Alexander block in a white halo of roses. The history of the poem

The action takes place in revolutionary Petrograd in the winter of 1917/18. Petrograd, however, acts both as a specific city and as the center of the Universe, a place of cosmic cataclysms.

The first of twelve chapters of the poem describes the cold, snowy streets of Petrograd, tormented by wars and revolutions. People make their way along slippery paths, looking at slogans, cursing the Bolsheviks. At spontaneous rallies, someone - “must be the writer - Vitia” - talks about a betrayed Russia. Among the passers-by are “a sad comrade priest”, a bourgeois, a lady in karakul, and frightened old women. Scattered shouts can be heard from some neighboring meetings. It's getting dark and the wind is picking up. The state of the poet himself or one of the passers-by is described as “anger,” “sad anger,” “black anger, holy anger.”

Chapter two: a squad of twelve people walks through the city at night. The cold is accompanied by a feeling of complete freedom; people are ready to do anything to protect the new world from the old - “let’s fire a bullet into Holy Rus' - into the barn, into the hut, into the fat-ass.” On the way, the fighters discuss their friend Vanka, who has gotten together with the “rich” girl Katka, and scold him as a “bourgeois”: instead of defending the revolution, Vanka spends his time in taverns.

Chapter Three is a swashbuckling song, apparently sung by a troop of twelve. The song is about how after the war, in torn coats and with Austrian guns, the “guys” serve in the Red Guard. The last verse of the song is a promise of a world fire in which all the “bourgeois” will perish. The blessing for the fire is, however, asked from God.

The fourth chapter describes that same Vanka: with Katka in a reckless car they rush through Petrograd. A handsome soldier hugs his girlfriend and says something to her; she, satisfied, laughs merrily.

The next chapter is Vanka’s words addressed to Katka. He reminds her of her past - a prostitute who passed from officers and cadets to soldiers. Katka's wild life was reflected on her beautiful body - with scars and scratches from the knife attacks of abandoned lovers. In rather rude terms (“Al, don’t remember, cholera?”) the soldier reminds the walking young lady about the murder of some officer, to whom she clearly had a relationship. Now the soldier demands his own - “dance!”, “fornicate!”, “let you sleep with yourself!”, “sin!”

Chapter Six: A reckless driver carrying lovers encounters a squad of twelve. Armed people attack the sleigh, shoot at those sitting there, threatening Vanka with death for appropriating “someone else’s girl.” The reckless cab driver, however, takes Vanka out from under the gunfire; Katya, shot in the head, remains lying in the snow.

A detachment of twelve people moves on, as cheerfully as before a skirmish with a cab driver, a “revolutionary step.” Only the killer - Petrukha - is sad for Katya, who was once his mistress. His comrades condemn him - “now is not the time to babysit you.” Petrukha, truly cheerful, is ready to move on. The mood in the detachment is most militant: “Lock the floors, there will be robberies today. Unlock the cellars - there's a bastard walking around these days!

The eighth chapter is the confused thoughts of Petrukha, who is very sad about his shot friend; he prays for the repose of her soul; He is going to disperse his melancholy with new murders - “you fly, bourgeois, like a sparrow! I’ll drink your blood for the sweetheart, for the black-browed one...”

Chapter Nine is a romance dedicated to the death of the old world. Instead of a policeman at the crossroads there is a freezing bourgeois, behind him - a mangy dog ​​that goes very well with this hunched figure.

The twelve move on - through the blizzard night. Petka remembers the Lord, marveling at the strength of the blizzard. His comrades blame him for his lack of consciousness, reminding him that Petka is already stained with Katka’s blood - this means that there will be no help from God.

So, “without the name of a saint,” twelve people under a red flag firmly move on, ready at any moment to respond to the enemy’s blow. Their procession becomes eternal - “and the blizzard casts dust in their eyes all day and night...”.

Chapter twelve, last. The detachment is followed by a mangy dog ​​- the old world. The soldiers threaten him with bayonets, trying to drive him away. Ahead, in the darkness, they see someone; trying to figure it out, people start shooting. The figure, however, does not disappear; it stubbornly walks ahead. “So they walk with a sovereign step - behind is a hungry dog, in front is Jesus Christ with a bloody flag.”


MBOU "Secondary school No. 66 of Vladivostok"


Poem "Twelve"

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

A comment

Head: Egorova G.M.

Teacher of Russian language and literature


Varitskaya Zlata, Ermolenko Lydia,

Zvereva Ekaterina, Tereshchenko Diana – students of 11 “A” class




Project passport……………………………………………………………………………… 3

Poem…………………………………………………………………………………………………………4 - 11

History of creation………………………………………………………………………………12


Commentary on the poem………………………………………………………………………………….13-19



Project passport

    Project title: analysis of the poem “The Twelve” by Alexander Alexandrovich Blok.

    Project goals: to reveal the meaning of symbolic images, to understand the point of view of A.A. Blok using the poem “The Twelve”.

    Scientific supervisor: Egorova Galina Mikhailovna – teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher of the 1st category.

    Consultant: Galina Viktorovna Maksimova – teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher of the 1st category.

    Project type: research.

    By subject area: cultural (literary).

    By number of participants: group.

    Duration: short.

    By the nature of contacts: within the class.

    Project presentation form: abstract (commentary in class).

    Sources of information: textbooks, studies of the life and work of A. Blok, Internet resources.


Black evening.

White snow.

Wind, wind!

The man is not standing on his feet.

Wind, wind -

All over God's world!

The wind curls

White snow.

There is ice under the snow.

Slippery, hard

Every walker

Slips - oh, poor thing!

From building to building

They will stretch the rope.

On the rope - poster:

The old woman is killing herself - crying,

He won't understand what it means

What is this poster for?

Such a huge flap?

How many foot wraps would there be for the guys,

And everyone is undressed, barefoot...

Old lady like a chicken

Somehow I rewound over a snowdrift.

Oh, Mother Intercessor!

Oh, the Bolsheviks will drive you into a coffin!

The wind is biting!

The frost isn't far behind!

And the bourgeois at the crossroads

He hid his nose in his collar.

Who is this? - Long hair


Russia is dead!

Must be a writer -


And there’s the long-haired one -

To the side and behind the snowdrift...

That today is not cheerful,

Comrade pop?

Do you remember how it used to be

He walked forward with his belly,

And the cross shone

Belly on the people?

There's a lady in karakul

Turned up to another:

We cried and cried...


And - bam - she stretched out!

Ay, ay!

Pull, lift!

The wind is cheerful.

Both angry and happy.

Twists hems,

Passers-by are mowed down.

Tears, crumples and wears

Large poster:

“All power to the Constituent Assembly!”

And he delivers the words:

...And we had a meeting...

...In this building...

...Discussed -


For a while - ten, at night - twenty-five...

...And don’t take less from anyone...

…Let's go to sleep…

Late evening.

The street is empty.

One tramp


Let the wind whistle...

Hey, poor guy!

Come -

Let's kiss...

Of bread!

What's ahead?

Come in!

Black, black sky.

Anger, sad anger

It boils in my chest...

Black anger, holy anger...

Comrade! Look


The wind is blowing, the snow is fluttering.

Twelve people are walking.

Rifles black belts

All around - lights, lights, lights...

There is a cigarette in his teeth, he has taken a cap,

You need the Ace of Diamonds on your back!

Freedom, freedom,

Eh, eh, without a cross!


It's cold, comrades, it's cold!

- And Vanka and Katka are in the tavern...

- She has kerenki in her stocking!

- Vanyushka himself is rich now...

- Vanka was ours, but he became a soldier!

- Well, Vanka, son of a bitch, bourgeois,

My, try, kiss!

Freedom, freedom,

Eh, eh, without a cross!

Katka and Vanka are busy -

What, what are you doing?..


