now you can pass through fire walls once or twice. You won't go any further in this location for now, because... the path is blocked by a massive door. Therefore, we return back to the portal and go to the location Darkspawn Invasion. it is a huge labyrinth with a bunch of mouse holes and narrow corridors, blocked by fiery walls. With the help of the abilities we have learned, we easily bypass all these obstacles and find a knight fighting the creatures of darkness. We help him fight off the creatures. As a reward, he will teach us how to turn into a spirit. In this guise you will be able to see invisible doors and penetrate through them into secret rooms. At the end of this location, your path will again be blocked by a massive door. We go into the portal again and this time we return to Niall’s location. There, go to the local portal, then turn into a spirit and dive into the ghostly door. You will find yourself in an area where you need to fight the demoness Jovenna and her two henchmen. After defeating her, go to the interlocation portal again. The Niall location icon will now display a symbol. You need to light similar ones on other parts of the amulet to gain access to the core. Now let's go to the location broken circle. Using our abilities, we easily get to the second floor, where we fight two stone golems. After victory, the last form for transformation will become available to us - the stone golem. In this guise we can handle massive doors. Which is what we'll do right here. Another senior demon, Slaveren, will be waiting for us at the door. He is quite weak if you fight him in golem form. Having defeated him, we again go to darkspawn invasion. We break down the door again and deal with the demon Utkiel. Now let's go to burning tower. The actions are the same: we knock down the door and tear off the head of the older demon. This time it will be Ragos, he is easy to deal with in the guise of a burning man. The last elder demon (Vereville) will be waiting for you in templar's nightmare. When you kill him, the path to the demon of idleness (location in the center) will be open. But first, save your companions. Each of them is located in adjacent locations at the ends of the amulet. In each of them, you first have to convince your companion that the demon is deceiving him, for which he should be beaten off. When you finish the rescue operation, go to the central location. Fighting the demon of idleness is a very difficult test. This bastard will take on different guises; the fight will be greatly facilitated by your transformation skills. As a result, after the fourth reincarnation, the supreme demon will be defeated. We speak with Nial (still in the shadows), take the Litany of Andralla from his corpse (already in the tower) and go to the torture hall for a duel with Ultred.

In front of the stairs to the top you will meet the templar Cullen, who will offer you to kill all the magicians. The choice is yours. I personally saved the lives of the magicians so that they could later help save Connor in Redcliffe.
At the top, the culprit of all troubles will be waiting for you - the malificar Ultred. Not only can he transform into a huge demon, but he is also capable of turning ordinary sorcerers into blood mages. To avoid this, use Andralla's Litany on prisoners. As a result, the traitor will be defeated and the magicians will be saved. You will go down to the first floor with Irving, who will promise to help you in the battle with the creatures of darkness. He will also agree to save Connor in Redcliffe. Enchantress Wynn will remain with you until the very end of your adventure.

The quest starts after the Battle of Ostagar. We have in our hands the ancient treaties of the Guardians, one of the possible allies is the circle of magicians.

Arriving at the place, we learn that the Circle has been captured by possessed people and demons, and the doors are closed. In order to be able to attract magicians to the battle with the creatures of darkness, the problem needs to be solved. After talking with Knight Commander Gregor, we go inside the tower. The doors are locked behind us, so there is no turning back. Walking forward, we see how the elderly magician protects her students from the demon. She will not greet us very warmly, considering us an envoy of the templars. After the conversation, she will join the squad (attention: Winn is a very valuable member of the squad - she already has a healer specialty, so if the GG does not have this specialty, it is better to always have her in the squad). Now we need to clear the tower of demons.

In one of the rooms we will find a templar helmet on the body of one of the enchanted templars, a breastplate can be found on the body of another templar on the fourth floor. This armor will greatly help a warrior in the early stages of the game if he does not have Kaylan armor or similar ones.

On the second floor we are met by Owain, a pacified magician in charge of the storage room. He will say that the magician Niall came to him to pick up the litany of Adralla - a spell that can destroy blood magic spells. Now everything becomes clear: the demons did not leak out on their own, but were caused by the blood mage. Having made our way into one of the rooms on the fourth floor, we meet a possessed man who is a demon of idleness. He manages to stop the Guardian, sending him and his squad into the Shadow and isolating his companions. The subquest "Lost in Dreams" begins.

First we need to break out of our own illusion. As a restraining illusion, the demon created for us Duncan, who died at Ostagar, and Weishaupt, the headquarters of the Guardians. After we see through the illusion, pseudo-Duncan and two "Guardians" will attack us. Having dealt with them, we go to the pedestal and are transported to the Primordial Shadow. There we will meet Niall, who will say that in order to get through to the demon of idleness, we need to defeat smaller demons. The doors to them are closed or disguised, so you need to learn to take other forms.

We will receive the first form by saving the mouse from the demon of wrath. This way we can use mouse holes to move around. There are three other forms:

  1. Spirit - allows you to see camouflaged doors.
  2. Fire creature - allows you to walk through fire.
  3. Golem - allows you to knock down heavy doors.

All these forms can be obtained from sleepers. The first can be obtained from a templar hiding from ghosts, the second from a templar struggling with his anger, and the third from a mage in the Scattered Mages area. In any case, having received all the forms, you can take on the demons; the last one should visit the “Templar’s ​​Nightmare Dream” room, where all four forms will be useful to us. Having dealt with the demons, you can go free your companions or immediately go fight Idleness.

Having defeated the demon, we return to reality. Having found Niall's body, we take the Litany from his body and go upstairs. In front of the last staircase, in a magical cage, sits the templar Cullen, who will say that the cage was created by Uldred or one of his magicians, and will offer to kill everyone remaining at the top. You can agree (Winn and Leliana will not approve) or refuse (Sheila and Stan will not approve).

Going upstairs, we see how Uldred and his magicians turn another magician into a possessed one. After the conversation he will attack. Litany will be useful in battle, as he will turn captured magicians into possessed ones.

Having dealt with Uldred, we go down to the templars. Further, depending on our actions and partly on the decision, there will be three options.

  1. If the First Sorcerer did not survive the last battle, we will recruit templars and the Circle will be closed.
  2. If Irving is alive, we can convince the Knight Commander that the Circle is fine, then we can recruit mages.
  3. We can say that it is better to close the Circle for quarantine, then we will recruit templars.

At the entrance, in the vase, take three Sparkling Balls of Light - these are healing potions. There is only one path leading into the depths, on which the first are the vil-o-wisps, shooting lightning. The first creature you will meet in the Shadow will be the Mouse - an apprentice magician who failed the test. Having told about his sad fate, the Mouse, advising you to turn to other spirits for help, will go with you.

On the right you will see a clearing surrounded by lights - here, over time, a demon should appear that you need to defeat in order to get out of the Shadow.

On the left on the hill stands the Spirit of Courage. He can give you the Mage's Staff, but this requires either fighting him or convincing him if your hero has enough willpower

To the north is a vase with three more Balls of Light. By touching the “Twisted Arch” next to the vase, you will receive an entry in the Codex - Black City, by touching the “Strange Statue” - “Beyond the Shadow: Spirits and Demons”.

Your next opponents will be three ghostly wolves. At the end of the path lies a strange bear - the Demon of Idleness. You can ask him to teach the ever-hiding Mouse to turn into a bear. To do this, you have to guess three riddles (answers: map, language, dream). Now you will be followed not by a mouse, but by a cute bear.

Return to the fire glade to meet the demon. On the way, you will be attacked by wolves, but the bear will help you deal with them.

