Protection fee plus standard binbank. Illegal connection of the "Protection Plus" insurance program. What is a regular charge commission

Many people are currently using plastic cards, open accounts and deposits in banks, and also perform various operations with their in cash. Mobile banking from BINBANK is a great assistant for customers financial institution, with which you can manage accounts, send transfers, pay utility bills directly from your smartphone. It is available to all clients of the financial institution. However, before using it, it is worth considering the features of the service.

Features of the mobile bank of B&NBANK

Each client of this financial institution has the ability to remotely monitor their accounts, exchange rates, and also perform various debit transactions. To do this, it is not necessary to have a computer with the Internet, because most tablets and mobile phones support the B&NBANK online application - just connect the service. Moreover, you can turn it off as unnecessary at any time.

Please note that in order to download the service, you need to have a smartphone based on Android 4.0.3 or iOS 8.0 and higher (iPhone, iPad, iPod). Before you start using mobile application, all clients are registered in the division of B&NBANK, where they are given a login and a temporary password to enter the system.

For BINBANK clients mobile bank allows you to control the performance of various operations with the account, send payments by SMS code saved in the application, confirm transfers, and more. The cost of the service is 50 rubles per month.

How to connect and disconnect the service

Recently became the owner of a Binbank card and have not yet decided whether you need an SMS informing service? Let's talk about the features and benefits of alerts, their cost and how to activate them. In addition, you will learn how to disable SMS informing on the Binbank card if this service is no longer needed.

What is "Information Service"

Get up-to-date information on your card.

Binbank's "Information Service" service allows you to control the status of your card account remotely. When it is connected, the client of Binbank receives all the necessary information via SMS informing.

The "Information Service" option can be activated using any Binbank card (primary and additional, credit and debit).

If the service is connected to an additional card, notifications will be sent to the phone number that belongs to the owner of the main one.

Service features

The following options are available within the "Information Service" service.

Performing transactions using SMS commands. The answer from the bank comes instantly in the form of a text message. Among possible actions:

  • instant blocking of the card;
  • obtaining information on connected services;
  • request for the current balance;
  • providing a statement of the last 5 transactions.

Receive monthly plastic reports(mailing to email).

Informing via SMS about income and expenditure transactions carried out on the account:

  • payment for purchases in the trade and service network;
  • cash withdrawal;
  • replenishment of the account, including in the form of transfers from legal entities and individuals.

For operations that are performed without using a card (withdrawal / accrual of interest, deduction of commission), SMS notifications are not received.


In addition to prompt SMS-informing about the movement on the account, the "Information Service" service provides other advantages:

  • cost control;
  • instant balance check without the help of an ATM (no internet connection required);
  • prevention of fraudulent activities due to timely blocking;
  • reminder of the expiration of the card;
  • the user has the right to select only those options that he needs.

SMS notification connection

Binbank has provided several convenient ways to manage SMS notifications.

To activate SMS alerts on the Binbank card, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Contact the branch and sign the appropriate form (the client can pre-print and fill out the application form).
  2. If a new plastic is issued, it is necessary to put a mark on the activation of the service in the application form for issuance.
  3. Call the call center at 8-800-200-50-75 (free hotline for all regions of the Russian Federation) or 8-495-755-50-75 (for Moscow). To identify the client, the operator will ask for the card number, passport data, control information.
  4. Connect the option online through Binbank ATMs.

The "Information Service" service can be activated both on the basis of a client's application (for a debit card) and at the initiative of the bank (for a credit card). Thus, when receiving a credit card, you do not need to separately connect the option.

How to turn off SMS notifications

If the SMS notification service is no longer needed, then it must be disabled to avoid unnecessary costs. You can refuse the option only during a personal visit to the Binbank office.

To complete an application to disable the SMS service, the client will need to have a passport with him.

How to use the service

The SMS notification service can also be used using SMS commands. The requested data will be indicated in the response message from the bank.

To find out the necessary information on the card, the user must send the appropriate SMS request to the number 8-902-111-10-03. The text of the message should look like this: Code 1234, where "Code" is the code word or digit of the request, "1234" are the numbers that end the card.

The table indicates which code word (number) corresponds to a particular operation.

All of the listed code words can be written in Latin and use any register (upper or lower case).


The "Information Service" option from Binbank has the following price conditions:

  1. Sending SMS requests is free of charge.
  2. There is no fee for the initial connection to the service.
  3. Monthly account statement is provided free of charge.
  4. If SMS notifications about account movements are received on the phone, then the subscription fee is 50 rubles per month for each connected card (for currency cards, this amount is set at 2 dollars or 1.5 euros).

The subscription fee for the SMS service is debited on the first day of the month, and it does not matter whether card transactions were made or not. The commission amount is charged in full, even if the service was connected less than a month ago. If we are talking about a credit card, then payment is not debited from the amount of the credit limit.

Regular Charge Commission

When examining a card account statement, you can see a debit transaction with the identifier “Regular Charge”, which means “regular payment” in translation. According to this code, commissions for connected options are written off. Such payments also include the commission for the "Information Service" service.

If you find that the Regular Charge commission has been deducted illegally, contact the bank to recalculate the payment.


"Information service" from Binbank allows you to monitor your expenses and control the state of the balance online. Thanks to this service, for a fairly small fee, the client will be able to protect himself from the actions of fraudsters and block the card in time. If necessary, the service can be disabled when contacting the bank.

It is recommended to connect the SMS informing service from BINBANK to all customers who have a bank debit or credit card in order to receive operational data on account movements.