All around - lights, lights, lights...

Shoulder - gun belts...

Revolutionary step up!

The restless enemy never sleeps!

Let's fire a bullet into Holy Rus' -

To the condo,

In the hut,

In the fat ass!

Eh, eh, without a cross!

How did our guys go?

To serve in the Red Army -

To serve in the Red Army -

I'm going to lay down my head!

Oh, you, bitter grief,

Sweet life!

Torn coat

Austrian gun!

We are woe to all the bourgeoisie

Let's fan the world fire,

World fire in blood -

God bless!

The snow is spinning, the reckless driver is screaming,

Vanka and Katka are flying -

Electric flashlight

On the shafts...

Ah, ah, fall!

N in a soldier's overcoat

With a stupid face

Twists, twirls the black mustache,

Yes it twists

He's joking...

That's how Vanka is - he's broad-shouldered!

That's how Vanka is - he is talkative!

hugs Katya the Fool,


She threw her face back

Teeth sparkle like pearls...

Oh you, Katya, my Katya,


On your neck, Katya,

The scar did not heal from the knife.

Under your breasts, Katya,

That scratch is fresh!

Eh, eh, dance!

The legs are painfully good!

She walked around in lace underwear -

Walk around, walk around!

Fornicated with the officers -

Get lost, get lost!

Eh, eh, get lost!

My heart skipped a beat!

Do you remember, Katya, the officer -

He did not escape the knife...

Al didn't remember, cholera?

Is your memory not fresh?

Eh, eh, refresh

Let me sleep with you!

She wore gray leggings,

Minion ate chocolate.

I went for a walk with the cadets -

Did you go with the soldier now?

Eh, eh, sin!

It will be easier for the soul!

Again he gallops towards us,

The reckless driver is flying, screaming, yelling...

Stop, stop! Andryukha, help!

Petrukha, run behind!..


Snowy dust swirled towards the sky!..

The reckless driver - and with Vanka - ran away...

One more time! Cock the trigger!..

Fuck-gobble! You will know

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It's like walking with a stranger's girl!..

Run away, scoundrel! Alright, wait,

I'll deal with you tomorrow!

Where is Katka? - Dead, dead!

Shot in the head!

What, Katka, are you happy? - No goo-goo...

Lie, carrion, in the snow!

Revolutionary step up!

The restless enemy never sleeps!

And again there are twelve,

Behind his shoulders is a gun.

Only the poor killer

You can't see your face at all...

Faster and faster

He quickens his pace.

I wrapped a scarf around my neck -

It won't recover...

What, comrade, are you not happy?

What, my friend, are you dumbfounded?

What, Petrukha, has he hung his nose,

Or did you feel sorry for Katka?

Oh, comrades, relatives,

I loved this girl...

The nights are black and intoxicating

Spent with this girl...

Because of the poor prowess

In her fiery eyes,

Because of a crimson mole

Near the right shoulder,

I lost it, stupid

I ruined it in the heat of the moment... ah!

Look, you bastard, he started a barrel organ,

What are you, Petka, a woman, or what?

Truly the soul inside out

Did you think of turning it out? Please!

Maintain your posture!

Keep control over yourself!

Now is not the time

To babysit you!

The burden will be heavier

To us, dear comrade!

And Petrukha slows down

Hasty steps...

He throws his head up

He became cheerful again...

Eh, eh!

It's not a sin to have fun!

Lock the floors

There will be robberies today!

Unlock the cellars -

The bastard is on the loose these days!

Oh, woe is bitter!

Boredom is boring


It's time for me

I’ll carry it out, I’ll carry it out...

I'm already crowned

I'll scratch it, I'll scratch it...

I'm already seeds

I'll get it, I'll get it...

I'm already using a knife

I'll strip, I'll strip!..

You fly, bourgeois, like a sparrow!

I'll drink some blood

For the sweetheart,


May the soul of your servant rest in peace, Lord...


You can’t hear the city noise,

There is silence above the Neva Tower,

And there is no more policeman -

Go for a walk, guys, without wine!

A bourgeois stands at a crossroads

And he hid his nose in his collar.

And next to him he cuddles with coarse fur

A mangy dog ​​with its tail between its legs.

The bourgeois stands there like a hungry dog,

And the old world is like a rootless dog,

Some kind of blizzard broke out,

Oh, blizzard, oh, blizzard!

Can't see each other at all

In four steps!

The snow curled like a funnel,

The snow rose in columns...

Oh, what a blizzard, save me!

Petka! Hey, don't lie!

What did I save you from?

Golden iconostasis?

You're unconscious, really.

Think, think sensibly -

Ali's hands are not covered in blood

Because of Katka's love?

Take a revolutionary step!

The restless enemy is close!

Forward, forward, forward,

Working people!

...And they go without the name of the saint

All twelve - into the distance.

Ready for anything

No regrets...

Their rifles are steel

To an invisible enemy...

In the back streets,

Where one snowstorm gathers dust...

Yes, downy snowdrifts -

You can't drag your boot...

It hits my eyes

Red flag.

Is heard

Measured step.

Here he will wake up

Fierce enemy...

And the blizzard throws dust in their eyes

Days and nights

All the way...


Working people!

They walk into the distance with a mighty step...

- Who else is there? Come out!

This is the wind with a red flag

Played out ahead...

Ahead is a cold snowdrift.

- Who is in the snowdrift - come out!

Only a poor dog is hungry

Waddles behind...

- Get off, you scoundrel.

I'll tickle you with a bayonet!

The old world is like a mangy dog,

If you fail, I'll beat you up!

Bares his teeth - the wolf is hungry -

Tail tucked - not far behind -

A cold dog is a rootless dog...

- Hey, answer me, who's coming?

- Who's waving the red flag there?

- Take a closer look, what darkness!

- Who is walking there at a quick pace?

Burying for everything at home?

- Anyway, I'll get you

Better surrender to me alive!

- Hey comrade, it will be bad

Come out, let's start shooting!

Fuck-tah-tah! - And only echo

Responsible in homes...

Only a blizzard of long laughter

Covered in snow...



So they walk with a sovereign step -

Behind is a hungry dog.

Ahead - with a bloody flag,

And invisible behind the blizzard,

And unharmed by a bullet,

With a gentle tread above the storm,

Snow scattering of pearls,

In a white corolla of roses -

Ahead is Jesus Christ.

January 1918

The history of the creation of the poem “The Twelve”

The poem was written by A. Blok in January 1918, almost a year after the February Revolution, and just two months after the October Revolution.

The poem was composed in one spirit, in post-revolutionary Petrograd, frozen in the cold, in a state of some kind of semi-conscious feverish upsurge, in just a few days, and it took only one month to finalize it. It is necessary to imagine very well the situation in which this work was created, which is absolutely necessary for Blok and for all Russian poetry. Just two months after the Bolshevik revolution, less than a year after the general euphoria of the democratic February Revolution... A sharp uplift of spirit and at the same time fatigue after two years spent at the front, the piercing cold of winter and the beginning of devastation, reprisals and robbery on the streets of the capital, and anxiety before the German troops advancing on Petrograd.

Blok said that he began writing “twelve” from the middle, with the words: “I’ll slash with a knife, I’ll slash!” then he went to the beginning and in one spirit wrote the first eight songs of the poem. Numerical symbolism also arose from the very beginning. The fact that the Red Guard patrols actually consisted of 12 people is evidenced by both documents and memoirs (in particular, the book by John Reed). In the draft of the poem there is a note from Blok: “Twelve (people and poems)."