The Demon of Fury will appear in the fiery clearing, accompanied by will-o-wisps. After defeating the demon, the Mouse will ask you to help him return to the world of the living, but this is a trick. The real demon is not the one you defeated in battle, but this ends the test, and your hero will be transported to the world of the living.

(750 experience points for the staff, 750 for training the Mouse, 500 for completing the quest).

Circle of Mages

After passing the test, your hero will wake up in his own bed, next to which his old friend, also a student, Jovan, will stand, who will ask you to tell him about the Test.. In turn, he will share his fears that he is not invited to take the test and is most likely going to be subjected to force procedure of Pacification. In addition, Jovan will inform you that the First Sorcerer Irving wants to see you.

Along the road and Irving, you can wander around the second floor, where magicians live, talk with them, look into cabinets and chests.

Irving is in his office (this location is indicated on the map). Having congratulated you on successfully completing the test, he will introduce your hero to Gray Warden Duncan and ask you to take him to the guest room. On the way, you can talk with Duncan, ask him about the Gray Guardians, about the war and the Creatures of Darkness.

Go into the pantry, along the way you can examine the chests, which contain many useful items, including the Spirit Charm amulet and Shadowwalker boots. After the first hall the road forks, you can go in any direction, as the road goes in a circle. From time to time you will be attacked by spiders, which you have to destroy. Also examine the spider cocoons, they also contain things. After clearing the storage rooms, return to Leora; as a token of gratitude, you can later sign an application for the Fire Rod from Leora or receive several elixirs.

Note: The quest is available until Jovan and Lily join the party.

Blood and magic

After you show Dukan to the guest room, you will be greeted by Jovan, who will tell you that he is in trouble. Firstly, he started an affair with the novice Lily, which is forbidden, and secondly, they want to make him subdued, devoid of all feelings and emotions. Jovan wants to escape with Lily, but a vial with the blood of each student is stored in the Tower of Magicians, and this does not allow any of them to leave the tower with impunity. Lily will tell you that Jovan's phylactery is kept in the basement behind a magical closed door, which can be opened using the Fire Rod. They need help, since the wand can only be obtained by a Circle magician. The Fire Rod can be obtained from the pacified Owain.

Note: If you don't want to help the couple in love, you can talk to Irving. which will confirm the intention to make Jovan pacified. Irving will advise you to play along with the fugitives in order to catch them red-handed.

Owain will give you an application for the Fire Rod, which must be signed by any Senior Mage. This can be done from Pig in the library, if your hero has a sufficiently developed conviction, or from Liora, if you helped her clear the spider warehouse.

Once you have the wand, Jovanu and Lily will join the party. The entrance to the basement is on the students' floor. To open it, the joint efforts of the magician and the templar, who is Lily, are needed. Upon entering the basement, you will find yourself in front of a door to a room with student phylacteries. Unfortunately, the Wand of Fire will not help -on the door Templar spells have been cast to neutralize any magic. Go to the eastern door, which the rod will help open. Along the way, you will be attacked by guards with whom you will have to engage in battle.

In one of the rooms you will find a Tevinter artifact - a stone dog. With its help, you can strengthen the magic of the Rod and destroy the stone sienna behind the bookcase. In the vault, Jovan will find a vial of his blood and destroy it. Now you can go back.

Coming out of the basement, you will find yourself confronted by Irving, Gregor and several templars. At this moment, Jovan will use the strictly forbidden blood magic. Lily, having learned that her beloved is a blood mage, will say that she no longer wants anything to do with him. Jovan will escape, Lily faces imprisonment, and your hero will be saved by Duncan, who unexpectedly appears, offering to join the Gray Wardens. You have no choice.

(50 experience for the fire rod and 275 for completing the quest).

Gender: male

Race: elf

Class: mage

Biography: magician

Difficulty level: nightmare

For a magician, willpower, magic and physique are important. We improve characteristics (magic 17+3, willpower 16+2), skills ("Influence" +1).

Spells: "Magic Arrow" (available initially), "Life Siphon", "Death Magic".

Chapter: "In the High Tower of the Magicians"

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Quest: "Torment"

Your Hero has found himself in the Shadow-kingdom of dreams and spirits. It is necessary to find a way out of the Shadow by fighting off the demons.

First, we search the entire space in front of us. In the jug we will find a Flickering Sphere of Light (3 pieces). But keep in mind that it only works in the Shadow, and only in this location. You can examine the Alarming Statue (codex entry). Initially we don't have a staff.

We go along the road and kill 3 ghosts - wisps. Destroying them is simple: one shot with a magic arrow and draining life. If the wisp is resistant to draining life, then shoot it with a magic arrow again. I will specifically say here that the clothes and weapons received for DLC walkthrough I don’t use it so that the passage is clean, without concessions.

The only thing I will use: Grimoire of the Frozen Wastes and the Tome of Formari.

These books will give +3 to characteristics and +1 to skills.

We increase willpower 18+2 and cunning 11+1.

We need 25 magic for the initial period to learn the spells “Cone of Cold” (elemental magic) and “Deadly Curse” (entropy). These spells are basic for the entire passage.

Cone of Cold freezes even high-level enemies, and Deadly Curse blocks enemy healing and health regeneration, and also deals spirit damage. Some will say that the damage is insignificant, however, high levels passing the outcome of the battle is decided by these health units. A little bit may not be enough to win. And if you and the enemy have very little health, then curse him and run. You'll just have to wait a little.

The 11+1 trick gives access to the second level of influence. But we have only just begun.

As for skills, we are learning “Poisons”, level one. But not to make them, but so that we can use grenades in battle.

We are looking for an item - Damaged building (text from the codex, experience +50). Nearby is a vase (3 flickering spheres).

Conversation with the Spirit of Valor.

The Spirit of Valor is nearby. You can talk to him and learn about the Shadow. At the end of the conversation, he will offer a duel. If you defeat him, he will give you a weapon - a combat staff. But it’s not in vain that we studied the first level of Persuasion and increased willpower to 20+1 (student’s attire). We will choose the option where we need to use willpower. “It seems that you would like to kill me without waiting for my demon to do it. Valor will be indignant. And now - it’s important! From 3 answer options, choose the first or second. “So prove it” or “You are dooming defenseless mortals to death." Valor will accuse you of impudence, but will give you the staff. We have weapons! And if you're sorry, there are no weapons in sight! Next, we will come across Spirits of Wolves (3 units). We destroy them like the Wisps + use the staff.

Soon we will meet the Demon of Idleness in the guise of a bear. Talk to him. He will offer to teach the Mouse to be a bear so he can fight on your side. To do this, we answer 3 riddles.

Riddles of the Demon of Idleness.

“I am the sea without water, I am the mountains without stones, the shores without sand, the cities without people” (map).

“No one is pulling for me, but they often ask to hold me. I will be of benefit to you if you don’t talk about me” (tongue).

“There are none sweeter than my fables, I don’t charge for them. I amuse you all night so that you will be forgotten in the morning” (dream).

All. Now we have a fighting bear in our squad!

There is a difficult enemy ahead. Upgrade your physique to 10+2 and magic to 20+1.

Spell: Ice Grasp. We will need it against the fire demon! And if they had not returned to finish off 4 wisps, then the level would have been increased only after the fight with the demon! Without the additional spell it would have been more difficult to fight.

We fight with the demon and his minions (wisps). The main thing is to kill the demon from the fire, and the wisps will disappear after his death. After the fight, we talk to the Mouse (aka the bear). During the conversation, we understand that the Mouse is a demon. He takes on his true form. We are leaving the Shadow. The torture is over. "True trials never end."