Features of SMS informing BINBANK

Operational SMS notification from BINBANK allows you to receive information about transactions taking place on the card:

  • Replenishment of the balance;
  • Receiving a transfer from individuals;
  • Execution of enumerations individuals to BINBANK and other institutions;
  • Payment for services and goods online or at retail points of sale;
  • Cash withdrawal.

If the transaction is performed without a card, for example, in the account department or according to details, SMS notification does not occur. Also, operational SMS about commissions, accrued interest, etc. are not received.

The SMS informing service at B&NBANK involves some nuances in using a credit card. For example, commission payments are not made from borrowed funds. In this regard, you should have your own funds in the account to pay mandatory payments on a credit card, otherwise a debt will form.

How to connect and disconnect the service

In order to connect SMS informing to a credit or credit card, it is required to tick the corresponding item when filling out an application for issuing plastic. B&NBANK undertakes to connect it immediately after activating the card. If this does not happen, you need to contact the hotline 8 800 200-50-75 (free of charge, around the clock).

You can connect the card yourself using an ATM or at a branch by filling out a questionnaire (the form at the link below).

For credit cards, you do not need to connect SMS informing separately. In this case, this happens automatically after receiving the plastic.

To disable the service, you must submit an application at the BINBANK branch with which the agreement has been signed. So, in the reviews they note that in cases of accumulation of debt, BINBANK refuses to turn off the service until it is repaid. This is explained by the need to promptly inform the debtor about the existence of the debt.

The cost of prompt information

The cost for SMS informing is charged in the amount of 50 rubles per month. The first two months are free of charge. Commission is not charged on the first day of each month. The cost for an incomplete month of using the product is non-refundable.

If the card is not used, a fee for SMS informing and service will be charged. A similar problem was encountered by some users who did not use plastic for a long time, and the cost for the service accumulated on their account in the form of a negative balance. In this case, it is reasonable to disable SMS informing in BINBANK.

What is a regular charge commission

Regular Charge translates as a regular (or monthly) payment. When decrypting bank statements, this means that you have been charged a commission for the connected service. Under the same identifier, there is also a commission for the prompt SMS informing service.

If you find an outdated (erroneous) application of the Regular Charge commission at B&NBANK, you must promptly report the problem. So, users in the reviews note that when charging a commission for SMS informing Regular Charge, BINBANK promptly recalculated and returned the funds. After that, you need to pay off the obligations (if any) and you can request to turn off SMS informing.


SMS service allows you to control your expenses and balance. The cost for SMS informing in BINBANK is charged according to the established tariffs in the same amount for all types of plastic. You can connect it upon application (or automatically for credit cards), but disable it only through a personally submitted application at the branch.

07.12.2016 12:45:56

Alexander, good afternoon!
An Agreement was concluded between the Bank and you when issuing a bank card. The card has been received by you. By signing the Agreement, you agreed with the Card Service Terms, agreed to activate the "Protection Plus" service in the application form upon receipt of the card, and undertook to pay the fees stipulated by the Tariffs and the Agreement.
The commissions disputed by you are accrued strictly in accordance with the Tariff plan, according to which the bank card you have chosen is issued and serviced. The Bank has the right to change the Tariffs during the period of servicing the card in accordance with the Conditions, having previously placed new editions of the Tariffs in the offices of the Bank and on the Bank's website on the Internet.
In connection with the foregoing, there are no grounds for canceling and returning the commissions accrued and disputed by you. All commissions are accrued within the framework of the Agreement and Tariffs for your card. Tariffs are available at the Bank's office or on the Bank's website.
In addition, we inform you that the grounds for paying you compensation for moral damage have not been identified due to the absence of violations by the Bank of the law.
We hope for your understanding and further cooperation. Sincerely, Alexander Novikov.

How can I find out if credit card insurance is connected?
It is enough to request a card statement at the bank, or generate it yourself using the Internet bank. In the generated report-extract you will be able to see the payment for participation in the insurance protection program.

How do I turn off credit card insurance?
In most cases, turning off credit card insurance is quite simple, just contact the bank office or call the bank's hotline, go through identification and report your desire to turn off the insurance protection program. As a rule, it will be turned off immediately after the request.
Hotline of Home Credit Bank 8 800 700 80 06
Hotline of Russian Standard Bank 8 800 200-62-00
and other telephone hotlines of Banks can be found on the Internet.
Important!!! In some banks, despite the fact that insurance is turned off immediately, payment for this service will no longer be charged from the next billing period, depending on your tariff and credit card conditions.

Binbank protection plus how to disable the insurance service?

According to the conditions for the provision of services by BINBANK JSC for connecting bank card holders to the Zashita Plus Collective Insurance Program with VSK IJSC, the Client’s participation in the Insurance Program is terminated for the following reasons:
when the client expresses the relevant will in writing;
· or by contacting the Contact Center by calling the hotline 8 800 200 50 75. When a client contacts the Contact Center, he must be identified and authenticated in accordance with the terms of use of the bank's contact center. After that, the protection plus from Binbank will be disabled.

How to disable insurance at Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank?

As mentioned above, it is enough to call the TKS Bank hotline at 8 800 555 25 50 and inform about the refusal of insurance. Or you can use Internet Banking:

1. Go to Personal Area and choose your credit card.

2. We find, below, under the information about the card, the following sections: "Events", "Settings", "Balance and Limits", "Actions", "About the account" To disable the debt insurance service, you need to go to the "Settings" section.