On March 3, according to the new style, the poem “The Twelve” was published, significantly, in the Social Revolutionary newspaper “Znamya Truda”, and in May it was first published as a separate book. Here is what Yuri Annenkov, the first illustrator of the poem “The Twelve,” who communicated very closely with the poet in that year, wrote about Blok’s subtle inner mood: “In 1917–18, Blok was undoubtedly captured by the spontaneous side of the revolution. “World fire” seemed to him a goal, not a stage. The world fire was not even a symbol of destruction for Blok: it was a “world orchestra of the people’s soul.” Street lynchings seemed to him more justified than a trial. “Hurricane, constant companion of revolutions.” And again, and always – Music. "Music" with a capital letter. “Those who are filled with music will hear the sigh of the universal soul, if not today, then tomorrow,” said Blok back in 1919. In 1917, Blok thought he heard her. In 1918, repeating that “spirit is music,” Blok said that “revolution is music that those who have ears must hear,” and assured the intelligentsia: “With your whole body, with your whole consciousness, listen to the revolution.” This phrase was the same age as the poem “The Twelve.”

The history of the poem “The Twelve” was accompanied by grandiose events that soon faded away. After the noise of the revolution, an ominous silence fell for Blok. He practically did not write poems; many of his plans remained unfulfilled. They say that before his death, in delirium, he wished that his main creation, the poem “The Twelve,” would be burned. The history of creation and Blok’s enthusiasm for working on the work somewhat contradicts this fact. Just like eyewitness accounts of the poet’s departure to a better world.

The plot of the poem "The Twelve"

“The Twelve” is an epic poem that reflects pictures of reality and is more reminiscent of a kaleidoscope.

The plot can be defined as two-layered - external, everyday: sketches from the streets of Petrograd, and internal: motivation, justification for the actions of the “twelve”.

The poem begins with a description of the city panorama, with a symbolic landscape, as if painted in black and white:

Black evening.

White snow.

Wind, wind!

The man is not standing on his feet.

Wind, wind -

All over God's world!

Blok perceived the revolution as an element that rages, regardless of the people; Only the strong can survive in it. The poet is characterized by a universal scale of vision: the defenseless figure of a man lost in a whirlwind of a blizzard. Contrasting colors symbolize old and new world s, a tragic change of eras, the disappearance in a snowstorm of the entire old world along with its inhabitants: an old woman, a decadent poet, a bourgeois, a priest, girls from a brothel. Their voices come as if from a “blizzard”. In the poem, a cold wind, a blizzard, a blizzard sweeps away all the rubbish of the old, clearing the world for the new, unknown.

The image of twelve Red Guards appears in the second chapter. They walk in a snowstorm, and their very movement forward signifies impending changes. Symbolic images of a crossroads, a bourgeois at a crossroads, a “mangy dog” mean Russia at a crossroads, a confused person trying to hide from frightening changes. The poet is trying to figure out what the revolution brings with it: renewal or darkness and cruelty.

One of the key moments of the poem is the murder of Katka. The author sees revelry in the new reality dark forces. The Red Guards and Petrukha are shown as people from the lower classes with the Ural brigand origin; it is not for nothing that the “ace of diamonds” is mentioned - the sign of a convict. Depicting the Red Guards, Blok uses a combination of high style with low, rude vocabulary.

Petka kills Katka, who cheated on him, and suffers from it. But the hero’s personal experiences are inappropriate in days of great change. Comrades admonish Petka:

- It’s not such a time now,

To babysit you!

The burden will be heavier

To us, dear comrade!

Petrukha overcomes “unnecessary” feelings and walks along with everyone, typing a step. They“Ready for anything, don’t regret anything” They“they go without the name of the saint.” But suddenly a detachment of Red Guards appears in front of"in a white corolla of roses" Jesus Christ.

He holds a red flag in his hands, which turns bloody at the end of the poem. Blok understood that the path to a new life would not be without bloodshed. But the poet could not explain where this image came from in his poem. Christ"invisible behind the blizzard" he is ahead of the time when the revolution took place. Blok believed that Christ brings"holy banner" and the revolutionaries feel for the whole world"holy malice" In the poem, the image of Christ is given as a high moral ideal to which one must strive. The poet believed that people would find their way to goodness and beauty.

Blok said that “The Twelve” will remain the best of all that he wrote, because when creating it, he lived entirely in modernity. Never before has the soul of a poet been so susceptible to the storms and thunderstorms of history. In Blok’s words, the “Twelve” concentrated in themselves all the power of electricity, with which the air of October was oversaturated.

Living in modernity, the poet with the greatest freedom and unheard of courage created the most modern and completely original work. There was nothing like this in Russian poetry.

Commentary on the poem

In “The Twelve” - in the symbolism of the poem, in its imagery, composition, rhythm, language, in the entire artistic structure - Blok’s perception and understanding of the October Revolution is embodied in its entirety and integrity.

The poem consistently uses an artistic technique based on the effect of contrast. Thanks to this indissoluble unity of two intersecting plans, the integrity of the poem is preserved.

Chapter 1 The author uses contrast in the plot of the poem:

Black evening.

White snow.

Wind, wind!

“Evening”, “snow”, “wind” - these are symbols expressing the confrontation of the elements."Black White". Two colors dominate, there are no halftones. The contrasting comparison of colors determines the entire structure of the poem. The poet's feeling is determined through color.

The man is not standing on his feet.

Wind, wind -

All over God's world!

Everything is swept away in its path"wind". A global storm is raging in the universe. Two worlds are at war - the old one ("black color ) and new ("White color ) . The poet hated the world of the well-fed, this world is defeated. The old world is given many faces: it is depicted satirically.

Its representatives are the following heroes:“old lady like a chicken”, “bourgeois at the crossroads”, “vitia writer”, “comrade priest”, “lady in karakul”.

And he delivers the words:

And we had a meeting...

Here in this building...

Discussed -


For a while - ten, at night - twenty-five...

And don’t take less from anyone...

Let's go to sleep…

A multi-voiced hum can be heard: the heroes of the poem are different people. Poster"All power to the Constituent Assembly." The symbols used in the poem are meant to divert people's attention from the key events of the unmanifest government with empty statements and pretentious meetings.

Chapter 2. In the second chapter the main symbol of the revolution appears:

The wind is blowing, the snow is fluttering.

Twelve people are walking.

Said cheerfully, energetically,"The wind is blowing, the snow is fluttering" and for these twelve the blizzard is not terrible, not dangerous. They are in it as if in their own element - and they do not slip or fall, but only move forward towards their goal.

“The Twelve” are the working class, the common people, they are heroes of the new time and defenders of the revolution. 12 – defenders of the “new world”. According to the recollections of Blok’s contemporaries, each patrol consisted of 12 people.

Rifles black belts,

All around - lights, lights, lights...

“Lights” is a destructive force, the force of revolution.

There’s a cigar in his teeth, he’s wearing a cap,

You should have an ace of diamonds on your back!

“Ace of Diamonds” is a metaphor, a terrible sign of a convict.

Freedom, freedom,

Eh, eh, without a cross!

Tra - ta - ta!

This is how the Red Guards appeared to the frightened townspeople. The block gives a collective, collective image. In the first moment of freedom, people show their worst qualities: they are often destroyers and commit immoral acts.

But in the same chapter several more heroes characteristic of the revolution appear:

- And Vanka and Katka are in the tavern...

- She has kerenki in her stocking!

"Kerenki" - paper money issued by the Provisional Government (1917, Russia)

- Vanyushka himself is rich now...

- Vanka was ours, but he became a soldier!

- Well, Vanka, son of a bitch, bourgeois,

My, try, kiss!

Blok does not wax poetic about his heroes, but shows them as they are. The bourgeoisie of the hero is alien to the poet; Vanyushka betrayed the revolution.

Freedom, freedom,

Eh, eh, without a cross!



There is an intoxicating feeling of permissiveness. This path leads to a dead end. Violation of all moral norms: refusal of obligations, laws, responsibility.

Comrade, hold the rifle, don’t be afraid!