We woke up after the Torture in the students' rooms. Our friend, Jovan, asks us to talk with the First Sorcerer Irving about initiating you, as you have been tortured, into magicians. We are not in a hurry, but search everything around. In the second room in the chest we will find a magic staff (the weapon obtained in the Shadow has disappeared). It gives +1 to magic. In the same room, in the dressing table, there is a Talisman Clean Waters(+1 to Willpower). When you exit to another floor, there is text from the codex on the shelves (+50 to experience).

On the second floor, to the right, there are 7 cabinets (text from the codex, experience +50 for each, total 350 experience).

A conversation with Elder Sorcerer Torrin will activate the text from the codex.

In the next room, in the closet, there is a student’s hood (+5 to mental stability).

We collect junk. There is a book in the room nearby; reading it reveals the text from the codex.

In the other room there is an altar, 2 books (texts from the codex), and 2 bookcases. Next, go to Irving, talk to him and Duncan, commander Gray Wardens, an order created to fight the Pestilence. The text from the codex opens. You get a magic staff (and we already have one), a mage's robe (+1 to magic and +1 to willpower), a training ring (+1 to magic).

Escort Duncan to his room (experience and text from the codex). Talk to Duncan about everything he can tell (new text from the codex.

Quest "Blood and Magic".

As you leave Duncan's room, you meet Jovan. He will tell you that they want to pacify him, because... They suspect him of blood magic. He and his beloved Lily will tell about the escape plan. But to prevent them from being tracked down, it is necessary to destroy the phylactery with Jovan’s blood, which is stored in the basement of the magicians’ tower. To open the door to the basement you need a fire rod. But this thing is only in the possession of the pacified Owain, and he will not give it to us without the permission of the senior magician.

We go to Owain for the fire rod. But he asks the senior magician's permission. In the next room we find the senior sorceress Leora. She will help us if we clear the basement tower of giant spiders.

Let's go to the basement. This is a closed location. To the left is a poisonous spider and ordinary spiders. To the right are ordinary giant spiders, but they drop poultices (of which we have almost none). So we go right (counterclockwise). Kill the first spider (text from the codex). Next are 2 more spiders. Activate the "Death Magic" mode. We freeze the first spider with “Ice Grip” and finish it off with “Magic Arrow”. We kill the second one with Life Drain, a staff and any restored spell. Even if he injures your hero or even knocks him down, the spider’s fate is sealed, because... you will be restored by his previously killed comrade (and twice). The magic of death does its job. We search the cocoons and chests. Having examined one of the cocoons, we repel the attack of the next spider, then two more. There is a chest nearby, in it we will find shadow walker boots (+1 magic).

Then another simple spider awaits us.

We take the fire rod from Owain. We increase the level: magic (21+3), take the skill “2nd level of persuasion”, a spell from the school of entropy - “Loss of orientation” (reduces the attack and defense of the target).

Let's begin the task "Blood and Magic".

Tell Jovan and Lily about the fire rod, we go to the storage room (on the floor below). We open the first door, but we cannot open the second. We go around, destroying the guards (6 warriors and a magician). In the next room are the Deep Hunters (text from the codex). One strong (poisons) and 3 simple ones. The destruction scheme is simple: “Icy Grip” + ​​“Magic Arrow” + “Life Siphon”. And, of course, the magic of death! Jovan and Lili act at their own discretion. They are of little use, at least they are a distraction. Next 2 war and magician. Let's liquidate. In the next room is a student's amulet (+5 resistance to fire, +1 to armor). Let's get dressed. Nearby, in the box, is an ephemeralist's belt (+1 resistance to spirit magic). Having dealt with 3 more guards, we enter the room where there is a staff in the chest (+2 to damage, +2 to magical power). There is a statue in the room, we talk to it (text from the codex). Moving the bookcase. We open the wall with the help of an “artifact” in the form of a statue of a dog (mabari). The room with phylacteries is in front of us. There are 3 positions: 2 simple and one, Sentinel, strong, because it stuns you and makes you temporarily unable to fight. The only strategy here is deep freezing! (“Icy grip” + ​​other abilities). Well, or run away from them!

In the chest is a sorcerer's hood (+5 resistance to cold, forces of nature, spirit magic and +5 to psychic resistance). Let's get dressed.

We destroy Jovan's amulet. Eh, but ours is not there!

We return to the students’ rooms, where the Knight-Commander of the Templars Gregor and the Senior Sorcerer Irving with the soldiers are already waiting for us. Jovan will escape, Lily will be arrested, and they want to pacify you, but the commander of the Gray Wardens, Duncan, will intervene and call you to the Gray Wardens. You will go with him to Ostagar, where King Kaylan is going to give battle to the horde of creatures of darkness.

Irving and Gregor will ask if we took the items from the storage room. But we already have level 2 persuasion, and we lie that we don’t. This way we will preserve everything found and obtained by honest robbery! The quest "Blood and Magic" is completed. Chapter: "In the High Tower of Magicians" is closed.

Chapter: "Ostagar".

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

We talk with King Kaylan and Duncan.

Quest "Initiation into the Gray Wardens".

First, let's find Gray Guardian Alistair. Before entering the royal army camp, a soldier will speak to us. From a conversation with him we learn who and where can be found (text from the codex).

We find Alistair. We speak with him (text from the codex). Alistair joined the squad.

Now we must find Duncan. But let's wait. First, we will search the entire area and collect additional tasks.

In front of the quartermaster's shop, we will meet with a recruit to the Gray Guardians named Daveth, we will talk with him. Talk to the quartermaster. He has a backpack. Buy it and the volume of your travel bag will increase by 10 units. We'll sell everything we have left over.

Task "Mabari Wolfhound".

Let's walk a little straight from the quartermaster and come out to the kennel. The huntsman will ask us to find in Savage Lands Korkari flower for treating mabari. We agree, but until we talk with Duncan, this location is not yet available.

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Nearby are the Wars of Ash. They will speak contemptuously of the elves. And you ask: “Do you have something against elves?” The ill-mannered grins will stop. Talk to the Leader of the Ash Warriors, ask him to tell the legend (text from the codex).

Mission "The Hungry Deserter".

Nearby is the tent of King Cailan and Tairn Loghain. Talk to the guards at Loghain's Tent. Use persuasion to make the tairn come out of the tent to talk to you. The result is the text from the code.

There is an elf messenger in the army camp. In a conversation with him, you can convince him to give up Sir Garlen's sword. But I didn’t try to convince, it’s a sin to deceive.

Talk to Alistair (+1 approval) about the Sea and the Gray Wardens.

We speak with Duncan and receive 2 tasks.

Quest "Cache of the Gray Guardians". It is necessary to find treaties obliging other races to help the Gray Guardians in the fight against the Blight.

Quest "Contaminated Blood". You need to get 3 flasks with the blood of the creatures of darkness to carry out the ritual of initiation into the Gray Wardens.

Both quests take place in the Korcari Wilds.

Sir Jory, the warrior, and Davet, the robber, join our squad. Great! We go throughout the camp and, with the help of Davet’s skills, we break all the chests that we can. In the bag, not far from the beginning of the Ostagar location, we find the first gift - a beef bone. Almost all gifts can be given to any member of the squad. But for some, one thing is more important than another. Gifts improve the mood of your companions. The higher their morale, the stronger their story abilities become (4 ranks: 25, 50, 75, 100%). But we are not giving anything away yet.

Before going to the Wild Lands of Korkari, don’t forget to sell everything you don’t need, because there will be a lot of trophies there.

Location: "Wild Lands of Korcari".

At the entrance to the location we will meet 8 wolves. It's easy to kill them even alone. We use "Death Magic", "Ice Grip" and "Life Drain". We collect wolf skins. They will be useful to us in the Dalish camp.

A little ahead, in the reeds, on the body of the missionary Jogby. The text from the codex and a new task - "Missionary" - opens. The letter describes signs that will help us find a chest of supplies.

Nearby we will come across a dying soldier. We can save him, or we can finish him off. If we finish, the relationship with Alistair will worsen (-3). We pass through a clearing with dead soldiers. At the uprooted tree we will find a flower necessary for treating mabari (task “Mabari Wolfhound”). We can take the flower now, or we can do it later, it doesn’t matter.” Going a little further, we will encounter 3 garlocks and 3 genlocks. We kill and rummage. We get the text from the codex.

We increase the level (Magic 24+2, willpower 20+1). Learn the horror spell. This spell frightens many enemies, and can save the magician's life in hand-to-hand combat. With this spell, your magician can not run from the enemy, but destroy him at point-blank range, without incurring damage, i.e., attack in the front ranks!

I note that the experience of the hero and Alistair increases, but that of Davet and Sir Jory does not. From which we conclude that these characters are temporary. Therefore, do not even think about dressing and arming them well - you will lose everything.

In a large clearing with ruins there are 2 garlocks and 6 genlocks. Destroying them is simple: everyone in the squad attacks freely, and the magician stands behind and finishes off the enemies with the “Icy Grip”.

Next, a group of 2 garlocks and 4 genlocks. We destroy using the technique described above, or we advance with everyone. We scare one enemy and finish it off. If you hold the position, your mage will not suffer damage, because the bodies of killed enemies will replenish his health during the battle. We get 3 bottles with the blood of the Spawn of Darkness. Yes, by the way, it’s good to navigate on the map by the sun, it doesn’t move!

Having reached the ruins crossing the river, we walk along the path. There we eliminate 4 wolves. Rigby's supply chest is found (there are 2 statues next to it).

Next, we walk across the bridge over the river. Be careful! Genlock robbers (5 beasts) will emerge from the ground, and an emissary (magician) is ahead. We destroy the genlocks. The emissary runs away, having received the slightest injury. Don't chase him - it's a trap. If you run after him, you will run into a crowd of enemies: genlocks and garlocks - robbers, warriors, archers. Well, an emissary to boot! It will be difficult to win like that. It is better to order the squad to stand still. The emissary will run away, but will return. Immediately attack everyone at once. The animal will die without making a sound. The rest of the Spawn of Darkness are easily defeated without the support of an emissary (sorcerer). Look around the battlefield. On the corpse of one of the soldiers you will find a bag of ashes and a letter (text from the codex). We read carefully and find a pile of stones on a hill nearby. It's easy to find - next to it is a building with a dome. Save. Pour the ashes onto the stones. The demon is serious, but defeatable. If you don’t like the trophies when you win, then repeat the battle. Better items may drop, and more than one (text from the codex). If you hear a growl, then know that Genlock robbers will now emerge from the ground. This sign will help you be ready for an attack.

We raise Alistair's level. I advise those playing as a magician to learn two-handed weapon skills from Alistair. It will become a reliable cover and will deal good damage in the thick of enemies.

In the center of the location we find Rigby's body. After examining it, we receive the task of taking Rigby’s box to his wife in Redcliffe. We go west to the ruins (not far from the beginning of the location, to the right). We find a box in the extinguished fire. We take it without opening the contents to deliver it to Redcliffe. You will find Rigby's wife in Redcliffe, in the church. But when you get there...

There is a road ahead ahead. There are 4 ordinary garlocks and a leader. The Garlocks will be destroyed by the magician, and the leader will be held back by 3 squad members, and then finished off with the “Icy Grip”. We win (text from the codex) and raise the hero’s level! Magic 26+2, willpower 21+1, spell "Ice Weapon" (strengthens the squad's weapons and allows you to learn the spell "Cone of Cold"). There are ruins ahead, where there is a hiding place of the Gray Guardians. But there are no documents! But the witch Morrigan appears. We talk with her, then with her mother - Flemeth. We receive the documents of the Gray Guardians. Next we are transported to the camp of King Kailan.

Location: Ostagar.

Let's go to the huntsman. We give away the flower. There are 2 options here. We ask for money to save the dog and receive 50 silver, or we give the flower for free, and the huntsman promises to give you the dog after the battle (it’s not harmful to dream). So, the task “Mabari Wolfhound” is completed.

Remember, you have the key to the magicians' chest? During the day it was guarded by a subdued man, but now there is no one there. Let's go and rob. There are clothes, potions, money. What we need, we keep; what we don’t, we sell. The Hungry Deserter quest is complete.

All! Let's go to Duncan. The quests “Initiation into the Gray Guardians”, “Contaminated Blood”, “Cache of the Gray Guardians” have been completed.

We go through initiation, Sir Jory and Davet die. For those who are especially greedy: the weapons and armor of Davet and Jori can be removed before initiation. But then get ready for a fun spectacle. Davet and Jory will be in their mother's clothes, swilling swill from a goblet. Ridiculous and funny.

And you woke up and increased your level (magic 28+2, willpower 22+1). Learning the spell "Cone of Cold". Now we have a powerful spell. We damage them, freeze them, make enemies fragile (and then smash them), and slow them down.

Quest "After Initiation".

Duncan gives us the task to come to the military council. We go down the steps of the initiation altar and go straight. We speak at the council. The task is completed. Duncan gives the task to light a signal on the Ishal Tower (task "Ishal Tower").

We go to the beginning of the location where we spoke at the very beginning with King Kaylan. But keep in mind that as soon as you reach the magicians’ tents, a cutscene will start and the battle will begin.

Let's summarize before the battle.

Mage level-5


Spells learned: school of entropy ("Disorientation", "Horror", "Life Siphon", "Death Magic"), elemental magic ("Ice Grasp", "Ice Weapon", "Cone of Cold").

Alistair will tell you to cross the bridge. Let's heed the advice.

Having reached the tower courtyard, we will meet 2 soldiers. They will say that the tower was captured by the Spawn of Darkness. Both soldiers will join the squad. Let's clear the yard of creatures. They are led by a leader. But we have freezing! There shouldn't be any problems with it. As a last resort, we use poultices.

Our hero has a new level (willpower 23+1, cunning 12+2). Skills - "Persuasion Level 3" (requires 14 cunning). Spell - "Deadly Curse" (school of entropy). The enemy to whom we applied this spell loses the ability to regenerate and heal. Very useful in the fight against strong enemies.

Location "Ishala Tower".

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

But these guys love mage stew!

We entered the tower. We ordered a detachment to hold the position and survived. Now this tactic will always work indoors. Let's go forward as the main character. A trap with dirt awaits us, which is set on fire by the Spawn of Darkness - the emissary. We hide behind a column, the mud is triggered, we jump back. Fat burns, but without us! We run to the squad. 5 archers - garlocks - are running after you. Alistair and 2 soldiers destroy them, and we eliminate the emissary. If you try to attack the emissary and the garlocks together, then this is fraught with defeat, because The fire of archers, supported by the emissary's spells, is very strong. In addition, the emissary sends deadly curses. At the end of the battle we receive the text from the codex. Alistair has a new level, but the soldiers have no changes, which means they are temporary companions.

We are teaching Alistair two-handed skills, there are many of them (12), which means this will last for a long time.

There are 2 doors ahead into one room. No matter which door is opened, they will attack from both sides. One door is held by your warriors, and the other by your magician, using the spells “Horror”, “Icy Grip”, “Cone of Cold”. Having killed the creatures of darkness (there are 6 of them), we search the room. In one of the boxes there is a gift - a silver bracelet. There are 4 Genlock Archers in the next room. But for us, who defeated the emissary, these shortcomings are not a problem.