Let's fire a bullet into Holy Russia -

To the condo,

In the hut,

In the fat ass!

Chapter 3. The third chapter shows the cleansing power of the revolution, which sweeps away everything in its path:

We are woe to all the bourgeoisie

Let's fan the world fire,

World fire in blood -

God bless!

The revolution had one main task - to fan the fire.

Chapter 4. In the fourth chapter, the emergence of the central conflict of the poem occurs: love triangle: Katka – Vanka – Petrukha. The author of the poem mocks his hero, who betrayed the revolution:

He's wearing a soldier's overcoat

With a stupid face

Twists, twirls the black mustache,

Yes it twists

He's joking...

That's how Vanka is - he's broad-shouldered!

That's how Vanka is - he is talkative!

hugs Katya the Fool,


“Katka” is the embodiment of the beginning of life; the heroine bursts into the poem like a color contrast:

She threw her face back

Teeth sparkle like pearls...

Oh you, Katya, my Katya,


Katya is the embodiment of not only life, but also passion. She amazes the reader with her truth. This is reality itself.

Chapters 5,6. Further, in the fifth and sixth chapters, there follows the resolution of the contradictions in the relationship between these characters, as well as the semantic “knot” of the composition of the poem: the murder of Katya, who plays one of the key roles in the poem. A suspicion creeps in that the poem is not so much about a “simple Russian woman” and her finding “such an end.” In relation to Katka, Blok uses the epithet"fat-faced" in relation to Rus' -“fat-assed.” These paths are certainly related to each other, if only because they are of the same root. Likewise, the images they characterize are connected. Confirmation of this can be found in the relationship of the poem with history.

Turning to history, we note that a striking example of the embodiment of the image of Katka from the poem is one of the most famous rulers of Russia - Catherine 11. This woman became famous for her huge number of favorites and her great contribution to the strengthening of serfdom. The Empress did not stand on ceremony in her choice of men and at times preferred not to look at the classes, and so did the heroine from the poem:

Fornicated with the officers -

Get lost, get lost!

I went for a walk with the cadets -

Did you go with the soldier now?

Eh, Eh, sin!

It will be easier for the soul!

The Empress can be seen as a symbol of Russian statehood, and then the behavior of Blok’s Katya can be seen as an allegorical description of the country’s foreign policy. If we interpret the image of Katka as a personification state system, then the lines:

She wore gray leggings,

Minion ate chocolate...

can be explained as a description of the state of this system. Neither"gaiters", neither"Chocolate Minion" are not products of Russian industry. At firstXXcenturies, as now, most goods for the use of the wealthy minority were imported from abroad. That is, the state economy was not solvent, since it could not provide all its citizens with domestic products. But moreover, the state’s unpretentiousness in choosing world allies (like Blok’s Katya in choosing partners) is due precisely to the fact that the Russian economy and the well-being of its citizens depended on the goodwill of the allies to export their goods. The Empress can be seen as a symbol of Russian statehood, against which the twelve patrolmen, led by Christ, stood up.

With the murder of Katka, Blok shows the impunity and omnipotence of blind revolutionary will. This interpretation of Katka’s murder is explained by Blok’s spiritual work in connection with the events of the revolution, his perception of the world at the beginning of 1918. The murder of Katka in the figurative fabric of the poem goes beyond the relationship between the lumpen and the prostitute and becomes a symbol denoting the madness and meaninglessness of the new world. If there had been no murder of Katka, there would have been only scraps and shreds of a picture of a snow-covered city in the poem (anticipating plotless sketches of “new” literature) through which the detachment is marching. Blok would have been able to show only the form, the external side of the revolution. Blok, despite the fact that he depicts reality in new, more adequate forms for this reality (fragmentation, contrast, specific lexical means), penetrates into the essence of the revolution and shows its main contradiction, which many writers of the 1920s will talk about - confrontation high ideal and the dirty means of its movement.

Despite the grave crime that Petrukha committed, for Blok, the heir to the humanism of Russian literatureX1 Xcentury, “poor murderer” Petka – suffering, loving person, not a wild beast, a robber. The poet writes with indignation: “... The best people They say:“We are disappointed in our people”; the best people are sarcastic, ridiculed, angry, see nothing around them except rudeness and atrocity (and the person is here, nearby).”

But - and this is even more important - both Petrukha and the Red Guards for Blok - the first poet of the Soviet era - are not just suffering “poor” people, but rebellious fighters, revolutionary heroes, fearlessly and sacrificially going to the battle for new life. And immediately after the rudest words addressed by Petrukha to the dead Katya:“Lie down, carrion in the snow!..” - sounds like a reminder-call to action, a hammered slogan:“Keep your step revolutionary!”

Chapter 7. Vanka is now a killer, but not a simple one, but a “poor” one. A common occurrence that occurs during periods of disaster. The most terrible crime lies in the fact that a person has not learned to restrain himself.

Chapter seven reflects the bitterest and highest farewell. Petrukha’s memory of Katka is vivid and reverent; his words are among the most heartfelt in Blok’s love lyrics in general:

- Oh, comrades, relatives,

I loved this girl...

Petrukha is scared of what she has done. He loved her, that's the tragedy. Petrukha's selfishness is his own punishment.

Eh, eh!

It's not a sin to have fun!

Lock the floors

There will be robberies today!

Unlock the cellars -

The bastard is on the loose these days!

Everything is mixed up in the souls of 12. They are the personification of the masses: everything is allowed to them. The worst crime"scary world" the fact that he did not teach a person to realize his powers differently.

Chapter 8. Scorched space. Isolation from everyone. We must get used to being abandoned by God.

It's time for me

I’ll carry it out, I’ll carry it out...

Those for whom nothing is sacred come out. Petersburg is buried under a layer of seeds:

I'm already seeds

I'll get it, I'll get it...

The soldier has a disdainfully boorish face. Illogical and completely irrational. The prayer is pronounced quite mechanically:

May God rest the soul of your servant...


According to Blok, the merit of the “new” world will be that it will help a person to express himself differently than Petrukha.

Chapter 9 There is nothing. Anarchy and despondency. They were drunk without wine when times, people and attitudes towards the state changed:

There is silence above the Neva Tower,

And there is no more policeman -

Play until the morning, guys!

Blok praises the new world:

The bourgeois stands like a hungry dog,

It stands silent, like a question.

And the old world is like a rootless dog,

Stands behind him with his tail between his legs.

"Mangy dog", "hungry dog" - this is the personification of the past, passing away.

Chapter 10.

The snow curled like a funnel,

The snow rose in columns...

-Oh, what a blizzard, save me!

- Petka! Hey, don't lie!

What did I save you from?

Golden iconostasis?

You're unconscious, really.

Think, think sensibly -

Ali's hands are not covered in blood

Because of Katka's love?

It turns out that they did this deliberately. Katka is a means. Now these people, tied by blood, are like-minded people.

Any blind submission is unfreedom, a manifestation of savagery, cruelty and revenge. For Blok, the “twelve” are people fighting for a “bright future.”

Chapter 11. The personal gives way to the public. 12 are victims of the old world, but at the same time its enemies.

And they go without the name of a saint

All twelve - into the distance.

Ready for anything

No regrets...


It hits my eyes

Red flag.

The "Red Flag" is a symbol of the future. The finale of the chapter talks about the confrontation between the elements and people.

And the blizzard throws dust in their eyes

Days and nights

All the way...


Working people!

Chapter 12. There is no return of the past, but the old world does not want to retreat:

Only a poor dog is hungry

Waddles behind...

“Dog” is a collective image of the past. The symbols of the old world areblizzard, shadow.

At the end of the poem, a collective image of the moral principle is given.