Let's go to the second floor. Ahead is a narrow passage with 2 doors, left and right. Having caught up with them, fight off the attack of 2 genlocks and 2 garlocks. The doors will open at the same time. Pause and give commands. Just one beast for each member of the squad. Do not run forward during this skirmish, because... there are 3 more garlocks and 5 genlock archers. But the spells “Horror” and “Cone of Cold” help everywhere. However, if you manage to open one of the doors yourself, you will be able to deal with all the creatures of darkness one by one, without them attacking at the same time.

In the cleared room there is a book (text from the codex, experience +50). At first, mana is consumed quickly, because... willpower is still weak. But for now, grenades help here, since the monsters are not high-level. The grenades themselves drop from defeated enemies. Let's beat the enemy with his own weapon!

There are 4 Genlock Archers in the next room. Let's liquidate. So, the floor is clear, let's go to the third floor.

At the entrance to the 3rd floor there are 6 genlock archers. They are weak, but they shoot well. Therefore, we force them into close combat, and the magician finishes them off with “Icy Grip.”

Behind the door there are 3 genlocks and one leader waiting for us. You can eliminate them on your own, or you can release mabari from their cells, which will distract the enemies and make victory easier. And don’t forget to send a deadly curse to the leader (he will not be able to heal and will lose life).

And then everything is simple. We order the squad to hold a position next to the dogs. We run forward with one of the characters and lure the creatures of darkness towards your squad. The dogs will do their job, and you will gain experience. Don't forget to search around, because... in the drawers of the first aid kit, which will heal the injuries of your fighters. So, the 3rd floor is clear, and in front of the top floor, there is an ogre, and he is strong!

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Destruction scheme: "Icy Grasp", "Deadly Curse", "Magic Missile". Alistair and the soldiers hold the ogre in place. If the monster grabs someone, then freeze the ogre or stun him with a blow, then he will let go of the fighter. Use poultices. If the ogre comes at you, i.e. magician, then use “Cone of Cold” and jump to the side. You can simply lure the ogre towards you and run from it, periodically freezing and cursing it, while your companions will bludgeon it. If the ogre wants to throw a stone, then stun or freeze it. By the way, when the ogre bends down to pick up a stone, freeze it for fun! So, the enemy is defeated (text from the codex). We search it and everything around it. In one of the barrels there is a gift - a tribal necklace.

You set fire to the lighthouse. But Loghain was not ambushed and led the troops away. Duncan, King Cailan and the entire army die, your squad is shot with arrows. The quest "Tower of Ishal" has come to an end.

You woke up in Flemeth's hut: Morrigan is speaking to you. Find out everything you need (text from the codex). We increase the level (magic 30+2, willpower 24+1). We are learning the Spiritual Healer specialization (magic +2, slow health recovery in battle). This makes it possible not only to fight, but also to heal and resurrect partners. We learn the long-term ability "Magic Shield". We'll learn healing spells later, fortunately there won't be any enemies yet. Take everything you can from the hut. You won't come here again. After leaving the hut, talk to Alistair and Flemeth. Flemeth will offer us, in exchange for our rescue from the Tower of Ishal, to take Morrigan with us to fight the Blight. We take her with us, and explain to Alistair that this is necessary (+4 respect for Alistair, +4 respect for Morrigan). The text from the codex will open. Flemeth will remind us of the agreements of the Gray Guardians (quest "Pestilence"). 4 large tasks will open: “Perfect”, “Earl of Redcliffe”, “Nature of the Beast”, “Broken Circle”. The main goal now, by completing these tasks, is to gather an army to fight the Blight, consisting of magicians, elves, gnomes and people.

Oh, by the way, the conversation with Flemeth will take place against the backdrop of the guard tower, where we were looking for treaties. Not far!

Morrigan joins the party. She is a werewolf and a mage with elemental and entropy spells (Horror, Ice Grasp, Ice Weapon, Lightning).

In general, advice for the future. Optimal squad structure: 2 mages, a robber and a warrior. This is if you want to rob the entire area. In general, a squad of 3 magicians and war is the most striking squad.

The main thing is that all magicians know the “Spiritual Healer” specialization and the spells of the elements and entropy (“Horror”, “Cone of Cold”, “Deadly Curse”, “Life Siphon”, “Death Magic” and various kinds of tornadoes - a must). The warrior is distracted by himself (Alistair), and 3 magicians finish off. It is advisable that the spells of magicians be duplicated, then the series of spells will go on almost without interruption, and the enemy will end up on a conveyor belt of death from many spells. In addition, any of 2-3 magicians can heal and revive the entire squad. Conclusion: the mage is weak in close combat. But the strength of this class is in its numbers and mutual support. Plus a little creativity.

Yes, and one more thing, that's what! If you don't have enough space in your backpack, you don't have to throw something away. You can simply temporarily stuff some items into empty weapon and armor slots. Well, then, of course, you will get them and sell them!

We save and go on the global map to Lothering. In general, at first, I advise you to save before each exit to the global map, because... ambushes will be regular. This will save you from obscene language and save a lot of time and nerves! Don't repeat other people's mistakes (read mine too!).

Eh, it’s good that they survived! The first ambush (but first we watch the videos). The same mabari whom we saved after finding the flower is running towards us. He is being pursued by creatures of darkness. The dog will help us in battle. Alistair and the dog go on the attack, and Main character and Morrigan finish off the enemy with “Ice Grasp” and curses! This fight will immediately demonstrate to you the power of 2 magicians with duplicate spells! The fight is over. Let's come up with a name for the dog (Sharik, for example), and the text from the codex will open. Now, before leaving this place, ask the mabari to search the area a dozen times. He will find many valuable, useful and even plot-related things. If the dog is a permanent member of the squad, then repeat this procedure everywhere and always, but if not, then in many locations the “change squad” option is available on the panel at the top. This easy action will diversify your budget and plot.

Lothering (village north of Ostagar).

Bandits will attack you on the imperial highway. You can pay money, you can convince, you can kill. Anyway, the gang will have to be liquidated later. Personally, I convinced (level 3) to let us through, because... I am a magician, and the second time I threatened them to run away, and they self-destructed (the task “Bandits on the Highway” was completed). We get the text from the code.

Quest "Dead Templar".

The body of a templar lies nearby. Search it and take the medallion (text from the codex). In the church we talk with Sir Donall about the death of knight Henryk. We give him the medallion of the deceased. The task has been submitted.

The quest "Lothering and the Imperial Route" will also load. We will finish it by leaving Lothering. It is better to complete all tasks in Lothering immediately, because... then the location will be inaccessible, it will be ravaged by the creatures of darkness. There are also boxes with triggers for traps nearby.

Let's agree right away. Do not sell the Elvenroot and Deathroot plants to anyone, as well as lyrium dust, because... these are strategic resources for making many potions, poultices, poisons, etc.

Going down to the village, you will meet with the templar. He will tell you where to find the village leaders and how things are going.

Having walked a little forward, you will see a merchant who is besieged by hungry peasants. He will offer you 1 gold if you drive away the dissatisfied. If you agree, you will earn Morrigan's respect (+3) and Alistair's denial (-2). In addition to gold, you can demand a discount or kill the merchant. Another option: you do not agree to the merchant’s terms and convince him to reduce the price. He agrees, but now you will buy everything from him at inflated prices. Morrigan will rate your kindness negatively (-3).

There is a box next to the bridge with a gift in it. Let's take a look into the church yard. Hasind is screaming there. Take him away and he will leave. At the entrance to the church courtyard there is a notice board. Preacher Devons, if you talk to him, will tell you what to do. And if it’s not clear, then the guy standing next to you will explain it to you. We complete the task on the notice board and complete it.