So they walk with a mighty step,

Behind is a hungry dog,

Ahead - with a bloody flag,

And invisible behind the blizzard,

And unharmed by a bullet,

With a gentle tread above the storm,

Snow scattering of pearls,

In a white corolla of roses -

Ahead is Jesus Christ.

Some believe that Jesus Christ is the image of a Man, devoid of selfish principles, selfless. (See spelling of the hero's name). Others suggest that the name is used to rhyme:"dog, roses, Christ." Blok himself said: “Sometimes I myself deeply hate this feminine ghost.” It should be remembered that"white corolla of roses" symbolizes the sign of death.

The final stanza contains many contradictions, for example:

Ahead - with a bloody flag


In a white corolla of roses...

Blok himself claimed: “I see angel wings on every Red Guard’s shoulders.”

Many believe that Christ is, as it were, elevated above everyday life and above events. He is the embodiment of harmony and simplicity, which Blok’s heroes subconsciously yearn for. At the end of the poem, everything is enlarged and has an openly conventional character. This is the combined image of the “twelve”, and the newly emerging images of the bourgeois and the hungry dog, and the image of Christ that crowns the poem. There are no names here, all remarks consist of the most general words or rhetorical questions.


The poem “The Twelve” is not formally included in Blok’s “trilogy,” but connected with it by many threads, it became a new and highest stage of his creative path. “...The poem was written in that exceptional and always short time when a passing revolutionary cyclone creates a storm in all seas - nature, life and art.” It is this “storm in all seas” that finds its expression in the poem. All its action unfolds against the backdrop of wild natural elements. But the basis of the content of this work is the “storm” in the sea of ​​life.

The poem “The Twelve” is truly a brilliant creation, because Blok, contrary to his plan, to sing the Great October Revolution and bless it in the name of Jesus Christ; managed to show the horror, cruelty, and absurdity of everything that was happening before his eyes in January 1918, just over two months after the fatal salvo of the Aurora.

Everything in the poem seems extraordinary: the worldly is intertwined with the everyday; revolution with grotesque; hymn with ditty; the “vulgar” plot, taken as if from a chronicle of newspaper incidents, ends with a majestic apotheosis; the unheard-of “rudeness” of the vocabulary enters into a complex relationship with the subtlest verbal and musical constructions.

The poem is full of symbolic images. These are the images"evening", "wind", "snow" , symbolizing revolutionary changes in Russia, which no one can hold back or stop; and a generalized image of the old, passing, obsolete world; and images of the Red Guards - defenders of new life; and the image of Christ as a symbol of a new world, bringing moral purification to humanity, the age-old ideals of humanism, as a symbol of justice, which finds its highest expression in the revolutionary aspirations and deeds of the people, as a symbol of the holiness of the cause of revolution. Even Blok’s use of color and musical rhythm are symbolic.

All the symbols of the poem have their direct meaning, but together they not only create a complete picture of the post-revolutionary days, but also help to understand the author’s feelings, his sense of contemporary reality, his attitude to what is happening. After all, the poem “The Twelve” - for all the tragedy of its plot - is permeated with an unshakable faith in the great and wonderful future of Russia, which “infected all of humanity with its health” (as the poet himself said), faith in the enormous, immeasurable strength of its people, which were shackled, squeezed into a “useless knot”, and now they have amazed the whole world with their scope and indestructible creative power.

The poem is amazing in its internal breadth, as if all of Russia, furiously raging, having just broken its centuries-old shackles, washed in blood, fit on its pages - with its aspirations, thoughts, heroic impulses into the boundless distance, and Russia is a storm, Russia is a revolution, Russia is new Hope of all humanity - this is the main symbolic image of Blok, whose greatness gives such great significance to his October poem.


    Block A. Poems. Poems / A.A. Blok - M.: Soviet writer, 1982-506 p.

    OK. Dolgopolov. A. Blok. – Leningrad branch, 1980

    Orlov V.N. Gamayun: Life of Blok: In 2 books. Book 2. – M.: TERRA, 1997. – 336 p. – (Portraits).

    Internet resource:https:// ru. // Wikipedia/ org/ wiki/ Twelve (poem).

    Internet resource:http:// haiienna. people. ru/ block 12 analyze. HTML.


Black evening.
White snow.
Wind, wind!
The man is not standing on his feet.
Wind, wind -
All over God's world!

The wind curls
White snow.
There is ice under the snow.
Slippery, hard
Every walker
Slips - oh, poor thing!

From building to building
They will stretch the rope.
On the rope - poster:

The old woman is killing herself - crying,
He won't understand what it means
What is this poster for?
Such a huge flap?
How many foot wraps would there be for the guys,
And everyone is undressed, barefoot...

Old lady like a chicken
Somehow I rewound over a snowdrift.
- Oh, Mother Intercessor!
- Oh, the Bolsheviks will drive you into a coffin!

The wind is biting!
The frost isn't far behind!
And the bourgeois at the crossroads
He hid his nose in his collar.

Who is this? - Long hair
And he says in a low voice:
- Traitors!
- Russia is dead!
Must be a writer -

And there’s the long-haired one -
To the side and behind the snowdrift...
That today is not cheerful,
Comrade pop?

Do you remember how it used to be
He walked forward with his belly,
And the cross shone
Belly on the people?

There's a lady in karakul
Turned up to another:
- We cried and cried...
And - bam - she stretched out!

Ay, ay!
Pull, lift!

The wind is cheerful.
Both angry and happy.

Twists hems,
Passers-by are mowed down.
Tears, crumples and wears
Large poster:
“All power to the Constituent Assembly!”
And he delivers the words:

And we had a meeting...
...In this building...
...Discussed -
For a while - ten, at night - twenty-five...
...And don’t take less from anyone...
...Let's go to sleep...

Late evening.
The street is empty.
One tramp
Let the wind whistle...

Hey, poor guy!
Come -
Let's kiss...

Of bread!
What's ahead?
Come in!

Black, black sky.

Anger, sad anger
It's boiling in my chest...
Black anger, holy anger...

Comrade! Look

The wind is blowing, the snow is fluttering.
Twelve people are walking.

Rifles black belts
All around - lights, lights, lights...

There is a cigarette in his teeth, he has taken a cap,
You need the Ace of Diamonds on your back!

Freedom, freedom,
Eh, eh, without a cross!


It's cold, comrades, it's cold!

And Vanka and Katka are in the tavern...
- She has kerenki in her stocking!

Vanyushka himself is rich now...
- Vanka was ours, but he became a soldier!

Well, Vanka, son of a bitch, bourgeois,
My, try, kiss!

Freedom, freedom,
Eh, eh, without a cross!
Katka and Vanka are busy -
What, what are you doing?..


All around - lights, lights, lights...
Shoulder - gun belts...

Revolutionary step up!
The restless enemy never sleeps!
Comrade, hold the rifle, don’t be afraid!
Let's fire a bullet into Holy Rus' -

To the condo,
In the hut,
In the fat ass!
Eh, eh, without a cross!

How did our guys go?
To serve in the Red Army -
To serve in the Red Army -
I'm going to lay down my head!

Oh, you, bitter grief,
Sweet life!
Torn coat
Austrian gun!

We are woe to all the bourgeoisie
Let's fan the world fire,
World fire in blood -
God bless!

The snow is spinning, the reckless driver is screaming,
Vanka and Katka are flying -
Electric flashlight
On the shafts...
Ah, ah, fall!

N in a soldier's overcoat
With a stupid face
Twists, twirls the black mustache,
Yes it twists
Yes, he's joking...

That's how Vanka is - he's broad-shouldered!
That's how Vanka is - he is talkative!
hugs Katya the Fool,

She threw her face back
Teeth sparkle like pearls...
Oh you, Katya, my Katya,

On your neck, Katya,
The scar did not heal from the knife.
Under your breasts, Katya,
That scratch is fresh!

Eh, eh, dance!
The legs are painfully good!