“Destroy the robbers” - defeat 3 gangs. One outside the village, another near the river, behind the hills, and the third, near the bridge at the exit from Lothering to the imperial road. You can defeat them with your existing squad, or you can go to the tavern, where an ambush awaits you. But the nun Leliana will come to your aid. There is no need to kill all the soldiers. The main thing is to give in to the commander. Having suffered damage, he will recall the soldiers, and you will convey ardent greetings to the traitor - Loghain, who declared you a traitor and murderer of the king (text from the codex). Leliana is a robber, she will join the party if you take her. We will teach her how to steal, pick locks, fight with two blades and archery. She already knows something. Don't forget to change her clothes. You can't fight much in a novice's robe!

We destroy 3 gangs. At their leader's full set armor (give to Alistair if he matches it). We receive 3 gold from the preacher.

In the tavern, in the corner, there is a liaison officer for the Blackstone Volunteers. Talk to him and get tasks.

“Scrape the bottom of the barrel” - deliver letters to conscripts.

“Breach of duty” - deal with 3 groups of deserters (where and when is specified specifically).

Barlin is standing right there in the tavern. He will ask you to get him poison (3 bottles). This is the task "Poisonous Proposal". The solution to this task is simple. Let's go to the river. There are 6 giant spiders. We have a lot of experience fighting them since the tower of the circle of magicians. We eliminate arachnids. And from their poison we ourselves, or with the help of the skills of our companions, make poison. We give the poison to Barlin, we get 75 silvers. The "Poisonous Proposal" task has been completed.

Hack chests with Leliana's help. She gets experience for this, and you get goods. Rob all characters on the map using Leliana's Steal ability. Get an achievement, tons of potions, money and more! Imagine my surprise when I learned that you can even rob chickens. The theft is successful, but they have nothing to steal.

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

If you go to the mill, you will witness a dispute between the Hasinds and local residents (text from the codex). If you pass by the mill, from the side of the imperial road, you will be ambushed by refugees. There are many of them (almost 2 dozen), although they are weak. But if you hesitate, they will kill you. There are 2 options here. Either give each member of your team their own defense sector, or run to the imperial road, behind the large tree. The refugees will not run so far after you, but you will lure them out one by one and destroy them. The Cone of Cold and Horror spells are more important here than ever. Grenades will also come in handy!

After completing the task “Destroy the robbers,” 2 more tasks will appear on the preacher’s board: “Kill the infected bears” and “Find the orphan’s mother.”

“Find the orphan’s mother” - you need to kill a pack of wolves (12 animals) and find the mother’s body under a landmark tree. A pack of wolves is a dangerous business. It is better to lure them out one by one with a shot from a staff or bow.

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

We take valuable things from the body of a woman killed by wolves as souvenirs for the child. We immediately do the task “Kill the infected bears”. It's behind the landmark tree. Three bears. 2 mages with freezing spells are real power. Therefore, the bears have no chance against the Main Character and Morrigan, and even more so with the support of Alistair and Leliana. We win (text from the codex). We increase the level (magic 32+2, willpower 25+1). We learn the spell "Focus on the staff" (increases the damage from the magician's staff).

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

We hand over the tasks on the preacher's board to Devons. We receive 50 silver and the Oathkeeper sword. But the sword is one-handed, and Alistair in my squad specializes in two-handed weapons, because I don’t need this sword.

"More than just plants."

In the square, in front of the tavern, stands Elder Miriam. She will ask you to bring 3 poultices for the wounded. We can create them ourselves, or we can give them away from our trophies. For completion - 50 silver and experience, of course.

"Prisoner of the Qunari."

Nearby is a cage with a Qunari named Stan. Talk to him (text from the codex). You can leave it like that, or you can take it to fight the Pestilence. He is a good warrior. To do this, we go to church and talk to the reverend mother. We threaten, convince, or Leliana will help us; Reverend Mother gives the key. The Reverend Mother will extort money from us for a donation. If you don’t give anything, then nothing will change, give 10 silver - Leliana’s attitude +1, give 5 gold - Leliana’s attitude +4. We go to Stan and release him. He joins the squad.

In the church we speak with Sir Brian. He will give us the key to the supply cabinet (very useful). In addition, you can say that you have dealt with the robbers. There will be a templar witness to your good deeds. You will be offered a reward, which you can refuse (no big loss). If you offer to look after the village, then you will not turn away from the reward (20 silver). If you lie that you were robbed, then you will not see a reward, because... The order to deal with the robbers will be given to the templars.

There are 3 books and a bookcase in the church. They open texts from the codex. There is also a chest there, and in it is a gift.

If you know how to make traps, then approach Allison for the task. OK it's all over Now! Lothering won't bother us anymore. We go to the exit to the imperial highway.

However, before leaving, we meet a group of creatures of darkness. There are 6 fighters in it. One garlock leader, 3 archers and 2 warriors. We freeze the beasts with the “Cone of Cold”. We push Alistair forward, he holds back the creatures of darkness. And the magicians and Leliana destroy the archers, after which they help Alistair finish off the remaining enemies. We not only repelled the onslaught of the creatures of darkness, but also saved the dwarven merchant Bodan Feddik and his son Sandal. We can ask them for a reward for salvation, or we can simply wish them a good journey. Don't forget to check out the trophies. There is a gift in one of the boxes, and on the body of the blood mage you will find a note (text from the codex). It talks about the hiding place of a certain Bel in the tower of the circle of magicians. Let's remember for the future.

Now that's it, let's leave the location. The quest "Lothering and the Imperial Route" has come to an end.

After the intro video, we will be shown that the Main Character and his squad have set up camp, you have woken up after a nightmare. Talk to Alistair. If you answer his questions confidently and kindly, you will receive +1 respect.

The trader Bodan, who you recently rescued, is staying at your camp. Approach him and talk to him and his son Sandal. They will tell you their story.

You can buy any goods you need from Bodan. I recommend purchasing books "About physical development" and about magical development". They will strengthen your abilities. We learn the spell “Group Healing” to heal the entire squad in battle.

In the camp, all the wounds of the squad members are healed. Also, at a halt, you can talk with your party members and give them gifts. All this ultimately improves their attitude towards you and strengthens their plotting abilities.

"The Nature of the Beast".

We go out to the world map and head to the Brecilian forest. We are met by Dalish elves and taken to their clan leader, Zatrian. He says that the Dalish cannot help us with troops, because... They were attacked by werewolves, and many elves were struck by a curse. The attack can only be stopped by killing the leader of the werewolves, Mad Fang, because only from the heart of Mad Fang can a decoction be made that will heal the Dalish people affected by the curse. You need to follow the heart of Mad Fang deep into the Brecilian Forest. But we will wait and look around the elven camp.

Next to Zatrian is his first assistant, Lanaya. After talking with her, we learn about the Dalish and Zathrian (text from the codex).

In the Dalish camp we can find various objects, figures and statues: Elder of the Sun, Andruil, Sileiz, a bunch of scrolls (next to Master Varathorn), June: god of craft, colored ink, Fen Harel, Gilannain. Having studied all of the above, we will learn a lot about the history of the elves, and new texts will be added to the codex.

To the right of Zatrian is the hunter Atras. If you can convince him, he will tell you that his wife Daniela has disappeared, she was struck by the curse of werewolves. Atras wants to know what happened to his wife. The task “In the Power of the Curse” will open. You can refuse to complete the task or demand a larger reward. Morrigan will approve of this (+2). Or you can simply agree to help the unfortunate person. We will find Atras's wife in East Brecilian, at the very entrance, if you go into the forest through the Northern exit. On the way we will come across 5 werewolves. After destroying them, talk to Daniela. She has already turned into a beast, and asks to kill her. If you refuse, she will attack and you will still have to finish her off. In any case, you can take the scarf from Daniela and give it to her husband Atras, or keep it for yourself.

If you tell Athras that Daniela has died or become a werewolf, your companions will not react. But if you tell Atras that Daniela died, but conveyed that she loves him, then Leliana will approve of your action (+2), and Morrigan - on the contrary (-3). In any case, the task is over, you receive the "Pendant of Atras" amulet (+4% chance to repel hostile magic).

Quest "Rare Ironbark".

Opposite Zatrian is Varathorn's workshop. We can buy the necessary goods from him. After talking with him, we learn that he needs a rare raw material - iron tree bark. You will find ironbark in West Brecilian, near the East Brecilian crossing. But be prepared for battle, next to the iron bark lurks Wild Sylvan, a revived tree. We defeat Silvan (text from the codex) and bring the iron bark to Master Varathorn. He will offer us to make weapons or armor. If you refuse and donate the find, the master will make an amulet for you (+20 resistance to the forces of nature). The quest is closed.

Quest "Kammen's Woe".

To the left of Zatrian, next to the bonfire of the storyteller Sarel, stands the young hunter Kammen. He is in love with a girl named Geina, but cannot marry her, because he is still a hunter's apprentice. To become a hunter, Kammen must kill a large beast, but there are werewolves in the forest, and Zatrian forbade going into the forest. We can solve his problem in 2 ways. Either we will convince Geina to become Kammen's wife (and we can, we have level 3 persuasion!), or we will give Kammen the wolf skin, and Geina will also agree to become his wife. Remember the wolf skins obtained near Ostagar? So they came in handy! The task has been submitted. We receive approval from Leliana (+4) and disapproval from Morrigan. The text from the codex opens. We will receive the book "The Saga of Iloren" as a gift. Don't sell it, we will need it.

"Galla Elora" quest.

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

If you go down from the Dalish camp to the river, you will see there paddocks for the Gauls, sacred animals for the elves. The main shepherd Elora will tell you that one of the Gauls is sick, because she may have been bitten by werewolves (text from the codex). There are 2 options here.

You can examine the gall and say that it is sick (lie). The animal will be killed, and you will be given its horns, from which master Varathorn will make the “Horn of the Gaul” amulet (+10 to mental stability). Another variant. You will examine the animal using the "Survival" skill (at least level 2). It turns out that this gall is healthy, but a completely different animal is sick. The task has been submitted. By the way, you can increase the “Survival” skill if you buy a book from Old Tegrin. This merchant travels throughout the imperial highway. Catch it!

The storyteller Sarel sat next to Zatrian by the fire. After talking with him, you will learn the legend of the Mad Fang.

Let's go to the Brecilian Forest!

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Immediately at the waterfall, and a little to the right, you will encounter 4 wolves, 1 pestilence wolf and 3 werewolves. If you lure them out one at a time, there will be no problems. Walking along the path straight from the waterfall, you will see the Big Bear in the ravine on the right. He has his back to you, and it will not be difficult for 4 fighters of your squad to eliminate this animal. The key to victory here is freezing, and before that, Deadly Curse and Corruption of Vulnerability (Morrigan).

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Not far from the ravine grows the Andraste's Grace flower. This is a gift!

Having reached the first bridge along the path, you will meet werewolves with werewolves, and they will warn you that your presence is not welcome. As you go further, you will come across 5 werewolves. Werewolves are dangerous because of their speed and ability to knock people down. These are dangerous opponents.

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

The first phase of the battle - use the "Cone of Cold" and curses (by both magicians), the second phase - the magicians retreat, we push Alistair forward. Leliana works with a bow. Alistair's role is to contain, so don't get carried away with attacking with this character. Any heavy infantryman in battle is support. Mages are the striking force of battle. After recharging their spells, the magicians will finish off the werewolves. Even if Alistair fails to contain the rabid animals, Leliana will step in, using her fighting skills with weapons in both hands. These skills are at this stage The plot developments are still weak, but they will be useful for distracting enemies. And this is what is needed for magicians. If the heroes run out of mana/stamina, use grenades (this is why we taught the level 1 skill “Making Poisons”).

Quest "Wounded in the Forest".

Walking to the right of the walkway, we will find a wounded elf named Deigan. It is almost impossible to learn anything from him, because he loses consciousness. We can kill and rob him (-5 Leliana's approval). Or we can save him by delivering him to the Dalish camp. Leliana will approve of your actions (+4). Deigan will thank you. When you arrive at the Dalish camp, he will offer you gem. Accepting a gift or refusing a gift is your choice. The quest is over.

Behind the second bridge you will run into creatures of darkness: 4 garlocks and an ogre. We lure them out and destroy them.

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Stick in the ear!

There is a grave nearby, and near it there is a pile of stones in which you will find 2 gifts.

If you go from the place where you found the ironbark to the right, down the path, you will find another path to East Brecilian - the Southern Passage. He is guarded by 3 werewolves. And below, in the valley, you will encounter 5 Wild Silvins. After defeating them, talk to the Great Oak. He will tell you about his trouble. A crazy hermit from East Brecilian stole the acorn of the Great Oak. You need to get an acorn. Then the Great Oak will help you deceive the forest and penetrate the werewolves' lair. This quest is part of the "Nature of the Beast" quest.

There is a camp behind the Great Oak. Remaining in it, your squad falls asleep, and the Main Character will have to fight with the Large Shadow. For a magician, this is a test of strength. But using the “Cone of Cold”, in combination with the “Deadly Curse”, “Icy Grip”, “Magic Arrow”, we will win. After the battle, your squad will wake up, and you will see that the cozy camp is a cemetery.

We increase the level of the Main Character (9). Magic 32+3, learn or improve the “Survival” skill (allows you to notice enemies on the map in advance) and the “Blizzard” spell, which allows you to slow down enemies, deal damage to them or freeze them.

Be careful if you leave the Brecilian Forest, especially the Western part. Returning from the forest, you can be ambushed by creatures of darkness, bandits, wild animals (bears, for example).

In East Brecilian you will see a magical barrier, but you will not be able to pass through it. Whether you want it or not, you will have to fulfill the request of the Great Oak.

In one of the clearings, not far from the barrier, 3 Wild Sylvans are waiting for you. Having forced the squad to hold a position, we cast the “Blizzard” spell on the trees, provoking them to attack. Next, we freeze it with the “Cone of Cold” and finish it off. Those who have learned fire spells, use them against walking wood!

In the clearing where you destroyed the sylvans, there is a skeleton. After examining it, you will find the "Blessing of Mythal" shield. The text from the codex will open. Nearby there are 3 bears “grazing”, and even further away there are 2 ogres. We will eliminate them one by one.

In the next clearing is the lair of the hermit who stole the acorn of the Great Oak. You can kill the old man and take possession of the acorn. But I would prefer to come to an agreement with him, he’s such a funny old man! You can offer the Hermit the book that Kammen gave us (it came in handy) or the “Pendant of Atras” for an acorn. Or you can destroy the Great Oak on the instructions of the hermit and the old man will help you get through the barrier.

We go to the Great Oak and give the acorn. In return we get the “Oak Branch” staff (+1 to magic, +2 to constitution, +10% damage from the forces of nature). With this staff we will bypass the magical barrier in Eastern Brecilian.

Just beyond the barrier, the werewolf Runner is waiting for you with a campaign of 4 Rabid Werewolves. There will be a fight. But you don't need to kill everyone. The main thing is to seriously wound the Runner, then the whole pack will scatter on its own.