She walked around in lace underwear -
Walk around, walk around!
Fornicated with the officers -
Get lost, get lost!

Eh, eh, get lost!
My heart skipped a beat!

Do you remember, Katya, the officer -
He didn't escape the knife...
Al didn't remember, cholera?
Is your memory not fresh?

Eh, eh, refresh
Let me sleep with you!

She wore gray leggings,
Minion ate chocolate.
I went for a walk with the cadets -
Did you go with the soldier now?

Eh, eh, sin!
It will be easier for the soul!

Again he gallops towards us,
The reckless driver flies, screams, yells...

Stop, stop! Andryukha, help!
Petrukha, run behind!..

Snowy dust swirled towards the sky!..

The reckless driver - and with Vanka - ran away...
One more time! Cock the trigger!..

Fuck-gobble! You will know
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It's like walking with a stranger's girl!..

Run away, scoundrel! Alright, wait,
I'll deal with you tomorrow!

Where is Katka? - Dead, dead!
Shot in the head!

What, Katka, are you happy? - No gu-gu...
Lie, carrion, in the snow!

Revolutionary step up!
The restless enemy never sleeps!

And again there are twelve,
Behind his shoulders is a gun.
Only the poor killer
You can't see your face at all...

Faster and faster
He quickens his pace.
I wrapped a scarf around my neck -
It won't recover...

What, comrade, are you not happy?
- What, my friend, are you dumbfounded?
- What, Petrukha, he hung his nose,
Or did you feel sorry for Katka?

Oh, comrades, relatives,
I loved this girl...
The nights are black and intoxicating
I spent time with this girl...

Because of the poor prowess
In her fiery eyes,
Because of a crimson mole
Near the right shoulder,
I lost it, stupid
I ruined it in the heat of the moment... ah!

Look, you bastard, he started a barrel organ,
What are you, Petka, a woman, or what?
- Truly the soul inside out
Did you think of turning it out? Please!
- Maintain your posture!
- Keep control over yourself!

Now is not the time
To babysit you!
The burden will be heavier
To us, dear comrade!

And Petrukha slows down
Hasty steps...

He throws his head up
He became cheerful again...

Eh, eh!
It's not a sin to have fun!

Lock the floors
There will be robberies today!

Unlock the cellars -
The bastard is on the loose these days!

Oh, woe is bitter!
Boredom is boring

It's time for me
I'll carry it out, I'll carry it out...

I'm already crowned
I'll scratch it, I'll scratch it...

I'm already seeds
I'll get it, I'll get it...

I'm already using a knife
I'll strip, I'll strip!..

You fly, bourgeois, little crow!
I'll drink some blood
For the sweetheart,

May the soul of your servant rest in peace, Lord...

You can’t hear the city noise,
There is silence above the Neva Tower,
And there is no more policeman -
Go for a walk, guys, without wine!

A bourgeois stands at a crossroads
And he hid his nose in his collar.
And next to him he cuddles with coarse fur
A mangy dog ​​with its tail between its legs.

The bourgeois stands there like a hungry dog,
It stands silent, like a question.
And the old world is like a rootless dog,
Stands behind him with his tail between his legs.

Some kind of blizzard broke out,
Oh, blizzard, oh, blizzard!
Can't see each other at all
In four steps!

The snow curled like a funnel,
The snow rose in columns...

Oh, what a blizzard, save me!
- Petka! Hey, don't lie!
What did I save you from?
Golden iconostasis?
You're unconscious, really.
Think, think sensibly -
Ali's hands are not covered in blood
Because of Katka's love?
- Take a revolutionary step!
The restless enemy is close!

Forward, forward, forward,
Working people!

And they go without the name of a saint
All twelve - into the distance.
Ready for anything
No regrets...

Their rifles are steel
To an invisible enemy...
In the back streets,
Where one snowstorm gathers dust...
Yes, downy snowdrifts -
You can't drag your boot...

It hits my eyes
Red flag.

Is heard
Measured step.

Here he will wake up
Fierce enemy...

And the blizzard throws dust in their eyes
Days and nights
All the way!..

Working people!

They walk into the distance with a mighty step...
- Who else is there? Come out!
This is the wind with a red flag
Played out ahead...

Ahead is a cold snowdrift.
- Whoever is in the snowdrift, come out!
Only a poor dog is hungry
Waddles behind...

Get off, you scoundrel.
I'll tickle you with a bayonet!
The old world is like a mangy dog,
If you fail, I'll beat you up!

Bares his teeth - the wolf is hungry -
Tail tucked - not far behind -
A cold dog is a rootless dog...
- Hey, answer me, who's coming?

Who's waving the red flag there?
- Take a closer look, it’s so dark!
-Who is walking there at a quick pace?
Burying for everything at home?

Anyway, I'll get you
Better surrender to me alive!
- Hey, comrade, it will be bad,
Come out, let's start shooting!

Fuck-tah-tah! - And only echo
Responsible in homes...
Only a blizzard of long laughter
Covered in snow...

...So they go with a sovereign step -
Behind is a hungry dog.
Ahead - with a bloody flag,
And we are unknown behind the blizzard,
And unharmed by a bullet,
With a gentle tread above the storm,
Snow scattering of pearls,
In a white corolla of roses -
Ahead is Jesus Christ.

Black evening.
White snow.
Wind, wind!
The man is not standing on his feet.
Wind, wind -
All over God's world!
The wind curls
White snow.
There is ice under the snow.
Slippery, hard
Every walker
Slipping - oh, poor thing!
From building to building
They will stretch the rope.
There is a poster on the rope:
“All power to the Constituent Assembly!”
The old woman is killing herself - crying,
He won't understand what it means
What is this poster for?
Such a huge flap?
How many foot wraps would there be for the guys,
And everyone is undressed, barefoot...
Old lady like a chicken
Somehow I rewound over a snowdrift.
- Oh, Mother Intercessor!
- Oh, the Bolsheviks will drive you into a coffin!
The wind is biting!
The frost isn't far behind!
And the bourgeois at the crossroads
He hid his nose in his collar.
And who is this? - Long hair
And he says in a low voice:
- Traitors!
- Russia is dead!
Must be a writer
And there’s the long-haired one -
To the side - behind the snowdrift...
Why is it sad now?
Comrade pop?
Do you remember how it used to be
He walked forward with his belly,
And the cross shone
Belly on the people?
There's a lady in karakul
Turned up to another:
- We cried and cried...
And - bam - she stretched out!
Ay, ay!
Pull, lift!
The wind is cheerful
Both angry and happy.
Twists hems,
Mows down passers-by
Tears, crumples and wears
Large poster:
“All power to the Constituent Assembly”...
And he delivers the words:
...And we had a meeting...
...In this building...
... Discussed -
For a while - ten, at night - twenty-five...
... And don’t take less from anyone...
... Let's go to sleep...
Late evening.
The street is empty.
One tramp
Let the wind whistle...
Hey, poor guy!
Come -
Let's kiss...
Of bread!
What's ahead?
Come in!
Black, black sky.
Anger, sad anger
It's boiling in my chest...
Black anger, holy anger...
Comrade! Look


The wind is blowing, the snow is fluttering.
Twelve people are walking.
Rifles black belts,
All around - lights, lights, lights...
There’s a cigar in his teeth, he’s wearing a cap,
You should have an ace of diamonds on your back!
Freedom, freedom,
Eh, eh, without a cross!
It's cold, comrades, it's cold!
- And Vanka and Katka are in the tavern...
- She has kerenki in her stocking!
- Vanyushka himself is rich now...
- Vanka was ours, but he became a soldier!
- Well, Vanka, son of a bitch, bourgeois,
My, try, kiss!
Freedom, freedom,
Eh, eh, without a cross!
Katka and Vanka are busy -
What, what are you doing?..
All around - lights, lights, lights...
Shoulder - gun belts...
Keep your revolutionary pace!
The restless enemy never sleeps!
Comrade, hold the rifle, don’t be afraid!
Let's fire a bullet into Holy Rus' -
To the condo,
In the hut,
In the fat ass!
Eh, eh, without a cross!