Nearby, near the tombstone, we will find a pile of stones. It contains a gift.

Quest "Treasure of the Magicians".

We can collect the full armor hidden in 4 graves: 2 in East Brecilian (boots and gloves), Western Brecilian (helmet), lower level of the ruins (breastplate). Each gravestone is guarded. I don’t recommend moving the tombstones now, because... your squad is still too weak to fight the Risen from the Dead, because this enemy attracts and kills, and he is very strong in health and is helped by 4 skeletons.

Although, if you want to test yourself, then go for it. I eliminated the Risen from the Dead at level 9 Hero. It’s hard, it’s still a nightmare, but it’s so nice to overcome the adversary.

The first tombstone that is available is East Brecilian, next to the hermit's edge, then all the others. Having disturbed the tombstone, we will call the guards and activate the text from the codex.

To eliminate a squad of the dead you will need 10-15 small lyrium potions and the same number of poultices. The best way destroying the Risen from the Dead, if you are low level, means running to the other end of the map. The undead will fall behind, spread out along the entire road, and you will destroy everyone, one by one. It's best to save the one back from the dead for last. Sometimes the enemy lags so far behind that the battle stops. Here you can save right away! If you hesitate, you will lose everyone.

Alistair holds back the Risen One, while the others hit the enemy from a distance. Place your fighters separately from each other, at a decent distance, otherwise they can all be pulled in en masse and killed in one blow! We use freezing (it is very relevant here), curses and damage. If you have enough patience, then victory is guaranteed.

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Now you need to penetrate the ruins where the werewolves are hiding.

Upper level of the ruins. Once in this location, turn left, there is a secret door. By opening it, we will open the door opposite. 4 skeletons will attack us. Having defeated them, we get the text from the codex.

We go down the stairs, overgrown with roots. We eliminate 2 werewolves. The Main Character has a new level (physique 12+2, magic 35+1). We learn the spell "Healing" (school "Creation"). There is a secret door to the left, open it and search the entire room. To the right is a locked door, you need to look for another way into the werewolves' lair. The quest "Nature of the Beast" will be updated.

There are 8 spiders ahead. The danger is that in the corridor, where all these living creatures are, there are a lot of cobwebs, and if you get caught in them, you temporarily lose the ability to move. In addition, spiders themselves spit webs. It is better to hold your position and lure out the spiders one by one.

Let's go down. We stop the squad at the entrance and give the command to hold the position. Leliana will inspect the area in front of the squad and disarm the traps. But be careful, there's a dragon ahead! We lure the dragon onto the stairs, and the magicians create a “Blizzard”. After this, we create a “Force Field” (Morrigan) for the fighter who was attacked by the dragon. The enemy will attack uselessly, and we will freeze, curse and destroy him (text from the codex). We rob the dragon's treasures (text from the codex) and go to the Lower level of the ruins.

Lower level of the ruins. Right at the beginning of the level you will see a ghost, but don't run after it, it's a trap. There are 9 skeletons ahead of you, and behind them are 4 skeletons and a web. We lure out the enemies in small groups and eliminate them. Or we increase the view (view from above), approach the enemies until they see you, and launch a “Blizzard” at them. The enemy will suffer damage and be frozen, and we will finish him off from a distance.

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

Walkthrough of DAO. In a high tower of magicians. Ostagar. Wild Lands of Korcari. Ishala Tower. Lothering. The nature of the beast. Supported by the site, AMD and EA

There is another ghost in the next room. It speaks in an unknown language. As soon as the spirit stops chattering, 12 skeletons will appear. We select the entire squad and run back. The enemy will stretch along the entire length of the corridors, and we will destroy the squad of skeletons piece by piece.

In the hall where the skeletons were, to the right, there is a sarcophagus. Inside it is a gift and a sign describing the ritual. The text from the codex and the task "Elven Ritual" are activated.

Quest "Elven Ritual".

After going forward and defeating the skeletons, turn left. In the room with the fountain, do the actions described in the found tablet (text from the codex). Having done everything correctly, you will open the door to the hall where part of Juggernaut’s armor is stored (they are guarded by spirits). The task has been submitted.

Quest "War Sorcerer".

There is a room nearby, if you go further along the corridor, in which we will find an amulet with an essence. The spirit undertakes to teach us the “War Sorcerer” specialization, but we must free him for this. If we keep our promise, Alistair will approve (+2). If we deceive, nothing will happen. In any case, the task is completed.

There are 9 skeleton archers in the large hall. They are weak, but they hurt a lot with bows. It’s better to lure them out 2-3 at a time and smash them. In addition, the entire hall is literally filled with traps, so the hall must first be cleared of evil spirits. In this room you will find a book (text from the codex) on the body of a dead man.

In the next room, skeletons and Witch Horror await us. We lure out the skeletons one by one and destroy them. Arcane Horror is a formidable opponent, casting a wide range of spells. It's better to kill him from a distance. Leliana is ideal for this, because... her bow has a longer range at this stage of the plot. Although magicians will also work, the main thing is not to fall under the spell of this enemy. Having defeated the Witch Horror, we collect rich trophies (text from the codex). To the left is a room in which there are sarcophagi, in one of which we find Ancient Elven Armor (text from the codex).

Increase the level (Willpower 25+3). We learn the spell "Revival" to raise those fallen in battle.

To the right we will find a pool into which you need to dive to get into the lair of werewolves.

So, you are in the lair of werewolves. There is no one in the room where you are, and behind the door there is a crowd of werewolves. It is better to lure them out one at a time, because... among them there are Shadow Wolves, which are invisible until the attack. All werewolves can knock down. Do not use an area spell here ("Blizzard", "Storm", etc.). Otherwise, all the werewolves will attack you, and this is a dozen and a half creatures!

In the next room you will meet the Gatekeeper, sent by the werewolves for negotiations. If you agree, you will be taken to the Mistress of the Forest (Mad Fang). If not, there will be a fight. Move a little to the left or right, other werewolves will emerge from the neighboring rooms. Total 15 animals. Having killed them all, we search the rooms. In one of the rooms you will find an Ancient text (text from the codex), the task is activated, but it goes through the entire game, therefore it is not relevant here. In the next room you will find a phylactery. By taking it, you will awaken the Risen from the Dead. Defeating him will give you 2 texts from the codex. This task is also for the entire game.

And now we are in the lair of the Mad Fang. It turns out that this is both a wolf and the Mistress of the Forest. The options for the development of events here are as follows.

We convince the Mistress of the Forest to attack the elves.

We're fighting werewolves (Morrigan's approval +3)

We agree to call Zatrian and then fight on the side of Zatrian or the werewolves. If you support the werewolves, then on your side they will oppose the Pestilence + “Killer” status. Support Zatrian, and elven arrows + Poacher status will go into battle for you.

I chose the third option and supported Zatrian. I just didn’t have enough animals in the army! And they are of little use. We receive Morrigan's approval (+6) and Leliana's indignation (-3). Zatrian is a strong magician, and will distract many enemies (that’s why we called him!). There are 8 werewolves against you, the werewolf leader Runner and Mad Fang. Having selected a squad, retreat to the other end of the hall. Some werewolves will follow you. After killing them, you help fight off Zatrian. By the way, you can treat not only members of your squad, but also allies. But even if Zatrian falls during the battle, he will simply lose consciousness and remain alive. Curse Fang Fang, freeze, stun. Or you can simply entice all the werewolves to follow one of the team members, while other party members will systematically shoot down enemies!

So the creatures are dead! The quest "Nature of the Beast" is completed. An emissary of the Dalish elves is waiting for you at the squad’s camp.