How did our guys go?
To serve in the Red Guard -
To serve in the Red Guard -
I'm going to lay down my head!
Oh, you, bitter grief,
Sweet life!
Torn coat
Austrian gun!
We are woe to all the bourgeoisie
Let's fan the world fire,
World fire in blood -
God bless!


The snow is spinning, the reckless driver is screaming,
Vanka and Katka are flying -
Electric flashlight
On the shafts...
Ah, ah, fall!..
He's wearing a soldier's overcoat
With a stupid face
Twists, twirls the black mustache,
Yes it twists
Yes, he's joking...
That's how Vanka is - he's broad-shouldered!
That's how Vanka is - he is talkative!
hugs Katya the Fool,
She threw her face back
Teeth sparkle like pearls...
Oh you, Katya, my Katya,


On your neck, Katya,
The scar did not heal from the knife.
Under your breasts, Katya,
That scratch is fresh!
Eh, eh, dance!
The legs are painfully good!
She walked around in lace underwear -
Walk around, walk around!
Fornicated with the officers -
Get lost, get lost!
Eh, eh, get lost!
My heart skipped a beat!
Do you remember, Katya, the officer -
He didn't escape the knife...
Al didn't remember, cholera?
Is your memory not fresh?
Eh, eh, refresh
Let me sleep with you!
She wore gray leggings,
Minion ate chocolate,
I went for a walk with the cadets -
Did you go with the soldier now?
Eh, eh, sin!
It will be easier for the soul!


... Again he rushes towards him at a gallop.
The reckless driver flies, screams, yells...
Stop, stop! Andryukha, help!
Petrukha, run behind!..
Fuck, tararah-tah-tah-tah-tah!
Snowy dust swirled towards the sky!..
The reckless driver - and with Vanka - ran away...
One more time! Cock the trigger!..
Fuck-gobble! You will know


It's like walking with a stranger's girl!..
Run away, scoundrel! Alright, wait,
I'll deal with you tomorrow!
Where is Katka? - Dead, dead!
Shot in the head!
What, Katka, are you happy? - No gu-gu...
Lie, carrion, in the snow!
Keep your revolutionary pace!
The restless enemy never sleeps!


And again there are twelve,
Behind his shoulders is a gun.
Only the poor killer
You can't see your face at all...
Faster and faster
He quickens his pace.
I wrapped a scarf around my neck -
No way to recover...
- What, comrade, aren’t you happy?
- What, my friend, are you dumbfounded?
- What, Petrukha, he hung his nose,
Or did you feel sorry for Katka?
- Oh, comrades, relatives,
I loved this girl...
The nights are black and intoxicating
I spent time with this girl...
- Because of the poor prowess
In her fiery eyes,
Because of a crimson mole
Near the right shoulder,
I lost it, stupid
I ruined it in the heat of the moment... ah!
- Look, you bastard, he started a barrel organ,
What are you, Petka, a woman or what?
- That's right, my soul inside out
Did you think of turning it out? Please!
- Maintain your posture!
- Keep control of yourself!
- Now is not the time,
To babysit you!
The burden will be heavier
To us, dear comrade!
And Petrukha slows down
Hasty steps...
He throws his head up
He became cheerful again...
Eh, Eh!
It's not a sin to have fun!
Lock the floors
There will be robberies today!
Unlock the cellars -
The bastard is on the loose these days!


Oh, you, bitter grief!
Boredom is boring
It's time for me
I'll carry it out, I'll carry it out...
I'm already crowned
I'll scratch it, I'll scratch it...
I'm already seeds
I'll get it, I'll get it...
I'm already using a knife
I'll strip, I'll strip!..
You fly, bourgeois, like a sparrow!
I'll drink some blood
For the sweetheart,
Rest, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant...


You can’t hear the city noise,
There is silence above the Neva Tower,
And there is no more policeman -
Go for a walk, guys, without wine!
A bourgeois stands at a crossroads
And he hid his nose in his collar.
And next to him he cuddles with coarse fur
A mangy dog ​​with its tail between its legs.
The bourgeois stands there like a hungry dog,
It stands silent, like a question.
And the old world is like a rootless dog,
Stands behind him with his tail between his legs.


Some kind of blizzard broke out,
Oh, blizzard, oh, blizzard!
Can't see each other at all
In four steps!
The snow curled like a funnel,
The snow rose in columns...
- Oh, what a blizzard, Savior!
- Petka! Hey, don't lie!
What did I save you from?
Golden iconostasis?
You're unconscious, really.
Think, think sensibly -
Ali's hands are not covered in blood
Because of Katka's love?
- Take a revolutionary step!
The restless enemy is close!
Forward, forward, forward,
Working people!


...And they go without the name of the saint
All twelve are off into the distance.
Ready for anything
No regrets...
Their rifles are steel
To an invisible enemy...
In the back streets,
Where one snowstorm gathers dust...
Yes, downy snowdrifts -
You can't drag your boot...
It hits my eyes
Red flag.
Is heard
Measured step.
Here he will wake up
Fierce enemy...
And the blizzard throws dust in their eyes
Days and nights
All the way...
Working people!


... They walk into the distance with a mighty step...
- Who else is there? Come out!
This is the wind with a red flag
Played out ahead...
Ahead is a cold snowdrift,
- Whoever is in the snowdrift - come out!..
Only a poor dog is hungry
Waddles behind...
- Get off, you scoundrel!
I'll tickle you with a bayonet!
The old world is like a mangy dog,
If you fail, I'll beat you up!
... Bares his teeth - a hungry wolf -
Tail tucked - not far behind -
A cold dog is a rootless dog...
- Hey, answer me, who's coming?
- Who's waving the red flag there?
- Take a closer look, it’s so dark!
-Who is walking there at a quick pace?
Burying for everything at home?
- All the same, I’ll get you,
Better surrender to me alive!
- Hey, comrade, it will be bad,
Come out, let's start shooting!
Fuck-fuck-fuck! - And only echo
Responsible in homes...
Only a blizzard of long laughter
Covered in snow...
... So they walk with a sovereign step -
Behind is a hungry dog,
Ahead - with a bloody flag,
And invisible behind the blizzard,
And unharmed by a bullet,
With a gentle tread above the storm,
Snow scattering of pearls,
In a white corolla of roses -
Ahead is Jesus Christ.

Black evening.
White snow.
Wind, wind!
The man is not standing on his feet.
Wind, wind -
All over God's world!

The wind curls
White snow.
There is ice under the snow.
Slippery, hard
Every walker
Slips - oh, poor thing!

From building to building
They will stretch the rope.
On the rope - poster:
The old woman is killing herself - crying,
He won't understand what it means
What is this poster for?
Such a huge flap?
How many foot wraps would there be for the guys,
And everyone is undressed, barefoot...

Old lady like a chicken
Somehow I rewound over a snowdrift.
- Oh, Mother Intercessor!
- Oh, the Bolsheviks will drive you into a coffin!

The wind is biting!
The frost isn't far behind!
And the bourgeois at the crossroads
He hid his nose in his collar.

Who is this? - Long hair
And he says in a low voice:
- Traitors!
- Russia is dead!
Must be a writer -

And there’s the long-haired one -
To the side and behind the snowdrift...
That today is not cheerful,
Comrade pop?

Do you remember how it used to be
He walked forward with his belly,
And the cross shone
Belly on the people?

There's a lady in karakul
Turned up to another:
- We cried and cried...
And - bam - she stretched out!

Ay, ay!
Pull, lift!

The wind is cheerful.
Both angry and happy.

Twists hems,
Passers-by are mowed down.
Tears, crumples and wears
Large poster:
“All power to the Constituent Assembly!”
And he delivers the words:

...And we had a meeting...
...In this building...
...Discussed -
For a while - ten, at night - twenty-five...
...And don’t take less from anyone...
…Let's go to sleep…

Late evening.
The street is empty.
One tramp
Let the wind whistle...

Hey, poor guy!
Come -
Let's kiss...

Of bread!
What's ahead?
Come in!

Black, black sky.

Anger, sad anger
It boils in my chest...
Black anger, holy anger...

Comrade! Look

The wind is blowing, the snow is fluttering.
Twelve people are walking.

Rifles black belts
All around - lights, lights, lights...

There is a cigarette in his teeth, he has taken a cap,
You need the Ace of Diamonds on your back!

Freedom, freedom,
Eh, eh, without a cross!


It's cold, comrades, it's cold!

And Vanka and Katka are in the tavern...
- She has kerenki in her stocking!

Vanyushka himself is rich now...
- Vanka was ours, but he became a soldier!

Well, Vanka, son of a bitch, bourgeois,
My, try, kiss!

Freedom, freedom,
Eh, eh, without a cross!
Katka and Vanka are busy -
What, what are you doing?


All around - lights, lights, lights...
Shoulder - gun belts...

Revolutionary step up!
The restless enemy never sleeps!
Comrade, hold the rifle, don’t be afraid!
Let's fire a bullet into Holy Rus' -

To the condo,
In the hut,
In the fat ass!
Eh, eh, without a cross!

How did our guys go?
To serve in the Red Army -
To serve in the Red Army -
I'm going to lay down my head!

Oh, you, bitter grief,
Sweet life!
Torn coat
Austrian gun!

We are woe to all the bourgeoisie
Let's fan the world fire,
World fire in blood -
God bless!

The snow is spinning, the reckless driver is screaming,
Vanka and Katka are flying -
Electric flashlight
On the shafts...
Ah, ah, fall!

n in a soldier's overcoat
With a stupid face
Twists, twirls the black mustache,
Yes it twists
He's joking...

That's how Vanka is - he's broad-shouldered!
That's how Vanka is - he is talkative!
hugs Katya the Fool,

She threw her face back
Teeth sparkle like pearls...
Oh you, Katya, my Katya,

On your neck, Katya,
The scar did not heal from the knife.
Under your breasts, Katya,
That scratch is fresh!

Eh, eh, dance!
The legs are painfully good!

She walked around in lace underwear -
Walk around, walk around!
Fornicated with the officers -
Get lost, get lost!

Eh, eh, get lost!
My heart skipped a beat!

Do you remember, Katya, the officer -
He did not escape the knife...
Al didn't remember, cholera?
Is your memory not fresh?

Eh, eh, refresh
Let me sleep with you!

She wore gray leggings,
Minion ate chocolate.
I went for a walk with the cadets -
Did you go with the soldier now?

Eh, eh, sin!
It will be easier for the soul!

...Again galloping towards us,
The reckless driver is flying, screaming, yelling...

Stop, stop! Andryukha, help!
Petrukha, run behind!..

Snowy dust swirled towards the sky!..

The reckless driver - and with Vanka - ran away...
One more time! Cock the trigger!..

Fuck-gobble! You will know
………….. .
It's like walking with a stranger's girl!..

Run away, scoundrel! Alright, wait,
I'll deal with you tomorrow!

Where is Katka? - Dead, dead!
Shot in the head!

What, Katka, are you happy? - No goo-goo...
Lie, carrion, in the snow!

Revolutionary step up!
The restless enemy never sleeps!

And again there are twelve,
Behind his shoulders is a gun.
Only the poor killer
You can't see your face at all...

Faster and faster
He quickens his pace.
I wrapped a scarf around my neck -
It won't recover...

What, comrade, are you not happy?
- What, my friend, are you dumbfounded?
- What, Petrukha, he hung his nose,
Or did you feel sorry for Katka?

Oh, comrades, relatives,
I loved this girl...
The nights are black and intoxicating
Spent with this girl...

Because of the poor prowess
In her fiery eyes,
Because of a crimson mole
Near the right shoulder,
I lost it, stupid
I ruined it in the heat of the moment... ah!

Look, you bastard, he started a barrel organ,
What are you, Petka, a woman, or what?
- Truly the soul inside out
Did you think of turning it out? Please!
- Maintain your posture!
- Keep control over yourself!

Now is not the time
To babysit you!
The burden will be heavier
To us, dear comrade!

And Petrukha slows down
Hasty steps...

He throws his head up
He became cheerful again...

Eh, eh!
It's not a sin to have fun!

Lock the floors
There will be robberies today!

Unlock the cellars -
The bastard is on the loose these days!

Oh, woe is bitter!
Boredom is boring

It's time for me
I’ll carry it out, I’ll carry it out...

I'm already crowned
I'll scratch it, I'll scratch it...

I'm already seeds
I'll get it, I'll get it...

I'm already using a knife
I'll strip, I'll strip!..

You fly, bourgeois, little crow!
I'll drink some blood
For the sweetheart,

May the soul of your servant rest in peace, Lord...

You can’t hear the city noise,
There is silence above the Neva Tower,
And there is no more policeman -
Go for a walk, guys, without wine!

A bourgeois stands at a crossroads
And he hid his nose in his collar.
And next to him he cuddles with coarse fur
A mangy dog ​​with its tail between its legs.

The bourgeois stands there like a hungry dog,
It stands silent, like a question.
And the old world is like a rootless dog,
Stands behind him with his tail between his legs.

Some kind of blizzard broke out,
Oh, blizzard, oh, blizzard!
Can't see each other at all
In four steps!

The snow curled like a funnel,
The snow rose in columns...

Oh, what a blizzard, save me!
- Petka! Hey, don't lie!
What did I save you from?
Golden iconostasis?
You're unconscious, really.
Think, think sensibly -
Ali's hands are not covered in blood
Because of Katka's love?
- Take a revolutionary step!
The restless enemy is close!

Forward, forward, forward,
Working people!

...And they go without the name of the saint
All twelve - into the distance.
Ready for anything
No regrets...

Their rifles are steel
To an invisible enemy...
In the back streets,
Where one snowstorm gathers dust...
Yes, downy snowdrifts -
You can't drag your boot...

It hits my eyes
Red flag.

Is heard
Measured step.

Here he will wake up
Fierce enemy...

And the blizzard throws dust in their eyes
Days and nights
All the way!…

Working people!

...They walk into the distance with a mighty step...
- Who else is there? Come out!
This is the wind with a red flag
Played out ahead...

Ahead is a cold snowdrift.
- Whoever is in the snowdrift, come out!
Only a poor dog is hungry
Waddles behind...

Get off, you scoundrel.
I'll tickle you with a bayonet!
The old world is like a mangy dog,
If you fail, I'll beat you up!

... Bares his teeth - the wolf is hungry -
Tail tucked - not far behind -
A cold dog is a rootless dog...
- Hey, answer me, who's coming?

Who's waving the red flag there?
- Take a closer look, it’s so dark!
-Who is walking there at a quick pace?
Burying for everything at home?

Anyway, I'll get you
Better surrender to me alive!
- Hey, comrade, it will be bad,
Come out, let's start shooting!

Fuck-tah-tah! - And only echo
Responsible in homes...
Only a blizzard of long laughter
Covered in snow...

...So they go with a sovereign step -
Behind is a hungry dog.
Ahead - with a bloody flag,
And we are unknown behind the blizzard,
And unharmed by a bullet,
With a gentle tread above the storm,
Snow scattering of pearls,
In a white corolla of roses -
Ahead is Jesus Christ.